商务英语写作与翻译 课后答案

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Appendix A: Key to the Exercises

Unit One


ABC Trading Co. Ltd. 71 Wuyi East Road Changsha, 41000 P.R.China

August 31, 2001

Hudson Oil and Foodstuff Co. Ltd. 12 St. Liverpool Britain

Dear Sirs,

Subject: Sunflower Seeds

We thank you for your letter dated August 21 inquiring about the captioned goods.

The enclosed catalogue contains details of the different standards of Sunflower Seeds and will enable you to make a suitable choice.

We are awaiting your early order.

Yours sincerely

ABC Trading Co. Ltd. 71 Wuyi East Road Stamp Changsha 41000 PR China Hudson Oil & Foodstuff Co. Ltd. 12 St. Liverpool Britain 2.

(1) 22nd September, 2002 (2) April 3rd, 2002 (3) June 18, 2001


(4) September 28, 2000

3. (4)

4. (1) b (2) b (3) b

5. (1) a (2) b (3) d (4) c


The Richard H. Verrill Corporation 954 Pelham Avenue New York 10202, N.Y. USA March 23, 2001 Messers. MacDonald & Evans 211 East 34th Street

London 10061 Attention: Sales Department Gentlemen: Re: Inquiry about handy paint brushes Some years ago we bought from you a consignment of handy paint brushes in 3 different qualities. Please let us know whether you are still manufacturing brushes in these qualities and quote your lowest prices c.i.f. Aqaba. We should require delivery within 4 weeks of placing the order. Yours faithfully, The Richard H. Verrill Corporation Robert D. Johnson Communication Consultant RDJ/coe Enc: Two

Unit Two

1. introduce, leading, add, requested, tell, items, interest, inquiry, after, terms, deal, forward, hear

2. (1) lines (2) Recommended (3) endeavors (4) grateful (5) courtesy (6) enter into


(7) leading (8) specializing 3.

(1) a. informing you that we have already contacted your representatives.

b. understanding that you are interested in entering into business relations with us. c. telling you the address of your branch in Shanghai and the man you can contact.

(2) a. your intention of establishing business relations with our firm.

b. your efforts in promoting business as well as friendship between us. c. your prompt attention to this matter.

(3) a. Through the courtesy of China Industrial and Commercial Bank,

b. Indebted to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in your country, c. On the recommendation of the Messrs. Brian & Grace Ltd.

(4) a. since we have many reliable clients here.

b. for we are closely connected with the local suppliers.

c. because we have good connections with the wholesalers here.

(5) a. we shall avail this opportunity to promote the friendship and business between us. b. you will give your immediate attention to this letter.

c. we shall start our cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

4. (1) China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (2) Commercial Counselor’s Office (3) by/ through the courtesy of (4) on the recommendation of

(5) to take the liberty of introducing ourselves (6) specialize in

(7) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit (8) avail this opportunity to (9) deal exclusively in (10) Business is booming. 5.

Dear Sirs,

Your name and address have kindly been given to us by Messrs. Freeman & Co. Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, as prospective buyers of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.

To give you a general idea of the various kinds of cotton piece goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list. Quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.

We look forward to your favorable reply.


Yours faithfully,

Unit Three

1. (1) illustrated catalogue (2) price list (3) quotation sheet (4) sample (5) World Expo (6) terms of business (7) lead time (8) delivery date (9) cotton cloth (10) fine craftsmanship

2. (1) a. not higher than the prevailing market, we shall be ready to place large orders

with you.

b. reasonable, we shall place regular orders with you.

c. in line with the world market and the date of delivery favorable, we shall expect

to recommend your products to our branches in the Europe.

(2) a. we are sending this fax requesting you to send us by airmail copy of the

illustrated catalogue and price-list for your T-shirts.

b. we recommended your products to our clients here who showed great interest. c. we are willing to ask you for detailed information on the captioned articles

and will be grateful for your immediate reply.

(3) a. Seeing the advertisement you put in this month’s issue of “Electric Appliance”, b. Being told by a friend who has just come back from the Guangzhou Fair, c. From the report by our Shanghai Office,

(4) a. what sorts of chemicals and pharmaceuticals sell well in your country. b. when you can send us the prototype machine. c. if you can quote us on CIF Calais basis.

(5) a. your attending the Guangzhou Fair this autumn.

b. helping to promote the sales of products on your market.

c. expanding business between us. 4.

Dear Mr. Wang,

We are interested in the Gents’ and Ladies’ Umbrellas displayed at the Guangzhou Commodities Fair and shall be glad to know if you can supply the above article in large quantities from stock.

We used to purchase from another source, but unfortunately our supplier has let us down this year on delivery and quantities. We hope you will be able to meet our requirements in this instance, and would add that if your terms are competitive, we should be interested in a long-term contract with you.

We should appreciate a prompt reply.

5. (1) 你们在五月号《好管家》上刊登的台灯广告,我们很感兴趣。

(2) 请将两万个食橱的价格提供给我们。


(3) 请寄你方工厂产品图解目录一份为荷。

(4) 现悉你公司在市场上投放一种新式咖啡壶,希详告。

(5) 现致函请提供在湘交会贵方展位上所见的橡胶鞋的全套产品目录及价目单。 (6) 如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期又可接受的话,我们愿意向你方订货。 (7) 今天我们收到一位客户的询价单,想进口铜版纸。 (8) 请寄商品目录一份,并详告价格及付款条件。

(9) 我们收到很多下述货物的询价单,请提供必要的商品目录,并告长沙到岸价。 (10) 请详告价格、质量、可供数量、折扣和其它有关情况。


Dear Sirs,

Sub: “STRONG” Magnetic Cup

Our associated company in Paris is ready to buy 5,000 of your Tianjin-made magnetic cups mentioned above (Catalogue No.2369).

Please let us know your terms for such an order, FOB Tianjin, including discount terms and your delivery dates. If these cups prove popular, we may possibly place orders for our branches in other parts of Europe.

Faithfully yours,


Jose Martinez, S.A. Calle Nuevo, 123 MADRID 8 Madrid

Ref: PE 01

21st August, 2001

The Sales manager, Aston Potteries Ltd., Burton.

Dear Sirs,

As it is our intention in the near future to start importing English china and pottery, we are interested in contacting a number of prominent manufacturers in Britain with a view to choosing lines suitable for the Spanish market.

We should be most obliged if you would forward details of the lines you have for export, together with your price list and terms FOB.

Your early reply will be highly appreciated, as our buyer is coming to England next


month to visit prospective suppliers.

Yours faithfully,

HOSE MARTINEZ, S.A. (signed)

Unit Four


Aston Potteries Ltd. Burton

Ref. GH/JP/Sp.1 26th August, 2001

The Manager,

Jose Martinez, S.A. Calle Nuevo, 123 Madrid 8.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your inquiry of 21st August, which arrived at a very opportune moment since we have been considering for some time extending our export field to include Spain.

We shall be making an exploratory tour of Spain early next month and shall be arriving in Madrid on or about the 10th. If it is convenient, we could perhaps visit you on the 11th or 12th.

We shall be bringing a selection of samples of the lines we have for export, but to give you an idea of the kinds of articles we produce, we enclose a copy of our latest catalogue.

We should be obliged if you would confirm that you would like me to call on you; in

which case perhaps you could suggest a time. We look forward to hearing from you and later to meeting you in Madrid.

Yours faithfully,


Sales Manager. Enc.


3. (1) a. receipt of your fax dated March 9th.

b. having received your samples of May 8th.

c. your inquiry addressed to the Import Dept. for our attention.

(2) a. We are enclosing a price-list at your request.

b. We shall airmail you, under separate cover, a sample by return post. c. We shall forward you detailed information upon receipt of your letter.

(3) a. As requested by our manufacturers, b. At the request of your clients,

c. According to the terms of the offer,

(4) a. that we shall let you have the requested information on time. b. that the prices we quote here will give you every satisfaction. c. that the brochure enclosed herewith will be of great help to you.

(5) a. As there are substantial orders for this product with its best materials and finest

craftsmanship, (* Since we have the products of the finest materials and the highest workmanship, which have brought us substantial orders, * In view of the fact that orders are rushing in for our products of the best materials and

craftsmanship, * As this product with its best materials and craftsmanship has brought us considerable orders.)

b. Because of the shortage of raw materials recently,

c. In view of the unbroken spell of wet weather here which is blocking

the roads, (* Since it is cloudy and drizzly for days on end, blocking the roads, * Since it has kept raining for many days.) 4.

Dear Sirs,

Subject: Children’s Leather Shoes

Thank you for your letter of March 12, 1995 and the enclosure requesting quotes for the captioned shoes.

As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and shall be much obliged if you will send us your orders at an early date because of the rising tendency in the market price of the goods.

Best regards and we look forward to your final decision.

Yours faithfully, 5.

Dear Sirs,


Re: “Mountain” Brand Bicycles

We are glad to learn from your letter of 18th July of your interest in our products.

Here enclosed are the catalogue and price-list for which you asked. Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment, as well as an illustrated brochure giving you a brief introduction of our company.

For your information, we have recently made some improvement to the pedals of our bicycles, and we will send you a new design just for your reference under separate cover.

We look forward to your early reply.

Truly yours,

6. (1) 谢谢贵方十月十八日来信,询男式衬衫的目录册及报价单。

(2) 随函附寄我方插图目录册一式两份及最新价目表一份,请查收。 (3) 欣悉对我方皮包有兴趣,并感谢有此机会向你们介绍我方产品。

(4) 为使你方更好地了解我方鞋钉,今特选出代表性的样品包裹航寄你方供贵方细阅。

(5) 我们希望在贵方市场扩大我方产品销售,现随函附上第168号报价单,望贵方向预期买主推荐。

(6) 为复贵方八月二十日询函,现随函附寄我方货物类目,并注明价格和交货期。

(7) 感谢贵方九月二十一日询函。这封信来得及时,我方近期一直在考虑将出口范围扩大至西班牙。

(8) 已收到十月二十三日贵方来函,并已及时按贵方指示采取行动。

(9) 我们已收到贵方五月四日询问地毯种类及批量购货之条件的来函,特此感谢。 (10) 我们盼望贵方能接受随函所附报价,并且保证随时效劳。


Dear Mr.…

It is always a pleasure to hear from an old friend again. Yes, we are still making our famous “Narcissi” washing machines, and we are pleased to tell you that we have been able to improve their quality without any increase in price.

On the enclosed price-list you will find our lowest quotation CIF Casablanca.

We can promise delivery within two weeks on our receipt of your L/C.

Please cable us when you receive this letter. We look forward to your order at an early date.

Sincerely yours,

Unit Five

1. (1) honest goods and prices (2) non-firm offer (3) The market is showing a decline. (4)


out of line with market (5) as an exception (6) meet sb. Halfway (7) little likelihood (8) bid

2. (1) requesting (2) willingness, risen (3) addressing (4) recent (5) demonstrates (6) variety (7) stock, delay (8) low (9) result, offer (10) unwelcome, reduce

5. (1) a. that there is a good demand for our electric fans in your market. b. that your prices are prohibitive.

c. that your terms are more favorable than those of the other suppliers.

(2) a. in the hope that you will introduce our products to your end-users soon. b. hoping that you will get for us substantial orders.

c. in the hope of your effort in promoting the sales of our products at your end.

(3) a. Since this is our initial transaction with you, b. With a view to initiate business with you,

c. Because this is our first opportunity of serving you,

(4) a. and any further reduction is out of the question. b. because we have cut it to the limit.

c. and it is closely calculated and considered moderate.

(5) a. we have now come to terms.

b. we now finally have reached agreement.

c. we have come to this happy ending.

Unit Six

1. (1) substitute order (2) fill the order (3) rush the order (4) alternate/ substitute (5) specification on the products (6) delivery date (7) out of stock (8) in favor of your end (9) a reduction of 3% (10) replenish stocks

2. (1) lines (2) rush (3) execution (4) favorable, shipment (5) ensure (6) accordance (7) line (8) reaction

3. (1) Your samples of rubber boots received favorable reaction from our customers, and

we are pleased to enclose our order for 300 dozen pairs.

(2) Please be sure and send us goods, which are exactly equal to our samples in quality. We would appreciate great care in your selection of good quality.

(3) Please rush the order. If delivery cannot be made before March 5, we shall have to cancel the order.

(4) We thank you for your Order No. 345 that we have accepted on your terms. We would like you to understand that the terms are exceptional. There is an increasing demand for these goods and the price is on a rapid increase.

(5) We apologize for the delay in executing your order. The delay was caused by a shortage of raw material and also by a backlog of orders.


Quiz One

2. (1) a rising tendency in the market (2) rush the order (3) financial and credit standing (4) eagerly looking forward to (5) goods on consignment (6) in favor of manufacturer (7) heavy orders (8) frequent price fluctuation (9) conditional availability (10) caution against wet./ Keep away from moisture.

3. (1) 为此 (2) 在这一特殊行业 (3) 报实盘 (4) 销售合同 (5) 适时会签 (6) 为促成交易 (7)

恰当时机 (8) 畅销 (9) 业务背景 (10) 公认

4. (1) on (2) within (3) by (4) on, in (5) from, for (6) one (7) for, for (8) from, at (9) up/ on (10) out, up/ on

5. (1) provide, every (2) valid/ effective/ available (3) workable (4) available, close (5) lines (6) formalities/ procedures (7) heavy (8) inquiring (9) consider, possible, promoting (10) subject, notice

Unit Seven

1. (1) documentary bill of exchange (2) confirming house (3) drawer (4) negotiate (5) balance (6) transshipment (7) reminder (8) collection (9) bill of lading (10) partial shipment

2. (1) 在商议中 (2) 速办 (3) 交单付现 (4) 备款以支付 (5) 罕见的 (6) 因此 (7) (票据)到

期 (8) 拒收 (9) 开出(帐单) (10) 交出(单据)

3. (1) acquaint, liable (2) contract, documents (3) practice, trial, calculation (4) down, extended (5) collection, provided, invoiced (6) approaching, covering (7) amendment, stipulations (8) predictably, protection, date, expedite

4. (1) to, for, at, on, of (2) with, by, for, in, on (3) on, for (4) by, to, to, after (5) for, without, out, for (6) out, on, by, with, for (7) for, for, with, under (8) up, in, to

Unit Nine

1. (1) shipping agent (2) book freight (3) ETD (4) ETA (5) close for cargo (6) COSCO (7) liner (8) freight paid (9) policy (10) MT

2. (1) delayed (2) pressing, assurance (3) attention, desirable (4) forward, destination (5) notice (6) inability, comply, calls (7) covered, premium, borne (8) effect, account

Unit Ten

2. (1) punctual, circumstances (2) replacement (3) executed, negligent, dispose (4) essential, source, down (5) hastened (6) failure, risk (7) compensation, allowance (8) adjustment, defective (9) claim, forwarding, liability (10) conclusion, ground (11) invoiced, totalizes (12) transport (13) intact


