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Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations


朗阁海外考试研究中心 胡佳琴

考试日期 总体评析 重点关注 Section 1 ? 两新:Section 2&4 ? 两旧:Section 1&3 ? Section 1中考察排除干扰信息和定位理解的能力; ? Section 3出现较多energy相关词汇; 版本号 V110226 S1 场景 Enquiry 题型 Completion 2014年5月10日 一句话简介 一个女的打电话咨询旅馆情况 1-10填空题: 1. When will the room be available: July(August是干扰信息) 2. price in high season: 77.50(50多和60多是淡季的价格) 3. 提前多久预订可以有折扣discount: 1 month(注意题目的字数要求是only one word and/or a number) 4. meal included in price: breakfast 5. 自己要带什么东西:towels(注意听清楚单复数) 6-10关于提供什么样的设施facilities: 6. a lounge of: booklets(弱读,该空格有点难度,部分考生回忆只听到book) 7. Hotel facility available: game room 8. Hotel has Internet access 9. collecting: shells 10. hire: bicycles 我们注意到本篇Section 1中主要考察了排除干扰信息的能力和定位理解能力,而不是单纯地考察基本信息,需要掌握与旅馆住宿相关的场景词汇单词,如game room/ recreation room/ TV/ book/ reserve/ high season/ peak season / meal / accommodation等。 版本号 New 场景 Introduction 题型 Multiple Choices / Matching 详细回忆 重点词汇及扩展 Section 2 一句话简介 一个体育馆十周年庆的介绍 11-16选择题: 11. 为什么那天很特殊:选anniversary 12. 邀请哪些人:选A. journalists 13. 明年有什么计划:选C. 开展新业务,卖equipment 14. 最骄傲的地方:选C. 鼓励school kids运动 15. 如果大家对某些业务有兴趣,愿意帮忙,可以:选参加他们的committee 16. 最近开了失业者运动项目:选unemployed children和mothers with children 17-20配对题,设施对应特色: A. one-to-one coach B. features a TV drama C. benefit for young people 详细回忆 朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

D. 在某个时间段内only for women E. one of the largest in the country 17. Swimming pool: C 18. Climbing wall: C 19. Skating rink: E 20. Gym: A 重点词汇及扩展 Section 3 可补充运动健身场景的词汇,如: facility / equipment / swimming pool / fitness / keep-fit studio / stadium/ gym sports hall / sports event / activity 版本号 V100227 S3 场景 Discussion 题型 Table / Multiple Choices 一句话简介 关于节约能源的对话 21-23表格题: Research about different energy-saving innovations Kites in Germany Vehicles in United States Oven in South Africa In different 21. weather conditions 22. electricity is the power are safer than…as less likely to 23. explode 详细回忆 24-25多选题(5选2): To select interviewees to do the survey: 选C&E A. staff on campus B. professors (they are too busy) C. local residents D. companies (the woman wants to ask, but the man disagrees) E. university students 26-30单选题: 26. 选most people don’t know much about renewable energy 27. windmill: 选should choose locations carefully 28. nuclear plants: 选a few people think they are unsafe 29. Sylvia和男生要问人们关于传统资源的什么问题:选possible future of traditional resource 30. 对new energy resource of Hydrogen的评价:选C. benefits outweigh the high cost 我们注意到Section 3出现了很多关于energy的词汇,需及时掌握: energy-saving / resource / nuclear / windmill / renewable energy / hydrogen 版本号 New 场景 Lecture 题型 Completion 重点词汇及扩展 Section 4 一句话简介 New England和非洲Zanzibar的aquaculture现在要进行保护 31-40填空题: 31. 当地人对于genetically modified鱼的担心是怕它们会escape 32. 他们要养具有某些特点的鱼,比如tuna 33. lack of land on coastline 34. strong 35. storm 36. 鼓励人们去safeguard当地的fish farming 详细回忆 朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

37. shipping 38. cosmetics 39. 缺少young fish 40. oyster farming由于可以提供给当地返点,所以有助于hospitality industry 重点词汇及扩展

aquarium / fish / prey / predator / ocean / current / wave / ocean bottom / surface / tail / scale / sense of smell / swim / mass stranding / behavior / beach / coast

