最新牛津译林版九年级英语初三上册Unit3 Teenage problems教案 -

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Unit 3 Teenage problems

Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

1. Talk about middle school students in dating, learning, the relationship with the family problem.

2. Think about personal problems and the methods to solve the problem. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Free talk

Say some problems these students have in the following pictures

1. This student is being scolded by his father. 2. They have a lot of homework to do. 3. This student is overweight/too fat. 4. This student is not very good at running. 5. He is being laughed at. Step 2 Presentation

Learn some new words. Step 3 Different problems

1. Some students in Class 1, Grade 9 have problems. Look at the pictures. What problems do they have? Complete the sentences with the words in the box. friends, homework, marks, noise, parents, sleep Keys: I don’t get enough sleep. I feel tired in class.

I don’t have enough time to do my homework.

The TV is always on at my home. The noise almost drives me mad. I don’t have any close friends. Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I get low marks in exams. I feel sad. My parents work all day. They don’t have time for me.

2. Millie is talking with her mum about teenage problems. Work in pairs and talk about your problems. Use the conversation below as a model. Millie: Mum, many of my classmates have problems.


Mum: Really? How about you? Do you have any problems? Millie: Yes, I do. Sometimes I feel sleepy in class. Mum: Oh dear. You don’t get enough sleep. Millie: What should I do then?

Mum: Perhaps you should manage your time better and go to bed earlier. Millie: OK. I’ll try.

Step 4 Watch a video about Hobo and Eddie. Read and answer the questions. 1. What problem does Eddie have? 2. What is unhealthy for Eddie? 3. What is Hobo’s suggestion?

4. Why does Hobo tell Eddie not to eat too much? Step 5 language points 1. You eat too much.

too much 太多,修饰不可数名词 too many 太多,修饰可数名词 much too 太……,修饰形容词 e.g. Don’t eat ________ ice cream. There are ________ books on the desk. Lily is ________ fat.

2. The TV is always on at my home.我家的电视总是开着。句中的on是副词,意思是“处于工作状态中,在进行着”。

e.g. Hurry up. The film has been on for ten minutes.

The light is on. Mr. Smith must be in the office. 灯还亮着,史密斯先生肯定还在办公室里。 3. The noise almost drives me mad. noise n. noisy adj. noisily adv. drive sb mad 使某人发疯

e.g. This mad writer kept a snake as a pet. 这个疯狂的作家把蛇当宠物养。 There are certain things he does that drive me mad.



4. I don’t have any close friends to talk to. close adj. 亲密的 n. 结束 v. 关;结束;使靠近 adv. 紧密地

closed adj. 关着的;不公开的

e.g. Mum sat close to me and kept her eyes closed. Step 6 Exercises

Ⅰ. Complete the sentences.

1. We must pay attention to _____________(青少年的) problems. 2. The noise in the room almost drives me ______(发疯的). 3. My cousin always does well in__________(考试)。

4. Many ____________(青少年)don’t care about their ______(分数). 5. The radio is too n_______, please turn it down. 6. __________(吃) too much makes you fat.

7. It’s___________ (不健康) for you to eat too much sugar.

8. She doesn’t have any ________(亲密) friends to talk to. Sometimes, she feels _________(孤独).

9. ________ (可能)you are right.

10. Doing morning e_________ is good for your body.

Keys: teenage, mad, exams, teenagers, marks, noisy, eating, unhealthy, close,

lonely, Perhaps, exercises

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks.

health, noise, closed, sleepy stomach, advice, fat, tired 1. The students need enough _____ every day. 2. Do you know that the cows have 4 ________? 3. Your parents can give you some _____, I think. 4. We all need friends, especially ____ friends. 5. Reading in the sun makes us _________. 6. The more you eat, the _____ you will be.


7. The students at present are _________ than those in the past. 8. The radio is so _____ that Jim can’t fall asleep.

Keys: sleep, stomachs, advice, close, unhealthy, fatter, more tired, noisy Step 7 Discussion

What problems do you have? Not have enough sleep. Too noisy at home.

No communication with family members. Having no close friends.

Not having enough time to do housework. Step 8 Homework

Write an email to your friend about how to deal with his or her problems.

Reading I

Teaching aims:

Learn how to write your troubles and how to express feelings. Learn how to ask for advice Teaching steps Step 1 Review

Look at some pictures and say something about them.

e.g.She doesn’t get enough sleep .She feels tired in class.

He doesn’t have close friends . Sometimes, he feels lonely.


He / She…

Step 2 Finish some exercise.

1. I’m too busy these days. I don’t get enough_________(睡眠). 2. Daniel has no friends here, so he feels __________(寂寞) 3 .__________(跑步)is good for your health.

4. They are all t_______ (between the ages of 13 and 19) children. 5. Eddie has _________(烦恼)sometimes.

6. It’s very n_________ at home. The TV is always on.

7. Lisa didn’t get enough sleep last night. She felt t_____ in class.

Keys: sleep lonely Running teenage problems noisy tired Step 3 Free talk Do you have any problems?

Do you have enough time for your hobbies?

Step 4 Warming up

Watch a video and answer a question in the video? What problems do these students have ? too much homework stay up late get up early

have no spare time for their bobbies their parents are strict with them … Step 5 Words

Mr Friend wants to help Millie and Simon. He has made a list of keywords in their letters. March the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.


1. choice ___ a. reason

2. stay up ____ b. be not sure if something is true 3. imagine ____ c. making sure that rules are obeyed 4. doubt ____ d. very useful or important

5. cause ____ e. the right to decide which thing you want 6. strict ____ f. start to have a skill, ability, etc. 7. develop ____ g. go to bed later than usual

8. valuable ____ h. form a picture in your mind of someone or something Keys: e g h b a c f d Step 6 Reading

Task 1 What should I do

Today, we’ll have two Grade 9 students, Millie and Simon, to talk with us about their study and life.

1. Listen to Millie’s letter and answer the question. What problem does Millie have?

Key: She has a lot of homework every day and often stays up late. She hardly has

any spare time for her hobbies.

What do you think of her problem? Can you offer her some advice? 2. Read the Millie’s letter and answer the question. What does she doubt? What does she dream of?

Keys: She doubts whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.

She dreams of a long holiday.

3. Listen to Simon’s letter and answer the question. When does Simon play football? How do his parents think about it? Does Simon agree with his parents? Keys: After school.

They do not allow him to play outside after 6 p.m. No, he doesn’t.


4. Read the Simon’s letter and complete the table.

Simon’s problem Cause How long the plays for Simon’s idea Keys: his love of football


It is important to develop hobbies.

Task 2 Listen to the radio again and finish the following exercise.

My friend wants to keep a record of each student. Look at the cards and help him complete them. Put a tick (√)if Millie or Simon has that problem and a cross(×) if he or she does not have that problem. Millie Problems

Friendship _____ Lots of homework _____ Low marks _____ Not enough time for hobbies _____ Staying up late _____ Strict parents _____ Weight _____ Keys: ×√×√√×× Simon Problems

Friendship ______ Lots of homework ______ Low marks ______ Not enough time for hobbies ______


Staying up late ______ Strict parents ______ Weight ______ Keys: ×××√×√×

Task 3 Please come to the front and as Millie and Simon. Use the key words to help you. Millie Simon deal with, have a lot of homework, have crazy about football, cause, worry about, no choice, stay up late, hard to stay awake, get into trouble, do not allow, play hardly, imagine, doubt, it is worth outside, so strict with, feel angry, spending, a long holiday, offer me some relax, more interesting, suggestions stay out, a balance between, look forward to If you were Mr Sigmund Friend, what advice would you give Millie and Simon? I would advise Millie /Simon to …because….

Step 7 Let students give suggestions to Millie and Simon.. To Millie:

1. Plan her day carefully.

2. Make a list of all the homework she has to do. 3. Choose one hobby to do each day. 4. Focus on her favorite hobby. To Simon: 1. Go home earlier.

2. Don’t give up his hobby but don’t forget about his family, either. 3. Play football for an hour or two. Step 8 Homework

1. Read aloud the conversation in pairs.

2. Find out the difficult sentences and discuss them with your classmates.


Reading II

Teaching aims:

Learn how to write your troubles and how to express feelings. Learn how to ask for advice. Step 1 Revision 1. Role play.

Act as Millie / Simon and talk about their problems. Use the words in the table. Millie a lot of homework, have no choice but, stay us late, stay awake, on time, hardly have…for, doubt, be worth doing, dream of a holiday, offer…suggestions Simon crazy about, the cause, after school, never worry about, forget, get into trouble, not allow…to, be strict with, develop our hobbies, valuable advice 2. Mr friend is replying to Millie’s and Simon’s letters. Help him complete the sentences with words in the box.

advice hobbies homework important playing spare stay out stay up strict valuable volleyball worth Dear Millie,

Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I can help you.

You said you often _______ late to finish all your homework. Plan your day carefully. Make a list of all the _________ you have. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. This will give you an idea of how much ______time you have.

You also said that you do not have enough time for your _________. What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have? For example, play ___________ if you have a lot of time, and listen to music if you only have a short time.

I hope you think my advice is _________ taking. Best wishes,


Sigmund Friend Dear Simon,

Thank you for your letter. I hope I can offer you some useful ______. It seems that you spend a lot of time _______ football. Of course, it is very __________ to develop hobbies. However, it is not wise to spend hours playing football after school.

I agree with your parents that it is better for you to go home earlier. Enjoy your hobby, but do not forget about your schoolwork. Why not just play football for an hour or two, and then go home?

Your parents are not _______ with you; they just do not want you to __________ so late.

I hope you think my answer is _________ to you. Best wishes. Sigmund Friend

Keys: stay up homework spare hobbies volleyball worth

advice playing important strict stay out valuable

Step 2 Language points

1. …I do not know how I should deal with it. 我不知道我该如何处理它。 deal vi. 对付,处理 deal with sth. 处理某事物

how to deal with 意为“如何处理”,与what to do with意思相近 e.g. I don’t know how to deal with the rubbish .= I don’t know what to do with the rubbish. 我不知道如何处理这些垃圾。 含with的短语

agree with → 赞同;持相同意见 begin with → 以……开始

be angry with → 对……感到生气;愤怒 come up with → 提出;想出(主意、回答等)


