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天 津 立 林 石 油 机 械 有 限 公 司
Content[一] ONE
1.前言 Introduction……………………………………….…………………………………………….……….Page 1 2.螺杆钻具工作原理 Principle………………………….……….……………. ……………………….………Page 1 3.螺杆钻具的组成 Constitution … …………………………….……….…………………………….……….Page 1 3.1 旁通阀总成 By-pass valve assembly …………………….……….…………………………….……….Page 2 3.2 马达总成 Power section assembly ……………………….……….…………………………….……….Page 2 3.2.1 中空转子马达 Hollow rotor motor ……………………….……….…………………………….………Page 3 3.3 万向轴总成 Universal shaft assembly …………………….……….… ………………………….…… Page 2 3.4 传动轴总成 Drive shaft assembly …… …………………………….…………………………….………Page 6 4.螺杆钻具型号说明 Model of downhole motor ……… …………….…………………………….……….Page 6 5.使用须知 Application notice ……………………………….……….…………………………….………. Page 7 6.使用方法 Application………………………………………….……….…………………………….……….Page11 7.定向井螺杆钻具的使用 Application of steering downhole motor…………………………….……….Page16 8.定货须知 Purchase guide … ….….………………………………………… ………… ………… ………Page17 [二] TWO
Ⅰ.可调弯壳体调节操作说明 Operate description of adjustable bend housing… ……… ………… Page22 Ⅱ.可调弯壳体调节角度说明 Description of adjustable bend housing ……………… ……… ………Page25 Ⅲ.螺杆钻具弯壳体角度标示规定 Description of angle of bend housing… ………… ………… ……Page27: Ⅳ.立林螺杆钻具在钻井中对应转盘速度 Corresponding speed of turnplate when drilling well……Page27 Ⅴ.转盘速度与弯外壳角度的关系 The relation between speed of turnplate and bend housing……Page28 Ⅵ.立林螺杆钻具允许承受最大拉力 Allowable max pull downhole motor… ………… ……… ………Page28 [三] THREE Page5 Page5 Page15 Page16 Page17
Table 1 中空转子马达每转排量估算:Equation of flow rate of hollow rotor ………………………… Table 2 最大允许轴向轴承间隙说明 Allowed maximal clearance of axial bearing …………………. Table 3 故障分析表 Troubleshooting …………………………………

……………………….…….…… Table 4 弯接头角度,井斜角变化率/30m Bent sub angle and Inclination angle chane/30m .…… Table 5 钻柱反扭角估算 Estimation of opposite torsion angle on string …………………….. .
Table 6 已有井斜角时(纠偏)反扭角的估算Estimation of opposite torsion angle with deviation ……….…… Page18 Table 7 弯外壳螺杆钻具造斜率 Table 8 钻具上下端螺纹安装扭矩 Table 9 可调部分下壳体上紧扭矩 Deflection of bent shell ……………...……………...…... ……………...……………... ……………...……………... Page21 Page21 Page24 Page27 Page27
Top and bottom thread torque Lock housing make-up torque
Table10 转盘速度与弯外壳角度的关系 The relation between speed of turnplate and bend housing…... Table 11 立林螺杆钻具允许承受最大拉力 Allowable max pull downhole motor ………………... [四] 技术参数表 打捞尺寸图 打捞尺寸表 Technology parameters Fish dimensions drawing Fish dimensions table FOUR (APPENDIX)
1.IntroductionThis manual mainly introduces downhole motor property, application and cautions, so as for the customers to know well our downhole motors, and to do better selection, application, repair and
本手册主要介绍螺杆钻具的性能和使用要 求以及注意事项,便于用户更好地了解螺杆钻 具, 结合钻井的需要, 选好、 用好、 维护好钻具, 发挥其应有的技术性能,提高钻井经济效益。
maintenance of downhole motor according to drilling demand. As a result, our downhole motor may bring into play in its reliable technical function, to enhance drilling economic efficiency.
螺杆钻具是以泥浆为动力的一种井下动力钻 具。泥浆泵泵出的泥浆液流经旁通阀进入马达, 在马达进出口处形成一定压差推动马达的转子 旋转, 并将扭矩和转速通过万向轴和传动轴传递 给钻头。 螺杆钻具的性能主要取决于螺杆马达的 性能参数。
2.PrincipleDownhole motor is a kind of downhole dynamic drilling tool upon the power of drilling mud. Mud stream from the outlet of mud pump flows through a by-pass valve into the motor. This stream produces pressure
loss at both inlet and outlet of the pump, to push the rotor into rotating, and to transmit the torque and
螺杆钻具由旁通阀、 马达、 万向轴和传动轴 四大总成组成 (如图 1)
speed onto the bit. The downhole motor property mainly depends upon its property parameters
3.ConstitutionDownhole motor is composed of four assemblies of by-pass valve, motor, cardan shaft and drive shaft ( Fig. 1) .
(Fig.1) Page 1
DOWNHOLE3.1 旁通阀总成
MANUAL3.1 By-pass Valve Assembly
It has two positions of by-pass and close (Fig.2). It 下钻作业过程中处于旁

通位置,使钻柱中泥浆 is in by-pass position during trip operation, circulates mud fluid in the drill string into the annular space 循环绕过不工作马达进入环空,这样起下钻时 by-passing the idle motor, so that no mud may spray out 泥浆不溢于井台上。当泥浆流量和压力达到标 onto the platform during the trip operation. When mud 准设定值时,阀芯下移,关闭旁通阀孔,此时 flow rate and pressure reach the setting value, the valve 泥浆流经马达,把压力能转变成机械能。当泥 stem moves down and closes the valve. Meanwhile, 浆流量值过小或停泵时,所产生的压力不足以 mud stream flows through the motor, and converts the 克服弹簧力和静摩擦力时,弹簧把阀芯顶起, pressure energy into mechanical energy. As mud flow 旁通阀孔又处于开启位置。 一般情况下, 深井、 rate is too low, or mud pump stops, and as the created pressure is not enough to overcome spring force and 大斜度井、水平井以及使用中空转子时多采用 static friction force, the spring presses the stem 代用接头。 (如图 2-1) upward ,and by-pass is in open position。 general, In The cross-over sub are used in deep well and large angle 3.2. 马达总成 well horizontal well or hollow rotor selected 。(Fig.2-1). 它由定子和转子组成。定子是在钢管内壁 它有旁通和关闭两个位置(如图 2) ,在起 上压注橡胶衬套而成。橡胶内孔是具有一定几 何参数的螺旋。 转子是一根有镀铬硬层的螺杆。 转子与定子相互啮合,是用两者的导程差 而形成的螺旋密封线,同时形成密封腔。随着 转子在定子中的转动,密封腔沿着轴向移动, 不断的生成与消失,完成其能量转换,这就是 螺杆马达的基本工作原理。 马达转子的螺旋线有单头和多头之分 (定子 的螺旋线头数比转子多 1) 。转子的头数越少, 转速越高,扭矩越小; 头数越多,转速越低, 扭矩越大。 (如图 3)是几种典型马达配合的截 面轮廊: (Fig.3) 定 子 (Sta t o r ) 转子 头数 (Rotor) (Lobe)
3.2 Power Section
It consists of stator and rotor. Stator is made by squeezing rubber sleeve on the wall of steel tube. There forms spiral structure with a certain geometric parameter. Rotor is a crome-plated screw rod. Stator and rotor matches with each other, to form spiral line and seal cavity through their guide rail difference. With rotor running in the stator, the seal cavity is moving along its axial direction, continuously forms and disappears to complete its energy conversion. This is the basic principle of downhole motor.. Spiral seal line on rotor is divided into single end and multi-end ( stator with one more end than rotor). The less ends the motor has, the higher speed and the lower torque is. The more ends it has, the lower speed and the higher torque is (Fig.3) shows the sectional profile

of several typical motors.
旁通阀(Bypass-Valve) (Fig.2) 马达总成(Power Section) (Fig.4)
(Fig.5) Page 2
代用接头(Cross-over Sub)(Fig.2-1)
马达定子一个导程组成一个密封腔,也 称为一级。 每级额定工作压降为 0.8Mpa,最大 压降为额定工作压力的 1.3 倍,如四级马达, 额定压降应为 3.2Mpa,最大压降为 4.2Mpa。 压降超过此值马达就会产生泄漏,转速很快 下降,严重时会完全停止转动,甚至造成马 达损坏,用户应特别注意。 为了确保马达的密封效果,转子与定子 之间的配合尺寸与不同井深的温度有关,因 此在选择钻具时应尽可能准确地提供给厂家 钻具应用场所的井温情况,以便推荐使用松 紧配合状态适合的马达。现场使用的泥浆流 量应在推荐的范围之内,否则将影响马达效 率,甚至马达磨损加快。 马达的输出扭矩与马达的压降成正比, 输出转速与输入泥浆量成正比,随着负载的 增加,钻具的转速有所降低,因此在地面只 要根据压力表控制压力,根据流量计控制泵 的流量, 就可以控制井下钻具的扭矩和转速。
3.2.1 中空转子马达为了增加钻头的水马力和泥浆的上返速 度,将转子加工成为带喷咀的中空转子。此 马达的总流量应等于流经马达密封腔流量和 流经转子喷咀流量的总和,每种规格的马达 都有其推荐的最大和最小流量值。如果流量 过大,转子会超速运转,定子和转子会出现 提前损坏,如果流量过小,马达将停止转动。 因此在选择转子喷咀尺寸时,应确保马达密 封腔流量始终保持或高于最小推荐流量值, 这样才能使马达正常运转。 (如图 4)
A guide rail forms a seal cavity in motor stator. This is called one stage. When the rated working pressure of each stage lows down to 0.8 Mpa, the maximum pressure loss will be 1.3 times of the rated pressure. For an example, for 4-stage motor, the rated pressure loss shall be 3.2 Mpa, maximum pressure loss shall be 4.2 Mpa. As the pressure loss is over such value, motor may bring about leakage and speed will quickly slow down. More seriously, it may cause operation into complete stop, even cause the motor to be damaged. This is the caution for the customers. In order to ensure rotor seal in good condition, the matching size between rotor and stator relates closely to depth temperature. Therefore, correct downhole temperature shall be provided to the manufacturer for reliable selection of appropriate motor. The actual mud flow rate is required in the recommended range. Otherwise incorrect flow rate may affect the motor efficiency, even cause speeding up motor wear. o Motor torque is proportional to its pressure loss, but its outlet speed is inversely proportional to mud flow rate. With load increasing, screw drill speed decreases. Thus,

pressure shall be controlled by the pressure gauge and flow rate shall be controlled by the flow rate gauge on surface. This way may control both torque and speed of downhole screw drill.
3.2.1 Hollow Rotor MotorTo increase hydraulic horsepower and upward speed of mud stream, rotor is manufactured into hollow rotor with nozzles. Thus, motor total flow rate is equal to the sum of the flow rate through seal cavity and rotor. Each type of motor has its own recommended maximum and minimum flow rate value. If flow rate is too high, rotor may be running at over speed, earlier damage would occur onto stator and rotor. If it is too low, motor will stop operating. Therefore, the flow rate through seal cavity shall be ensured or even higher than the recommended maintenance value, while selecting nozzle size. Only in this way, can motor be kept in normal operation. (see Fig 4)
中空转子 (H o l l ow R o t o r ) (Fig.4)
Page 3
在泥浆密度、 喷咀尺寸和马达流量为定 量时, 流经转子喷咀的流量和流经马达密封 腔的流量总是随负载变化而变化的。钻头离 开井底,马达负载近似为零,此时流经转子 喷咀流量最小,而流经马达密封腔的流量最 大。钻头钻进,使马达压差不断增加,使流 经转子喷咀流量增加,而此时流经马达密封 腔流量减少。 流经马达密封腔的流量为 Qm,通过马 达喷咀的流量 Qz。 即:总流量 Q=Qm+Qz 设定马达转速 n 值计算 Qm 值
QM =
nq ( L / s) ην × 60
容积效率ηv 取 0.90 ∴ Qz = Q – Qm (L/s) 喷咀直径
When mud density, nozzle size and total flow rate is a constant value, the flow rate through nozzle and seal cavity always changes with the load. On bit leaving hole bottom ,the load is approximately zero . Whereas, the flow rate becomes minimum through nozzle on the rotor, but the flow rate becomes maximum through the seal cavity. While the bit dropping down, motor pressure loss will continuously increase, and the flow rate through rotor nozzle will become higher, but the flow rate through the seal cavity will become lower. Flow rate through seal cavity is Qm, Flow rate through nozzle is Qz. Then ,total flow rate Q = Qm + Qz Suppose motor speed n, calculate Qm Volumetric efficiency ηv is 0.90
QM =
nq ( L / s) ην × 60
d =
898 p Q ΔP
2 2
So Qz = Q – Qm (L/s) Nozzle diameter
( mm ) d =4
Qm---马达密封腔流量 (L/s) Qz---转子喷咀的流量 (L/s) Q----中空转子马达的总流量 (L/s) ηv ---容积效率
898 p Q ΔP
2 2
( mm )
Qm---Flow rate of motor seal cavity (L/s) Qz---Flow rate of rotor nozzle(L/s) Q----Total flow rate of motor with hollow rotor (L/s) ηv --Volumetric efficiency Motor pressure loss ΔP = ΔPst + ΔPop
马达压降ΔP = ΔPst + ΔPop ?Pst——马达启动压降(Mpa) ?Pop——马达工作压降(Mpa) ρ——泥浆比重(kg/L) 计算公式中 q 为中空转子马达的每转排量 (L/r) 其数值参(如

表 1) 。 ?Pst—Motor start pressure loss (Mpa) ?Pop—Motor operating pressure loss (Mpa) ρ—Mud density (kg/L) In the equation, q is flow rate of hollow rotor motor (L/r) For the parameters, (see table-1)
Page 4
按以上推荐计算公式,用户可以根 据使用需要随时更换不同直径的喷咀, 从而达到理想的效果。
Based on the above recommended equation, the customers can timely change different diameter nozzles according to the actual demand, so as to reach ideal effect.
表 15LZ 244 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 216 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 197 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 172 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 165 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 120 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 95 X 7. 0 L 9LZ 95 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 89 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 73 X 7. 0 L 5LZ 165 X 14.0 L 5LZ 120 X 14.0 L 5LZ 197 X 14.0 L q = 20.3 q = 17.1 q = 14.0 q = 10.2 q = 8.5 q = 5.0 q = 2.6 q = 3.3 q = 2.4 q = 1.3
Table 1
Table 1 最大允许轴向轴承间隙说明: 见图表 2 Allowed Maximal Clearance of axial Bearing :
钻具型号 SIZE Φ43mm Φ54mm Φ60mm Φ73mm Φ79mm Φ89mm Φ95mm Φ105mm Φ120mm Φ140mm Φ159mm Φ165mm Φ172mm Φ197mm Φ203mm Φ216mm Φ228mm Φ244mm Φ286mm
间 隙CLEARANCE 2mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 3mm 4mm 4mm 4mm 5mm 5mm 6mm 6mm 6mm 7mm 7mm 7mm 7mm 8mm 10mm
Clearance = A — BPage 5
3.3 万向轴总成万向轴的作用是将马达的行星运动转 变为传动轴的定轴转动,将马达产生的扭 矩及转速传递给传动轴至钻头。万向轴大 多采用瓣形,也有采用挠轴形式的。天津 立林钻具的瓣型万向轴采用线切割技术制 成,切口平行度高,粗糙度可达 损失小(如图 5) 。 钻具使用后, 应立即拆卸, 检查万向轴, 如磨损量超过维修标准,应及时更换有关 易损件,否则会因万向轴的使用过度致使 钻具无法正常工作。 且不破 坏金属化学成分,因此使用寿命高、机械
3.3 Universal
3.4 传动轴总成传动轴的作用是将马达的旋转动力传 递给钻头,同时承受钻压所产生的轴向和 径向负荷。我公司制造的钻具传动轴总成 有两种结构: (1) 钻头水眼压降为 7.0Mpa,采用硬质 合金径向轴承和中间有一组推力轴 承的传动轴总成(如图 6) ; (2) 钻头水眼压降为 14.0Mpa,采用硬 质合金径向轴承和金刚石复合片 (PDC)的平面止推轴承,其寿命 更长、承载能力更高。
The function of cardan shaft is to convert planetary motion into fixed constant rotation of drive shaft, to transmit torque and speed from motor on the drive shaft ,and to the bit. Cardan shaft mostly use flat shaft ,but some are flexible shafts .Our flat type shaft used on our downhole motor is made by linear cutting technology. So the cut has high parallelism ,roughness can reach And it doesn’t damage metal chemical composition. Thus, it has longer running life and less mechanical loss (Fig.5). Downhole motor shall be disassemblied as quickl

y as possible after use to examine cardan shaft. If it is found out that wear degree is over maintenance standard, relevant consumable components shall be changed promptly. If it is not, downhole motor can not be running normally due to over run time of cardan shaft.
3.4 Drive Shaft AssemblyDrive shaft is to transmit motor rotary dynamic force onto the bit, meanwhile to withstand axial and radial load from drilling weight. We have two types of drive shafts, as follows: 1) Bit nozzle pressure loss is 7.0 Mpa, using hard alloy radial bearing and drive shaft assembly with thrust bearings (Fig.6); 2) Bit nozzle pressure loss is 14.0 Mpa, using hard alloy radial bearing and PDC cutter flat thrust bearing. It has longer lasting life and higher bearing capacity.
Flat Universal Shaft (Fig.5)
Ball Drive Universal Shaft
(Fig.6) Page 6
4. Model of downhole motor
例:5LZ165×7.0 L 表示为转子头数与定子头数比为 5﹕6 的、 外 径 为 φ165mm 螺 杆 钻 具 , 钻 头 水 眼 压 降 为 7.0Mpa ,L 表示(立林) 。
Example: 5LZ165X7. 0 L It expresses: Ratio of the number of rotor ends and the number of stator ends is 5:6; O.D of Downhole motor is φ165mm; Bit nozzle pressure loss is 7.0 Mpa; L is(LiLin) 。
5.使用须知5.1 井场钻井技术人员和司钻必须了解钻具的结 构原理和使用参数。按使用手册的要求合理使用 钻具。 5.2 根据整个井眼的钻井作业计划,由钻井工程 师根据任务结合地层结构、井眼孔径、深度、机 械转速选定所用钻头与钻具型号,决定水眼直径 和钻具组合。现场施工必须严格按制定的钻井作 业计划执行。 5.3 对钻井液的要求: 螺杆钻具的马达为容积式, 决定钻具性能的因素是马达的输入流量和作用 于两端的压力降,而不是钻井液的类型。钻井液 的物理化学性能除个别有损钻具寿命外,一般不 影响钻具性能,应注意考虑钻井
5. Application Notices5.1 Site drilling technical persons and drillers shall know well downhole motor structure principle and technical parameters, correctly apply downhole motor in accordance with requirements specified in this manual. 5.2 Drilling engineer shall make operation program upon the whole hole, and select the model of downhole motor and bit to be used , determine nozzle size and downhole motor combination according to formation edge structure, hole size, depth and mechanical speed . The determined drilling program shall be strictly carried out accordingly on the location. 5.3 Drilling Fluid Requirement: Downhole motor motor shall be volumetric. The key factor to downhole motor property is motor inlet flow rate, and the pressure loss functioning onto both ends. But it is not the kind of drilling fluid. Physical and chemical property of drilling fluid, except the individual damage to downhole motor running life, normally does not affect it

s property.
Page 7
工艺的需要。 但钻井液所含的各种硬颗粒必须予以 限制,因为它会加速轴承、马达的磨损而降低钻具 的使用寿命,建议固相含砂量不超过 1%(事实证 明:若含砂量达到 5%,钻具寿命会降低 50%) 。同 时注意钻井液中不要混有各种气体, 因为混有气体 的钻井液在钻具中压力的变化下容易产生 “气蚀作 用” ,加速钻具的损坏,尤其是定子橡胶更容易被 气蚀坏,必须予以足够的重视。 5.4 使用钻头的选择:与螺杆钻具一起使用的钻头 在选择上是十分重要的问题。 因此螺杆钻具是否能 成功的发挥作用的几个因素中, 钻头与钻具的匹配
This shall be considered for the need of drilling process. However, the content of hard grains in mud stream must be limited since they can speed up wear of bearing and motor, may cause shortening downhole motor running life. It is suggested that solid sand content should not be over 1%( actually when sand content is 5%, running life will be reduced by 50%). Also, take care, not let drilling fluid mixed with any gas , because the fluid with gas may easily cause “Gas Erosion”. It may speed up tool damage with change of pressure. In particular, the rubber on stator is more easily damaged by gas erosion. Enough attention shall be paid to this problem.
5.4 Bit Selection: For bit selection, it is important to 是最重要的,希望能引起现场使用人员的重视。选 combine and match downhole motor to be used. It relates to success of downhole motor application. It 择钻头与螺杆钻具配套使用的因素应是: is advised site operators shall take care of this (1)钻井方案及计划; matter. Application factors to combine bit with downhole motor are as follows: (2)针对地层需要的刃部结构; (1) Drilling Plan and Program; (3)钻井液流通通道的结构; (2) Formation Edge S tructure; (4)预先计划的机械钻速; (3) Structure of Mud Flowing Channels; (4) Determined Mechanical Drilling Speed; (5)使用该钻头,钻具运转的时间估算: (5) Estimation of Bit and Downhole motor Running (6)钻头水眼压降的设计。 Life; 什么样的地层结构、 地层软硬、 使用哪类钻头、 (6) Design of Bit Nozzle Pressure Loss Please refer relevant professional information for 用什么样的刃部设计,请参考有关钻头的专业资 detail bit selection on formation structure. Hereby it 料,这里仅就使用螺杆钻具完成各种钻井作业,对 briefly describes bit selection for performance of 钻头的选择作些简要说明。 drilling operation with downhole motor. A:除了钻头水眼造成的压降外,要使钻井液流经 钻头底部时别再形成其他较大的压力损失, 尤其是 钻头水眼压降已达到该型号钻具规定的压降值时 更应注意。这对牙轮钻头不必担心,但是

PDC 钻 头冠部液体通道的设计, 就必须考虑通道过流面积 是否可能造成额外过多的压力损失问题, 同时并能 保证岩屑及时排出及钻头冷却需要。 B:牙轮钻头:这类钻头在螺杆钻具配合使用时, 更实用于钻井周期不长的作业,如定向造斜、侧钻 等。 A: Except bit nozzle pressure loss, in order to avoid producing higher pressure loss while drilling fluid flowing through bit bottom, attention shall be specially paid to this matter when the nozzle pressure loss has reached the specified loss value of this kind drilling tool. This does not affect rock bit, but for the crown passage design of PDC bit. The problem shall be considered that passing fluid area may cause much extra loss, meanwhile to ensure prompt discharge of cuttings and bit cooling. B: Rock Bit : When this kind of bit is used with downhole motor it is more appropriate to shorter drilling period, such as directional deflection and re-entry etc.
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C: PDC 钻头: PDC 钻头不仅适用于定向造斜, C: PDC Bit: It is not only used for directional deflection, and also more appropriate to longer drilling period, 更适用于钻井周期较长的作业,如打直井等。 such as vertical well drilling. During longer period of 在较长周期的钻井作业中,最重要的因素就是 drilling operation, the more important factor is to 钻头与钻具作为一个整体,不要由于其中的哪 integrate bit and downhole motor. It is to avoid unnecessary trip operation due to some problem. It is 一部分出了问题,而造成不必要的起下钻。大 known that PDC bit can last longer time than rock bit, 家已熟知:复合片钻头较牙轮钻头寿命长,而 and it is integral in structure, having more advantages. D: It is also an important factor to prolong running life of bit and tool. It is helpful to extend screw life and to D:提高钻具和钻头的使用寿命,也是一个重 develop bit property by improving stability of drive 要因素。 改善传动轴的稳定性, 例如加稳定器, shaft, e.g. stabilizer. And it shall be considered the 对提高钻具寿命发挥钻头性能是有帮助的。考 close relationship between diamond geometric dimension, allocation , drilling weight load and the 虑钻头金刚石的几何尺寸、布置方位、钻压负 required high speed and lower drilling weight of 荷与要求井下钻具转速高、 钻压小的甚密关系。 downhole tool. In general, it is hard to obtain 总之,使用螺杆钻具不对所匹配的钻头进行认 satisfactory effect without strictly matching bit and downhole motor, it can also cause earlier damage onto 真选择,要想取得满意的效果是困难的,还会 the tool. 且结构是整体的,具有很多优点。 5.5 Requirement for Hole Bottom Temperature: It is unfavorable to the motor property, and it may intensify 5.5 对井底环境温度的要求:

温度过高对钻具 all disadvantageous factors if temperature goes too 马达性能十分不利,会使所有不利因素加剧。 high. When using oil base mud, the hole bottom 使用油基泥浆液,井底温度低于 95°C,钻具工 temperature shall be lower than 90°C, downhole motor shall be working in optimum condition. When 作状态最佳。当温度超过 150°C 时,即使使用 temperature is over 150°C, stator life may be greatly 最佳的油基钻井液,甚至使用水基钻井液,钻 shortened, even by using optimum oil base mud or using water base mud. 具定子寿命也会大幅度缩短。 In order to keep downhole motor working normally 为使钻具在较高的油基钻井液下正常工作, at high temperature of oil base mud, the way shall be 可以采用分段下钻,间歇循环,使用带分流孔 adapted to conduct trip-in by sections and intermittent 的空心转子,以加速循环或改善钻井液的散热 recycling , to ensure the actual temperature of stator below the ultimate value by using hollow rotor with 性及其它性能的方法。保证实际定子工作温度 splitter hole to speed up recycling or improve heat 低于极限值。 radiation of the fluid and other property. 我公司生产两种定子。一种是普通定子,额定 Our company manufacture two kinds of stators. One is conventional stator, with 95°C of rated temperature 温度为 95°C,最高温度 120 °C。一种是耐高温 and 120°C of maximum temperature; another is 定子,额定温度 105°C,最高温度 150°C。 hi-temperature stator, with 105°C of rated temperature 5. 对钻井液流量的要求: 6 螺杆钻具特点之一, and 150°C of maximum temperature. 5.6 Requirement for Flow Rate of Drilling Fluid: One of 输出转速与输入钻井液流量成正比。每种钻具 the downhole motor features is that the output speed 都有一定 is proportional to the input flow rate of drilling fluid. Each downhole motor has a certain effective range of working flow Page 9 造成钻具过早地损失。
的有效工作流量范围,建议按推荐参数进行选择, 否则会降低钻具的工作效率和使用寿命。
rate. It is advised to choose the range according to the recommended parameters. Otherwise, it may shorten the downhole motor’s working efficiency and running life.
5.7 钻井液压力与钻压的特点: 钻具进行空运转时, 5.7 Features of Drilling Fluid and Drilling Weight: When downhole motor is in idle working condition, if keeping 若保持泥浆流量不变, 钻具与钻头的压降为一个常 fluid flow rate unchanged, the pressure loss caused by both bit and downhole motor shall be a constant value. 数,该值随钻具型式和规格的不同而有所不同。钻 This value changes with the difference of drill model 具工作时,随着钻压逐步增加,钻井液循环压力逐 and specification. As downhole motor is running, fluid rec

ycling pressure will gradually increase with gradual 渐上升, 该压力的增量与钻压或钻进所需扭矩的增 rise of drilling weight. The increment of pressure is proportional to the torque increment needed by drilling 量成正比,当达到最大推荐值时,产生最佳扭矩。 weight and stripping in. When it reaches the maximum recommended value, optimum torque shall be 继续增加钻压, 当循环钻井液在马达两端产生的压 produced. If drilling weight goes on rising, when the 降超过最大设计值时,钻具将发生泄漏。正常工作 pressure loss of recycling fluid at both ends of motor is over maximum design value, leakage shall occur from 时,表压随钻压的增减而升降。如果泵压表突然增 the downhole motor. In normal operation, the gauge pressure rises with the drilling weight up and down. If 加了几兆帕,继续增加钻压,泵压不再增加,这说 the gauge shows sudden rise of temperature to several Mpa, when the drilling weight goes on 明钻具发生了泄漏, 此时钻具定子与转子间密封破 increasing, pump pressure shall no longer increase. 坏, 钻井液通过破坏的马达密封腔从钻头水眼中流 This indicates there occurs some leakage from downhole motor. The seal between stator and rotor 出。当因故障卡钻时,钻井液在钻具制动情况下, may be changed, and fluid may be flowing out from bit nozzle while going through the damaged seal cavity. 仍可以继续循环流过钻具。一旦钻具发生制动,应 When it is sticking due to this problem, fluid is still recycling through downhole motor since downhole 迅速将钻具提离井底降低钻压, 因为钻井液长时间 表 2 钻具故障分析表 motor braking. Once downhole motor brakes, it shall be quickly lifted away from the hole bottom to reduce 流过不转的马达会使钻具严重损坏。 drilling weight, since downhole motor may be seriously 另外,要使钻具获得最佳工作效率,应将钻具 damaged with fluid flowing through the idle motor for longer time. 两端的压差控制在推荐参数范围内。 Additionally, the pressure loss at the bottom ends 5.8 预先进行必要的水利计算:钻井作业时,由泥 of downhole motor shall be controlled within the recommended range, to ensure downhole motor in 浆泵泵出的钻井液依次经立杆、水龙头、方钻杆而 optimum working efficiency and running life. 进入钻杆、钻铤、无磁钻铤、钻具(马达) 、钻头 水眼及环空而返回地面。在钻井液不断循环过程 中,由于钻井液本身的摩擦和钻井液与 5.8 Early Hydraulic Calculation: In drilling operation, the pumped mud flows successively through riser, swivel, kelly into drill pipe, collar, non-magnetic collar, motor ,bit nozzle and annular space, and upwards to the surface. During recycling, the loss caused from the friction of fluid its own and the friction of fluid onto the pipe wall, hole wall

and/or partial flow will consume a certain energy.
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管壁、井壁的摩擦及各局部流动造成的损失,皆 需消耗一定的能量。这一能量损失以压力损失表 现出来。累加各部分的压力损失后可计算出总的 压力损失,按预计钻井深度算出总压力损失后, 就可以作为确定泵压的一个参数,这种大量的压 力损失计算是很繁琐的。对于现场操作者来说可 以采用一种简便的做法,只要将钻头稍稍提离井 底,在额定排量下,主管压力表上的读数值就是 上述总压力损失值。
The energy loss will be shown from the pressure loss. Total pressure loss can be calculated by accumulating pressure loss in each portion. After calculation of total pressure loss according to the determined drilling depth, it can be a parameter to determine the pump pressure. It is complicated to calculate large amount of pressure loss. Therefore, the site operator can adapt a simple method. Only by lifting the bit a little bit from the bottom, the reading on the pressure gauge of main pipe shall be the mentioned total pressure loss at the rated flow rate.
6.钻具的使用方法在选择钻具及其组合方案时,应制定钻井作 业计划,充分考虑井眼轨迹、钻头类型、规格、 地层结构和水利计算等细节。 6.1 钻具下井前的地面检查; 6.1.1 钻具除提升短节与旁通阀连接外,其他部 分的壳体连接均涂以锁紧剂。 6.1.2 用钻头装卸器把钻头装上,只许用链钳转 动钻具传动轴头,而且只能逆时针旋转(俯视旋 向,下同) ,以防止内部螺纹松扣。 6.1.3 吊起提升短节,把钻具放入转盘中,把旁 通阀置于转盘中易于观察的位置。用卡瓦把钻具 卡牢,卸去提升短节。 6.1.4 检查旁通阀:用锤柄或木棒向下压旁通阀 芯, 从上部向旁通阀注满水, 此时旁通阀应不漏, 水面无明显下降,然后挪走木棒,阀芯应被弹簧 弹起复位,所注水应从侧面各孔均匀流出,即可 认为正常。 6.1.5 接方钻杆并下放,使旁通阀位于钻杆下方 便于观察的地方,开动钻井泵,逐渐提高排量直 到旁通阀关闭,上提钻具,看钻头是否转动,此 时旁通阀处于“关闭”位置。
6. ApplicationWhen selecting the downhole motor and its combination, you should work out drilling program, fully consider hole size, hole trace, bit type, specification, formation structure and hydraulic calculation. 6.1 Surface Checking Before Tripping in 6.1.1 Except lifting the connections between nipple and by-pass valve, other connections on shell of downhole motor shall be coated with locking agent. 6.1.2 Assembly bit on the handling device, Counter clockwise rotate the drive shaft ends only with chain wrench to protect the inside threads from loosening . 6.1.3 Hoist lifting sub and put downhole motor into turntable and by-pass va

lve into the center in easy watch position. And then clamp tightly downhole motor with slips, and disassembly lifting sub. 6.1.4 Check by-pass valve: Press downward the valve stem with hammer handle or wood stick. Fill water from the top into the valve ,there should no leakage from the valve and no great drop of water level .And then loosen the stick, the valve stem is springed up to its original position. The filled water shall flow out evenly from the side holes. This is normal . 6.1.5 Connect and low down the kelly. Put by-pass valve under the kelly in easy watch position. Start pump, and gradually increase flow rate till by-pass valve is closed. Lift the downhole motor to watch bit rotating. Now by-pass valve is in “close” position.
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不应有钻井液从旁通孔流出,检查的 目的仅是看钻头是否旋转,不必持续很长 时间,操作过程中应避免钻头与井口防喷 器、井口管线接触、碰撞。停泵后注意观 察旁通阀是否再次打开,使钻井液从旁通 孔排出。泵未完全停止之前,不要把旁通 阀提到转盘以上,防止污染井台。 6.1.6 卸下方钻杆,按设计的钻具组合,分 别把弯接头、无磁钻铤、稳定器等接好。 将弯接头拧入旁通阀之前,如果用斜口管 鞋座造斜,应检查造斜键,保证斜口管鞋 座处于正常的工作位置,并保证与接头的 弯头刻线对准。 在所有钻具组合及钻杆连接过程中, 注 意防止粘扣错扣。为防止操作中移扣,建 议装卸过程中应牢记:钻头接头相对于壳 体的旋向为俯视反时针方向。违反此项规 定,如反向转动转盘或用转盘旋紧马达以 上的扣等,就会造成钻具内部零件的松扣 或脱扣,请用户注意。 6.2 把钻具及其组合下到井眼里: 尽管钻具 本身外形简单,且有足够的刚性,司钻下 放钻具时,仍需控制下放速度,否则易被 井眼中的沙桥、井眼台肩、套管鞋所损坏。 遇有这样的井段,往往需开动钻井泵,慢 慢地扩大井眼再通过。 如果用弯接头或弯壳体, 钻头侧面就更 容易碰上井壁的硬岩层和套管鞋等,因此 要周期性的转动钻具组合,以消除侧钻的 影响。 对于深井和高温井, 下放钻具时建议周 期性地进行中途循环,这样可以防止钻头 堵塞,或因高温造成钻具定子损坏。
There should be no fluid flowing out of by-pass hole. To do this is only for checking bit rotation. It should not last longer. In the operation, it should prevent the bit from touching wellhead blowout preventer and flow line. After pump stops, check by-pass valve in open position or not, and fluid flowing out of by-pass valve or not. Do not lift the valve over turntable until pump completely stops as to protect the platform from pollution 6.1.6 Disassembly kelly and combine the downhole motor in accordance with the program. Connect bent s

ub, non-magnetic collar and stabilizer etc. separately . If you make deflection with muleshoe, before twisting bent sub into by-pass valve, you should examine deflecting key to ensure muleshoe sitting in normal working position, and align the scale line of connector and bent sub. During the period of downhole motor combination and drill pipe connection, pay attention to avoiding thread gluing and alternation. In order to prevent thread from moving in the operation, it is advised to keep in mind: Rotary direction of bit sub opposite the shell is counter clockwise. If you rotate turntable or clamp motor with turntable in wrong direction, thread loosening and thread off will occur on parts inside the downhole motor. This is caution for the customers. 6.2 Trip in the combined downhole motor into borehole: Even though the outside of downhole motor looks simple and it has enough rigidity, it still needs controlling trip-in speed ,when drillers are stripping in downhole motor. Otherwise, the downhole motor may be damaged by san bridge, hole shoulder or casing shoe in the hole. When this happens, it is usually required to start pump, slowly to extend the hole for its passing. If it is a bent sub or bent shell, it is easily for bit side to touch the hard rock status and casing shoe etc on the bore wall. So periodically rotate downhole motor combination to eliminate the influence of lateral drilling. As to deep and hi-temperature well, it is advised periodically to conduct middle way recycling while stripping in the downhole motor. Thus, this can protect the bit from plugging or protect stator from damaging due to high temperature. Page 12
在井内,钻井液若不能迅速通过旁通阀阀 口,进钻柱中,应减慢下井速度,或不时停下 来充灌泥浆,下钻时,注意不可墩钻或将钻具 直接放进井底。 6.3 开动钻具:如果钻具处于井底,必须提起 0.3-0.6m,开动钻井泵此时记下立杆压力表读 数,与计算的压力值对比一下,如果超过水力 计算的压力数值也是正常的,这是钻头侧钻引 起的。 清理井底,尤其是打斜井,井底必须足够 “干净” 因为井底堆积或沉淀的岩屑影响转速 , 或造斜。最好用正常的钻井液循环清理,清理 时也可慢慢转动钻具或钻具分次转动(每次转 动 30~40) ,依次地把堆在井底的物体清理干 净。 清理干净后,再把钻具上提 0.3-0.6m,校 对压力值,记录下来。 从新下入井底并逐步加井压,马达扭矩增 加,立杆压力表压值升高,这个升高的压力值 应符合各型号钻具规定的马达压降值,此压力 表增大的数值反映了马达的负载是否正常,也 反映钻压加的是否合适,因此保持马达转距基 本稳定,钻压基本稳定,只要把立杆压力表读 数限制在所选钻具推浮范围内就可以了。它能 使司钻及时了解钻具工作情况。 钻头不在

井底时,如果循环压力低于计算 值,可能是旁通阀处与“开位”或钻杆损坏, 井漏等造成的。 如果循环压力高于计算值,而且侧钻造成 压力升高的因素已排除,循环压力仍高于计算 值,则可能是钻头水眼被堵或传动轴被卡死, 此时循环压力要比计算压力高得多。 6.4 起钻:钻具起钻过程类似常规操作。起钻
In case the fluid can not rapidly flow through the holes of by-pass valve in the borehole, the strip-in speed should be slowed down or suspended regularly for mud filling. Again in stripping in, take care, there occurs no percussion or direct strip-in. 6.3 Start Downhole motor : If downhole motor is located at the hole bottom, you must lift it for 0.3-0.6m. Then start the pump and record the readings of riser pressure. As compared with the calculated pressure value, it is also normal if it is over the pressure of hydraulic calculation. This is caused from lateral drilling. Clear the hole bottom. In particular, for slant hole, the hole bottom must be very “clean” ,since the cuttings packed and deposited in the bottom affect the torque or deflection. It is best to clean it with normal recycling . While cleaning, slowly turn the downhole motor or turn it by times(turning 30°- 40° each time), gradually to clean up the bottom. Then lift downhole motor for 0.3-0.6m, calibrate and record the pressure value. Gradually enhance drilling weight when tripping into the bottom again. Meanwhile, motor torque increase, riser pressure on gauge increases ,too. The pressure value should conform with the motor pressure loss specified for any type of downhole motor. The increased value on the gauge indicates motor load is normal or not, and also shows the added weight is appropriate or not. Therefore, motor torque and drilling weight shall be kept stable only by limiting the riser gauge reading to the recommended range. This makes drillers know downhole motor operation timely. When the bit is not in the bottom , if recycling pressure is lower than the calculated value, it is possible that by-pass valve locates in “open” position, or it is caused by drill pipe damage or well leakage etc. If recycling pressure is higher than the calculated value ,and the factor of pressure rise caused in re-entry is eliminated, but it is still over the calculated value, possibly the bit nozzle is plugged or drive shaft is sticked .Now recycling pressure is much higher than the calculated value.
时,旁通阀处于开位,允许钻柱中的钻井液泻 入环空。但是钻具
6.4 Trip Out: Downhole motor tripping out is similar to the conventional trip-out. By-pass valve is in open Page 13
本身不能排出钻井液,通常在起钻前在钻柱上 部注入一段加重钻井液顺利排出。 6.4.1 在钻具提出到旁通阀位置后, 卸下旁通阀 口上各部件, 先用清水从旁通阀顶部进行冲洗, 然后使用木棒或

锤柄等将阀芯按下、松开使其 移动无阻。清洗完毕,拧上提升短节,提出钻 具。 6.4.2 装好钻头装卸器, 卡牢钻具外壳, 反转钻 头(俯视反旋)把马达中残存的泥浆从旁通阀 排出,卸下钻头。 6.4.3 卸下钻具, 从传动轴孔中冲洗钻头, 将传 动轴水帽及轴承清洗干净,然后平放钻具,正 常维护保养待用。若暂停使用或长时间搁置不 用,建议向钻具内注入少量矿物油防锈(注: 不允许加入柴油) 。 6.5 用钻具井的故障分析: 如前所述, 钻井液循环压力变化反映在立 杆压力表上,它可以帮助现场人员辩别井底发 生的情况和问题,事实证明:正确的判断可以 节省大量起下钻所耗费的时间和成本。综合考 虑钻具使用过程中的各种因素, 归纳为 (表 3) 。 供用户参考。 Page 14
position in stripping out. The fluid in string is allowed to be drained into annular space. But downhole motor can not rapidly discharge the fluid by itself. Usually a section of heavy fluid is added into the top of string before stripping out, to press the fluid in the pipe smoothly to drain. 6.4.1 After downhole motor is stripped out to the location of by-pass valve, disassembly the parts on the top of valve holes. Firstly wash it from the valve top with clean water, and then press down the valve stem with hammer handle or wood stick, loosen it for free movement. As soon as cleaning is completed, twist lifting nipple and trip out the downhole motor. 6.4.2 Install the bit assembly and disassembly device to clamp the shell of downhole motor. Turn the bit in counter rotation to drain the residual mud from by-pass valve, and then disassembly bit. 6.4.3 Disassembly downhole motor. Wash it from the holes of drive shaft, to clean the cap of drive shaft and bearing. Then handle the downhole motor onto a flat place. It is stand-by after repair and maintenance. It is advised to inject small quantity of mineral oil ( not allow adding diesel ) into downhole motor against rusting, if it is not used temporally or if it is stored for longer time. 6.5 Troubleshooting As mentioned above, the change of fluid recycling pressure is indicated from the pressure gauge of riser. This may help site operators identify what is happening in the bottom. In fact, correct identification can save tripping time and cut down the costs. Complex trouble shooting is shown in (Table-3) for customers reference.
表 3:钻具故障分析表Problems 异常现象gauge pressure loss sudden rise 压力表压力 突然升高 Motor drive shaft sticked tightly and bit nozzle plugged 马达传动轴卡死, 钻头水眼 被堵
Table3:Possible Causes 可能原因Motor speed loss 马达失速
Troubleshooting 判断及处理方法Lift Downhole motor for 0.3-0.6m, examine recycling pressure, slowly enhance drilling weight .If gauge pressure rises accor

dingly in normal condition, the problem is speed loss. 把钻具上升 0.3-0.6 m,核对循环压力,逐步加钻压,压力表随之逐步升 高,均正常,可确认是失速。 Lift bit away from the bottom.. If gauge pressure is still too high, only lift out the drill for checking or to change the bit. 把钻头提离井底,压力表读数仍很高,只能提出钻具检查或更换钻头。
Gauge pressure slowly increasing (not means increase of the normal pressure loss with the increase of drilling depth 压力表慢慢地增高(不指 随钻井深度增加而增大的 正常压降)
Bit nozzle plugged 钻头水眼被堵
Lift bit away from the bottom, again examine the pressure. If the pressure is still over recycling pressure, try to improve recycling flow rate or to move the drill pipe up and down. If it is not solved, only lift out the drill for repair or change. 把钻头提离井底,再检查压力,如果压力仍然高于正常循环压力,可以试 着改善循环流量或上下移动钻杆,如无效只得取出修理、更换。
Bit wear out 钻探磨损 Formation change 地层变化
Go on operating for careful watch. If still no footagerate ,lift out the drill for change. 继续工作,细心观察,如仍无进尺,只能取出更换。 Lift the drill a little bit .If the pressure is same with recycling pressure, it may go on working. 把钻头稍稍上提,如果压力与循环压力相同,则可继续工作。 Examine fluid flow rate 检查钻井液流量。 Lift the drill a little bit. If the gauge pressure is still lower than recycling pressure, lift it out for examination. 稍提钻具,压力表读数仍低于循环压力,提出井眼检查。 Appropriately change drilling weight and recycling flow rate ( Note: it must be within the allowable range. 适当改变钻压和循环流量(注意必须在允许范围内) 。 Gauge pressure increases, lift the drill away from the bottom, examine recycling pressure, to increase drilling weight gradually. 压力表读数偏高,钻具提离井底,检查循环压力,从小钻压开始,逐步增 大钻压。 Gauge pressure is too low, lift the drill a bit and start and stop the pump twice. If it is not solved, lift it out to check or change by-pass valve. 压力表读数偏低,稍提起钻具,起停钻井泵两次仍无效,则需要提出井眼 更换检查旁通阀。 Often with pressure fluctuation, lift the drill a bit , less fluctuation range. Only lift it out for examining and changing. 常伴有压力波动,稍提起钻具,压力波动范围小些,只能取钻具,检查更 换。 Change new bit 更换新钻头。
Gauge pressure slowly drops 压力表压力,缓慢降低
Fluctuation of recycling pressure loss 循环压力损失变化 Drill pipe damaged 钻杆损坏 Formation change 地层变化 Motor speed loss 马达失速
No footage rate 没进尺
By-pass valve in OPEN position 旁通阀处于“开位”
Cardan shaf

t damaged 万向轴损坏 Bit wear out 钻探损坏
Table 2
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7.定向井螺杆钻具的使用定向钻井就是沿着预先设计的井眼轴 线钻到目的层的钻井方法。要实现这个目 标除螺杆钻具,还许要组成钻具组合的浮 动接头、弯接头、钢钻铤、无磁钻铤、稳 定器、钻头以及测量系统等配套工具和设 备。我公司生产的螺杆钻具仅是完成这项 工作的主要工具之一。 7.1 我公司生产的螺杆钻具可以满足定向 钻井的各项需要。 7.2.弯接头是有弯曲角度的接头短节, 其公 扣拧入钻具上部。弯接头上部再接钻铤, 这样在钻铤及钻具间形成一个角度,这个 角度对决定定向斜角起主要作用。弯接头 的角度为 0 ~3 ,可以由用户自己决定。 弯接头角度的选择应考虑井眼尺寸、井斜 角变化的要求、所用钻具估计能完成的进 尺等因素。弯接头的角度直接影响井眼尺 寸、井斜角和井斜角的变化率。 (见表 4)○ ○
7. Application in Directional DrillingDirectional drilling is a way to drill the target along with the designed axial line. To do this, except applying downhole motor, it is required to use a complete system, combined with float sub, bent sub, steel collar, non-magnetic collar, stabilizer ,bit as well as MWD system. Our downhole motor is one of the drilling tools to perform this operation. 7.1 Our downhole motor meets the demands of directional drilling. 7.2 Bent sub is composed of bent nipples, with its male thread onto the top of the drill. The top of bent nipple is connected with collar. Thus, there forms an angle between collar and the drill. This angle plays a key role in determining directional oblique angle. The angle degree of bent sub ranges from 0 ° to 3 ° which is decided by the customers. The factors of change of hole size ,hole deviation angle and footage rate shall be considered in selection of bent subs. The angle of bent sub may directly affect the hole deviation angle and inclination change ( See Table-4).
表 4 弯接头角度,井斜角变化率/30m Bent Sub Angle and Inclination Angle Chane/30mBent Sub Angle 弯接头角度 1° 1°30' 2° 1° 1°30' 2° 2°30' 1° 1° 1°30' 2° 2°30' 120(43/4") downhole motor Hole Size Change 井眼尺寸 变化率 152.4(6)" 3°30' 4°45' 5°30' 171.5(63/4)" 3°30' 4°00' 5°00' 5°45' 200(77/8)" 2°30' 3°30' 4°30' 5°30' 165(61/2") downhole motor Hole Size Change 井眼尺寸 变化率 222.3(83/4)" 2°30' 3°30' 4°30' 250.8(97/8)" 1°45' 3°30' 4°45' 5°00' 269.9(105/8)" 1°15' 2°00' 3°00' 4°00'
197(73/4") downhole motor Hole Size Change 井眼尺寸 变化率 250.8(97/8)" 2°30' 3°45' 5°00' 269.9(105/8)" 2°00' 2°30' 4°15' 5°30' 311.2(121/4)" 1°45' 2°30' 3°30' 5°00'
Table 4
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如果弯接头有斜口管鞋造斜键,应当检查一 下这个件要对正弯接头上的

刻线,这样可以保证 定向方位的正确,并在运转前记录下来。 7.3 反扭矩对定向钻井的影响:钻具组合,通过 钻杆下到预定定向造斜深度,从预定深度到井台 在反扭矩的作用下产生变形。施加钻压时,钻具 输出一定的扭矩,那么大小相同方向相反的反扭 矩就作用在整个钻具组合及钻杆上,造成它们的 扭转变形,因此必然影响定向的方位。在定向钻 井工作中, 为了保持正确的方向, 必须考虑扭矩。 由反扭矩造成的反扭角的大小取决于: 钻压。 钻杆的类型与长度 。 井斜角的大小。 钻铤和重钻的类形和长度。 装有扶正器时,扶正器的数量和长度钻柱 的反扭角可以粗略地参照(表 5)的数值。
If the bent nipple has muleshoe key on it, you should examine the alignment between the key and bent sub, to ensure correct directional azimuth. If using magnetic deflection, you should examine the interaction between the alignment line and polarity of the magnet inserted in the collar, and record it before operation. 7.3 Influence of Opposite Torque to Directional Drilling: The downhole motor combination will be stripped in with the drill pipe into the scheduled depth of directional deflection, deforming under the reaction of opposite torque from the schedule depth to the platform. When enhancing drilling weight, the drill may output a certain torque. Thus, the opposite torque of same force and reverse direction will react on the combination, causing torsion deformation. This will, of course, affect the directional azimuth. During the period of directional drilling, the opposite torque shall be considered to ensure correct direction. The degree of opposite torsion angle caused by the opposite torque depends upon: Drilling weight Type and length of drill pipe Size of deviation angle Type and length of collar and heavy drill pipe The quantity and length of centralizer, when completed with centralizerFor the opposite torsion angle of drill string, refer the data in (Table-5).
表 5 钻柱反扭角估算 Estimation of Opposite Torsion Angle on StringInitial Deflection Depth (m) 开始造斜深度(m) 0-152 >152-305 >305-475 >475-1524 >1524-full well depth >1524-全井深
Table 5
Estimated Opposite Torsion Angle 估算反扭角 Left Turn 20° Left Turn 25° 左旋 20° 左旋 25°
Left Turn 35° 左旋 35° Left Turn 50° 左旋 50° Left Turn 10°/305m 左旋 10°/305m
Table 5
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如果在预定方位井斜角下继续造斜而造 斜过程中出现偏离预定方位的情况,建议用 (表 6) ,它可获得最有效的方位变化,而又 很少影响井斜角的变化。
If deviation of scheduled direction occurs, during on-going deflection with the planed deviation angle, it is advised to refer (Table-6) to obtain effective azimuth change, which is less affecting the deviation angle.
表 6 已有井斜角时(

纠偏)反扭角的估算 Estimation of Opposite Torsion Angle with DeviationWell Depth 井 深 Hole Deviation Angle 井 斜 角
Table 6
Surface-305 地面-305
2°-5° 5°-10° 10°-15° 15°-20° 20°-25° 25°-30° 30°-35° Over 35°
Adjust the Drill from Top of Hole 从井眼的高点调整钻具 Left Correction Right Correction 向左纠偏 向右纠偏 Left Turn 40°左转 Right Turn 140 右转 Left Turn 40°左转 Right Turn 135 右转 Left Turn 40°左转 Left Turn 40°左转 Left Turn 40°左转 Left Turn 40°左转 Left Turn 40°左转 Right Turn 40°右转 Left Turn 30°左转 Left Turn 20°左转 Left Turn 10°左转 Left Turn 15°左转 Left Turn 0°左转 Left Turn 5°左转 Right Turn 5°右转 Right Turn 10°右转 Left Turn 25°左转 Left Turn 15°左转 Left Turn 5°左转 Left Turn 0°左转 Right Turn 5°右转 Right Turn 10°右转 Left Turn 10°左转 Right Turn 130°右转 Right Turn 125°右转 Right Turn 120°右转 Right Turn 115°右转 Right Turn 110°右转 Right Turn 105°右转 Right Turn 155°右转 Right Turn 140°右转 Right Turn 135°右转 Right Turn 130°右转 Right Turn 125°右转 Right Turn 120°右转 Right Turn 115°右转 Right Turn 110°右转 Right Turn 180°右转 Right Turn 170°右转 Right Turn 165°右转 Right Turn 145°右转 Right Turn 125°右转 Left Turn 115°左转 Left Turn 100°左转
2°-5° 5°-10° 10°-15° 15°-20° 20°-25° 25°-30° 30°-35° Over 35° 2°-5° 5°-10° 10°-15° 15°-20° 20°-25° 25°-30° Over 35° 35°以上
710-full depth 710-全部井深
Table 6
Page 18
7.4 注意事项 调整弯接头指向时,转盘应按右旋定位, 调整完毕,钻柱需慢慢地提升和下放数次 (上提高度应超过 9m) 消除井眼中的钻杆 应力,使其处于自由放松状态。 所测得的井眼方位和井斜角不是钻头处的 数据而是在钻头以上 15 米左右处, 这是测 斜装置距钻头的距离。 连续造斜时,建议每钻一单根取一测量数 据。 为使造斜准确,所加钻压应稳定且不要过 大。 7.5 导向钻井螺杆钻具 导向螺杆钻具是我公司为水平钻井设计和 制造的新型井下动力钻具,通常是指配有 弯壳体和稳定器的钻具。 用途 配合 PDC 钻头或牙轮钻头:组成不同的钻 具组合,用于导向钻井系列,完成造斜和在不 更换钻具组合而实现稳斜段(配合转盘低速旋 转)及水平井段的钻井作业。 传动轴外壳带有不同直径和不同形状的稳 定器(见图 6) ,用户可根据钻井工艺的需 要选择使用。 弯万向轴壳体: 弯万向轴壳体有单弯和双弯两种形式,并 有不同角度的弯角供用户选择,双弯壳体 还可选择同向双弯和反向双弯。 (表 7)为我公司常规钻具的弯角及造斜 率供用户参考。 为了解决水平钻井的携屑上返的困难问 题,马达转子设计有中心分流孔入口处装 有

喷咀,从而增加输入流量,可以进行高 压喷射钻井。当需要排量较小时,可以封 堵转子中孔。
7.4 CautionsWhen adjusting the guide point of bent sub, turntable shall be orientated in right rotation. Then slowly trip in and out the drill string (lifting for over 9m)to eliminate the pipe stress in the hole, keeping it in free position. The measured hole azimuth and deviation angle is not the data of the bit location, but it is on about 15m point above the bit location. This is the distance between measuring device and bit. When continuously deflecting, it is advised to measure the data while stripping in a drill pipe.The added drilling weight shall be kept stable (not too heavy) to ensure correction of deflection.
7.5 Steering Downhole motorSteering downhole motor is our newly designed and manufactured downhole dynamic tool. It is normally a kind of drilling tool completed with bent shell and stabilizer. Application Completed with PDC bit and rock bit, it composes various drill combination, being used for steering drilling. It may perform deflection without changing the combination to realize drilling operation in directional zone (with lower speed of turntable) and horizontal zone . The shell of drive shaft is completed with a stabilizer of different diameter and shapes (See Fig.6). The customers are required to choose them according to the drilling program. Bent cardan shaft shell Bent cardan shaft shell is divided into single and double. Various angle shall be provided for your selection. For double bent shell, you may choose both homo direction and reverse direction . (Table-7) shows bent angle and deflection of our conventional downhole motor for your reference. In order to overcome difficulty for carrying solid to flow upward in horizontal drilling, a nozzle is designed at the inlet of center splitter on motor rotor, and it may increase the input flow rate and to perform
Page 19
可根据用户要求,制造转子头数与定子头 数比为 1:2,3:4,6:7,9:10 的各种规格 见(图 5) ,和不同规格的扶正器,见(图 6) 且可根据使用要求为用户提供钻头水眼压力降 为 14Mpa 的 产品。
hi-pressure jet drilling. When you need smaller flow rate, you may plug the splitter hole. We may manufacture various types of Downhole motor with the ratio of numbers of stator rotor ends: 1:2,3:4,6:7 and 9:10 according to the customer’s demand,see ( Fig.5 ) and various stabilizer, (Fig.6) and provide the products of see
8. 定货须知如果您要使钻具取得良好的使用效果, 不仅注重钻具本身质量状况,技术性能,还 与您使用的目的、环境及介质条件、钻具组 合等因素密切相关。因此您定货时正确选择 钻具型号和结构形式尤为重要。 如果您在选型时存在疑问,请及时与我 公司联系。 为了能正确、及时地向您提

