浙江省八年级英语下册 Module 3 Journey to space测试 (新版)外

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Module 3 模块测试



第一节:听小对话,回答问题。(5分) ( )1. What does Wang Yaping do?

A. A teacher. B. An astronaut. C. A worker. ( )2. Where has Amy been?

A. To an art museum. B. To a space museum. C. To a history museum. ( )3. Where does Bill want to go?

A. To Beijing Zoo. B. To the Great Wall. C. To the Summer Palace. ( )4. Which country is Mary in now?

A. China. B. America. C. Australia. ( )5. What did Jackson do in the Children’s Home?

A. He played the piano. B. He sang songs. C. He told stories. 第二节:听长对话,回答问题。(5分)

听下面一段较长对话,回答第6—7两小题。 ( )6. Is there water on Mars?

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. We don’t know. ( )7. The scientists have already got some photos of Mars, haven’t they?

A. No, they haven’t. B. Yes, they have. C. They aren’t sure. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8—10三小题。 ( )8. What is Mary doing?

A. She is cooking. B. She is reading. C. She is cleaning. ( )9. How does Mary like the book? A. She doesn’t like it at all. B. It’s boring. C. It’s great.

( )10. What is the book about?

A. The differences between Mars and the earth. B. How to live on Mars. C. The life on Mars.

第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。(10分) Cindy’s 11 Day in Sydney ◆Cindy visited 12 first in the morning. ◆Cindy went to Bondi Beach for swimming by 13 . And she stayed there for 14 hours. ◆Cindy bought a 15 for herself in Pitt Street Mall. ( )11. A. scientist B. actor C. manager ( )12. A. primary school B. middle school C. college ( )13. A. dangerous B. tiring C. boring ( )14. A. doctor B. player C. astronaut ( )15. A. medical B. flying C. art



We were tired from all the work. We took turns sleeping. One of 16 had to be awake(醒着的) all the time. There was so much work to do.

Finally, we reached the space station. There, we would do more work, 17 we would have less pressure(压力). We had so much to do every day on our ship. Now there would be more people to help us. We would be able to 18 the work.

When we moved 19 the space station, I felt great. There was so much more space. We would have real 20 to sleep on. We would have better food. They had a 21 in the space station. They grew vegetables.

The six astronauts on the space station were 22 to see us. They said, “We have been waiting for you.” We were 23 glad to see them. We heard that one of them had been sick(生病的). We asked 24 she was feeling. She said she was better. We could 25 worrying.

The first night in the space station was great. We had a good dinner. Then we were going to 26 . I had been working for 20 hours. But one of the astronauts said, “We need to give you a 27 . Each person has to take turns staying awake. Here is the schedule(日程安排).” I saw I was the 28 . I would have to stay awake tonight. I was unhappy 29 I was really tired. But I knew it was my job so I 30 .

I became an astronaut so that I could travel in space. Now I’m here. It is hard work, but it’s exciting.

( )16. A. those B. us C. them D. these ( )17. A. and B. so C. but D. or ( )18. A. share B. show C. hide D. forget ( )19. A. for B. from C. out of D. into ( )20. A. sofas B. beds C. chairs D. tables ( )21. A. market B. school C. library D. garden ( )22. A. sad B. happy C. shy D. quiet

( )23. A. still B. even C. also D. almost ( )24. A. how B. why C. what D. when

( )25. A. try B. keep C. remember D. stop ( )26. A. play B. dance C. sleep D. work

( )27. A. practice B. picture C. job D. house ( )28. A. first B. second C. third D. last

( )29. A. so that B. until C. although D. because ( )30. A. minded B. agreed C. hated D. protected 三、阅读理解(20分)


The solar system has eight planets. The planets are Mercury, Venus, the earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The planets are all round, like balls. The planets all go around the sun.

Mercury is the closest to the sun. It is very hot on Mercury. The planets that are far away from the sun are very cold. Venus is between Mercury and the earth. It is sometimes called the earth’s “sister planet” because they have almost the same size and shape. The earth is the planet where we live. From space, the earth looks blue because it has so much water. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Saturn is known for having rings around it. Uranus was the first planet discovered with a telescope. We can see Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with our eyes. However, to see Uranus, we need a telescope. Neptune is the 8th planet in our

solar system. The planet is the farthest from the sun.

Probes(探测仪) go into space and take pictures of the planets. We learn a lot from these pictures. If you could send a probe to any planet, where would you send it? ( )31. What goes around the sun?

A. The moon. B. Stars.

C. Spaceships. D. The planets.

( )32. Which planet is the earth’s “sister planet”?

A. Mercury. B. Venus. C. Jupiter. D. Saturn.

( )33. Some planets are far away from the sun so they are very . A. cold B. hot C. small D. bright ( )34. What does the underlined word “telescope” mean in Chinese? A. 潜水镜 B. 显微镜 C. 高台 D. 望远镜 ( )35. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The earth is the second closest to the sun.

B. Jupiter is larger than any other planet in our solar system. C. Uranus is famous for having rings around it. D. We can’t see Mars with our eyes.


Do you know Stephen Hawking? He is a scientist from England. He knows a lot about the universe. He can hardly move or speak because of his illness. He can only talk with the help of a computer.

Hawking finished making a programme with the Discovery Channel not long ago. He talked about life in the universe there. It took him three years to make the programme. He believes that there is other life in the universe. However, he said that we shouldn’t try to contact(联系) any aliens out there. In fact, we should try not to contact aliens, because their arrival on the earth would almost certainly mean the end of humans. Hawking said, “If aliens ever visited us, I think the outcome(结局) would be the same as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the native Americans.” ( )36. Stephen Hawking is an . A. English scientist B. American scientist

C. English computer programmer D. American computer programmer

( )37. Stephen Hawking spent finishing making the programme. A. five years B. three years C. one year D. six months

( )38. Stephen Hawking talked about in the programme. A. how to use computers B. his illness

C. life in the universe D. how to contact aliens

( )39. Stephen Hawking thinks if aliens arrive on the earth. A. we should try to contact them B. we should kill them

C. it may bring something bad to humans D. it may bring something good to humans ( )40. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Stephen Hawking can hardly move or speak.

B. Stephen Hawking can only talk through a computer.

C. Stephen Hawking believes there is other life in the universe.

D. Stephen Hawking thinks Columbus wasn’t the first to land in America. 四、词汇运用(15分)


possible environment no problem communicate reach 41. Each of us should do something to make our better.

42. We should often with our parents so that we can understand them better. 43. When we the airport, Jack had been there waiting for us. 44. Nothing is if you try your best to do it. 45. —Can you help me with my English?

— .


Tony is very interested in space. He often reads books and watches movies 46 (关于) space. Last night, he had a dream. He dreamt that he studied the solar 47 (系统) in class. Then his class and the teacher took a trip to the 48 (宇宙). Tony thought the trip to the Galaxy was surprising. He watched the stars flying by his windows. They were almost close enough to be touched by his 49 (手指). As they headed towards the sun, the warm 50 (光线) made them feel warm. Suddenly, Tony saw another 51 (宇宙飞船) next to theirs. It looked so big!Tony and his classmates were talking about where it was from and who was in it. Just then, Tony shouted loudly. He 52 (发现) an alien

(外星人). It looked strange and 53 (可怕的). What was worse, more aliens 54 (出现) and flew towards Tony and his classmates. Tony was 55 (紧张的) and afraid. He hoped the aliens wouldn’t hurt them. The aliens came nearer and nearer. Just when they were about to catch Tony, he opened his eyes.

Tony was very glad that it was just a dream. 五、语法填空(10分)


At 9:00 am on 15th October, 2003, our country launched(发射) its 56 (one) spaceship, Shenzhou Ⅴ into space at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre. 57 took Yang Liwei and his spaceship about 21 hours to circle 58 the earth 14 times. Yang Liwei is China’s first astronaut. He comes from Liaoning Province and 59 (be) an air force pilot(飞行员) since 1983.

The life of an astronaut is not easy. To put on a spacesuit takes him 15 minutes 60 the help of others. Sleeping in space is not easy, 61 . He has to sleep in a special sleeping bag on the wall 62 there is no gravity(重力). “I’m feeling very good in space, and it looks wonderful here,” said Yang, “I have looked at our beautiful earth and recorded what I have 63 (see) there.”

China has 64 (become) the third country in the world to send a person into space. We are all 65

of our motherland. 六、任务型阅读(5分)

阅读下面短文,将方框中的A、B、C、D、E五个选项填入短文的空缺处,使其完整、意思连贯。 There are billions of stars and planets in space. What’s the difference between the stars and the planets? 66

The sun is one of the stars. Some planets are balls of rock and some are balls of gas. We live on a planet—the earth. 67 The earth goes around the sun once every year to give us different seasons.

68 We call the family of the sun and its planets the solar system. Mercury is the nearest to the sun, so it is very hot. It is the smallest planet. 69 It is the nearest to the earth. Mars is covered with orange-red dust and rocks, so it looks like a red star in the sky. It has seasons like the earth. Jupiter has more than 16 moons(卫星) and it is the biggest and heaviest planet. 70 The other planets such as Uranus and Neptune, are all very far from the sun and very cold. We need a telescope to see them. A. There are eight planets moving around the sun. B. The earth spins around once every day to give us day and night. C. Stars can give out heat and light, but planets cannot. D. Venus is very bright and hot. E. Saturn has more than 22 moons. 七、书面表达(15分)

人们对太空的探索由来已久,并且相信有外星人存在。假如你是Jack,请你根据所给提示并发挥想象,给外星人Mike写一封信,向他介绍一下我们的地球以及人们在探索太空方面的一些成就。词数:80左右。 提示:1. 地球是太阳的行星之一,它和其他七个行星围绕太阳转动;2. 地球上的人们已经去过月球并对太空进行了很多探索;3. 地球上的人们很友好并且乐意与外星人成为朋友。


Module 3 模块测试



1. W: Do you know about Wang Yaping, Tom?

M: Yeah, she is China’s first astronaut to give lessons in space. 2. M: Have you ever been to a space museum, Amy? W: No, I haven’t. But I have been to an art museum.

3. W: Bill!Let’s spend our May Day holiday at Beijing Zoo, shall we? M: Well, I have already been there twice. Why not go to the Great Wall? 4. M: Where is Mary? I haven’t seen her for a long time. W: She has gone to Australia with her parents.

5. W: Jackson!Have you ever been to the Children’s Home?

M: Yes, I went there last week and told stories to the kids. 第二节:听长对话,回答问题。


M: I have just watched a TV show about space.

W: Anything interesting?

M: Yes, the scientists have discovered water on Mars. W: Really? I can’t believe it.

M: But they haven’t found anything else. Look at this photo, Mars in the photo is red. It’s very beautiful.

W: Wow!Let me have a look.

听下面一段较长对话,回答第8—10三小题。 M: Hi, Mary. What are you doing?

W: Hi, Tony. I am reading a book called Mars. M: What do you think of it?

W: It’s so interesting. I haven’t read such a good book like this. M: What’s it about?

W: The writer tries to tell us how different Mars is from the earth. M: That sounds good.


Hi, everyone!I’m Anna. My father is a scientist.

My mother works in a middle school and she is a head teacher. Both of them are very busy with their work. They want me to be a teacher in a few years’ time. They think it’s a wonderful job, but I don’t think so. I think it’s boring. My dream is to travel in space, so I want to be an astronaut. How cool it is!I hope that I can go to a flying college after high

school. But I know I must study hard to get good marks and do exercise to keep healthy from now on.


一、1—5. BABCC 6—10. ABBCA 11—15. ABCCB


二、16—20. BCADB 21—25. DBCAD 26—30. CCADB 三、31—35. DBADB 36—40. ABCCD

四、41. environment 42. communicate 43. reached 44. impossible 45. No problem

46. about 47. system 48. universe 49. fingers 50. light

51. spaceship 52. discovered 53. terrible 54. appeared 55. nervous 五、56. first 57. It 58. around 59. has been 60. with

61. either 62. because 63. seen 64. become 65. proud 六、66—70. CBADE

七、One possible version: Dear Mike,

I’m a boy from the earth. It’s one of the planets of the solar system. The earth and seven other planets go around the sun. People on the earth have always wanted to travel into space, and they have already travelled to the moon. Scientists on the earth have sent some spaceships to space to get some information about space. The people on the earth are friendly and they like making friends with you. So would you like to visit our planet one day?

Yours, Jack

