人教版五年级上册英语第三单元测试题3份 - 图文

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五年级上册英语第三单元What would you like ?试卷 一、根据问句选择合适的答句

( )1. What would you like to eat? A. Pears. ( ) 2. What’s your favourite food? B. Fish.

( ) 3. What would you like to drink? C. I’d like a hamburger . ( ) 4.What’s your favourite fruit? D. I’d like some tea. ( )5. Do you like ice cream? E. Yes, I do. 二、连词成句

1. don’t grapes like I (.)

________________________________________ 2. favourite your food What’s (?)


3.I’d a hamburger like orange juice some and (.) _________________________________________ 4. would What like you to drink (?) _________________________________________ 5. My food favourite chicken is (.) _________________________________________

四、选出下面各单词缺少了的字母,把序号写在括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. h lthy A. ea B. ee C. ae ( ) 2. dr k A. in B. un C. on ( ) 3. fr A.esh B. ish C. ich ( ) 4. to to A. ta B. ma C. pa ( ) 5. sw__ __t A. aa B. ea C. ee ( ) 6. ch__ __ken A.ic B.ci C.ne ( ) 7.s__ __dwich A.an B.la C.ur ( ) 8. s__l__d A. a a B.e e C.a e ( ) 9.hamb__ __ger A. ae B. ur C. ee ( ) 10.ice cr__ __m A. ae B. ee C. ea 五、单选(10分)

( ) 1.—I’m hungry. ----I can get some______for you.

A.water B.bread C.chairs

( ) 2.----What would you like to eat?


A. Some apples, please. B .I don’t like pears. C. I’d like to go


( ) 3. I don’t like beef ___ chicken is OK.

A. and B. but C. too ( ) 4.I like salad. ____tasty.

A. They’re B.it’s C. It’s ( ) 5.What would you like_____ eat ?

A. for B. in C. to ( ) 6.I____ bananas . .

A. likes B. like C. not like ( ) 7.What ____your favourite food?

A. is . B. am. C. are. ( ) 8.____ you like bananas? ----Yes, I do.

A. Are B. Do C. Would

( ) 9. --- What would you like to drink? --- I’d like some ___.

A. sandwich B. hamburger C. tea ( ) 10.They____ sweet and yummy.

A.is B.are C.am 六、选句子,补全对话。(10分) A. They are hot. B. It is sweet. C. What’s your favourite food? D. I have to(必须) eat vegetables. E. I like beef, too. A: 1.

B: I like ice-cream. 2. What about you?

A: Tomatoes are my favourite. They are tasty. I don’t like onions. 3. What’s your favourite food? C: I like beef. It’s yummy.

D: 4. . But I’m heavy(重) now. 5. 七、根据单词的首字母或汉语提示补全单词。(5分) 1. I like salad. It’s h__________.

2. ---What would you like to drink? --- I’d like some t_____, please. 3.I would like some noodles. They are d_________. 4.I’d like a _________(三明治)

5.--- Is it ________?(辣的) --- Yes, it is. 八、找出句子中的错误并改正。(10分)

1. I love beef noodle. ( )


2. What would you like to eat . ( )


3.---What would you like to drink? ---I’d like a sandwich. ( ) ____

A B C 4. I love ice cream. They are sweet. ( )


5. My favourite food are chicken. ( )


九、连词成句,注意标点和大小写。(10分) 1. your favourite food What is (?) _____________________________________ 2. tea favourite drink is My (.)

_____________________________________ 3. would eat like What you to(?) ______________________________________ 4. healthy fish is The (.)

______________________________________ 5. like water some I’d (.)

______________________________________ 十、读短文,判断正误。( 用T表示正确,F表示错误)(10分) My name is Mike. I am 10 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day is Wednesday. We have PE and English class on Wednesdays. We have salad for lunch. Salad is my favourite food. Salad is John’s favourite food, too. John is my friend. We often go to the canteen(餐厅)together. We like sandwiches, too. The sandwiches are yummy. We have sandwiches for lunch on Fridays. ( ) 1. Mike’s favourite day is Sunday. ( ) 2. Mike has PE on Wednesdays.

( ) 3. John’s favourite food is salad. ( ) 4. John and Mike are good friends.

( ) 5. Mike and John like salad and potatoes. 十一、作文( 5分)

同学们,这个单元我们学习了很多种食物,请你以Food and drinks为题,介绍一下你喜欢的或不太喜欢的食物或饮品吧。不少于五句话。


Name___________________ Mark ______________________ 一. 单词翻译(20分)

1.鱼 ____________ 2、青豆____________ 3、新鲜的____________ 4。酸的____________ 5、咸的____________ 6、西红柿____________ 7、土豆____________ 8、豆腐____________ 9、甜的____________

10、好吃的____________ 12。茄子____________ 13、cabbage ____________ 14.pork ____________ 15.mutton ____________ 16.healthy ____________ 17.favourite _________18.menu________ 19.have to _________ 20.we______ 二.句子翻译(20分) 1.I’m hungry.


3.What would you like for dinner?


5.I’m heavy now. I have to eat vegetable.


7.It’s fresh and healthy.



10.I have onions and green beans.


( )1.What do you have for lunch? A.Grapes. ( )2.What’s your favourite food? B.Tofu.

( )3.What’s your favourite fruit? C.I’d like

some green beans.

( )4.What would you like? D.I have some tomatoes. ( )5.Do you like mutton ? E.Yes,I do.


1.what, like ,do , you (?) 2.don’t , I , apples , but , like (.)

3.dinner , what , have , would , you , for (?) 4.fruit , your , favourite , what’s (?)

