introduction - applied research methods- WEEK 1 (3)(3)

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Applied Business Research Methods ULMS515


Module Information 15 credit module Semester 1, Weeks 1-6 Lecture and seminar (group allocation is fixed) Mandatory for MSc Management, MSc HRM, MSc

Consumer Marketing, MSc International Business, MSc Entrepreneurship Handbook for information Assignment – writing a research proposal Core reading – Business Research methods – Blumberg, B. Module Leader – Dr. Dilani Jayawarna,, Rm FE7, Chatham Building

ProgrammeLecture Week 1 Introduction to the module and the module assignment. The nature of academic and applied research, the research process, finding a suitable research area, framing a question. Types of data and data collection strategies – qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods: the difference and the choice Quantitative Research: population and sampling; sampling and sampling related errors; questionnaire surveys: types of questions, unit of measurements; introduction to data analysis; quantitative data analysis techniques; data presentation Quantitative Research: data analysis and interpretation: graphical presentation, descriptive statistics, chi-squares, correlation, simple regression Use of secondary data: advantages and disadvantages, data sources and accessing secondary data Qualitative Research: designing qualitative research; generating qualitative data Writing up and presenting quantitative/qualitative data. Mixed methods in research. Summing-up: developing a research proposal, ethical issues in research Seminar Available information sources at the University of Liverpool, conducting a literature review and Database search Database search, critiquing methodological approaches in academic articles Questionnaire design and data coding workshop

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Quantitative data analysis workshop

Week 5 Week 6

Planning a qualitative study, qualitative data collection and analysis Assessment briefing

Research Skills Why do this? History – students struggle in their dissertation/business analysis project Its difficult – it’s a higher level skill You need practice – “practice makes perfect” Its a valuable skill – companies won’t ask you to write a dissertation but they might ask you to find out about X and report back in order that a decision can be made. Its important that you can do this in a thorough, rigorous and transparent way.

Research Skills What does it cover?

Defining realistic, focussed, business oriented, interesting research questions Finding out what other research has already been undertaken, what we know and what can inform your own research. Finding relevant models/frameworks that you can use to analyse your data. Working out a sensible method to answer your research questions using established approaches adapted to your particular context Planning your research project Co

llecting data in a consistent, ethical, accurate way to accurately represent the situation you are investigating Analysing the data to extract answers to your questions using an objective and consistent approach Writing up your findings so they are easy to follow (not a novel) and inform decisions and future research

What is research? Research is the process of finding solutions

to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the situational factors. RE – to return, go back to something again

and again SEARCH – looking for new ways of doing things

What is research? A systematic study - follows a method Data is collected systematically Data is interpreted systematically Clear purpose to investigate and find things out Should be: Justified in terms of existing research Repeatable – verifiable Defensible – using established methods, unbiased, open to scrutiny Informed by previous research

Conducting Research Film /clips/662

What is Business Research?10

Managers in organizations constantly engage

themselves in studying and analyzing issues and hence are involved in some form of research activity as they make decisions at the workplace. Decision making is merely a process of choosing

from among alternative solutions to resolve a problem and research helps to generate viable alternatives for effective decision making.

Business Research11

Business research can be described as a systematic

and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting, that needs a solution. Business research comprises a series of steps designed and executed, with the goal of finding answers to the issues that are of concern to the manager in the work environment.

What is Business Research?12

Sometimes managers make good decisions and the

problem gets solved. Sometimes managers make poor decisions and the problem persists. The difference between making good decisions and poor decisions, lies in how managers go about the decision-making process.

Conducting Business Research13


2. 3. 4. 5.


Identify where exactly the problem lies and identify as clearly and specifically as possible the problems that need to be studied and resolved – identify the research question. Correctly recognize the relevant factors in the situation needing investigation – setting clear objectives. Decide what types of information are to be gathered and how – research design. Take actions to collect most reliable and valid information – data collection. Make the best use of the information so collected and draw appropriate conclusions to make the right decisions – data analysis and interpretation. Implement the results of this process to solve the problem - decision making.

Areas for Business Research14

Entrepreneurship - Financing start-up businesses - Social networks for nascent entrepreneurs - Entrepr

eneur motivation - Enterprise education - Social enterprises - Entrepreneurial learning - Resourcing new ventures

Research and the Manager15

HRM - Staff turnover - Recruitment and promotion - Strategic HRM - Performance Management - Staff development - Learning

Research and the Manager16

Management: - Employee attitudes and behaviors - Human resources management - The impact of changing demographics on -

management practices Production operations management Strategy formulation Information systems Networks

Research and the Manager17


Marketing: Product image Advertising Sales promotion Product distribution Product packaging Product pricing After-sales service Consumer preferences New product development

Research and the Manager18


International Business: Global logistics Inter-organisational learning/networks Macroeconomic factors for business failure New product development

Research (classification) (1) the application of the research study (pure and

applied research), (2) the data source analyzed (primary and secondary research), (3) the type of information sought (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research), (4) the presence of data (theoretical and empirical research), and (5) the objectives of the research (descriptive, explanatory, predictive, and exploratory research).

Andrew, Pederson and McEvoy (2011

Types of Business Research20




Research can be undertaken for two different purposes: To solve a current problem faced by the manager in the work setting. Such research is called applied research. To generate a body of knowledge and understanding of phenomena and problems that occur in various organizational settings is called basic research/ fundamental research/ pure research Both types of research follow the same steps of systematic inquiry to arrive at solutions to problems.

Applied research for business Purpose Improve understanding of a particular business or management problem Results in solution to the problem New knowledge limited to the problem Findings are of practical relevance and value to managers in organizations Context Undertaken by people based in a variety of settings Objectives negotiated with originator Tight timescales

