国际交流英语视听说B2 Further Listening参考答案

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1Energy and Our Planet Book 2

国际交流英语视听说F urther Listening Unit 1 Energy and Our Planet

F urther Listening

Listening 1

This coal-fueled power plant is

sending carbon into the atmosphere.

F urther Listening Listening 1

A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about global warming and check (√) any ideas that are NOT part of the talk.

?Our use of fossil fuels has increased.?

The earth receives less sunlight because of air pollution.?A very much higher average temperature leads to climate change and changes to the weather.?

Climate change is being driven by both natural and human-made forces.?New reserves of fossil fuels will be hard to find.?

We need to produce more alternative energy.?We can personally try to conserve energy.?

Changes in the way of life in rapidly developing countries will make a big impact on the world’s greenhouse gases.√√√√√

F urther Listening Listening 1

B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.

1.Our demand for fossil fuels like _______ and ____________

is growing.

2.Burning fossil fuels puts __________ into the air.

3.When there is more heat in the earth’s atmosphere, __________________________ increases.

4.Climate change can have _______________________ on

people’s lives.

5.People are starting to __________________ by trying to use

less fuel. oil natural gas carbon the average temperature a negative impact conserve energy

F urther Listening

Listening 1

Our demand for fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas is growing. This growing need for energy causes us to burn more and more fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels such as coal puts carbon into the air. Carbon dioxide, or CO2, and other gases reduce the amount of heat that goes out into space. When less heat goes out into space, it means that more heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere. When more heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere, the average temperature increases, making it warmer.

To be continued >>>


urther Listening

Listening 1

A significantly higher average temperature leads to climate change and changes to the weather. Climate change can have a negative impact on people’s lives. For example, climate change can make it difficult to grow food in some places. People are starting to conserve energy by making changes that cause them to use less fuel. For example, people are buying smaller cars. Smaller cars are more efficient because they use less gas and oil.

F urther Listening

Listening 2

Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

F urther Listening

Listening 2

A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about energy and

environment and check (√) the main idea you hear.

?Global warming is inevitable. Little can be done about it.

?Global warming is having a negative impact on our environment. There could be quick switches to lessen the

effects of global warming.

?Stopping global warming requires urgent, unheard-of international cooperation. It is too big a job for us.

?Global warming poses a threat to our environment. There could be some practical ways we can help protect the


F urther Listening

Listening 2B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.

1.Cut back on ___________ by using public transportation or

walking more often.

2.Shop at _____________ close to your home.

3.Turn off _______________________ once you are not using


4.Replace ________________________ with new, efficient


5._______________ the electricity and gas you use.driving local stores lights and electronics your old appliances Keep track of

F urther Listening

Listening 2B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.

6._______________________ for your energy use each month using your energy journal.

7.___________________________ your lifestyle to reduce the amount of energy you use.Set a lower target Make small changes to

F urther Listening

Listening 2

Scientists believe that the earth’s temperature is increasing. They

believe this increase in temperature is having a negative impact

on our environment. You might think that protecting the planet is

too big a job for you, but it isn’t. There are many small and

practical ways you can conserve energy and help protect the

environment. Here are some helpful tips.

Cut back on driving by taking public transportation or walking

more often. You will save a lot of gas if you drive to work two or

three days a week instead of five! Shop at local stores close to

your home.

To be continued >>>

F urther Listening

Listening 2

more money on food. Turn off lights and electronics whenyou

aren’t using them so you don’t waste electricity. Replace your

old appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers with new,

efficient models. Old appliances consume more energy than new ones. Keep track of the electricity and gas you use and how you use it. Write down the different activities you do that use gas or electricity and how often you do them in an energy journal.

To be continued >>>


urther Listening

Listening 2

Use your energy journal to help you set a lower target for your energy use each month. For example, if your energy bill is $100 one month, try lowering your bill to $80, or by 20 percent the next month. Try to reduce the amount of energy you use by

making gradual changes to your lifestyle. You will see that

making small changes each month can have a big impact on the amount of energy you use—and help protect our beautiful planet!

F urther Listening

Listening 3 Dictation.Listen to some ideas about energy saving and write down what you hear. Altogether the ideas will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the ideas will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.

A woman is drying her dishes by


F urther Listening

Listening 3

1. Don’t waste energy drying your dishes in the dishwasher. Dry

them by hand instead of using energy by drying them in the


2. Cut back on your use of hot water. Take a five-minute shower,

or use only four inches (10 centimeters) of water in your bath. 3. Keep track of your electric bills. Make a chart of how much

energy you use, and watch the numbers go down every month.

4. Recycle all of your cans, bottles, and paper. Recycled materials

consume much less energy than new materials.

5. Unplug computers, printers, TVs, and cell phone chargers when

you aren’t using them. They use electricity even when they are turned off—up to eight percent of your electric bill!


Thank You!


Unit 2

Book 2 Culture and Tradition


F urther Listening Unit 2

Culture and Tradition

F urther Listening

Listening 1

A cowboy working on a cattle drive

F urther Listening A | Read the questions. Then listen to a talk about cowboy life and culture and answer the questions.

1.What was the job of cowboys in the 1800s?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. How long did cowboys generally work in a year ?

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Listening 1

The job of cowboys in the 1800s was to

move the cattle in Texas to a railroad town

in big cattle drives.

Cowboys generally worked for four months.

