《世纪商务英语 - 外贸函电》教师用书

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English Letter Writing in Foreign Trade

主 编 吴思乐 胡秋华 副主编 高文峻


前 言







Unit 1 第一章 Unit 2 第二章 Unit 3 第三章 Unit 4 第四章 Unit 5 第五章 Unit 6 第六章 Unit 7 第七章 Unit 8 第八章 Unit 9 第九章 Unit 10 第十章 Unit11 第十一章 Unit12 第十二章

Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing….…...4 现代商务函电写作的基本知识

Establishing Business Relations……………....…………7 建立业务关系

Inquiry………...…………………...……….…………...12 询盘

Offer……………………………...……………………..17 发盘

Counter-offer…………...…………………...……..…....22 还盘

Acceptance and Confirmation…………..…….…….….27 接受与确认

Order and Contract………...………..………….....….…32 订单与合同

Payment and L/C…………..…………………………...37 支付与信用证

Packing……...………………………...…..………….…42 包装

Shipment…….……………………...…...………...……47 运输

Insurance…..………………………………..…………..52 保险

Complaint, Claim and Settlement……...…….…………57 抱怨、索赔及理赔


Unit 1 Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing

第一章 现代商务函电写作的基本知识

Part Five Practical Training

1. Arrange the Following in Proper Form as They Should Be Set

Out in a Letter.

(1) Sender’s Name: Guangzhou International Trading Corp.

(2) Sender’s Address: 198 Yueken Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou,


(3) Sender’s Telephone: 85230000 (4) Sender’s Cable Address: 5527GZ (5) Sender’s Telex Address: 3328 gz CN (6) Date: September 15, 2007

(7) Receiver’s Name: Standard Oil Company

(8) Receiver’s Address: 38 Fifth Avenue, London, U. K. (9) Subject: Refrigerators


We thank you for your letter of September 3, 2007, inquiring for the captioned goods.

The enclosed booklet contains details of all our refrigerators and will enable you to make a suitable selection.

We look forward to receiving your specific inquiry with keen interest.

Basically, there are four acceptable formats for business letters. Students can choose one of the layouts as his/her style. The following is just a sample.

Guangzhou International Trading Corp.

Address: 198 Yueken Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: 85230000, Cable: 5527GZ, Telex: 3328 gz CN


September 15, 2007

Standard Oil Company 38 Fifth Avenue, London, U. K.

Dear Sir or Madam:


We thank you for your letter of September 3, 2007, inquiring for the captioned goods.

The enclosed booklet contains details of all our refrigerators and will enable you to make a suitable selection.

We look forward to receiving your specific inquiry with keen interest.

Yours faithfully, …

2. Address an Envelope for the Above Letter.

Since we use the Full-block Style for the letter composing, we should also use the Full-block Style for the envelope.

Guangzhou International Trading Corp. Stamp 198 Yueken Road Tianhe District, Guangzhou, 4

Guangdong, China Standard Oil Company 38 Fifth Avenue London U. K. Urgent


Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations

第二章 建立业务关系

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and


Typical Sentences

1. We are one of the leading importers of ceramic products in America. We’d like to establish business relationship with your corporation. (我们是美国陶瓷制品的主要进口商之一,愿与贵公司建立业务关系。)

2. We are a state-operated corporation, handling the export of animal by

products and we are willing to enter into business relations with your firm. (我们是国营公司,经营土畜产品出口业务。我们愿与贵公司


3. This is to introduce the Pacific Corporation as an exporter of light industrial products having business relations with more than 80 countries in the world. (兹介绍太平洋公司,它是轻工业产品的出口商,与世界80多个国家有业务关系。)

4. We are exporters of fresh water pearls having years’ experience in this particular line of business. (我们作为淡水珍珠的出口商,在这一业务方面有着多年的经验。)

5. We are active in developing commercial relations with trade and financial

circles of/from various countries and districts. (本公司致力于发展与各国和各地区的贸易和金融界的商业往来。)

6. We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market.


7. Should you be interested in any of our products, please let us know. (如对我


8. Should you require any further information/details/particulars, please don’t

hesitate to let us know. (如需详情,务请告知。)


9. Since we specialize in the export of Chinese food products, we wish to

express our desire to trade with you in this line. (我们专营中国食品的出口业务,希望和贵公司做本行业的买卖。)

10. As the items fall within the scope of our business activities, we shall be

pleased to enter into direct business relations with you. (由于这些商品正好属于我们的经营范围,我们会很高兴与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。) 11. We are convinced that our joint business efforts can be developed to our

mutual benefit. (相信通过我们双方的共同努力,我们之间的业务一定会向对双方都有利的方向发展。)

12. We appreciate your cooperation in this transaction.(如能给予合作,我们将


13. As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample each

of Article Numbers 1025 and 1026 for your reference. (按要求,我们将另封寄出第1025号和1026号商品的样品各一份供贵公司参考。)

14. We are one of the largest food trading companies in Japan, and have offices

or representatives in all major cities and towns in Japan. (我们是日本最大的食品贸易商之一,在日本所有的大城镇都设有办事处或营业代表。) 15. Your letter of November 21, 2007, addressed to our sister corporation in

Shanghai has been transferred to us for attention. (贵公司2007年11月21日寄往我方上海姐妹公司的信已经转交我方处理。) 16. Our mutual understanding and cooperation could result in future business.


17. We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of technology

with foreign countries. We utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way. (我们将努力与各国扩大经济合作和技术交流,灵活地运用通常而合理的国际惯例。)

18. A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other

topics is enclosed for your reference. (随函附上公司概况、业务范围和其他方面的小册子一本,供参考。)

19. If you are interested in establishing business relations with us in this line,

please let us know your specific requirements. We’ll be pleased to forward samples, catalogues as well as detailed information. (如贵公司有意与我们建立该商品的业务往来,请提出具体要求,以便我们寄上样品、目录以



20. We assure you that we will give our best attention to any inquiries from you.


Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese.

(1) 商务参赞办公室 (2) 行会 (3) 商会

(4) 业务范围

(5) 本着做??的意愿;以??为目的 (6) 业务联系

(7) 所附目录/(最新)价格单/报价 (8) 务请告知。

(9) 一 (全)系列

(10) 我们期待收到贵方即时的好消息。

(11) 我们是国营公司,经营土畜产品出口业务。我们愿与贵公司建立业


(12) 由于这些商品正好属于我们的经营范围,我们会很高兴与贵公司建


(13) 由于哈维公司的推荐,我们高兴地得知贵公司的名称。

(14) 承蒙布什先生介绍,我们得知贵公司是当地主要的电子产品进口商


(15) 请允许我们借此机会做个自我介绍,我们是本国一家大的化肥进口


(16) 我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望建立业务关系。

(17) 本公司是以经营进出口业务以及从事与对外贸易有关的活动为宗


(18) 我们预料贵方产品在我方市场有着广阔的前景。我们保证随时给予

贵方密切合作,盼速复。 (19) 本公司专营电子产品出口业务,产品行销世界各地。

(20) 承蒙日本东京商会介绍,我们了解到贵公司在世界各地供应高质量



2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions.

Letter 1: (1) to (2) of (3) with (4) in (5) for Letter 2: (1) from (2) into (3) with (4) of (5) to

Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) establish business relations, enter into business relations,

establish business connections, enter into business connections

(2) specialize in…, engage in…, handle…, deal in… (3) please contact us/sb., let us/sb. know

(4) We would appreciate it/be grateful if you would… (5) for your information/reference (only) (6) cnclude/close the business/trancsaction/deal (7) The enclosed is/are our…/We enclose our… (8) at your end, in your place/area/district (9) company/corporation/firm/house

(10) in the meantime, at the same time, meanwhile, in the meanwhile

(11) according to, in compliance with, in accordance with, in conformity


(12) concerning, about, regarding, with regard to…, as to…

(13) We are a state-operated corporation specializing in the export of


(14) We write to introduce ourselves as exporters of fresh water pearls

having many years’ experience in this particular line of business.

(15) We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to doing business with


(16) We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm./We

shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.

(17) Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections

with us has been received with thanks.

(18) We are now writing you for the opportunity of developing trade

between us.

(19) We have your name and address from The Journal of Commerce. (20) A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and


other topics is enclosed for your reference.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first

letters are given.

(1) informing (2) market (3) dealing (4) sample (5) details (6) quality (7) prices (8) stock (9) items (10)enquiry

Advanced Training

1. Letter Composing


2. Letter Replying 略。


Unit 3 Inquiry 第三章 询盘

Part Three

Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences

Typical Sentences

1. Will you please send us your illustrated/latest catalogue and full details of your prices and terms of payment, together with samples. (能否请你们给我们随样品寄上带有图片说明的/最新的产品目录表以及详细的价目和支付条件?)

2. Please send me a description of your electric hedge trimmers. (请惠寄电动修剪机的说明书。)

3. We would be pleased if you send us your lowest quotation for the following: (如能对下列产品报最低价,我方将不胜感激。)

4. A client of ours is interested in securing a certain quantity of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, as specified below, for which you are requested to make an offer. (我们的一位客户希望获得一批下列中国棉布,请报盘。)

5. We have pleasure in informing you that we are interested in your plastic kitchenware and would like you to make us an offer. (欣告我方对塑料制厨房用具感兴趣,如蒙惠赐报盘,不胜感激。)

6.We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of Bitter Apricot Kernels. (我方手头现有一份欲购大量苦杏仁的询价单。)

7. We understand that there is a good demand for glassware in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our quotation No. 1338 for your consideration. (我们了解到贵方市场对玻璃器皿需求强劲,借此良机,附上我方第1338号报价单,供贵方参考。)

8. We are sending you by airmail a small sample. A copy of the relative description leaflet is enclosed. (现航寄一件小样品,并随函附上一份有关的说明书。)

9.Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer? (能否给



10. Please inform us of the prices of the products that you can supply. (请告贵方所能出手的价格。)

11. We’d like to have your lowest quotations CIF Vancouver. (希望贵方报成本加运费、保险费到温哥华的最低价。)

12. We have seen your advertisement in China’s Foreign Trade and would be

glad if you will send us the particulars of bed sheets and pillowcases. (我们在《中国对外贸易》杂志上看到你们的广告,敬请告知有关床单和枕套的详细情况。)

13. You must take into consideration when quoting a price that we may place

regular orders for large quantities. (报价时请考虑我们可能会经常性地大量订购这一因素。)

14. Kindly let us know the prices and quantities of the best refined sugar you are able to deliver to us. (敬请告知贵公司可供应的上等白砂糖的数量和价格。)

15. We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are competitive, we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders with you. (我方已有现成买主,倘若贵方价格有竞争性,相信能大批量订货。) 16. We would be pleased if you would let us have a list of items that are imported by you. (敬请将贵公司的进口目录寄来为荷。)

17. We have an importer inquiry for woolen blankets and would like to obtain a catalogue, and price list together with the samples as soon as possible. (我们有一家进口商,询问有关羊毛毯的情况。希望能尽快向我方提供产品目录、价目表以及样品。)

18. We would be much obliged if you could quote us the best CIFC5% Shanghai and indicate the respective quantities and various sizes that you could supply for prompt shipment. (如果贵公司能给我们含5%佣金上海到岸价的报盘,并说明各种现货的数量和规格,我们将不胜感激。)

19. Please let us know on what terms you can supply the above goods. (请告知



20. If you are in a position to meet our demand, we will place a large order with you. (如果你们能满足我们的需求,我们将向你们下大宗订单。)

Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese.

(1) 带有图片说明的目录表 (2) 交货期 (3) 特别折扣

(4) 市场需求/品位/偏好 (5) 最新价目表 (6) 有前景的市场 (7) 大量购买 (8) 有存货的

(9) 下列

(10) (商品)在出售中

(11) 我方一客户想买123型货物,希望贵方寄一样品和报价单来。 (12) 我方对贵方的绿茶感兴趣。我方认为,其中的某些品种在我方市场

上会很畅销。希望得到贵方的维多利亚目的港交货最低价。 (13) 我们想购买贵方4号目录表上所列的男式衬衫。请报最低价、最优


(14) 请报下列各种商品的新加坡到岸价,包括我方3%的佣金。 (15) 我们希望贵方价格可行,同时希望交易能令双方受益。

(16) 我们看过贵方在《海外杂志》上的广告,请惠寄贵方价目表和详细


(17) 我们获悉贵方是空调生产商,请问贵方是否能供应下列规格的产


(18) 随函附寄我方尼龙袜样品,请查收。如贵方能供货5000打,请报


(19) 我们所需的商品列在所附清单上。如贵方有存货,请告知数量以及



(20) 我方一些客户对贵方的罐头食品有兴趣,请报到岸价并惠寄样品及


2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions. Letter 1:(1) in (2) to (3) at (4) in (5) by Letter 2:(1) with (2) In (3) with (4) for (5) with

Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) inquiry sheet, inquire note

(2) by separate post

(3) be in the market for…, be desirous of…, desire… (4) irrevocable L/C at sight

(5) lowest/best price; favourable price; rock-bottom price; competitive

price; reasonable price

(6) make/send sb. an inquiry for…, inquire for… (7) This is in reply to one’s inquiry of… (8) place an order with sb. for sth. (9) ready market

(10) Please state terms of…

(11) As we are in the market for men’s leather gloves, we would be pleased

if you would send us your best quotation.

(12) Please send us your best firm offer by fax indicating packing,

specifications, quantity available, lowest prices with the best discount and the earliest date of delivery.

(13) If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place

regular orders for large quantities.

(14) We take pleasure in enclosing our inquiry No.345-9 against which you

are requested to make us an offer on FOB basis.

(15) We are interested in hand-made shoes in a variety of styles made of

genuine leather. Will you send us a copy of your latest catalogue with details of your prices and terms of payment?


(11) Thank you for your inquiry. We have a large quantity of men’s leather

shoes in stock, and are pleased to offer them as follows.

(12) This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply. (13) This offer is open for three days only.

(14) This offer is firm, subject to your cable reply reaching here before

November 6.

(15) If our offer is of interest to you, please cable your acceptance before the

end of October.

(16) The peanuts are packed in ordinary second-hand gunny bags of about 50 kg

net each.

(17) In your letter you requested us to quote you CIF Kuwait price, including your

commission of 3%, which has received our immediate attention.

(18) We have some stocks of green beans on hand. If they are of interest to you,

please inform us of the quantity required so that we may make you the best price.

(19) We trust this product will find a ready market at your end.

(20) We confirm having cabled you an offer for 20 M/T of Walnuts at RMB ¥3500

per M/T CIF European Main Ports for shipment in August.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first letters are given.

(1) inquiring (2) quotation (3) receipt (4) subject (5) confirmation (6) discount (7) catalogues (8) brochures (9) separate (10) appreciated

Advanced Training

1. 2.

Letter Composing 略

Letter Replying 略


Unit 5 Counter-offer

第五章 还盘

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and


Typical Sentences

1. As this is an order of substantial size, we cannot safely undertake to

complete its manufacture in a month. (由于这是一笔大订单,我们没有把握在一个月内完成生产。)

2. Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer. The prices you quoted are much

higher than those of other manufacturers. (很遗憾我们不能接受贵方报盘。贵方报价比其他厂商所报价格高得多。)

3. We do not see any advantage in your quotation, and would like to know

whether you have any better price to offer. (我们在贵方的报价中看不到任何优势,不知贵方是否可以给我们报一个更好的价格。)

4. Our counter-offer is well founded and workable. We can also offer a 10%

discount for orders over 10000 pieces. (我们的还盘是很合理的/做得开的。如果你们的订单超过一万件,我们可以提供10%的折扣。)

5. Owing to a shortage of stock, we regret that we are unable to accept your

repeat order. (由于库存短缺,很抱歉我方不能考虑接受贵方续订单。) 6. Owing to heavy bookings, we cannot accept fresh orders at present. (由于大


7. We have cut the price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable to

comply with your request for any further reduction. (由于我方的价格已降到极限,所以很遗憾无法满足贵方进一步降价的要求。)

8. We are sorry that the difference/gap between our prices and your

counter-offer is too wide. The best we can do is 5% off. (很遗憾,我们的价格与贵方还盘之间的差距太大。我们最多只能让价5%。)

9. Although we are anxious to open up business with you, we very much regret


that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated. (尽管我们很希望拓展与贵方的交易,但很遗憾我们不能把价格降到贵方所要求的水平。) 10. We believe that the price we quoted is quite realistic. We regret that your

counter-offer is unacceptable to us. (报给贵方的价格是很实际的。很抱歉不能接受贵方的还盘。)

11. The price we quoted is quite reasonable. It has been accepted by the other

buyers at your end. (报给贵方的价格是很合理的,这个价格已为你地的其他客户所接受。)

12. You must reduce your price by 2%, otherwise business is impossible. (贵方


13. I’m afraid there is no much room for further reduction. (恐怕再没有进一步


14. May we suggest that you could make some allowance on your quoted prices

that would help to introduce your goods to this market. (我们建议,如果贵方在所报价格的基础上给予优惠,也许会有助于贵方产品的市场推介。) 15. I regret that your terms are unsatisfactory and unless you can amend those

terms we will have to place our order elsewhere. (很抱歉,贵方条件不能让人满意,如果不能改变条件的话,我方只好另转订单。)

16. We would suggest that you make some allowance, say 10%, on your quoted

prices so as to enable us to introduce your products to our customers. (建议贵方在所报价格的基础上给予某些折扣(比方说10%),以使我们可以把你们的产品介绍给我们的客户。)

17. It is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you such a

counter-offer. (正是考虑到我们之间的长期贸易关系,我们才给贵方这一还盘。)

18. Your price is reasonable, but the listed payment conditions are not customary

in our trade. (贵公司的价格合理,但所列的付款条件与我们的一贯做法不符。)

19. As a token of friendship, we accept as an exception your counter-offer for

5000 pairs of leather shoes at US $26 per pair. (作为友谊的表示,我们破例



20. Our price has been narrowly calculated and it is impossible to make any

further reduction. (我们的价格已经计算得很精确了,进一步降价已是不可能。)

Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese.

(1) 在这种情况下 (2) 底价 (3) 还盘如下

(4) 这个价格使我们获利低微 (5) 价格比以前的报价低5% (6) 合理的定价 (7) 价格已明显上涨 (8) 不能再次降价

(9) 考虑按一个最具竞争性的价格成交 (10) (产品)定价过高

(11) 我们无法接受贵方的报盘,因为别的供应商向我们提供了更优惠的


(12) 为了达成交易,我方准备把价格降为30英镑。 (13) 让我们各让一步,把价格降低2%吧。 (14) 最近价格暴跌。

(15) 按这个价格已有大量产品成交,要做更多的让步是不可能的。 (16) 很遗憾我们无法接受贵方的报盘,因为你们的价格偏高。 (17) 相信我们很难说服顾客接受你们的价格。 (18) 众所周知,有些供货商实际上正在削价促销。

(19) 如果不是为了我们之间的友好关系,我们是不会考虑按这么低的价


(20) 由于近来市场疲弱,贵方的报价做不开。


2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions.

Letter 1:(1) of (2) on (3) in (4) with (5) in Letter 2:(1) of (2) in (3) by (4) for (5) at

Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) (make a) counter-offer

(2) (price) on the high/low side

(3) current price, ruling price, prevailing price, the present price, the going


(4) reduce the price by 8% (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

a jump in price

The price is falling/dropping/going down. give/allow/make/grant a discount meet sb. half way

come to business, come to terms, make a bargin, close a deal, conclude business,get business done (10) long-standing business relations

(11) Your counter-offer is out of line with the prevailing international

market./Your counter-offer is not in keeping with the current international market.

(12) This is really our rock-bottom price.

(13) As a token of friendship, we accept as an exception your counter-offer. (14) We regret that we cannot see our way clear to accept your counter-offer

of May 10, 2007.

(15) Our price is fixed at a moderate level./We believe that our product is

moderately priced.

(16) We have received quite a lot of orders at this price.

(17) The price we quoted is competitive. But we can offer a 10% discount

for orders over 10000 pieces.

(18) We would make no profits at the price you offered.

(19) I’m afraid we cannot make any further concessions./I’m afraid we are

not in a position to make any further reduction./I’m afraid there is not much room for further reduction. (20) The best we can do is 5% off.


2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first

letters are given. (1) offer (2) regret

(3) price

(4) sold

(5) level (6) difference (7) transaction (8) counter-offer

(9) sample

(10) acceptance

Advanced Training

1. Letter Composing 略

2. Letter Replying 略


Unit 6 Acceptance and Confirmation

第六章 接受与确认

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and


Typical Sentences

1. With reference to the faxes exchanged between us in the last few days, we

are pleased to have been able to finalize the following transaction with you. (关于过去几天里我们之间的传真往来,我们很高兴终于可以与贵公司达成以下交易。)

2. In reply, we confirm to sell you… on the following terms and conditions. (作


3. We hope this initial deal will result in future transactions between us. (我们

希望这次首次试订将会引领我们两公司之间将来的贸易往来。) 4. As a result of the exchange of letters between us, we have now come to the

conclusion. (通过双方信函往来,现已达成交易。)

5. It is only in view of our long established business relationship that we accept

your counter-offer. (只是鉴于双方长期的业务关系,我们才接受贵方的还盘。)

6. A good beginning makes a good ending. We hope that from now on we will

enjoy business relations that are profitable to both of us. (好的开端带来好的结果。希望今后我们享有互利的业务关系。)

7. Though our negotiations have been lengthy and on-and-off, we have finally

reached a satisfactory agreement. (经过长时间断断续续的谈判,我们现在终于达成了协议。)

8. After long and friendly discussions, now we have concluded a business. (经过长期友好的讨论,现已达成交易。)

9.Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the

order on the same terms as before with the view to encouraging business. (虽然现行价格都要高一些,为了促进贸易,我们将按以往条件接受订单。)


10. We have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised

price. (我们现在已经可以按修改后的价格确认向贵方订购下列商品:) 11. We confirm having placed an order with you for 1500 tons of soybeans. (我


12. We now confirm our acceptance of your offer. (现确认已接受贵方报盘。) 13. Although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your

order with a view to initiating business with you. (尽管贵方的价格低于我们的价格水平,我们还是破例接受你们的订单,以期达成与贵公司的首笔业务。)

14. We assure you of the punctual execution of your order. (我们保证准时执行


15. Before we draft the contract, let’s examine the details. (在起草合同之前,我


16. We trust that the current business is only the beginning of a series of

transactions in the future. (我们相信这笔交易只是未来一系列交易的先导。)

17. We look forward to receiving further orders from you. (期待收到贵方的进


18. Taking the quality into consideration, we accept your offer although your

price is somewhat higher than those of other manufacturers. (考虑到质量,尽管贵方报盘比其他厂商所报的略高一些,我们依然可以接受贵方的报盘。)

19. This transaction, though small in amount, marks the beginning of our formal

business relationship. (这笔交易金额虽小,却标志着我们双方正式业务关系的开始。)

20. We thank you very much for your initial order and hope that this may be the

beginning of long and friendly relations between us. (十分感谢贵方的试订单,希望此订单成为双方长期友好往来的开端。)


Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese.

(1) 开始与某人的贸易 (2) 向??试订货 (3) 按照样品 (4) 原件两份

(5) 规定

(6) 按照以往的条件

(7) 交易条件,合同条款

(8) 最终会??;结果将会??

(9) 确认按??中规定的价格供应?? (10) 按??,以??为条件

(11) 随附第888号修正订单,订购150 000码印花棉布。盼确认并寄售


(12) 6月5日函及款式样品和价目表均收到,谢谢。我们已选妥,现随


(13) 我已接受贵方85号订单购买1 002号印花布10万码。请告颜色搭

配并按合同规定开立以我方为受益人的有关信用证。 (14) 我方愿订购200台贵方产品来试销。 (15) 我方确认接受贵方订购5公吨新椒干,每公吨CIF伦敦价80英镑,


(16) “良好的开端意味着良好的结束”。我们希望从现在起,我们将有


(17) 我们认为质量与价格都令人满意。很高兴向你们订购下列货物。 (18) 这笔交易的达成肯定不是一个结束。它仅仅是一个开端,一个我们

之间良好的、长期友好的贸易关系的开端。 (19) 我们成功地达成了30吨大蒜的交易。

(20) 我方已接受贵方556号订单订购202号印花棉布20万码。请即告


2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions.

Letter 1: (1) to (2) with (3) of (4) in (5) for Letter 2: (1) with (2) for (3) for (4) within (5) of


Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) with the view of sth., with a view to doing sth.

(2) finalize a transaction, put the deal through, close the deal, conclude a

business, come to the conclusion, come to terms, reached an agreement (3) Enclosed please find…, Enclosed you will find… (4) accept an offer/order/quotation (5) for one’s file/record (6) as an exception

(7) confirm the following order,confirm an order (8) Please be assured that…, We assure you that (9) make confirmation by return for doing sth. (10 confirm your acceptance of…

(11) Your terms are satisfactory and we enclose an order.

(12) Enclosed is our order for 300 sets of Transistor Radios T432.

(13) We refer to the telegrams exchanged between us in the last few weeks,

and are pleased to confirm having finalized the following transaction with you.

(14) We are glad to have finalized/put through/closed/concluded this

transaction/business with you.

(15) We have the pleasure of confirming the following trial order:

(16) Although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception,

your order with a view to initiating business with you.

(17) We accept the order and shall arrange delivery as soon as possible.

(18) As a result of our recent exchange of faxes, we wish to confirm our

purchase from you of 6000 cases of Tigerhead flash lights.

(19) We hope that the initial transaction will pave the way for our further


(20) This is a trial order. Please send us 35 sets only so that we may tap the

market. If successful, we will give you larger orders in the future.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first

letters are given. (1) order (2) customers (3) confirm (4) stated (5) shipment (6) satisfied (7) range (8) enclosing (9) catalogue (10) further


Advanced Training

1. Letter Composing (略)

2. Letter Replying (略)


Unit 7 Order and Contract 第七章 订单与合同

Part Three

Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences

Typical Sentences

1. We have now seen the samples and are prepared to order 50000 pieces as a

trial. (我们现已看过样品,并预备试订5万件。)

2. We are pleased to find that your material appears to be of fine quality. As a

trial, we are delighted to send you a small order for 2500 dozen rubber shoes. (我们很高兴发现贵方用料品质优良。现寄去2500打胶鞋的小额订单以作试购。)

3. With reference to the goods you ordered, we have decided to accept your

order at the same price as that of last year. (关于贵方订购的货物,我们决定按去年价格接受贵方订单。)

4.We have pleasure in informing you that we have accepted your order No. 234. (我们很高兴地告知已接受贵方第234号订单。)

5.As the goods you ordered are now in stock, we will ship them without fail as early as possible. (因为贵方所订货物尚有库存,本公司将一定尽快发货。) 6. Unfortunately, your order for goods model No. 84 is now out of stock, but we recommend No. 85 as a substitute which is very close to your choice in quality though slightly higher in price. (很抱歉,贵方所订购的84型产品目前已无存货,故推荐85型产品。此产品与贵方指定的产品在质量上极其相似,只是价格稍高些。)

7.To our regret, we are unable to accept your order at the price requested, since our profit margin does not allow us any concession to discount the price. (很抱歉,我们不能按贵方要求的价格接受订单,因为我方利润已不允许我们再作出给予折扣的让步。)

8.As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret that we


are not in a position to book the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago. (由于工资和原料价格大幅度上涨,很抱歉无法按我方半年前所报价格接受订单。)

9.We have received your order. It is booked and we are processing it. (已接受贵方订单,现正在执行中。)

10. As our factories are fully committed for the fourth quarter, we regret our

inability to accept any new orders. (由于我方工厂第四季度的货已接满,我们歉难接受新的订单。)

11. We have received your order No. 751 and it will be executed to your

satisfaction. (我们已收到贵方751号订单,订单的执行一定会使你们满意。)

12. Pleased be assured that the order will be punctually fulfilled. (请放心,我们


13. We are sending you our sales confirmation No. 789 in duplicate. Please sign

and return one copy for our file. (现特此寄上第789号销售确认书一式两份,请签退一份供我方存档。)

14. Thank you for your letter of April 8, and the enclosed order sheet for 1000

sets of sewing machines. We are enclosing our S/C No.345 in duplicate, please countersign and return one copy to us for our file. (贵公司4月8日来函及所附1000台缝纫机订单均已收到。兹附寄第345号销售合同一式两份,请签退一份以便存档。)

15. Enclosed is our sales contract No. 986 in duplicate. If you find everything in order, please sign and return one copy for our file. (所附上的是我们第986号销售合同两份,如果贵方认为没问题,请签退一份供我方存档。) 16. As a result of the recent exchange of cables between us, we confirm having

booked your order No. 369 on the terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed S/C No.939, in duplicate. Please countersign one copy and return to us for our file. (作为我们双方之间最近往来电报的结果,我们确认按所附939号销售确认书规定的条款接受贵方第369号订单。该确认书一式两份,请签退一份供我方存档。)

17. We are pleased to enclose our contract No. 589 in two originals. Please

countersign one of the originals and return to us for our record. (很高兴地


附上我们第589号合同正本两份,请查收并尽快签退一份供我方存档。) 18. Enclosed please find our sales confirmation No. 996 in duplicate for your

counter-signature. Please sign and return one copy to us for our record as soon as possible. (随函附寄我方996号销售确认书一份,请查收。请会签后尽快寄回一份供我方备案。)

19. Please send the duplicate of the contract countersigned to us. (请将已会签


20. If there is evidence of a breach of contract by either party, the contract may

be cancelled immediately. (若证实有任何一方违约,可立即解除本合同。)

Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese. (1) 首次订单 (2) 下订单,订购 (3) 有存货

(4) 保证订单的执行 (5) 推荐某物作为替代品 (6) 销售确认书 (7) 会签

(8) 兹附寄?? (9) 一式四份

(10) 会签一份??供某人备案

(11) 我们特此高兴地向贵方订购100台缝纫机,每台250美元。

(12) 由于货物的质量达到我们的要求,我们附上试订单。在不久的将来


(13) 关于贵方2007年9月5日的来函,我们很高兴告知贵方我们已经


(14) 我们很高兴发现贵方用料品质优良。现寄去2500打胶鞋的小额订


(15) 由于工资和原料价格大幅度上涨,很抱歉无法按我方半年前所报价


(16) 贵公司4月8日来函及所附1000台缝纫机订单均已收到。兹附寄


(17) 作为我们双方之间最近往来电报的结果,我们确认按所附939号销




(18) 现特此寄上我方销售确认书第200号一式两份,其中一份请在签退


(19) 附上的是我方的第35号销售确认书一式两份,请贵方签字后退回


(20) 非常感谢你方购买3000件女士衬衣的308号订单,并十分高兴地


2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions.

Letter 1:(1) in (2) for (3) on (4) at (5) at Letter 2:(1) to (2) for (3) in (4) With (5) for

Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) amended orders

(2) carry out/execute/fulfill/work on/fill an order (3) order sth. at a… (price) (4) out of stock

(5) be unable/not in a position to accept/entertain one’s order

(6) sales contract

(7) sign and return a copy of… for one’s file (8) Enclosed please find… (9) We are sending you… (10) in duplicate

(11) If the quality is suitable, we may place repeat orders with you.

(12) Fom the samples sent on June 5, we have made selections, and have the

pleasure to place an order with you.

(13) We accept the order and shall arrange delivery as soon as possible.

(14) As we find both quality and prices satisfactory, we are placing an order

with you for the following.

(15) As a trial order, we are delighted to give you a small order for 150 sets

of your air conditioners AC106.

(16) Enclosed is our sales contract No.986 in duplicate. If you find

everything in order, please sign and return one copy for our file.

(17) We are pleased to enclose our sales contract No.2068 in duplicate.

Please countersign one copy and return to us for our record.


(18) Enclosed please find our S/C No. AG-01 in duplicate. Please

countersign one copy and return to us for our file.

(19) Please send the duplicate of the contract countersigned to us.

(20) Hereby we enclose our contract No.589 in two originals. Please

countersign one copy and return to us for our record.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first

letters are given.

(1) order (2) accept (5) contract/confirmation (8) file (9) dispatched

Advanced Training

1. Letter Composing


2. Letter Replying (略)

(3) terms (6) duplicate (10) entire

(4) Enclosed (7) return 35

Unit 8 Payment and L/C 第八章 支付与信用证

Part Three

Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences

Typical Sentences

1. In regards to the 25000 yards of cotton under the sales confirmation No.789,

we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching , but we have not yet received your relative L/C. (我们提醒贵方注意,789号铕售确认书项下25000码棉布的交货期已临近,但我方至今尚未收到相关信用证。)

2. It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L/C as early as

possible to enable the shipment in due time. (对你们来说,尽快开立相关信用证以使货物能按时发运是明智的。)

3. In order to avoid any further delay, please make sure that the L/C stipulations

are in precise accordance with the terms of the contract. (为避免延误,务请开立与合同条款相符的信用证。)

4.The S/C stipulates that shipment should be effected during August and the L/C

should reach us by the end of June. However, so far we have not received your L/C. (合同规定8月份发货,信用证应在6月底前到我方,但是到现在为止我方还没有收到信用证。)

5. To develop our business, it is essential to adopt more flexible modes of

payment. (为促进我们业务的发展,有必要采取更灵活的付款方式。) 6. We thank you for your L/C No.135 for 20 tons of clam. Among the clause

specified in your L/C we find that the following points do not conform to the S/C. (感谢您有关 20吨蛤的第135号信用证。我们发现在信用证条款中有以下几点与销售合同不符。)

7. We are confident that you will give us cooperation by extending the shipment

date to June 10, 2007 and the negotiation validity to June 25, 2007


respectively. (相信贵方会予以合作,将装运期和议付期分别延期到2007年6月10日和2007年6月25日。)

8. Since the goods are now ready for shipment, we request that you cable your

amendments to the credit as soon as possible. (由于货已备妥,请尽快电开你们的信用证修改函。)

9.You are kindly requested to increase the amount of your L/C by US $600. (请


10. We regret that we could not ship the goods by an April vessel because of the

delay of your L/C. We request that you make up the extension of the L/C as soon as possible. (很遗憾,由于贵方信用证耽误,货物不能装4月份船。请你们尽快办理延展信用证事宜。)

11. We request that you extend the shipping date to December 30, 2007 and the

credit validity to January 15, 2008. Please send us your reply as soon as possible. (我们请贵方把装运期和信用证有效期分别延展至2007年12月30日和2008年1月15日,并尽快给我方答复。)

12. We write to you asking for an extension of the shipping date for one month.


13. We earnestly hope that you will extend the credit to the 30th of this month.


14. As a special accommodation, we will accept time L/C at 30days. (作为一项


15. Our usual terms of payment are by a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit

available by draft at sight, accompanied by shipping documents which are to be presented to the negotiating bank at the port of loading. (我们惯常的付款条件是以保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证连同装运单据在装货港的议付行议付货款。)

16. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept

payment by D/P at (30 days) sight for the value of the goods shipped. (鉴于此笔交易的金额较小,我们准备接受以即期的付款交单或30天的付款交单向你方收取货款。)


17. We regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment under

D/A terms. (对贵方要求以承兑交单方式付款一事,我们歉难考虑。) 18. In view of our long business relations, we will make an exception to our rules

this time and accept L/C at 30 days sight. (鉴于我们之间长期的业务关系,我们破例接受见票后30天议付的信用证。)

19. Please amend the amount of the L/C No.778 to read/reading “2% more or

less” . (请将信用证金额778修改为“可增减2%”。)

20. We are faxing requesting a two-week extension of the L/C covering your

order No.123 for 500 cases frozen chicken. (我们今天特此给贵方发传真,要求贵方把订购500箱冻鸡肉的123号订单的信用证有效期延长两个星期。)

Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese. (1) 催开信用证 (2) 凭单付现

(3) 跟单信用证 (4) 作为特殊照顾

(5) 即期付款交单

(6) 仔细阅读之后 (7) 延展信用证

(8) 托收

(9) 向某人开立(汇票)

(10) 以某人为收益人

(11) 我方支付条件是凭保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证付款。

(12) 付款需凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可分割的、可转让的、无追索权的


(13) 关于支付,我们要求按发票金额的100%以保兑的、不可撤销的信


(14) 按照协定,上述订货的支付条件是见票60天的信用证或即期付款



(15) 按照贵方要求,我们破例地接受即期付款交单的支付方式,但下不


(16) 抱歉,我方不能接受货到后凭单付现的支付条件。

(17) 我方建议,对这次订货,你们用票汇方式支付。一收到汇票我们就


(18) 我方想重申一下,只是鉴于我们之间长期友好的贸易关系,我方才


(19) 信用证中的规定似乎与合同的条款不一致。

(20) 我们希望引起贵方注意:贵方第123号订单的交货期已临近,但至


2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions.

Letter 1:(1) to (2) in (3) for (4) in (5) in

Letter 2:(1) of (2) to (3) on (4) at (5) against

Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) expedite/rush an L/C

(2) make an exception; as an exceptional case (3) D/A

(4) confirmed, irrevocable, transferable Letter of Credit

(5) terms of payment

(6) amend the L/C to read “…”

(7) D/P after sight

(8) establish/issue/open L/C with/through the bank (9) advise the establishment of L/C (10) conform to…

(11) Please do your utmost to expedite L/C, so that we may execute the

order smoothly.

(12) In view of the amount of this transaction being very small, we are

prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped.

(13) In order to avoid subsequent amendment, please see to it that the L/C

stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.


(14) We are cabling you this afternoon, asking you to amend the L/C to read:


(15) We will be glad if you will see to it that the amendment to the L/C is

cabled without delay, as our goods have been ready for shipment for quite some time.

(16) Please extend by cable the shipment date of your L/C to July 15 and

validity to August 15, thus enabling us to effect a smooth shipment of the goods in question.

(17) It may interest you to know that as a sign of encouragement, we will

consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-promotion stage. (18) As the goods against your order No.123 have been ready for quite some

time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering L/C established as soon as possible.

(19) Please have the L/C No.349 extended until June 4, 2007 so that we may

make shipment without fail.

(20) We enclose an application form for documentary credit. Please arrange

to establish for our account an irrevocable Letter of Credit for US $40000 in favour of ABC Co., the credit to be valid until June 15.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first

letters are given. (1) inform (2) under (3) ready (4) stipulation

(5) shipment (6) received (7) establish (8) S/C(sales contract/confirmation) (9) point 10) effect

Advanced Training

1. Letter Composing


2. Letter Replying



Unit 9 Packing

第九章 包装

Part Three

Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences

Typical Sentences

1. Chinese chestnuts are packed in gunny bags. (中国板栗用麻袋包装。) 2. Folding chairs are packed four pieces to a carton. (四把折叠椅装一个纸板箱。)

3. Please pack the vases a dozen to a wooden case and 100 to a FCL container. (请用一打花瓶装一个木箱,100个木箱装一个集装箱。)

4. Each T-shirt is packed in a polybag and 10 dozen to a box. (一个塑料袋包一件T 恤,十打装一个盒子。)

5. Please see to it that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling. (请注意包装要足够坚固,能承受粗暴装卸。)

6. The export cartons lined with plastic sheets are proof against moisture and damage. (有塑料衬里的出口纸板箱能防潮防损。)

7. Please pack the goods according to our instructions. (请按照本方的指示包


8. The surface of each outer package should be marked “Fragile”. (每件货物外


9. For the sake of safety, the cartons must be secured by metal bands. (为安全


10. Please take the necessary precautions so that the packing can protect the

goods from rain or dampness in transit because these clothes are liable to be spoiled by water or moisture. (由于这些服装容易因水或潮气受损,请采取必要措施使这批货在运输途中其包装能防止雨水或湿气侵入。) 11. The fragile glassware needs special packing precautions against jolting. (这



12. The cases of the goods are to be marked with the initials of our company in a

diamond as usual. (像以往一样,装货物的箱子上要先刷上一个菱形,菱形里面再刷上本公司名字的缩写。)

13. The packing of this shipment is shockproof and waterproof. Nevertheless we

still marked the cartons with caution words like “Fragile”, “Use No Hook” and “Do Not Drop”. (这批货物的包装是防震防水的,不过我们仍在纸板箱外刷上一些警示性的文字,例如“易碎品”、“勿用钓钩”及“小心轻放”等。)

14. Can you improve your inner packing? This is our design of the packing for

your reference, which would probably help encourage sales. (贵方能否改善一下你们的内包装?这是我们设计的供贵方参考的包装样式,这种样式可能有助于产品销售。)

15. To repack the goods in your required assortment will entail an additional packing charge of around US$ 2000. (按照贵方要求的样子来重新包装这批货物的话大概需要约2000美元的额外包装费用。)

16. Solid and durable, our cartons proved to be suitable packing for long

distance transportation. (我们的纸板箱坚固耐用,经证明是适用于长途运输的。) 17. I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load.


18. By the way, we would like to know if neutral packing is acceptable? (顺便


19. The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. As to inner

packing, it must be attractive and helpful to the sales. (外包装应当坚实牢固,适于运输,而内包装必须能吸引人,且有助于销售。)

20. The extra packing charges should be borne by you. (额外的包装费须由贵



Part V Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese.

(1) 包装指示 (2) 出口用纸板箱 (3) 木箱

(4) 防水的 (5) 内包装 (6) 外包装 (7) 绿色/环保包装 (8) 中性包装 (9) 运输标志 (10) 指示性标志

(11) 警告性标志

(12) 包装和标志由卖方决定。

(13) 像往常一样,盒子外刷上一个菱形,菱形里面标上本公司名字的缩


(14) 茶叶先用塑料袋包装,再放入标准的茶叶盒中。

(15) 为谨慎起见,请在外包装上标明“小心装卸”或“易碎品”字样。 (16) 这些钢笔一打装一盒,200盒装一个木箱。 (17) 货物以2公斤装一个塑料袋,10袋装一个木箱。

(18) 我们不想冒险。我们用带子再给箱子缠上一圈,使包装更牢固,同


(19) 货物是用防水、柔软和防虫材料包装的。

(20) 箱子内部衬有不同材料,可防水、气、昆虫的侵害。

2. Read the following letters and choose the best one from the given

answers for the missing prepositions.

Letter 1: (1) for (2) about (3) to (4) with (5) from Letter 2: (1) for (2) on (3) for (4) from (5) by/in


Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) damproof packing

(2) strong packing withstanding rough handling (3) cartons with plastic linings (4) take precautionary measures (5) fragile goods (6) handle with care (7) seaworthy packing

(8) The goods are packed in cartons, each of which contains 20 dozens. (9) Please stencil outside the case a diamond with the initials of our

company’s name in it.

(10) The wooden case containing vases must be filled fully with soft stuffing


(11) Please strictly follow the clauses on packing and marks in our sales


(12) We are sorry that we cannot meet your new packing requirements

without additional charging.

(13) Please deal with the inner packing of the goods as per the standard of

gift packing.

(14) As to the packing of the lot of clothes please ensure that adequate and

effective precautions against moisture will be taken.

(15) Due to the improvement of packing for the porcelain exported this time

there has been little breakage in transit.

(16) The goods under the captioned contract should be packed in boxes of

12 pieces each, 20 boxes to a carton, 20 cartons on a pallet, 10 pallets in a FCL container.

(17) We can stick a variety of lables for you such as “ Handle With Care”,

“Keep Dry”, “Keep Cool” or “ Keep Upright” etc.

(18) In addition, indicative marks like “FLEXIBLE”, “FRAGILE”, “KEEP



“USE NO HOOKS”, “KEEP AWAY FROM PRESSURE”, etc. should also be stenciled.

(19) Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed,

battened and secured by overall metal strapping.

(20) Light and compact, cartons are easier to handle in transit. You may rest

assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.

2. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the following letter. The first

letters are given.

(1) refer (2) boxes (3) strong (4) sea/ship (5) container (6) around (7) cost (8) prevent (9) rough (10) account

Advanced Training

1. Letter Composing


2. Letter Replying 略。


Unit 10 Shipment 第十章 运输

Part Three Other Commonly Used Expressions and


Typical Sentences

1. We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered have been well prepared and the shipment will be made upon the receipt of L/C. (我们高兴地通知贵方,你们所订的货已经备好,一收到信用证我们就发运。) 2. As the latest shipment date stipulated in the L/C is October 31, 2007, please see to it that you make the shipment not later than the above date. (因为信用证上规定的最迟装运期是2007年10月31日,故请贵方注意务必要在这个日期前发货。)

3. We take pleasure in telling you that the shipment of the shirts originally scheduled to be made in December can be advanced to October as the result of the efforts by all parties involved. (我们高兴地告诉贵方,在有关各方的努力下,原计划12月份装运的衬衫可提前到10月份运出。)

4. Owing to the delay of the scheduled steamer we have failed to effect the shipment within the L/C validity. Would you please extend the shipping period of the L/C for one more month? (因为原定货轮的延误,我方没能在信用证的有效期内完成货物的装运。请问贵方能否将信用证的装运期限延长一个月?)

5. It must be reiterated that prompt shipment is one of the essential requirements to obtain our orders. (必须重申,装运迅速是取得我们订单的必要条件之一。)

6. We are sending you one set of clean on board bill of lading through the bank. (我们会通过银行给贵方寄去一整套已装船清洁提单。)

7. Enclosed please find the copies of B/L, commercial invoices and the insurance policy. (随信附寄提单、商业发票以及保险单的副本,请查收。)


8. We regret to inform you that we cannot advance the shipment as you requested as we have been told by the shipping company that there will be no space available before the end of next month. (我们遗憾地告诉贵方,我们无法按贵方所要求的那样将装运时间提前,因为船务公司告诉我们,下个月底之前他们都没有空舱可提供。)

9. We would like to try to advance the shipment as you wish but can not guarantee to absolutely make it. (我们愿努力把装运期提前以满足贵方要求,但我们不能保证一定做到。)

10. Would you please cable the shipping advice as soon as possible as there is still no news about the shipment from you and the L/C is due to expire next week. (由于我们还没有收到贵方关于货物装运的任何消息而信用证下周就要过期了,所以能否请你们尽快电告装船通知。)

11. Please expedite the shipment trying your best. (请尽量加快装船。) 12. We shall cable you in due course the name of the chartered steamer and its estimated arrival time. (我们会及时电告所租轮船的船名及其预计抵达时间。)

13. The Chinese art crafts you ordered have been shipped already and your future order will continue to receive our prompt attention. (贵方所订的中国工艺品业已装船运出,对于你们以后的订单我们会一如既往地迅速处理。) 14. We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by S.S “East Wind”sailing from July 1. (如果贵方能尽力将货装于7月1日启航的东风号轮,我们将不胜感谢。)

15. We shall appreciate it if you effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season. (如贵方能尽早装船,我们将非常感激,这样可以使我方客户在季初赶上需求的高峰。) 16. Owing to the delay in opening the relative L/C, shipment cannot be made as contracted and should be postponed to the end of next month. (由于贵方开证的延误,不能按合同规定装运。装运将推迟到下月底。)

17. Please amend the covering Letter of Credit to allow partial shipment, under advice to us. (请修改有关信用证为允许分批装运,并通知我方。)

18. As the only direct steamer, which calls at our port once a month, has just


departed, the goods can only be shipped next month. (由于每月只停靠我港口一次的惟一一班直达轮船刚刚离开,货物只能在下月装运。) 19. You will please do your very best to hasten shipment. We hope that by the time you receive the letter, you will have the goods ready for shipment. (请你方尽最大努力加快装运。我们希望贵方收到此函时,货物已备妥待运。) 20. We wish to advice you that the goods under S/C No. GZ-001 went forward per S.S “Dongfeng” on June 4, to be transshipped in Hong Kong and are expected to reach your port in July. (很高兴通知贵方GZ-001号销售确认书项下的货物已于6月4日由“东风”轮装运。货物将在香港转船,并预计7月份抵达贵方港口。)

Part Five Practical Training

Beginning Training

1. Put the following English into Chinese.

(1) 启运港 (2) 卸货港 (3) 目的港

(4) 船运 (5) 轮船 (6) 货运代理商 (7) 一整套运输单据 (8) 海运提单 (9) 装船指示

(10) 装船通知 (11) 分批运输 (12) 转船运输 (13) 预定船舱

(14) 我们盼望贵方能早日装运。

(15) 贵方可放心,周末前我方会完成装运。 (16) 我们已为贵方9876号订单的货订好了舱。 (17) 运往汉堡的木衣架将在香港转船。


(18) 船运公司将对运输途中的货损负责赔偿。 (19) 请在最迟装船期前发货。

(20) 合同规定,卖方一把货装上船后就应该把装船通知电告买方。

2. Read the following letters and fill in the blanks with one of the

prepositions given. Letter 1: (1) from (2) of (3) to (4) in (5) on Letter 2: (1) With/In (2) in (3) for (4) Under (5) without

Intermediate Training

1. Put the following Chinese into English.

(1) shipping instruction

(2) shipping advice (3) port of loading (4) port of discharge (5) transship at…

(6) a clean on board bill of lading

(7) enclose a set of transportation documents with the letter (8) freight paid (9) freight to collect (10) partial shipment

(11) We have not received any news from you about the shipment of the

goods since the L/C was opened.

(12) We are glad to inform you that the consignment under order No.432 has

been shipped this morning.

(13) Please follow the above-mentioned shipping instruction.

(14) The lot of goods are forbidden to be partially shipped, but are allowed

to be transshipped.

(15) The latest shipment date in the L/C has been extended 20 days as per

your request.

(16) According to the contract between us, you will compensate for the

relevant losses should you delay the delivery date this time.


