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北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓


Topic 1: Distributive justice


How can the distribution of social goods in a society be just? Utopian visionaries throughout history have given answers to this question and, to the extent to which these answers varied, have set off ideological controversies as well as wars. Questions that need to be settled by dogma or force, however, are liable to have no answers at all. Presumably it is this insight that has led many sober-minded students in the fields of sociology, economics and political science to abandon the question of how distributive justice can be realized, replacing it with the question of why the belief in distributive justice is illusory.



Posed from this perspective the question gains complexity as well as openness. There may be many answers. None of these answers can claim to be the ultimate one but, summed, they may contribute to our understanding of the forces inhibiting or facilitating distributive social justice.


I attempt to address one of the many aspects of the illusion of distributive justice, focusing on the conceptual distinction between realizing vs. perceiving distributive justice. Distributive social justice is liable to be 'illusory' on both accounts. It can be illusory because, contrary to the beliefs we may have, it may be impossible for the distribution of

social goods to be just regardless of what we do. For instance, the 'impossibility theorem', according to which collective social welfare functions cannot be determined, is directed towards the destruction of this type of illusion. Distributive justice, however, can also be illusory because the perception we have of it does not mirror reality adequately.


There is a certain causal relationship between the perceptual illusion and the illusory feasibility of distributive justice. Because if we perceive social distributions as just, even though this is not what they are, then nobody will attempt to strive for change. Thus we are left with

distributions that are unjust for ever. That is, 'false' perceptions of distributive justice have social consequences that render the realization of distributive justice impossible. (330 words)





Topic 2: Global Warming

话题2 全球变暖

We are now faced with a momentous challenge: global warming. The steady deterioration of the very climate of our very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing. The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn't intend to do a whole lot about it. Although 174 nations ratified the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels, the U.S. walked away from them. While even developing China has boosted its mileage standards to 35 m.p.g., the U.S. remains the land of the Hummer.


The rub is, if the vast majority of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, there's far less consensus on how to fix it. Industry offers its plans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to naive wish lists that could cripple America's growth. But what would an aggressive, ambitious, effective

plan look like—one that would leave us both environmentally safe and economically sound? 最大的困难在于,如果说绝大多数人日益认同气候变化是个全球紧急事件,那么关于解决之道的共识则寥寥无几。工业界提出自己的方案,可惜这些方案通常解决不了什么问题。环保主义者也献策,可惜他们的计策往往过于天真,真要照办的话,就会严重阻碍美国的发展。但是一个大胆、宏伟、有效的方案到底是什么样的呢?如何才能让我们同时拥有安全的环境和良好的经济增长?

Halting climate change will be far harder than even that2. One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 50 years. And yet by devising a coherent strategy that mixes short-term solutions with farsighted goals, combines government activism with private-sector enterprise and blends pragmatism with ambition, the U.S. can, without major damage to the economy, help halt the worst effects of climate change and ensure the survival of our way of life for future generations. Money will get us part of the way there, but what's needed most is will. (287 words)


奥巴马严厉批评英国石油公司高管 Obama attack on BP's Hayward spurs further share price falls

英国《金融时报》 记者 联合报道 字号 背景 收藏 电邮 打印 评论[8条] 中文

BP's share price fell sharply again yesterday, down almost 38 per cent since the start of the Gulf of Mexico oil crisis 50 days ago, after President Barack Obama

launched a scathing attack on the company's chief executive saying he wanted to know “whose ass to kick”.

The shares of one of the

biggest companies listed on the London market fell more than 30p to 397.90p at one point before recovering slightly to close at


At a shareholders' meeting in

London on Monday, BP management



(Barack Obama)对英国石油首席执行官进行了严厉抨击,说自己想知道“该把谁狠揍一



之一昨日盘中一度下跌逾30便士,至397.90便士,随后小幅回升,收于408.9便士。 周一在伦敦召开的股东会


was grilled about the progress of 措施的进展以及围堵油井的relief operations and the success 成功受到百般拷问,但是据出of capping the well, but there was 席者称,要求首席执行官唐熙no strong call for Tony Hayward, 华(Tony Hayward)辞职的呼声

chief executive, to quit, according to people present. “Throwing Hayward out now

won't get Obama off the company's back or make a jot of difference to public opinion of BP,” one person who attended the meeting


In an interview with NBC aired yesterday, Mr Obama criticised

comments by Mr Hayward, including an assessment made early in the crisis that suggested there would be only a modest environmental impact from the crippled Macondo


The US president – who made






美国总统上周第三次前往his third trip to assess the damage to the Louisiana coast


last week – said if he were in 他表示如果自己执掌英国石charge of BP, the chief executive 油,首席执行官“在发表上述“wouldn't be working for me after any of those statements”.

His personal attack on Mr Hayward came amid White House


门了”。 就在美国总统对唐熙华个人进行攻击的同时,白宫也正

efforts to address criticism that 在努力应付批评,即自4月20it has not been forceful enough 日“深水地平线”(Deepwater since the Deepwater Horizon oil Horizon)钻井平台爆炸以来,

rig exploded on April 20.

2010年07月14日 06:08 AM




英国《金融时报》 艾伦?拉贝波特 纽约, 艾伦?贝蒂 伦敦报道

字号 背景

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A surge in imports from China 在来自中国进口激增的推动pushed the US trade gap sharply higher 下,美国5月份的贸易逆差大幅扩in May, adding to a stream of weak data 大。已因经济和就业市场低迷而承for the Obama administration already 压的奥巴马(Obama)政府,又迎来了under pressure over the economy and 一连串疲弱数据中的最新一个。

stagnant jobs market. The trade deficit grew by 4.8 per cent to $42.3bn, according to commerce department figures, the highest since 美国商务部的数据显示,美国5月份的贸易逆差扩大4.8%,至423亿美元。这是2008年11月以来最November 2008 and at odds with the consensus of economists, who forecast

the gap would shrink in May.

Imports from China, which is the country's most politically sensitive trading partner, rose by nearly 12 per cent. That inflated the US trade gap with China by more than 15 per cent to $22.3bn, the biggest since last

October. Last week, official Chinese

figures showed exports from China had surged 44 per cent year-on-year in June, lifting its monthly trade surplus to $20bn. Such imbalances infuriate US political leaders, despite China's decision last month to end its near-two-year peg to the dollar. Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan Chase, said the surge in imports of Chinese goods in May could be temporary, as Chinese exporters rushed shipments ahead of a reduction in export tax rebates that takes effect

on July 15.

But the overall trend of a resurgent trade deficit will concern the administration, which has focused on lifting exports to create jobs at home.



美国从中国进口增加近12%,对华贸易逆差由此扩大逾15%,至223亿美元——这一规模是去年10月以来最大的。中国是美国最具政治敏感性的贸易伙伴。 上周,中国官方数字显示,中国6月份的出口额同比飙升44%,月度贸易顺差由此扩大至200亿美元。尽管中国上月决定终止实施近两年之久的人民币盯住美元政策,但中美间的这种不平衡仍令美国政

界领袖们感到愤怒。 摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)经济学家迈克尔?费罗利(Michael Feroli)表示,5月份美国从中国进口的激增可能是暂时现象,它是由中国出口商纷纷赶在出口退税下调于7月15日生效前发货导致的。



Mr Obama, after largely letting trade policy languish during the first 18 months of his administration, recently announced a drive to double exports within five years and promised

progress on three long-stalled

bilateral trade deals. But few economists think the plan will have much impact. The proposal involves limited concrete actions beyond some bureaucratic reshuffling, a commitment to redouble efforts on marketing and a proposal to increase the activity of the Ex-Im Bank, the US

official export credit agency. The persistent US trade gap had narrowed in the initial months of the recession from late 2008, but analysts said yesterday the swelling shortfall could knock a percentage point from gross domestic product in the second quarter. Although exports have been growing in recent months as world trade continues to recover from a plunge last year, the strong dollar and the lack of domestic demand in the rest of the world mean the contribution of net trade to economic growth is likely to be negative over the next two years. “Less domestic production,

because of increased imports and less demand for higher-priced US exports,

means less job creation in the manufacturing sector, a higher unemployment rate, and less income growth domestically,” said Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC.

2010年06月10日 06:22 AM


易协议上取得进展。 然而,几乎没有经济学家认为上述计划会产生很大影响。该计划包括一些官僚重组、一项加大营销努力的承诺以及一项加大美国进出口银行(Ex-Im Bank)活跃度的方案,除此之外仅涉及有限的具体行动。美国进出口银行是美国官方出

口信贷机构。 美国持续多年的贸易逆差曾在始于2008年底的本次衰退的头几个月里收窄,而分析师们昨日表示,不断膨胀的贸易逆差可能会使美国二季度国内生产总值(GDP)减少一个百分点。尽管近几个月来,随着全球贸易从去年的骤降中持续复苏,美国的出口一直在增长,但强势美元和世界其它地区国内需求的不足意味着,未来两年里,美国净贸易额对经济增长的贡献很可能为


PNC首席经济学家斯图尔特?霍夫曼(Stuart Hoffman)表示:“由于美国进口增加以及外国对价格较高的美国出口商品的需求减少,美国的国内生产在萎缩,这将导致美国制造业创造的就业机会减少、失业率升高和国内收入增长下降。”


US blames Europe for Turkish stance on Iran vote

英国《金融时报》 记者 联合报道

字号 背景

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The US yesterday blamed Europe for alienating Turkey from the west after it became one

美国昨日指责欧洲让土耳其与西方疏远。此前,在联合国安理会(UN Security

of only two members of the United Council)有关对伊朗实施更多Nations Security Council to vote 制裁的投票表决中,土耳其投against imposing more sanctions

on Iran.

The sanctions resolution,



passed by 12 votes to two with one 成、2票反对、1票弃权获得通

abstention, establishes a partial arms embargo, an inspection regime for Iranian ships and takes steps against

companies linked to the Revolutionary Guard Corps.

过。决议提出对伊朗实施部分武器禁运、建立对伊朗船舶的检查机制、并对与伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队(Revolutionary Guard Corps)有关联的公司实


The sanctions, which also aim to restrict Iran's missile


programme, were imposed because 以对伊实施新制裁,是因为伊of Tehran's continued enrichment 朗无视早前的决议,继续进行of uranium in defiance of earlier 铀浓缩活动。伊朗还将被禁止resolutions. Iran will also be prohibited from mining uranium

in other countries. But the US and its allies also

renewed their offer to negotiate with Iran, underlining the Obama administration's hope that a balance of pressure and engagement could still convince Tehran to rein in its nuclear


Turkey and Brazil, both temporary members of the Security Council, opposed the

sanctions, while determined US diplomacy won over Russia and 在其它国家开采铀矿。




China, two veto-wielding members of the body that had previously been reluctant to pressure Iran.

Robert Gates, US defence secretary, suggested the


美国防部长罗伯特?盖茨(Robert Gates)暗示,欧盟

European Union's reluctance to (EU)不愿意接受土耳其加入,admit Turkey as a member could be 可能会推动该国与西方疏远。 pushing the country away from the


“If there's anything to the notion that Turkey is moving


eastwards, it is in no small part 成分的话,那么这在相当大程because it was pushed – and it 度上是因为有人在把它往那边was pushed by some in Europe


refusing to give Turkey the kind 土耳其所寻求的与西方的有机of organic link to the west that

Turkey sought,” he said.

2010年07月19日 05:55 AM 联系。”

市场猜测日元升值可能引发日本当局干预 YEN'S SURGE PUTS INVESTORS ON ALERT FOR INTERVENTION 英国《金融时报》 彼得?加海姆 报道 字号背景收藏 电邮 打印 评论 中文

The yen's surge to its highest level of the year against the


dollar has put investors on alert 者开始警惕,日本当局本周有

for possible currency intervention by the Japanese

authorities this week. If Japan acts to shield its


stock markets and exporters from 股市与出口商免受日元不断升the rising yen, it will be the 值的影响,这将是该国政府自first time Tokyo has intervened 2004年4月以来首次入市干in the foreign exchange markets

since April 2004. Last week, the yen rose 2.5 per cent to a high of Y86.36



against the dollar, its strongest level since December.

The dollar dropped as fears


来的最高水平。 美元之所以下跌,是因为

over the pace of the US economic 围绕美国经济复苏速度的担recovery sent US Treasury yields to record lows and prompted speculation that the Federal Reserve would be forced into another round of “quantitative


Concerns over the US economy also propelled the euro up

through $1.30 against the dollar for the first time in two months.

Traders said the yen's break upwards through its December

high could open the way for the currency to test the 14-year peak of Y84.80 it hit against the

dollar last November.





试探去年11月份创下的1美元兑84.80日元的14年高点。 Once the yen had scaled that 他们表示,一旦日元突破

peak, they said, the way was open 该高点,日元将试探其于1995for the currency to test the record high of Y79.70 it hit against the dollar in 1995.

Simon Derrick, head of

currency strategy at BNY Mellon, said it was unlikely that the Japanese authorities would allow the situation to go that far,


“I think if the dollar goes

below Y85 against the yen, Japan will intervene,” he said.

Mr Derrick noted that verbal

intervention from officials had done little to stem the rise. Last week, Masaaki Shirakawa, governor of the Bank of Japan,



但纽约梅隆银行(BNY Mellon)外汇策略部门主管西蒙?德里克(Simon Derrick)表示,日本当局不太可能会允许形势发展到那一步。






said the appreciation of the yen Shirakawa)表示,日元上涨损

hurt exports, while the


associated stock price falls had 下跌,对资本支出和消费者支a negative impact on capital expenditure and consumer


Mr Shirakawa said he was


continuing to watch currency and “谨慎”关注汇率与股票价格

stock price movements


2010年07月21日 06:18 AM 的波动。

BP拟剥离其越南和巴基斯坦天然气资产 BP TO OFF-LOAD ASIA GAS ASSETS 英国《金融时报》 卡萝拉?霍约斯 伦敦报道 字号背景收藏 电邮 打印 评论 中文

BP yesterday said it would 英国石油(BP)昨日表示,

sell most of its assets in Vietnam and Pakistan as it accelerates its divestments of


up to $20bn worth of assets in an 产,以试图缓解外界对其在墨attempt to allay concerns over its financial health following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

BP has told staff and government officials in both

countries that it intends to sell all its assets except its Castrol

lubricants business. In Pakistan, where it produces 173m cubic feet of

natural gas a day, BP intends to sell onshore and offshore oil and gasfields, some of which are already producing, and others where BP holds the right to


In Vietnam, where BP produces







在越南,BP打算出售其Lan 63m cubic feet of gas a day, the Tay和Lan Do气田,以及相关company wants to sell its Lan Tay 的Nam Con Son输气管道与Phu and Lan Do fields and the related My 3管道。BP在该国的天然气Nam Con Son pipeline and Phu My 日产量为6300万立方英尺。在3 pipeline. In total, the sales 这两国出售的资产加起来,占from both countries represent 2.7 per cent of BP's natural gas production of 8.5bn cubic feet

per day.

Jason Kenney, analyst at ING,

values the assets at a total of $1.7bn and noted that BP had enough flexibility in its portfolio to sell peripheral assets worth as much as


“This is an opportunity to

clear out the closet. BP can get to $10bn quite easily,” he said, noting that the company was merely accelerating the

到BP 85亿立方英尺天然气日


荷兰国际集团(ING)分析师詹森·肯尼(Jason Kenney)认为,这些资产的总估价为17亿美元,并指出,BP的资产组合有足够的灵活性,足以让它出售价值高达450亿至500亿

美元的非核心资产。 他表示:“这是一个清理


divestments of non-core assets it would have otherwise sold over the next three to five years. BP is also working on selling



$12bn of its US assets to Apache, the US oil and gas independent, and has held talks on selling its

60 per cent stake in Pan American Energy of Argentina, worth about $9bn, as well as fields in Colombia and Venezuela. In spite of political

opposition by some US lawmakers, BP is desperate to maintain its position in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, one of its most important regions.

Nevertheless, it has discussed selling its minority stakes in the Mars field to Royal Dutch Shell, the project's operator.

气公司阿帕奇(Apache)出售120亿美元的美国资产,并就出售阿根廷Pan American




牌(Royal Dutch Shell)进行了讨论。

2010年07月22日 06:18 AM 美国扩大对朝鲜制裁 US WIDENS N KOREA SANCTIONS 英国《金融时报》 杰夫·代尔 北京, 克里斯蒂安·奥利弗 首尔报道 字号 背景 收藏 电邮 打印 评论[12条] 中文

The US announced yesterday 美国昨日宣布扩大对朝鲜

that it would widen sanctions on 制裁,将更多个人和公司纳入North Korea to more individuals 制裁范围,此举是美国在韩国and companies, in its latest


gesture of solidarity with South 沉一事上,展现与韩国团结的Korea over the sinking of one of its warships earlier this year.

Speaking in Seoul, Hillary



Clinton, the US secretary of 顿(Hillary Clinton)在首尔

state, said Washington had done 发表讲话时表示,华盛顿方面“intensive research” on the new 已对新的制裁目标进行了“密targets for sanctions and warned 集研究”,并警告,若平壤方of serious consequences if there 面发动任何新的攻击,将会产

were any new attacks by


The sanctions announcement

comes ahead of a combined US and South Korean naval exercise that starts this weekend. Designed as an act of deterrence against North Korea, it has turned into something of a battle of wills

with China.

The initiatives are part of a

combined response to the sinking of the Cheonan warship in March, killing 46 sailors, which Washington and Seoul blame on

North Korea. Pyongyang has denied 生严重后果。







involvement and the United Nations Security Council has avoided directly blaming North Korea for the attack, partly as a 会也已避免将攻击事件上直接归咎于朝鲜——这在一定程度上是中国影响所致。

result of Chinese influence.

“We are aiming very specifically, after much

intensive research built on what was done before but not limited to that, to target the leadership, to target their assets,” Mrs Clinton told reporters in Seoul.

The US would also launch “new efforts with key governments to

stop DPRK [North Korean] trading companies engaged in illicit activities from operating in those countries and banks in

those countries from facilitating illicit

transactions,” she said. The US “我们的矛头非常有针对性,我们进行了大量密集研




may also look to expand travel 家。朝鲜最富有的盟友是中国restrictions on North Korean

officials involved in proliferation. Mrs Clinton named 和伊朗。

no specific institutions or countries. North Korea's richest allies are China and Iran. The sanctions are reminiscent

of the freezing of $24m of North Korean assets in Banco Delta Asia, a Macao bank, in 2005. One banker with experience in

North Korea thought it unlikely that the US could exert much

leverage. “Most of the financing is done with China and I do not think they are too vulnerable to

the US,” he said. The joint naval exercise will calm nerves in Seoul, where continued postponement of the









exercise raised questions about 否在中国压力之下举棋不定。

whether Washington was vacillating under pressure from


In an article in the People's Daily last week, Major General

Luo Yan said that the entry of a US aircraft carrier into the Yellow Sea between Korea and China would present a potential threat to “the heartland of

Beijing and Tianjin”. Quoting from Mao Zedong, he

added: “China will never allow others to keep snoring beside our


However, there were some signs that the US has made

concessions to China, given that the exercise this weekend will take place off the eastern side of







the Korean peninsula. Admiral Robert Willard, commander of the US Pacific

美国太平洋司令部司令罗伯特·威拉德 (Robert

Command, said that future drills Willard)上将表示,未来的操would take place in the Yellow Sea, off Korea's west coast. Some domestic critics claim




that the US was establishing a 称,美国正在确立一个危险的dangerous precedent by letting 先例,让中国决定哪些类型的China dictate what sort of naval 海军舰艇能够在某些国际水vessels can operate in certain

international waters.



英国《金融时报》 艾德?克鲁克斯 伦敦报道

字号 背景 收藏 电邮 打印 评论[1条] 中文

BP is forecast to pay about 未来4年,随着英国石油

$10bn less tax over the next four (BP)承担墨西哥湾大规模石years as it meets the costs of its 油泄漏所造成的成本,预计该huge oil spill in the Gulf of

Mexico, cutting the revenues of the US and Britain that receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the company each year.

Money spent plugging the well, cleaning up the oil and

compensating people who have lost out because of the spill, can be written off against tax, the company believes, reducing the

net cost to BP. Of its principal expected

liabilities, only the fines that might be imposed by the US authorities would definitely not

be tax-deductible.


元,这将减少美英两国政府的财政收入,通常两国每年都会从该公司获得数亿美元税收。 英国石油认为,封堵油井、清理漏油以及赔偿由于漏油




The company yesterday 英国石油昨日重申,借助

reiterated the possibility that 正在安装于井口的截油罩,到by the end of the week its leaking 本周末有望关闭正在泄漏的Macondo well could be shut off, or Macondo油井,或者捕获所有all the oil could be captured, using the new cap now being fitted

to the well head. The suggestion sent BP's

shares soaring, closing 9.11 per cent higher in London, but the company still faces huge and

uncertain liabilities, estimated by analysts at about $50bn. If BP manages to seal the

leaking Macondo well as planned by August, analysts have

estimated that its total spending in the Gulf region could be about


That would represent about

$10bn of clean-up costs and $20bn 漏油。



这一数字在500亿美元左右。 分析师估计,如果英国石






compensation for losses suffered 国政府达成的200亿美元赔偿by fishing, tourist and other industries covered by the fund agreed with the US administration

last month.

With a tax rate on profits of


33 per cent in a typical year, 利润税率为33%,据此计算,that would cut BP's tax bill by

about $10bn.

2010年07月23日 06:05 AM 这将令该公司的税赋减少约


特里谢呼吁收紧财政政策 TRICHET CALLS FOR GLOBAL TIGHTENING 英国《金融时报》 克里斯?贾尔斯 伦敦报道 字号 背景 收藏 电邮 打印 评论[2条] 中文

Public spending cuts and tax increases should be imposed


immediately across the Trichet)表示,工业化国家必

industrialised world as evidence 须立刻削减公共开支、增加税of a healthy European recovery


mounts, according to Jean-Claude 明,欧洲经济正实现健康复

Trichet, president of the European Central Bank. In a strident article for the Financial Times, Mr Trichet

argues that policymakers who want to prolong the stimulus are mistaken and that cutting -borrowing would have “very limited” effects on growth. The view from Europe's senior

economic policymaker contrasts with continued US demands for

fiscal tightening to be delayed at least until 2011 and suggests there is still little agreement over the best way to foster a

strong global recovery.







“We have to avoid an asymmetry between bold, if


justified, loosening and unduly 大胆的宽松政策,一边是过于hesitant retrenchment,” Mr Trichet says in his article.

Firing a shot at the US administration and the International Monetary Fund, Mr Trichet criticises last year's global push for budgetary

stimulus. “With the benefit of

hindsight, we see how unfortunate was the oversimplified message of fiscal stimulus given to all

industrial economies under the motto: ‘stimulate', ‘activate',

‘spend'.” The US view in favour of continued short-term stimulus was repeated by Ben Bernanke,


谢在文章中表示。 特里谢对去年全球推动的预算刺激措施提出了批评,这无疑是在针对奥巴马政府及国际货币组织(IMF)。



美联储(Fed)主席本?伯南克(Ben Bernanke)昨日重申了美国偏向于继续采取短期刺

chairman of the Federal Reserve, 激措施的立场。在向国会作证yesterday. Giving evidence to


Congress, Mr Bernanke supported 动一套“管控良好”的长期赤fiscal efforts to boost demand 字缩减计划之前,以财政手段before the US embarked on a “well 提振需求。

controlled” longer-term deficit

reduction plan. The differences over the

timing of budget cuts reflects in part the different fortunes of

the economies on either side of the Atlantic. US data yesterday were mixed, with existing home sales falling less than had been expected but initial jobless claims higher than forecast.

After his remarks on

Wednesday that US prospects were “unusually uncertain”, Mr

Bernanke made clear that the Fed was considering setting







conditions to be met before it would consider raising interest


2010年08月05日 06:22 AM


美国增加长期国债比重引发担忧 US move to long-term debt sparks concerns

英国《金融时报》 迈克尔?麦肯兹 纽约报道

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A split is emerging among 在美国国债市场上,对于

investors and dealers in the US 美国财政部应如何满足其创纪government bond market over how 录的借款需求,投资者和交易the US Treasury should finance 员的意见正分成两派。30年期its record borrowing needs with 国债发行的规模正引起争执。 the scale of 30-year debt sales

causing friction. At a time of record debt


issuance by governments in the US 规模发行债券之际,迫切需要

and Europe, there is an acute 维持债券投资者的信心。美国

need to maintain the confidence 未清偿债券的平均期限为58of bond investors. In the US, the 个月,维持在1980年以来的平

average maturity of its outstanding debt is 58 months and 均水平,但明显短于英国等其


in line with the average since 1980. But it is much lower than

countries such as the UK. The US Treasury is seeking to

extend the life of its debt in order to lessen any future

refinancing problems. Recently, it has cut the size of short-term debt sales, while maintaining

those of 30-year bonds. This issue, which has

energised traders and investors in the bond market, sparked a

“lively debate” according to the minutes of this week's meeting of the Treasury





Borrowing Advisory Committee, which consists of senior representatives from investment 部的高级代表组成。

funds and banks and the US


Some members of the TBAC, which includes representatives from JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, RBS, Pimco, BlackRock, Moore Capital Management and Soros

Fund Management, said the size of 10- and 30-year Treasury sales “should be cut slightly”.

One member highlighted recent

dislocations in the bond market between 10- and 30-year yields, which reflect in part investor 其中,摩根大通

(JPMorgan)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)、太平洋投资管理公司


(BlackRock)、摩尔资本管理(Moore Capital Management)和索罗斯基金管理(Soros Fund Management)等公司派出的代表提出,“应略微缩减”10年期和30年期国债的发行




concerns about hefty debt sales. 规模感到担心。本周,30年期This week the yield for 30-year 国债收益率比10年期国债高bonds rose to a record level of 出114个基点,创历史最高水114 basis points above that of

the 10-year note. Others in the TBAC, however

said small cuts in long-term debt sales would not have much “substantive purpose”. One member argued that cutting

long-term debt sales might not be wise at this juncture as there was no consensus about lowering future government spending.






