
更新时间:2023-12-19 13:40:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


adenocarcinoma||腺管上皮: 腺癌 adrenal cortical carcinoma||肾上腺皮质: 肾上腺皮质癌 American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging; AJCC||美国癌症分期联合委员会 angiosarcoma||血管内皮: 血管肉瘤 basal cell carcinoma||基底细胞: 基底细胞癌

calcitonin||抑钙素 carcinoembryonic antigen; CEA||癌胚抗原 carcinoma||恶性上皮肿瘤 Carcinoma in situ||原位癌 catecholamine||儿茶酚胺 chondrosarcoma||软骨: 软骨肉瘤 choriocarcinoma||胎盘上皮: 绒毛膜癌direct extension||直接蔓延 dysgerminoma||恶性胚胎瘤 Dysplasia||异生 fetoprotein; AFP||胎蛋白 fibrosarcoma||纤维组织: 纤维肉瘤 FIGO: International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics||国际妇产科学联盟 glioma||神经胶细胞: 神经胶细胞瘤 hematogenous metastasis||血行转移

hepatocellular carcinoma; hepatoma||肝细胞: 肝细胞癌histopathological grading||组织病理分化 human chorionic gonadotropin; HCG||人类绒毛膜促性腺素 immature teratoma||全能细胞: 未成熟畸胎瘤 International Union against Cancer; UICC||国际防癌联盟 Invasive carcinoma||侵袭癌 leiomyosarcoma||平滑肌: 平滑肌肉瘤 leukemia||造血细胞: 白血病liposarcoma||脂肪组织: 脂肪肉瘤 lymphangiosarcoma||淋巴管内皮: 淋巴管肉瘤lymphatic metastasis||淋巴转移 lymphoma||类淋巴组织: 淋巴瘤 malignant melanoma||神经外胚层: 恶性黑色素瘤 malignant meningioma||脑膜: 恶性脑膜瘤 malignant mesothelioma||间皮: 恶性间皮瘤 malignant mixed tumor||唾液腺: 恶性混合瘤

malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, malignant schwannoma||神经鞘: 恶性周边神经鞘肿瘤 malignant pheochromocytoma||肾上腺髓质: 恶性嗜铬细胞瘤 malignant phyllodes tumor||乳房: 恶性叶状瘤 malignant teratoma||恶性畸胎瘤 metastasis||远处转移Microinvasive carcinoma||微侵袭癌 mild dysplasia||轻度异生 moderate dysplasia||中度异生moderately differentiated||中度分化myeloma||浆细胞: 骨髓瘤neuroblastoma||神经节细胞: 神经母细胞瘤

neuroblastoma||神经母细胞瘤neuron-specific enolase; NSE||神经特异性烯醇node||淋巴结 oma||良性肿瘤osteosarcoma||硬骨: 骨肉瘤poorly differentiated||分化不良

prostate-specific antigen; PSA||前列腺特异性抗原prostatic acid phosphatase; PAP||前列腺酸性磷酸renal cell carcinoma||肾脏上皮: 肾细胞癌rhabdomyosarcoma||横纹肌: 横纹肌肉瘤 sarcoma||恶性间叶肿瘤seminoma||生殖细胞: 精细胞瘤

severe dysplasia||重度异生squamous cell carcinoma||鳞状上皮: 鳞状细胞癌

stage||期别synovial sarcoma||滑膜: 滑膜肉瘤thymic carcinoma||胸腺上皮: 胸腺癌

transitional cell carcinoma||泌尿道上皮: 过渡细胞癌tumor marker||临床检验: 含肿瘤标记 undifferentiated||未分化well differentiated||分化良好

mscarriage--patent tretament自然流产 recurrent miscarriage: 习惯性流产 late

miscarriage晚期流产 incompetent cervix宫颈机能不全 ectopic pregnancy宫外孕 Ectopic pregnancy removement with laparoscopy,saving tube.腹腔镜治疗宫外孕,保留输卵管 recurrent spontanoeus abortion反复自然流产 blighted ovum胎停育 missed abortion稽留流产 molar pregnancy葡萄胎 water birth水中分娩 Vagina reconstruction by minimal access surgery 微创阴道重建手术 absence of vagina无阴道 vaginal aplasia先天性无阴道 primordial uterus 始基子宫 vagina reconstruction 阴道重建

congenital absence of vagina and uterus 先天性无子宫无阴道 Uterine Myoma子宫肌瘤 Polycystic ovaries多囊卵巢

.Certification in medical oncology and gynecologic oncology first offered.


2.The American Cancer Society and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists[ on Collagists] also were involved.


3.Culture and Practice of Clinical Post-graduate in Gynecoligy Oncology; 妇科肿瘤学临床型硕士研究生的培养实践

4.The Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosis for Gynecologic Tumors 针吸穿刺细胞学在妇科肿瘤诊断中的临床价值

5.Progression of hyperthermia in gynecological malignancies 热学治疗在妇科恶性肿瘤中的应用研究

6.On Death of Gynecologic Malignant Tumors of Women of Childbearing Age From 2004 to 2005 in Shandong Province


7.The Research Progress Between Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene and Gynecological Tumor 垂体肿瘤转化基因与妇科肿瘤研究进展

8.Drug Costs Analysis among Cancer Inpatients and Evidence-based Medicine about Risk Factors for Gynecological Cancer;

住院肿瘤患者药费分析以及妇科肿瘤相关危险因素的循证医学研究 9.Advance of Proteomics and Its Application in Gynecological Malignancy; 蛋白质组学的研究进展及其在妇科恶性肿瘤中的应用

10.The Hospice Care in Comprehensive Hospitals--Anthropological Observation in Gynaecological Tumour Ward and ICU;


11.Gynecological Malignant Tumors in Eastern Guangdong:Analysis of 2149 Cases 粤东地区妇科恶性肿瘤2149例分析

12.Expression of FOXC2 on Gynecology Malignant Tumor; FOXC2在妇科恶性肿瘤中的表达

13.Study of the Relationship Between Mental and Social Factors and the Occurrence of Gynaecological Tumors;


14.Perioperative nursing care of 33 elderly patients with gynecological malignant tumor 老年妇科恶性肿瘤33例围术期护理

15.The Relationship Between Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor-2 and Gynecological Tumors 组织因子途径抑制物-2与妇科肿瘤

16.Prevention and management of postoperative pelvic infection in women with gynecological cancer


17.Research advance of PPARγ in gynecologic oncology PPARγ及其配体在妇科肿瘤中的研究进展

18.Progress in the Research of Gynecology Oncology of Retinoic Acid Receptor 维A酸受体在妇科肿瘤中的研究进展

) Gynecological Tumor 妇科肿瘤

1.Research of Osteopontin and Gynecological Tumor; 骨桥蛋白与妇科肿瘤关系的研究

2.Progress in research on relationship between survivin and gynecological tumors; Survivin与妇科肿瘤关系的研究进展

3.Progress in Research on the Relationship between Telomerase and Gynecological Tumor Diognosis and Therapy;

端粒酶与妇科肿瘤诊治的研究进展 更多例句>>

3) Gynecologic neoplasms 妇科肿瘤 例句>>

4) gynecologic tumor 妇科肿瘤

1.A study of plasma fibrinogen level and function on patients with gynecologic tumor; 妇科肿瘤患者血浆纤维蛋白原水平与功能测定及其临床意义

2.Progress in study on proteomics and its application in research on gynecologic tumors; 蛋白质组学在妇科肿瘤中应用的研究进展

3.The changes of coagulation function and its clinical significance in patients with gynecologic tumor;

妇科肿瘤患者凝血功能变化及其临床意义 更多例句>>

5) gynecology tumor 妇科肿瘤

1.Experience of humanistic nursing care actualized in gynecology tumor ward; 妇科肿瘤病区实施人性化护理服务的体会

2.Investigation of life quality of patients with gynecology tumor; 妇科肿瘤患者生活质量调查研究

3.Objective:To explore the reasonable application of prophylactic antibioties in gynecology tumor operation.

目的:探讨妇科肿瘤围手术期抗生素的合理应用。 更多例句>>

6) gynecologic tumors 妇科肿瘤

1.Serum sialic acid detection in differential diagnosis of gynecologic tumors; 血清唾液酸检测在妇科肿瘤鉴别诊断中的意义

2.Objective:After the operation in patients with gynecologic tumors,Jiaweizengyechengqi decoction was used to enhance the recovery of gastrointestinal function.


3.Objective To investigate the value of the multi-tumor marker protein chip detective system for screening over gynecologic tumors.



.Certification in medical oncology and gynecologic oncology first offered. 首次授予内科肿瘤学和妇科肿瘤学资格.

2.The Research Progress Between Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene and Gynecological Tumor 垂体肿瘤转化基因与妇科肿瘤研究进展

3.Study of the Relationship Between Mental and Social Factors and the Occurrence of Gynaecological Tumors;


4.The Relationship Between Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor-2 and Gynecological Tumors 组织因子途径抑制物-2与妇科肿瘤

5.Prevention and management of postoperative pelvic infection in women with gynecological cancer


6.Research advance of PPARγ in gynecologic oncology PPARγ及其配体在妇科肿瘤中的研究进展

7.Progress in the Research of Gynecology Oncology of Retinoic Acid Receptor 维A酸受体在妇科肿瘤中的研究进展

8.Periprocedural Management of Patients with Gynecological Tumor and Diabetes 妇科肿瘤合并糖尿病的围手术期管理

9.Clinical significance of multiple tumor marker protein chip detective system and diagnostic function in diagnosis of female tumors


10.The American Cancer Society and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists[ on Collagists] also were involved.


11.Objective To explore the characteristics of side effects of chemotherapy for gynecological cancer in elderly women.


12.Culture and Practice of Clinical Post-graduate in Gynecoligy Oncology; 妇科肿瘤学临床型硕士研究生的培养实践

13.Analysing Pathogenesis of Gynecology Tumor With Theory of Dissipative Structure; 用耗散结构理论浅析妇科肿瘤的发生机制

14.Study progress of TRAIL combined with chemotherapeutics on gynecologic tumor TRAIL联用化疗药物抗妇科肿瘤的研究进展

15.Effect of Positive Composite Training on Mental health of Gynecologic Tumor Patients 积极综合训练对妇科肿瘤患者的心理干预效果

16.Gynecological Malignant Tumors in Eastern Guangdong:Analysis of 2149 Cases 粤东地区妇科恶性肿瘤2149例分析

17.Expression of FOXC2 on Gynecology Malignant Tumor; FOXC2在妇科恶性肿瘤中的表达

18.Perioperative nursing care of 33 elderly patients with gynecological malignant tumor 老年妇科恶性肿瘤33例围术期护理

1) Gynaecological Ward

妇科肿瘤病房 2) Gynecology 妇科

1.Nursing to the Elderly Operation Patients in Gynecology; 妇科老年手术患者的护理

2.Nursing Experience during Perioperation with Celoscope in Gynecology; 妇科腹腔镜手术前后的护理体会

3.Examples of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in Gynecology; 血府逐瘀汤妇科运用举隅 3) gynecological 妇科

1.Clinical value of hormone replacement therapy used in women with gynecological malignancy preoperatively and postoperatively;


2.Perioperative Rational Use of Antibacterial Drugs in Gynecological Surgery: Research and Intervention;


3.Analysis the Rational Use of Antimicrobial Drug Used by Gynecological Patients; 妇科住院患者抗菌药的药物利用分析 4) gynecologic 妇科

1.Clinical differential diagnosis of gynecological intra-abdominal hemorrhage; 妇科腹腔内出血的临床鉴别诊断

2.Clinical analysis of gynecological laparoscopic operation in 60 cases; 腹腔镜妇科手术60例临床分析 5) Gynaecology 妇科

1.The therapeutic method according to the menstrual cycle has been in the clinical practice of gynaecology for a long time.

探讨月经周期用药法在妇科应用的理论依据及在妇科临床中的具体运用 ,认为月经周期用药法是临床医师在妇科临床中必须掌握的一个重要的治疗原则。 6) Gynecological Tumor 妇科肿瘤

1.Research of Osteopontin and Gynecological Tumor; 骨桥蛋白与妇科肿瘤关系的研究

2.Progress in research on relationship between survivin and gynecological tumors; Survivin与妇科肿瘤关系的研究进展

3.Progress in Research on the Relationship between Telomerase and Gynecological Tumor Diognosis and Therapy;


专科检查阴道分泌物涂片 vaginal secretion smear妊娠试验 pregnancy test

基础体温 basal body temperature,BBT性激素 sexual hormone;gonadal hormone 雌激素 estrogen,E?? 雌二醇? estradiol,E2孕激素 progesterone,P 睾酮 testosterone,T促激素释放激素 luteinizing hormone,LH

腺垂体促卵泡激素 follicle stimulating hormone,FSH催乳素 prolactin,PRL 抗精子抗体 anti-sperm antibody ,ASAB抗心磷脂抗体 anticardiolipins,ACL 抗子宫内膜抗体 EMAb宫颈粘液检查 cervical mucus examination

宫颈粘膜碘试验 Schiller test宫颈管刮片 endocervical scraping smear

子宫颈涂片细胞学检查 cervical smear and cytological examination

超声检查 ultrasonographyB超 B-scan经阴道超声检查 transvaginal ultrasonography 子宫发育不良 hypoplasia of uterus


基础体温 basal body temperature,BBT性激素 sexual hormone;gonadal hormone 雌激素 estrogen,E?? 雌二醇? estradiol,E2孕激素 progesterone,P 睾酮 testosterone,T促激素释放激素 luteinizing hormone,LH

腺垂体促卵泡激素 follicle stimulating hormone,FSH催乳素 prolactin,PRL 抗精子抗体 anti-sperm antibody ,ASAB抗心磷脂抗体 anticardiolipins,ACL 抗子宫内膜抗体 EMAb宫颈粘液检查 cervical mucus examination

宫颈粘膜碘试验 Schiller test宫颈管刮片 endocervical scraping smear

子宫颈涂片细胞学检查 cervical smear and cytological examination

超声检查 ultrasonographyB超 B-scan经阴道超声检查 transvaginal ultrasonography 子宫发育不良 hypoplasia of uterus


