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Part Ⅲ Miscellaneous 第3篇 其他类

Part Ⅲ Miscellaneous 第3篇 其他类


1.How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it? 不能剪也不能卷,怎样使一根绳子变短?

2.How can you throw a ball and have it return to you without hitting anything or

having anyone throw it back to you?


3.Why are you wearing two watches at the same time?



1.Take a longer rope and compare with it. 拿一根长点的绳子比一比就行了。 2.Just throw it up in the air. 往上抛。

3.To see if the other one keeps good time. 互相监督是否走时准确。 Notes:

1.与更长的绳子相比,原来那根绳子肯定是更短了 (shorter)。 Questions:

1.What is visible only in winter time? 什么东西冬天才能看见?

2.What do you have that you can’t lend to others? 什么东西属于你而且不能借给别人?

3.Why don’t boys need to watch out for worms when they’re eating apples?

男孩子吃苹果时为什么不用当心苹果里的虫? Keys:

1.Your breath. 你的呼吸。 2.Your shadow. 你的影子。

3.The worms have to watch out for themselves. 因为虫子必须自己当心(不被吃掉)。 Notes:

1.visible/'vizibl/adj.看得见的 3. watch out当心,注意,留神 Questions:

1.If two swallows are sitting on a twig and you wish to get the twig without disturbing the swallows,what shall you do?


2.If you find three sparrows on the roof and you shoot one,how many are left? 假如你看见屋顶上有三只麻雀,射掉一只,还有几只?

3.If a burglar was informed all the exits were guarded,what could he do to escape? 假如强盗得知所有的出口都有人站岗,那么他怎么才能逃出去? Keys:

1.Wait till the swallows fly away. 等燕子飞走了以后去弄。 2.None.The others fly away.

一只不剩,其余都飞走了。 3.He could go out of the entrance. 他可以从入口出去。 Notes:

1.swallow n.燕子 twig/twig/ n.小枝,细枝 2.sparrow n.麻雀 Questions:

1.Why do people wish for something they haven’t got? 人们为什么总是想得到没有得到的东西呢?

2.Why do people always find what they are looking for in the last place they look? 人们找东西时为什么总是在最后一个寻找的地方才找到? 3.What does everybody know about the emperors of China? 关于中国的皇帝每个人都知道的是什么? Keys:

1.What else is there to wish for? You cease to wish for it once you get it. 除此以外你还想要得到什么?一旦得到,你就用不着想得到了。 2.No one would keep looking once they find what they are looking for. 一旦人们找到他们寻找的东西后,没有人还会找下去。 3.They’re all dead. 他们都作古了。 Notes:

1.cease to do something停止做某事,与cease doing something意思相同。 Questions:

1.How to put you left hand where your right hand can’t reach it?

把你的左手放在哪儿,使你的右手无论如何也够不到? 2.How can you tell the weather with a rope? 只有一根绳子,如何知道天气? Keys:

1.Put your left hand on your right elbow. 把你的左手放在右肘上。

2.Take it in the open.If it swings, it’s windy; if it’s wet, it’s raining. 拿到室外,如果它摇晃,说明有风;如果它湿了,说明有雨。 Notes:

1.elbow n.肘,肘部 2.in the open在户外,在野外 Questions:

1.If you take half from a half dollar, how much is left? 如果从一个半块美元里拿走半块,还剩多少? 2.How long should your legs be? 你的腿应该有多长?

3.Why is the woolen sweater marked“cotton”? 为什么羊毛衫上却标着“棉制品”?

4.If your uncle’s sister is not you aunt, what relation is she to you? 如果你舅舅的妹妹不是你阿姨,请问她是你什么? Keys:

1.A dollar is left. 还剩一个美元。

2.Long enough to reach the ground. 够得着地就行了。

3.TO fool the moths. 是用来瞒着蛀虫的。 4.Your mother. 是你的母亲。 Notes:

3. moth n.蛾,蛀虫 woolen adj.羊毛的,呢绒的 也可写作woollen Questions:

1.Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees.How many T’s are there in that?


2.It usually takes 8 hours to travel from New York to Chicago by train.Then why hasn’t the train leaving the Big Apple more than ten hours ago arrived yet? 通常从纽约到芝加哥坐火车只要8小时,可是这列火车离开纽约已经超过10小时了,为什么现在还没有到芝城呢? Keys:

1.There are two T’s in“that”. 有两个“T”。

2.The train was not for Chicago. 这列火车不是开往芝加哥的。 Notes:

2.The Big Apple指纽约。 Questions:

1.Whose eyes never close? 谁的眼睛从来不闭?

2.What is a fish net made of? 鱼网是什么做的?

3.What walks all day on its head? 什么东西整天用头走路?

4.What’s the difference between a monkey and a flea? 猴子和跳蚤的区别是什么? Keys:

1.A neddle’s eye. 针眼。

2.Little holes tied together with strings. 用绳子系起来的小洞洞。 3.A nail on a horse. 马蹄铁上的钉子。

4.A monkey can have fleas but a flea can’t have monkeys. 猴子可能长跳蚤,跳蚤不可能生猴子。 Notes:

3.the head of the nail钉子头 4.flea n.跳蚤 Questions:

1.What can you tell from Peter’s record card with extremely poor grades? 彼得糟糕透顶的成绩单说明什么问题?

2.What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today? 如果乔治·华盛顿今天还活着,那么他最为著名的是什么? 3.What does everybody do at the same time? 所有的人同时在做同一件什么事情?

4.What resembles half a pie? 什么东西像半块饼? Keys:

1.He didn’t cheat. 他没有作弊。 2.Old age. 高寿。 3.Grow old. 变老。

4. The other half. 饼的另一半。 Notes:

1.record card成绩单 Questions:

1.My uncle hasn’t slept for many days but he isn’t tired at all.What’s his secret? 我叔叔很多天没有睡觉,却一点也不累,奥妙何在? 2.What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never speaks? 什么东西有床不睡,有口不说?

3.What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bone? 什么东西有五指却没有骨肉? Keys:

1.He sleeps at night. 他晚上睡觉。 2.A river. 河流。

3.A glove. 手套。 Notes:

2.the bed of the river河床

the mouth of the river河口(河入海的地方) 3.thumb n.拇指

此外有 forefinger(食指), middle finger(中指), ring finger(无名指),和little finger(小拇指)。 Questions:

1.The farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year.Why?

今年这个村落的农民们运用了现代新技术,却没有收获到一只苹果。为什么? 2.The injured dog had some difficulty going home.Every step he took,he slipped back two. However, he still manage to get home.How did he do it?

受了伤的小狗回家无比艰难,他每向前走一步,就得向后滑两步,但是就是这样他还是回到家了,请问他是怎样做到的? Keys:

1.They planted peach trees. 他们种的是桃树。

2.He walked in the other direction. 他朝与回家相反的方向走。 Notes:

1.harvest v.收获,收割 peach n.桃子

2.Slip v.滑,溜,跌交 manage v.成功地做了某事

Questions :

1.What falls often but never gets hurt? 什么东西经常摔下来却毫无损伤? 2.Why do cowboys ride their horses to town? 牛仔们为什么骑马去城里?

3.Who goes around all day in a car with his bag full of money? 谁整天坐着车到处逛,包里满是钞票?

4.Why does Jim wish he had enough money to buy an elephant? 吉姆为何希望有足够的钱买一头大象? Keys:

1.Snowflakes. 雪花。

2.It’11 take much longer if they walk their horses there. 因为牵着马走去花的时间太长了。 3.A bus conductor. 汽车售票员。

4.He just wishes he had that much money. 他就想有那么多的钱。 Notes:

2. cowboy n.牛仔,牧童 Questions:

1.How did the pick-pocket spot the plain-clothes cop in the woman’s disguise? 小偷怎么识别出装扮成女人的便衣警察? 2.Which month has 28 days? 哪个月有28天?

3.What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of, too? 什么东西人人都想拥有却又都想甩掉? Keys:

1.He passed by a cosmetics store without looking in the window. 因为他路过一家化妆品商店却看都不看橱窗里的东西。 2. Every month has at least 28 days. 每个月都至少有28天。 3.One’s appetite. 人的胃口。 Notes:

1.pick-pocket n.扒钱包的人,小偷plain-clothes adj.便衣的 disguise n.伪装

3.get rid of one’s appetite满足胃口,吃饱喝足 Questions:

1.Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from? 飘在密西西比河上的鸡蛋是从哪儿来的?

2.Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000-step stair and was not hurt. Why? 幸运鼠从1000级的台阶上摔下来却安然无恙,为什么? 3.Why do giraffes have long neck? 长颈鹿的脖子为什么那么长?

4.What travels around the earth without using any fuel? 什么东西不用燃料绕着地球转? Keys:

1.From a hen . 是母鸡生下来的。

2.He fell off the last step. 他是从最后一个台阶上摔下来的。

3.Because their heads are far from their bodies. 因为它们的头离身子远。 4.The moon. 是月亮。 Notes:

4.fuel n.燃料 Questions:

1.What number has nothing left if you take a half from it? 什么数字拿走一半就什么都不剩了? 2.What number is like a peacock? 什么数字像孔雀一样?

3.What room has no walls,no doors, no windows,and no one to live in? 什么房间没有墙,没有门窗,也没有人住? Keys:

1.The number is 8, because only 0 is left whether you take away the top half or the bottom half.

是数字8,因为不管你拿掉它的上面一半还是下面一半,剩下的都是零。 2.The number is 9, because it’s 0 without its tail and likewise, a peacock is nothing without its tail.

是数字9,因为9没有尾巴就成了零,同样,孔雀没有尾巴也一无是处。 3.A mushroom. 是蘑菇。 Notes:

2.peacock n.雄孔雀(雌孔雀为peahen)


1.How can you make 6 out of three7’s? 怎样使得3个7等于6?

2.How can you make 6 out of three 5’s? 怎样使得3个5等于6?

3.How can you make 1000 out of eitht8’s? 怎样使得8个8等于1000?

4.What time is it when the clock strikes sixteen? 时钟敲16下时是什么时候? Keys:

3.Easy.8+8+8+88+888=1000 很简单。8+8+8+88+888=1000 4.Time to have the clock fixed. 是修时钟的时候。 Notes:

4.strike .敲,击 fix v.修理 Questions:

1.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired?

谁一年只上一天班却不会被开除? 2.When do people have two mouths? 什么时候人有两张嘴?

3.What grows sharper the more it’s used? 什么东西越用越锋利? 4.Why do lions eat raw meat? 狮子为何吃生肉? Keys:

1.Santa Claus. 圣诞老人。

2.When there’re two of them. 有两个人时。 3.The tongue. 舌头。

4.They don’t know how to cook. 它们不会烹饪。 Notes:

1.Santa Claus 圣诞老人,也作Father Christmas。 Questions:

1.What’s the birth rate in this area? 这个地区的出生率是多少? 2.What has a mouth but never speaks? 什么有嘴不说话?

3.What has everybody seen before but will never he seen again? 什么东西人人见过却永不再见?

4.What does everyone have and overlook? 什么东西人人都有却总是忽视。 Keys:

1.Once per person. 每人一次。 2.A jar. 水壶。 3.Yesterday. 昨天。

4.One’s own nose. 自己的鼻子。 Notes:

4.overlook v.忽略,看漏 Questions:

1.If you had ten apples and ate eight,how many would you have? 如果你有十个苹果,吃了八个,还有几个? 2.Why did the ex-chauffeur lie under the mule? 从前做过私人司机的那个人干嘛躺在骡子下面?

3.Why is Jim praying Chicago to be made capital of New Jersey? 吉姆为何祈祷芝加哥变成新泽西州的首府? Keys:

1.Ten. Two outside and eight inside. 十个。两个在外面,八个在里面。 2.To see why the mule didn’t go. 看看骡子为什么不走?

3.That’s the answer he gave on his Geography paper. 他在地理试卷上这样写的。 Notes:

2.chauffeur n.私人雇佣的汽车司机ex-加在某些名词前相当于中文的“前…”,e.g. ex-wife(前妻),ex-president(前总统),ex-cop(前任警官),etc.. Questions:

1.Can you name the capital of every state in the U. S.in ten seconds? 你能用10秒钟说出美国所有州的首府吗?

2.A motorist ran into a motorcyclist,yet the motorcyclist was not hurt while the motorist was badly injured.Why?


3.A police officer had a brother,but the brother had no brother. How could that be?

警官有个哥哥,哥哥却没有弟弟,为什么? Keys:

1.Washington,D.C. 是华盛顿。

2.The motorist was walking. 汽车司机正在走路。

3.The police officer was a lady. 警官是位女士。 Notes:

2.motorcyclist n. 骑摩托车的人 Questions:

1.Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York harbour?


2.Why is Mr. Polite teaching his children foullanguage? 礼貌先生为何教他孩子脏话?

3.Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room?

猫进房间时为何先朝一边看看又朝另一边看看? Keys:

1.Because it can’t sit down. 因为它不能坐下来。

2.He’s teaching them what not to say. 他在教他们什么话不能说。

3.Because it can’t see both sides at once. 因为它不能同时两边看。 Notes:

1.statue n. 雕像,雕塑 liberty n.自由 harbour n.港湾 Questions:

1.Where was the Declaration of Independence signed ? 独立宣言是在哪里签的?

2.Who usually tries to make you smile? 谁总是让你笑口常开? Keys:

1.At the bottom. 在文件末尾。

2.A photographer. 摄影师。 Notes:

2.photographer n.摄影师 Questions:

1.On the way to the bank, Mr. Green met three of his friends.Each of them had his wife with him and each of the ladies had two babies in her arms.How many people are going to the bank?


2.My mother and my father had a baby.It wasn’t my brother nor my sister.Who was it?

我父母生有一个孩子,既非我兄弟亦非我姐妹,这个孩子是谁呢? 3.Why do birds fly south? 鸟为何往南飞? Keys:

1.Only Mr. Green. The other people may not be going to the bank. 只有格林先生一人,其他的人不一定去银行。 2.It was me. 是我。

3.It’s too far to walk. 走去太远了。 Questions:

1.What would you like, 1/2 of an orange or 6/12 of an orange? 1/2个桔子和 6/12个桔子,你要哪一份? 2.Why is doing nothing tiring? 为什么无所事事也累?

3.A young man drove his father’s car all the way from his school in New York to his home in Florida, without knowing his car had a puncture. How could it be? 一个年轻人开着父亲的车从纽约他上学的地方一直开到弗罗里达的家中,浑然不知他的车车胎破了。这是怎么回事? Keys:

1.I’d like 1/2 of an orange, for 6/12 of an orange would have had much juice lost. 我想1/2个桔子,因为6/12个肯定失掉了很多果汁。 2.Because you can’t possibly stop and rest. 因为你停不下来,也就没法歇下来。 3.It was his father’s car that he was driving. 他开的是父亲的车。 Notes:

3.puncture n.刺孔,穿孔(尤指车胎) Questions:

1.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become? 假如你把一块石头扔进红海,它会变得怎么样?

2.If two’s company and three’s a crowd,what’s four and five? 假如两个是伴,三个一伙,那么四个和五个呢?

3.If you took three big apples from a basket or ten apples,how many apples would you have?

假如你从盛有10个苹果的篮子里拿走3个大苹果,那么你有多少个苹果? Keys: 1.Wet· 会变湿。 2.Nine. 是九。

3.You took three apples and you would certainly have three apples. 你拿了三个苹果,当然就有三个。 Notes:

2.company n.伴侣,伙伴 Four and five is nine四加五等于九 Questions:

1.A boat turned over and the two men on board fell in the water. But only one man got his hair wet. Why?

船翻了,船上的两个人掉到水里,可是只有其中一人头发湿了,这是为什么? 2.Mother wants to give the three apples in her basket to her three girls so that each girl gets one whole apple and there’s still one in her basket.How can she manage to do that?

妈妈想把篮子里的三个苹果分给三个女儿,每个女儿一个完整的苹果,同时篮子里也有一个苹果。她如何做到这一点? Keys:

1.The other man was bald. 其中另一人秃头。

2.Give two girls an apple each and give the third girl her apple in the basket. 其中两个女儿每人一只苹果,另外一个女儿得一只篮子,篮子里放着第三只苹果。 Notes:

1.on board在船上,在交通工具上 bald adj.秃头的,光头的 Questions:

1.On April lst,1990,160 people walked out of the best cinema in Chicago.What happened?

1990年4月1日, 160人从芝加哥最好的影院出来。发生了什事?

2.It usually takes a man two days to travel from San Francisco to New York by car. But Mr.Black left San Francisco on Friday and arrives on the same Friday.How could he do it?


3.What’s too much for one and just right for two? 什么东西对一个人来说太多,对两个人来说正好? Keys:

1.The film was over. 电影散场了。 2.He took a plane. 他坐的是飞机。 3.A secret. 秘密。 Notes:

3.英语中“Just between you and me”意即“keep it a secret”(仅限于你我之间,请保守秘密)。 Questions:

1.What animal has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat but isn’t a cat?

什么动物脑袋像猫,脚像猫,尾巴也像猫,就是不是猫? 2.What has teeth but never eats anything? 什么东西长了牙齿却不吃东西?

3.What do you drop when you need it and take back when you don’t?

什么东西你需要它的时候扔掉,不需要时才收回来? 4.What do you have that others use far more often than you do?

什么东西属于你,而别人用的次数却比你多得多? Keys:

1.A kitten. 小猫。 2.A comb. 梳子。 3.An anchor. 锚。 4.your name. 你的名字。 Questions:

1.What word can be made shorter by adding something to it? 什么单词加长后更短?

2.What is full of holes but still holds water? 什么东西千疮百孔却可以盛水?

3.What is both over and under the water but doesn’t touch the water? 什么头上脚下都是水,却滴水不沾?

4.What is smaller than a humming-bird’s mouth? 什么比蜂鸟的嘴小? Keys:

1.The word “short”. 是“短”这个单词。 2.A sponge. 是海绵。

3.A girl crossing a bridge with a pail of water on her head.

头上顶着一桶水过桥的女孩。 4.Anything it eats. 任何它吃的东西。 Notes:

1.short加上-er变成shorter,拼写长了,意思却是“更短”。 Questions:

1.How many times can you take 6 apples out of a cart with 8,888 apples? 从装有8,888只苹果的货车里取走6只苹果,可以取多少次? 2.What has many a tooth but never a mouth? 什么东西有无数牙齿却没有嘴巴?

3.What has cities but no houses, roads but no cars,and rivers but no water? 什么东西有城无房,有路无车,有河无水? 4.What is higher without a head than with a head? 什么东西无头反比有头高? Keys:

1.Only once. After that there aren’t 8,888 apples in the cart. 只能取一次,因为接下去车里就没有8,888只苹果了。 2.A saw. 锯子。 3.A map. 地图。 4.A pillow. 枕头。 Questions:

1.How many sides does a circle have?


2.Why is eternity like a circle? 永恒为何似圆圈?

3.What animal can jump as high as a tree? 什么动物可以和树跳得一样高?

4.How can you be completely sleepless for seven days and still lack no rest? 怎样能保持七天不睡仍旧精神焕发? Keys:

1.Two. The inside and the outside. 两面,里面和外面。

2.Because it has neither beginning nor ending. 因为它无始无终。

3.All animals, for trees can’t jump. 所有的动物都能,因为树根本不会跳。 4.Sleep at night. 晚上睡觉。 Notes:

2.eternity n.永恒 Questions:

1.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? 世界上哪个地方下午比早上先到?

2.A doctor had a brother who went out west.But the man who went out west had no brother.How can this be?

医生有个哥哥去了西部,可是去了西部的这个人没有弟弟,这是怎么回事? 3.How do you know policemen are strong?

为什么说警察很健壮? Keys:

1.In the dictionary. 在字典里。

2.The doctor was a lady doctor. 医生是女的。

3.Because they can hold up traffic with just one hand. 因为他们一只手就能让车辆停住。 Notes:

3.hold up使停顿,受阻 Questions:

1.With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字?

2.What must you do before you return a book to the library? 把书还到图书馆里之前必须做什么?

3.What should you do if you are faced with a hungry tiger? 如果面对一头饥饿的老虎,你该怎么做?

4.What makes more noise than a pig caught under a fence? 比一头夹在篱笆下面的猪更吵的是什么? Keys:

1.Neither. I use a pen. 我不用手而是用笔写字。

2.Borrow the book from the library. 从图书馆借这本书。 3.Move to the next cage.

参观下面一个笼子。 4.TWO pigs. 两头猪。 Questions:

1.What goes on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening?

什么走路早上用四条腿,中午用两条腿,晚上用三条腿? 2.What do we get if We Cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon? 把一只啄木鸟和一只识途的鸽子融合在一起,会得到什么? 3.What question can never be answered by“Yes”? 什么问题永远也不能回答说“是的”? Keys:

1.People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age.


2.A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages. 将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟。 3.“Are you asleep? “你睡着了吗?” Notes:

2.woodpecker n.啄木鸟 Questions:

1.What gets larger the more you take away? 什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大? 2.What becomes less the more you learn?


3.What has no length,width or depth and can still be measured? 什么东西没有长度、宽度和深度,但还是可以测量? 4.Where can you always find money? 哪儿总是能找到钞票? Keys:

1.A hole. 洞。

2.What you haven’t learned. 你没有学的东西。 3.Temperature. 温度。

4.In the dictionary. 在字典里。 Notes:

3.three dimensions 三维: length(长度), width(宽度),depth(深度)。 Questions.

1.Iron will rust if put in the open. Then what if gold is put there? 铁放在外面会生锈,那么金子呢? 2.What is a pimple? 什么是青春美丽豆?

3.Do planes of this make crash very often? 这种牌子的飞机经常坠毁吗? Keys:

1.It’ll be taken away.


2.It’s a dimple going the other way. 是方向长错了的酒窝。 3.No,only once. 不,只会坠毁一次。 Notes:

1.rust v.生锈

2.pimple n 丘疹,脓疱 dimple n.酒窝,笑窝 3.make n.牌子,产品 crash v.坠毁,撞毁 Questions:

1.When can you have something and nothing at the same time in your pocket? 什么时候你的口袋里既有东西又没有东西? 2.What can run and whistle but can’t walk or talk? 什么东西能跑不能走,会吹哨不会说话? 3.Why can’t the world come to an end? 世界为何不会末日临头?

4.Where’s the biggest city in the world? 全世界最大的城市在哪儿? Keys:

1.When there’s a hole in it. 当口袋里有个洞的时候。 2.A locomotive. 火车头。

3.Because it’s round. 因为它是圆的。 4.On the map. 在地图上。 Notes:

2.locomotive n.火车头

3.The world is round地球是圆的,因此没有beginning(开始),也没有end(结束)。 Questions:

1.“Railroad crossing,Look out for the cars.” Can you spell it without any R’s?


2.Can you read“Madam, I’m Adam.” without pronouncing any M’S? 你能不发“M”的音,把“尊敬的女士,我是亚当。”读出来吗? 3.Can you say“Richard and Robert had a rabbit.” without pronouncing any R’S?

你能不发“R”的音,把“理查得和罗伯特有只兔子”说出来吗? Keys:

1.Sure.I-t. 当然能,I-t。

2.Of course, I can sure read without pronouncing anything. 当然,我会默读。

3.Dick and Bob had a bunny. 迪克和鲍勃有只兔子。 Notes:

1.car n.汽车,火车,缆车

3.Dick和Bob分别是Richard和Robert的昵称, bunny是rabbit的儿语词,也作bunny rabbit。 Questions:

1.Should you say 28 and 37 are 55 or 37 and 28 are 55? 你说是28加37等于55还是37加28等于55? 2.What can a baby do that an adult can’t do? 什么事婴儿能做而成人不能做?

3.Why’s giving up smoking such an easy thing for a chain-smoker? 对于烟瘾君子来说为什么戒烟易如反掌?

4.Can you tell me something about the great scientists of the 18th century? 你能告诉我一些18世纪伟大科学家的事吗? Keys:

1.28 and 37 are 65. 28加37等于 65。 2.Sleep in a cradle. 在摇篮里安睡。

3.He has done it many times. 他已经做过很多次了。 4.They’re all dead. 他们都已过世。 Notes:

1.cradle n.婴儿的摇篮

3.chain-smoke v.一支接一支地抽烟 Questions:

1.When a pregnant woman got on a bus no one gave up his seat to her.Why? 一位孕妇上车后,没有人给她让座,为什么? 2.Why do fish live in water? 鱼为什么在水里生活?

3.Which is right,the white of the eggs are yellow or the whites of the eggs are yellow?

下面哪种说法正确:鸡蛋的蛋白(单数)是黄的,还是鸡蛋的蛋白(复数)是黄的? Keys:

1.There’re vacant seats on the bus. 车上有空座。 2.Cats can’t swim. 因为猫不会游泳。

3.The whites are never yellow. 蛋白不黄色的。 Notes:

1.pregnant adj.怀孕的

give up one’s seat to someone让座给某人 vacant adj.空着的 3.white n.蛋白,蛋清 yolk n.蛋黄 Questions:

1.Which will burn longer, the candles in the good old days or the candles of today?

以前的蜡烛和现在的蜡烛,哪个烧得更长? 2.Which American has had the largest family?


3.A little girl was 6 years old on her last birthday,and will be 8 on her next birthday.How can this be?

一个小女孩上一个生日才6岁,下一个生日就8岁了,这是怎么回事? Keys:

1.Neither.Candles don’t burn longer but burn shorter. 哪个都烧不长,蜡烛都是越烧越短。

2.George Washington,“father of the nation.” 乔治·华盛顿,“美国之父”。 3.It’s her 7th birthday. 今天她7岁生日。 Notes:

1.the good old days过去的好时光 Questions:

1.A horse was tied to a rope five feet long,and wanted to eat the hay nine feet away.Could he manage that?

一头马被一根五英尺长的绳子拴着,想吃九英尺开外的干草,它够得着吗? 2.Why are artists so careful in signing the pictures? 艺术家在画上签名为何如此认真? 3.Why don’t you advertise for your lost dog? 你的狗丢了为什么不登广告呢? 4.What kind of party do prisoners like? 囚犯喜欢什么样的晚会? Keys:

1.Sure. The rope wasn’t tied to anything. 当然可以,因为绳子并没有拴在其他什么东西上。

2.So that people can tell the top from the bottom. 这样人们才知道哪是上边哪是下边。 3.The dog can’t read. 因为狗不识字。 4.A going-away party. 送别晚会。 Questions:

1.What time is it When you start your old car in vain? 当你怎么也发动不了你那辆老爷车时,该是什么时候了?

2.What word is the first word on page 100 in your English-Chinese dictionary? 你的英汉辞典第100页第一个单词是什么词?

3.Why do people seldom suffer from hunger in the Sahara desert? 人们为什么在撒哈拉沙漠中不太受饥饿折磨? Keys:

1.Time to have it repaired. 是修车的时候了。 2.An English word. 是英语单词。

3.They suffer from thirst first and always. 因为他们总是饱尝口渴的折磨。 Notes:

1.in vain徒劳无益,白费功夫 3.thirst n.渴 Questions:

1.When does a student’s brain stop working in class?


2.When can Mother stop worrying about her delicate vase? 母亲什么时候才不会担心她那只精致细巧的花瓶? 3.What can’t talk but can speak the truth? 什么东西不会讲话却会以实相告?

4.What’s full when it’s used and empty when it’s at rest ? 什么东西用时满,闲时空? Keys:

1.When they’re called on to answer questions. 当叫到他们回答问题时。 2.When it’s broken. 摔破以后。 3.A mirror. 镜子。 4.A shoe. 鞋子。 Questions:

1.How can you buy eggs and be certain there are no chickens inside them? 怎样在买蛋时确保蛋里没有未孵出的小鸡? 2.Which has more legs,a cow or no cow? 一头牛和没有牛,谁的腿多?

3.What are you doing in front of the mirror and with you eyes shut? 你闭着眼睛在镜子前面干什么? Keys:

1.Buy duck eggs or goose eggs.


2.No cow. A cow has only four legs but no cow has five legs. 没有牛,因为一头牛有四条腿,没有牛有五条腿。 3.I’m trying to see what I look 1ikewhen I’m asleep. 我在看我睡着是什么样子。 Notes:

1.goose/gu:s/n.鹅 Questions:

1.Two mother sand daughters are planning to go to London by train.How many tickets should they buy?

两对母女计划乘火车去伦敦,请问要买几张票? 2.Where have I seen your face before? 我以前在哪儿见过你这张面孔?

3.What al ways enters the house through the keyhole instead of the front door? 什么东西不从前门而从钥匙孔进屋? 4.What’s the best cure for insomnia? 治疗失眠最好的药方是什么? Keys:

1.Three,for they’re daughter,mother and grandmother. 三张,因为这两对母女由女儿,母亲,外婆组成。 2.Where it is now. 就在目前这个位置。 3.A key. 钥匙。

4.A good night’s sleep.

好好睡一夜。 Notes:

4.insomnia n.失眠 Questions:

l.What makes the skin specialist select that branch of medicine? 皮肤科医生为什么选择皮肤科?

2.If you Were given the choice of how to die,What manner of death would you choose?

如果可以选择死亡的方式,你愿意用什么方式结束生命? Keys:

1.There are three perfectly gook reasons;His patients never get him out of bed at night,they never die from his treatment;and they never get well.

有三条过硬的理由:他的病人不会半夜三更地让他出诊;也从不会因皮肤治疗而死亡;而且他们的皮肤病永远不会被治好。 2.I would choose to die of old age. 我愿意老死。 Notes:

1.skin specialist皮肤科专家

a branch of medicine医学的一门分枝学科 Questions:

1.How many great People have been born in America? 在美国有多少伟人出生?

2.What can be put in a bottle of milk to make it less heavy? 在一瓶牛奶里放入什么可以使它重量减轻?

3.What would you have if you took thirty-two,divided by 15,multiplied by 13 and minus 14?



1.None. Only babies are born there. 一个也没有,因为只有婴儿出生在那儿。 2.A hole. 一个洞。

3.A wrong answer. 一个错误的答案。 Notes:

3.multiply v.相乘 minus V.减去 Questions:

1.Where were you when the power was cut off? 停电时你在哪儿?

2.Can I wear this genuine leather jacket in the rain without spoiling it? 我穿着这件皮夹克在雨里走会不会把夹克弄坏? 3.When is a chain-smoker most painful? 烟瘾君子什么时候最痛苦? Keys:

1.In the darkness. 在黑暗中。

2.Have you ever seen a cow carrying an umbrella? 你见过牛撑伞吗?

3.When he has a packet of cigarettes but no light. 当他有一盒香烟却没有火的时候。 Notes:

l.Cut off切断(电源等)

2.genuine />DNenjuin/ adj.地道的,真正的 leather n.皮革 Spoil V.弄坏,宠坏 3.cigarette n.香烟 light/lait/ n.点火物,引火物 Questions:

1.What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lope? 谁也不想要,可是谁也不想不要的东西是什么? 2.What’s the biggest thing in the world? 世界上最大的东西是什么?

3.How can two people stand two inches apart only,yet not being able to touch each other?

两个人怎样站才能在相距仅两英寸的情况下无法碰到对方? Keys:

1.A bald head. 秃头。

2.Eyelids.They can cover everything in the world once you shut your eyes. 眼皮,因为眼睛一闭,世上所有的东西都被眼皮盖住了。 3.Shut the door between them. 关上他们中间的门。 Notes:

1.bald adj.秃头的 2.eyelid n.眼皮 3.apart adj.分开,离开


1.When can you get water With a net? 什么时候能用网兜水?

2.What is neither in the house nor out of the house,yet is a part of the house? 什么东西既不在屋里也不在屋外,又是屋子的一部分? 3.What do elephants have that no other animals is have? 什么东西别的动物都没有,只有大象有?

4.What do we have in December that we never have in other months? 什么东西别的月份都没有,只有十二月有? Keys:

1.When water is turned into ice. 当水结成冰以后。 2.A window. 窗户。

3.Baby elephants. 小象。

4.The letter“D”. 是字母“D”。 Questions:

1.What’s better than the presence of mind in case of a serious accident? 出现严重事故的时候,比保持理智更好的出路是什么? 2.Why is Fatty sleeping With his mouth open? 胖子睡觉为什么嘴巴张着?

3.Punctuate:It was and I said not but. 加标点符号:It was and I said not but.


1.Absence of body. 身体不在场。

2.Because his skin is so short that when he shut his eyes his mouth opens. 因为他的皮肤绷得紧,眼皮一闭,嘴皮就要张开。 3.It was“and”I said,not“but”. 我说的是“和”,不是“但是”。 Notes:

1.presence of mind:直译是“思想在场,理智在场”。比保持理智更好的出路是人不在场,即“absence of body”,与“presence of mind”逐字相对。 Questions:

1.What makes you believe that the moon is closer to us than Egypt? 什么使你相信月亮比埃及离我们要近? 2.Can you name five things that contain milk? 你能说出五样含有牛奶的东西吗?

3.Where do you think are ammunition most dense in a battlefield? 你认为战场上子弹最稠密的地方是什么地方? Keys:

1.You can see the moon but you can’t see Egypt. 因为我们可以看见月亮,却看不见埃及。 2.Butter and cheese,ice-ream and two cows. 黄油,乳酪,冰淇淋和两头奶牛。 3.In an ammunition truck. 在弹药车里。 Notes:

2.butter n.黄油 cheese n.奶酪

3.ammunition n.弹药,军火 battlefield n.战场,战地 Questions:

1.The strangest thing: whoever has it doesn’t tell it,who ever takes it doesn’t know it,and who ever knows it doesn’t want it.What is it?


2.When can you go as fast as a racing car? 什么时候你能像跑车一样快? Keys:

1.Counterfeit money. 伪钞。

1.When you’re in it. 当你坐在跑车里时。 Notes:

1.counterfeit adj.伪造的,假冒的 2.racing car跑车,赛车 Questions:

1.Why was the baby raised on dog milk? 这个婴孩为何吃狗的奶长大? 2.When do horses have eight legs? 什么时候马有八条腿?

3.When a boy falls into the water, what’s the firs thing he does? 当一个男孩掉到水里,第一件事是什么?

