经济学原理 微观 第五版测试题库(04)
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Chapter 4
The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
1. Prices allocate a market economy’s scarce resources.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market economies MSC: Definitional
In a market economy, supply and demand determine both the quantity of each good produced and the price at
which it is sold.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market economies MSC: Definitional
3. A market is a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Markets MSC: Definitional
Sellers as a group determine the demand for a product, and buyers as a group determine the supply of a
product.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand | Supply MSC: Definitional
5. A yard sale is an example of a market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Markets MSC: Applicative
6. A newspaper’s classified ads are an example of a market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Markets MSC: Applicative
7. Most markets in the economy are highly competitive.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Markets MSC: Definitional
In a competitive market, the quantity of each good produced and the price at which it is sold are not
determined by any single buyer or seller.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
In a competitive market, there are so few buyers and so few sellers that each has a significant impact on the
market price.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
10. In a perfectly competitive market, the goods offered for sale are all exactly the same.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Perfect competition TOP: Perfect competition MSC: Definitional
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 203
11. In a perfectly competitive market, buyers and sellers are price setters.
ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Perfect competition TOP: Perfect competition MSC: Definitional
12. All goods and services are sold in perfectly competitive markets.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Perfect competition MSC: Definitional
TOP: Perfect competition
13. If a good or service has only one seller, then the seller is called a monopoly.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Monopoly TOP: Monopoly MSC: Definitional
14. Monopolists are price takers.ANS: F DIF: 2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Monopoly
REF: 4-1
TOP: Monopoly
MSC: Interpretive
15. Local cable TV companies frequently are monopolists.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Monopoly TOP: Monopoly
MSC: Definitional
16. The quantity demanded of a product is the amount that buyers are willing and able to purchase at a particular
price.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Quantity demanded MSC: Definitional
17. The law of demand is true for most goods in the economy.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Definitional
TOP: Law of demand
18. The law of demand states that, other things equal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the
good rises, and when the price falls, the quantity demanded falls.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Law of demand MSC: Definitional
19. The demand curve is the upward-sloping line relating price and quantity demanded.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Definitional
20. Individual demand curves are summed horizontally to obtain the market demand curve.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Market demand curve MSC: Definitional
21. The market demand curve shows how the total quantity demanded of a good varies as the income of buyers
varies, while all the other factors that affect how much consumers want to buy are held constant.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Market demand curve MSC: Definitional
22. If something happens to alter the quantity demanded at any given price, then the demand curve shifts.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Definitional
204 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
23. A movement upward and to the left along a given demand curve is called a decrease in demand..ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Interpretive
24. An increase in demand shifts the demand curve to the left.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Definitional
TOP: Demand curve
25. If the demand for a good falls when income falls, then the good is called an inferior good.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Normal goods MSC: Definitional
26. When Mario's income decreases, he buys more pasta. For Mario, pasta is a normal good.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Inferior goods MSC: Applicative
27. A decrease in income will shift the demand curve for an inferior good to the right.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Inferior goods MSC: Interpretive
28. An increase in the price of a substitute good will shift the demand curve for a good to the right.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Substitutes MSC: Interpretive
29. Baseballs and baseball bats are substitute goods.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Applicative
TOP: Complements
30. A decrease in the price of a complement will shift the demand curve for a good to the left.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Complements MSC: Interpretive
31. When an increase in the price of one good lowers the demand for another good, the two goods are called
complements.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Complements MSC: Definitional
32. Cocoa and marshmallows are complements, so a decrease in the price of cocoa will cause an increase in the
demand for marshmallows.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Complements MSC: Applicative
33. If a person expects the price of socks to increase next month, then that person’s current demand for socks will
increase.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Expectations MSC: Applicative
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 205
34. A decrease in the price of a product and an increase in the number of buyers in the market affect the demand
curve in the same general way.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Interpretive
35. Whenever a determinant of demand other than price changes, the demand curve shifts.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Interpretive
36. An increase in the price of pizza will shift the demand curve for pizza to the left.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Applicative
37. Public service announcements, mandatory health warnings on cigarette packages, and the prohibition of
cigarette advertising on television are all policies aimed at shifting the demand curve for cigarettes to the right.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Demand curve MSC: Applicative
38. Most studies have found that tobacco and marijuana are complements rather than substitutes.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Complements MSC: Applicative
39. The quantity supplied of a good or service is the amount that sellers are willing and able to sell at a particular
price.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Quantity supplied MSC: Definitional
40. When the price of a good is high, selling the good is profitable, and so the quantity supplied is large.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Law of supply MSC: Definitional
41. When the price of a good is low, selling the good is profitable, and so the quantity supplied is large.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Law of supply MSC: Definitional
42. Price cannot fall so low that some sellers choose to supply a quantity of zero.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Quantity supplied MSC: Interpretive
43. The law of supply states that, other things equal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of the
good falls.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Law of supply MSC: Definitional
44. The law of supply states that, other things equal, when the price of a good falls, the quantity supplied falls as
well.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Law of supply MSC: Definitional
206 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
45. If a higher price means a greater quantity supplied, then the supply curve slopes upward.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Supply curve MSC: Definitional
46. Individual supply curves are summed vertically to obtain the market supply curve.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Market supply curve MSC: Definitional
47. The market supply curve shows how the total quantity supplied of a good varies as input prices vary, holding
constant all the other factors that influence producers’ decisions about how much to sell.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Market supply curve MSC: Definitional
48. If something happens to alter the quantity supplied at any given price, then we move along the fixed supply
curve to a new quantity supplied.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Supply curve MSC: Interpretive
49. A movement along a supply curve is called a change in supply while a shift of the supply curve is called a
change in quantity supplied.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Supply | Quantity supplied MSC: Interpretive
50. A decrease in supply shifts the supply curve to the left.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Definitional
TOP: Supply curve
51. A reduction in an input price will cause a change in quantity supplied, but not a change in supply.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Input prices MSC: Interpretive
52. An increase in the price of ink will shift the supply curve for pens to the left.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Input prices MSC: Applicative
53. If there is an improvement in the technology used to produce a good, then the supply curve for that good will
shift to the left.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Technology MSC: Interpretive
54. Advances in production technology typically reduce firms’ costs.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Technology MSC: Interpretive
55. If a company making frozen orange juice expects the price of its product to be higher next month, it will
supply more to the market this month.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 4-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Expectations MSC: Applicative
212 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 3.
a. Given the table below, graph the demand and supply curves for flashlights. Make certain to
label the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. Quantity Demanded Per Month 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 Quantity Supplied Per Month 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Price $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 b. What is the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity?
c. Suppose the price is currently $5. What problem would exist in the market? What would you
expect to happen to price? Show this on your graph.
d. Suppose the price is currently $2. What problem would exist in the market? What would you
expect to happen to price? Show this on your graph.
54.5priceSurplus of 4000SPe43.532.521.510.5100020003000400050006000700080009000100001100012000quantityShortage of 8000DQeb. The equilibrium price (Pe) is $4 and the equilibrium quantity (Qe) is 8,000.
c. A surplus of 4,000 flashlights would be the problem in the market, and we would expect the price
to fall.
d. A shortage of 8,000 flashlights would be the problem in the market, and we would expect the price
to rise.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-4 LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Applicative
NAT: Analytic
TOP: Equilibrium | Shortage | Surplus
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 213
Fill in the table below, showing whether equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity go up, go down, stay the
same, or change ambiguously.
No Change in Supply An Increase in Supply A Decrease in Supply No Change in Demand An Increase in Demand A Decrease in Demand No Change in Supply P same Q same P up Q up P down Q down An Increase in Supply P down Q up P ambiguous Q up P down Q ambiguous NAT: Analytic
TOP: Demand | Supply
A Decrease in Supply P up Q down P up Q ambiguous P ambiguous Q down ANS: No Change in Demand An Increase in Demand A Decrease in Demand DIF: 2 REF: 4-4 LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Interpretive
214 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 5.
Suppose we are analyzing the market for hot chocolate. Graphically illustrate the impact each of the
following would have on demand or supply. Also show how equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity would change.
a. Winter starts and the weather turns sharply colder. b. The price of tea, a substitute for hot chocolate, falls. c. The price of cocoa beans decreases. d. The price of whipped cream falls.
e. A better method of harvesting cocoa beans is introduced.
f. The Surgeon General of the U.S. announces that hot chocolate cures acne.
g. Protesting farmers dump millions of gallons of milk, causing the price of milk to rise.
h. Consumer income falls because of a recession, and hot chocolate is considered a normal good. i. Producers expect the price of hot chocolate to increase next month. j. Currently, the price of hot chocolate is $0.50 per cup above equilibrium.
price (b)
price (c)
price (d)
SS'SPe'PePe'DDquantityD'quantityPeQeQe'QeQe' (e) (f)
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 215
price (g)
price (h)
price (i)
price (j)
In (j), a price above equilibrium will affect both quantity demanded and quantity supplied and will cause a surplus in the market. It will not cause either demand or supply to shift.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-4 LOC: Supply and demand MSC: Applicative
NAT: Analytic
TOP: Demand | Supply
216 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
Sec00 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
The two words most often used by economists are
a. prices and quantities. b. resources and allocation. c. supply and demand. d. efficiency and equity.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-0
LOC: The study of economics and definitions of economics MSC: Definitional
NAT: Analytic TOP: Economists 2.
The forces that make market economies work are a. work and leisure. b. politics and religion. c. supply and demand.
d. taxes and government spending.
ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 4-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market economies MSC: Definitional
In a market economy, supply and demand determine
a. both the quantity of each good produced and the price at which it is sold. b. the quantity of each good produced, but not the price at which it is sold.
c. the price at which each good is sold, but not the quantity of each good produced. d. neither the quantity of each good produced nor the price at which it is sold.
ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 4-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market economies MSC: Definitional
In a market economy, supply and demand are important because they
a. play a critical role in the allocation of the economy’s scarce resources. b. determine how much of each good gets produced.
c. can be used to predict the impact on the economy of various events and policies. d. All of the above are correct.
ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 4-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market economies MSC: Definitional
In a market economy,
a. supply determines demand and demand, in turn, determines prices. b. demand determines supply and supply, in turn, determines prices.
c. the allocation of scarce resources determines prices and prices, in turn, determine supply and
d. supply and demand determine prices and prices, in turn, allocate the economy’s scarce resources.
ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 4-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Market economies MSC: Definitional
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 217
Sec01 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand - Markets and Competition
A group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service is called a(n)
a. coalition. b. economy. c. market. d. competition.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1
LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities MSC: Definitional
NAT: Analytic TOP: Markets 2.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Buyers determine supply and sellers determine demand. b. Buyers determine demand and sellers determine supply. c. Buyers determine both demand and supply. d. Sellers determine both demand and supply.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional3.
TOP: Demand | Supply
The demand for a good or service is determined by a. those who buy the good or service. b. the government.
c. those who sell the good or service.
d. both those who buy and those who sell the good or service.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional4.
TOP: Demand
The supply of a good or service is determined by a. those who buy the good or service. b. the government.
c. those who sell the good or service.
d. both those who buy and those who sell the good or service.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional5.
TOP: Supply
For a market for a good or service to exist, a. there must be a group of buyers and sellers.
b. there must be a specific time and place at which the good or service is traded. c. there must be a high degree of organization present. d. All of the above are correct.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1
LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities MSC: Definitional
NAT: Analytic TOP: Markets 6.
Which of the following is an example of a market? a. a gas station b. a garage sale c. a barber shop
d. All of the above are examples of markets.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1
LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities MSC: Applicative
NAT: Analytic TOP: Markets
218 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 7.
The market for ice cream is
a. a monopolistic market.
b. a highly competitive market. c. a highly organized market. d. both (b) and (c) are correct.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1
LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities MSC: Definitional
NAT: Analytic TOP: Markets 8.
Most markets in the economy are
a. markets in which sellers, rather than buyers, control the price of the product. b. markets in which buyers, rather than sellers, control the price of the product. c. perfectly competitive. d. highly competitive.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1
LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities MSC: Definitional
NAT: Analytic TOP: Markets 9.
In a competitive market, the price of a product
a. is determined by buyers and the quantity of the product produced is determined by sellers. b. is determined by sellers and the quantity of the product produced is determined by buyers. c. and the quantity of the product produced are both determined by sellers. d. None of the above is correct.
ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Interpretive
10. In a competitive market, the quantity of a product produced and the price of the product are determined by
a. buyers. b. sellers.
c. both buyers and sellers. d. None of the above is correct.
ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Interpretive
11. In a competitive market, the quantity of a product produced and the price of the product are determined by
a. a single buyer. b. a single seller.
c. one buyer and one seller working together. d. all buyers and all sellers.
ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Interpretive
12. A competitive market is a market in which
a. an auctioneer helps set prices and arrange sales. b. there are only a few sellers.
c. the forces of supply and demand do not apply.
d. no individual buyer or seller has any significant impact on the market price.
ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 219
13. A competitive market is one in which
a. there is only one seller, but there are many buyers.
b. there are many sellers and each seller has the ability to set the price of his product.
c. there are many sellers and they compete with one another in such a way that some sellers are
always being forced out of the market.
d. there are so many buyers and so many sellers that each has a negligible impact on the price of the
ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
14. Assume Tibana buys computers in a competitive market. It follows that
a. Tibana has a limited number of sellers to turn to when she buys a computer. b. Tibana will find herself negotiating with sellers whenever she buys a computer.
c. if Tibana buys a large number of computers, the price of computers will rise noticeably. d. None of the above is correct.
ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Applicative
15. In a competitive market, each seller has limited control over the price of his product because
a. other sellers are offering similar products.
b. buyers exert more control over the price than do sellers. c. these markets are highly regulated by the government.
d. sellers usually agree to set a common price that will allow each seller to earn a comfortable profit.
ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
16. For a competitive market, which of the following statements is correct?
a. A seller can always increase her profit by raising the price of her product.
b. If a seller charges more than the going price, buyers will go elsewhere to make their purchases. c. A seller often charges less than the going price to increase sales and profit.
d. A single buyer can influence the price of the product, but only when purchasing from several sellers
in a short period of time.
ANS: B DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
17. If a seller in a competitive market chooses to charge more than the going price, then
a. the sellers’ profits definitely would increase.
b. the owners of the raw materials used in production would raise the prices for the raw materials. c. other sellers would also raise their prices. d. buyers will make purchases from other sellers.
ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Markets, market failure, and externalities TOP: Competitive markets MSC: Definitional
18. The highest form of competition is called
a. absolute competition. b. cutthroat competition. c. perfect competition. d. market competition.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
220 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
19. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?
a. Different sellers sell identical products. b. There are many sellers.
c. Sellers must accept the price the market determines.
d. All of the above are characteristics of a perfectly competitive market.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?
a. Sellers set the price of the product. b. There are many sellers.
c. Buyers must accept the price the market determines.
d. All of the above are characteristics of a perfectly competitive market.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
21. The term price takers refers to buyers and sellers in
a. perfectly competitive markets. b. monopolistic markets.
c. markets that are regulated by the government.
d. markets in which buyers cannot buy all they want and/or sellers cannot sell all they want.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
22. Buyers and sellers who have no influence on market price are referred to as
a. market pawns. b. monopolists. c. price takers. d. price makers.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
23. All market participants are price takers that have no influence over prices in markets that feature
a. only a few buyers and a few sellers. b. numerous sellers but only a few buyers. c. numerous buyers but only a few sellers. d. numerous buyers and numerous sellers.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
24. If buyers and sellers in a certain market are price takers, then individually
a. they have no influence on market price.
b. they have some influence on market price, but that influence is limited. c. buyers will be able to find prices lower than those determined in the market. d. sellers will find it difficult to sell all they want to sell at the market price.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 221
25. In a perfectly competitive market, at the market price,
a. buyers cannot buy all they want and sellers cannot sell all they want. b. buyers cannot buy all they want, but sellers can sell all they want. c. buyers can buy all they want, but sellers cannot sell all they want. d. buyers can buy all they want and sellers can sell all they want.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
26. An example of a perfectly competitive market would be the
a. cable TV market. b. soybean market.
c. breakfast cereal market. d. shampoo market.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
27. Assume the market for tennis balls is perfectly competitive. When one tennis ball producer exits the market,
a. the price of tennis balls increases. b. the price of tennis balls decreases.
c. the price of tennis balls does not change. d. there is no longer a market for tennis balls.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
28. Assume the market for pork is perfectly competitive. When one pork buyer exits the market,
a. the price of pork increases. b. the price of pork decreases.
c. the price of pork does not change. d. there is no longer a market for pork.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
29. A monopoly is a market
a. with one seller, and that seller is a price taker. b. with one seller, and that seller sets the price. c. with one buyer, and that buyer is a price taker. d. with one buyer, and that buyer sets the price.
NAT: Analytic DIF: 1
LOC: Monopoly REF: 4-1
TOP: Monopoly
MSC: Definitional
30. Which of the following would most likely serve as an example of a monopoly?
a. a bakery in a large city b. a bank in a large city
c. a local cable television company d. a small group of corn farmers
NAT: Analytic DIF: 2
LOC: Monopoly REF: 4-1
TOP: Monopoly
MSC: Applicative
222 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
31. Which of the following is not a reason perfect competition is a useful simplification, despite the diversity of
market types we find in the world?
a. Perfectly competitive markets are the easiest to analyze because everyone participating in the
market takes the price as given by market conditions. b. Some degree of competition is present in most markets.
c. There are many buyers and many sellers in all types of markets.
d. Many of the lessons that we learn by studying supply and demand under perfect competition apply
in more complicated markets as well.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-1 LOC: Perfect competition
TOP: Perfect competition
Sec02 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand - Demand
The quantity demanded of a good is the amount that buyers
a. are willing to purchase.
b. are willing and able to purchase.
c. are willing and able and need to purchase. d. are able to purchase.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional2.
TOP: Quantity demanded
“Other things equal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the good falls, and when the price falls, the quantity demanded rises.” This relationship between price and quantity demanded a. applies to most goods in the economy.
b. is represented by a downward-sloping demand curve. c. is referred to as the law of demand. d. All of the above are correct.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional3.
TOP: Law of demand
The law of demand states that, other things equal,
a. when the price of a good falls, the demand for the good rises.
b. when the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the good rises. c. when the price of a good rises, the demand for the good falls.
d. when the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded of the good rises.
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional4.
TOP: Law of demand
The law of demand states that, other things equal,
a. an increase in price causes quantity demanded to increase. b. an increase in price causes quantity demanded to decrease. c. an increase in quantity demanded causes price to increase. d. an increase in quantity demanded causes price to decrease.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
TOP: Law of demand
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 223
Which of these statements best represents the law of demand?
a. When buyers’ tastes for a good increase, they purchase more of the good. b. When income levels increase, buyers purchase more of most goods. c. When the price of a good decreases, buyers purchase more of the good. d. When buyers’ demands for a good increase, the price of the good increases.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive6.
TOP: Law of demand
A downward-sloping demand curve illustrates a. that demand decreases over time. b. that prices fall over time.
c. the relationship between income and quantity demanded. d. the law of demand.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive7.
TOP: Law of demand
Benny rents 5 movies per month when the price is $3.00 per rental and 7 movies per month when the price is $2.50 per rental. Benny’s demand demonstrates the law of a. price. b. supply. c. demand. d. income.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative8.
TOP: Law of demand
Which of the following demonstrates the law of demand?
a. After Jon got a raise at work, he bought more pretzels at $1.50 per pretzel than he did before his
b. Melissa buys fewer muffins at $0.75 per muffin than at $1 per muffin, other things equal. c. Dave buys more donuts at $0.25 per donut than at $0.50 per donut, other things equal.
d. Kendra buys fewer Snickers at $0.60 per Snickers since the price of Milky Ways fell to $0.50 per
Milky Way.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative9.
TOP: Law of demand
The following table contains a demand schedule for a good.
Price $10 $20 Quantity Demanded 100 ?
If the law of demand applies to this good, then “?” could be
a. 0. b. 100. c. 200. d. 400.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Law of demand
224 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
10. A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded of that good is
called a
a. price-quantity schedule. b. buyer schedule. c. demand schedule. d. demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand schedule
11. A demand schedule is a table that shows the relationship between
a. quantity demanded and quantity supplied. b. income and quantity demanded. c. price and quantity demanded. d. price and income.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand schedule
12. Which of the following is not held constant in a demand schedule?
a. income b. tastes c. price
d. expectations
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand schedule
13. The demand curve for a good is
a. a line that relates price and quantity demanded. b. a line that relates income and quantity demanded.
c. a line that relates quantity demanded and quantity supplied. d. a line that relates price and income.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
14. The line that relates the price of a good and the quantity demanded of that good is called the
a. demand schedule, and it usually slopes upward. b. demand schedule, and it usually slopes downward. c. demand curve, and it usually slopes upward. d. demand curve, and it usually slopes downward.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
15. When drawing a demand curve,
a. demand is on the vertical axis and price is on the horizontal axis.
b. quantity demanded is on the vertical axis and price is on the horizontal axis. c. price is on the vertical axis and demand is on the horizontal axis.
d. price is on the vertical axis and quantity demanded is on the horizontal axis.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 225
16. The sum of all the individual demand curves for a product is called
a. total demand. b. consumer demand. c. aggregate demand. d. market demand.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
17. The market demand curve
a. is found by vertically adding the individual demand curves. b. slopes upward.
c. represents the sum of the prices that all the buyers are willing to pay for a given quantity of the
d. represents the sum of the quantities demanded by all the buyers at each price of the good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
18. The market demand curve
a. is the sum of all individual demand curves.
b. is the demand curve for every product in an industry.
c. shows the average quantity demanded by individual demanders at each price. d. is always flatter than an individual demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
19. To obtain the market demand curve for a product, sum the individual demand curves
a. vertically. b. diagonally. c. horizontally.
d. and then average them.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
20. A market demand curve shows
a. the relationship between price and the number of buyers in a market. b. how quantity demanded changes when the number of buyers changes.
c. the sum of all prices that individual buyers are willing and able to pay for each possible quantity of
the good.
d. how much of a good all buyers are willing and able to buy at each possible price.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
21. A market demand curve shows how the total quantity demanded of a good varies as
a. income varies. b. price varies.
c. the number of buyers varies. d. supply varies.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
226 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
22. Suppose Spencer and Kate are the only two demanders of lemonade. Each month, Spencer buys six glasses
of lemonade when the price is $1.00 per glass, and he buys four glasses when the price is $1.50 per glass. Each month, Kate buys four glasses of lemonade when the price is $1.00 per glass, and she buys two glasses when the price is $1.50 per glass. Which of the following points is on the market demand curve? a. (quantity demanded = 2, price = $1.50) b. (quantity demanded = 4, price = $2.50) c. (quantity demanded = 10, price = $1.00) d. (quantity demanded = 16, price = $2.50)
NAT: Analytic MSC: ApplicativeTable 4-1
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
Price $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 Aaron’s Quantity Demanded 20 18 14 12 6 0 Angela’s Quantity Demanded 16 12 10 8 6 4 Austin’s Quantity Demanded 4 6 2 0 0 0 Alyssa’s Quantity Demanded 8 6 5 4 2 0 23. Refer to Table 4-1. Whose demand does not obey the law of demand?
a. Aaron’s b. Angela’s c. Austin’s d. Alyssa’s
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Law of demand
24. Refer to Table 4-1. If these are the only four buyers in the market, then the market quantity demanded at a
price of $1 is a. 4 units. b. 7.75 units. c. 14 units. d. 31 units.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
25. Refer to Table 4-1. If these are the only four buyers in the market, then the market quantity demanded at a
price of $2 is a. 0 units. b. 3.5 units. c. 6 units. d. 14 units.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 227
26. Refer to Table 4-1. If these are the only four buyers in the market, then when the price increases from $1.00
to $1.50, the market quantity demanded a. decreases by 1.75 units. b. increases by 2 units. c. decreases by 7 units. d. decreases by 24 units.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
27. Refer to Table 4-1. For whom is the good a normal good?
a. Aaron b. Austin
c. all of the four demanders
d. This cannot be determined from the table.
NAT: Analytic MSC: ApplicativeTable 4-2
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
Price $12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 Audrey’s Quantity Demanded 2 4 6 8 10 12 Bob’s Quantity Demanded 1 4 7 8 9 10 Chuck’s Quantity Demanded 3 4 5 4 3 2 Dottie’s Quantity Demanded 4 5 6 7 8 9 28. Refer to Table 4-2. Whose demand does not obey the law of demand?
a. Audrey’s b. Bob’s c. Chuck’s d. Dottie’s
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Law of demand
29. Refer to Table 4-2. If these are the only four buyers in the market, then the market quantity demanded at a
price of $8 is a. 4 units. b. 6 units. c. 24 units. d. 32 units.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
30. Refer to Table 4-2. If these are the only four buyers in the market, then when the price decreases from $6 to
$4, the market quantity demanded a. increases by 0.75 units. b. increases by 3 units. c. increases by 8 units. d. decreases by 27 units.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
228 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand Figure 4-1
2018161412108642D246810121416quantity5101520 priceConsumer 1
30272421181512963 Consumer 2 priceD25303540quantity
31. Refer to Figure 4-1. If these are the only two consumers in the market, then the market quantity demanded
at a price of $6 is a. 12 units. b. 14 units. c. 19 units. d. 21 units.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Market demand
32. When we move along a given demand curve,
a. only price is held constant.
b. income and price are held constant.
c. all nonprice determinants of demand are held constant. d. all determinants of quantity demanded are held constant.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
33. Once the demand curve for a product or service is drawn, it
a. remains stable over time.
b. can shift either rightward or leftward.
c. is possible to move along the curve, but the curve will not shift. d. tends to become steeper over time.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
34. If something happens to alter the quantity demanded at any given price, then
a. the demand curve becomes steeper. b. the demand curve becomes flatter. c. the demand curve shifts.
d. we move along the demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 229
35. When quantity demanded decreases at every possible price, we know that the demand curve has
a. shifted to the left. b. shifted to the right.
c. not shifted; rather, we have moved along the demand curve to a new point on the same curve. d. not shifted; rather, the demand curve has become flatter.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
36. When quantity demanded increases at every possible price, we know that the demand curve has
a. shifted to the left. b. shifted to the right.
c. not shifted; rather, we have moved along the demand curve to a new point on the same curve. d. not shifted; rather, the demand curve has become steeper.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
37. An increase in demand is represented by
a. a movement downward and to the right along a demand curve. b. a movement upward and to the left along a demand curve. c. a rightward shift of a demand curve. d. a leftward shift of a demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
38. A decrease in demand is represented by
a. a movement downward and to the right along a demand curve. b. a movement upward and to the left along a demand curve. c. a rightward shift of a demand curve. d. a leftward shift of a demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
39. An increase in quantity demanded
a. results in a movement downward and to the right along a fixed demand curve. b. results in a movement upward and to the left along a fixed demand curve. c. shifts the demand curve to the left. d. shifts the demand curve to the right.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
40. A decrease in quantity demanded
a. results in a movement downward and to the right along a fixed demand curve. b. results in a movement upward and to the left along a fixed demand curve. c. shifts the demand curve to the left. d. shifts the demand curve to the right.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
230 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 41. A leftward shift of a demand curve is called
a. an increase in demand. b. a decrease in demand.
c. a decrease in quantity demanded. d. an increase in quantity demanded.
NAT: Analytic DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
MSC: Interpretive
42. A rightward shift of a demand curve is called
a. an increase in demand. b.a decrease in demand.
c. a decrease in quantity demanded. d.an increase in quantity demanded.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
43. A movement upward and to the left along a demand curve is called
a. an increase in demand. b. a decrease in demand.
c. a decrease in quantity demanded. d. an increase in quantity demanded.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
44. A movement downward and to the right along a demand curve is called
a. an increase in demand. b. a decrease in demand.
c. a decrease in quantity demanded. d.an increase in quantity demanded.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
45. An increase in the price of a good will
a. increase demand. b.decrease demand.
c. increase quantity demanded. d. decrease quantity demanded.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
46. A decrease in the price of a good will
a. increase demand. b. decrease demand.
c.increase quantity demanded. d. decrease quantity demanded.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
Demand curve
Demand curve
Demand curve
Demand curve
Demand curve
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 231
47. When the price of a good or service changes,
a. the supply curve shifts in the opposite direction. b. the demand curve shifts in the opposite direction. c. the demand curve shifts in the same direction. d. there is a movement along a given demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
48. The demand curve for hot dogs
a. shifts when the price of hot dogs changes because the price of hot dogs is measured on the vertical
axis of the graph.
b. shifts when the price of hot dogs changes because the quantity demanded of hot dogs is measured
on the horizontal axis of the graph.
c. does not shift when the price of hot dogs changes because the price of hot dogs is measured on the
vertical axis of the graph.
d. does not shift when the price of hot dogs changes because the quantity demanded of hot dogs is
measured on the horizontal axis of the graph.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
49. Which of the following changes would not shift the demand curve for a good or service?
a. a change in income
b. a change in the price of the good or service
c. a change in expectations about the future price of the good or service d. a change in the price of a related good or service
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
50. Which of the following would not shift the demand curve for mp3 players?
a. a decrease in the price of mp3 players
b. a fad that makes mp3 players more popular among 12-25 year olds c. an increase in the price of CDs, a complement for mp3 players
d. a decrease in the price of satellite radio, a substitute for mp3 players
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
51. Which of the following events would cause a movement upward and to the left along the demand curve for
a. The number of buyers of olives decreases.
b. Consumer income decreases, and olives are a normal good.
c. The price of pickles decreases, and pickles are a substitute for olives. d. The price of olives rises.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
52. A movement along the demand curve might be caused by a change in
a. income.
b. the prices of substitutes or complements. c. expectations about future prices.
d. the price of the good or service that is being demanded.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
232 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
53. Holding the nonprice determinants of demand constant, a change in price would
a. result in either a decrease in demand or an increase in demand. b. result in a movement along a stationary demand curve. c. result in a shift of supply.
d. have no effect on the quantity demanded.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
54. A decrease in the price of a good would
a. increase the supply of the good.
b. increase the quantity demanded of the good.
c. give producers an incentive to produce more to keep profits from falling. d. shift the supply curve for the good to the left.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
55. The demand curve for textbooks shifts
a. when a determinant of the demand for textbooks other than income changes.
b. when a determinant of the demand for textbooks other than the price of textbooks changes. c. when any determinant of the demand for textbooks changes. d. only when the number of textbook-buyers changes.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Determinants of demand
56. Which of the following is not a determinant of the demand for a particular good?
a. the prices of related goods b. income c. tastes
d. the prices of the inputs used to produce the good
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Determinants of demand
57. Each of the following is a determinant of demand except
a. tastes.
b. technology. c. expectations.
d. the prices of related goods.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Determinants of demand
58. Which of the following is not a determinant of demand?
a. the price of a resource that is used to produce the good b. the price of a complementary good c. the price of the good next month d. the price of a substitute good
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Determinants of demand
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 233
59. If the demand for a good falls when income falls, then the good is called
a. a normal good. b. a regular good. c. a luxury good. d. an inferior good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
60. If a good is normal, then an increase in income will result in
a. an increase in the demand for the good. b. a decrease in the demand for the good.
c. a movement down and to the right along the demand curve for the good. d. a movement up and to the left along the demand curve for the good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
61. If Francis experiences a decrease in his income, then we would expect Francis’s demand for
a. each good he purchases to remain unchanged. b. normal goods to decrease. c. luxury goods to increase. d. inferior goods to decrease.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
62. You lose your job and, as a result, you buy fewer romance novels. This shows that you consider romance
novels to be a(n) a. luxury good. b. inferior good. c. normal good.
d. complementary good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
63. Pizza is a normal good if
a. the demand for pizza rises when income rises.
b. the demand for pizza rises when the price of pizza falls. c. the demand curve for pizza slopes downward.
d. the demand curve for pizza shifts to the right when the price of burritos rises, assuming pizza and
burritos are substitutes.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
64. Suppose that when income rises, the demand curve for computers shifts to the right. In this case, we know
computers are a. inferior goods. b. normal goods.
c. perfectly competitive goods. d. durable goods.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
234 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
65. Which of the following would shift the demand curve for gasoline to the right?
a. a decrease in the price of gasoline
b. an increase in consumer income, assuming gasoline is a normal good c. an increase in the price of cars, a complement for gasoline d. a decrease in the expected future price of gasoline
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Normal goods
66. If a decrease in income increases the demand for a good, then the good is
a. a substitute good.
b. a complementary good. c. a normal good. d. an inferior good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Inferior goods
67. If a good is inferior, then an increase in income will result in
a. an increase in the demand for the good. b. a decrease in the demand for the good.
c. a movement down and to the right along the demand curve for the good. d. a movement up and to the left along the demand curve for the good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Inferior goods
68. Currently you purchase 6 packages of hot dogs a month. You will graduate from college in December, and
you will start a new job in January. You have no plans to purchase hot dogs in January. For you, hot dogs are
a. a substitute good. b. a normal good. c. an inferior good.
d. a complementary good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Inferior goods
69. Soup is an inferior good if
a. the demand for soup falls when the price of a substitute for soup rises. b. the demand for soup rises when the price of soup falls. c. the demand curve for soup slopes upward. d. the demand for soup falls when income rises.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Inferior goods
70. Suppose that Carolyn receives a pay increase. We would expect
a. to observe Carolyn moving down and to the right along her given demand curve. b. Carolyn's demand for inferior goods to decrease.
c. Carolyn's demand for each of two goods that are complements to increase. d. Carolyn's demand for normal goods to decrease.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Inferior goods
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 235
71. Two goods are substitutes when a decrease in the price of one good
a. decreases the demand for the other good.
b. decreases the quantity demanded of the other good. c. increases the demand for the other good.
d. increases the quantity demanded of the other good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Substitutes
72. Suppose that a decrease in the price of good X results in fewer units of good Y being sold. This implies that
X and Y are
a. complementary goods. b. normal goods. c. inferior goods. d. substitute goods.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Substitutes
73. Good X and good Y are substitutes. If the price of good Y increases, then the
a. demand for good X will decrease.
b. quantity demanded of good X will decrease. c. demand for good X will increase.
d. quantity demanded of good X will increase.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Substitutes
74. A likely example of substitute goods for most people would be
a. peanut butter and jelly.
b. tennis balls and tennis rackets.
c. televisions and subscriptions to cable television services. d. pencils and pens.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Substitutes
75. A higher price for bagels would result in a(n)
a. increase in the demand for bagels. b. decrease in the demand for bagels. c. increase in the demand for muffins. d. decrease in the demand for muffins.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Substitutes
76. You wear either shorts or sweatpants every day. You notice that sweatpants have gone on sale, so your
demand for
a. sweatpants will increase. b. sweatpants will decrease. c. shorts will increase. d. shorts will decrease.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Substitutes
236 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
77. Two goods are complements when a decrease in the price of one good
a. decreases the quantity demanded of the other good. b. decreases the demand for the other good.
c. increases the quantity demanded of the other good. d. increases the demand for the other good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
78. If goods A and B are complements, then an increase in the price of good A will result in
a. more of good A being sold. b. more of good B being sold. c. less of good B being sold.
d. no difference in the quantity sold of either good.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
79. A likely example of complementary goods for most people would be
a. butter and margarine.
b. lawnmowers and automobiles. c. chips and salsa. d. cola and lemonade.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
80. A higher price for batteries would result in a(n)
a. increase in the demand for flashlights. b. decrease in the demand for flashlights. c. increase in the demand for batteries. d. decrease in the demand for batteries.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
81. Suppose you like to make, from scratch, pies filled with banana cream and vanilla pudding. You notice that
the price of bananas has increased. How would this price increase affect your demand for vanilla pudding? a. It would decrease. b. It would increase. c. It would be unaffected.
d. There is insufficient information given to answer the question.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
82. Holding all other things constant, a higher price for ski lift tickets would
a. increase the number of skiers. b. increase the price of skis.
c. decrease the number of skis sold.
d. decrease the demand for other winter recreational activities.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 237
83. When quantity demanded has increased at every price, it might be because
a. the number of buyers in the market has decreased. b. income has increased and the good is an inferior good.
c. the costs incurred by sellers producing the good have decreased. d. the price of a complementary good has decreased.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
84. Which of the following might cause the demand curve for an inferior good to shift to the left?
a. a decrease in income
b. an increase in the price of a substitute c. an increase in the price of a complement d. None of the above is correct.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Analytical
DIF: 3 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Complements
85. When it comes to people's tastes, economists generally believe that
a. tastes are based on forces that are well within the realm of economics.
b. tastes are based on historical and psychological forces that are beyond the realm of economics. c. tastes can only be studied through well-constructed, real-life models.
d. since tastes do not directly affect demand, there is little need to explain people's tastes.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Definitional
DIF: 1 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
86. Economists normally
a. do not try to explain people's tastes, but they do try to explain what happens when tastes change. b. believe that they must be able to explain people's tastes in order to explain what happens when
tastes change.
c. do not believe that people's tastes determine demand and therefore they ignore the subject of tastes. d. incorporate tastes into economic models only to the extent that tastes determine whether pairs of
goods are substitutes or complements.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
87. Suppose the American Medical Association announces that men who shave their heads are less likely to die of
heart failure. We could expect the current demand for a. hair gel to increase. b. razors to increase. c. combs to increase. d. shampoo to increase.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
88. Suppose scientists provide evidence that chocolate pudding increases the bad cholesterol levels of those who
eat it. We would expect to see
a. no change in the demand for chocolate pudding. b. a decrease in the demand for chocolate pudding. c. an increase in the demand for chocolate pudding. d. a decrease in the supply of chocolate pudding.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
238 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
89. If buyers today become more willing and able than before to purchase larger quantities of Vanilla Coke at
each price of Vanilla Coke, then
a. we will observe a movement downward and to the right along the demand curve for Vanilla Coke. b. we will observe a movement upward and to the left along the demand curve for Vanilla Coke. c. the demand curve for Vanilla Coke will shift to the right. d. the demand curve for Vanilla Coke will shift to the left.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
90. A very hot summer in Atlanta will cause
a. the demand curve for lemonade to shift to the left. b. the demand for air conditioners to decrease. c. the demand for jackets to decrease.
d. a movement downward and to the right along the demand curve for tank tops.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
91. If a study by medical researchers found that brown sugar caused weight loss while white sugar caused weight
gain, then we likely would see
a. an increase in demand for brown sugar and a decrease in demand for white sugar. b. a decrease in demand for brown sugar and an increase in demand for white sugar. c. an increase in demand for both brown sugar and white sugar.
d. no change in demand for either type of sugar because weight loss is not a determinant of demand.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
92. Which of the following events could shift the demand curve for gasoline to the left?
a. The income of gasoline buyers rises, and gasoline is a normal good. b. The income of gasoline buyers falls, and gasoline is an inferior good.
c. Public service announcements run on television encourage people to walk or ride bicycles instead
of driving cars.
d. The price of gasoline rises.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
93. An increase in the number of college scholarships issued by private foundations would
a. increase the supply of education. b. decrease the supply of education. c. increase the demand for education. d. decrease the demand for education.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Tastes
94. Today, people changed their expectations about the future. This change
a. can cause a movement along a demand curve. b. can affect future demand, but not today’s demand. c. can affect today’s demand.
d. cannot affect either today’s demand or future demand.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Expectations
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 239
95. If Juan expects to earn a higher income next month, he may choose to
a. save more now and spend less of his current income on goods and services. b. save less now and spend more of his current income on goods and services. c. decrease his current demand for goods and services.
d. move along his current demand curves for goods and services.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Expectations
96. You love peanut butter. You hear on the news that 50 percent of the peanut crop in the South has been wiped
out by drought, and that this will cause the price of peanuts to double by the end of the year. As a result, a. your demand for peanut butter will increase, but not until the end of the year. b. your demand for peanut butter increases today.
c. your demand for peanut butter decreases as you look for a substitute good. d. your demand for peanut butter shifts left today.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Expectations
97. Ford Motor Company announces that next month it will offer $3,000 rebates on new Mustangs. As a result
of this information, today’s demand curve for Mustangs a. shifts to the right. b. shifts to the left.
c. shifts either to the right or to the left, but we cannot determine the direction of the shift from the
given information.
d. will not shift; rather, the demand curve for Mustangs will shift to the right next month.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Expectations
98. What will happen in the rice market now if buyers expect higher rice prices in the near future?
a. The demand for rice will increase. b. The demand for rice will decrease. c. The demand for rice will be unaffected. d. The supply of rice will increase.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Expectations
99. Today's demand curve for gasoline could shift in response to
a. a change in today's price of gasoline.
b. a change in the expected future price of gasoline. c. a change in the number of sellers of gasoline. d. All of the above are correct.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Expectations
100. If the number of buyers in a market decreases, then
a. demand will increase. b. demand will decrease. c. supply will increase. d. supply will decrease.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Number of buyers
240 ? Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
101. Which of the following does not affect an individual's demand curve?
a. expectations b. income
c. prices of related goods d. the number of buyers
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Number of buyers
102. Warrensburg is a small college town in Missouri. At the end of August each year, the market demand for
fast food in Warrensburg a. increases. b. decreases.
c. remains constant, but we observe a movement downward and to the right along the demand curve. d. remains constant, but we observe a movement upward and to the left along the demand curve.
NAT: Analytic MSC: ApplicativeFigure 4-2
priceDIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Number of buyers
PP'ABDQQ'quantity103. Refer to Figure 4-2. The movement from point A to point B on the graph shows
a. a decrease in demand. b. an increase in demand.
c. a decrease in quantity demanded. d. an increase in quantity demanded.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
104. Refer to Figure 4-2. The movement from point A to point B on the graph is caused by
a. an increase in price. b. a decrease in price.
c. a decrease in the price of a substitute good. d. an increase in income.
NAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Demand curve
Chapter 4 /The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ? 241
105. Refer to Figure 4-2. It is apparent from the figure that
a. the good is inferior.
b. the demand for the good decreases as income increases. c. the demand for the good conforms to the law of demand. d. All of the above are correct.
NAT: Analytic DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: Law of demand
MSC: InterpretiveFigure 4-3
priceD'Dquantity106. Refer to Figure 4-3. The shift from D to D’ is called
a. an increase in demand. b. a decrease in demand.
c. a decrease in quantity demanded. d. an increase in quantity demanded.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
107. Refer to Figure 4-3. The movement from D to D’ could be caused by
a. an increase in price.
b. a decrease in the price of a complement. c. a technological advance.
d. a decrease in the price of a substitute.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
108. Refer to Figure 4-3. The movement from D’ to D could be caused by
a. a decrease in price.
b. a decrease in income, assuming the good is inferior.
c. buyers expecting the price of the good to fall in the near future. d. an increase in the price of a complement.
DIF: 2 REF: 4-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand
TOP: MSC: Interpretive
Demand curve
Inferior goods
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