
更新时间:2023-03-17 14:44:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1.What a Firefighter's Job Is Like

①The damage that a fire can cause is obvious / and this is why the firefighters' jobs are so important. / ②Firefighters are usually the first ones responding to any type of emergency and perform many tasks,/which include putting out burning buildings, / helping out with medical emergencies, vehicle accidents and many other incidents./ ③They must make sure their equipment is clean / and all the items they use are in proper working order. / ④Keeping their skills up to date is necessary. / ⑤Therefore, they will be continually trained with new equipment and techniques. / ⑥Because of the extreme conditions / and also the stress associated with the emergency situations that arise, / the firefighters definitely need to stay in shape for the work they must do. / ⑦They will stay in the fire station while on duty. / ⑧Unless they need to work on the trucks or respond to a call, / they can eat, sleep, shower and watch TV at the fire station, just like at home. (160 words)


①For a long time, aliens have often been in the news. / ②They have always been surrounded by mystery / and interest of people all around the world. / ③People have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. / ④Some have claimed to have actually seen them. / ⑤But is there a sound proof that can prove aliens to be real? / ⑥Alien sightings have mostly been accompanied by sightings of lights in the night sky. / ⑦Some of them have also believed that / the lights came from the spaceships used by the aliens. / ⑧Disk-like objects traveling across the sky / have often been taken as aliens' vehicles./ ⑨At times, people have found blood or hair at the locations / where aliens were sighted. / ⑩Researchers say alien sightings could have probably been a result of human imagination accompanied by fear, / and some of these sightings might have been a result of certain astronomical phenomena. ( 145 words)

3.Computer Eyeglasses

①As computers become a more and more vital part of today's lifestyle and practices,/ new medical conditions are developing as a result of their usage. / ② The most common to date is computer vision problems, / which include eye pain, tired and burning eyes, watering or dry eyes, eye strain. / ③One Would never imagine that such a useful and innovative tool could cause so much physical discomfort ! / ④As a result of these, science professionals seized the opportunity / to create computer eyeglasses to ease these common conditions / and make computer usage less painful and more comfortable. / ⑤The computer vision problems affect adults as well as children./ ⑥Although children normally have different requirements for near and distance vision glasses, / computer eyeglasses can be used universally for both groups. / ⑦Please note that near and distance vision glasses / should not be used as replacements for computer glasses. /⑧They do not serve the same purpose, / and in

some cases will cause more harm than good. (158 words)

4.Labor Day

①International Labor Day, also known as International Workers' Day, / is scheduled for May 1st of each year. /②It is a holiday in celebration of the eight-hour workday. / ③It evolved from efforts of the labor union movement / to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. / ④It is celebrated as a national holiday across many countries around the world. / ⑤The idea for a workers' holiday began in Australia in 1856 / but was celebrated on May 1st in 1886 in Chicago. /⑥In China, Labor Day was extended to three days during the 1990s. / ⑦The Chinese government made it a seven-day holiday / by moving the prior and upcoming weekends together with these three days. / ⑧This holiday allowed millions of Chinese people to travel / or take other activities during this period. / ⑨However, China has reduced the Golden Week holiday down to one day in 2008, / while at the same time reviving some traditional holidays such as Mid-Autumn Festival. (158 words)

5.Negative Effects of Television

①Spending too many hours watching television wastes the precious time / that can rather be spent in fruitful and healthy activities like exercise or reading. / ②It also uses up the time / that you can rather spend with your family and friends. / ③Chatting with your near ones, spending time with your close ones / is a better way of spending time than watching TV. / ④People watching television, especially children and youngsters,/ start identifying with what is shown on TV. / ⑤They relate to television shows and films to such an extent that / they get bored of living a normal and simple life. ! ⑥They are eager for fame and money; / they long for living the lives of their favorite 'IV characters. / ⑦This may lead to a high amount of dissatisfaction for the real world. / ⑧As real life is the contrast of the life shown on TV, / such TV addicts become hungry for power, money and status. (151 words)

6.Family Life in India

①Family life is equally varied in Indian states. /②India is a country with many states / in which people are from different cultures, and so on. /③The languages, clothing, customs, and traditions of people are influenced by the respective regions they live in. / ④Most of the families in India are extended ones, / in which every member has his or her own role, often influenced by age and gender. / ⑤Children are

cherished and considered as gifts from God. !⑥Children can look forward to continual family support throughout their lives. / ⑦However, they are expected to respect their elders and parents, their wishes and family relationships. / ⑧The family structure in India is typical, / in which there are many wedding customs, / which have to be strongly followed by people. / ⑨Religion, social status, traditional practices, and regional differences influence family structures. / ⑩Indians are more emotionally attached to the members of their family. / ⑾Husbands and wives are not allowed to openly display their affection for one another. ( 160 words)

7.Society's Influence on Education

①Society plays an important role in education, and influences it both positively and negatively. / ②Social inequalities and unhealthy educational practices are some of the negative influences of society on our lives. / ③Customs and traditions prevent certain sections of society from exercising their fundamental rights / and get in the way of the well-being of society, / shatter the basic ideas of education and social awareness. / ④Some social groups deny women's right to education, / while others force children to work, / depriving them from a healthy environment / which is good to their growth and development. / ⑤Education is one of the basic human rights. / ⑥If social norms come in the way of social welfare, / it defeats the purpose of education. /⑦Society is an entity that can't be separated from us. / ⑧It is we who make up the society. / ⑨It is entirely in our hands whether to add value to our education or devalue it. (149 words)

8.Choosing the Perfect Hair Color

①Coloring your hair is one way to express your individuality. / ②Choosing the right hair color can be confusing / whether you want to cover gray hair or give yourself a new fresh look. / ③If you are clear about what you want exactly, / it can help while choosing the hair color that is right for you. / ④You can achieve the most flattering look, / if you consider your skin make-up and eye color. / ⑤Hair color that balances your complexion gives the best results. / ⑥For covering gray hair, you can select a shade close to your natural hair color. / ⑦Hair highlights are another way to improve your overall look. /⑧Highlights can look fascinating and make an attractive impression. / ⑨They add depth and dimension to the base color or natural hair. /⑩Different hair colors suit different complexions. /⑾In order to choose a suitable hair color, / you need to identify the right combination. ( 148 words

9.Traditional Brazilian Clothing

①Brazil is known internationally for its stylish and sophisticated clothing.

/②Brazilian clothes are comfortable, vivid, beautifully crafted and decorated with attractive laces. / ③Traditional Brazilian clothing is influenced by a combination of different races and immigrants from all over the world. / ④A true traditional Brazilian clothing can be seen in the countryside, / where men's clothing includes shirt, jeans and dresses made from inexpensive cotton. / ⑤In the south of Brazil, the cowboys wear a distinctive dress including loose-fitting trousers, / while in the northeast region they wear coat, hat and leather trousers. / ⑥In the urban areas of Brazil, most people prefer modern clothing. / ⑦Young men wear jeans and T-shirts. / ⑧Short skirts and dresses are very popular among women. / ⑨Brazilian jeans are very common ! and they come in a wide variety of styles and textures. / ⑩Jeans made for women are tight-fitting and loose-fitting near the feet. / ⑾Due to abundance of beautiful beaches, / beachwear is a very popular clothing in Brazil. ( 156 words)

Passage 10 Culture Shock

Culture shock isn’t a clinical term or medical condition. / It’s simply a common way to describe the confusing and nervous feelings a person may have / after leaving a familiar culture to live in a new and different culture. / When you move to a new place, you’re bound to face a lot of changes. /That can be exciting and stimulating, /but it also can be overwhelming. /You may feel sad, anxious, frustrated, and want to go home. /It’s natural to have difficulty adjusting to a new culture. /People from other cultures may have grown up with values and beliefs that differ from yours. /Because of these difference, /the things they talk about, the ways they express themselves, /and the importance of various ideas /may be very different from what you are used to. /But the good news is that the culture shock is usually temporary.

11.Spy Cell Phones

①A spy phone is a mobile phone or a spy device / that allows a user to monitor and hear or record conversations and other activities taking place over the phone. /②Spy phones can function in different ways. / ③They can be used as listening devices/ whereby secretive conversations can be tracked. / ④They are popularly used by secret agencies to track criminal activities / that are carried out over networks. / ⑤They can be used for tracking periodic calls and recording the frequency of calls from certain suspicious numbers. / ⑥Also, they can be used for monitoring business and household activities / while the cell phone user is away. / ⑦Although spy cell phones have many positive sides, / they give rise to legal as well as moral concerns, / because spy cell phone software is easily available. / ⑧Cell phones are easily transferable to spy phones. / ⑨Their ready availability makes them subject to illegal use. (146 words)

12.Water Pollution

①Water pollution is an undesirable change in the state of water, / polluted with harmful substances. /②It is the second most important environmental issue next to air pollution. / ③Any change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of water / will have a harmful effect on living things. / ④Water pollution affects all the major water bodies of the world / such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater. / ⑤Polluted water is unfit for drinking and for other consumption processes. / ⑥It is also not suitable for agricultural and industrial use. / ⑦The effects of water pollution are harmful to human beings, plants, animals, fishes and birds. / ⑧Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. / ⑨Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. / ⑩On the other hand, increasing demands for water / will decrease the amount of water available for dealing with wastes. /⑾Due to water pollution, the entire ecosystem gets disturbed. (150 words)

13.Health Benefits of Red Wine

①We all know drinks containing alcohol are not good for health, / but when it comes to drinking red wine, / it is the other way around. / ②Recent studies have concluded that there are no negative effects on the body, / if red wine is not consumed excessively. / ③Certain compounds in red wine can play a very important role in protecting the heart. / ④It is a heart-healthy drink that can be enjoyed during evening meals. /⑤If you think that red wine is only good for the heart, / then you are wrong. / ⑥Studies have revealed that the substance found in the skin of red grapes, / can restrict cancer's development. /⑦However, the ideal consumption is not 7 to 8 glasses of red wine. /⑧Scientific studies on the potential benefits of red wine recommend that women should not have more than one drink per day; / whereas men can have 2 drinks per day. /⑨The word \wine. (160 words)

14.How to Gain Fluency in Another Language

①To gain fluency in another language, / many people will tell you the only solution is / to travel to a foreign country and immerse yourself completely. / ②This advice may be greatly appealing for some people. / ③But for the majority of people, this solution is both inconvenient and costly. / ④Thankfully, the Internet has brought us new and exciting options for communicating in another language. / ⑤To expand your vocabulary, try reading free articles and original books in another language. /

