
更新时间:2023-09-16 01:04:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


3. 居家住房


What do you think of this apartment? = How do you like this flat? 你觉得这个公寓怎么样?

I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine. 我喜欢客厅,比较大,而且阳光充足。 The bedroom is a little small for us. 对我们来说卧室有点小了。

Please come into the living room. 请到客厅来。 Go to your room. 回你的房间去。

Clean your room.

= Clean / Pick up your room. 收拾一下你的房间。 Pick up your clothes. 收拾一下你的衣服。

Please vacuum the whole house. 请用吸尘器把整个房子打扫一下。

Sweep the floor. 扫扫地。 vacuum v. 用真空吸尘器打扫

This place is a pigsty. 这地方跟猪圈一样。 What a mess! 真够脏乱的! pigsty n. 猪圈 mess n. 脏乱,混乱

Open the window and air the room. 打开窗户,给房间通通风。 It’s stuffy in here. 这儿太闷了。

stuffy a. 不通气的,空气闷的

The sink is clogged. 水池子堵了。

The drain is backed up. 下水道堵了。 sink n. 水池子,水槽 clog v. 堵塞 drain n. 下水道 back up(使)淤塞

The toilet is running. 抽水马桶漏水了。 The toilet overflowed. 马桶溢水了。

This faucet leaks day and night. 这个水龙头在不停地漏水。 faucet n. 龙头 leak v. 漏

The electricity isn’t working. 没有电。 electricity n. 电

There’s no heat. 没有暖气。 The heat is out. 暖气不供暖了。

Turn on/off the air conditioner. 把空调打开/关上。

Turn up/down the air conditioner. 把空调调高/低点。 conditioner n. 调节装置

How are you going to decorate this room? 你打算怎样装饰这个房间? decorate v. 装饰,装修,布置

Maybe we could get some new furniture. 也许我们应该买些新家具。 furniture n. 家具


Talking about Apartment谈论公寓

Jason: What do you think of this flat? 杰森:你觉得这个公寓怎么样?

Alice: It's not really all that good. The bedroom is a little small for us. 爱丽丝:并不那么好。对我们来说卧室有点小了。

Jason: Small, but it should be enough for our needs. I think. 杰森:是小,不过我想已经足够我们两个人用了。

Alice: But there's no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed. especially in the winter. It feels good.


Jason: That's true. But I love the living room; it's huge and filled with sunshine.

杰森:那倒是,但是我喜欢客厅,比较大,而且阳光充足。 Alice: True, and I like the kitchen. It's new and well equipped. 爱丽丝:是的,我还喜欢厨房,都是新的,设备也齐全。

Jason: It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park. 杰森:还有一个很棒的阳台,可以看到公园的美景。

Alice: You're right. The view is spectacular. But that bedroom is so small. We'd never be able to fit all of our stuff in there.

爱丽丝:是的,风景很优美。但是卧室那么小,放不下我们的东西。 Jason: Maybe we could get some new furniture. Better stuff. 杰森:或许我们应该买些新家具,更好的东西。 Alice: I haven't thought of that. 爱丽丝:我没有想过。


1.“What do you think of.”这个句型可以用来询问别人对某事物的看法。

2.“have/take a hot shower”表示“冲个热水澡”。例如:Mary loves,having a hot shower after she's been swimming.(玛丽喜欢游泳后冲个热水澡。)“洗冷水澡”则为“have/take a cold shower”,例如:It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to refresh myself. (那个晚上好热,我冲了个冷水澡提提神。)

3.“be filled with sunshine”表示“阳光普照,充满阳光”。“be filled with sth.”表示“被…填满,充满着…”,例如:The room is

filled with the sound of childrens laughter.(房间里充满了孩子们的欢声笑语。) 4.“be well equipped”表示“设备安装得很齐全、很完备”。另外,“be equipped with sth.”表示“安装/配备有某种设备”。例如:The rooms are equipped with video cameras.(这些房间都安装了摄像头。)



