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Key to the Exercises

Passage A

II. Reading Comprehension

1. Try to complete thesentences with what you have learned from the passage.

1) for decades,sociologists used a female standard to measure friendships

2) the growing phenomenon of straight men doing thingstogether

3) expose their anxieties andopen up emotionally

4) open up

5) become less important

III. Vocabulary and Structure

1. Fill in the blanks with the wordsgiven below. Change the form where necessary.

1) fail 2) examine 3)

personality 4)faults 5) acquaintances

6) stranger 7) impression 8)

friendly 9)discuss 10) consider

http://www.77cn.com.cnplete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using thephrasal verbs of “move” and “lay” listed below.


1. moved off 2.move on to the next

caller 3. moved us to

4. move into the country 5.

movealong 6. laid into

7. lay out 8. peoplewho are laid


9. lay up a good supply of feed 10. lay on food and drink 11. laysdown

IV. Collocation

Readthe following example taken from the text and think about what else you can“pour” and, and then complete the sentences with the right form of the word.








8) cold water scorn it on it on oil on troubled waters out of into away

V.Word Building

A root is the base from of a word that cannotfurther be analyzed without total loss of identity. It is that part of the wordleft when all the affixes are removed.

1.The root “tain” means “tohold, to keep”.





pertain 实现,赢得 扣留,拘押 保持,维修 与 直接相关,关于 contain entertain obtain retain 容纳,包含 娱乐,使开心,款待 获得,取得 保留,保有

2. The root “flu” means “flow”.





奔流,冲洗 影响 过剩的,多余的 流体,液体 confluent influx influenza mellifluous 汇流的,合流的 涌入,汇集 流行感冒 流畅的,甜美的

3. The root “min” means “small”.




miniature 使缩小到最少 减少, 缩小 小的,不很重要的 缩影,微小模型 minus minute minuscule minority 减去 一分钟,微小的 极小的 少数

VI. Translation

1. Translate the followingsentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) Money is in placefor the ceremony through many warm-hearted people’s efforts.

2) I am willing topour out my heart to you because you are reliable.

3) Although Tomgraduated from college a month ago, he worked as well as a skilled worker.

4) We explain topeople how “sustainable development” is closely linked with our everyday lifeand hope that this concept can take root in our community.

5) The two brothersopened up about their feelings two years after war broke out.


2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) 然而,友谊是拥有健康而有意义的人生所必需的组成部分。

2) 这是今年年初以来我所经历的最坏的天气。

3) 后来的各种考查确实使我获得了新的观点。

4) 我们探索了过各种途径,但是没有找到好的解决办法。

5) 皮特很喜欢他的新车,一年总要把车送去检修几次。

II. Test Zone

1. There are 20 blanks in thefollowing passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) andD). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

1) B 2)D 3)A 4)D 5)A 6)B 7)C 8)C 9)A 10)B

11)D 12)A 13)C 14)C 15)A 16)B 17)D 18)A 19)C 20)A

2. Correct the errors in the following passage.

1) communicate communication 2) √

3) are 4) get

5) can’t 6) had

7) in 8)


9)√ 10) from

Unit 2 Art and Youth


Key to the Exercises

Section A

Passage A

II. ReadingComprehension

1. Try to complete the sentences with whatyou have learned from the passage.

1. the“Forces’ Sweetheart”; her songs

2.remembering the past

3. manyof Lynn’s saleswere attributed to downloads.

4.British troops abroad

5. the2005 anniversary celebrations of World War II’s Victory in Europe Day; the lateQueen Mother’s birthday.

III. Vocabulary andStructure

1. Select words from what are given and fillin the blanks with their proper forms.

1.thanks 2.release 3. overtake 4. Dame 5. outselling

6.capture 7.anthems. 8. attributed 9.

longing 10.intend

2. Complete the sentencesby translating the Chinese into English, using the phrasal verbs of “pull” and“count” listed below.

1) The doctor assured the patient’s familythat he could surely pull

through. 医生向家属保证说病人肯定能挺得过去。

2) He has a lot of trouble with hislessons; now he is trying to pull out . 他在课程上有不少困难;现在他正设法克服。


3) The leaves of the book were gluedtogether and I had difficulty trying to pu ll them apart. 书是用胶水粘在一起的,我很难将它拆开。

4) I carelessly pull down the ink bottleand the ink splashed all over the desk(撞翻了). 我不小心弄翻了墨水瓶,墨水倒了一桌。

5) It was so dark that we could hardly go astep further and we were forced to pull back. 天色如此之黑,我们几乎不能再往前前进一步,被迫返回。

6) If we pull together (齐心合力),we will succeed in overcoming the

difficulties. 如果我们齐心合力,我们就能成功克服困难。

7) Go and see how many bottles we have — but don’ t count in the

crackedones. 看一下我们有多少瓶子,但并不计算那些破的。

8) The boy counted out thirty pence andgave it to the shop assistant

immediately. 男孩数了三十分迅速交给了店员。

9) As we all know, children count on theirparents for love and security . 众所周知,孩子依赖父母来得到爱心和安全感。

10) We were counting down to New Year’sEve. With the moment approaching,

everybody became excited. 我们在新年前夕倒数。随着零点的到来,每个人都变得很兴奋。

IV. Collocation

Lookat the following examples taken from the text and think about what else you can“record”, and then complete the sentences with the right words.


2. break/beat 他立志要打破横渡英吉利海峡的记录。

3. set/established 这对姐妹上个月创立了新的连续不睡觉的世界纪录。

4. on律师公开说过,他反对这个议案。

5. keep 我父母要我把所有的花销记录下来。


6. holds保持着在太空飞行停留时间最长的美国纪录。

V. Word Building

Aroot is the base of a word that cannot be further broken apart without totalloss of meaning. It is that part of the word left when all the affixes areremoved.

1.The root “vert”, “vers” means “turn”.

reverse:to change something completely so that it is the opposite of what it was before改变,撤销

1.invert v. 翻过来,倒转(in 进+vert→转进去→倒转→倒置)

2. diversity n. 多样性

3.revert v. 恢复,回复(re 回+ert→转回来→恢复)

4.averse a. 不愿意(a 坏+vers+e→往坏转→反感的)

5. adverse a. 不利的,反对的

6.diverse a. 不同的(di 分开+vers+e→转开了→不同的)

7..pervert n.. 变态(per 全部+vert→全部转→颠倒)

8. inverse a. 相反的(in 进+vers+e→转进去→翻转的)

2.The root “rupt” means “break”.

interrupt:to say or do something that makes somebody stop what they are saying or doing 插嘴;打断

1) rupture n. 破裂;断绝(rupt+ure)

2)abrupt a. 突然的(ab 离开+rupt→断开→突然断开→突然的)

3)bankrupt a. 破产的(bank 柜台+rupt→柜台断了→破产了)

4)disrupt v. 扰乱;中断(dis 分开+rupt→分开断→分裂)

5)bankruptcy n. 破产(bank+rupt+cy)

6)erupt v.爆发;喷发(e 出+rupt→断裂而喷出)

7)corrupt a. 腐败的(cor 全部+rupt 断→全断了→腐败了)


8)irrupt v. 突然冲入 (ir入 +rupt→断裂而冲入→突然冲入)

3. The root “migr” means “move”.

migrate: to move from one town, country, etc.to go and live in another 迁移,移居

1)transmigration n. 轮回,转世(trans 交换+migr+ation→轮回)

2)immigrant n. (外来)移民

3)migratory a. 移居的,漂泊的(migr+atory)

4)migrant n. 候鸟,移民(migr+ant 人或物→迁移的鸟→候鸟)

5)emigrate v. 移居(外国)(e 出+migr+ate→移出)

6)immigrate v. 移居;移入(im 进+migr+ate→移进)

7)migraine n. 偏头痛(migr+ine→移来移去的[头痛]→偏头痛)

8)emigre n. 流亡者(e 出+migre 移)

VI. Translation

1. Translate the followingsentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) Thanks to his effort, the concert ismore successful than we have expected.

2) Because all of us work hard, our companyhas pulled through one

economiccrisis after another.

3) Most peoples love natureand long for peace and freedom, which is not quite possible without sustainabledevelopment.

4) Every photo in the museum reminds us ofthe cruelty of the war.

5) Instead of sending somebody on yourbehalf, you had better go in person.

6) He predicted that earthquakes would notbreak out in the next few years in this area.


2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.


2) 因为世博会,我们都很渴望有机会去上海。

3) 我们的英语老师建议我们在网上下载最新的英文电影。

4) 如果没人站出来说出这个项目的问题,这个项目就不能改进。

5) 我们相信在朋友们的帮助下公司能渡过这场经济危机。

6) 很多医生对这个新型的感冒很困惑,并尽他们所能及早找到解决方法。

II. Test Zone

1-5CAADB 6-10 CDABB 11-15 ACADD 16-20 BDDAC

2. Correct the errors in the following passage.



4. overestimate

7. √ 8.


9. went

Unit 3 Focus

Key to the Exercises


Passage A

II. Reading Comprehension

2. Try to complete the sentences with what you havelearned from the text.

1) index, has an effect on a person’shealth

2) the effects of height and weight

3) a problem that can be fixed,impossible

4) genetics, social class,childhood

5) overweight/obesity, shortness, the wholesociety, individual virtue. III. Vocabulary and Structure

1. Fill in the blanks with the words givenbelow. Change the form where necessary.

1)efforts 2 )tough 3) put up 4)obese 5) overweight 6) concerned

7) develop 8)increase 9) campaign 10) put the brakes on 2. Completethe sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using the phrasal verbsof “put” and “look” listed below. 1)put yourself out 2) putyour family through

3)put off till tomorrow 4) put a great deal of time and effort in/into


5)putting on her make-up 6) put upa splendid performance

7) look your work through 8) looking for an improvement

9) look into the problem 10) looking to the newgovernment

11) promised to look on Dad 12)look on him

IV. collocation

1. tohis income 2. with her interests 3.to the British


4. to itsprice 5. to theregulations

The translation of the sentences:

1. 他入不敷出。

2. 他的工作和他的兴趣相符合。

3. 美国议会和英国议会一样。

4. 我最近买的手提电脑质量和价格的性价比不一致。

5. 学生的行为要符合学校的规章制度。

V. Word Building

1. n. 俘虏 v. 逮捕,捉拿

a. 欺骗性的 v. 想象;构想

v. 占用 n. 参加者

v. 预测,预见 n. 收据


2. n. 祖先;祖宗 v.说情

v. 在先,优于 n.过度,过剩

v. 继续进行,前进 n.接近;入口

v. 成功;继续 v.答应,同意

3. n. 娱乐,款待 v. 阻拦;拘留

v. 维持;坚持 v. 从属;相关

v. 获得,达到 v. 支持;赡养

n. 不满 n. 保留; 持久力

Ⅵ. Translation

1. Translate thefollowing sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) Americans tend to spend more than theyhave. (排版后改为“美国人倾向超前消费。”这里相应修改)

2) He explained that he hadn't done it onpurpose .

3) I don't want to put a burden on you.

4) The only access to the farmhouse isacross the fields.

5) They made all the efforts to stave offbankruptcy of the company.

2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1) 烟酒过度会影响人的理解及判断能力。

2) 骑马者将会有一个与比赛中的马的号码一致的号码。


3) 美联储降低利率以刺激经济,防止衰退。

4) 我一闻到茉莉花就联想到乌拉圭。

5) 柴油价格的上涨会给本已负重的农业带来更多的压力。

II. Test Zone

1) B 2) D 3) C 4) D 5) A 6) A 7) B 8) A 9) C 10) B

11) C 12) B 13) B 14) B 15) A 16) A 17) B 18) D 19) C 20) B

2. Errorcorrection:

1) to--for


3) seldom---already

4) for---to

5) level---levels

6) old---older

7) something’s---something(排版后,第7)的附近句子改为As far as the strength of this relationship betweenobesity and inflammation is concerned, that’s something’s that could becumulative 答案根据排版后的稿子相应修改。)

8) problem---aproblem

9) smell---small

10) health--healthy

Unit 4 Careers


Key to the Exercises

Passage A

II. Reading Comprehension

1) routine jobs,intellectual capital

2) educationand training

3) do industriesrequire a high level of education; agility, skills and training 4) have begun offeringtraining as an incentive

5) that wasunimaginable five years ago; the good ideas they generate and the problems theysolve

III. Vocabulary and Structure

1. Fill in the blankswith the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

1) routine 2) competitive 3) electrician 4)sophisticated 5) wages

6) Basically 7) candidates 8) global 9) optimistic 10) continually

2. Complete the sentences by translatingthe Chinese into English, using the phrasal verbs of “go” and “work” listedbelow.

1) go about repairing 2) wentthrough college 3) keeps going over

4) go on being a teenager 5) decided to go along 6) The power went off

7) worked byelectricity 8) has been working on a new novel 9) His speech worked against

10)working towards having 11) worked offhis debt 12) work for the good of the people



Read the following example taken from the text and think about whatelse you can “generate” , and then complete the sentences with the right words.

1. electricity 下落的水流可以用来发电。

2. friendliness 他的友善的笑容很快就赢得新同学的友谊。

3. interest 宣传常被用来激发人们对新电影的兴趣。

4. heat 新的锅炉比旧的锅炉产生更多的热量。

5. excitement 5年前他写了一本书,至此之后这一直给他激情。

6. power 据报道,在较慢速的情况下,大型的动物比小型的动物产生更多的能量。

7. jobs 新政策将会出台以发展当地经济,增加就业和提高人们的生活质量。

8. profit 现今,人们更关心的是获取利润,而不是产品的质量。

9. hatred 即使在今天,一些人仍然持有种族偏见,这只会在国家之间引起仇恨。 V. Word Building

1. The root “act” means “to do”.

n. 男演员 a. 真实的,实际的

v. 使 活动,起动 v. 做交易;办理

v. 实施,颁布 v. 对抗;抵消

v. 相互作用 v. 强求,需要;a. 精确的

2. The root “am” means “to love”.

n. 友好关系 a. 好脾气的, 和蔼的 a. 被迷住的,倾心的 a. 友好的


