课后拓展七下 unit1-6 完整学案

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重庆11中七年级下英语校本教材 课课练

1 Unit1 Where’s your pen pal from?

Period One (P1) 课后拓展


( )1. His new pen pal __________the United States. A. is from B. come from C. are from D. be from ( )2. —________is Nancy’s pen pal from? —He is from Singapore. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Where ( )3. —Is Cindy from the UK? —_________. She is from the USA. A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. No, she isn’t D. Yes, she is ( )4. —Where _________your pen pal _________from? —He is from Australia. A. is; come B. do; comes C. does; / D. is; / ( )5. —Where is Wuhan? —It’s_________ Hubei. A. to B. in C. on D. at ( )6. —Where ________you from, Tom? —I’m from Japan. A. is B. are C. do D. does ( )7. ________your uncle from America? A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does. ( )8 Where_______ she come from? A. do B. does C. is D. are Ⅱ 汉译英

9.你的笔友们来自哪里? 他们来自法国。

—Where_______ your pen ________ from? —They______/______from__________. 10.你来自哪里?Where do you_______ _______?


Where____ your parents_______? =Where______ your parents_______ _______?

12她的笔友来自日本。 _________pen pal_________ _________Japan. Ⅲ句型转换: 13. Emma is from Australia. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________Emma_________? 14. My parents are from Japan. (一般疑问句)

_______ _______parents from Japan? 15. Can you speak English? (肯定及否定回答) Yes, _______ _______. / No, _______ _______.

16. They come from China. (否定句)

They_______ _______from China.

17 We are from China. (同义句)

We_______ _______China. Ⅳ 用所给词适当形式填空

18. My sister________(have) a new pen pal in Japan. 19..—Where________(be) Lucy and Lily from? —They_________(be) from the UK.

20.Mrs Green can_________(speak) English and


21.—Where_______(do) your pen pal come from?

—He_________(come) from the USA.

Ⅴ 根据表格完成对话。

Lucy: Where is your pen pal (22)__________, Mike?

Mike: He’s from (23)_____________.

Lucy: Really? My pen pal (24)____________from

China . How about you, Mary? Where’s your

pen pal from?

Mary: She’s from (25)_________. Where’s Bob’s

pen pal from?

Lucy: I think she’s from (26)_________________.


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Period Two (P2) 课后拓展


( )1. Where do you live_________? A. in B. / C. at D. from ( )2. Where _________Mary_________?

A. is; come from

B. is; from

C. does; from

D. do; from


)3.Jack is from Australia, _____he speaks Chinese

重庆11中七年级下英语校本教材 课课练


well. A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )4. Excuse me. ______ you from New York? A. Are B. Is C. Am D. Be

( )5. He lives in__________, Canada.

A. Toronto

B. Beijing

C. New York

D. Paris ( )6. —Where is Paris? —It’s in__________. A. Australia B. Canada C. America D. France ( )7.—Where are you________?


A. to; to England

B. from; from England

C. to; from England

D. from; from English ( )8. Tokyo is a big ________in the world.

A. school

B. shop

C. city

D. country ( )9. She _______my good pen pal. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )10. They _______like French fries for lunch.

A. aren’t

B. don’t

C. doesn’t

D. are Ⅱ用所给词适当形式填空。

11. Canada and the United States are both(都) big____________(country).

12. Where________(be) your pen pal from? 13. Where________(do) he live?

14. The girl_________(come) from Beijing. 15. She________(live) in Paris. Ⅲ句型转换

16 My two uncles live in Canada. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______your two uncles _________? 17. Peter’s pen pal comes from China. (一般疑问句) _______Peter’s pen pal _______from China? 18 My birthday is in November. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______birthday?

19 I think he is a very good pen pal. (否定句) I _______think he _______a very good pen pal. 20 Is your new pen pal from Tokyo? (同义句)

_____your new pen pal______ ______Tokyo? 21 He doesn’t come from the USA. (同义句)

He_______ _______the USA. Ⅳ补全对话(根据对话内容填入适当的单词,使对话完整,每空一词。)

A: Do you come from Canada? B: No, I___22____.

A: ____23____are you from?

B: I___24___ ___25___ Australia.

A:___26__your parents from Australia, ____27____? B: No, _____28____aren’t.

A: Where are they from?

B: They __29___ from the USA. A: Where do they___30_____? B: They live ____31____New York.

22._________23_________24._________ 25_________26._________27._________ 28._________29._________30._________ 31._______ Ⅴ汉译英

32. 托尼现在住在中国。

Tony_______ _______China now. 33. 她的笔友来自澳大利亚。

Her pen pal________ from ___________. 34. 多伦多是加拿大的一个城市。 __________is a city of___________. 35. 吉姆的笔友住在哪里?

________ ________Jim’s pen pal_________? 36. 东京在日本。________is in_________.


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Period Three (P3)



( )1.Sato is a _________. He comes from Japan. A. Japan B. Chinese C. Japanese D. China ( )2.Mike comes from ________. He speaks ________.

A. Japanese; Chinese

B. France; French

C. Australia; China

D. America; Chinese

( )3. —______? —No, they are from Singapore. A. Are they from Paris? B. Where are they from C. Are they from Singapore D. Where do they come from

( )4.—What language ______he and his friend_______? —Chinese. A. is; speak B. do; say C. does; speak D. do; speak

( )5. —What________ does she speak?

—She is from China. Guess(猜)?

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A. lessons

B. countries

C. language

D. words ( )6. —_____you speak English?

—Of course, I can.

A. Do

B. Are

C. Can

D. Does

( )7. Do________ speak French or English? A. France B. Englishman C. Canadians D. American

( )8. She can’t_______ French.

So I_________ with her in English. A. speak ;talk B. talk; speak C. say; talk D. speak; say

( )9._______Chinese can speak _____French here? A. How much; some B. How much; many C. How many; a little D. How many; many Ⅱ句型转换

10 He speaks English. (一般疑问句)

_______he_______ English?

11 Jackie Chan is from Hong Kong. (同义句) Jackie Chan_______ from Hong Kong.

12 Lisa lives in Nanjing. (对划线部分提问) _______


13 We have some interesting books. (改为否定句)

We______ ______ ______interesting books. 14 His favorite subject is math. (对划线部分提问)

_______his favorite subject? Ⅲ 完形填空。

We___15__four new students in our class. One is Tom. He___16___England. He speaks____17_____. John’s ____18___the United States. He speaks English, ____19___. And Michiko is a Japanese. She lives ___20___Tokyo. But she is now in Beijing___21__ her parents. The last one is Peter. He’s from___22___. He speaks English and French. We are in the same class. We are good friends. ( )15. A. have B. has

C. don’t ha ve

D. there are

( )16. A. come from B. come

C. is from

D. from

( )17. A. Chinese B. Japanese

C. England

D. English

( )18. A. at B. from C. with D. of ( )19. A. too B. also C. either D. or ( )20. A. at B. to C. in D. / ( )21. A. and B. or C. to D. with ( )22. A. Australia B. Canada

C. Japan

D. America



________Mary’s pen pal___________? 24我姑姑住在英国。

My aunt_______ ________

________ _________ _________ 25你的笔友讲什么语言?

________ ________ _______your pen pal speak? 26悉尼在澳大利亚。

Sydney is_________ _________.

27这是我的新笔友。 __________ __________my new pen pal.

My friend Suzuki is from___28___. He can___29___ Japanese and___30____. He often____31___me some Japanese. He___32____music. He likes___33____and __34__the violin. He can also play the piano, but not very___35___. He___36___a pen pal in China. He ____37___China is a very interesting country. 28__________29.____________30.____________ 31.__________32.____________33.____________ 34.__________35.____________36.____________ 37.__________


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Period 4 (P4)

课后拓展 I .单项选择

( )1.Helen can speak __________. A. Japan B. France

C. Canada

D. Chinese

( )2. She __________ a little Chinese. A. talks B. speaks C. tells D. says ( )3.---Does your brother have a football

_______a baseball?

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. for

重庆11中七年级下英语校本教材 课课练

4 ( )4._____his sister from Shanghai or Beijing? A. Are B. Does C. Do D. Is ( )5.Bob likes _____TV and____ football.

A. watch , play

B. to watch; playing

C. watching; playing

D. watches, plays II. 单词填空

6.They all come from _________(澳大利亚).

7.Can you speak _________(法语)?

8. What ________(language) does he speak? 9.This is the ________(信) from Mike to Sam.

10.She speaks English very ________(好).

11.He comes from Tokyo. He speaks J_________. 12.There are fifty states in the U__________. 13.Where are their pen ________(pal) from? 14.Where does he_______(live)? 15.He went to many ________( country) last year. III. .句型转换(20分)

16 your, pen, from, where, pal, is(?)(连词成句)

________________________________________ 17.does, what, she, speak, language(?)(连词成句) _________________________________________ 18.I like French very much.(改为一般疑问句) ______ ______ ______ French very much? 19.My pen pal is from America.(对画线提问)

______ _____ ______ pen pal from? 20.I can’t speak French . I think.(合并为一句)

I _____ _____ I ______ speak French. 21.He comes from Canada.(改为否定) He ______ ______ from Canada. 22.Cindy and Jack come from Australia.(改为一般疑


_______ Cindy and Jack ______ from Australia? 23. Mary lives in Tokyo.(对画线提问)

_______ _____ Mary _______? 24.Jim gets an email from Kate.(改为一般疑问句)

______ Jim______ an email from Kate? 25.She can speak Japanese.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ she _____ Japanese? IV. .完形填空 Mrs Black ___26___from the United States. She ____27__ English in a middle school. She can___28___some Chinese, but not____29_____. She goes to ___30__classes every week. She likes living ____31___China very much. She says the Chinese ___32___are very friendly.(友好) She______33____ a son. He goes_____34___school here. He is a

good_____35_____in his class.

( )26.A. come B. is C. are D. be

( )27.A.teaches B. learn

C. write

D. likes ( )28. A. talk B. speaks

C. says

D. speak ( )29.A. many B. much

C. lot

D./ ( )30.A. Chinese B. China C. America D. English

( )31.A. at B. on

C. in

D. from

( )32. A. people B. peoples

C. the peoples D the people.

( )33.A. have B. has C. is D. help ( )34.A. at B. in

C. to

D. from

( )35.A. student B. people

C. girl

D. teacher V. .口语应用

J: Hello, Tom! Here is a letter for you. T: Really? Thank you very much.

J: Look, it’s from London.____36___ T: I thi nk it’s from my pen pal. He is a student, too .


T: David.

J:____38___ T: He speaks English. J: ____39____

T: Yes, I do .Sometimes we talk on the phone in English.

J: Wow, that’s great. T: Yes, ___40


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___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Period 5 (P5) 课后拓展

I .用所给词的正确形式填空

1.--Where____ your grandfather _____(live)? --He _______(live) in Suzhou.

2.______Tom often_______(speak) English?

3.---Where _________(be) Sydney? ---Sorry, I don’t know.

4.Andrew______(not have)any Chinese books.

5.I want_______(go) to the park on Sundays. Ⅱ.单项择题

( )6.---Can you speak Japanese? --________. I can only speak Chinese. A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I can C. No, I can’t D. No, I don’t ( )7.----Where does Mr Green ________? ---Shanghai. A. lives B. live C. lives in D. live in ( )8.Her favorite _____is Sleepless Night. It’s a thriller. A. sport B. subject C. movie D. city ( )9.Can you ____―shu‖____ English? A. speak ;with B. say ;in C. speak ; with D. say ; with ( )10.She ______sports with her friends. A. like to play B. likes playing C. likes play D. like play III. 句型转换

A 、按要求完成句子。

11. I have some pen pals in UK. (一般疑问句)

______ you have ________ pen pals in UK? 12. His sister’s from Canada. (提问)

_________ his sister ________? 13. He speaks Chinese. (提问)

______ _______ ______ he ______? 14. Mr Wang lives in Chengdu. (一般疑问句)

______ Mr Wang _____ in Chengdu? B 、同义句。

15. She’s from Australia.

She _______ _________. 16. Where is your friend from?

Where _____ your friend ______ from? 17. My birthday is in November.

The _____ of my ______ is in November.

18. I speak a little French. I ______ speak _______ French. IV. .短文填空 Dear friend, My father ____19_a good friend in his factory. He is sixty years___20___.He is very interesting. All the children love him very ___21____. We all call__22_____Uncle John. He is ____23____Canada. But now he’s in China .He can’t ___24___Chinese.So

we teach him Chinese, and he ___25____us English. He doesn’t work ___26___Sundays. He has a son____27___a daughter. He likes__28____TV with them in the evening.


22.__________ 23._________ 24.________

25.__________ 26___________27._________


V. .书面表达










重庆11中七年级下英语校本教材 课课练





Unit1 知识点小结


一. 重点单词 (建议可用表格总结)

二 重点词组

三 重点句型

四 重点语法

重庆11中七年级下英语校本教材 课课练

7 Unit 2 Where’s the post office?

Period One(P7) 课后拓展

Ⅰ 单选 1.___ a restaurant near here? A. Is there B.Are there C.Is it D.Are they 2.-Are there any students in the classroom? -_____. A. No, there isn ’t. B.Yes ,there is C.Yes,there are. D.No, there are not. 3..-____the bank near here? -Yes ,it is. A. Where is B.Is there C. Is it D.Is 4.. -_____,Is there a bank near here? 4 -Yes ,there is . A. Excuse me B.Hello C.How are you D.Thanks 5.-Is there ____old school near here? -No, there isn ’t. A. a B. an C. the D./ 6 .There _____ a beautiful hat and two sweaters in that big bag. A. are B. is C. does D. doesn ’t 7. There _____ two sweaters and a beautiful hat in that big bag. A. are B. is C. does D. doesn ’t Ⅱ句型转换

8.There are some green hats in that shop.(变为否定


There ____ _____green hats in that shop. 9. There is a color pen in the pencil-case.(变为一般疑


___ ____ a color pen in the pencil-case? ___,____ ____. 10. Is there a computer in your room?(做肯定回答)

____,____ ____. 11. The park is not in front of the shop .(变为肯定句) The park ____ ____ front of the shop.、 Ⅲ阅读理解

It’s Sunday. It’s fine. Tom does not go to school today. But he is not at home. He’s now sitting(坐) on a

Chinese bus. He is going to the movie house. All his

classmates(同学) will go to see a movie this afternoon. His teacher Mr Wang will go there, too. They will

meet at 2:00 p.m. at the gate(门口) of the movie house.

An old man gets on(上车) the bus. Tom stands up

and says(说) to the old man, ―Come and sit here,

please.‖ The old man goes over and sits down. He says,

―Thank you very much, my boy. You a re a good student.‖ Tom answers, ―You’re welcome.‖

―What school are you in?‖ the old man asks Tom.

―I am in No. 2 Middle School.‖ Tom answers.

―No. 2? That’s a good school. My son is a teacher there. He is an English teacher.‖ The old man says.

―English teacher? Excuse me, grandpa. What’s your

son’s name, please?‖ Tom asks.

―Mr Wang,‖ says the old man.

―Ah, ah, he is my English teacher.‖ Just then, the

bus stops near the movie house. Tom says goodbye to

the old man and gets off(下车) the bus. The old man smiles(微笑) to Tom.

12. In the sentence(句子) ―the bus stops near the movie house‖. ―stop‖ means (意思是)______. A. 车站 B. 开 C. 关 D. 停 13. Which(哪一句) is right?

A. It’s Saturday today.

B. It’s not fine today.

C. Tom goes to school on Sunday.

D. Tom is a student of No. 2 Middle School.

14. Mr Wang is_____.

A. at home today

B. the old m an’s son

C. the old man’s father

D. a Chinese teacher

15. What do you think of Tom? A. Tom is a good student. B. Tom is a bad(坏的) student.

C. He does wrong(错) things.

D. He is a good teacher. 16. Which is right?

A. Tom goes to the movie house on an English car.

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8 B. Only Tom and his teacher go to the movie house

to see a movie.

C. They go to the movie house for a meeting(会议).

D. The old man’s son is Tom’s English teacher.

Period Two (P2) 课后拓展


1.___ a restaurant near here?

A. Is there

B.Are there

C.Is it



2.The bank is ___the library.

A. across from

B. in front




3.-Are there any students in the classroom?


A. No, there isn ’t.

B.Yes ,there is

C.Yes,they are.

D.No, there aren ’t. 4.The teacher is ______ the students. A.in the front of B.in front of C.across D.between 5. Gina sits ____Jim ____Tina. A.between ,and B.next to C. across from D.in front of 6.The pay phone is ____ the post office. A.from B.cross from C.across from D.near to 7. -_____,Is there a bank near here? -Yes ,there is . A. Excuse me B.Hello C.How are you D.Thanks 8.The pay phone is ____the library. A. in front of B.in the front of C.in front D. front Ⅱ用所给词适当形式填空 9. There _____(be) a pen and two pencils in his pencil-case. 10.There are many _____(library) in ChongQing.. 11. The supermarket is on (five) Avenue. Ⅲ汉译英 12. 这附近有商店吗? Is there a shop _____ _____? 13.旅店在邮局前面。 The hotel is _____ _____ _____the post office. 14.小女孩坐在她的爸爸妈妈中间。 The little girl sits____ ____father and mother. 15.公园在银行对面。 The park is _____ _____ the bank.

Ⅳ .根据下图中所标的符号,写出地点的名称









23.—Where ’s the supermarket?

—It ’s the library and the bank.

24.—Can you see the post office?

—Yes,I can.It ’s the bank. 25.—Is there a pay phone along the street?

—Yes,there is.It is the


26.—Is there a park the bridge?

—Yes,there is.


Michael: Hey, John.

John: Hi, Michael.

Michael: 27

John: Reading a book.

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Michael: Do you want to come over to my house? 28

John: OK. Where is your house?

Michael: 29 It’s a quiet street on Fifth Avenue.

John: Oh, OK. I know where that is. 30 Michael: Yes. There’s a small supermarket on the street. 31

John: OK, I ’ll see you at two-thirty.

Period Three (P3)


Ⅰ单项选择 1.Go straight and turn _____. It ’s down Fifth Avenue

on the left.

A. right of

B. right

C. the right

D. to left 2. The bank is _____the right of the street.

A. in

B. on

C. under

D. to 3. –Where _____ the pay phone? --It ’s _____the left of the store.

A. are.in

B. are .on

C. is .in

D. is .on 4. –Are there _____oranges on the table? -Yes, there are.

A. some

B. any

C. lot of

D. a lots of 5.There_____ some broccoli ,tomatoes and potatoes in the kitchen.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have 6. -_____is the hotel?

-It ’s _____the Fifth Avenue.

A. It. in



D. Where. from

7. – Is there a hat store _____ the clothes store?

A. near

B. next

C. between

D. across 8.Please tell (告诉) me the way _____ the school. A. in B. on C. at D. to 9.-Is there a library _____the neighborhood? - Yes , there is one _____the bank.

A. in. to

B. on.on

C.on .across from

D. in . across from

10. Please turn_____left and you can see a library _____your left.

A./ .on

B.to ./

C. to.on


Ⅱ 句型转换

11.It ’s down Bridge Street on the left.(对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____?

12.Is there a supermarket near here? (同义句) Is there a supermarket _____ _____ _____?

13. The restaurant is in front of the post office. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ in front of the post office?

14.-Is the hotel on Fifth Avenue?(做否定回答) -No, _____ _____.

15. There is some broccoli on the table.(变为否定句) There _____ _____broccoli on the table. Ⅲ 情景交际

从A 栏中找出与B 栏对应的答语。 A B

16.Is it a post office? A.No, you can ’t.

17. Thanks! B.Sorry. I don ’t know. 18. Where is the pay phone? C.No, It ’s a hospital. 19.Can I take a walk through

the park? D.You are welcome . 20. Is there a store near here? E.It ’s neat to the bank.

Ⅳ 短文填空

A : 21 me . Is there a bank 22 the neighborhood?

B: Yes , there 23 . Just 24 straight and 25 right .It ’s down Fifth Avenue 26 the left. It ’s next 27 a hospital.

A: 28 you very much. B: You ’re 29 . Ⅴ阅读理解



A: Would you like(愿意) to come to dinner this evening?

B: I’d love to. But how can I get there?

A: Let me tell you. You can take the No. 3 bus. The bus stop(车站) is in front of the post office. You get off (下车)on Xinhua street, when you can see a Movie House on your left and the bank on the right. Then you walk on and turn left at the second crossing(十字路), just across from the Food Store, there is a building (建筑物). It’s the library. My house is next to the library.

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B: Oh, Ok. See you. A: See you soon.

30___________ 31___________ 32___________ 33__________ 34___________

Section B Period Four ( P10 )


I .单选

( ) 1. Bill is busy_______ the guitar.

A. plays

B. playing

C. to play

D. play

( ) 2. The boy is busy ________ his homework. A. do B. with C. at D. for ( ) 3. I don’t know the _____ school .

A. way to

B. way

C. road to

D. way of

( ) 4. ---Is there a pay phone ___ the neighborhood ?

----Yes, there is one _____ the park .

A. in , across to

B. in , across from

C. on , across from

D. in , between ( ) 5. I want ______ a taxi to go there .

A. taking

B. take

C. to take

D. to taking


6) 欢迎到我们学校来。

______ _______ our school . 7)在中央大街有一个大超市。

_______ _______ a supermarket on Center Street . 8)你想顺便来我家吗?

Do you want to _____ _____ to my house ? 9)它是一条远离第五大道的安静的街道。 It’s a _______ street ______ Fifth Avenue. 10)我将在两点半来看望你。 I’ll ____ you ______ two thirty . III. 句型转换

11. There are some cars on the street.(一般疑问句) there cars on the street?

12. The video arcade is across from the bank. (划线提问)

is the video arcade?

13. Turn right and go straight along the Bank Street. (同义句)

Turn right go straight the Bank Street.

14. Excuse me. How can I get to the post office? (同义句)

Excuse me. get the post office? 15. The English club is next to the library. (同义句 ) The English club is the library.


A: Excuse me . Can you 16 me the way to the nearest post office ? I want to post a letter .

B: Yes . Just go along and 17 right . It’s down the Center Street on the left . A: Is it 18 from here ?

B: No, it isn’t . It’s quite near . It will take you only five 19 to go there on foot .

A: By the 20 , where’s the books tore ?

B: The bookstore ? It’s on Eighth Avenue . It’s 21 to the supermarket . A: Can I walk there ?

B: Yes, you can . But it will take you 22 an hour to walk there . You had better take a bus there . A: 23 bus shall I take ? B: No. 354 Bus .

A: Many 24 for your kindness. B: It’s my 25 .

16. _______ 17 . _______ 18. _______ 19.

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11 _______ 20. _______ 21. _______ 22. _______ 23. _______ 24. _______ 25. _______ V. 用所给词的正确形式填空:

26. I like ______( watch ) TV and ______( take ) a walk when I have time . 27. Let her _______ ( not play ) basketball now . 28. There _______ ( be ) a pay phone near my house . 29. I am busy ______ ( write ) letters . 30. Mike stands between _______ ( they ). 31. Class ______ ( begin ) ! 32. I want _______ ( take ) a taxi to school every day . 33. Take the ______ ( two ) turning on the left. 34. The boy is swimming ______ ( cross ) the river. 35. Is there an old ________ ( bridges ) over the river ?

五 自我小结

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 Where’s the post office? Section B Period Five ( P 11 ) 课后拓展

I .单选

( ) 1.Do you have fun ________ TV ? A. to watch B. watching C. to watching D. watches ( ) 2. If the traffic light is red , you can’t go ____ the road .

A. cross

B. across

C. crossing

D. pass ( ) 3. He has a house _____ a big swimming pool . A. has B. with C. of D. have

( ) 4. My uncle tells us ______ story.

A. a interest

B. an interested

C. an interesting

D. an interest

( ) 5. Lily enjoys ______ the piano at home every

morning .

A. playing

B. plays

C. to play

D. play


6) 欢迎来到花园小区。

______ _______ the Garden District .

7)它是一条非常繁华的街道。 It is a _______ _______ street . 8)你想顺便来我家吗?

Do you want to _____ _____ to my house ? 9)这学期我们将愉快地学英语。

We will have fun _______ ______ this term . 10)如果你病了,必须去看医生。

You must see a doctor ____ you ____ ill .. III.阅读 。

―Where is the post office ? ‖ a man asks Tom . ―The post office ? You have to cross a bridge and then turn right . ‖

―And is the bridge long ?‖

―Not very long . Twenty meters .‖

The man thanks him and goes towards the bridge . Suddenly he hears someone shouting something .

―Stop !‖ says Tom . ―I’m sorry , sir . I made a mistake just now . You know the bridge is forty meters long .If

you go twenty meters and then turn right ,you’ll fall into the river! ‖

( )11. Where does the man want to go ? A. The library B. The hotel

C. The supermarket

D. The post office

( )12. How long is the bridge ?

A . 20 meters B. 40 meters C. 30 meters D. 60 meters ( ) 13.Why does Tom ask the man to stop ?

A.. Because he wants to play a joke(玩笑) .

B. Because the man should turn left .

C. Because he is afraid ( 害怕 ) that the man

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12 would fall into the river . D. Because he is a bad man ( ) 14. What kind of man is Tom ? A. A bad man B. A careless(粗心的) man

C. A lazy man

D. A man who likes to be exact (精确的)

V. 用所给词的正确形式填空:

15. She likes ______( watch ) TV and ______(take ) a walk when she has time . 16. Let her _______ ( not do ) homework now . 17. I hope you enjoy ______ ( have ) dinner. 18. Is she busy ______ ( write ) letters ? 19. He ______ ( pass ) the bank and gets to the hospital .

20. A good ______ ( begin ) makes a good ending . 21. Adam enjoys ______ ( listen ) to music every

day . 22. Take the ______ ( five ) turning on your left.

23. The boy is swimming ______ ( cross ) the river. 24. If someone _______ ( be ) in the garden , the dog

will bark (狗叫). 25. Do you take __________( walk ) after dinner ? IV. 能力展示: Welcome to Legian Road Legian Road (洋人街)is a good place 26 have fun . Turn left 27 Tenglong Avenue and enjoy the city’s river parks . 28 a walk through the park 29 Legian Road. You can 30 the guitar or 31 songs , go fishing or climb(爬) the Great Wall . You can 32 many things you want . And 33 you are hungry , you can buy some 34 in the supermarket . I hope you 35 a good time there. 26. __________ 27. __________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________ 31. __________ 32. __________ 33. __________ 34. __________ 35. __________ IV. 写短信告诉你的搭档你居住在哪里,让其画出你居住的地方。 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

五 自我小结







Unit 2 Where’s the post office? Section B Period Six ( P 12 )


I. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 用方框


1. A: Is there a pay phone __________ here?

B: Yes, there is a pay phone __________ Center


2. A: Where’s Xinghua Park?

B: It’s __________ Hongqi Supermarket and Bank

of China.

3. The restaurant is __________ __________ the

post office.

4. The library is _________ __________ the pay phone.

5. Forest Hotel is ________ ______ ____ the


6. The pay phone is __________ the small


II 、完形填空

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I work in a small shop. It's near an English 7 . Every day, students come to 8 things.

In the morning, I get up 9 six and then have breakfast. I go to 10 by bike.

11 to the shop at about six forty. The shop 12 at seven. We sell things 13 food and drink. We have school things, too. So there 14 many people in our shop 15 morning to evening. I have 16 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed.

7. A .farm B .factory C .school D .river 8. A .buy B .sell C .take D .want 9. A .on B .in C .at D .from 10. A .school B .bed C .class D .work 11. A .go B .get C .stay D .look

12. A .opens B .open C .is opening D .is opened

13. A .with B .like C .for D .about 14、A .are B .have C .see D .come 15. A .in B .on C .at D .from 16. A .supper B .breakfast C .milk D .lunch III 、阅读理解 (A)

Seumas is a very busy man. He is 60 and he has a lot of jobs. He is a postman(邮递员), a police officer, a taxi driver(司机), a school-bus driver, a

boatman ,and a sales assistant, a cook and a milkman. Also he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel.

Seumas lives and works on an island (岛)near London. Only 120 people are on the island but in summer 150 tourists (旅游者)come on Seumas’s boat every day. So Seumas gets up at six and makes

breakfast for the people in the hotel. At eight, he drives the island’s children to school. At nine, he gives letters(信) to all the houses on the island. He also sends(送) milk to them. Then he helps in the shop. He says., ―M argaret likes to be busy, too. We are busy and we don’t like watching TV in the shop.‖ He says. ―I cook the dinner and Margaret helps. At ten, we have some milk and them we go to bed. Perhaps(可能) our life (生活)isn’t very interesting, but we like it.‖ ( )17.How many jobs does Seumas have? A. 12 B. 10 C. 8 ( )18.Does his wife like to be busy

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don’t know.

( )19. What time does he get up?

A. At 6:30

B. At 7

C. At 6 ( )20. What nationality (国籍)are they? A. American B. British C. Chinese

( )21. Which is right?

A. Seumas is busy but his wife isn’t.

B. They don’t watch TV.

C. Their life is not exiting, but they like it.

IV. Writing .书面表达: 假如你是王刚,今天下午要邀请张三到洋人街去玩,但他不知道洋人街在哪里。请你写一封电子邮件给他。告诉他去洋人街的路线。并在图示中画出你指的路线。(B 是张三的家。A 是王刚的家)









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Unit 2 知识点小结





Unit 3 Do you like koalas?

Section A

Period One (P13)


I .用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.The e has a very long nose.

2.-I don't know where the zoo is.

-You can read the m to find it.

3.Dolphins are s animals.They can play many programs.

4.Let's (is)friends.

5.Do you want (see)tigers?

6.Let's see the penguins (one).

7.Let him (not go)out at night.

8. (giraffe) are very tall.

9.Koalas are kind of (interest). 10.There are two (zoo) in our city.

11.How many (elephant) are there in the zoo?

12.Why he (come)to see me?

II .句型转换

13.She wants to see the koalas.(改为一般疑问句) she to see the koalas ? 14.Jack likes pandas.(改为否定句) Jack pandas.

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15.My parents want to go to the zoo.(改为一般疑问句)

______ your parents______ to go to the zoo? 16.The zoo is across from the library.(对划线部分提问)

the zoo?

17.My sister likes pandas very much.(对划线部分提问)

your sister pandas?

III .单项填空

18.There is a big tree(树)in front of my house.I

can___ many birds in it.




D.look at 19. Can you find New York this map of America?




D.on 20.-Let's go to the zoo. - .

A.Thank you.

B.No,I don't


D.Sorry,I don't have time. 21.-What's your favorite ? -Running.




D.map 22.There are many bags in the store. A.kinds B.kind of C.kind D.kinds of 23. she pandns?





24.Welcome home.





25. is the girl? -She's thnee years old.


B.How old

C.How many

D.How much

26.Let go firat.





IV .短文填空

There 27 a panda in the zoo.He comes from China. He 28 a good name.It's Panpan.He 29 in Sichuan.He is five 30 old.He is beautiful and his colors are 31 and white.He likes bamboos(竹子).

Panpan is very 32 , 33 he is very shy(害羞的).So please be 34 . 27.________ 28.________


30.________ 31.________ 32.________



Period Two(P14-15)


I .用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.These (box) are under the bed.

2. The elephant is kind of (interest).

3. (dolphin)live in the water and can play with balls.

4.Pandas are from (Chinese).

5. The koalas are very cute and I like (they) very much.

6. There (be) many animals in the zoo.

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7. How many (kind) of books are there in the library?

8. (lion) come from Africa. 9. (not eat) in class.

10. Tigers can (run) very fast.

II .单项填空

11.- do you like pandas?

-Because they're very cute.




D.How 12.Lions are from . A.Australian B.Chinese C.Canadian D.South Africa 13.The penguins are interesting. A.a kind of B.kinds of C.kind of D.kind

14.This is elephant and those are . A.a;giraffes B.an;giraffes C.an;giraffe D.a;giraffe 15.- are koalas from? -They're from Australia.




D.Why 16. I'm hungry, I have some food. A.Because;so B.So;because C.Because;/ D./;because

III. 完成句子

17. 欢迎来到动物园! the zoo! 18. 让我们先看老虎吧。 the . 19. 你为什么喜欢树袋熊?

you like . 20. 因为它们有点儿可爱。

they’re 21. 她喜欢狮子吗? she ? IV .补全对话

A: What’s that over there (在那边)? B: 21

A: Over there, in the cage (笼子)。 B: 22

A: That’s my favorite animal. What about you? Do you like it? B: 23

A: Why do you like it? B: 24

A: Do you like lions?

B: 25 Because they are kind of ugly. A:Let’s go to see other animals. B: OK.Let’s go.

V .短文填空

Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories 26 _ dogs.

Mr. Smith 27 __ a policeman(警察). 28 __

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has a big police dog. Its 29____ is Bob. Bob is three __ 30 _ old. It is 31 _ clean and cute. Mr. Smith ___32_ it very much. He always takes it for a walk in the park. Bob likes walking very ___33__ .

One day, a man(男人) comes to see Mr. Smith and stays(停留) for a long time. ___34 talk and talk. Soo n it’s time for Mr. Smith to take Bob for a walk, but the visitor (来访者) still stays. Bob is very angry(生气). It runs out of the room. Soon it comes back. It sits down in front ___35__ the visitor, with the visitor’s hat in its mouth.

26____ 2.7 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34._____ 35.


Three (P.16)




1 ugly (反义词)

2 对某人友好 *

3 motherly *

4 brotherly *

5 weekly

6 许多别的动物

7 一些其他的书 ____________________

8 另外三个男人



II. 句型转换 10.The child likes dolphins (改为一般疑问句)

the child dolphins? 11.He likes pandas because they are very cute (对画线部分提问)

he pandas?

12.The tigers are from South Africa (对画线部分提问)

the tigers ? 13.This koala is kind of cute (同义句) This koala is cute. 14.Where does he come from? (同义句) _______ he ________?

15.sports,what,like,you,do,other?(连词成句) III.


16.There _____ lots of food here. Do you want some?




D.has 17.Let`s_____the quiet and beautiful park! A.enjoy B.like C.love D.want

18.What_____school things do you want to buy? A.others B.another C.the others D.other 19____do you like music?

Because it ’s relaxing.

A .When B. How C .What D. Why

20 He wants _____Hong Kong with his friends.

A. goes

B. go to

C. to go to

D. going

21. ____ see the giraffes.

A. Let

B. Let we

C. Let ’s

D. Let I

22. The monkeys ______ interesting. A. kind of B. kinds of

C. are kind of

D. are kinds of

23.Pandas are from _______.

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IV. 用所给单词的正确形式填空

24. I think the comedy is very ________(interest). 25.Our_______ in school are ________ (friend) to us. 26.Why do you want _______(see) the pandas? 27. Please ______ (write) to your pen pal. 28. Don ’t ________ (be) shy in English class. 29. Tomy is 11 _________ (year) old.

30. Li Lei gets to the school _________ (one). V. 口语交际,根据方框里面的句子完成对话。 A: Where do you want to go now? B:Let's see the elephants. A: The elephants? 31

B:Oh, because they're interesting. __32___ A: Yes,but they're ugly,too. B: Oh,Henry!_______33_______

A:Let's see the pandas. They're kind of cute. B:Oh,yeah.I love pandas. ____34___ But they're also kind of shy,Where are


A:They're over there on the left,__35____.


课后自我小结 今天我学到了重要词组

_______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 今天我学到了重要句子

________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 我还有疑问的地方

________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Period Four(P17 3a)




1 Molly plays her friends every day. A.for B.with C.on D.up

2 The man has face,He is scary.We all don't like to look at it.

A.a beautiful

B.a ugly

C.an ugly

D.a friendly 3 The little boy is only five . A.year old B.old year C.years old D.year old 4 Why don't you like pigs,Molly? Because they are kind of________. A.cute B.smart C.friendly


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5 People like __animals because they're cute. A.kind of;kind of B.kind of; this kind of C.this kind of; this kind of D this kind of; kind of II. 句型转换。

6 They sleep for 15 hours a day.(对画线部分提问)

do they sleep a day? 7She is kind of lazy.(同义句替换) She is _______ _____lazy.

8.Why don’t you take a walk now?(同义句替换) taking a walk now? 9 Please be shy.(改为否定句) Please shy. 10.She is from China.(对画线部分提问) she from? III. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 11.大象五岁了。

This elephant 12.长颈鹿生活在非洲。

Giraffes 13.汤姆喜欢玩雪。

Tom likes 14.艾米通常每天睡8个小时。 Amy every day. 15.请问你还喜欢别的书吗? Do you books? IV. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

16.Do__________(giraffe) eat____________(grass)? 17.Lions don’t eat ________(leaf). They eat


18.Who usually__________(relax) at home? 19.Please ______(be) quiet, boys!

20.Their______(friend)are very______(friend)to us. 21 Isn’t he an ______ (A ustrlia) boy?

22.He likes to play with his friends and ______(eat) grass.

23.We have fun______(sing)and ______(dance) V. 阅读理解



( )24 . On Sundays, the zoo opens at . A. 10:00 in the morning

B. 8:00 in the


C. 6:00 in the evening

D. 8:00 in the evening

( )25.The zoo opens days a week. A. two B. five C. six D seven ( )26. How much do you pay to go to the zoo if

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you are 13 years old?

A. Three dollars.

B. Six dollars.

C. Eight dollars.

D. Free

( )27.Kate is 12 and her little sister is 6. They have to pay to go to the zoo.

A.9 dollars

B.11 dollars

C.6 dollars

D.3 dollars

( )28. If you are fourteen and your brother is seven, how much do you pay for(支付) the Train Ride? A. Two dollars. B. Four dollars. C. Six dollars. D. Seven dollars. VI.


In our city zoo,_29__ are many animals. African____30_are very big. They use their trunks (长鼻子) to take food and water to their mouths(口). Pandas__31___ from China. They are very beautiful and very shy. The tigers are in cages (笼). They want to go__32___.Don’t stand___33___them because they are dangerous (危险的).Koalas are from__34_____. They’re cute.They sleep__35_ the day and eat leaves at___36___. It’s fun.

29_____________30__________31_____________ 32_____________33__________34______________ 35_____________36___________

Period Five(P17-18)


I. 单项选择

1 ---I like this panda very much

----I like it , .





2 People like fruit because they're____delicious(美味的).

A.kind of;kind of

B.kind of;this king of

C.this kind of;kind of

D.this lind of;this kind of

3.Tom is ill at home, he can't come here. A.so B.if C.become D.because

4.Tom's parents from England A.is B.am C.be D.are

5.Snakes(蛇) are and cold in my mind. A.interesting B.scary C.fun D.friendly

6.He likes to play ball in class. A.at B.for C.with D.the 7-How long does that panda sleep a day? -_______________.

A About ten hours

B Because it's cute

C China

D It eats leaves 8.-Isn't he cute?

-____.I like him very much A.Yes.he is B.Yes,he isn't C.Yes,he isn't D.No,he is 9.The music is very .




D.relaxed II.


10.Tom is a boy.He doesn't like doing

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11.Bill sleeps the day,but at night he gets up and eats food.

12.Betty is a very girl.Many boys like her. 13.What things do you want to do? 14 Don't talk.Please be . 15.That animal 20 hours a day. 16.He goes to very late vevry night. 17.Does the tiger eat to ? III. 翻译下列句子。

18.他哥哥是个歌手。他白天睡觉,晚上工作。 His brother is a .He and . 19.这本书有点儿贵。

This book is expensive. 20.你最喜欢的动物是什么? your animal? 21.狗对人们很友好。

are people?

22、因为他有点懒惰,所以他的朋友不喜欢他 He is ______ ______ ______ _____his friends don`t like him


_____ _____ _____ can ____elephant eat every day?

24、海豚既可爱又聪明。 _______are _____ and _________ IV. 句型转换。

25、We like dolphins because they are very friendly.(对画线部分提问)

you like dolphins? 26、Isn`t he cute (写出答语)

.(是的,他不可爱) 27、Please be here on time. (改为否定句) Please be here on time.

28、Pandas are from China.(同义句替换) Pandas _____ _______ China. V.


There are different kinds of animals in the 29 .We see the zoo keepers(饲养员)give them food to 30 .They don't have to 31 food by themselves.They just eat,walk and sleep all day.So many 32 us think that the animals there are 33 and lucky. But in fact, most of them are sad. Why?__34_____they are not free(自由的)。Animals like(像,如)elephants,monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in forests(森林).Tigers,for 35, run, jump(跳),and play 36 their children.And they catch(抓)small animals 37 food.But now they have to stay in small rooms in the zoo.

Now,many of us think more animals should go back to forests so that the 38 will be better. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38_________

Unit3 知识点小结


