word roots 完整版

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a(e)sthet=feeling,表示“感觉” abl, bilit=able,表示“能力” abl=do away with(消除) accoutr=dress (穿着) ace ache acid

acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp, 表示“尖,酸,锐利” acm=top (顶端)

act=to do , to drive,表示“行,做” add

adip=fat (肥)

adjut=assist 帮助) advant=ahead (前面)

aer, aero, aeri=air,表示“空,充”等 ag=do, act, 表示“做,代理做” age

agger=heap (堆积) agog=lead,表示“引导” agon=struggle,表示“挣扎,斗争”agri, agro, agr=field, land, 表示“田地,农业”等 aid ail aim air

alacr=swift (迅速) alb = white,表示“白色” ald=old (老) alert

alesc=grow (成长) alg=pain,表示“痛” all alt


alter, altern, ali=other, to change, 表示“其他的,改变状态”

am, amor, amat=love,表示“爱,情爱” amb

ambul=walk,表示“行走,走路” amen=pleasant (愉快) amic=friend (朋友) ampl = large, 表示“大” anci,antiq=old,表示“古老”

andro=male,man 表示“男人” ang

angu,anx=distress (苦恼) anim=life,spirit, 表示“生命,精神”等

ann, enn=year,表示“年,一年” ans ant

anth = flower (花)

anthrop=man,human,表示“人,人类” any ap

ap=bee (蜜蜂) ape

aper=open (开) apex=aummit (顶峰) apt

apt,ept=fit, ability,表示“适应,能力” aqu=water,表示“水” aquil=eagie (鹰) ar=dry (干) ar=plow (犁地)

arbit(r)=judge,表示“判断”arbor=tree (树)

arc(h)=bow,表示“弓” arch

arch, archy=ruler, rule, chief, 表示“治者,统治,主要的” arch=bear (熊) arch=chief (主要的) ard=burn (燃烧)

ardu=difficult (困难) aren=sand (沙) argue

arm=weapon,表示“武器”arom=spice (香料)

art=skill, joint, trick, 表示“技巧,关节,诡计”

arter=pipe (管道)

articul=joint (关节) ash

asin=ass (驴子) ask

asper=rough (粗糙) asthm=panting (喘气) astro,aster=star,表示“星星” athl=contest (比赛) atmo=vapor (蒸汽)


atroc =cruel (残酷)

audi,audit=hear,表示“听” aug =increase,表示“增加” aur = ear (耳朵) aur=gold (金) auster=severe (严重的) austr=south (南方) auth auto

auxili=help (帮助)

av,avar, avi=desire,bird,表示“渴望,鸟”

aval=kownward (向下) avar=greedy (贪婪) awl

axi=worthy (有价值) aye


bab babe bach back bad bade badge

badin=jest (说笑) baf bag bail bait bake bal bald bale balk ball

ball,bol=throw, dance, ball,表示“抛,舞,球” balm

balm=balsam,表示“香油” bam ban

ban=prohibit,表示“禁止” band bane bang

bank=bench (长椅)

bap bar

bar=beard (胡子) bar=weight表示“重,压”


barbar=stammer (胡说)

bare bark barm barn

barr=bar (栅栏) barr=stick,表示,“捧,栏” bas,base=low, foundation,表示“低下,基础” base bash


batch bath bathe bay be beach bead beak bean bear beard beast beat

beat=blessed (有福的) beaut beck bed bee beef been beep beer beet bell

bell,bel=war, fight,表示“战争,打斗” bell=fine (美好) belt bench bend bent berk berth

best bet

bever=drink (喝) bey=expect (期待) bias=slant (斜) bib=drink (喝)


bid bide bier biff big bike bile bilge bill bin bind

bio,bi=life,表示“生命,生物” birch bird birth bit bitch bite biz blab black blade blag blame

blanc=vwhile 表示“白” bland blank

blas=bamage (毁坏) blast blaze bleach bleak bleat bleed bleep

blem=stain (弄脏) blend bless blew bli blink blip


bliss bloat bloc block bloke blonde blood bloom blos blot blow blue bluff blunt blur blush boar board boast boat bob bod bode bodge bog boil bol bold bolt bomb

bombast=cotton bon=good bond bone book boom boon boost boot booth bop bor

bor=dweller bord

bord=side bore born borne bosc=feed


(好)(居民)(边)(喂)bosh boss bot botan=erb

(草) both

bouch=mouth (嘴)

boule bound bout bov=ox (牛)

bow bowl boy

brace=two arms ,表示“两臂” brack=vomit (呕) brad brag

braid = twist,表示“扭”

brain brake bram bran branch brand brash brass brat brave brawl bray breach bread break breast breed

brev, bridg=short,表示“短,缩短”brick bridge brief brigh brill brim brine bring brink brit broad broch=pierce (刺,缝)


broke brow brown brunt brush brute

bry=sprout (发芽) bu=ox,表示“牛” bub buck bud budge buf buff bug build bulb bulk bull bum bump bun bunch bund bung bunk bur burb

burl=mockery (嘲笑) burn burnt bus bust but buy by bye

byss=borrom (底)


cab cache cack

cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临”caff cage cake

calam=misfortune (不幸)



calend=first day (每月第一天) calf calk

call=vhard skin (硬皮) calm

calori=heat,表示“热” came camp

camp = field 表示“田野” can=dog (狗)

cand=white,glow,表示“白,发光” cant,cent=sing,song,表示“唱,歌” cap

cap, capt, cept ,ceive, cip, cup=take, hold, seize, 表示“拿,抓,握住” cap, cipit=head,表示“头” cape

capr=goat (山羊)

car,char=dear,表示“可爱的”carcer=prison (监狱) card

chart=paper,表示“纸片” card, cord=heart,表示“心脏,一致” care

carn=flesh,表示“肉,肉欲” cart carve case cash cask


cat catch

caten=chain (链) cathar=pure (纯洁) cathol=general (普通的) cauf

caul=stem (根,杆) caust=bun (烧) cav=hole,表示“洞” caval=horse (马) cave

ceal=hide (藏) cease

ced, ceed, cess=go,表示“行走,前” cele=stia a 天的,天空的 celer=quick,speed,表示“快,速”

celib=single cell

cem=sleep cens

(单个) (睡)

cens= judge,表示“判断” cent=hundred,表示“一百” centr=center,表示“中心” cephal=head (头) ceram=earth 陶土 cerebr=brain (脑)

cern, cert, cret=sure, separate,表示chin chine chink chip chit chock choco choice choir choke chol

clause claw clay clean clear

clear, clar, clair=clear, bright,表示“清楚,明白” cleat cleave cleft clev “搞清,区别 cess=stop (停止)chafe chain chair chal chalk chamb chame=ground

champ chan chance change chant chap char charge charm chart chase chaste chat cheap cheat check ched cheek cheer cheese chef chem cher chest chick chide chief chile chill

chondr=cartilage (软骨)



chow christ

chrom=color,表示“颜色”chron=time,表示“时间” chrys=golden (金色)

chuck chug chum chunk church churn chute

cid,cis=cut,kill,表示“切开,杀” cil=call,表示“召集” cinch cinct=bins (捆) ciner=ash (灰)

circ,cycl=ring,circle,表示“圆,环” cist=box (盒子)

cit=quote,call, 表示“引用,唤起” cite

civ=citizen,表示“公民” cla=break (打破) clack claim

claim, clam=cyrout, shout,表示“呼喊,叫喊” clamp clan

clandestin=secret (秘密) clang clap clash clasp class


cli click climb clime

clin, cliv=lean,slope,表示“倾斜,斜坡” cline cling clink clip cloak clob clock clod clop

clos, clud, clus=close,表示“关闭” close clothe cloud clove clown club cluck clue

clys=dash (猛冲) cmul=heap (堆积) coack coal coast coat cob cock

coct= cook,表示“煮,调配” cod code cof cog



col=strain (排水)


coll=neck (脖子)

com=banquet,表示“宴会”com=sleep (睡) come

cond =hide ,表示“藏” contamin=pollute (污染) cook cool

cop=abundance (丰富) cope core cori=skin (皮)


corn=horn表示“角” corp,corpor=body,表示“身体,团体” corrig=correct (改正) corusc=glitter (发光) cos

cos=world,表示“世界,宇宙” cosh

cost=side (旁边) cot could coun count coup cour course cov cow crab crack

cracy=rule,表示“统治或政体”;crat=ruler,表示“统治者”\ crad craft crag cram cramp crane crank crap

cras=mixing (混合) crash

crastin=tomorrow (明天)


crawl craze

cre,creas=grow,make,表示“增长,产生” creak cream

creas=flesh (肉) creat cred

creed,cred=believe,trust,表示“相信,信任” creep

crepit=burst (爆裂) crept cress crest crew crib crick crime crimin=ceime (罪)

crimp cringe crink crit

crit,cris = judge,discern,表示“判断,分辨” crock crook crop cross crotch

cruc,crus,crux=cross,表示“十字形,交叉” crud=raw (生的) crust=shell (外壳) cry


cub,cumb=lie down,表示“躺”;cumber=barrier,表示“躺的东西,障碍” cube

culin=kitchen (厨房) cull

culmin=top (顶) culp=fault,表示“错,罪”



cunt cup

cup=desire (渴望)


cur(r),curs, cours=run , 表示“跑,发生” curt=short (短) curve cus cush cusp cuss

custod=guard (看护) custom= habit,表示“习惯” cut cute cyc cylind=roll



cyn=dog,表示“狗” cyst


dab dad daem daf daft dag dain dair dal dam

dama=conpuer (征服) damn damp dance dand dange dank dap dare dark darl darn dart dash date

daub daunt dawd dawn day de=god (神)

dead deaf deal dealt dean death deb=owe (欠债)

debil=weak (衰弱)—可删除

debt deck deed deem deep deer

delect=delight (愉快) deleter=destroyer (毁坏者 )delir=mad (疯)[di?liri?s] dem(o)=people,表示“人民,人们”

demn=harm表示“伤害” den

dens=make thick,表示“变浓厚”dense dent

dent=tooth,表示“牙齿” depth

derm,dermat =skin,表示“皮肤”\desk

deterior=worse (更坏) dew

dexter = right,表示“右边” di=day,表示“日,日子” dial dice dick

dict,dic=say,assert, 表示“说话,断言” did

didact=teach (教) die dig

digit=finger (手指)


贵” dike dill dim dime din dine dip dire dirge dirk dirt disc dish disk ditch dith dive do doc

doc,doct=to teach, 表示“教” dock doct dodge doff dog

dogm=opinion (观点) dole

dole=grieve,表示“悲伤” doll dom

dom=house,表示“屋,家”domin=lord (主人)--可删除 domit=tame (驯服)--可删除 don

don,dit=give,表示“给予” done doom door dope dork


dors=back (背) dose dosh doss dot dot=give (给)--可删除



doubt dough dour dove down

dox=opinion,表示“观点” doz

dra=perform ( 表演) drab draft drag drain drank drape drat draught draw

draw=pull,表示”拉” drawl dread dream dreamt drear dreck dress drib drift drill drink drip drive

drom=run,表示“跑” drone droop drop drove drub drug drum drunk dry

du,dub,doub=two,表示“二,双” dub

dubi=doubtful (怀疑)---可删除duc,duct=lead,bring,表示“引导,带来” duck duck dud

due duff dull dum dumb dump dung dunk dupe

dur=last,hard,表示“持久,坚硬” dure durst dust



each eag ear earn earth ease east eat ebb

ebri=drunken (醉) ed=eat表示“吃” edge eek eel eff

egat=deny (否认) egg

ego=l表示“我,自己” eight eith eke

eleg=lament (悲伤) elm else


emper,imper=command,表示“命令,统治” emul=equal (平等) end eng

entom=insect (昆虫)



equ=horse (马) erg=energy,work,表示“能量,活动” ergy 聚集 ero=love (爱) err

err=wander,mistake,表示“漫游,犯错误” ert=erect (直) escal=ladder (梯子) esoter=inner (内在) esteem (尊敬) estim=value (价值) et=being (存在) etch eth

ethn=nation (民族) etymo=true (真的) ev=age,表示“年龄,时代”\


extra(e),exter=out表示“出去” eye


fab fabe

fabl,fabul=speak,表示“讲,说” fabric=make,表示“制作”


fac,fic=face,表示“脸,面” face fact fad fade fag fail faint fair faith fake fall

fall,fail,fault=err,deceive,表示“犯错误,欺骗” false falt



fam=hunger (饿)

fame fan

fan=temple (庙)

fance far fare farm fart fas

fascin=enchant (迷住)

fash fast fat fath

fatig=weary (疲倦) fatu=silly (笨) fault faun fave fawn fax fe fear feast feat feath

febr=fever (烧) feck

fecund=fruit (果实)


feder=league,表示“联盟” fee feed feel feet feint

felic=happy (幸福) fell

femin=woman (女人) fen fence fend

fend,fens=strke,表示“打击” fer

fer=bring,carry,表示“带来,拿来ferv=boil,表示“沸,热”\ fer=wild (野)


ferr=iron (铁)


fess=speak,表示“说” fest

fest=feast,表示“节目” fest=hostile,表示“仇恨”

fet fetch feud few fey fi fib fict fid

fid=trust,faith,表示“相信,信念” fie field fiend fierce fife fig fight

fil,fili=thread表示“线条” filch file fill film filt fin

fin=end,boundary,表示“结束,范围” fine fing fink fir fire firm

firm=firm,表示“坚定” first firth

fisc=pruse (钱包) fish

fiss=split (分裂) fist fit five fix


fizz flab flace flack flag

flagell=whip (鞭子)

flail flak flake flam


flan flange flap flare flash flask flat

flat=blow,表示“吹” flaw flax flay flea fleck


flee fleece fleet flesh flew flex flich flick flight flinch fling flint flip flirt flit float flock flog flood floor flop flor




flounce flound flour flow

flu=flow,表示“流动”\ flub

fluctu=wave (波浪) flue fluff flung flunk flur flush flust flut fly foal foam fob fod fog foib foil fol fold


folk fond font food fool foos foot fop for

for=bore (打孔) force ford fore

fore,fort=storng,表示“强大,力量” forge fork form

form=shape,表示“形状”\ fort

fort=luck,表示“运气” forth fost foul

found,fund=base,表示“基础” fount four fowl fox frac

fract,frag=break,表示“打碎”\frag frail frame france frank frat

fraterm=fresh (新鲜) fratern=brother (兄弟) fraud fray fraz freak fred free freeze freight french frenz fresc=shine (果实)

fresh fret fridge fried friend frig


fright frill fringe frisk frizz frog frol from frond

front=forehead 表示“前额”

frost froth frown froze frug fruit

frump fry fuck fud fudge fuel



fulg=shine (发光) full

fulmin=thunder (雷声) fum=smoke,表示“烟” fume fun

funct=perform,表示“活动” fund funk fur

furc=fork (分叉) furt=steal (偷)


fusc=dark (黑的) fuse fuss fust fute fuze fuzz


gab gad gad gaff gag gage gain

gain =against (反对) gait gal

galax=milk (乳) gale gall

gam=marriage,表示“婚姻” game gan gang gaol gap


gar,garn=furnish,表示“装饰,供应” garb gard

garr=chatter (唠叨) gart gas gash gasp

gastr=stomach (胃) gate gath gauge gaunt gave gawk gay gaze gee geek geese geez gel gem

gen,gener,genit=birth,produce,表示“出生,产生”\ gend gene gent

genu=knee (膝盖) ger=bear (带有) germ=seed,表示“种子” ges

gest,gister=carry,bring,表示“带来,产生” get ghee ghost ghoul gi gib gibe gid gift gig gild gill gilt gime

gin gip gird girl girt gist git give

glac a=冰川(glac+ier) glace glad glam glance gland glare glas glass glaze gleam glean glee glen glib glide glim glimpse glint glist glo gloam gloat glob globe

glomer=ball (球) gloom glop glore

gloss,glot=tongue表示“舌头”,引申为“词语” glot glove glow glue glum glut

glut=devour (吞吃)--可删除gnarl gnash gnat


gnos(t),gnor=know,表示“知道” goad goal goat gob god gol gold golf goll

gon=angle,表示“角”\ gone gong goo good goof goon goose gore

gorg=throat (喉) gorge gorse gos gosh got goth gouge gour gourd gov grab grace

grad=step,grade,表示“步,级” grade graft grain gram

gran=grain,表示“颗粒” grand grant grape graph

graph,gram=write,表示“写,图” grasp grass grat

grat,gree=pleasing,表示“感激,高兴” grate



grave gray graze grease great grebe gree greed greek green greet

greg=group,表示“群体”\ grem


grew grey grid grief grieve grift gril grill grim grin grind grip gripe gris grit griz groan groat grog groin groom groove grope gross

gross=great (大) grot ground group grouse grout grove grow growl grown

growth gru grub grudge gruff grum grunge grunt guard guess guest guff guid guide guilt guise gulf gulp gum gun gup gurg gush gut guy gym

gymn=naked 裸体的

gyn,gynec=woman,表示“妇女” gyp


hab habe

habit=dwell,表示“居住”\ hack had haft hag hail hair

hal,halit=breathe,表示“呼吸”hale half hall halt ham han hand

hang hank

hap=chance,表示“机会,运气”\har hard hare

harm=fitting (适合) harp harsh hart has hash hasp hast hat hatch hate hath

haught=high (高)

haul haunch haunt

haust=draw water,表示“抽水” hav=possess,表示“拥有” have haw hawk hay haz haze he

head=head,表示“头” heal health heap hear hearse heart heat heave heck hedge heed heel heft heif height hein=odious (可恨的)



heist held

helic=spiral,表示“螺旋” helio=sun,表示“太阳”

hell helm help hem

hemer=day (一天) hemo=blood (血) hemp hen hence hench her


herb herd here hero


hic hick hid hide high hike


hill hilt him hind hinge hint hip hire his hit hitch hive hoard hob hock hod hog hold hole hom=man



hon hood hook hoop hoot hop hope

hor(r)=shudder,dread,表示“颤抖,害怕”hort=encourage,表示“鼓励” horde horn horse

hospit,host=guest,表示“客人” host =enemy (敌人) hot house hove how howl hub huck hud hue huff hug huge hull hum

hum=earth,表示“土,地”\ hum=moist (湿) hump humph hunch hung hunk hunt hur hurl hurt hush husk hust hut hutch hy

hydy,hydro= water,表示“水”\ hypno=sleep,表示“睡眠”



icon=image (形象)


ident=same (相同)

idol=image,表示“形象,偶像” if ig ign=fire (点火)

ilk ill

imag,imit=imagine,lkeness,表示“想象,相象” in

incip=begin (开始) insul=isand,表示“岛屿” inte=whole,表示“完整” intim=inmost (内心的) ire irk is

isol=island (岛)

isthm=narrow pass (狭道) it=go,表示“行走”\ itch its



jac=lie (躺) jack

jacul=javelin (标枪) jade jag jail jam jamb jang jap jape jar jas jaw jay jazz jeal



ject=throw,cast,表示“投掷,扔”\ jeep jeer jem jeop jerk jet jew jib jibe jig jilt jim jing jink jive job


jock jog join joint joist joke jol jolt josh jot jour


joust jowl joy

jubil=shout of joy (欢呼) judg,judic=judge,表示“判断” judge

jug=yoke,表示“牛轭” juice jum jump junc

junct,join=join,表示“结合,连接”jung junk

jur,juris=swear,law,表示“发誓,法律” just jut




kale karr kedge keel keen keep keg kelp ken kept kerb ket ketch key kick kid kike kill kilt kin kind king kink kip kirk kiss kit kitch kite knack knead knee knick knife knit knob knock knoll knot know known knuck


lab labe


lace lach lack

lact=milk,表示“奶,乳” lad lade lag lain lair lake lam lamb lame lamp lan lance land lane lang




laps=slip,表示“滑,滑走”\ larch lard large lark lase lash lass

lass=weaty (倦) last

lat= bring,out,表示“拿出,带出” lat=wide (宽) latch late

later=side,表示”边“ laud=praise (赞扬) laugh launch

lav,luv,lut=wash,表示“洗,冲洗” laver=torn (撕开) law lawn



lay laze leach lead leaf

league=tie 捆绑 leak lean leap learn lease leash least leath leave

lect,leg=speak,read,表示“讲,读” lect,lig= choose,gather表示“选择,收集”leg,legis=law,表示“法律”\led

lemma=argument (争论) lent=loose (松) leth=oblivion (遗忘) lev,lie=raise,lighten,表示“提高,举起,变轻”\

lex,lexic=word,speech,表示“词汇” lib libe

liber=free,表示“自由”\ librr=book,表示“书” lic=allure,表示“引诱” lice

licen=allow,表示“允许” lick

lict=strike,表示“打击”\ lid lie life lift

lig=bind (捆绑) light

lign=wood (木头) like lim

limin,lim=threshold,表示“门槛,限制 limp

line=line,表示“直线,线条” Lingu=language ,表示“语言”,原意



link lint lip

lips = leave,表示“离开”

liqu=wet,表示“湿” lisp list lit lite

Liter=letter,表示“文字,字母”\ lith=stone,表示“石头”\

lithe live load loaf loam loan lob lobe


loch lock lode lodge

loft=sky (天空) log

Log,logu=speak,表示“说话”\ log=science,表示“科学,学科”\ loin loll lone

Long=leng,表示“长”\ loo look loom loon loop loose loot

lop=run (跑) lope

loqu,locu=speak,表示“说话” lord lore lose loss lost

lot loud louse lout love low lox

lubric=slip (滑)

luc,lust=light,shine,表示“光,照亮” luc=light (灯) luck

lud,lus=play,表示“玩,戏剧” lug lug=mourn


luge lull lumb

lumin=light,表示“光”\ lun=moon,表示“月亮”

lunch lung

lup=wolf (狼) lure lurk lush lust

lustr=light,表示“光亮” lute

lyr=lute (笛子)

lys,lyst=break bown,表示“裂开,分解”


mac mace mach,mech=machine,表示“机器” maci=lean (瘦) macul=spot (斑点) mad made mag mage maid mail maim main maize



maje make mal male

mall=hammer (锤子) malt mam

mamm=breast (奶) man, maun= hand,表示“手”\man,main=stay,表示“逗留” mand=order,表示“命令”map mar march mare

Marin=sea,表示“海洋”\ mark= sign ,表示“记号,符号” marsh mart marve mas

mascul =male (雄性)

mase mash mask mass mast mastic=chew (嚼)

mat match mate

matern, matr= mother, 表示“母性,母亲”matin=morning (早上)math maud maul maund maw max may me

me=go (走) mea mead meal mean meat mech med


medit=ponder (思考) medl=mic (混合) meek meet meg mel

melan=black (黑) meld

melior=better (更好) melt mem memb

memor=memory,表示“记忆”\ men

mend=free from fault, 表示“改错”mendic=beg (乞讨) ment= mind,表示“思考,神智”mer=lake (湖)

merc,merch=trade, 表示“交易”mere

merg, mers= sink,表示“沉,没” mesh mess met

meter,metr,meas,mens=measure “计量,测量等”

migr=remove,表示“迁移”\ mic mice mid mien mif might mike mild mile

milit=soldier,表示“兵” milk mill mime min

min=project,表示“伸出,突出” mince mind mine ming



mint mip

mir =wonder,look,表示“惊奇,看” mire mirr

mis(o) = hate,表示“恨” Misc=mix,表示“混淆”\ miser= wretched 表示“可怜的” Miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出” mitt mix

mnes,mem=remember,表示“记忆” moan moat


moch mock

mod=mode,manner,表示“方式,模式,风度”mol=heap (堆) mode mol=meal (饭) mold mole moll

moll=soft,表示”软“ molt mom

mon, monit= warn,表示“警告” monstr=show, 表示“显示” mont month mood mool moon moor moot mop mope

mor=moral,表示“道德: morb=disease (病)

mord mors=bite,表示”咬“ more morn

morph=form,shape,表示“形状” mors

mort=death,表示“死 mosh moss


most mote moth mould moult

mount=ascend,表示“登上” mourn mouse mouth move mow

Mozaffary much muck mud mues muff mug mulch mull mult mum mun

Muni,mun= public,表示“公共的” mup

mur=uall,表示”墙壁“ murd murk murm

mus=muse来自希腊神话“缪斯”女神,是文艺音乐女神,所以有“娱乐”的意思 musc muse mush musk must

mut= change,表示“改变”\

mute my myst

myth=fable (寓言)


nab nad naff nag

rout route rove row roy

rub=red表示“红” rube ruck

Rud= rude, 表示“原始,粗野” rude rug

rug=wrinkle (皱) rule rum rumb rump run runt

rupt=break, 表示“断裂”\

ruse rush rusk

rust,rur=country表示“农村” rut


sab sabe sac

sacchar=sugar (糖) sace sach sack

sacr=holy 表示“神圣”

sad saf safe


sage said sail saint saith sake

Sal= salt,表示“盐”\ sal=leap,表示“跳”

sale salt

salu=health (健康) salv sav=save,表示“救助”

sam same samp

San, sanit= healthy,表示“健康的”sanat=taste (味道) sanct=holy,表示“神圣” sand sane

Sanguin= blood ,表示“血”\

sank sap

sarc=flesh (肉) sarge sash sass sate

sati,satis,satur=enough,full of food, “足够,饱足”

scend, scens, scent=climb,表示“爬,攀” sauce sav save saw say scab scad scaf scald scalp scam scamp scan scant scar scare scarf scene scent scheme schist school

sci=know, 表示“知道”\ scim

scintill=spark (火花) scoff scold


scone scoop scoot scope scorch score scot scotch scour scout scowl scrab scrag scram scrap scrape scratch scream scree screech screed screen screw

scrib,script=write,表示“写”\ scrimp script scroll scrub scruff scrum scrupe scud scuff scum scur scut scuz sea seal seam sear search seat sec

Sect,seg= cut, divide, 表示“切,割”\表示“跟随”sedge see seed

seek seem seen seep seer seethe seg seit self sell sem

sembl=be like (相像) semin=seed,表示”种子\




Sens, sent =feel, 表示“感觉”\ sense sep

sept=rotten (烂) serm

serr=saw,表示“锯子” Sert=join, insert,表示“加入,插入” Serv=serve, keep ,表示“服务,保持” serve ses

set=fix,表示“安置好” sever=earnest,表示“诚恳”

sew sewn sex shack shad shade shaft shag shake shale shall shalt sham shame shang shank shape shard sharp shave

she sheathe shed sheen sheep sheer sheet shele shelf shell shelt sherd shewl shield shift shin shine ship shirk shirt shit shite shiv shoal shock shod shoe shone shoo shook shoot shop shore shorn short shot should shout shove show shown shred shriek shrift shrill shrimp shrine shrink shriv


shroud shrub shrug shrunk shtich shuck shud shuf shun shunt shut shy sib sibil=hiss (咝咝声)

sic sick



sider=star (星星) siege sieve sift sigh

sight=vision,表示“眼光” Sign=mark,表示“记号,信号” sile silk sill silt silve sim

Simil, simul, sembl =alike,same ,表示“相类似,一样”\ simp sin since sine sing singe sink

Sinu=bend,表示“弯曲”\ sip sir sire sis

Sist= stand, 表示“站立”\ sit site six

size skag skate skeet skeeve skein skel skept skew ski skid skill skim skin skint skip skit skunk sky slab slack slag slain slam sland slang slant slap slash slate slav slave slaw slay sledge sleek sleep sleet slend slept slew slice slick slide slight slim slime sling slink

slip slit slith slob slog sloop slop slosh slot slouch slough slow slug sluice slum slump slung slunk slur slurp slush slut sly smack small smart smash smat smear smell smelt smile smirk smite smock smog smoke smooch smooth smote smug smut snack snag snake snap snare snarl snatch


snaz sneak sneer sneeze snick snide sniff snig snip snipe snit snitch snive snob snog snook snoop snoot snort snot snout snow snub snuff snug so soak soap soar sob

Soc=companion,表示“同伴”,引申为“社会”Sol=alone,表示“单独” soce sock sod sofe soft sog soil

Sol=sun ,表示“太阳”\ sold sole

Solv,solu, solut=loosen,表示“松开” solve

som=body,表示“身体” some

Somn=sleep,表示“睡眠”\ son


song soon soot sooth sop

Soph=wise,表示“智慧,聪明” sor sore

sort=kind,表示“种类” sou sought souk soul sound soup sour south sove sow space spade spake spam span spank spar spare spark sparse spas spat spate spawn spay speak spec

speci=look, kind, 表示“外观,种类” Spect, spic= look, see,表示“看” sped speech speed spell spelt spend spend spent

Sper=hope, 表示“希望”\ sperm

Spers= scatter,表示“散开”\


spic spice spide spiel spif spik spike spill spilt spin

spin=thorn,表示“刺” spine


spire spirr spit spite splash splat splen


splice splint split splodge splosh splut spoil spoke spoken spon

Spond, spons =promise,表示“承诺” sponge spoof spook spoon spoor spore sport spot spout sprain sprawl spray spread spree spring sprink


sprint sprite sprog spruce spun spunk spur spurn spurt spy squad square squash squaw squeak squeal squeem squeeze squid squint squire squirt squish

St, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin = stand, 表示“站,立”stall=place,表示“放”stab stabe stack staff stag stage staid stain stair stake stale stalk stall stam stamp stand stank stape star stare starve state stay stead

steal stealth steam steel steep steer


stem stence stench step stern

stetho=chest (胸) stew stick stiff

stigm=mark,表示“标志,斑点” still=small drop。表示“小水滴” sting , stinc, stimul=priek表示”刺,刺激 stink stip stir stitch

stitut, stit=set up,place,表示’建立,放’ stoat stock stole stome stone stood stooge stoop stop store storm stoup stout stove stow strafe strag straight strain,strit,string=tighten,表示“拉紧”

strat=spread out 表示“扩散”,引申为“层次”



strange strap straw stray streak stream street strength stress stretch strew strict stride strike string strip strive stroke strong strug strum strut stub stud stude stuff stun stunb stung stunk stunt style suave sub subt

succ=juice (果汁) such suck sud

sud=sweat (汗) suf sug suit suite sulk

sult=leap,表示“跳” sum

sum, summ = add up ,表示“总,加”25

sum, sumpt = take 表示“拿,取”


sumptu=expense (花费) sun sup


sure surf


surge surve suss swab swag swain swamp swan swap swarm swat sway swear sweat swede sweep sweet swell swim swine swing swipe switch swiv swole swoon swoop swoosh swop sword swore sworn swot sym sync syr sys


tab tabe

tabul=plank (平板)


tach=nail 表示“钉子”

tack tact tad taf tag

tail=cut,表示“剪,割” tain, ten, tin= hold。,表示“拿住” taint take tal tale talk tall tam tame tan tank tap tape

taph=tomb (墓) tar

tard=slow,表示“慢” tare tarn tart tase task taste tat

tat,tag,tig,ting = touch表示“接触”taut

tauto=same (相同) tave tawn tax tea teach teak teal team tear tease teat



tect=cover,表示“盖上” tee teem teen teet

tele = fur 表示“远”,引申为“电”,电从远方来temn,tempt=scorn,表示“藐视” tell temp

temper, tempor =time,表示“时间”或时间引起的现象 templ=tmple (庙) tempt =try,表示“尝试” ten

tend tent, tens =stretch,表示“伸展” tense tent tenth

tenu =thin ,表示“细,薄” ter term

termin=limit ,表示“界限” terr=eartth 表示“土地” terr=frighten表示“恐,怕” terse


text=weave,表示“编织” than thane thank that thatch thaw the(a)=god 表示“神”

theft their them theme then thence theor there therm




thesis,thet= setting ,表示“放置” they thick thief thimb thin thine thing think third thirst this thorn those though thrall thrash thread threat three thresh threw thrice thrift thrill thrive throat throb throne throng throt through throve throw thrust thud thug thumb thump thund thus thy tic tick tide tie tiff tight till



timb time tin

tine = twine,表示“编织”

tinge tink tins tint tip

tir=draw,表示“拉” tire tit to toast tod toe toff tog toil toke told



tom= cut表示“切割” tomb ton tone tong tongue tonne too took tool toot tooth top tor torch torp

torp=numb (麻木) torr=dry (干)

tort = twist 表示“扭曲” tosh toss

touch=touch,表示“摸,碰” tough tour, torn, tourn =turn, 表示“转,

环绕” tout tow town tox tox= poison


toy trace track

tract =draw, 表示“拉,拖”

trad trade traf trage trail train trait tramp tran trance tranch trans trap trash trav trawl tray treac tread treas


treb trek trem

trem=quiver,表示“颤抖” trench=cut,表示“切,割”


trepid=trembling (颤抖) trick trig trike trill trim trin trip

trit=rud,表示“磨擦” trite




troll trom troop



troph=nutrition 表示“营养” trot troth troub trough trouse trout

tru=true,表示“相信,真实” truce truck

trud ,trus=push,表示“推” trudge true trump trunk truss trust truth try tub tube tuck tuft tug tull

tum=swell (肿) tune tur

turb= stir“表示”搅动“ turd turf turn turp tus tush tusk

tut,tuit=protect,表示“保护” tute twas twee tween tweet twerp twice

twid twig twill twin twine twist two

typ=type,表示“模式,形状” tyre tzar

U uber=fruitful (果实) ucor=wife (老婆)

ug um umb

umbr=shadow 表示“影子”


un,uni=one,表示“单一,一个” und = wave,表示“波动” une

up=up,over表示“向上” urb = city ,表示“城市” ure urge

us,ut = use,表示“用” use ut


vac,van,oid = empty,表示“空” vace

vad,vas = go,表示“走” vag,vagr=wader,表示“漫游” vague

vail,val = strong,表示“强壮” vain val

vale=farewell (再见) valve vamp van vane vap vape



vari = uary, change ,表示“变化” varn vas vast vat vault veep veer veg vege

veh=carry (带来) veil=cover,表示“盖上” vein vele

velop=cover (盖上) ven,vent=come,表示“来” vend vene


vent=wind,表示“风” ver,vert=turn,表示“转” ver=true,表示“真实” verb=word,表示“词语” verd

verd=green (绿) verge verm vern verse vert verve

vest=clothes,表示“衣服” vestig=footprint’track,表示“脚印,踪迹” vet vetch veter=old (老) vex

vi, via, voy =way, 表示“道路” vibe

vibr=swing,表示“摇摆” vice

vict vinc =conquer,overcome,表示“征服,克服”

vid, vis=separate,表示“分开” view vige



vin vine vir


vire virt vis



viti=fault (错误)

viv vit vig=life,表示“生命” voc, vok=call voice,表示“叫喊,声音” voce voice void

vol volv volt=roll,turn,表示“卷,转”

vol,voun= wish,will,表示“意志,意愿” vole

vor=eat,表示\吃\ vot=vow,表示”发誓“

vote vouch

vrin,ur=urine,表示“尿” vulg=people“表示“人群”



wack wad wade waf wafe waft wag wage waif wail waist wait waive wake walk wall

waltz wan wand wane want war ward ware

ware=watch,表示”注视“ warm warn warp wart was wash wasp wast waste wat watch wave wax way we weak weal wealth wean weap wear wease weath weave web wed wee weed week ween weep weft weigh weight weir weird wel weld well welsh

welt wend were wert west wet whack whale wham whart whas what whee wheed wheel wheese whelk whelp when where whet whey which whiff while whilst whimp whine whip whir whirl whirr whisk whisp whist whit white whizz who whoa whole whom whoop whoosh whore whose whup why wick


wide width wife wild wilg will wilt wimp win wince winch wind wine wing wink wint wipe wire wise wish wisp wit with wob woe wog wok wold wolf wolm won wond wonk woo wood woof wool wop wor word wore work world worm worn worse worst worth wot

would wow wrack wrang wrap wreath wreck wren wrench wrest wretch wrig wrink write wrong wry


xen xy


ya yacht yak yam yang yank yap yard yarm yarn yash yaw yawn ye yea yeah year yearn yeast yech yell yelp yen yeo yep yer yes

yet zwie yew zy

yid zym=ferment (发酵)


yike yin yip yo yob yode yog yoke yolk yond yonk yoof yore you young your youth yowl yuck yuk yum yup


zane zap

zeal=ardor,表示”热心“ zed zen zero zest zil zim zinc zine zing zip zit zith zom zone zonk zoo

zoo=animal,表示“动物” zoom zoot


