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Unit 8 My Forever Valentine

Text comprehension I. B


1. Valentine’s Day

2. He displayed his special love for her on every Valentine’s Day. 3. … decorated a “mailbox” to receive cards.

4. given by her father, her forever valentine; with a piece of red glass for a ruby.

5. her hopes and dreams on receiving cards and gifts from more important people than her father.

6. a card with her mother’s handwriting.

7. always keep in mind her father’s love and generosity through simple acts.


1. Only Valentine’s Day really delighted him.

2. I remember Dad brought me joy on Valentine’s Day for the first time when I was six. 3. The box and its contents reminded me of a series of things, both bitter and sweet.

4. As I was getting older, Dad sent me heart-shaped boxes as gifts, unlike the gifts before.

Structural analysis of the text:

1. Valentine’s Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly thought of him as my “Valentine Man”.

2. The author’s recounting of her Valentine Day memories in the second part of the text follows closely the chronological order. Try to pick out the three sentences in this part that indicate the progression of time.

The three sentences that indicate the progression of time are:

1) My first recollection of the magic he could bring to Valentine’s Day came when I was six. (Paragraph 3)

2) As I grew older, the gifts gave way to heart-shaped boxes filled with my favorite chocolates and always included a special card signed “Love, Dad.” (Paragraph 5)

3) My mailbox eventually had a rural address, and the job of hand-delivering candy and cards was relegated to the U.S. Postal Service. (Paragraph 7)

Vocabulary I.

1. thought of him as= regarded him as

2. ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories= brought back to mind a series of experiences, both happy and unhappyt, one after another

3. put a lump in your throat and tears in your eyes= aroused your strong emotion and made you cry

4. gave way to= were gradually replaced by 5. more of= to a greater degree II.

1. legible; 2. timed; 3. surpassing; 4. sensed; 5. relegated; 6. signaled; 7. perfunctory; 8. generosiy; 9. teasing; 10. mark.

III. Word comparison

1. careful 2. create 3. eventually: in the end, after all 4. usher / guide 5. aging 6. continuing / persist 7. address / deliver / send 8. reminder / caution IV.

1. form: v. 形成,构成,组成(从无到有) / shape: v. 修正,完善,定型(从有到好) a. formed; b. shaping; c. formed; d. shaped.

2. contest: 具体的赛事,有规则、奖项、操作程序 / competition: general meaning, 竞争行为,既在赛事内,也不一定要在赛事中。

a. contest; b. competition; c. competition; d. contest.

3.recollection: n. 动词性,回想,复述 / memory: n. 名词性,记忆。 a. memories; b. memory; c. recollection; d. recollection.

4.cheap: 便宜,廉价,低廉,价贱 / inexpensive: 不贵但不是便宜,更不是低贱。 a. cheap; b. cheap; c. inexpensive; d. inexpensive.

V. Give synonyms or antonyms of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1. The traditional holidays in our house when I was a child were spent timing elaborate meals around football games.

Synonyms: well-prepared, complicated, complex

2. My father tried to make pleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could during half time. Antonyms: unpleasant, displeasing

3. I don’t know whether it was because work at the office slowed during February or because the football season was over.

Synonym: slacken, decelerate / accelerate

4. Over the years I fondly thought of him as my “Valentine Man.” Antonyms: coldly, bitterly, hatefully, spitefully

5. … the tender care I gave to the card from the cutest boy in class. Synonyms: lovely, lovable, attractive

6. I remember wearing that ring with a pride that all the cards in the world could not surpass. Antonyms: shame, disgrace, humiliation

7. In those years my thank-yous became more of a perfunctory response. Synonyms: indifferent, half-hearted

8. I had a father who continued a tradition of love with a generosity of spirit. Antonyms: selfishness, meanness

VI. Rephrase each of the following sentences with the word given in brackets. 1. We must have your answer tonight at the latest. (insist)

insist on / upon sth.

Key: We insist on having your answer tonight at the latest.

2. My father is going to lend me his car tonight. (borrow) Key: My father is gong to let me borrow his car tonight.

3. We see it as a wonderful opportunity. (look) look upon/on = regard as

Key: We look upon it as a wonderful opportunity.

4. You don’t mean to say you want a fifth ice cream, do you? (surely) Key: You surely don’t want a fifth ice cream, do you?

5. There is almost nothing in the house to eat tonight. (hardly) hardly adv. almost not 几乎不

Key: There is hardly anything in the house to eat tonight.

6. The bank now owns this block of flats. (belong) belong to (prep.): be owned by 属于

Key: This block of flats now belongs to the bank.

7. Is it really advisable to freeze this sort of food? (should) Should aux. will, need to应该,将要

Key: Should we really freeze this sort of food?

8. There’s no need to telephone me when you arrive. (bother)

bother to: (usually used in the negative form) to cause inconvenience or discomfort to 费心,麻烦……

Key: Don’t bother to telephone me when you arrive.

II. Grammar Exercises

1. real and unreal conditionals

With real conditionals, there is a chance that the condition will be fulfilled; with unreal conditional there is no such chance.

Conditional sentences have two clauses. Real conditionals: If clause: past tense If clause: present tense If clause: present tense Unreal Conditions — present: If clause: simple past Unreal Conditions — past: If clause: past perfect I.

II. if + real / unreal conditional 1. freezes; 2. gain time; 3. stay at home; 4. vaporizes; 5. may leave; 6. goes up;

7. turns to water;

8. had better join the queue.

III. if + real conditional A. If clause: past tense B. If clause: present tense C. If clause: present tense

1. pour 2. will be 3. will pick 4. will’shall go 5. is to be done 6. had 7. is to win 8. rained 9. cries 10. was

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

Unreal Conditions — present:

Result clause: past tense Result clause: present tense Result clause: future tense Result clause: would have + past participle Result clause: would or could + base form of verb Result clause: past tense Result clause: present tense Result clause: future tense D. If clause: simple past Unreal Conditions — past: E. If clause: past perfect Result clause: would or could + base form of verb Result clause: would have + past participle

1. If the story hadn’t been true, the newspaper ___________ (not print) it. wouldn’t have printed (E) unreal 2. had read (E) unreal

3. What ____________ (happen) if I press this button? will happen (C) real 4. will fall (C) real 5. comes (C) real 6. gets (C) real

7. I _____________ (not buy) things on the installment system if I were you. wouldn’t buy (D) unreal

2. it + be + … + that

“It + be + … + that” can be used to highlight the subject, object, adverbial of time, place, manner, cause.

V. Highlight the underlined parts in the following sentences using “it + be + … + that.” 1. It is that special place in your heart that… (Unit 1)

2. I put them into the soil the day my first son was born. (Unit 1) Key: It was on the day my first son was born that I put them into the soil.

3. We reached Istanbul by train. Key: It was by train that we reached Istanbul.

4. It was the headmaster who…

5. He’s feeling unwell because he’s been working too hard. Key: It is because he’s been working too hard that he’s feeling unwell.

6. It is his grandfather’s skills that…

7. It was in 1960 that…

8. It was at Waterloo that… VI.

Never will I disregard the potential danger in routine business, nor will I in health.

Never have I anticipated unexpected reward, nor have I accepted unreasonable deprivation.

