中华人民共和国海事局第40期航海英语真题 (附答案)

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科目:航海英语 试卷代号:903






1. You ______ in the wrong position obstructing other traffic.You must heave up your anchor.

A.have anchored B.have placed your anchor

C.have moored your anchor D.have maintained your anchor

2. The strongest of the natural fiber ropes is______.

A.Nylon B.Dacron C.Manila D.Sisal

3. On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown.

A.equipment's B.tools C.apparatus D.aids

4. The ship can leave the port ______ the joint inspection.

A.before B.after C.at D.from

5. They ______ in the Engine Room in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A.carried out B.carried on C.carried off D.carried forward

6. You are kindly ______ to issue the landing permits to the crew.

A.request B.requesting C.requested D.be request

oo7. Aircraft made forced ______ near position 23 32'N,110 13'E.

A.striking B.landing C.grounding D.stranding


A.Restricted area B.Closed area C.Prohibited place D.Forbidden place

9. The following ______ is a standard phrase.

A.You may enter fairway B.You should enter fairway

C.ANSWER.It is permitted to enter fairway D.You could enter fairway

10.Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship, either in a horizontal or vertical direction, which keep cargo away from the sides of the ship, assisting ventilation and helping protect against a build-up of moisture or condensation are termed as _______.

A.frames B.shell plates C.bilge plates D.cargo batten

11.Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a ship can carry?

A.Bale cubic B.Deadweight C.Gross tonnage D.Net tonnage

12.______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel.

A.True position B.True meridian C.True course D.True bearing

13.A sheave is a ______.

A.grooved wheel in a block B.line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deck

C.partial load of grain D.seaman's knife

14.The wire ropes and blocks,or pulleys,on a ship are called ______.

A.the apparatus B.equipment C.riggings D.fittings

15.All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival craft's ______.

A. boarding and operating procedures B. maintenance schedule

C. navigational systems D. fuel consumption rates

16.If a fire-fighting situation calls for low-velocity fog you would ______.

A.order the engine room to reduce pressure on the fire pump

B.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way forward


C.attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut down

D.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back

17.A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel.You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ______.

A.blows the fire back toward the vessel B.comes over the bow

C.comes over the stern D.comes over either beam

18.A person who sees someone fall overboard should first ______.

A. call for help and keep the individual in sight

B. run to the radio room to send an emergency message

C. immediately jump in the water to assist the individual

D. go to the bridge to report captain

19.Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ______.

A.ballast B.reserve buoyancy C.displacement D.rolling periods

20.How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom?

A.With arm extended and fingers closed,point thumb downward

B.With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontal circles

C.Extend arm with the palm down,and hold this position rigidly

D.With hands clasped in front of your body

21.How many dry-powder extinguishers has your ship exactly been ______.

A.produced B.provided with C.supplied by D.met with

22.All the cargo holds must be ______ cleaned out ______ meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.

A.such/that B.so/that C.such/to D.so/as to

23.Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______.

A.faking B.flemishing down C.mousing D.worming

24.As oil pipe line connections were broken,______ quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water.

A.a not knowing B.an unknowing C.an unknown D.a not known

25.The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the ______.

A.local agent B.watchman C.docker D.foreman

26.All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the ______.

A.deck logbook B.official logbook

C.compass record book D.chronometer error book

27.In writing up the log book at the end of your watch,you make an error.which of the following is the way to correct the error?

A.Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly

B.Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page

C.Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctly

D.Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly

28.A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ______.

A.group occulting B.composite group flashing

C.Morse letter A D.quick flashing

29.You’d better ______ your course to port to avoid collision.

A.to alter B.alter C.altering D.altered

30.Good anchorage may be obtained anywhere,generally mud and sand,in this water area.Vessel may have ______.

A.good towing ground B.good holding ground


C.good grabbing ground D.good dragging ground

31.A check rope is ______.

A.a safety line attached to a man working over the side

B.used to measure water depth

C.used to slow the headway of a barge

D.used to measure the overhead height of a bridge

32.The approach to the roads and harbor from the ______ entails no difficulty.

A.eastern B.easterly C.eastward D.eastwards

33.The ship is not very stable,please ______ when making a turn.

A.stop down B.speed down C.slow down D.down slow

34.Pitching is angular motion of the vessel about what axis?

A.Longitudinal B.Transverse C.Vertical D.Centerline

35.Owing to the big draught of the ship,she has to get alongside by the time of ______.

A.spring tide B.flood tide C.ebb tide D.slack water

36.The engine ______ smoke and steam.

A.gives up B.gives away C.gives in D.gives off

37.Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can ______ it.

A.go ahead B.approach C.proceed near D.run into

38.A frontal thunderstorm is caused by ______.

A.pronounced local heating

B.wind being pushed up a mountain

C.a warm air mass rising over a cold air mass

D.an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air

39.Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______.

A.low barometric pressure B.high barometric pressure

C.falling barometric pressure D.pumping barometric pressure

40.An air mass is termed warm if ______.

A.it is above 70° F

B.the ground over which it moves is cooler than the air

C.it originated in a high pressure area

D.it originated in a low pressure area

41.BASHI:E TO SE 9-10.500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AND TS.SEA 8-9M.SWELL SE 6-7.From the above forecast,the wind in Beaufort Scale will be ______.



42.MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to ______ in a certain area.

A.visibility B.winds C.sea D.fog

43.A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo.This is done in order to obtain a(n) ______.

A.Clean Bill of Lading B.Order Bill of Lading

C.Straight Bill of Lading D.Through Bill of Lading

44.Bearings are true reckoned ______ in Admiralty Charts.

A.clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees B.clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees

C.anti-clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees D.anti-clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees

45.Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ______.

A.Weekly Editions B.Quarterly Editions

C.Annual Editions D.Monthly Editions

46.Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______.


A.magnetic latitudes B.magnetic declinations C.dip D.isogonic lines

47.Mean high water is the average height of ______.

A.the higher high waters B.the lower high waters

C.the lower of the two daily tides D.all high waters

48.______ amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.

A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Lights

C.Admiralty List of Signals D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners

49.Ocean Passages for the World and Routeing Charts should be ______ for trans-oceanic information.

A.looked B.consulted C.seen D.reviewed

50.How is variation indicated on a small-scale nautical chart?

A.Magnetic compass table B.Magnetic meridians

C.Isogonic lines D.Variation is not indicated on small-scale nautical charts

51.A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water

in the area is on the ______.

A.north side of the mark B.west side of the mark

C.east side of the mark D.south side of the mark

52.How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system “A”?

A.keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leaving.

B.keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leaving.

C.keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leaving.

D.keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leaving

53.Charted depth is the ______.

A.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tide

B.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom

C.average height of water over a specified period of time

D.average height of all low waters at a place

54.You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.

A.Deadweight Scale B.Tide Tables

C.Notices to Mariners D.Table of Azimuth

55.Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes?______.(1)A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes,she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.

A.(1) only B.(2) only C.Both(1) and (2) D.Neither (1) nor (2)

56.On no account can they cut it ______ it be fouled.

A.would B.shall C.should D.do

57.It may be found that,in certain circumstances,Radar Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly ______.

A.at close range B.at end on situation C.at head on situation D.at crossing situation

58.Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with ______.

A.ship's clock B.engine movement recorder C.repeaters D.navigation lights

59.The radio waves used for radar are very short,only ______ long.

A.a few centimeters B.a few fathoms C.a few meters D.a few feet

60.Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move


across the PPI scope?

A.Echoes from a buoy

B.Own ship's marker

C.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed

D.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed

61.The system will accept a harbor map which is incorrect,caution in harbor selection.

A.be considered B.be prudent C.be bold enough D.be carelessness

62.Calibration Stations give special transmissions for the calibration of ship's ______.

A.gyro-compass B.marine radar C.DF D.navigational satellite

63.To obtain accuracy in fixing by DF,______ and three stations should be used.

A.parallel bearings B.long-range bearings C.short-range bearings D.cross bearings

64.A compass card without north-seeking capability that is used for relative bearings is a(n) ______.

A.bearing circle B.pelorus C.bearing bar D.alidade

65.Before switching on gyro-compass,you should make sure that the power supply on board is ______.

A.high or low B.AC or DC C.strong or weak D.on or off

66.What is a requirement for any action taken to avoid collision?

A.When in sight of another vessel,any action taken must be accompanied by sound signals

B.The action taken must include changing the speed of the vessel

C.The action must be positive and made in ample time

D.All of the above

67.When two power-driven vessels are crossing,which vessel is the stand-on vessel?

A.The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel

B.The vessel which is to port of the other vessel

C.The larger vessel

D.The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal

68.The rules require that a stand-on vessel SHALL take action to avoid collision when she determines that ______.

A.risk of collision exists

B.the other vessel will cross ahead of her

C.the other vessel is not taking appropriate action

D.collision cannot be avoided by the give-way vessel's maneuver alone



Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo.Some are also designed to carry passengers.They can operate as liners.These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable.A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not.Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners.The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes.Ferries are also classed as liners.These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas.A few ships are still employed as passenger liners.They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East.Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.

69.The deep-sea liners _______.

A.carry mainly containerized cargo


B.carry mainly conventional cargo

C.offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles

D.sail across channels and narrow seas

70.The Liners _______.

A.always sail full B.sail regularly even not full

C.always sail in ballast D.will not sail if not full

71.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners _______.

A.will be published weekly

B.will be published when they sail, whether full or not, from Europe to North America and to the Far East

C.will not be published even they sail fully loaded

D.is published prior to their departure

72.It is implied in the passage that _______.

A.the number of passenger ships is small

B.all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near future

C.it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular time

D.container carriers should carry some passengers


The axial thrust of the propeller is the force working in a fore and aft direction.This force causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern.Because of her shape, a ship will move ahead through the water more easily than going astern.

The transverse thrust is the sideways force of the propeller as it rotates.The transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water is not strong enough to counteract the opposite effect of the lower blades.For right-handed propellers this cants the ship's stern to starboard and her bow to port, when the ship is going ahead.The effect is small and can be corrected by the rudder.When the engines are put astern, the effect is the opposite and the stern cants to port.This effect is stronger and cannot easily be corrected.Vessels with left-handed propellers behave in the opposite way.

73.The force that causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern is known as_______.

A.axial thrust

B.transverse thrust

C.the transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water

D.the transverse effect of the lower blades of the propeller near the bottom of the water

74.A left-handed propellers, when the ship is going ahead, will cant ship’s stern to_______.

A.starboard B.port C.to move ahead D.move astern

75.The transverse thrust of the propeller is stronger when the ship is_______.

A.going a stern B.going ahead

C.stopped D.making no way through the water

76.The transverse thrust of the propeller can mainly be overcome by _______.

A.the rudder B.the propeller itself C.the nautical instrument D.wind and tide


77.锚离底, 降下锚球, 在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位,大副和木匠在船首了头。(航海日志)

78.理货长来船, 核对昨日卸货数量, 无异议。(航海日志)





题号--答案 1--A 6--C 11--B 16--C 21--B 26--B 31--C 36--D 41--A 46--D 51--A 56--C 61--B 66--C

四十期参考答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 2--C 3--D 4--B 7--B 8--A 9--C 12--C 13--A 14--C 17--B 18--A 19--B 22--D 23--C 24--C 27--D 28--B 29--B 32--C 33--C 34--B 37--D 38--C 39--B 42--A 43--A 44--A 47--D 48--A 49--B 52--A 53--B 54--B 57--A 58--C 59--A 62--C 63--D 64--B 67--A 68--D 69--ABDA

题号--答案 5--B 10--D 15--A 20--A 25--D 30--B 35--A 40--B 45--A 50--C 55--C 60--A 65--B 70--ABAA


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