常用且好玩美国俚语 Interesting American Slan

更新时间:2023-09-22 13:07:01 阅读量: 经管营销 文档下载



1.Henpeck 妻管严

Don’t try to ask him out to drink at the bar,because he’s a well-known henpeck.

Hen-pecked 本义被母鸡啄的,引申为怕老婆,像软弱的公鸡一样,经常被强壮的母鸡啄伤。

2.A cup of tea 意中人,想要之物,轻而易举之事

She is my cup of tea 她是我的意中人。

Riding a car is a cup of tea for me. 开车对我来说再简单不过了。A piece of cake

3.Anywhere but here. 除了这里,哪里都好

Anyone but her. 除了她,别人都行。

Anything but this. 除了这个,其他都行。

4.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦。

You just bite the bullet and get it over. 咬紧牙关,完成这件事吧!

5.black sheep 败家子,害群之马

He is the black sheep in the family. All he does is to drink and gamble.

6.break up with 分手

Tom and his girl friend broke up yesterday.

Warm up 和好,破镜重圆; (使…)更活跃

7.fish out of water 格格不入,很不自在,无法适应

I felt like a fish out of water when I went to a new country.

8.flog a dead horse 做无用功,白费口舌,白费力气 beat a dead horse. I’ve made up my mind. Don’t flog a dead horse.

9.flip flop 翻来覆去,出尔反尔

I’m really angry with this kind of flip flop.你这样出尔反尔,我很生气。

10.from the top 上头交代的

I don’t mean to give you a hard time , but this is straight from the top.



11.Get off your high horse! 别自以为是!

Get off your high horse! You are no better than anyone else.


12.Good wine needs no bush 酒香不怕巷子深。

13 half-baked 肤浅的,半吊子

How do you come up with all these half-baked ideas?

You should think them out more carefully.

14.has-been过时的人或物,昔日黄花 (表示曾经存在或流行,现跟不上形式了。) Mary is a has-been. No one will hire her any more.

15.hide your fin 不露声色

If you want to ask the girl out, you have to hide your fin and behave yourself.

( 深藏不露,谨慎行事)

16.I wasn’t born yesterday. 你骗不了我,我可不是毛小孩。

17.in one’s hair 激怒某人,让人烦。

Her younger brother is very naughty, so he’s often getting in her hair. 让她心烦。

18.have/ keep sb on a short leash 管得很严,牢牢控制

19.hold water 正确合理,说得通,站得住脚 That excuse simply doesn’t hold water.

20.in 流行的,时髦的

This kind of mini-skirt is very in this year.

21.I’m straight.性取向正常

I don’t go out with gay people; I’m straight.

Gay lesbian bi

22. in the red 亏本,赤字

His company has been in the red for years. 他的公司连续亏损好几年了。

23.in the bag 十拿九稳,必然的事情,稳操胜券

You’ve been studying so hard that the final exam must be in the bag for you.

24.It takes two to tango.一个巴掌拍不响 Tango : a Latin dance Don’t just blame your sister. It takes two to tango.

25.It’s on me ! 我请客

On me this time.这次我请客。

It’s on the house. 店家请客。

My treat. 我请客。

Let's go Dutch! AA 制

26. job hop 跳槽 hip-hop Why do you often job hop?

She’d like to take a job hop.

27.Just because没有原因,没有理由,就是喜欢

Why do you like her?—Just because. 没有原因,就是喜欢

28.keep my fingers crossed 祝你成功,祝你好运

I know you are looking for a job so I keep my fingers crossed for you.

29.On pins and needles 坐立不安, 如坐针毡

It seems that you’re on pins and needles today. Anything troubling you? 有事吗?

