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Unit 5 Music 同步练习(六)


1.The girls very famous.Even when she wore sunglasses people r _____her. 2.The man wanted to h ____in a cave because he was afraid that people would find him. 3.He felt l ____when he was at home a11 by himself. 4.The girl gave a p____ to a TV camera.

5.Fans waited for hours to get t ____ for their concerts. 6.Freddy had changed from a man to a_____ (青蛙) 7.He was very____ (自信)about his study.

8.I’m _____(荣幸)that you would ask me for advice.

9.If you want t6 succeed,you must make a special time for practicing and____(坚持)it. 1 0.You will also want to give several performances for friends and family to get their ideas on your musical_____ (能力)。 Ⅱ.短语翻译

1 1.在听录音前 1 2.像……一样好 1 3..对某事自信 1 4.一……就…… 1 5.戴着太阳镜 1 6.在电视节目上唱歌 1 7.变糟 1 8.隐私 1 9. 自从那时 20. 坚持 句型转换

21.AS soon as the programme was over,the telephones started ringing. ______ _____the programme ____,the telephones started_____ _____.

22.Freddy and his band could not go out because they were followed everywhere. Freddy and his band could not go out_____ ______ ______ ______. 23. They tried to hide in railway stations but it was useless. They tried to hide in railway stations but it was_____ ______ _____

24.About 2 000 people worked on the project, many of whom came from Europe. 2 000 people____ _____,many_____ _____were_____, worked on the project.

25.NOW the girl doesn’t want to watch TV.She wants to read newspapers masthead· The girl_____ _____read newspapers_____ ______watch 1 V now· Ⅳ.单项填空

26.Not you but I _____invited to the palace ball. A.is B.are C.am D. has

27.____ they need ____something to make them healthy and strong. A.What;are B.That;are C.All;is D.A11 which;is 28.You will realize_____ break the law will be punished.

A.that those who B.whoever C.that who D.those whoever 29.Jack as well as his two friends_____.

A.is worthy of teaching B.is worth teaching C.are worthy to teach D.are worth teaching

30.At present in Beijing the number of the people who ____cars ___increasing very fast. A.owns;are B.owns;is C.own;is D·own;are 31.——Can you and George come to dinner tonight?

一No,George has ____ much work to do that he is staying late in the office. A.Such . B.SO C.too D.very

32.It was not _____the fire fighters came and controlled the big fire. A.long before B.before long C.long ago that D.long which 33.1 wish that I would have_____.

A.a my own nice garden B.my own a nice garden C.a nice garden of my own D.a nice of my own garden

34.There is _____everything,SO you must limit the express to heat you can afford. A.no need to B.no limit to C.a limit to D.a need for 35.H e left ____hurriedly____ the door.

A.so;that he forgot locking B.such;that he forgot to lock C.so;as to forget locking D.so;as to forget to lock

36.The weather is ____ for US to go swimming.Would you like to go with me? A.so warm B.very warm C too warm D. warm enough 37.一Jack is sure ____ tonight. 一Don’t be so sure ____it.

A.of coming;about B.to come;of C.coming;about D.come;of 38.John can hardly understand you,because he knows _____Chinese. A.so few B.so little C.such few D.such a little 39.一Have you ever been to Charlie’s chemical works? 一Yes.____very large.

A.they are B.it’s C.there is D·the works are

40.After listening to the pop music she went on ____her English lessons. A.with going over B.going over C.to go over D. to going over V.阅读理解 A

Many countries never have snow,they have it only on the tops of very high mountains·In Scotland and in the north of England,there is a lot of snow every winter,but in the south of England, there is usually little.

When a student from a warm country like Malaya or Indonesia comes to England in autumn for the first time,he feels cold at first.There are often dark clouds,gray sky and cold rain in England in autumn. all most students from warm countries do not like this.

Snow is very beautiful,though it is very cold,perhaps.After several dark evenings’the student Wakes up one day,and there is a lot of light in his room.He thinks,‘‘Is it so late?\of bed.But no,it is not very late.H e looks out of the window and there is snow here and there. 41.____ people in the world have seen real snow. A.A11 B.Some C.No D·Little 42.There is much snow_____.

A.in the north of England B.in the south of England C.in Malaya D.in Indonesia

43.Most students from warm countries do not like the _____in England. A.snow B.high mountains C.weather D. people 44。The best title for the article is_____.

A.Students From Warm Countries B.The Light in the Student’s Room C.Seasons in England D.Snow in Britain B

Long ago,mail knew a few things that could cause a kind of sleep,but these anesthetics(麻醉剂)were weak.They could not be given in too large amounts because they often caused death·If only a little were given,the sick men could still feel pain.So these old anesthetics were almost useless. Operations without anesthetics had usually to be done while the sick men could feel all the pain. Any operation in those old days was very difficult.The doctor had to work while the sick man’s body moved nearly all the time.As the body was cut open,it tried to turn from side to side. How could a doctor do any operation carefully and quickly in conditions like these? When we remember also that the open cuts were not kept clean,and that even the doctor’s clothes were usually very dirty we are not surprised to hear of a large number of deaths.

Today,however,we Fleed not worry about feeling pain during the operation.There are kinds of anesthetics which can easily cause the sick mail to fall into a kind of sleep,and when he wakes' the operation is finished.A man can,in some operations,talk about his life’s experience to a friend while the doctors are cutting open the lowest part of his body.One doctor even managed to cut off his own leg.

45.Why couldn’t’t the old anesthetics be given in too large amounts? Because_____.

A.they were almost useless B.they often made palters

C.they were not strong enough D.they were too expensive and hard to get 46.The reason for a large number of deaths was that_____. A.the open cuts were not kept clean

B.the doctor’s clothes were usually very dirty C.the sick men’s body moved nearly all the time D.both A and B

47.Today people don’t ____because of having good anesthetics. A.feel any pain during operations B.worry about their body C.have any wound D.need any operation 48.The most Suitable title for this passage is_____. A.The Patients and Anesthetics B.Ancient operations C.Anesthetics’Past and today D.Operations and Anesthetics Key:

I.1.recognized 2.hide 3.lonely 4.performance 5.tickets 6.frog 7.confident 8.honored 9.stick to 10.ability

Ⅱ.11.before listening to the tape 1 2.as well as...

1 3.be confident about/of sth. 1 4.as soon as 1 5.to wear sunglasses 16.to sing in a TV programme 1 7.go wrong/bad 1 8.personal life

1 9.from then on/since then 20.stick to

Ⅲ.2 1.The moment,ended,to ring 2 2.with being followed everywhere 2 3.of no use

24.or so,of whom,Europeans 25.prefers to,rather than Ⅳ.2 6~30 C C A B C 3 1~3 5 B A C C D 3 6~40 D B B B C

V.4 1.B从文中第一自然段可以断定。 42.A “In Scotland and in the north of Eng— land,there’s a lot of snow every winter.’’

43.C第二段最后一句话“most students from warm countries do not like this.” 44.D 主旨概括题,应从通篇考虑。 45.B本文第二句是此答案的出处。 46.D 大量病人死亡是因为伤口处和医生衣 服不卫生所致。

47.A 根据本文第三段第一句可知。 48.C 主旨概括题。本文谈的是古代麻醉药 和现代麻醉药的差别。

