Classifying Components by Behavioral Abstraction

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We present an approach for classifying and retrieving reusable software based on exemplary descriptions of its functionality. The functionality of reusable components is described by a set of tuples with each tuple representing a characteristic input-outpu

Classfyinig ompConetnsby ehaviBraolA strabciotInsnttitufur nfIomatrki-ySteme,s nUviesrtit aKlagnfure tKalgefurtn,A utsia erami:l fmttermeir, iehpo@ig u.n-kil.auca.tRolndaT .M itetreim,r HinzePozewau ngi


Wc eresenpt naapp orac horfc lasisfingya dn erritvingere usbae lsftoawe brsea od nxemplare ydecsrpitois nfo ts ifncutonility.a heTfu cntoialnit of yreusbla ecmoonentspi s edscrbeidby a set fo utlpsewi t ehah cuptl reepesrntienga c hractaersiic itputn-uotut (pors tmiluus-erponsse)tr anforsamito no the comfopennta thad.nW tihcare uflch ocie ofth see chraatceistrc iutpel, insofmatirn oequvaliet ntoco nvneiotanlfor aml psci caeionsti sgiv en,ex ectpthat (er)-usrse on tersedvi nfor ml aspeicc atio ncan rovpdeisuch quries. The ecocnpet ust ijntrduoceddepen sdon the idscirimanitve ptonteila oft eht upes lprovide dan dno te eqhivulaenceo bfhaveio rrerpseetntians byo teh iblarira annd by te (rh-)euesr.T eh frmoer ca bn eassued by rhte lirabiarnsp orefssionailsm,th ela tet ry an adequbat ueesrint-rfeae cfo he tssytem supoptrig an dalig,o baedso whant th eysstme hs to aoe rrathrethan on uegses aboustwh a tht e(e-rus)re si ooking folr.Cosiderinngthe cmoopentni setf, thlree roadbca tgerioesstick uotf r oist edscrpitoin:Txteua lalgrotimhc descripiitn: ohisT sit he ocnvntionel aedscrpiiton fo ac mpooenn'st ourcsecode w,irtenti nsmo eocpimlbal epogrrmamngi lngauge.aI ngen eral wema yssumeat hs teituaxldesc irtipnoto b proeedcrul coaed,r eda yfo rexcueitno atfre cmpiloatinoi/netrrpeattoni. Pericdative in(entsinol)ad esrcptiion: Ths irfeesrto froal smpeci ctiona,s irerspetivc ofet h ealngaug uese.dW hle sieci pcatino sreat xe ttoo,hte are noyt liena terxtb t uas teof p edrcaies ttobe i tenprretedby omes reaosinngme hcainm srriseepctvieof the ordrei nhwihct hye ar ewirtten dwn. oaTulbra e(tenxsinola) desrcptioi: Wnhatveer ap rgormam ightcom utp eae irnup-outtupt-ratsfnroatmoins o fome ssot. Hrenec,inst ae dof dscrebingith se eecmahnims syb maensof in icdaintg theirs ematnci (ssecipca tion )roh wo hte ayer o betd eriev dp(rogar) ome ncolu dlas oexpicltiy wrlitethe m odnw in (aotpneiatll iy nnte) itbla.e

M1oivattionWedeapt frrmoth eas sumpito nthatin blac k bxoreu s teehu ers i not sntireseetdin retreviniga p atircuar lipce eo cfode rfom alib arr oyfreus alb cemooneptns,b t uthath ish/rei ntersteis he functtinoaily tnedeed. Thsifu nticonalti cynab e a{ndus aullyis{ dsceired bby ntuara llnaugaeg dseciprorts r,o n a oorm eedtailde elel, vyb frmaol spcie atcion. Hosevwr, theefo merrar in generale oo tewk taos lecte an paprpriotaecom poent,n na dhte latte arer n iegernaltoo cmpoicated tl orwtei dwn ofo ther reuqsetre B.ased onth eaalogy nfo heckcing ut booksofr o omen-sptco klbrairise hewer ctaalos gpovrdi juetsrou hg uigandc and ehte nl adciesionof het erdaeris m de aatefrbr woisgn trhuohg smeobo ok suitsbal efo rthequ stioe at hnnad,weba kn no het opearitoanls emntaic so fosftwae.rI nc onrast to 1]tw edo n t usoera

ndolm genyearetddat a. e Wathrr efcuos n doscriimnatiry outpel.sSpecfyiingb yTpule s2. 1Perimliarines2

Asd iscused si 2] wnehav et odisitgnius hbtewee nteh (re-)usre snteit nna dthe pesicc errpseenatitnao florm sue tdode csirb ehitsin ent.tL keiwie,sthe c moonpne stouhgt canbe d secrbed ia tarvios leuvelsof asbtracito and in variousn rpeeserntatoianl froms.1

Thesec aetgroei so tedscirb fencutioanltiy ppla fyorbot h,hetprov dierand t ehr qeeuter sofa cmopneotn.He er,we dpear trofmt eh asumptsoin, tht ia negnealr,i ist esaie torg veis oe cmharaterictisc ipnt-uotpuutm ppingsaof af ucniontaity lneeed dtah nto decsiber i ty wbirtigni stc omlepte secipca tionor it comsplte pregraom .W elao dspear tformthe as usmptoi, ntht iat si aseier to red a sapei cactoin or (eenv paogram) trahn o wtitr et.i Tereforeh,w preoope a meshtodw here equesretsrof a rusebaelco moneptn seeclt tis chmponeot fnom r aeropsitoy onr hetb sias fo hcarcaertistc iniutouptut-ptupls.eF or his metthd oto ebso un, wed assume that aech omcpneotn tsredo n ite hlbriar iysre pesrntee dntoon l yn its soiucr-coed erepesertaniotn,bu tthat it aso has l faoralm secpica toin s wella a as setof suc hharacctreisit tcuplse atathcd.e oT sausm eeisxetnc ef oa ofram lpecs caitoi snemes afi rwhn deaelni gith whig huaqltyi ocpmnoent.sT h e oert pens intbu lidnig i witl lay op druign ighhf rqueenc reusy eltaer Requ.iing rutpls eatachte ids seci p ct otis ahproaphc T.he deatis of hlowth ee schractearitsi cupteslar buelitin th e rs ptalcean dhowth e ocresprodnece nbtweenetu plesc nsodered ihcaacrteistic rybt e herquetersa ndt ose cohsnierdd ehacacrertitsci yb tehl irbaianr aer seabltisedhi ssujebt of cte hfololiwgns ectinso.

We present an approach for classifying and retrieving reusable software based on exemplary descriptions of its functionality. The functionality of reusable components is described by a set of tuples with each tuple representing a characteristic input-outpu

Non discriminating InputHighly discriminating Input

We present an approach for classifying and retrieving reusable software based on exemplary descriptions of its functionality. The functionality of reusable components is described by a set of tuples with each tuple representing a characteristic input-outpu

re .nO hte othreh an,d tereh ay emisxtot eh resmgetn,s pesice bydt he ams seginatur, beu tatachtdewi ht othe resanticma trtbuiets(S tatstic iompocennsta nd nacian locponemtn shoulsd esrie di nid renet semegts)n W.tiihnt heesseg entm alls cmpononet sra esructtrud euedt ot ehr en menetc iterrinopr vodid by etheg iev ntpules We.a susm ethat ht set e Ci thes et osf lalcom poenns itna se megt n.A caniddtae ocpmonen c 2 t Ci sacol letcinoof o n eo mror aegoriltmsh aw ithi dneitalc ufcntonalityi(E. g., recrepsnts alela scnedngis otrignal orgihmtso nhacacter lisrst).A thtis opnit w wenatto stess, rtha a tecrtanialg roihmt acan als oe rbelaet tod twoor ormec mopnontes !Conisders otrin glaogithms, rwihhcar ein egenar lmplemeinte dsa paarmetrized peorgamsr cceptani ingpt ofu i edenr dttaat pyes,provied dwih at orderingn reatlon ifrothe sety esp.T herfeor, euch sagoritlms hae relrtead t oid eerntco monentp is din reet sngeenms tacordincg ot thei rrespectveisi gatnru.eF urtermhreo, Ti sthe etsof lla uplte sni seagmetn, htsu lalex ampel tpulset 2 T a r in ecaordcncae t ohe tintefrae cpesic ctaoni f .o heTp wor-eetsof Ti sdneoimntad esa(T ), adnre psetcvilye,the powe -sret fo isCdenot ed s a( ). FCo thr seke oa fismplciiyt,n itehfol owilg ndsiuscsoni wedo nt moeniot thne sbusricpt fort h ceruenr segmten,t, i thf emeaing nis lecr.aA cmpooent netrreiavlfunc iot ni ds ene ds a fancuitnocr:

(T) (! ).PCrvioed diwt a hste fotu lep sa examslpe ehbviaro,hte rseul oft cr isa et so fcompoennst C. Appr oprateli yenlrainggT w ill nircesae is dticrismintaievpower, t husn arroiwng he ctarinadlti ofy .C Thu, an sieratitv schemeeis edscireb, dso hta itn hte nd, eht eesrut olfcr ilwl b ea uniary stt Ce, c notainig na ingles ocmonpen c 2t C s rasulte of ht eeascrhpr cose. Tshe rpgaaticmsof r icsde crsieb dsa floolws:f Ia ussebt ofT 2 T d neteo a ssbuet sfo omponcetn C s C 2,w sayet ah tT harcaterciezs . TCe emphyt es chartaceritzs everyeco pmneotni n, inces the epmytse htasn odisrcmiintaveipower. Also, fi th careidalnit of Cy si and t1ehr eeixtssn oo thre t2 T s eaxaplemo tfheso elco monpnte cn ihet set C, w esy atathT f ully carhcteairze Cs(in fct aTcha acterirzse c 2 C.) n Ihit sessene evy rste T ispart o fa des cirtionpan d aarptil asepcicat onifor hte ocpomnetsn ni C .I fthe ca rdiality nf o isC0, hetn etheirth re ei st laaes onte uptlet il elglly aadeddt tho deecripstinos t T (Te oncatnsico trndaicort eynriet,s rsp. teherea ercont adricitosno n het esarc phaht, o)r hte ddiaitnao lutle p tis a avlid aditdonialdis criimntao,rbu thtre ie ns cooponemtn asitsyifng het pesc iactoni er ndeby .tAs lng as ohetca drinlitayis greater than 1urfter htuleps usmt eb daeddto risaet eh hcraacetrzini gpotetinal foT He.ce no dtecease tro he tnubme rfoc mpononestin C, htenu mer obftu pel isnT m ust bei cnrmeneted.A so ilt mst ueb cnoiserdde,i tferh aree orme hat none elmeens tint e hcomonpen tetsC a dnn om oe r t T2c an b eaded dtoT, iwthotu 1)(g enretiag tneh mpety st,e r o2)( dcreesina theg unbmreof ca dniadtes,th e nhe treositpryo semse ndeusrecp edi .Ifs cu ah stuaitin ooccur (mseanign hta tn oemarinng tupli in eTn Ta ds ddesrcbiing acapbliiitse t To), (1 ) th eomcpnoent srmeininag in aCe irdintsniugshialbein het snes efoi pntu-utpou tbehaivor,o r2) (mpiotrantdi csrimnatiig nuptles ae misrsngi i T .n4. Se2rahcHi rarehcy

tunqiuel idenyitying fne o hcaevto b e sratti ed. Tis shtarticati n oseu the fscat tha, thtev arius setso Ti dscribeign cmponeon tpecis ctaoinsCi are i ngneealrn otI ondrer to rpoidv ean cieents erah scrategyt,th etupl esdsjinuct .Te ohevlapr etwbenet hse estesca bn uesd teo uibld as erchah eriarhc.yT oedn ethi sherarciy, hw eont,e hta tteh upartitnione destC wllibe r etievre dy bhet mety sep to canfddati tepluse T,0=;. dAing oden(o servral) tepuels ot T 0riase itssd scriiinative mopwr, eo thastC wil lbesp it inlt (disjunct)o usbstesC 1wti haeh c C 1onctainingc moonpent cs cnforming oot T 1wi ht T 1T 1. Futrherr en menet ofT 1by a ddignmo ertu pls te2 T furhertr iasesits dis crmiiativenpower. Lte' serfr eto thsoead iditoanlt pueslb 1, tyhne T2= 1 T an1d T 2 asuses on Cm te hasm reoleT 1 a sused mo nhte ull setfof nto idscimrinatde cmponeonst C. T h erseutlof t is hidscimrnitian woil be lcoponemntets C 2 wsihte ac comhpnont ein C 2conofrmni togT 2 .hTe eraerdca nim

meidtaly veriey,f hatt histd esrcbeis elelvs-tsei n atre eandth epr ceodur sketcehed of thre elevs nelx tt toe rohotc a bn eteritivela eyxanpde tdli lhet lea fnoesd of hett re are reaehec.d Hnee,c w eilwl ocusfin he ftutherrd scissiun just oo theni medmati peaent childrr laetionsip hi nthiss erach tree .As heta r eht eests elaidgn ot fruthr eiscrdiinamiont iwhit n giavne se t, thC eutpleset- s arT desitnic ontylin thse oaprt shey obtait disntnit ct o T? 1fro .m neOm igt ahlo nost,et ath te hse ltadeng io tht eiitnial splti,T1 c oud la wesl bel rferreedt o sa 0( eensf omr proaceudra polni). Wt ecllaa pia (r; CT) a andicdae . Ftr a ocndaidtea ht sete chTracatrizee sal elelmets of nC. Wtiin theh treest ucrtruet ushestabli sedh,t he ofllwiognrela iotns ustmho ldb teewn a efathre andcidteap adn tis snuccesosr ss, 1 nii: iii iii i ii iiji jjil i lii j l ij li ii i ii(= 1 C)= Cme as,n thatth ecomp neot-sen ot afll iredtco spr igns ublidthe ompcnent set of tho fathee isp


ic8;8i 6=j n ii

:s( c 2 C) c 2 6 )C eanm,sth atno os pringcandid at shearesa omcopnet wint iht sibslin.gT An=dirCce itmlipctionao f tih possutltain os i.=1;sisj

T1=T= meTasn,th taevery s ccuseor sdds aoen o more nrwein pu-tuotpu tuptlseto i stex apmle avlu eset T wh,chih epl to distsinuishgthe c ompoentns t froe its mfahter omcpnento est. t; 8i8; j: (t 6 T 2^ 2t T^ t 2 T i)=j) m easn,t atht hei etsm in th tuele-septof acadnidtae utb no itnth teplue-st efo thea cesnto orfth i scnadditea aveh ey-pkropetyr.Th erea er dimght noe, ttahtt hse are teules tpaek fnrm ote sht eofad diiontlay dlicrsiinmtain gutpels. n sii ps p s isj

3=, Ttush, te htplues oclected lovr tehoe sprtsa o tfhevar iuo inscrmenteladis cimirantro yess ton tehp ahtfr m ohteroot of t e hsearhctre eot tehc adindte ata ahd fnrom eactxl yth ese to fdsircminatori yuptls of teish cnadiadet. niS


i 1:::knkn

We present an approach for classifying and retrieving reusable software based on exemplary descriptions of its functionality. The functionality of reusable components is described by a set of tuples with each tuple representing a characteristic input-outpu

Hre the eisgntaru fe: hca r !oblod esignates as gmeetn cntoainni gth feololiwn cgmpoonne stet frCmot he NSA CI-tsadnradl briayr m(odi edfo r raeabilidty:) 2 3 4 51 6ooblbo ol obl boolo ooblb oloi alnsmu(harci salhpach(rais ntcr(chlari dsigi(cthr isagraphc(har sipinrtcha(rc); c) c); c);;c ); )c; 879 10 11 bol bool booo loobl obloi solerwch(r ca; )suiperpc(arh c; is)upntcc(ha c); isrpscaech(rac); ixdsgii(tchr a);

4c.3A neaxplme

he reqTeustre esacreshf o a prrdecait cheecking f aigi ven cahraterc i s ahxedacemil adgiit. Iinitalyl, th eetsC =C cntoains al leevln ecmopnoent of shte semegn, wterhae tseht upe lestT i smpet. yhT sesy 0emt ersot owo tipon stothe requseetr,1= (0'', T) 0= '(0',). FObiovslyu,t h laeterto tpin dooesan d2 ot nmet eht eedanmd.T heerfoer (,''0 T), isad de to tde ihniiat lmpet yest anT dthec ompoenn stt eC s ireducd bey2, 3,7,8,, 190 gen,ertian ghe ctndadaite 1= f(, 4, 1, 5,6 1g;1 0 (00 T;) ). . Int e nhxt etspe het ysstemo ers t eh eamxpel s(a', ')Tan d ('a, '),Fo ne mcro eiwth ht

e srtex malpeas orcecrto r.eH nce,e fnuctoi nidisgti hosud lebex ludec dy bte hsaerche anr aldl ohetrf unctinsoa era ddedto C 2 . Int h neex ittretian o(xeapmles (Z', 'T),rse.p(' Z,'F ) )hte hociceof hets ecnd oaternatilev celary idenlites t eh cmpononetisx digt, wiich prohides vthe ee tct e hrusee wratnde.1,2, .., 1.1(’0,’T)’0(’,F)

f poarictluratupl esi nhet oevralppin ageas ro fhacarcetrzinig tpuels (T, i fc onsieded rfrmoa bototmu-pp erpscetiev).T ih sottobm-u perpsectivp ewli le bnecessay,rw enhc noisderig nmintanaenceo fte hilrabyrb yicnldung new candiidaes tt aol birrayde nde ndain seua leady.r The lirbaianr,incontr sa tot te testh xeertp,migh t asolbe owrreid aobtut e ehexcuitnaol cso otfa tupl .eTu lpes shulodnot on y bl seleetcie,vthe ysohudla solbe aeys tocompu e atn tdo vrify.eThis a gument hrodslbe acus eevn if ehter poestoiy harspre-sto edr esurts,l ht reeuqstee rash t oeb abel otveri fyth tah/esh aectulay wanlt shetre ulss stitplaute bd the yarvios discuirmnatoiry tulep srepensedt a a tiveg nlevle. Afurther cosindratioen b,eynod teh sopce f tois hpapr, ei treasmtet no fitnercaivt esftwaore ro ofstwar eenapcslauitng taste inofmatiron. Hee, rhe tcncoetp f opreanned ctulespas p ersetnd eerhe,do s ent holo. Thedge nearlp rincipel fo hte dias peesenterdin hist appe do raplpy hotgh.up

A anpporahct o casslfyi sftwaro onet he abss oif utlesp,repesrnteig snnpashot osf ts\ietri epd" ehbvaoi rhsab een pesenretd .Th eaprpaohc iams o atllwofo rofswtra deecsrptiio annd sofwtraer erteiavl\byexamp el."



,1,45,,611’(’,a T (’)’a,F)2,37,8,,,91

0,5,6,11(1Z’’,) T’Z’( F),41

1,15,6Fiuger2: C alss citiano Tee Frigur e2show sthe t ree trsuturec of tish exmale pnid etal. iTh set e Cfo ervry eacdindte ais epicdte da srcetnaulgr, awhreaes he stteT is b ilud s uanon iofal tlupel fsro tmhecurr etnca didnteabac ko ttehro ot fo ht elcass iatcon itree ethree ieratiotns in inetacrtngiw tiht he ystes,m ht eeuresri endt eisth coempnoet in qunseton witiohu the neted or sfecpfiiny ght esmeanitc sexaclt. Tyeh rselutng icndadaite is (f11g;f '(0, 'T) ('a',;);T( Z', F'g) )hiwh icsi dneeda nelemne ot tfe hcomponen tetrireav lfnctiou crn. hTeil lusrttavei xempae hal sben ekpt veryes ipmel rofm amy pnrespceitevs.O n seimlipsitc asumspitonw s aotu s jesu btniraypa trtioin basse dnos mipel utpls. eInge nral, ehe dticsrimnatiie svt weillc nosst of miro etan has ngieltu lep, nda htus, theli rabrianhas t moke aac nosicousj dument ig optinmiingz edpt and hberdahto fte heasch rret.e This deisico wnil ilvnloe vth eelsceitn

4.o 4Dicsusiosn

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