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1. All in a day’s work

Definition: nothing special, part of the routine. 不足为奇,常有的事情。 1)Don’t worry about it. It all in a day’s work. 2)Cooking is all in a day’s work

2. All in my hay

Definition: when a person is all up in your business or conversation, has no clue of who what when where or why your talking about but keep asking questions while telling a story or talking about someone. 1)I was talking to Debbie about another person’s business when Joe butted in being newsy asking questions and who I was talking about. I told him to butt out! Your all in my hay!

3. All-nighter

Definition: do something that lasts all night. (for instance a study session) 熬夜,开夜车。

1)We pulled and all-nighter to get ready for the final exam.

4. All over something

Definition: very fond of something. 非常喜欢某些东西或事情。 1)He’s all over the lasted fashions. 2)Peter’s all over antique furniture.

5. All over the gaff/shop

Definition: British slang usually directed towards someone or yourself as being a complete mess, disorganized, and has no sense of direction. 表示没人完全没有条理性,一团糟。 1)These days I’ve been all over the gaff.

6. All over the map

Definition: describing a situation that is diverse or disorganized; describing a person with a wide range of skills or interests.


1)Estimates for U.S. gasoline demand this summer are all over the map. 2)She’s had every blood test known to man and the results were all over the map.

3)If you travel all over the world, you could end up being all over the map.

7. All shook up

Definition: extremely excited, worried, or disturbed about something. 使人烦躁不安,神魂颠倒等。 1) He’s all shook up about his mother’s illness. 2)Wow! I am all shook up about Alice.

8. All that and then some

Definition: even more than that has been mentioned.


1)He did all that and then some to get new job.

9. All the way (with go)

Definition: do something completely. 一直。

1)He’s going all the way for the scholarship. 2)The little flipped all the way to school.

10. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Definition: which meanings you need to have fun in order to be a happy, healthy person.


1)I am worried about him. He hasn’t yet understood that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

11. Around the bend

Definition: crazy

1) Tom is going round the bend with all the new responsibilities. 2)She’s a little around the bend if you ask me!

12. Around the block (to have been)

Definition: be very experienced 有经验的,经历过的

1) You can trust Jerry. He’s been around the block once or twice. 2)She’s been around the block. And she knows what she is doing.

13. Blue/Pale/Green around the gills

Definition: feeling nauseous 脸色苍白的,发青的。

1)I can't come in to work today. I'm feeling blue around the gills. 2)You should stay at home. You look blue around the gills.

14. Bob’s your uncle

Definition: British slang there you got/it will be done and sorted; all will be well or simple as that.

表明某事已经完成或者某事没有任何的问题。 1)\2)It wasn’t running right, so I cleaned the carb, adjusted the points and Bob’s your uncle!

15. Burn the midnight oil

Definition: work hard until late in the night. 点灯熬油

1) I had to burn the midnight oil to get that done.

16. Bum around

Definition: waste time.

1) Let's go downtown and bum around.

2)I wish he'd stop bumming around and get to work!

17. Burn the money

Definition: the act of revealing the ending to a movie and/or

event(especially something that relies upon the ending to create suspense), thereby making it unwatchable.

1) (Derived from the movie A Simple Plan - and, if you haven't seen it, well, I just burned the money)

Jackass: \idiots.\

Foil: \burn the money.\

18. Clown around

Definition: joke, play games and have fun 开玩笑,胡闹。

1)Stop clowning around and get to work! 2)Let's take a break and clown around a bit.

19. Come down in the world

Definition: lose financial or social prestige and position. 落魄,失势。

1)I’m afraid Tom has come down in the world. Life’s been pretty hard for him lately.

