更新时间:2023-03-28 17:42:01 阅读量: 说明书 文档下载
Chinese education is called examoriented education,which is focus on raising the children in taking the exams to gain more scores ,so as to check up how much the knowledge they have learnt and pick up the superiors.
American Schools
Primary School Students learn reading, math, science, history, spelling, art and penmanship (书法)
The class stays together all day and has one teacher for all of their subjects
Middle School Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art Begin to study computer and have P.E. class The class stays together all day and changes rooms for their different teachers
Middle School Often students learn to play an instrument or join the school choir
High School Students learn advanced subjects like math, science, history, economics, speech, music and art Each student has his own schedule and moves to different classrooms for each class
High School Students choose many different electives– – – – – – Art Choir Band Cooking Acting Driver’s Education
University Students can choose which classes they would like to take It is very easy to change your major or minor and study a different topic Students are given a lot of flexibility in choosing what they will study
University - Classes College is much more difficult than high school Students are given lots of homework and reading to do outside of class Write papers, read books, give speeches and do group projects
University - Projects Universities attract the top scientists and doctors to be teachers
University - Projects Student groups also take part in community projects
University - Trips Students travel to study overseas
University - Internships Students work at a real company or school to get practical experience And they also earn credits for the time they work at their internship Often the students are paid for their work
I believe that for the most part, students shall be allowed to have their free time during weekends so they can be relaxed from a week’s study, and have time to enjoy their own activities such as visiting friends, reading books that are outside school’s curricula, and playing sports. These activities will not only help students to relax and be prepared for the next week’s study, they will have help students to develop their other abilities that cannot be learned form school.
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