
更新时间:2023-12-07 14:28:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. Tim didn’t stay in the meeting. He left the office.( 用 instead of 将两句连成一句)

答案: Tim left the office instead of staying in the meeting.

Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat.(用instead of 将两句合成一句。) 答案: He cleared up the flat instead of going to work the next day.

Although it rained, the visit was a success. (用 instead of 将两句连成一句) 答案: The visit was a success in spite of the rain.

Mary didn’t stay at home. She went round to see Tim.(用instead of 将两个句子合成一句。) 答案: Instead of staying at home, Mary went round to see Tim.

2. Where is the restaurant? (用 he asked 改写成间接特殊疑问句)

答案:he asked where the restaurant was.

3. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用but 将量具连成一句) 答案:That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive,

I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window. (用but 将两句合成一句) 答案: I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window.

I cooked dinner. Nobody ate it (用but 将两句合成一句) 答案: I cooked dinner but nobody ate it.

It was too hot. I corldn’t open the window.(用but将两句连成一句) 答案:It was too hot,but I couldn’t open the window.

4. He’s gone to Shanghaii. He negotiating a new contract. (用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:he’s gone to shanghai to negotiate a new contract.

They are saving money. They’re planning a holiday. (用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:They are saving money to plan a holiday.

She’s looking for somebody. She wants somebody to help her.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

答案:She’s looking for somebody to help her.

She’s coming here. she’s signing the contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句) 答案:She’s coming here to sign the contract.

5. He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus. ( 用enough?to 将两句连成一句) 答案:he didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.

6. I went shopping. I needed a new a pair of shoe. ( 用because 将两句连成一句。)

答案:I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.

7. “Can you phone me later, Susan?” said David. (用 ask, to 改写句子)

答案:David asked me if I could phone him later.


8. I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher .(用so 改写句子) 答案:I’m a teacher, so is she.

I’m tall and thin. My mother is too. (用 so将两句合成一句) 答案: I’m tall and thin, so is my mother.

It was raining. We went home. (用 so将两句合成一句) 答案:It was raining so we went home.

Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera.( 用 so将两句合成一句。) 答案: Tim has lost his camera and so have I.

9. She forgot about the meeting yesterday. (用 what 针对the meeting 改写句子。) 答案:what did she forget about yesterday?

They are going to look after the cat. (.用 what 针对the cat改写句子) 答案: What are they going to look after?

Jack is responsible for all the meeting.(用what 针对all the meeting 提问。) 答案: What is Jack responsible for?

They are worried about Jim.(用Who钍对Jim提问) 答案:Who are they worried about?

10.His neighbor heard them. They made a noise. (用动词ing形式改写句子) 答案: His neighbor heard them making a noise.

His neighbor listen to them, They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子合成一句。) 答案:His neighbor listened to them damaging the flat.

I can’t keep accounts. She can’t keep accounts. (用neither 改写句子。) 答案:I can’t keep accounts and neither can she.

11.He stole the laptop.(改为被动语态) 答案: The laptop was stolen by him.

they carried the things to the van.( 改为被动语态) 答案:the things were carried to the van by them.

They smashed the window.( 改为被动语态) 答案:The window was smashed by them.

The neighbor contacted the police.( 改为被动语态) 答案:The police were contacted by the neighbor.

He disturbed the burglars. .( 改为被动语态) 答案:The burglars were disturbed by him.

He disturbed the burglars.( 用被动语态改写句子) 答案: The burglars were disturbed by him.


12.“ I can’t find my notebook.” She said .(改为间接引语。)

答案: She said she couldn’t find her notebook.

“Have you got my bag?” She asked.( 将句子改成间接引语。) 答案: She asked if I had her bag.

13.It was a place. He wanted to go there. (用 where 将两句合成一句。) 答案: It was a place where he wanted to go.

14.we had a picnic. It rained. (用although 将两句连成一句) 答案: We had a picnic although it rained.

I missed the train, I arrived at work on time. (用although 将两句连成一句) 答案: Although I missed the train, I arrived at work on time.

15.I beat Jane at tennis. She was so tired. (用because 将两句连成一句。) 答案: I beat Jane at tennis because she was so tired.

I went shopping.I needed a new pair of shoes.(用because将两句连成一句) 答案:I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.

16.I went to Manchester. ( 用where 针对 Manchester提问。)

答案:Where did you go?

17.I went to a party last week. (用when针对last week提问。)

答案:When did you go to a party?

18.Tim helped Xiaoyan with cooking.( 用who针对Tim 提问。)

答案:Who helped XiaoYan with cooking?

They are worried about Jim. (用who 针对Jim提问。) 答案:Who are they worried about?

19.Although it rained,the visit was a success.(用In spite of将两句连成一句) 答案:The visit was a success in spite of rain.



1. I didn’t get up until 11.30 this morning.


2. Football is the most popular sport in the world.


3. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock.


4. I’ve never been to Greece, and I’d love to go there.


5. We’ve got enough money to hire extra staff.

答案:我们有足够的钱额外雇用员工。 6.They lived in a village north of London.


7. I’ve played table tennis a lot, but I’ve never tried tennis. 答案:我乒乓球打得很多,网球却从未打过。 8. I must have left the camera in the shop.


9. Polly(波莉)is worried about her lack of experience. 答案: 波莉担心自己缺乏经验。

10. If I won the lottery, I’d buy a flat. 答案: 如果我中了彩票,我就买一套公寓。

She would buy a large house if she won the lottery. 如果她赢了彩票,她将会买一间大房子。

11.The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods. 答案: 饭店四周田野树林环绕。

12. The bride was dressed in a long white dress.



13. The window was smashed and the lock on the front door is broken. 答案:窗户给砸了,前门的锁也被弄坏了。

14. My dad used to be a farmer and so did my grandfather. 答案: 我爸爸从前是农夫,我爷爷也是。

15. It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news.

答案:到时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事好好聊一聊,会多开心啊 16. He came across an old violin at his aunt’s house.

答案: 他在他姑(姨)妈家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。 17. I must get some slides made.


18. I’ve got the same sense of humour as my mum.

答案:我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。 19. While she was waiting, her phone rang. 答案:她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。

20. The new suitcase which Xiaoyan(晓燕)got yesterday is full already. 答案:晓燕昨天新买的箱子已经装满了。

21. She needs to return the book by next Friday. 答案:她得在下周五之前把书还回去。

22.Sandy is wearing a long,black,silk dress.


23.I had the windows cleaned yesterday.


24. The flat was in a bit of mess.


25.I came to London when I was 18.


26.It takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the hotel.


27.Ome of the biggest sporting events in the world ks the Olympic Games. 世界上最大的体育赛事之一是奥林匹克运动会。


28. Although it is very enjoyanle,thd film is too long.


29.The accoumts,which are in a bit of a mess,have to be ready for next month.


30. We have enough money to improve the website.


31.Do you take after your mother or father?


32.I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.


33.He used to play basketball every Sunday.


34.They enjoyed themselves at the party.


35.She doesn’t like swimming and neither does her sister.


36.I’ve been leaming English for three years.


37.He studies in a university west of Beijing.


38.He came across an old painting at his friend’s house.


39.Both of the boys are good at singing.


40. I can’t find the key.I must have left it in the car.


41.She needs to return the book by next Friday.


42. He got on well with his sister.


43.He pointed out that she needed a better violin.

他指出她需要一把更好点儿的提琴。 44.They walked slowly along the road.


45.She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday.

她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了。 46.I’m in a meeting until 1.00. 我开会开到一点钟。


