九年级 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla常识点总结

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九年级 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla常识点总结

1. It must belong to Carla. 它必定是卡拉的。

(1) must在这里透露表现对目下当今环境的必定性猜测,掌握比拟大,相当于汉语的必定、准是。must透露表现猜测时,一样平常用于必定句。

- Whos that man? 那位男士是谁?

- It must be Li Pings father. 他准是李平的父亲。


① 透露表现措辞人的主观意志,意为必需、该当,它无人称、数和时态的变革。其否认答语凡是用neednt或dont have to, 意为不用。

- Must we clean all the rooms? 我们必需清扫所有的房间吗?

- Yes, you must. (No. you neednt. / dont have to.) 是的。(不用)

② must自身的否认方式must not (mustnt) 意为不准(做某事)、必定不要,透露表现禁止和告诫。

You mustnt play on the road. 你必定不要在马路上玩耍。

You mustnt lend the book to others. 你必定不要把这本书借给他人。


Your father must be nearly eighty now, isnt he? 你父亲目下当今必定将近80岁了,是否是?

He must have missed the train yesterday, didnt he? 他今天必定没赶上火车,对不合错误?

You must have been to Shanghai, havent you? 你必定去过上海,对不合错误?

●友情提示● 透露表现否认的猜测要用cant。

I saw him just a few minutes ago. He cant be there. 就在几分钟前,我还见过他,他不成能在那里。

(2) belong to 属于动词+介词型短语,该动词短语透露表现所属干系。

① 后接或人或某单元名词时,透露表现某物归属于或人或某单元。这时候,belong to的意思是属于、为所拥有。

The books belong to her. 这些书是她的。

Who (m) does this bag belong to? 这个包是谁的?

The bookshop belongs to Mr Zhang. 这家信店属于张师长教师。

belong to的主语也能够是抽象名词。

Victory belongs to the Chinese people for ever. 成功永远属于中国国民。

The future belongs to our young people. 将来属于我们年轻人。

② 后接某个家庭、集体、党派、构造、国度等名词时,透露表现为之一成员、与相关。

Taiwan belongs to China from ancient times. 台湾自古以来就是中国的。

She belonged to the Chinese Womens Volleyball Team. 她曾经是中国女排的队员。

●友情提示● belong to短语中,除了可以用to外,还可以按照实际环境用in, on, among。

These books belong in the library. 这些书是藏书楼的。

He belongs among realistic writers. 他属于现实主义作家。


① 这房子属于他叔叔的。

误:The house is belonged to his uncle.

正:The house belongs to his uncle.

正:The house is owned by his uncle.

正:The house is his uncles.

析:belong to短语不克不及用于主动语态中。

② 我目下当今属于二中学生。

误:I am belonging to No. 2 Middle School now.

正:I belong to No. 2 Middle School now.

析:belong to不克不及用于进行时态。

2. He was the only little kid at the picnic. 在野餐中他是独一的小孩。

picnic用作名词透露表现去某地野餐可用①go to某地for a picnic, ② go to某地to have a picnic两种表达方式。

Well go to that island for a picnic next Sunday. = Well go to that island to have a picnic next Sunday. 下个星期天我们去阿谁岛上野餐。

picnic可用作动词,其后可加-ed, -ing, er等,但必需先在picnic后加字母K。

We picnicked there many times last year. 去年我们屡次在那儿野餐。

Lets go picnicking, shall we? 咱们去野餐,好不好?

These Americans are good picnickers. 这些美国人很会野餐。


I will never forget those picnicky days. 我永远也不会健忘那些野餐的日子。

3. -Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?

- It must be Marys Hemingway is her favorite author. 它必定是玛丽的。海明威是她最爱好的作者。

●词语辨析● author与writer



Please do read this author. 请务必读一读这位作家的作品。

Lu Xun was a great author in Chinese history. 鲁迅是中国汗青上伟大的作家。


Hua Wen is the writer of the story. 华闻是这本小说的作者。

Wu Yun is the writer of our office. 武云是我们办公室的笔墨员。

4. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me. 假如你知道它大概在什么中央,请给我打德律风。


Do you have any bananas? 你有一些香蕉吗?

Do they have any classes on Sunday? 他们星期天还上课吗?


Take any book you like. 拿你爱好的随意率性一本书。

●友情提示● not...any是完全否认;若透露表现局部否认,可用not some或not every。试比拟:

I dont know any of these animals. 这些植物我一个也不认识。

I dont know some of them. 他们中有几个我不认识。

I dont know every one of them. 我并非个个都认识他们。

5. I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall. 我想我是在音乐会中丢的,因此它大概还在音乐厅。


He dropped the letter in the mailbox yesterday. 今天他把信投进了信箱。

The glass dropped / fell out of her hand. 杯子从她手中掉了下来。

6. Im really anxious, because I cant find my backpack. 我真的很发急,因为我找不到我的背包了。


I am very anxious about my moms health. 我十分担忧我妈妈的安康。


be anxious for something 巴望、但愿

We are anxious for their safety. 我们但愿他们安然无事。

be anxious to do something 巴望做某事

We are anxious to meet you soon. 我们但愿能尽快见到你。

be anxious that 巴望、盼望

They were anxious that aid should be sent soon. 他们盼望着搭救物品尽快送到。

7. Shes worried because of her test. 她因为测验而担心。

●词语辨析● worry与worried


I dont know whats worrying him. 我不知道什么事使他懊恼。


Dont worry about your little brother. I can look after him. 别担忧你的小弟弟,我能照看他。

Mr Brown always worries about his sons lessons. 布朗师长教师总是担忧他儿子的功课。


But they now have a new worry. 但他们目下当今又有了新的苦恼。

worried是形容词,意为担忧的、懊恼的,常与be, look, feel等结合动词连用。

She is really worried. 她的确很担心。

She felt worried. 她感触很担忧。

还可构成be worried about, 意为为担忧。

Her mother is worried about her. 她母亲为她担忧。

We are all worried about you. 我们都为你担忧。

8. Well, it could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother. 哦,有多是个男孩。耳饰多是送给他妈妈的礼物。


-Can you guess who it is in the photo? 你能猜出照片中的人是谁吗?

- The baby? Its you. I think. 这个婴儿吗?我想那是你。

-Listen! Who is knocking at the door? 听!是谁在敲门?

- Oh, its Jim. I think. 哦!我想是吉姆。

9. Why do you think the man is running? 你认为阿谁报酬何跑?

这是一个复杂非凡疑问句,由do you think+宾语从句构成,常把疑问词提至句首。本句的非凡疑问词why在宾语从句中作状语(风俗上也可把do you think看作拔出语,懂得句子时可去掉,句子意思不受影响)。

What do you think he is doing now? 你认为他正在做什么呢?

别的,能用于这一句型的谓语动词还有guess, believe, expect, imagine, suppose等。

Where do you guess he lives? 你猜测他住哪儿呢?

10. Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. 每天晚上我们都听到窗外有奇怪的声音。

●词语辨析● sound, voice与noise

sound, voice和noise都能作名词,含有声音的意思。但使用时却互不同等,仍有很多差别。


Soon they heard the sound of planes.很快他们就听到了飞机的声音。

The door was open, and sounds came from the street.门开了,从街上传来了各类声响。

Light travels faster than sound.光比声音传得更快。


We could hear the childrens voices.我们能听见小孩的声音。

She has a beautiful and sweet voice.她的桑音甜美。

This is the Voice of America.这是美国之音。


Dont make such a big noise in the classroom.不要在教室里这样高声吵闹。

She enjoys the country life, away from city noise.她爱好过着远离都会闹热热烈繁华的村落糊口。

There was a great noise over there.何处喧闹极了。

11. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? 必定有什么工具在帮衬我们社区,但是那是什么呢?

(1) 在there be 布局中,动词be可以与情态动词连用,透露表现大概有;必定有。Be也有时态的变革。

There might be drinks if you wait a bit. 假如你等一下子,大概会有酒。

