牛津深圳版八年级下Unit4 Reading 同步练习含答案

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unit4 Cartoons and comic strips Reading1同步练习


1.Many children enjoy watching (动画片). 2.They (录制) a children's program last weekend. 3.This bridge is narrow .We should go across it ____________ (单独地 ) 4.Jackie Chan is a famous movie (演员).

5.I don't think his jacket can (与……相配) his new trousers. 6. Food, clothing and shelter are all (基本的) things of life. 7.We spent a (令人愉快的)day in the countryside. 8.They (似乎)to have misunderstood me. 9.Can you tell us more________(详细的)about the accident? 10.France are playing a ________Wales on Saturday. 二、单选。

( )1. --- We should learn some_______ life skills.

--- Yeah. Learning how ______ our clothes is as important as studying. A. basic; washing B. terrible; washing C. basic; to wash D. terrible; to wash

( )2. They haven't the student to take part in the city maths competition yet.

A. looked on

B. turned on

C. decided on

D. gone on

( )3. --- It is perfect to _______this piece of glass with the window

---_________ beautiful the window is now!

A. compare; How B. compare; What C. match; What D. match; How ( )4.---My sister wants to move to Kunming. She thinks the _ ____ there is nice. --- Tell her not to________ important matters too quickly A. weather; keep off B. program; keep off C. weather; decide on D. program; decide on

( )5. The little girl needs more clothes. It's too cold outside.

A. to wear

B. wear

C. wearing

D. wears

( )6.--- Which team will you play ______ in the final match?

--- Lion Team. I don't think we can win because the team is than our team. A. against; much stronger B. against; much weaker C. for; much stronger D. for; much weaker

( )7. --- I will give him a call and you can _____ what he says by using the phone. ---______. Let's do it now.

A. record; Great idea B. reach; Great idea C. record; You're welcome D. reach; You're welcome

( )8. --- I don't know how to make a kite, so I ____ asking my father to make

one for me.

--- I think you _____ how to make it.

A. set off; should learn B. set off; shouldn't learn C. decide on; shouldn't learn D. decide on; should learn ( )9.--- Dad, Tom and Jerry is so interesting that I can't stop ______ it.

--- But I have to give you a(n) ____Watching too much TV isn't good for

your eyes.

A. to watch; warning B. watching; warning C. to watch; example D. watching; example ( )10.--- Do you often use this _______, Tom? --- Yes, I often use it ___________things.

A. life jacket; recording B. Life jacket; to record C. video camera; recording D. video camera; to record 三、补全句子。


First, we need to _______ ______ a topic. 2. 他们似乎已经丧失了所有的自信。

They _______ ______ have lost all their confidence. 3.音乐家们花费了三天的时间录制这部电影的音乐。

It took the musicians three days _______ _______ the music of the film. 4. 这周末火箭队迎战威尔士队。

Rocket are _______ _______ Wales on the weekend.

5. 时间到了。准备好交作业了吗?

Time’s up! ______ you ______ ______ hand in your homework? 四、填空。

What do you like to do when you are free? (1) _________ (watch) cartoons is my favorite thing. Every day when I get home from school, (2) _________ first thing I do is to turn on the TV and watch cartoons. Someone may think that it is so silly (3) _________ (watch) cartoons, but I don t think so. Cartoons refer to many (4) _________ (thing) and they often make me think a lot in my life. My favourite cartoon character is Garfield (加菲猫). Almost everyone (5) _________ (know) him. He is a lazy but (6) _________ (interest) cat. He was born (7) _________ a kitchen. His favourite hobby is sleeping and (8) _________ best friend is a mirror. He likes (9) _________ (eat) pizza very much.

Above all, I love watching cartoons because. they give me (10) _________ (happy). Do you also like watching cartoons?

Reading2&Listening 同步练习


1. 需要做某事_____________________________________ 2.决定_____________________________________ 3.决定做某事_____________________________________ 4. 忘记要做某事_____________________________________ 5. 忘记做过某事_____________________________________ 6. 考虑_____________________________________ 7. 看起来像_____________________________________ 8.似乎..._____________________________________ 9. 把..添加到.._____________________________________ 10. 为...配音_____________________________________ 11.和...不一样_____________________________________ 12. 准备做某事_____________________________________ 二、用所给词适当形式填空。

1. The boy wants to be a great _________ (act) after he grows up.

2.He wrote the girl's name on his notebook so that he would not forget _______ (call) her later.

3.The group of children ignored (不顾) the__________ (warn) and went into the yard. 4.Here are some _______ (base) rules at school. You must obey them. 5.The bridge is very narrow. We should go across it _______ (separate). 6.Our parents decide _______ (travel) around the world next month. 7.This is my pen: Where is___________ (you)?

8. The meeting ended with Tina __________ (say) \9. __________(not play)basketball in the street. It’s dangerous. 10.She appears ________ (be) very confident. 三、根据汉语完成句子。

1.首先,你需要选定一个故事的一些基本路线。 _____________________________________________ 2.第二步,考虑你想要的人物类型以及它们长什么样子。 _______________________________________________ 3.现在完成这个故事的粗略概述。

_______________________________________________ 4.用电脑画出详细的图画并添加颜色。

_______________________________________________ 5.音响效果,像地铁的噪音,也必须单独添加。 四、情景对话。

A. Your father can give you some advice. B. His birthday is coming. C. What can I do for you? D. But why do you draw this comic strip? E. That's really hard for me. F. I am drawing a comic strip, G. I think it can be better with your help. A: Sam. what are you drawing? B: (56) ____________________

A: You must like comic strips very much.

B: Yes, you are quite right. My father has bought a lot of comic strips for my brother

and me.

A: That's wonderful. (57) __________

B: I want to draw this comic strip for my brother (58) ___________ I want to give it to him as a present. He likes comic strips too.

A: Oh, I see. That's really a meaningful present! (59)_________________________ B: Maybe you can help me think about some words for this comic strip. A: OK. I am really happy to help you. B: (60) ______________________ A: Your brother will like it B: I hope so.


Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who planted a plot of rice. After he planted the seedlings(秧苗), every day he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow. He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day, but still, he thought they were growing too slowly. He got impatient with the young plants and suddenly he had an idea that one by one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch(英寸). The next early morning, the young man couldn’t wait to check his “achievement”, but he was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying. ( )1. The old farmer planted a plot of corns.

( )2.He got impatient with the seedings because he thought they were growing

too slowly.

( )3.The seedings were growing taller the next day. ( )4. The word “achievement” means“成果”in Chinese.

( )5. The best title of the story is” To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them



一、1.cartoons 2.recorded 3.separately 4.actor 5.match

6.basic 7.pleasant 8.appear 9.detailed 10.against 二、1-5 CCDCA 6-10 AADBD 三、1.decide on 2.appear to

3.to record 4.playing against 5.Are ready to 四、1. Watching 2. the

6. interesting 7. in

3. to watch 4. things

5. knows

8. his 9. eating 10. happiness

Reading2&Listening 同步练习答案

一、 1.need to do sth 2. decide on 3. decide to do sth 4. forget to do sth 5. forget doing sth 6. think about 7. look like 8.appear to do sth 9. add ..to 10. do one's voice 11. be different from 12. be ready to do sth

二、1.actor 2.called 3.warning 4.basic 5.separately

6.to travel 7.yours 8.saying 9.Don’t play 10.to be 三、1.First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.

2.In the second stage, think about the kinds of characters you want and what they will look like.

4.Now make a rough sketch of the story.

5. Use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour.

6. Sound effects, like the noise of the underground, must also be added



