
更新时间:2023-09-13 09:31:01 阅读量: 教学研究 文档下载


1. A full ______ of all the reasons for and against closing the railway has begun. A explosion B exploration C exploitation D explanation 答案:D

[解析] explanation “解释,说明”;explosion“爆炸”;exploration“探险”;exploitation“剥削,利用”。句子意思是“人们畅所欲言,开始解释支持或反对关闭铁路的理由”。答案是D。

2. In fear for their lives and in ______ of their freedom, thousands of enslaved women and children fled

to the Northern States on the eve of the American Civil War. A way B view C vision D pursuit

答案:D [解析] way“路,路线,路途”;view“观点”;vision“光景,视野”;pursuit“追求”。in pursuit of“追求,寻求”。答案是D。

3. When cooperating with the American specialists in the States, I ______ myself of the opportunity to

improve my English.

A availed B allowed C deprived D indulged 答案:A

[解析] avail oneself of sth“使用某事物,利用某事物”;allow of sth“容许某事物,对某事物留有余地”;deprive sb. of sth“剥夺某人的某事物”;indulge oneself with sth“放纵自己”。 4. Ben's wife lost the case, which ______ her enormously.

A compressed B depressed C impressed D suppressed

答案:B [解析] depress“使沮丧”;compress“压缩,浓缩”;impress“给……印象”;suppress“镇压”。

5. The bad and damp weather in the hot area would enable the plants to get ______ quickly. A decomposed B denounced C detached D deduced 答案:A

[解析] decomposed“分解,腐烂”;denounced“指责,谴责”;detached“孤立的,分离的”;deduced“推论,演绎”。答案是A。

6. Tom and Alice ______ having a new car to replace their old one for years. A has been dreaming of B have been dreaming of C has dreamed D will have dreamed

答案:B [解析] 主语是两个人,谓语用复数形式。由状语“for years”可以确定,应用现在完成时。 7. As the core of the management board, he can always come up with ______ ideas to promote the

corporation's marketing strategies.

A integral B instinctive C intangible D ingenious 答案:D

[解析] integral“完整的,完全的”;instinctive“本能的,天生的”;intangible“无形的,难以触摸的”;ingenious“机灵的,有独创性的,精制的”。答案是D。

8. The ______ of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from all over the country. A clash B clarify C clarity D clatter 答案:C

[解析] clash“冲突,撞击声”;clarify“说明,讲清楚”;clarity“清澈;明了;明确”;clatter“喧嚷,动”。答案是C。

9. Mosquitos are only means of ______ of malar

A. transference B. transformation C. transition D . transmission

答案:D [解析] transmission“传播”;transference“转让,职务调动”;transformation“转换”;transition“过渡”。答案为D。

10. New data has ______ that the damage to the ozone layer is not confined to the southern hemisphere. A ratified B confirmed C assured D approved 答案:B

[解析] 本题意为“新的数据证实臭氧层的破坏并不限于南半球”。B项的“confirm证实”符合题意。如:Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me. 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的消息。其他三项“ratify批准,许可;assure保证;approve同意,赞成”都不正确。 11. In my first year at the university, I learnt the ______ of journalism. A basics B basic C elementary D elements 答案:D

[解析] 选项中只有A、D是名词,排除B、C两项。basics“基本因素”;elements“大纲,基本原理”。题干指的是“新闻学的基础”,因此正确答案是D。 12.He was trained as a doctor but ______ to diplomacy.

A converted B reverted C diverted D averted

答案:C [解析] convert“转变,转化”;revert“回复”;divert“转向,转移注意力”;avert“消除(灾难、危险)”。答案为C。

13. This will make schools more directly and effectively ______ to parents, and more responsive to their criticisms and wishes.

A accountable B submitted C subjected D available

[解析] accountable“应负责的”;submitted“服从的”;subjected“屈服于……”:available“可利用的”。答案是A。

14. With 1 million copies sold out within just 2 weeks, that book is indeed a ______success. A provisional B sensational C sentimental D potential


[解析] provisional“暂时的,临时的”;sensational“使人感动的,非常好的,引起轰动的”;sentimental “情绪的伤感的”;potential“潜在的,可能的”。答案是B。

15. ______ the gift in beautiful green paper, Sarah departed for the party. A Having wrapped B To wrap C Wrap D Wrapping

答案:A [解析] 动词的现在分词作伴随状语,根据主句的时态,应用现在完成时。答案是A。

16. Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam ______, surveying whatis on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everyday run of things. A at peace B at leisure C at rest D at speed 答案:B

[解析] at peace“和平”;at leisure“从容地”;at rest“静止,长眠”;at speed“飞快地”。答案是B。 17. I have omitted many things which ______ a place in the book. A reserved B deserved C preserved D observed 答案:B

[解析] deserve“值得”;reserve“预订”;preserve“保护,保存”;observe“观察,遵守”。答案为B。

18. Helen was so persistent that her husband ______ at last. A conceded B converged C conceived D conferred 答案:A

[解析] concede“让步”;converge“会聚”;conceive“怀孕”;confer“协商”。答案为A。 19. We all buy things on the ______ of the moment; this is what the retail trade calls an \A urge B force C spur D rush 答案:C

[解析] urge“强烈欲望,迫切要求”;force“力量,武力”;spur“刺激物,刺激”,on the spur of the moment“一时冲动地,立刻”;rush“冲进,急流”。答案是C。

20. What ______ about that article in the newspaper was that its writer showed all attitude cool enough, professional enough and, therefore, cruel enough when facing that tragedy. A worked me out B knocked me out C brought me up D put me forward 答案:B

[解析] work out“设计出,计算出,解决”;knock sb. out俚语,表示“令人钦佩的”;bring sb. up“把某人抚养大”;put forward“提出”。答案为B。

21. The government decided to take a ______ action to strengthen the market management. A diverse B durable C epidemic D drastic 答案:D

[解析] diverse“不同的,别的”;durable“持久的,坚牢的”;epidemic“流行的,传染的”;drastic“严厉的,强硬的”。答案是D。

22 This sort of rude behavior in public hardly ______ a person in your position. 答案:B

A becomes B fits C supports D improves

[解析] 这句话的意思是:在公共场合,这种粗鲁的行为与你的地位是不相符的。选中,become“变成”;fit“适合”;support“支持”;improve“改进”。根据题意可知,正确答案是B。 23. We should ______ with the doctor's request. A consult B conceal C consent D comply 答案:D

[解析] comply“遵守”;consult“商量”;conceal“隐瞒”;consent“同意”。comply后跟with表示“遵守”,consent后不能跟with,应跟to。

24. The local residents were unhappy about the curfew in this region and decided to ______it. A disgrace B disguise C defy D distress 答案:C

[解析] disgrace“耻辱,贬黜”;disguise“假装,借口”;defy“不服从,公然反抗”;distress“使悲痛,使苦恼”。答案是C。

25. We cannot be ______ with him due to his misbehavior at the meeting yesterday. A pecked B reconciled C perturbed D presumed 答案:B

[解析] pecked“啄食,凿”;reconciled“使和解,使和谐,使顺从”;perturbed“感到不安,搅乱”;presumed“假定,推测”。答案是B。

26. Our new firm ______ for a credible, aggressive individual with great skills to fill Ths position.

A have looked B are looking C is looking D look

答案:C [解析] “firm”是单数形式,后面的谓语动词相应地使用单数形式,答案是C。 27. He ______ us as consistently fair and accurate about the issues we are concerned about. A confuses B regards C strikes D knocks

答案:C [解析] strike sb as... “给某人留下……印象”。答案是C

28. These melodious folk songs are generally ______ to Smith, a very important musician of the century. A devoted B contributed C composed D ascribed 答案:D

[解析] 本题考查固定搭配。devoted (to)“投身于,献身”;contributed (to)“捐助,捐给”;C.composed“组成”;D.ascribed“归因于,归咎于”。答案是D。 29. What is it that the author wants to ______ to his leaders through the story? A devoted B contributed C composed D ascribed 答案:A

[解析] convey“表达”;convince“使确信”;convert“转变”;conform“使符合”。答案为A。 30. Reductions in overseas government expenditure took place, but ______ and more gradually than now seems desirable.

A convey B convince C convert D conform

答案:A [解析] reluctantly“不情愿地”;unwittingly“无意地”;impulsively“有推动力地”; anxiously“焦虑地”。答案是A。

31. The United Nation Law of the Sea Conference would soon produce an ocean-mining treaty following its ______ declaration in 1970 that oceans were the heritage of mankind. A unanimous B abstract C autonomous D almighty 答案:A

[解析] unanimous“意见一致的”;abstract“非具体的,抽象的”;autonomous“自治的,自发的”;almighty“全能的,非常的”。答案是A。

32. Nothing has ever equaled the ______ and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world.

A concern B magnitude C volume D carelessness 答案:B

[解析] concern“关心,忧虑”;magnitude“(量,范围的)大小”;volume“体积,容量”;carelessness“粗心”。答案是B。

33. His presidential address in New York ______ on the importance of communication between science and industry.

A bore B spoke C dwelt D threw 答案:C

[解析] speak on“涉及,讲下去”;dwelt的原形是dwell,dwell on“详述,详细探讨”;throw on“匆匆穿上”。答案是C。

34. The instructions on how to use the new machine ______ that nobody seemed to be able to understand.

A were very simplistic B was very confused C were so confusing D was so simplistic 答案:C

[解析] confused“混乱的;慌乱的,狼狈的”,形容事物时用confusing,形容人时用confused;simplistic把复杂问题搞得过于简单的,简单化的。答案是C。

35. John played basketball in college and ______ active ever since. A have extremely been B has been extremely C will be extremely D should extremely be 答案:B

[解析] 根据时间状语“ever since”,本句应该用现在完成时,表示过去的影响一直持续到现在。答案是B。 36. The profit motive is inherently ______ with principles of fairness and equity. A in line B in trade C at times D at odds

答案:D [解析] in line“一致”;at times“有时”;at odds“冲突,有分歧”。答案是D。

37. Whatever the questions he really wanted to ask at the reprocessing plant, though, he would never allow his personal feelings to ______ with an assignment. A interrupt B bother C interfere D intervene 答案:C

[解析] interrupt“中断,妨碍”,interrupt with“打岔,打断”;bother“烦扰,打扰”,bother with“以……而烦扰”;interfere“干涉,干预”;interfere with“妨碍,干涉,干扰”;intervene“干涉,插入”。答案是C。

38. If I could envisage a reasonably quick and comprehensive solution to the crisis in Iraq, I would not have entitled my speech \A Instant B Inverse C Insoluble D Intact 答案:C

[解析] instant“直接的,紧迫的”;inverse“倒转的,反转的”;insoluble“能溶解的,不能解决的”;intact“完整无缺的”。答案是C。

39. The 12-year-old civil war had ______ 1.5 million lives. A declared B proclaimed C claimed D asserted 答案:C

[解析] declared“断言”;proclaimed“宣布”;claimed“主张,夺走”;asserted“断言,声称”。

40. The advertisement for Super Suds detergent ______ that the sale has increased by 25 % in the first quarter of the year.

A have been so successful B had been so successful C has been so successful D will be so successful 答案:C

[解析] 主语advertisement是单数形式,空格处的时态应与后面一致,答案是C。 41. I like cats but unfortunately I am ______ to them. A vulnerable B allergic C inclined D hostile 答案:B

[解析] vulnerable“脆弱的,易受伤害的”;allergic“过敏的,敏感的”;inclined“倾向……的”;hostile“敌对的,不友善的”。答案是B。

42. Some of the words employed by Shakespeare in his works have become ______ and are no longer used in the present days.

A obsolete B obscene C obvious D oblique 答案:A

[解析] obsolete“废弃的,过时的”;obscene“淫秽的,丑恶的”;obvious“明显的,明白的”;oblique“间接的,倾斜的”。答案是A。

43. If you want to do well on the exam, you ______ on the directions that the professor gives and take ex-act notes.

A will have concentrated B have to concentrate C will be concentrated D will be concentrating 答案:B

[解析] 用一般现在时,不用虚拟语气。答案是B。

44. Bad traveling conditions had seriously ______ their progress to their destination in that region. A tugged B demolished C hampered D destroyed 答案:C

[解析] tugged“用力拉,挣扎”;demolished“毁坏,推翻”;hampered“妨碍,牵制”;destroyed“破坏,消灭”。答案是C。

45. They speak of election campaign polls as a musician might of an orchestra ______, or a painter of defective paint.

A in pace B out of focus C in step D out of tune 答案:D

[解析] in pace“速度,步调”;out of focus“焦点没对准,模糊”;in step“步调一致”;out of tune“走调”。答案是D。

46. ______ my wife's consistent encouragement I wouldn't have accomplished my graduate study. A But for B But with C Except for D Except that 答案:A

[解析] but for“要不是”;but with“但随着”;except for“只有,除了…以外”;except that“除了,只是”。答案是A。

47. The government can't expect the taxpayer to ______ this company, out indefinitely. A support B bail C redeem D remove 答案:B

[解析] 本题考查固定搭配。bail... out“帮助……解决困难”。答案是B。

48. Pam loves children but she doesn't like them when they're noisy. It gets on her ______. A nerves B feelings C energies D pains 答案:A

[解析] get on one's nerves“令某人生气”,答案是A。

A are being revived B is revised C are revoked D is being reviled 答案:A

[解析] revived“复活,再生”;revised“修订,改变”;revoked“已撤销”;reviled“辱骂,漫骂;诽谤”。主语“the fads”是复数,答案是A。

50. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, ______ their cleanness, toughness and low cost.

A by virtue of B in addition to C for the sake of D as opposed to 答案:A

[解析] by virtue of“依靠,由于”;in addition to“除……之外”;for the sake of“为了”;as opposed to“与……相反,与……相对比”。答案是A。

51. The problem is that most local authorities lack the ______ to deal sensibly in this market. A anticipation B perception C prospect D expertise 答案:D

[解析] anticipation“预料,预感”;perception“感觉,理解力”;prospect“展望,预料”;expertise“专家的意见”。答案是D。

52. The depth of benefits of reading varies in ______ the depth of one's own experience.

A tempo with B time with C pace of D proportion to 答案:D

[解析] tempo“拍子,速率”;pace“速度,步调”;in proportion to“与……成比例”。答案是D。 53. Apparently there were ______ between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.

A distortions B discrepancies C disorders D distractions

答案:B [解析] distortions“扭曲”;discrepancies“差异,矛盾”;disorders“紊乱”;distractions“分心”。

54. They admitted that they shared the same ______ on the matter. A potentiality B sentiment C postscript D subscription 答案:B

[解析] potentiality“可能性,潜能”;sentiment“情感,观点”;postscript“附言,后记”;subscription“捐献,签名”。答案是B。

55.This special committee was established for well-integrated members of the society and not for ______ individuals.

A marginal B minor C eccentric D distinctive 答案:A

[解析] marginal“边缘的,界限的”;minor“少数的,次要的”;eccentric“离心的,古怪的”;distinctive“鉴别性的,有特色的”。答案是A。

56. Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are ______ available these days.

A promptly B instantly C readily D quickly 答案:C

[解析] 这句话的意思是:电脑对普通人来说不再是遥不可及的,现在电脑很容易买到。选项中,promptly“敏捷地,迅速地”;instantly“立即地”;readily“容易地,乐意地”;quickly“迅速地”。A、B、D意思相近,可以用排除法选择C项;此处与前面句子中的“beyond(超出)”相对应。因此正确答案是C。 57. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn't my ______ to hurt her. A intent B scheme C intention D meaning 答案:C

[解析] 本题意为“她对我的话很生气,但我并非有意伤害她”。C项的“intention意图,打算”符合题意。如:I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did. 我开始读这本书时想读完它,可是我从来就没把它读完。其他三项“intent意图,目的;scheme计划,阴谋;meaning词义,意义”都不正确。

58. Since his injury was serious, the doctor suggested that he ______ in the game. A did not play B must not play C not play D not to play

答案:C [解析] suggest意为建议时,其从句应该用虚拟语气,即suggest that sb. do sth. 答案是C。 59. At first the university refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was ______ revised. A consecutively B consequently C successively D subsequently 答案:D

[解析] subsequently“后来”;consecutively“连续地”;consequently“因此”; successively“继续地”。答案是D。

60. He was easily hurt because his feelings were very ______. A sensible B sensational C sensitive D senseless 答案:C

[解析] sensitive“敏感的,容易受伤的”;sensible“明智的”;sensational“轰动的”;senseless“无知觉的”。答案为C。

61. The secretary didn't know who he was, or she ______ him more politely. A will be treating B would have treated C was treating D would have been treated

答案:B [解析] treat“对待,款待”。后半句应该使用虚拟语气,表示与实际相反。答案是B。 62. It would seem that Miller cannot have been on friendly terms with the gardeners there,or he would have made a ______ of visiting them. A move B use C point D remedy

答案:C [解析] make a point of“认为有必要……,重视,坚持要……”。答案是C。

63. The old musician decided to move to her country home ______ her advanced age and poorhealth. A with regard to B by virtue of C on account of D on the verge of 答案:C

[解析] with regard to“关于”;by virtue of“依靠,由于”;on account of“由于,因为”;on/to the verge of“接近于,濒临于”。答案是C。

64. Some of the patients, especially the dying, wanted to ______ in the man and woman who had eased their suffering.

A confide B ponder C dwell D reflect 答案:A

[解析] confide“倾诉,委托,信赖”;confide in“信任”;ponder“沉思,考虑”;dwell“居住,踌躇”,dwell on“细想,详述”;reflect“反射,反映”。答案是A。

65. They seized Belgrade, though only after having encountered a stubborn ______. A persistence B resistance C insistence D assistance

答案:B [解析] resistance“抵抗”;persistence“坚持,固执”;insistence“坚持,坚决主张”;assistance“援助”。答案为B。

66. Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what ______ much is what they do with it.

A counts for B asks for C consists of D approves of 答案:A

[解析] counts for“价值,有重要性”;asks for“要求”;consists of“由…组成”;approves of“赞成”。答案是A。

67. Although students may be in a ______ position, teachers shall treat them as equals. A subsidiary B submarine C subordinate D subsequent 答案:C

[解析] subordinate“从属的”;subsidiary“辅助的,补充的”;submarine“海底的,水下的”;subsequent“随后的”。句意为:尽管学生处于从属地位,但教师应把学生看作是与他们地位相等的人。 68. Successful students sometimes become so ______ with grades that they never enjoy their school years. A passionate B involved C immersed D obsessed 答案:D

[解析] passionate“热情的,急躁的”;involved“被卷入某事中”;immersed“专心做某事”;obsessed“被某事困扰”。答案是D。

69. The captain of the ship ______ the passengers that there was no danger. A insured B assured C ensured D secured 答案:B

[解析] assure“保证”;insure“将……投保”;ensure“保证”;secure“保证”。assure, ensure和secure均有“保证”的意思,但用法不同。assure的句型是assure sb that..., ensure的句型是ensure that..., 如:He would, when in office, ensure that all secret data be made public。secure后面一般跟名词作宾语,如:secure the city's food supply。

70. After a long delay, she ______ replying to my e-mail. A got away with B got back at C got back D got round to 答案:D

[解析] 这句话的意思是:过了很久,她才回复我的电子邮件。选项中,get away with“侥幸做成”;get back at“报复”;get, back“取回,返回”;get round to doing sth“着手做某事”。根据题意可知,正确答案是D。

71. Britain hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered ______ yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during preliminary session. A a severe set-back B sharp set-back C a severe blown-up D sharp blown-up 答案:A

[解析] severe“严峻的,严厉的,剧烈的”;set—back“阻碍;使挫折;使退步”;sharp“明显的,急剧的”;blown-up“放大的,膨胀的”。答案是A。

72. Oil is derived from the ______ of microscopic sea creatures, and is even older, according to most geologists.

A layouts B reminders C remains D leftovers 答案:C

[解析] layouts“规划”;reminders“暗示,提醒”;remains“残骸”;leftovers“剩菜,残余物”。答案是C。

73. They teach the vocabulary of the English used in computer science, which is also listed______ in the glossary.

A in sum B in total C in general D in full

答案:D [解析] in sum“总言之,大体上”;in total“整个地”;in general“大体上,一般而言”;in full“充足,充分”。答案是D。

74. Make up your mind that whatever the short-term temptations may be, you will never______ from the highest standards of honor.

A deviate B escape C derive D refrain 答案:A

[解析] deviate from“偏离”;escape from“逃离”;derive from“由……发展而来”;refrain from“忍住,制止”。答案是A。

75. Trade relationships between the two countries will improve if their ______ leaders could agree on the proposed quotas.

A respectable B respective C respectful D respecting 答案:B

[解析] respective“各自的”;respectable“可敬的”;respectful“充满敬意的”; respecting“关于”。 76. According to the latest report, consumer confidence ______ a breathtaking 15 points last month, to its lowest level in ten years.

A soared B mutated C plummeted D fluctuated 答案:C

[解析] soared“(物价)飞涨,暴腾”;mutated“(使)变异;(使)突变”;plummeted“笔直掉下;骤然跌落”;fluctuated“波动,起伏,涨落”。答案是C。

77. Our car trunk ______ with suitcases and we could hardly make room for anything. A went cramming B was crammed C is cramming D was been crammed 答案:B

[解析] cram“填满”。be crammed with“被填满”。如:a bus crammed with passengers挤满乘客的一辆公共汽车。答案是B。

78. Lessons written in blood ______ the colonial people to uprising. A propelled B prompted C promoted D proceeded 答案:B

[解析] prompt“促使,激励”;promote“促进,助长”;propel“推进,推动”;proceed“进行”。propel和promote后不能跟不定式作宾补,proceed只能作不及物动词,所以都不能选。

79. When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, the air is said to be ______. A commenced B compressed C compromised D compensated 答案:B

[解析] commenced“开始”;compressed“压缩过的;(文字)简练的”;compromised“妥协,调和,和解”;compensated“赔偿,补偿”。答案是B。

80. The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is a rhythmic drive that was ______called \later \

A shortly B initially C actually D literally

答案:B [解析] shortly“立刻,简略地”;initially“最初地,开始地”;actually“实际上”; literally“照字面意义,逐字地”。答案是B。

81. He couldn't ______ his curiosity to see what was in the box. A retain B restrain C restrict D represent 答案:B

[解析] restrain“抑制”;retain“保留”;restrict“限制”;represent“代表”。restrain后常接表示某种情绪的词,如:restrain anger/curiosity;而restrict则表示限制在一定的范围,如:be restricted within narrow limits; be restricted to 30kin an hour。

82. He ______ himself bitterly for his miserable behavior that evening. A repealed B resented C replayed D reproached


[解析] repealed“废除,作废”;resented“憎恨,愤恨”;replayed“重赛;重演”; reproached“责骂,谴责”;reproach sb. for sth. “为某事斥责某人”。答案是D。

83. This brings a feeling of emptiness that can never be filled and leaves us with a ______ for more. A scarcity B command C hunger D request 答案:C

[解析] scarcity“缺乏,罕见”;command“命令,控制”;hunger“渴望,食欲”;request“要求”。 84. In the past, competition for jobs caused different ______ groups to be hostile toward each other. A sexist B ethnic C gracious D classic 答案:B

[解析] sexist“性别歧视的,男性至上主义者”;ethnic“民族的,种族的,异教徒的”;gracious“亲切的,高尚的”;classic“经典的,第一流的”。答案是B。 85. I ______ to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine. A describe B prescribe C subscribe D transcribe 答案:C

[解析] subscribe“订阅”;describe“描写”;prescribe“规定,开(药方)”;transcribe“意译”。A、B、D均为及物动词,不能选。

86. The police have of offered a large ______ for information leading to the robber's arrest.

A award B compensation C prize D reward 答案:D

[解析] 这句话的意思是:为了得到任何有助于逮捕抢劫者的信息,警方给出一大笔酬金。选项中,award“奖品,奖金”;compensation“补偿金”;prize“奖品,奖赏”;reward“报酬,赏金,奖赏”。根据句意可知,正确答案为D。

87. ______ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true. A In order that B Lest C If D Providing

答案:B [解析] in order that“为了……”;。lest“以免,为不使”;if“如果,要是”;


88. All of the international delegates attending the conference ______ to bring a souvenir from their own countries.

A has asked B is asking C were asked D was asking

答案:C [解析] 主语“delegates”是复数,谓语动词应为复数形式。答案是C。 89. I must leave now. ______, if you want that book I'll bring it next time. A Accidentally B Incidentally C Eventually D Naturally 答案:B

[解析] 这句话的意思是:我必须得走了,顺便说一下,如果你还用那本书的话我下次会带过来。选项中,accidentally“偶然地,意外地”;incidentally“偶然,顺便提一句”;eventually“终于,最后”;naturally“自然而然地”。根据题意可知,正确答案是B。

90. ______ the increase in the number of computers in our offices, the amount of paper hat we need has risen as well.

A Along with B Altogether C Although D All along 答案:A

[解析] along with“随同……一起”;altogether“完全,总而言之”;although“尽管,虽然”;all along“始终,一直”。前面的句子在整个句子中作伴随状语,答案是A。

91. It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, ______ at about six o' clock in her father's sudden collapse into unconsciousness.

A converging B culminating C finalizing D releasing

答案:B [解析] converging“会聚,收敛”;culminating“达到顶点”;finalizing“使落实”;


92. They need to move to new and large apartments. Do you know of any ______ ones in this area? A evacuated B empty C vacant D vacate

答案:C [解析] evacuated“撤退者的”;empty“空的,无聊的”;vacant“空闲的,空缺的”;vacate“腾出,空出”。答案是C。

93. According to the new tax law, any money earned over that level is taxed at the ______of 59 percent. A ratio B percentage C proportion D rate

答案:D [解析] 选项中,ratio多以具体数据体现两个并列的事物的数量之比,所涉及的两个比较项必须同时出现;percentage多指部分在整体中所占的准确的百分率、百分比;proportion指两个关系平行的事物在大小、数量、程度等方面的比例、比率、比重等;rate多指动态的比率、速率等,多与介词at搭配,形式为at the rate of。本题适用选项D。

94. We made plans for a visit, but ______ difficulties with car prevented it. A subordinate B succeed C successive D subsequent 答案:D

[解析] 本题意为“我们制定了出访计划,但由于后来车子出了毛病,未能出访”。subsequent的意思是“随后的,后来的”;subordinate的意思是“次要的,从属的”;succeed的意思是“成功,接替”;successive的意思是“相继的,接连的”。四个选项中只有D项符合题意。 95. His ______ with computers began six months ago. A imagination B innovation C observation D obsession 答案:D

[解析] imagination“想象,创造力”;innovation“创新,革新”;observation“观察,注意”;obsession“着迷,痴迷”。答案是D。

96. The tribe has agreed to contribute 2 percent of net ______ to charitable activities in the county. A expenses B revenues C budgets D payments

答案:B [解析] expenses“费用”;revenues“收入”;budgets“预算”;payments“报酬”。答案是B。 97. One of the main ways to stay out of trouble with government agents is to keep a low ______, i. e. stay away from those situations wherein you call attention to yourself. A manner B position C profile D station

答案:C [解析] manner“礼貌,风格”;position“位置,立场”;profile“剖面,外形,轮廓”;keep a low profile“低调,保持低姿态”;station“位置,岗位”。答案是C。 98. Awards provide a (n) ______ for young people to improve their skills. A incentive B initiative C fugitive D captive 答案:A

[解析] incentive“动机,刺激”;initiative“主动,创始”;fugitive“逃亡者,流浪的”;captive“俘虏,被监禁了的”。答案是A。

99. The closest ______ to English and Welsh grammar schools are called grammar secondary schools; they can, however, accept some fee-paying pupils. A equality B equation C equivalent D equity 答案:C

[解析] equality“平等”;equation“相等”;equivalent“相等物,等价”;equity“公平,公正”。答案是C。

100. He often ______ in his speech.

A rumbles B stumbles C tumbles D jumbles 答案:B

[解析] stumble“结结巴巴”;rumble“咕哝,自言自语”;tumble“摔倒,跌倒”;jumble“搞乱”。答案为B。

