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1. 100種電影拍攝手法 : 給獨立製片與業餘玩家的專業拍片技巧 / 克利斯 肯渥西著 ; 陳珊珊譯. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR860 .K46812 2007.
2. 2005-2006全国剧本征集活动作品选. 电影卷 / 上海市文艺创作中心编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.A1 A165 2007 v.1-2.
3. 2008 AutoCAD中文版使用手冊 : 機械設計 / 林龍震老師工作室著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
T385 .L56146 2007.
4. Adobe After Effects : 映像の達人 : CM文字徹底研究 / 陳素玉著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR858 .C4367 2007.
5. Aesthetics, method, and epistemology / Michel Foucault ; edited by James D. Faubion ; translated by Robert Hurley and others.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
B2430.F722 E5 1998.
6. Ajanta : history and development / by Walter M. Spink.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
NA6008.A35 S75 2005 v.4.
7. Alexander Medvedkin / Emma Widdis.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.M433 W53 2005.
8. All my sons / Arthur Miller ; with an introduction by E. R. Wood.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3525.I515 A62 1971.
9. Amélie ; Le Fabuleux destin d' Amélie Poulain (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001) / Isabelle Vanderschelden.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.F23 V36 2007.
10. American muse : the life and times of William Schuman / Joseph W. Polisi.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML410.S386 P65 2008.
11. Arts and cultural programming : a leisure perspective / Gaylene Carpenter, Doug Blandy, editors.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
NX760 .A75 2008.
12. The Asian modern : culture, capitalist development, Singapore / C.J.W.-L. Wee.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS610.7 .W435 2007.
13. Awakening the performing body / Jade Rosina McCutcheon.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2061 .M16 2008.
14. Balanchine the teacher : fundamentals that shaped the first generation of New York City Ballet dancers / Barbara Walczak and Una Kai.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1785.B32 W35 2008.
15. Barbershop arranging manual / prepared under the supervision of the Department of Music Education and Services, Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT6.S63 B37 1980.
16. Being watched : Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s / Carrie Lambert-Beatty.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1785.R25 L36 2008.
17. Between one and many : the art and science of public speaking / Steven R. Brydon & Michael D. Scott.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN4129.15 .B79 2008.
18. Black dance in London, 1730-1850 : innovation, tradition and resistance / Rodreguez King-Dorset.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1646.E6 K56 2008.
19. Broadcast journalism : techniques of radio and television news / Andrew Boyd, Peter Stewart, Ray Alexander. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN4784.B75 B69 2008.
20. Burnt by the sun / Birgit Beumers.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.U84 B48 2000.
21. Childhood and cinema / Vicky Lebeau.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.C45 L43 2008.
22. Choral arranging / by Hawley Ades.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT70.5 .A3 1983.
23. Christopher Marlowe, Renaissance dramatist / Lisa Hopkins.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR2674 .H67 2008.
24. Cléo de 5 à 7 (Agnès Varda, 1961) / Valerie Orpen.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.C6442 O77 2007.
25. Contemporary theatre, film, and television.
LOCATION = Reference.
PN2285 .C58 v.87.
26. The contributions of Martha Hill to American dance and dance education, 1900-1995 / Elizabeth McPherson ; with a foreword by Joseph W. Polisi.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1785.H55 M37 2008.
27. Creativity across the primary curriculum : framing and developing practice / Anna Craft.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
LB1062 .C73 2000.
28. Creativity & beyond : cultures, values, and change / Robert Paul Weiner.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF408 .W384 2000.
29. Dan Donovan : an Everyman's life / Vera Ryan.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2601.D66 R93 2008.
30. Dance in a world of change : reflections on globalization and cultural difference / [edited by] Sherry B. Shapiro. LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1588.6 .D384 2008.
31. Dancing the black question : the Phoenix Dance Company phenomenon / Christy Adair.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1786.P464 A33 2007.
32. Defying the crowd : cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity / Robert J. Sternberg, Todd I. Lubart. LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF408 .S76 1995.
33. A delicate dance : autoethnography, curriculum, and the semblance of intimacy / Laura M. Jewett.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1588.5 .J46 2008.
34. Les diaboliques (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1955) / Susan Hayward.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.D4585 H39 2005.
35. Drama and religion in English provincial society, 1485-1660 / Paul Whitfield White.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2589 .W53 2008.
36. Everything is cinema : the working life of Jean-Luc Godard / Richard Brody.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.G63 B76 2008.
37. Eye of the century : film, experience, modernity / Francesco Casetti ; translated by Erin Larkin with Jennifer Pranolo.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.A1 C37413 2008.
38. Final Cut Pro : 影片剪輯入門講座 / 顏子瑋著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR899 .Y3619 2007.
39. For the future : Sir Edward Youde and educational changes in Hong Kong / Wong Man Kong.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
LA2383.Y92 W66 2007.
40. Four revenge tragedies / edited with an introduction by Katharine Eisaman Maus.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR1257 .F68 2008.
41. Fragments : Aegeus-Meleager / Euripides ; edited and translated by Christopher Collard and Martin Cropp. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PA3973 .Z5 2008.
42. From Byzantium to modern Greece : medieval texts and their modern reception / Roderick Beaton.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PA5125 .B43 2008.
43. Furious improvisation : how the WPA and a cast of thousands made high art out of desperate times / Susan Quinn. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2270.F43 Q56 2008.
44. Genesis and The lamb lies down on Broadway / by Kevin Holm-Hudson.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML421.G46 H65 2008.
45. Group creativity : innovation through collaboration / edited by Paul B. Paulus and Bernard A. Nijstad.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF408 .G696 2003.
46. Group genius : the creative power of collaboration / Keith Sawyer.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
HD30.29 .S29 2007.
47. Highway in the sun and other plays / Sam Selvon.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR9272.9.S4 H5 2008.
48. The Hong Kong-Guangdong film connection / [editor: Wong Ain-ling].
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.H6 Y9333 2005.
49. The Hongkong Federation of Youth Groups annual report= 香港靑年協會 ... 年報.
LOCATION = Reference.
HQ799.C452 H66 2006-2007.
50. Hugo Wolf's Lieder and extensions of tonality / by Deborah J. Stein.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML410.W8 S8 2008.
51. I is another : plays / Daniel Sloate.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR9199.3.S55124 I2 2008.
52. Images, 08 = 香港專業攝影師公會影像, 08.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR6.H6 I42 2008 c.2.
53. International dramaturgy : translation & transformations in the theatre of Timberlake Wertenbaker / Maya E. Roth & Sara Freeman (eds.).
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3573.E74 Z46 2008.
54. Kira Muratova / Jane A. Taubman.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.M856 T38 2005.
55. Know it all, find it fast : an A-Z source guide for the enquiry desk / Bob Duckett, Peter Walker, Christinea Donnelly.
LOCATION = Reference.
ZA3050 .D837 2008.
56. Korean cinema.
LOCATION = Reference.
PN1993.5.K6 K67 2008.
57. Laban : prospectus.
LOCATION = Reference.
GV1589.4 .T75 2007-08 & 2008-09.
58. Little Vera / Frank Beardow.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.M256646 B43 2003.
59. Magnum photos / introduction by Fred Ritchin ; afterword by Julien Frydman.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR650 .M353 2008.
60. The Marlowe-Shakespeare connection : a new study of the authorship question / Samuel L. Blumenfeld. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR2947.M3 B58 2008.
61. Master degree programmes prospectus / the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts = 碩士課程手册 / 香港演藝學院.
LG51.H22 M37 2009-10 c.1-2.
62. Measuring library performance : principles and techniques / Peter Brophy.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z678.85 .B76 2006.
63. Memories : celebrating 40 years in the theatre / Elaine Paige ; foreword by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML420.P34 A3 2008.
64. Modern jazz voicings : arranging for small and medium ensembles / Ted Pease and Ken Pullig ; edited by Michael Gold.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT73.5 .P43 2001.
65. Nijinsky's Bloomsbury ballet : reconstruction of dance and design for Jeux / by Millicent Hodson.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1790.J485 H63 2008.
66. The Oxford history of western music / Richard Taruskin.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML160 .T37 2005 v.1-6.
67. Performing pasts : reinventing the arts in modern South India / edited by Indira Viswanathan Peterson and Davesh Soneji.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2885.S6 P47 2008.
68. Performing Shakespeare / Oliver Ford Davies.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR3091 .D316 2007.
69. Playing on the edge : performance, youth culture, and the U. S. carnivalesque / by Adrienne Marie MacIain. LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS169.C37 M33 2006a.
70. Plays 1 / Leo Butler ; with an introduction by the author.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR6102.U85 A6 2008.
71. The politics of television policy : the introduction of digital television in Great Britain / Paul Smith ; with a foreword by Raymond Kuhn.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TK6678 .S52 2007.
72. Positive psychology at the movies : using films to build virtues and character strengths / Ryan M. Niemiec, Danny Wedding.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF204.6 .N54 2008.
73. Psychophysical acting : an intercultural approach after Stanislavski / by Phillip B. Zarrilli.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2061 .Z37 2008.
74. Recommended reference books for small and medium-sized libraries and media centers / Bohdan S. Wynar, editor. LOCATION = Reference.
Z1035.1 .R438 2008.
75. La Reine Margot : (Patrice Chéreau, 1994) / Julianne Pidduck.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.R4552 P53 2005.
76. Repentance / Josephine Woll and Denise J. Youngblood.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1997.M649 W65 2001.
77. The Royal Court Theatre inside out / Ruth Little & Emily McLaughlin.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2596.L7 R5167 2007.
78. Rudolf Laban : the dancer of the crystal / Evelyn Doerr.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1785.L2 D6813 2008.
79. Scoring for voice : a guide to writing vocal arrangements / Jimmy Joyce.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT70.5 .J69 1990.
80. Scottish people's theatre : plays by Glasgow Unity writers / edited by Bill Findlay ; introduction by Randall Stevenson.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR8669 .S39 2008.
81. Selected papers from IDEA' 98, the third World Congress of Drama/Theatre and Education, "Linking at the equator crossroads" held in Kisumu, Kenya--July 1998 : a joint publication of NADIE and IDEA.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1701 .W67 1999.
82. Selected papers from IDEA 2001, the 4th World Congress of Drama//Theatre and Education, "Playing betwixt and between", held in Bergen, Norway--July 2001 : a joint publication of Drama Australia and IDEA.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1701 .W67 2002.
83. A sense of dance : exploring your movement potential / Constance A. Schrader.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1595 .S33 2005.
84. Sex in an age of technological reproduction : ICSI and Taboos / Carl Djerassi.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3554.J47 I27 2008.
85. Shakespeare's family / Kate Emery Pogue.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR2901 .P65 2008.
86. Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund 1987-2007 : 20th anniversary commemorative album.
LOCATION = Reference.
LB2849.H6 S55 2007.
87. Sleaze artists : cinema at the margins of taste, style, and politics / Jeffrey Sconce, ed.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.S284 S64 2007.
88. The Strad directory.
LOCATION = Reference.
ML800 .S77 2009.
89. Streetwise Mandarin Chinese : speak and understand everyday Mandarin / Rongrong Liao, David Y. Dai, Jack Franke.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PL1125.E6 L53 2009.
90. Supervision of dramatherapy / edited by Phil Jones and Ditty Dokter.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
RC489.P7 S873 2008.
91. The swastika and the stage : German theatre and society, 1933-1945 / Gerwin Strobl.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2044.G4 S77 2007.
92. Tango : an Argentine love story / Camille Cusumano.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV1796.T3 C87 2008.
93. Teaching digital video production at GCSE / M.L. White.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR860 .W52 2007.
94. A time to keep / Stephanie Dale and David Edgar.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR6104.A43 T56 2007.
95. The tragedy of Macbeth / William Shakespeare ; edited by Nicholas Brooke.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR2823.A2 B76 2008.
96. Transformative learning support models in higher education : educating the whole student / edited by Margaret Weaver.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
Z675.U5 T68 2008 c.2.
97. Translating Hollywood : from the Posteritati Gallery collection / by Sam Sarowitz.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.P5 S37 2007.
98. TV FAQ / John Ellis.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1992.5 .E44 2007.
99. The ultimate scene & monologue sourcebook : an actor's guide to over 1,000 monologues and scenes from more than 300 contemporary plays / Ed Hooks.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2080 .H66 2007.
100. Understanding creativity / by Jane Piirto.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
BF408 .P65 2004.
101. Understanding popular music culture / Roy Shuker.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML3470 .S54 2008.
102. Understanding television texts / Phil Wickham.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1992.5 .W53 2007.
103. Understanding Tony Kushner / James Fisher.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3561.U778 Z643 2008.
104. The value of names and other plays / Jeffrey Sweet ; foreword by Richard Christiansen.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3569.W369 V33 2008.
105. Violence performed : local roots and global routes of conflict / edited by Patrick Anderson and Jisha Menon. LOCATION = Main Stack.
HM1116 .V53 2009.
106. Visual impact : culture and the meaning of images / Terence Wright.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GN347 .W75 2008.
107. Voicing American poetry : sound and performance from the 1920s to the present / Lesley Wheeler.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN4151 .W47 2008.
108. What of the night? : selected plays / Maria Irene Fornes.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS3556.O7344 W48 2008.
109. A woman killed with kindness and other domestic plays / edited with an introduction and notes by Martin
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR658.D65 W66 2008.
110. The writing on the wall : how Asian orthography curbs creativity / William C. Hannas.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
P381.E18 H36 2003.
111. 一九九七年以来中国喜剧电影研究 / 张冲著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.C55 Z4262 2006.
112. 一个真实的周璇 / 美玲编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN2878.Z478 Y533 2006.
113. 世纪回眸中国电影专业史研究. 电影制片、发行、放映卷 / 于丽主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.P7 S54144 2006.
114. 中国名校指南 = Guide to top Chinese universities / 主编王恃雷.
LOCATION = Reference.
L961.C6 Z46354 2008.
115. 中国影视导演档案 / 徐林正著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.2 .X81446 2008.
116. 中国祭祀戏剧研究 / 田仲一成著 ; 布和译.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2363 .T36212 2008.
117. 中国话剧艺术舞台演出史纲 / 张殷编著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2874 .Z42694 2008.
118. 中国电影史 : 教学与研究 / 舒晓鸣著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.C4 S589 2007.
119. 中国电影产业研究报告, 2007 = Research report on Chinese film industry / 中国电影家协会产业研究中心. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.C6 Z4639 2007.
120. 中国电影集团公司 : 影片 = China Film Group Corporation : catalogue.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.C4 Z4624 2001.
121. 中央音乐学院学士论文选 = Zhongyangyinyuexueyuan xueshilunwenxuan / 中央音乐学院音乐学系编 ; 执
行主编姚亚平, 刘小龙.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML160 .Z4692 2005.
122. 二十世纪中国音乐期刊篇目汇编 = Zhongguo yinyue qikan pianmu huibian / 中国艺术研究院音乐研所, 李
LOCATION = Reference.
ML120.C5 E779 2005 v.1-2.
123. 來我家玩嗎 : 2007/08年度電影電視學院編劇畢業作品 = Home sweet home / 編劇, 麥天樞 ; 顧問老師:
林愛華, 陳慧.
BFAFTv 2008 MakT.
124. 偶遇 / 勒 克萊喬 (J.M.G. Le Clézio)著 ; 藍漢傑, 蔡孟貞譯.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PQ2672.E25 H37212 2006.
125. 入世以來的中国电影 / 中国电影家协会编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.C4 R8174 2006.
126. 兩岸三地圖書分類與編目研究 / [編輯, 澳門圖書館暨資訊管理協會].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z696.A4 L5264 2008.
127. 兩岸三地圖書館事業論述 / 澳門圖書館暨資訊管理協會編.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z665.2.C6 L52632 2007.
128. 兩岸三地閱讀文化研究 / 澳門圖書館暨資訊管理協會編.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z1003 .L52632 2006.
129. 刀下再留人 / [作者鍾尚志].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PL2977.7.S526 D3692 2008.
130. 刀刃上的舞者 : 冯小刚电影研究 / 陶冶著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.F47 T369 2007.
131. 剧院魅影 = Le fantôme de l'opéra / 勒鲁著 ; 谭立德译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PQ2623.E6 F212 2006.
132. 动画分镜台本设计 / 姚光华著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR897.5 .Y3638 2006.
133. 唔該, 埋單 : 一個社會學家的香港筆記 / 呂大樂著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS796.H757 L81228 2007.
134. 問一答三英語 = Always answer in triples / 劉毅主編 ; Edward McQuire, Laura E. Stewart校閱.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PE1131 .W4629 2008.
135. 四個葬禮及一個婚禮 : 葉劉淑儀回憶錄 / 葉劉淑儀著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS796.H753 Y445 2008.
136. 地方电视传媒发展研究 = Difang dianshi chuanmei fazhan yanjiu / 曹万学主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
HE8700.9.C6 D523 2007.
137. 城市學 : 香港文化筆記 / [潘國靈].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS796.H75 P36138 2005.
138. 城市學. 2, 香港文化研究 / 潘國靈.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS796.H75 P361382 2007.
139. 多维视野 : 当代欧美电影研究 / 杨远婴主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.E8 D86 2007.
140. 大學之理念 / 金耀基著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
LB2326.4 .J569 2008.
141. 天水圍的日與夜 : 第二稿 / 導演, 許鞍華 ; 編劇, 呂筱華.
LOCATION = FTV Library Reference.
PN1997.2 .T526 2007.
142. 失落園 / [潘國靈].
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2892.A538 S544 2005.
143. 姨媽的後現代生活 / 李檣編劇.
LOCATION = FTV Library Reference.
PN1997.2 .Y526 2005.
144. 娛樂大家. 文化篇 / 林奕華.
LOCATION = Main Stack. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .L5593 2008 c.1-2.
145. 娛樂大家. 明星篇 / 林奕華.
LOCATION = Main Stack. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.2 .L569 2008 c.1-2.
146. 娛樂大家. 電影篇 / 林奕華.
LOCATION = Main Stack. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .L5592 2008 c.1-2.
147. 娛樂大家. 電視篇 / 林奕華.
LOCATION = Main Stack. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1992.3.H85 L569 2008 c.1-2.
148. 媒介产业 : 全球化 多样性 认同 = Media industry : globalization, diversity, identity / 郑保卫主编. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
P96.E25 M4525 2007.
149. 孔雀 / 李檣編劇.
LOCATION = FTV Library Reference.
PN1997.2 .K754 2000.
150. 孤城記 : 論香港電影及俗文學 / 吳昊著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN1993.5.H6 W843 2008.
151. 宛如A片的現實人生 = Patty Diphusa / 貝德羅 阿莫多瓦 ; 范湲譯.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PQ6651.L484 P3712 2008.
152. 实用电影编剧 / 张觉明著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1996 .Z42648 2008.
153. 專業Pilates輕鬆學 / 黃潔怡, 殷鳳萍, 林詠詩合著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
RA781.4 .H82634 2007.
154. 寻访老影星 = Xunfang Laoyingxing / 赵士荟著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN2877 .Z4373 2008.
155. 導演你在說什麼? : 每秒24格下的社會縮影 / 鄭祿平著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .Z4448 2007.
156. 广播影视学 / 倪祥保, 钱锡生编著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
HE8700.4 .N5194 2007.
157. 影视制片管理 / 主编刘立滨 ; 作者何可可, 黄一峰.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.P7 H443 2007.
158. 怎样把握电影节奏 / 汪流, 张文惠著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .W3734 2006.
159. 情感敎学心理学原理的实践应用 / 卢家楣主编.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
LB1072 .Q56 2002.
160. 我們在此相遇 / 約翰 伯格 ; 吳莉君譯 = Here is where we meet / John Berger.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PR6052.E564 H4712 2008.
161. 我的父親母親 / 鲍十著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2833.5.A673 W62 2007.
162. 戏剧、场景及隐喻 : 人类社会的象征性行为 / 维克多 特纳著 ; 刘珩, 石毅译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GN451 .T8712 2007.
163. 扭轉世界歷史的戰爭 = Critical wars in Western history / [副總編輯李菁菁 ; 執行主編邱大祐 ; 編輯製作通
LOCATION = Main Stack.
D25 .N58 2007.
164. 招魂 / 衛斯理.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2888.K8 Z4263 2008.
165. 摄影范本 / 林松著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR146 .L5676 2008.
166. 改良与革命 : 辛亥革命在两湖 = Reform and revolution in China : the 1911 revolution in Hunan and Hubei /
周锡瑞著 ; 杨愼之译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS773.55.H85 E8412 2007.
167. 改變中國歷史的戰役 = Critical wars in Chinese history / [副總編輯李菁菁 ; 執行主編邱大祐 ; 編輯製作通
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS738 .G3429 2007.
168. 数字摄影 / 刘灿国著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR267 .L58122 2006.
169. 数码单反相机摄影500问 : 提示, 建议, 技巧 : 揭示数码单反相机摄影秘诀的一本简明、全面的指南 / 克
里斯 韦斯顿著 ; 吴越民译.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR267 .W47712 2007.
170. 新媒体概论 / 宮承波主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
P91.28 .X565 2007.
171. 日本戏剧史 / 唐月梅著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PL734 .T3639 2008.
172. 日本与日本人 = Japan and Japanese / 小泉八云著 ; 胡山源译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS822.3 .H4312 2008.
173. 时光留影. 第2辑 : 北京电影学院教师访谈录 / 主编陆花.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.2 .S54382 2006.
174. 昼声夜色 : 世界电影的精英时代 / [苇子, 王莹著].
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .W4419 2007.
175. 暗恋桃花源 ; 红色的天空 / 赖声川著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PL2876.A419 A5144 2007.
176. 暗算 / 麦家著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PL2882.I442 A578 2006.
177. 暴力电影 : 表达与意义 = Violent film / 汪献平著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .W3739 2008.
178. 暴风雨夜, 暴风雨夜 : 狄金森诗歌精粹 / 狄金森著 ; 江枫译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PS1541 .A52 2008.
179. 本土論述, 2008 / [本土論述編輯委員會, 新力量網絡編].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS796.H75 B467 2008.
180. 未受学科训练的心智 = The unschooled mind / 霍华德 加德纳 (Howard Gardner)著 ; 张开冰译. LOCATION = Main Stack.
LB1062 .G37212 2008.
181. 李翰祥 : 台灣電影的開拓先鋒 / 焦雄屏著 ; 區桂芝主編.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.L53 J5269 2007.
182. 永遠的林青霞 = The last star of the East : brigitte Lin Ching Hsia and her films / 林青霞等口述 ; 鉄屋彰子探
訪撰稿 ; 粟筱雯譯.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN2879.L569 T47712 2008 c.2.
183. 江南丝竹音乐在上海 / 韦慈朋著 ; 阮弘译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML3746.8.S5 W5712 2008.
184. 波瓦軍械庫 : 預演革命的受壓迫者美學 / 于善祿著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2474.B63 Y87 2007.
185. 流行音乐和声技法 / 蔡松琦著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT50 .C347 1997.
186. 深夜裡的圖書館 = The library at night / 阿爾維托 曼古埃爾(Alberto Manguel)著 ; 黃芳田譯.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z721 .M36312 2008.
187. 演員的庫藏記憶 : 李立群人生風景 / [李立群著].
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN2878.L446 Y36 2008.
188. 澳門文獻與澳門圖書館事業 / [編輯澳門圖書館暨資訊管理協會 ; 主編李星儒].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z845.C5 A55 2008.
189. 为银幕的人间观察 : 北京电影学院文学系社会实践调查报告评点集 / 杜庆春, 张民主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.S6 W44 2006.
190. 狐變 / 衛斯理.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2888.K8 H8124 2008.
191. 犹太人的家庭教育 / 杰弗里 布拉尼著 ; 厉志红, 王燕编译.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
HQ769.3 .B72412 2003.
192. 球場大朝聖 : 透視體育運動文化 / [作者王建元 ; 系列策劃王建元, 陳潔詩 ; 總編輯曾玉英]. LOCATION = Main Stack.
GV706.5 .W36344 2006.
193. 现代与后现代艺术的反思 / 李倍雷著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
NX456 .L51234 2008.
194. 理论与批评 : 电影的类型研究 / 王志敏, 陈晓云主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 L52482 2007.
195. 生命的主旋律 : 李嘉禄纪念文集 / 主编吴誌顺.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML417.L5144 S53635 2008.
196. 田野工作与文化自觉 / 主编马戎, 周星 ; 执行主编潘乃谷, 王铭铭.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
GN34.3.F53 T5269 1998 v.1-2.
197. 当代中国电影选读 : 中国侧影 : 现代汉语高级读本 / 周质平, 王蔚, 杨玖 = Readings in contemporary
Chinese cinema : a textbook of advanced modern Chinese / Chih-p'ing Chou, Wei Wang, Joanne Chiang.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL1117 .Z568 2007.
198. 当代正一与全真道乐研究 / 胡军著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML3197 .H8148 2008.
199. 看大师作画 : 绘画中如何把握视觉表达语言 = Drawing : mastering the language of visual expression / 凯斯
麦克怀特著 ; 卢婧洁 , 柏愔译.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
NC730 .M52412 2007.
200. 神话学 : 生食和熟食 / 克洛德 列维─斯特劳斯著; 周昌忠译 = Mythologiques : le cru et le cuit / Claude
LOCATION = Main Stack.
F2519.3.R3 L48412 2007.
201. 神话学 : 从蜂蜜到烟灰 / 克洛德 列维─斯特劳斯著; 周昌忠译 = Mythologiques : Du miel aux cendres /
Claude Lévi-Strauss.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
F2230.1.F6 L48412 2007.
202. 神话学 : 餐桌礼仪的起源 / 克洛德 列维─斯特劳斯著; 周昌忠译 = Mythologiques : L'Origine des
manières de table / Claude Lévi-Strauss.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
E98.F6 L48412 2007.
203. 神话学 : 裸人 / 克洛德 列维─斯特劳斯著; 周昌忠译 = Mythologiques : L'Homme nu / Claude
LOCATION = Main Stack.
E99.N77 L48412 2007.
204. 禁色, 天堂鳥 : 2006-2007年度(電影及電視學院)畢業劇本 / 劉寶瑩(編劇系) ; 畢業劇本指導老師: 舒琪 ;
統籌老師, 陳慧.
BFAFTv 2007 LauP.
205. 科学与宗敎的对话 = Science and religion in dialogue / 梅尔 斯图尔特, 郝长墀编 ; 郝长墀, 李勇等译. LOCATION = Main Stack.
BL241 .K429 2007.
206. 移動的邊界 / 陳冠中著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS775.2 .C4363 2005.
207. 第八屆上海国际电影节= The 8th Shanghai International Film Festival.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.43.S52 S526 2005.
208. 紐倫港之夢 = Dreams of Ny lon kong / 劉細良.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
DS796.H75 L597 2008.
209. 练琴的艺术 : 如何用心去演奏 = The art of practicing : a guide to making music from the heart / 玛德琳娜
布鲁瑟尔著 ; 邹彦, 伍维曦译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML3838 .B78712 2005.
210. 胡金銓的藝術世界 / 梁秉鈞等著 ; 區桂芝主編.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.H84 H81466 2007.
211. 脆弱的強權 : 在中國崛起的背後 = Fragile superpower : how China's internal polititics [sic] could derail its
peaceful rise / 謝淑麗(Susan L. Shirk)著 ; 溫洽溢譯.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
JC311 .S52512 2008.
212. 臨床推理 : 批判與創意思考的藝術與科學 = Clinical reasoning : the art and science of critical and creative
thinking / Daniel J. Pesut, JoAnne Herman著 ; 尹祚芊總校閱 ; 曾惠明...[等]譯.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
RT48.6 .P4712 2007.
213. 自己的空間 : 我的觀影自傳 / 李歐梵著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .L4689 2007.
214. 自由作曲 = Der freie Satz / 申克著 ; 陈世宾译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT40 .S29212 1997.
215. 舞台灯光设计概要 / 冯德仲著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2091.E4 F4632 2007.
216. 花的姿態 : 2007/08年度香港演藝學院電影電視學院編劇畢業作品 / 楊子濠 ; 指導老師, 陳慧. LOCATION = FTV Archive.
BFAFTv 2008 SzeC.
217. 藍屋故事 : 演藝學院「電影電視學院」編劇專業2006-2007年度畢業作品 / 羅顯俊 ; 指導老師, 黃勁輝. LOCATION = FTV Archive.
BFAFTv 2007 LawH.
218. 藝術 文化經濟學 / 詹姆斯 海布倫 (James Heilbrun), 查爾斯 蓋瑞 (Charles M. Gray)原作 ; 郭書瑄,
LOCATION = Main Stack.
NX705.5.U6 H4512 2008.
219. 表演应试手冊 : 芝麻芝麻把门开 / 林洪桐著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN2071.A92 L5624 2007.
220. 表演教学手册 : 稻草怎样纺成金 / 林洪桐编著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995.9.A26 L561323 2008 v.1-2.
221. 訓練孩子思考寫出好作文 : 給中高年級的作文導引 / 曾春著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
LB1577.C48 S54 2008.
222. 诸天隐韵 : 道曲概述与鉴赏 = Zhutian yinyun : daoqugaishuyujianshang / 张兰花, 张振国著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML3197 .Z4269 2008.
223. 论人生 / 培根著 ; 刘慧...[等]译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
B1163.C5 E87 2007.
224. 讀者 : 梁文道書話, II / [作者: 梁文道].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
Z1003 .L52697 2008.
225. 資料與統計數字.
LOCATION = Reference.
LB2830.3.H6 X53 2007-08.
226. 走进美国电视 = Observations on American television / 陆生著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1992.3.U5 L8174 2007.
227. 超效率資料整理術 : 及早實現高品質夢想的精確捷徑 = 情報整理術クマガイ式 / 熊谷正寿著 ; 林欣怡
LOCATION = Main Stack.
HD30.2 .K86212 2007.
228. 超玩美數位攝影 : 按下快門的藝術! / 陳仁文, 鄧文淵編著 ; 文淵閣工作室監製 .
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR267 .C4367 2007.
229. 跨越时空的影像交流 : 数字电影的媒介形态 / 梁国伟著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR860 .L5263 2007.
230. 追寻凡尔纳的足迹 = Sur les pas de Jules Verne / 贡扎格 圣布里斯著 ; 史蒂芬 黑雨绘图 ; 董政译. LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PQ2469.Z5 S246212 2007.
231. 追寻乔治 桑的足迹 = Sur les pas de George Sand / 贡扎格 圣布里斯著 ; 菲利普 格兰绘图 ; 吴晓秋
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PQ2415 S246212 2007.
232. 追寻杜拉斯的足迹 = Sur les pas de Marguerite Duras / 阿兰 维贡德莱著 ; 安妮 斯坦莱恩绘图 ; 胥戈,
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PQ2607.U8245 Z93512 2007.
233. 追龍 / 衛斯理.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2888.K8 Z4844 2008.
234. 这一夜, women 说相声 ; 千禧夜, 我们说相声 / 赖声川著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PL2876.A419 Z439 2008 c.2.
235. 丑角 / 李德生著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PN2876.P4 L51237 2008.
236. 金魚 = Poisson d'or / 勒 克萊喬(J.M.G. Le Clézio)著 ; 邱瑞鑾譯.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PQ2672.E25 P64712 2000.
237. 錯手 / 衛斯理.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2888.K8 C867 2008.
238. 鋼琴演奏之道 / 赵晓生著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
MT220 .Z4269 2007.
239. 長流不息 : 饒宗頤教授之藝術世界 / 創作饒宗頤 ; 主編鄧偉雄.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ND1049.J34 A4 2007.
240. 雅典的少女 : 拜伦诗歌精粹 / 拜伦著 ; 查良铮译.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
PR4354.C4 Z424 2008.
241. 电影 : 我们共同的记忆 / 李艾东主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.C4 D519 2007.
242. 电影+2006 / 卫西谛主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .D52166 2007.
243. 电影摄影造型基础 / 郑国恩著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
TR850 .Z4834 1992.
244. 电影产业研究之文化消费与电影卷, 2006 / 中国电影家协会产业研究中心编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.C6 D5269 2007.
245. 電影素描 / 何英傑著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .H4194 2007.
246. 电影编剧教学实践 : 北京电影学院文学系教师电影文学剧本集 / 黄丹主编.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2603 .D52692 2007.
247. 电影艺术 : 形式与风格 : 插图第8版 = Film art : an introduction, 8e / 大卫 波德维尔(David Bordwell),
克莉斯汀 汤普森(Kristin Thompson)著 ; 曾伟祯译 ; "电影学院"编委会校.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1995 .B672312 2008.
248. 电影锣鼓之世纪回声 : 钟惦棐逝世20周年学术研讨会论文集 / 主编章柏青, 陆弘石.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1998.3.Z4854 D53 2007.
249. 电视信仰 / 贾梦霞著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1992.4.A2 J5215 2007.
250. 電視節目資料庫 / [香港電台編].
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1992.92 .H75 1998.
251. 非主流动画电影 : [历史 流派 大师] / 薛燕平著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
NC1765 .X8384 2007.
252. 韩国映画完全档案 = Archives / 里尔编著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Reference.
PN1993.5.K6 L5137 2005.
253. 音乐美学新论 = A new treatise on music aesthetics / 王次炤著.
LOCATION = Main Stack.
ML3845 .W36322 2003.
254. 願望猴神 / 衛斯理.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PL2888.K8 Y8268 2008.
255. 香港百年光影 / 钟宝贤著.
LOCATION = FTV Library Book.
PN1993.5.H6 Z46422 2007.
256. 香港電台八十事 = 80 things about RTHK / [「香港電台八十事」編輯委員會].
LOCATION = Main Stack.
HE8689.9.C63 X5262 2008.
257. 鬼車 : 香港演藝學院電影電視學院2007-2008年度編劇畢業作品 / 楊子濠 ; 指導老師, 陳慧, 黃勁輝. LOCATION = FTV Archive.
BFAFTv 2008 YeuC.
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