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个人GMAT语法笔记,综合Manhattan SC及 prep语法笔记


一. 原则



becase, if, when, although从句开头的句子,若从句后面没有逗号,一定错。


e.g. The discovery of new medicines (was/were) vital to the company's growth.



介宾短语(of,/for by,/in,/with/,at,/to,/on,/from 后面的词不是主语可以忽略,所以要学会看到介词跳读。)


e.g. Pong is a classic game from which HAVE descended many current computer pastimes. (Pong is a classic game from which many current computer pastimes HAVE descended.)



1.and 连接几个不同的(单数)名词的时候构成复数结构,谓语动词要用复数


with; along with; together with; in addition to; as well as; accompanied by; including;

more than; no less than; besides; except;

3.就近原则:or, nor, either…or; neither…nor; not...but.. (not that…but rather that…); not only…but also;


5.模糊代词,谓语动词用单数:(-one, -thing)

Anyone, anybody, anything, No one, nobody, nothing, not one

Each, every (as pronouns) Someone, somebody, something

Everyone, everybody, everything, whatever, whoever

Either, neither (may require a plural verb if paired with or/nor)


Some of, Any of, None, All of, More/Most of, no

half of, majority, minority, plurality of, the rest of, 分数/百分数 If you want to indicate the totality itself, then use a singular verb form.

e.g. The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers.

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由each/every开头+任何名词(不论单复数)单数谓语 Every dog and cat HAS paws.

复数名词(代词)+ each + 复数谓语 They each ARE great tennis players

9. a group of/ a body of/ an array of/ a series of/ s asset of/ a portion of+复数名词,谓


10. a total of, an average of+ 复数名词, 复数v

the average of + 复数名词, 单数v

10.一些表示学科的词(physics, mathematics)、一些活动-有氧运动(aerobics)和


当statistics做“统计数据”,economics做“经济政策”时,复数v; news 谓语动词用单数

species 物种(单数)


People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet(舰队,小河), fruit, furniture

如果说一种动物比如 cat(无冠词)。。。后面代词用they

11. 定冠词the+姓氏、朝代、部族名称等,表示一群人,是集合名词,谓语要求用复

数。如the Smith 为史密斯一家,the Shang表示商朝人等。

12. only作形容词,表示唯一的一个,既然是唯一的一个,后面修饰的名词就不能是复数,否则语义及单复数前后矛盾 (only后面不能加复数名词?)

13.单复同形的词:fish,species (单复同形的名词单独出现看做复数)

14. (not) one of the+名词复数+单数形式谓语;Not one of =none of not one of 全部用单数 Not one of my friends IS here this weekend (none of may

friends are ) 但是none of 做主语 由后面的名词决定

16. one of + 复数名词+ that从句, that从句修饰复数名词,从句动词用复数

the only one of + 复数名词+ that从句, that从句动词用复数

17. medium单数-media复数; phenomenon单数- phenomena复数

18. the first trenches 做主语,用复数

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1). what引导的名词性从句中从句谓语动词的单复数情况:


2).what (who/why/how/whether) 引导的名词性从句做主语时,主句谓语动词用单数一定是正确的:



1) What is difficult to understand is A.;What are difficult to understand are A and B.

(2)what在从句中做宾语,主句谓语由主句表语/宾语决定what they want are XX,XX&XX。

2) What his father left him are a few English books.

平行结构 一. 原则:结构相似,词性相同,形式对称,概念对等,功能相同,意思单一

(主被动语态需要相同么?) 二. 平行标志词:

连词:And, or, but, yet (but只能连接两个并列成分)

短语:both and, either or; neither nor, not but, not only.. but also (not only…also… not

onl..but…), rather than,; between..and..; as well as (not…but… > rather

than > instead of) 一般出现instead of 错

三. 重要考点:


实体名词(时间,地点,人,事件)和动作名词(指示一种动作)不能平行 简单动名词不能和复杂动名词平行。且只有复杂动名词才能与动作名词平行

简单动名词 本质还是动词,可以有动词功能

复杂动名词“Nouns Through and Through.”

(彻头彻尾的名词,一般有冠词修饰,且为of结构或者名词+动名词结构 the wine tasting) 现在分词可以和过去分词并列




不同类型的从句不能并列; 不同功能的定从不能并列 ex. n. who….and n. whose… 对; n. where…and n. who… 错误 3.平行概念对等:抽象名词和具象名词,整体概念和局部概念,泛指和特指均不对等,不可并列

4. there be句型的平行要补出there be. (不要随意排除there be)

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to do A, and (to) do B… 当比较多于两项时,后面的与第二项保持一致

2. 从句开头的“引导词不可以省略,即使引导词一样”;(从句!曼哈顿原话:两个从句平行的话为了避开歧意必须都要用引导词引导)

I want to retire to a place WHERE I can relax AND WHERE I pav low taxes.


Wrong: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND WHO are not.

Right: Ralph likes BOTH THOSE WHO are popular AND THOSE WHO are not.

3. 介词短语并列,介词尽量保留

Wrong:The experiences we have childhood influence our behavior in adulthood.

The bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States as a result of residential and

industrial development and of changes in farming practice


To Be形:Known to be, be thought to be, eastimate X to be Y

XY形:Consider XY, Declare XY, Make XY, (make 与 consider 用法一致)

As形:X Act as Y, the same as Y, as X, so Y,??

Think of X as Y, View X as Y, Regard X as Y

For形:Mistake X for Y

To形:Compared to X, Y, in contrast to X, Y


be, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, represent, resemble, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn, stay 系动词表示的是两边的东西必须是同质的,词性相同 词义也要相同 relations in this country.

relations in this country.

Just as as的用法

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“正如A ,B也 ,”“B就像A一样” (A,B以同样的方式)

“随着 ., .也 ”第一个分句用as,第二个用so引导。发生在第二个分句的情况


As the cost of keeping money in the bank increases, so it’s spend faster.

Just as A do, B do; A do, just as B do. A,B平行对等

Just as , so/as (Just) as you practice, so shall you play.主从句要尽量形式对称

Just as , so too 主句要部分倒装(so too后是主句) Just as you sow, so too will

you reap

Just as you practice piano regularly, you should study regularly.


so with是错误结构。(prep 1-15)

as with的结构在日常语法中是对的(意思为“正如 的情况一样”, 看作是as is the

same with的省略式,with 后面常跟名词、动名词或what从句):

to compensate the party who would be disadvantaged by the actual change in market

rates as of the settlement date.

(2) As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.


(3) As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing this job.

正如画画一样,你应该耐心并且认真做这项工作。 但用于GMAT语法中,需要有其他结构与之平行:

大全938. With diamonds, as with all gems, you should ask for a written description of

your purchase; the description may prove useful later if you have reason to believe the

jeweler misled you.

单纯的as with the case + prep. (of/with/in) + sth.结构错误,应该用as is the case + prep.

(of/with/in) + sth.

a successful on-line drugstore, since it is primarily prescriptions that attract the customers,

who then also buy other health related items.

in the same way that…, as/so…也是错误结构

like…, so/as…也是错误结构:like的比较必须是严格对称的

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like, unlike, as, as (adj.) as, more...than..., different from, the same as, in contrast to/with, the more…the more…; no more…than…; v.+ more of (在更大程度上)/less of + n.

model A after B(A仿照B)



(1) 主语比较: A do sth than B do.(AB为对等名词,加do 是为了显示这是一个可以发出动作的名词,因而确定是主语,进而确定是主语对比)时态要据后定。

There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型。


As a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate, fewer people will enter the labor

force in the 1980’s than (people省略) did in the 1960’s and 1970’s, a twenty-year period during which people born after the war swelled the ranks of workers.

(2) 介宾比较 A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2对等名词)


The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than outside the racks.错 对

(3) 宾语比较 A do C1 than C2.(C1C2为对等名词)

(4) 状语比较A do sth than usual/ever before/people expected(直接加状语)


I eat faster than you.注意与下句区别 I eat apple faster than you do

(区分出you是主语,后面有谓语do,而不是宾语)如果写成 I eat apple faster than you 按ETS的理解,从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快,成了宾语比较。逻辑上显然不通。

3.AS 族的比较大同小异,as 可单独引导比较,也可以复合成as many as, as hard as 等形式,但ETS宗旨不变,如

Sand road costs twice as many to build as to maintain(类似于介宾比较)

Sand road costs twice as many to build as stone road do(主语比较)

Sand road costs the government twice as many to build as the residents.(宾语比较)

as much/many as… 和…差不多

not so much… as… 与其说是。。。不如说是。。。

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eg. travel, or stress before a job interview.

sth not A so much as B, sth不是A,而是B


AS poor as they are, they cannot afford a car.

They have 800 million students, as many as have enrolled in our school.

5.There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型OG89

There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as there were four

years ago(主语比较)

There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as DVD player(宾语比


There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four times as many as for school


There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as in china.(介宾比较)




P.S. 所有格/所有物可以代表单数和复数,只有逻辑意思合理就行。

EG: My car is bigger than Brian's [car}. My toes are longer than Brian's [toes}.


EG: Whereas I drink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 [quarts].

I walk as fast now as [I walked] when I was younger.


e.g. Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential 原句补完整:Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the

presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than(the proportion)(television costs had accounted for of the spending)in any previous election;这个句子中只是单个名词(proportion)的比较,所以不需要考虑than后面补出主谓,只补出介词短语就够了,不用担心后面的介词短语in any previous election没有平行对象 (3)有些句子为了不造成歧义,需要添加动词和情态动词,以保持逻辑含义鲜明。

EG: Visual eats more carrots than donuts. (donuts必须为宾语才能省略,表示Visual eats more

carrots than Visual eats donus)

Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. {Yvette could be subject or object.}

Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (=than Yvette likes cheese)

Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than I like Yvette)

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According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association of American to plan to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas 错误


1) 比较从句谓语与主句谓语相同,可用do,did,does代替。

2) 比较从句连系动词be与主句连系动词be相同,可以省略be,也可以不省略。

3) 主语谓语动词短语使用“助动词(如have,has,had,will)或情态动词(can,could,may,should)+verb”形式时,比较从句往往省略verb,保留助动词或情态动词。

4) 比较从句的主语和谓语与主句的主语和谓语相同时,可以全部省去,常常保留做状语的介词短语或状语从句。

5) 比较从句的主语与主句主语相同,可以省略。


e.g. Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—fewer than have been killed by bee stings. (prep1-218)

Despite recent increases in sales and cash flow that have propelled automobile companies'

common stocks to new highs, several industry analysts expect automakers, in order to


补充完整,to set …. than they have been setting. set前后形式不一致,不能省略


1.Twice (X times)的用法

Twice as many/much …as;

X times adj. than;

X times as adj. as;

Twice +n. /prep.(that); (此类应为有数值意义的名词,见后) Twice +what 从句

注意: more than 与as as 在倍数后都对 A is 2 times larger than B, A is 3 times as

large as B; 但在数字后,只有more than对 A is 20m teller than B


Double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple

sth double sth; sth is doubled; sth double(a.) 注意:

produce double 永远错 以上几个动词可以用主动也可以用被动,但不能和as搭配

a doubling of X 和 doubling X 中的X 不能使具体名词,而应该为有数值意义的词:number, amount, quantity, speed, frequency, rate(of), price, concentration, increase be +百分数+ more likely (to do sth) than to do sth (前面的to do 可以省,后面的不能)

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ex. Sb is at least fifty percent less likely than those who are sedentary to die of a heart attack.


1.主从句的情态可一致,也可不一致 I eat more food than he can

2.that从句和because从句形式上不对称,不能比较;动名词和不定式不能比较 (平行部分不能平行的结构均不能相互比较)

3. whereas = while(while前后句子之结构要求并列相对)


Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany. 主从句的主语分别是energy和nuclear power并不是对称名词,但是对比的核心都是“核能发电占总产出能量的份额”: *但是如果whereas后面接介词短语,那么主句的开头也必须需要是介词短语(whereas后出现介词短语或者状语都会非常对称),如果whereas后接单纯主谓宾(或主系表),主句也要尽量用单纯的主谓宾(或主系表)来对应,除非同下面GWD 18-2一样后半句主谓即已经可完全表达出“对称”的含义(each language occupies a distinct area of the brain是主谓宾齐全;language areas overlap是主谓,没有宾语。但两个分句依然算是平行,因为逻辑已经平行。): whereastaken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies. prep2-102 Whereas a female grizzly bear in the Rockies typically occupies a range of 50 to 300 square miles, a male will cover 200 to 500 and occasionally as many as 600. learner, language areas overlap in a young child.

4. like/unlike后只加名词(不一定具体名词)表比较,不能加不定式短语,分词短语(prep 1-54 unlike cooking with speices错),句子或介短。(后面接这些东西的时候unlike要改为whereas等等)。

like/unlike是严格的硬梆梆比较,比较对象必须严格对等,中间尽量不能插入任何成分(比如有一个题目是:Unlike A, in 1990 B...就算A,B可比,但这样就是不佳的表达,因为这会让读者花费脑细胞去找unlike和哪个在比。最好的句子一定是排版最严谨、最遵循规则的句子,一定是读起来最省力的句子),但是非限制性定语从句这一类非常明确是紧跟着前面的名词的修饰成分是可以的。

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2.现在完成时标志: since+时间点;for+时间段;a century of…; recent+时间短语

within/in/over/during+ the past/last/recent+时间段



如果主句和分句主语相同,且以 and, but, before, after 等连接,如果句子逻辑上存在先后顺序的话,主分句都用一般过去时即可。

e.g.: Antonio DROVE to the store and BOUGHT some ice cream.

Laura LOCKED the deadbolt before she LEFT for work.

2.没必要一定要通过一个一般过去时的标志词来决定是否需要过去完成时。甚至可以通过时间来表示 Right: By 1945. the United States HAD BEEN at war for several years.




个时态。(either “present + future” or “past + conditional”)。


1.条件从句/时间从句/方式从句/让步从句不能用将来时或过去将来时,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,一般过去时代替过去将来时。(对比状从省略的几种是:转折,时间,条件。) Several senior officials spoke to the press on condition that they not be named in the story (主将从现。。。)

2.possibility that /likelihood that /expect that /have confidence that…中,that从句后用一般将来时

3.一般将来时一般使用will,主观将来时用be supposed to do,较少用be going to do,不用be doing/be to be done/be to do/ be going to do


1.表示一般状态的动词不用进行时,比如know, signify(意味着),emit(发射),die


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e.g.: She WAS PLAYING with her friends when the babysitter ARRIVED.

6.动词的时态上不能有间隔,只有相邻的时态才能出现在一个句子中 the time… “到…为之” 从句一般过去时,主句过去完成时 ex. by the time I got to the station, the train had already gone.

by the time “当…的时候” 句子一般过去时

by+将来时间,主句用一般将来时或者将来完成时 例句


动词语态 主动/被动


by后面一般跟动作的执行者且一定是被动语态; through 和because of 后面跟一些设备手段或者方法




lead; cause; enable; become; receive; visit; Lack; enter; cost; possess; resemble; last; like; enjoy; notice; watch; look at; listen to; pay attention to; suit; fit; contain; so as to do; be able to do; be likely to do


read like…/well, prove helpful, sell well (sth be sold for+price),

be worth doing, require doing

动词语气 陈述语气,虚拟语气

一、if(as if/though)条件从句


将来 从句谓语形式 动词过去式(be用were)

should + 动词原形

were to + 动词原形


过去 动词过去式(be 用 were) had +动词过去分词 would / should / might / could + 动词原形 would / should / might / could 主句谓语形式 would / should / might / could + 动词原形

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have + 动词过去分词

其他形式: But for N, S + should/would/cold/might + V / (have Vpp.) 若不是N, S应该 .

= If it were not / (had not been) for N, S

= Were it not for N / (Had it not been for N), S

= Without N(介词只有without可表虚拟语气), S (为什么感觉时态怪怪的)

二、命令虚拟 v. that + do (should一定要省略)

1.命令性动词(只能用that从句的命令虚拟语气,不能用不定式):require, demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate(规定), suggest


The attorneys proposed to meet the following day.)

2.只能用不定式的动词,这些动词后面不能加宾语从句 只能用 v. sb to do sth allow, forbid, persuade, want (allow that…承认),force, permit, prohibit

3.既可以接that从句的命令虚拟语气,又可以接不定式:ask, beg, intend, order, prefer,

urge, require


Right: His demand THAT he BE paid full severance was not met.


it is + It is +adj.+to do

adj.: advisable, crucial, desirable, fitting, imperative, important, essential, mandatory,

necessary, preferable, urgent, and vital.

四、if…then 结构 then通常省略


IF Present, THEN Present.

IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she BECOMES ill.

This pattern is equivalent to whenever: WHENEVER Sophie EATS pizza, she BECOMES ill,

(2) 表示某种程度上的不确定

IF Present, THEN Can or May.

IF Sophie EATS pizza, THEN she MAY BECOME ill. (3) 确定-用于将来时态(现在发生的某些事情造成将来的影响):

IF Present, THEN Future.

IF Sophie EATS pizza tomorrow, THEN she WILL BECOME ill. Another possibility for the Particular Case (in the present) is Present Perfect: I f Sophie HAS EATEN pizza, then she WILL BECOME ill.

(4) 不确定-将来时态:(对现在、将来的虚拟)

IF Hypothetical Subjunctive(虚拟语气), THEN Conditional(情态动词).

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(5) 从未发生-过去式:(对过去的虚拟)

IF Past Perfect(过去完成时), THEN Conditional Perfect(情态动词完成时)

IF Sophie HAD EATEN pizza yesterday, THEN she WOULD HAVE BECOME ill.


4,5 主将从现


一、助动词:be /do /have


对I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has.

错I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father did.

对I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one.此处就不能用has替代

2.助动词后省略的词一定要是原文之前出现过的 错Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they are.

对Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they do.

…are priced to sell and they do


Note.省略而成的do, are, have都只能代表主动时态

二、情态动词 Can, could, may ,might, must, shall , should, will and would,



强调必须、义务的句子,再用have to/must显得啰嗦。

2. Be to 在GMAT中永远是错误的,用will, 或者should 替代

3. if 引导的条件从句中,不能用情态动词,例如should

Awkward: SHOULD he PASS the test ,he will graduate.

Right: IF he PASSES the test, he will graduate. 主将从现 4. should 在GMAT中表示“道德上的义务”,而不是“好像”的意思,所以当原句意


Absolutely Necessary: The court ruled that the plaintiff MUST pay full damages.

Morally Obliged: The court ruled that the plaintiff SHOULD pay full damages.



1. SVO done 当过去分词在句末时,不管有无逗号,一般都是就近修饰名词; 但偶尔

也做状语修饰整个句子,如He hurried to the hall, followed by two guards. 修饰情况由


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2. SVO doing 现在分词在句末时,无逗号是就近修饰的名词的定语;

3. SVO, doing 当现在分词在句尾且前有逗号时,修饰邻近句子的主语,做主语的伴随状

语或做句子的伴随结果 (没有doing在句首时应用的2点条件么?)

4. n. doing/done 当现在/过去分词在句中且前没有逗号,修饰前面紧邻名词;

5. S, doing/done, O 当现在/过去分词在句中且前后都有逗号,有歧义:1)修饰前面紧邻





6. Doing,SVO 现在分词在句中或句首,且前有逗号: ,doing的伴随指代条件: 1) 前

一个分句的整体对后面某一个对象的作用(表伴随); 2)补充主语的动作,两个动作





The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both

dating back at least a thousand years.

Having done知识点的补充说明: 1) 不能作为名词结构,因此不能用该结构作主语。

2) having done可以做非限定性修饰,不能做限定性修饰。

wrong: The man having won the race is my brother.

correct: The man who has won the race is my brother.

也就是说.完成时的ing分词形式(having done)作为限制性的修饰是不可以的,但是可


ago and subsequently butchered by hominids, have been recovered by paleontologists.


3) having done短语中所表达的内容发生在主句动作之前

4) When having done 结构一定错错,因为不应该有 when。单是 Having done 就够

了。Have 有很多地方与正牌动词不同,When 后就不能用 having 了。原因是 having

done 是过去,而 when 是当时,所以有冲突。(同理的after/before A do sth. when B

do sth.或者after/before when,这样的结构都是不好的。)

after having done something是不可能对的

1) after已表示the sequence of events. 没有必要用having done来表示前后

2) 可是after someone/something has/have done something是acceptable; 如果变成after someone/something did something也可以

5)ing分词的完成时态不能充当名词的定语,必须转化为定语从句n.+ having done.


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定语从句作定语与分词短语作定语的区别 (prep)






1. 不定式做状语的含义:

(1) 不定式常常作目的状语、原因状语、结果状语等。

(2) 不定式作状语时,要注意不定式的逻辑主语应与句子的主语保持一致。 例子?

2. 不定式做定语的含义:

(1) 不定式在句中作定语,置于被修饰的名词或代词之后。如:

① The next train to arrive is from Washington. (表示将来的动作)

② Have you anything to be taken to your sister? (如只有动宾关系,而与句中其它词


③ Do you have anything to say on the question? (与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,如是


④ Would you please give me some paper to write on? (与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,


⑤ My wish to visit France has come true at last.

3.当不定式修饰其逻辑宾语时,不定式的后面是不能带宾语的 例子? st/next/序数词/形容词最高级 + 名词, 名词后的定语必须用 to do

5.正确:SVO to do; 错误:SVO, to do(to do 的平行结构例外)

故定语从句变为分词时会少掉时态 (2)都可以接受时,分词短语优于定语从句(更简洁),定语从句要尽量转换为分词短语(但

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Wrong: George Carlin, both shocking and entertaining audiences across the nation, who

also struggled publicly with drug abuse, influenced and inspired a generation of

comedians. (who从句语法上修饰nation,错)

2. 避免一系列的修饰语修饰一个名词,让两个很长的修饰语修饰一个名词不好 最常见的模式就是:修饰语,修饰语, 主谓宾 必错




3. 要注意所有格形式,这种形式经常会出现修饰错误,要区分所修饰的内容指的是人还是物!特别注意抽象名词

EG: Wrong : Only in the past century has origami’s development, a ceremonial activity

invented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place.


Right: Origami(这只手工)-a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago-has developed into a true art form only in the past century.



2. 形容词+形容词+名词:在此结构中,两个形容词均修饰名词


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错James Joyce is Max's SUPPOSEDLY Irish ancestor. 对: James Joyce is Max's SUPPOSED (确定已知J是爱尔兰人)

错: Max's grandmother is his SUPPOSED Irish ancestor.对: Max's grandmother is his (确定已知grandmother是祖辈)

ex. A recent formed militia,…. - a recently formed militia

此考点常考词汇:corresponding, frequent, independent, rare, recent, seeming,

separate, significant, supposed, and usual (常见的形容词+ly 变副词的词语)


even修饰比较级时,放在比较级之前 ever放在助动词之后





1. That/whom:修饰的成分是定语从句中的宾语的时候,是可以省略的(判定是否是


定语从句中的主语,则不能省略。★ 2.where不能修饰condition, situation, case, circumstances, phenomenon, arrangement

这类词,只能用 in which where只能引导具体的地点(physical place)

3. When: 可以修饰一个名词时间或时间,如time, period, age, 1987, decade, 也可以用in which(此时=when)

4. 对于限定性定从,只用that,不用which

修饰限制性名词修饰,一般用the;无逗号隔开的,用that; 两两配套


e.g. Essential: The mansion PAINTED RED is owned by the Lees.

Non-essential: This mansion. RECENTLY PAINTED RED, is owned by the Lees.

但是当which前面有介词的时候,例如 for which,可能不需要that,但是依然需要逗号


e.g. Non-essential: This mansion, FOR WHICH I YEARN, is owned by the Lees.

Essential: The mansion FOR WHICH I YEARN is owned by the Lees.

e.g. Wrong: People,respect for other passengers.

other passengers.

e.g. Wrong: The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest that is on the border between

Nepal and Tibet. Right:

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between Nepal and Tibet.



(1) 起修饰语的作用,一般用于修饰名词或名词短语;“解释的是整个名词,不是名短中某个词”,故同位语不是核心词修饰。

(2) 必须对其修饰对象具有解释力;

(3) 位置:名词前或名词后,一般在修饰对象的后面;

(4) 不影响主谓一致(谓语应该和主语保持一致,而不是和同位语);

(5) 同位结构中名词的数可以和其修饰对象的数不一致。


(1) 名词性同位语:名词解释名词。(以下三种,第二个n.后可以跟修饰词)

i. N., n.;

ii. n., a/an + n.或a/an + n., n.;

iii. the + n., n.(前面的the + n 为同位结构)

(2) 内容具体化同位结构:抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle)+that 从句,that 从句对抽象名词进行具体化解释(注意与of 结构的区别),that从句部分才是同位语。(that是小品词,连词,和一般的名词性that分句中的that一样)

(3) 概括性同位语:用一个概括性的名词去概括前面的修饰对象:短语/句子,n.


(4) 名词重复性同位结构:n,n(重复所修饰的名词)+that 定语从句

(5) 代词代替性同位结构:n,one/ones+that 定语从句



He referred to Copernicus’s statement that the earth moves round the sun.

有时同位语从句可以和同位的名词分开。 (其实是同位语从句太长后置)

The rumour spread that a new school would be built here.


He had no idea why she left.



example: Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk ... --> correct


example: The author Ernest Hemingway was known for his drunken and violent


(2) 当职位、称号前是定冠词时,如果前文已提到过某人,则需要加逗号的

example:Among her friends were an author and a painter; the author, Ernest Hemingway,

went on to become an icon of American literature.

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2. 如果前面有不定冠词,就要用逗号。

Example: A jazz pianist and composer, Thelonious Monk ... --> correct


example: Creative and original, Thelonious Monk ... --> correct


Unlike a noun modifier, a verb modi fier does not have to touch the subject.

Some verb modifiers may apply to both the verb and the verbs subject. In these cases,

you must make sure that the subject makes sense with the modifier. (逻辑主语)


Wrong: The nameless symphony was at last performed, decades after it was composed,

yesterday. (yesterday修饰composed,与前半句语义矛盾)

Right: The nameless symphony was at last performed yesterday, decades after it was



1. 二者主语相同时,若状从在主句前,任一主语可用代词表示;状从在主句后,状



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3.状从的省略条件: 状从的逻辑主语=主句主语; 从句旳谓语必须为be动词


class of mutant genes, a discovery that led


时间状从:when, whenever, while, as, since, until, once, as soon as,

before/after+句子/短语/doing sth

条件状从: if, unless, only, only if, as long as, on condition that

原因状从:because, as, since, for, now that, in that, insomuch as

转折与让步:although, though, even though/if, while, whereas, where, despite+n.


so that… 后有情态动词,表目的; he started straining so that he could become stronger


so…that “如此…以至于”

such…that 强调such后的名词

such that such做代词 her interest with him is such that he governs him absolutely

so/such …as to (do).. 意思同上,但需要考虑逻辑主语 (尽量避免使用)


补充:从属结构,通过because, although, if, unless, while, so that修饰,

1. 主谓语宾要全,因为毕竟是一个句子

2. 不能单独形成一个完整的句子,逻辑意思必须依附于一个主句。


Which 必须紧跟其修饰的名词,which不能修饰一个句子,which只能指代它前面的一

个名词 SVO, which… which 就近修饰宾语

二、独立主格(prep) prep2-190 有两部分组成,前一部份是名词或者代词,后一部分是非谓语动词(不定式、动名词



1. 一般独立主格,与主句形成松散的逻辑关系,与主句描述动作、状态同时发生或存

在,形式为: n. + -ed/ing 形式; n. + 介词短语;n. +形容词短语

2.each 型独立主格,强调句尾名词,形式为:

句子, 复数名词结尾, each +介词短语/形容词短语/-ed形式/-ing形式

(both 型同理,ex. The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo

communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.)

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由“with +宾语+宾补”构成的复合结构,在句中可作状语,表示伴随。

E.g.: He used to sleep, with the door open. 他过去常开着门睡觉。(形容词)

E.g.: With you to help us,we will finish the task in time. (不定式)

NB. with型独立主格做伴随状语,修饰前面分句,亦可以称修饰前面谓语动词与主语。

Ex. The results of the company's cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits, with a

five percent increase during the first three months of this year after falling over the last

two years. 错 (with 独立主格结构不能修饰profits)

**有时候with + noun. + modifier其实是单纯的介宾短语,而不是独立主格结构。一定


次强调要从逻辑看语法的重要性),比如这个正确的句子OG13-7:The intricate

structure of the compound insect eye, with its hundreds of miniature eyes called

ommatidia, helps explain why scientists have assumed that it evolved independently of

the vertebrate eye. 因为called ommatidia并不是表示miniature eyes的动作、状态等独

立主格表示出来的逻辑,本质上with its hundreds of miniature eyes called ommatidia并


在此根据逻辑with短语修饰临近的the compound insect eye。

3. With surface temperatures estimated at minus 230 degrees Fahrenheit, Jupiter's moon

Europa has long been considered far too cold to support life, its 60 square miles of water

thought to be frozen from top to bottom. (prep2-155)



with独立主格,不能表示结果: 伴随含义错误,应该用 ,doing表示结果

… its gold reserves, raising fears that other countries do the….

