河海大学研究生英语第五版教师教案考试重点Unit 11 The Iks

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Unit 11 The Iks

*Questions 1. What do you know about the small tribe of Iks? 2. Who wrote the book about the Iks? What kind of attitude did he have? What's the theme of the book? 3. What's the author's attitude toward the book? 4. What's the gist of the article?


*Language points

1.dishearten --- v. cause sb to lose hope or confidence

Don't let this set-back dishearten you.

2.at large --- generally; as a whole; as a unit

The young generation, at large, is a bright group.

The junior class at large was not interested in a senior year book.

3.in response to --- as a verbal answer, or physical /emotional reaction to sth. The lectures have been published in book form in response to numerous requests.

Mr. John's letter is in response to a recent speech by Mr. Smith.

4.rest on/upon---(1) cause to be based on sth.

It's not enough to rest your argument on unsupported facts.

His argument rests on a broad basis of facts.

(2) depend on , be decided or fixed by sth.

The committee's decision rests on

the chairman's vote.

All their hopes rested upon this venture.

You may rest upon his promise.

5.in advance of ---before a future period or occasion

We discussed her proposal in advance of her arrival.

The iron mine fulfilled the state production plan one month in advance.

6.a bad lot / egg --- person considered to be dishonest and unreliable

7.forage --- search or hunt for sth.esp. food and supplies

One group left the camp to forage for firewood.

She foraged about in her handbag, but couldn't find her keys.

8.desert ---cf.leave, abandon, desert, forsake

She left home when she was eighteen to become a nurse.

He left music to study law.

The scientist abandoned his research for lack of funds.

The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman.

They deserted the farm for the city.

to desert a friend in trouble

The soldier abandoned his post and deserted.

She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her.

His wife persuaded him to forsake his old drinking habits.

9.snatch ---cf. grasp, seize, grab, grip, snatch, clutch

The drowning man grasped the

tree branch firmly.

The policeman caught up with the thief and seized him by the collar.

He grabbed the beggar's arm and pulled him out of the path of the car.

He gripped my hand so tightly that it hurt.

The puppy snatched the candy from the girl's hand.

The thief snatched her purse and ran away.

The mother clutched her small daughter's hand when they were crossing the street.

The little girl clutched her doll tenaciously in case it might be seized away.

10.fall into place --- become clear; (begin to) form an orderly & intelligible pattern

The whole mystery falls into place

when you remember who was in power at the time.

Now that you tell me about the man's relationship with his family, the whole picture falls into place.

11. shout --- cf.cry, yell, shout, bellow, roar, scream, shriek

We heard his cries for help above the sound of the storm.

It sounded like the cry of a woman in pain.

The child lost in the woods gave a yell for help.

The crowd gave a yell of \team, go!\

There were shouts of surprise when the winner was announced.

He had a loud bellow and attacked his opponent.

The lion's roar could be heard throughout the jungle.

He set the room in a roar.

He screams filled the air as she turned and fled.

the agonizing shrieks of the wounded

the shriek of the fire siren

12. lag behind --- fail to keep level with

In steel production, we lag behind the rest of Europe.

Our figure lags behind the national average.

13. no / little / small wonder(that …)--- it is not /hardly surprising

No wonder you were late!

Small wonder that he was so tired! No wonder you couldn't find the book ---it had fallen behind the chair.

It is no wonder that the children love to visit the farm.

The Browns didn't go to the Fair.

Small wonder--- they dislike large, noisy crowds.

14. withdraw into ---- try to leave reality and find peace in (a quality or oneself)

Mary hates parties and always looks for a chance to withdraw into herself and not speak to people.

