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教师的职责决定了教师必须具备高尚的师德,什么是师德?师德,是教师工作的精髓, “师爱为魂,学高为师,身正为范”是其内涵。


记得北师大林崇德教授曾说过,“疼爱自己的孩子是本能,而热爱别人的孩子是神圣!”教师对学生的爱,从本质上说是一种只讲付出不求回报、无私的、没有血缘关系的爱,是一种严慈相济的爱。这种爱是极其神圣纯真的。这种圣洁的爱是教师教书育人的感情基础,学生一旦体会到这种真实感情,就会“亲其师、敬其师”,从而“信其道”,从而达到真正教育的目的。在工作过程中我也曾经感叹,为什么有些学生不能体会出我对他的爱呢,有时反而对我的爱充满警惕和不屑。通过培训我真正的认识到,原来我的感情还是没有到位,甚至有点急于求成,其实爱贯穿在我平时的一点一滴,一言一行,相信学生一定会领会到的,就想扎根海岛的那位老师,正是她那无私的、不求回报的对学生的爱,最终得到学生由衷的尊敬,这些是教育的真谛,是我努力的方向。 第二,作为教师必须对某一学科具有的丰富的知识、精通的业务、严谨的治学、创新的教学,这也是师德不可或缺的组成部分。


第三,高尚的师德就是教师自己必须严格以教师“以德为本,身正为范”要求自己。 在平时工作中,要提高自己的思想修养,严格要求自己,自觉遵守学校的规章制度和有关规定,以身作则,洁身自好,以德服人,以身立教,为学生树立起楷模的形象。办公室里不打电脑游戏、不带手机进课堂、学生面前不说脏话等等,这些工作中的细节正是崇高师德的外现。


以下内容请删除后使用 以下内容请删除后使用 以下内容请删除后使用 以下内容请删除后使用 There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in others’shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person, too. The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt, those who have searched,and those who have tried,for only they can appreciate the importance of peoplewho have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is cryig.Please send this message to those people who mean something to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you really need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.And if you don’t, don’t worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this message.Since we went to school, we have access to English all the time, because it is one of the necessary subjects. Before we attend college, we keep our attention on the grammar, but now college means the new stage and we should pay attention to practical English. Here are some suggestions.First, it is important to speak out loudly. The purpose of learning English is to communicate with foreigners, so as to get to know more about the world. Grammar is not the only thing we care about. What we should do is to open our mouths and improve our ability to use spoken English. It begins with reading textbooks. When we listen to the tapes and repeat many times, then our d.President Trump, as he often does, had a few things to sayAfter admitting that he had been lonely over the holidays, Trump took advantage of his first public appearance of the new year Wednesday to air lingering grievances, make multiple false claims

and reinforce recent decisions that have rattled financial markets and his party’s leaders.As he held forth for more than 90 minutes before a small pool of reporters and photographers, members of his Cabinet, ostensibly called to the White House for a meeting, sat quietly around a long conference table.Trump defended his decision last month to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and sharply cut the deployment to Afghanistan, moves that disturbed Republican allies in Congress and prompted the resignation of Defense Secretary James N. Mattis. In doing so, he contradicted his own recent claim that the U.S. had achieved its objectives of total victory over Islamic State militants in Syria.“Look, we don't want Syria,” he continued. “We're talking about sand and death. That's what we're talking about. We're not talking about vast wealth. We're talking about sand and death,” he said, seemingly contrasting the war-wracked country with Iraq and its vast oil reserves.Iran “can do what they want there, frankly,” he added, a comment likely to unnerve officials in Israel, who have worried that a U.S. withdrawal from its positions in eastern Syria would allow Iran to expand its influence there.“It’s not my fault,” he said. “I didn’t put us there.”Trump offered little further clarity on the U.S. withdrawal from Syria, which he initially said would take place in 30 days, saying now that the pullout will “take place over a period of time.”Later, in a long riff about Afghanistan, Trump seemed to endorse Moscow’s 1979 invasion of the country — an act that the U.S. viewed as an attempt to spread communism and waged a long, covert operation to combat during the Carter and Reagan administrations.“The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia,” Trump said, making a case to leave the policing of hot spots in the Mideast and Central Asia to countries in the region. “They were right to be there. The problem is it was a tough fight.”The Soviet Union eventually was bankrupted by its Afghan war, Trump added. “Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia, because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan.”Historians generally agree that the Russian invasion and subsequent occupation of much of Afghanistan was one of several factors that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, although the country never went bankrupt.For years, Republicans have credited President Reagan with bringing an end to the Soviet Union by his aggressive increase in U.S. military spending.Trump’s comments stood in stark contrast to the view Mattis espoused in the resignation letter he presented last month after failing to convince the president to hold off on withdrawing from Syria.“We must do everything possible to advance an international order that is most conducive to our security, prosperity and values, and we are

