【K12教育学习资料】高考英语二轮复习 完形填空联合演练(3)

更新时间:2023-04-11 10:03:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






Massive Open Online Courses are also called MOOCs. Tens of thousands, or even more people can 1 these classes all at once. You can be anywhere in the world to take a MOOC. All you need is a 2 and a network connection.

MOOCs add to a tradition of what is known as 3 learning. For years, many colleges have offered classes that are taught 4 or mostly online. MOOCs are available in subjects like computer science or engineering, which work quite well. But can MOOCs in subjects like arts be as 5 as the old teaching approach?

Scott Anderson teaches philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Canada. He sees both good and 6 sides to MOOCs. “There are parts that will be fine, mostly when students listen to a 7 , there is no special reason why they need to be 8 present to hear and get it,” says Mr. Anderson. Increased numbers of students in MOOCs can mean 9 communication between them and teachers. He says two ways to deal with this are by adding more teachers and 10 up online discussion groups.

Lisa Jadwin, who teaches English and writing at St. John Fisher College in New York, says that online education has some weakness for her subjects. What’s 11 in online education is face – to – face interaction, for example, the teaching of English is a face – to – face 12 practice. So the old approach is not going to be 13 very quickly by computer – aided instruction.

Bill Pogue teaches communications at the University of Houston – downtown. He says that after leading classes for more than 30 years, he would not attempt to teach

a MOOC. However, Mr. Pogue sees good 14 in online education. He noted a strong sense of community in an online course he once took. He said the students could work 15 on the same project while living in different regions.

1.A.cut B.accept C.give D.take


【解析】考查动词及语境的理解能力。cut切; accept接受; give给;take拿走。

最新最全精品教育资料take class上课;成千上万的人甚至更多的人都想去取上这种网络授课,故选D。2.A.computer B.telephone C.television D.radio



television电视机; radio收音机。根据You can be anywhere in the world to take a MOOC,根据常识可知要想上网络上课必须要有一个电脑和网络连接,故选A。3.A.constant B.similar C.distant D.creative


【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解能力。constant不变的; similar相似的;distant遥远的; creative创造性的。根据常识可知网络课程也就是我们所熟知的远程教育,故选C。4.A.rarely B.merely C.partly D.equally


【解析】考查副词及语境的理解能力。rarely很少; merely仅仅; partly部分地,在一定程度上; equally相等地。根据下文mostly online可知这里应选与mostly相对应的一个词;许多大学是一部分或绝大部分都是在网上授课的,故选C。

5.A.expensive B.effective C.sensitive D.active


【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解能力。expensive昂贵的; effective有效的; sensitive 敏感的;active积极的。像艺术这样的功课能和传统的教学方法一样的效果吗,故选B。6.A.wrong B.bad C.right D.positive


【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解能力。wrong错误的; bad坏的; right正确; positive 肯定的。根据good与它对应映的是bad;他能看见网络授课好的和坏的方面,故选B。7.A.lecture B.chat C.debate D.contest


【解析】考查名词及语境的理解能力。lecture讲课,演讲; chat聊天; debate辩论; contest 比赛。listen to a lecture听课;有些方面是好的,当学生听课的时候,没有特殊的身体的原因他们要亲自听和记的,故选A。

8.A.physically B.spiritually C.mentally D.commercially 【答案】A


最新最全精品教育资料【解析】考查副词及语境的理解能力。physically身体上的; spiritually精神上的;mentally精神上地; commercially商业地。当学生听课的时候,没有特殊的身体的原因他们要亲自听和记的,故选A。

9.A.better B.more C.less D.fewer


【解析】考查形容词的比较级及语境的理解能力。better更好的; more更多的;less更少的,后跟不可数名词; fewer更少的,后跟可数名词。根据online discussion groups.可知日益增长的学生数量意味着在学生和老师之间有更少的交流,故选C。

10.A.getting B.looking C.making D.setting


【解析】考查动词及语境的理解能力。getting获得; looking看; making制造; setting 放置。set up建立;他说了为了解决这方面的问题的两个方法是通过增加老师和建立探讨小组的方式进行,故选D。

11.A.obtained B.lost C.exposed D.preferred 【答案】B

【解析】考查动词及语境的理解能力。obtained获得; lost 失去; exposed暴露;preferred喜欢。be lost缺失;根据the teaching of English is a face – to –face…可知网上教育缺少的是面对面的互动,故选B。

12.A.careful B.basic C.attentive D.interactive 【答案】D

【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解能力。careful仔细的; basic基本的; attentive注意的; interactive互动。英语教学是面对面的互动实践,故选D。

13.A.turned B.taken C.missed D.removed


【解析】考查动词及语境的理解能力。turned变成; taken拿走; missed错过; removed 去掉,远离。老的教学方法也不可能被新增加的电脑辅助教学去掉,故选D。

14.A.idea B.form C.value D.habit


【解析】考查名词及语境的理解能力。idea主意;form形式; value 价值; habit习惯。



15.A.together B.along C.outdoors D.again


【解析】考查副词及语境的理解能力。together一起; along一起; outdoors在外面; again 又。根据上文可知他说当住在不同地区的学生能够在一起合作同一个个计划,故选A。


Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more anxious, waiting for the final school bell. Upon its 1 everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David

David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often wondered what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so 2 for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David 3. I can still remember he was always 4 a smile and willing to help. He always stayed after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He 5 just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly head for home

Weeks passed and the 6 over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of school before the holiday break. I smiled in 7 as the last of them hurried out of the door. Turning around I saw David quietly standing by my desk.

“I have som ething for you.” he said and 8 from behind his back a small box.

9 it to me, he said anxiously, “Open i t.” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my surprise saw nothing. I looked at David‘s smiling fac e and back into the box and said, “The box is nice, David, but it’s 10 .”

“Oh no it isn’t” said David. “It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”


最新最全精品教育资料Tears filled my eyes 11I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given attention to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning 12 the little empty box set on my desk.

1. A. warning B. ringing C. calling D. yelling

2. A. modestly B. naturally C. inaccurately D. inappropriately

3. A. popular B. upset C. special D. funny

4. A. expressing B. delivering C. wearing D. sharing

5. A. would B. should C. might D. could

6. A. argument B. excitement C. movement D. judgment

7. A. relief B. return C. vain D. control

8. A. searched B. found C. raised D. pulled

9. A. Holding B. Handing C. Sending D. Leaving

10. A. cheap B. empty C. useless D. improper

11. A. as B. until C. because D. though

12. A. from B. behind C. over D. towards

【参考答案】 1-5BDCCA 6-10 BADBB 11-12 AB



You Did More Than Carry My Books

Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 1 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. 2 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark 3 the boy's name was Bill, that he 4 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of 5 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 6 最新最全精品教育资料

最新最全精品教育资料with his girlfriend.

They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was 7 in for a Coke-Cola and to watch some television. The afternoon passed 8 with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They 9 to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before 10 , Bill asked Mark if they 11 talk.

Bill 12 him of the day years ago when they had first met. "Do you 13 wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, I 14 out my locker(柜) because I didn't want to leave a mess(脏乱) 15 anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to 16 my things. But after we spent some time together 17 and laughing, I realized that 18 I had done that, I would have 19 a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You 20 my life."

1.A.fell B.sat C.lay D.knelt

2.A.Although B.Since C.After D.Until

3.A.discovered B.realized C.said D.decided

4.A.played B.loved C.tried D.made

5.A.questions B.ideas C.trouble D.doubt

6.A.up B.out C.off D.away

7.A.put B.helped C.invited D.pushed

8.A.peacefully B.willingly C.freely D.pleasantly

9.A.continued B.agreed C.forced D.offered

10.A.graduation B.movement C.separation D.vacation

11.A.would B.should C.could D.must

12.A.demanded B.reminded C.removed D.asked

13.A.ever B.usually C.even D.never

14.A.checked B.took C.cleaned D.put

15.A.over B.into C.with D.for

16.A.find B.pick C.pack D.hold

17.A.talking B.playing C.reading D.watching


最新最全精品教育资料18.A.before B.if C.while D.as

19.A.forgotten B.passed C.left D.lost 20.A.helped B.recovered C.improved D.changed

参考答案、1~5 DBABC 6~10 ACDAA 11~15 CBACD 16~20 CABDD


In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl 1 to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose(鹅). After some time the girl 2 the mother would not return to her eggs and she 3 to take them home. There she carefully 4 the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days 5 the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the 6 .

Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 7 , to these young geese, the girl was their mother.

As they 8 , the girl was able to 9 her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to 10 . The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when 11 and in her dreams. Later, she had an 12 : She would pilot(驾驶) a plane to guide them in 13 . She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装)a small aircraft for her.

Caring about 14 safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not 15 or follow him, and 16 slept in the grass.

One day, the girl 17 into the plane, started it and soon left the 18 . Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds 19 flapped(拍打)their wings and 20 . She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.

1. A. managed B. attempted C. happened D. supposed

2. A. realized B. expected C. imagined D. admitted

3. A. helped B. decided C. afforded D. meant



4. A. placed B. protected C. treated D. examined

5. A. ago B. out C. later D. long

6. A. family B. lake C. home D. world

7. A. But B. Also C. Thus D. Still

8. A. increased B. improved C. rose D. grew

9. A. ask B. lead C. want D. allow

10. A. fly B. race C. swim D. sing

11. A. asleep B. away C. around D. awake

12. A. idea B. opinion C. explanation D. excuse

13. A. sky B. heaven C. flight D. plane

14. A. his B. her C. their D. its

15. A. respect B. remember C. recognize D. receive

16. A. so B. instead C. hardly D. too

17. A. climbed B. looked C. reached D. fell

18. A. house B. floor C. water D. ground

19. A. secretly B. disappointedly C. patiently D. eagerly

20. A. looked away B. set out C. went by D. turned back


1-5 CABAC 6-10 DCDBA

11-15 DACBC 16-20 BADDB)


