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船舶稳性和吃水差计算 Ship stability and trim calculations

1. 总则General rules

保证船舶稳性和强度在任何时候都保持在船级社认可的稳性计算书规定范围内,防止因受载不当,产生应力集中造成船体结构永久性变形或损伤。Ensure stability and strength of the ship at all times to maintain stability within stability calculations approved by the classification societies in order to prevent due to load improperly resulting in stress concentration which will cause the ship structure permanent deformation or subversion. 2. 适用范围Sphere of application


To satisfy the requirement of company owned and managed ships stability and strength 3. 责任Responsibility

3.1. 大副根据本船《装载手册》或《稳性计算手册》等法定装载资料,负责合理配载或对

相关部门提供的预配方案进行核算,确保船舶稳性及强度处于安全允许值范围。 Based on the ship \manual\or \calculations manual\and other legal loading information, the chief officer is responsible for making reasonable stowage plan or adjust accounts of the pre plan from relevant departments to ensure stability and strength of the ship in a safe range of allowed values.

3.2. 船长负责审批大副确认的配载方案和稳性计算。

The captain is responsible for checking and approving the stowage plan and stability calculation that has been confirmed by chief officer. 4. 实施步骤Implementation steps

4.1. 每次装货前,大副必须对相关部门提供的预配方案仔细核算,报船长审核签字后才可


Every time before loading, the chief officer should carefully adjust accounts of the pre stowage plan from the relevant department and transfer it to captain, the stowage plan should be implemented after captain reviewing and signing.

4.2. 船舶装货前后大副应认真进行船舶稳性及强度计算校核,包括装货前的预算和装货后


Every time before loading, the chief officer should carefully calculate and check the ship’s stability and strength, including calculation before loading and the partial strength and stress condition of the ship after loading, if cargos changes, the stability and strength should be re-calculated. When calculating, should fully consider the free surface, water and oil consumption, sewage and water ice on deck and other changes on the impact of ship stability, to ensure that the ship departure, navigating and arriving at port in the process can meet the requirements. 4.3. 开航前,大副应完成初稳性高度和强度的计算。稳性计算结果应满足:

Before departure, the chief officer should complete the calculations of height of initial stability and strength. Stability calculation results should be satisfied as below:

hc - ⊿h > hL

式中:hc:计算的初稳性高度 The calculating height of initial stability ⊿h:自由液面修正值 Free surface correction value

hL:临界初稳性高度 The critical height of initial stability


Hydrostatic moment of force, shear force and partial strength of the ship can not to exceed the allowable values.

4.4. 大副要将每航次的稳性计算资料包括积载图留存,并将稳性计算中的重要内容摘录记


The chief officer should preserve such documents including stability calculation information and stowage plan, and records the important contents of the stability calculation into the log, which shall be reported to captain to verify and sign.

4.5. 船舶航行中,值班驾驶员应经常测定船体的摇摆周期,核算初稳性高度值,一旦出现


During navigation, the officers on duty should always determine the oscillation cycle of the hull, account the height of initial stability, once they stated poor stability such as the rolling period too long or rolling recovery too slow, the captain should take various effective measures to improve the stability to ensure safety navigation.

4.6. 船舶在装卸货箱期间和压载水排、注期间,也应保证具有足够的稳性和满足强度的要


During the loading and unloading and ballasting and deballasting water, the ship should be sufficient to ensure stability and meet the strength requirements.

