广州新版五年级下Unit 3 We are going to have an English test

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Unit 3 We are going to have an English test


考试_______ 日期_______ 打算;将_______ 忘记______ 月______ 重要的_______ 博物馆______ 会议_______ 开放日_______

农场_______ 第三________ 第五_______ 第八_______ 第九_______ 二、重点短语:

see a film 看电影 for the party 为一个聚会 on June 11th 在6月11日 an English test 一次英语考试 visit a farm 参观农场

visit the museum 参加博物馆 the school open day 学校开放日

anything else important 其他重要的事情 have a sport meeting 开校运会 三、重点句型:

1. ---What’s the date today? ---It is June 1st. 2. We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. 3. Mike’s birthday party is on June 11th.

4. ---Is there anything else important this month? --- Yes, there is. 四、重点分析:

1. 日期和星期的文法:

---What’s the date today? 今天几号? ---It is June 1st. ---What’s the day today? 今天星期几? ---It is Monday.

2. 日期的读法:读法1:月份+the+序数词,如7月2日读作July the second 读法2:the+序数词+of+月份,如7月2 日读作the second of July 3. 日期的写法:月份+日期序数词,如October 2nd, 或简写为Oct. 2nd. 4. We all going to his home for a party tomorrow. For表示目的,如: Everyone will come home for the Spring Festival. The little baby walked to his mum for water.

5. 形容词修饰anything, something, nothing等不定代词时要后置,如: I learn something interesting about the weather in English today. There is nothing good to eat there.

6. 基数词表序数词口诀:基变序,有规律,词尾加上th; 一二三,特殊记,词尾字母t, d, d (first, second, third);

八减t(eighth), 九去e (ninth),f来把ve替(five---fifth, twelve---twelfth);

单词ty作结尾,ty变成tie (twenty---twentieth);


序数词表顺序,一般需用定冠词。 【随堂练习】一、写出下列词的序数词

(1). one_____ (2).two ________ (3). six______ (4).five ______ (5). nine_____ (6).twelve_______ (7).eight______ (8).twenty-one____ 二、写出下列单词的基数词

(1).third______ (2).fourth_______ (3).tenth________ (4).twentieth________ (5).nineteenth_______ (6).thirty-first________ 三、根据句子意思填空。

1. Children’s Day is on the _______of June. 2. There are _______ months in a year.

3. Teacher’s Day is on the ____ of September. 4. Thirty plus(加) sixteen is ______. 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. May is the _______ month of a year. A. ninth B. fifth C. five ( ) 2.Everyone will come home _______ the Spring Festival. A. for B. in C. on

( ) 3. Is there ______ things this month?

A. something new B. anything new C. new anything

( ) 4. There is a meeting ______ Friday. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 5. There are ______ months in a season. A. four B. three C. twelve ( ) 6. We are _______ a party tomorrow.

A. going to has B. go to have C. going to have

( ) 7. My birthday is _____ December 1st. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 8. Today is ________ of April.

A. second B. two C. the second ( ) 9. The fourth day of a week in China is ______.

A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Thursday ( ) 10. The _____ month of a year is January.

A. second B. first C. third 五、用括号中所给数字相应的英文单词填空。 1. My birthday is on the ______ (9) of October.

2. There are __________ (22) girls in the classroom. 3. How is your ________ (1) day at the new school? 4. A: How much is the book, please? B: It’s 18 yuan.

5. A: When are we going to have the English test? B: On the _______ (20) this month.

6. A: What time is the film? B: At ___________ (7:20).

7. A: How long are you going to stay there? B: For about _______ (2) hours. 8. I play badminton with my friend on the ___________ (3) Monday in each month. 六、选择恰当的句子把对话补充完整,把句子的字母编号写在相应的横线上 A. I am reading a book,too. B. The books about animals. C. What are you doing now? D. Yes, of course . E. Yes.I do.


Ken: I am reading a book. What about you? Ben: _________________________

Do you often read books after school? Ken: _________________________ Ben: What book do you often read? Ken: _________________________

Ben: I like animals too. Can I read your books now? Ken: _________________________


girl coffee best food with weather dress Hi,my name is Sally I am a lovely________.My favourite ____ is Chips. And

I like_____best. I.often drink coffee after dinner.I like summer _______.I often wear a beautiful _______ and eat ice creams in summer.My favourite _______ is sunny and windy.I often fly kites ________ my friends in the park.So I also like autumn. 八、选择不同类的单词,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内

( )1. A .country B. Chinese C. English ( )2. A. brown B.grey C. coloured ( )3. A. Tuesday B. week C. Thursday ( )4. A. early B. busy C. palace ( )5. A. bottle B. drink C.glass ( )6. A. hungry B. healthy C. wait ( )7. A. dear B.after C. before

九、 判断下列句子的对错,符合短文内容的打“√”,不符合的打“×”。

Today is June 1st. It’s Children’s Day. My father takes me to the zoo. There are many kids of animals, such as tigers, pandas, monkeys, elephants and giraffes.

Look, the elephants are walking by the river. The monkeys are climbing mountains. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like pandas best. They are eating bamboo now. Where are the tigers? Oh, they are fighting. I love all the animals.

( ) 1. Tomorrow is June 2nd. ( ) 2. Today is Teacher’s Day.

( ) 3. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like giraffes best. ( ) 4. The monkeys can climb mountains. ( ) 5. My mother takes me to the zoo. 十、翻译句子

1.我来自澳大利亚。_____________________________ 2.他来自中国。__________________________________ 3.现在是一月。_________________________________




7.当澳大利亚是夏天的时候,中国是冬天._______________________________ 8.孩子们在秋天去户外玩。____________________________________

9.我和哥哥在冬天去滑雪。___________________________________________ 10.我和妈妈在春天种花。_____________________________________________- 课后作业:阅读短文,选出正确的答案。

Today is the first day of the week. Tomorrow is Monday. Liu Tao and his friends are at the Sports Club. They're talking about their weekends. Liu Tao is from Beijing. He speaks Chinese and English. He often plays football at the weekends. Sometimes he goes shopping with his parents. David is from the USA. But he lives in China with his parents now. He speaks English and French. He often looks for something on the Internet at the weekends. Sometimes he helps his mother do some cleaning and washing at home. Keven is British. But now, he studies at Liu Tao's class. He speaks English, Chinese and Japanese. He often watches cartoons at the weekends. Sometimes he goes climbing or plays football. He likes sport. They all like catching insects in the park.

( ) 1. What day is it today? It's __________.

A. Sunday B. Monday C. Saturday ( ) 2. What does Liu Tao sometimes do at the weekends? He sometimes _____. A. goes shopping for his parents B. buys things with his parents C. plays football

( ) 3. David is from _________ A. the UK B. America C. England ( ) 4. David often ____________ at the weekends.

A. looks for things B. helps his mother at home C. surfs the Internet ( ) 5. What does David sometimes do at the weekends? He sometimes ____. A. help his mother with the housework B. watches cartoons C. help his mother look for something on the Internet

写作:写一写你以及你朋友星期天的安排。morning afternoon evening Sunday is coming. In the morning, I am going to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

