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执教:林文霞 冯雪梅 黄爱华

教材 课型 教 过程与方法 学 目 值观 标 及祝福的时候要说Thank you,表示感谢之意。 词汇 ,July,August,September,October,Nove教mber, 教What’s the date today? It’s October 20th. Today is my birthday 点 通过生日会送礼物的情景,渗透“感恩” 教育,懂得在接受礼物Read and write. discuss and talk in pairs 情感态度与价know how to talk about the date of birthday. 开心学英语 新授课 知识与技能 课题 计划课时 Master the words and sentences of this lesson Unit 3 Dates 3 学 句型 When’s your birthday? My birthday’s 学重点 October 20th. What’s the date today? 难It’s October 20th.Today is my birthday! 功能 Talk about the birthday. 教Large calendar,Picture Cards 41-52, 板书 Unit 3. Dates G1 G2 When’s your birthday? 学 Ordinal Numbers cards. 准 备 th My birthday’s October 20. 设计 What’s the date today? Period One

教学 过程与步具体措施与活动 骤 1. greeting T:Hello!How are you today? S:I’m very well,thank you. 2.sing a song ‘one ,two,one two……’. 3.getting ready T:Today we’ll learn about the months of one year,and let me know about your birthday. Step2 presentation 1.teaching words (1)January:Show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. 通过询问“When’s your birthday?”,老师把日历翻到相应的通过复习旧的单词,唱歌等方式引出本课需要学习的内容,温故而知新。 活动目的 过Step1 程 Revision (2) February:show the calendar to the students,and 日期“It’s your show January,teacher read and let the students birthday today。”全班repeat. “Happy birthday to (3)March:Show the calendar to the students,and 说show January,teacher read and let the students you。”该同学表示感repeat. 谢之意说:“Thank 2.teaching ordinal Numbers from 1to 20. Writing on the blackboard. you!” 3.teaching the sentence: ‘What’s the date today?’ ‘It’s…… .’ ‘It’s my birthday today!’ use the words(January,February,March) and ordinal Numbers fro m 1to 20. (1)T:What’s the date today? It’s January 1st. And explain the date what is the first day in

January.(show the calendar of January) (2)T: What’s the date today?(point to the January 2,call a student to answer the question) S1:It’s January 2nd. (3)continue using the calendar nd about 边问边猜边看卡片,January,February,March and ordinal Numbers1 to 让学生在枯燥的单20. 词操练中也能找到T:What’s the date today? Ss:It’s February 3rd./It’s March 4th. Step3 乐趣。 1)April:Show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students Activities repeat. (2) May:show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. (3)June:Show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. 5.teaching ordinal Numbers from 21 to 31. Writing on the blackboard. 6.read words and ordinal numbers. 7.pair work: S1:What’s the date today? S2:It’s April 5th. And call some pairs to perform. Step 3 (12 minutes) 1. teaching the names of month from July to 让学生在游戏中操练单词。

September. (1)July:Show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. (2) August:show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. (3)September:show students repeat. 2.teaching ordinal Numbers fro m 21to 31. 3.practice with the months from January to September. 4.pair work step 4 (7minutes) let the students peform.. step 5 (2 minutes) listen to the tapes step 6 ( 1 minute) homework 1. writting the new words the second period Step 1 (5 minutes) the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the

1. greeting T:Hello!How are you today? S:I’m very well,thank you. 2.review the words and ordinal numbers.(show the pictures) 3.review the sentence T:What’s the date today?(show the calendar) Ss:It;s…….(use the months of January……)It’s my birthday today! Step 3 (12 minutes) 2. teaching the names of month from July to September. (1)July:Show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. (2) August:show the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the students repeat. (3)September:show students repeat. 2.teaching ordinal Numbers fro m 21to 31. 3.practice with the months from January to September. the calendar to the students,and show January,teacher read and let the

