
更新时间:2023-09-05 03:58:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



First Snow

Jonathan Nicholas


乔纳森 尼古拉斯

他在迷迷糊糊中醒了。也许是被 He wasn't sure what had awakened 宝贝儿睡梦中发出的梦呓吵醒的。当 him. Perhaps the child had made some 他探出被窝想瞧一瞧摇篮里的宝贝 small noise in her sleep. But as he 儿时,目光却被吸引到窗外的景色 peeked from beneath the covers, his gaze 中。 was drawn not to the cradle but to the window. It was then that he realized what had 这时,他才知道是什么把他从沉睡中 sneaked through the shield of his 唤醒。是窗外的飘雪。 slumbers. It was the sense of falling snow. Quietly, so as not to disturb the child's 悄悄地,他从床上起身,轻手轻 mother, he rose from the bed and inched 脚地挪到摇篮边,以免吵醒宝贝儿的 toward the cradle. Reaching down, he 妈妈。他弯下腰,温柔地把暖呼呼的 gently lifted the warm bundle to his 襁褓抱在肩头。当他踮着脚尖走出睡 shoulder. Then, as he tiptoed from the 房,宝贝儿抬了抬小脑袋,张开了眼 bedroom, she lifted her head, opened her 睛,朝她的爸爸天使般地笑了。 eyes and - daily dose of magic - smiled up at her dad. He carried her downstairs, counting 他抱着宝贝儿,一边下楼一边数

the creaks on the way. Together, they 着楼梯发出的咯吱声。一块儿到了厨 settled in at the kitchen table, and the 房的桌旁,这感觉,他好像回到了孩


adult in him slipped away. Two children 童时代。现在两个小孩儿鼻子贴着玻 now, they pressed their noses against the 璃望着窗外。 glass. The light from the street lamp on the 街角的路灯发出的明亮光芒,

corner filtered down through the birch 穿过桦树树枝,洒在路面,就像在冬 trees, casting a glow as green as a 天枯黄的后院洒下了夏天的记忆,光 summer memory upon the winter-brown 亮而生机洋溢。远处一盏接一盏的交 back yard. From the distance came the 通灯,把天空映成了红宝石的颜色, endless echo of the stoplight, flashing its 仿佛在说它带来了真正的黎明。 ruby message, teasing like a dawn that would not come. The flakes were falling thick and hard 雪越下越大了,厚厚的雪花洋洋

now, pouring past the window, a 洒洒地飘落在窗前,像挂上了一层迷 waterfall of mystery. Occasionally, one 雾。偶然,一片雪花就像不舍离去一 would stick to the glass, as if reluctant to 般, 贴在玻璃上, 缓缓地一点点滑落, tumble to its fate. Then, slowly, slipping 那洁白的美丽随着融化的瞬间,消逝 and sliding down the glass, it would 了。 melt, its beauty fleeting. Gone. Within an hour, a white tablecloth was 不到一小时的光景,草地上就像

spread upon the lawn. And as gray steaks 铺上了一层白色的桌布。黎明的晨光 of dawn unraveled along the black seam 掀开了远山披着的深沉的幕布,他和 of the dis

tant hills, father and daughter 宝贝儿在窗前看着新的一天由远而 watched the new day ripple across the 近的唤醒了每一家每一户。2




A porch light came on. A car door 车门开了又关。电视机的荧屏开始闪 slammed. A television flickered. Across the street, a family scurried 烁。 在街对面,一家人似乎开始了

into gear. But this day was different. 一天忙碌的生活。但今天看上去有些 Glimpsed through undraped windows as 特别。从窗户望去,孩儿们蜂拥着穿 they darted from room to room, the slim 过一个又一个房间,幼细的手指套上 figures of the children seemed to grow 了厚厚的手套,最后从厨房门窜出三 ever fatter until, finally, the kitchen door 个裹得像粽子的小家伙,欢天喜地地 flew open and out burst three awesomely 在雪地里打起了滚儿。 bundled objects that set instantly to rolling in the snow. He wondered where they had learned 他在纳闷儿,孩儿们从哪里学

this behavior. Even the littlest one, for 会的玩儿雪。即使是第一次看见下雪 whom this must have been the first real 的小屁孩儿也本能似的知道。 snowfall, seemed to know instinctively what to do. They rolled in it, they tasted it, they 孩儿们在雪地里撒开了欢儿,有

packed it into balls and tossed it at one 把雪捧起来吃的,有相互扔雪球的。 another. Then, just when he thought they 当他还在想这些小孩应该玩不出什 might not know everything, they set 么花儿来的时候,他们已经开始在小 about shaping a snowman on the crest of 山坡上堆雪人儿了。 the hill.3


By the time the snowman's nose was


in place, the neighborhood was fully 候,街区里的邻居都已经起床了。路 awake. A car whined in protest, but 上一部汽车正发着牢骚,一不留神滑 skidded staunchly out of its driveway. 出了车道。公共汽车像是肩负夺取高 Buses ground forward like Marines, 地任务的海军陆战队,密密麻麻排着 determined to take the hill. And all the 队向前开进。在这忙碌的时刻,他的 while, the baby sat secure and warm in 宝贝儿始终安稳暖和地倚在他的臂 his arms. He knew, of course, that she wouldn't 弯。 他明白,他的宝贝儿不会记得此

remember any of this. For her there 刻的一切。对于她来说,以后还有一 would be other snowfalls to recall. But 场又一场的雪值得回忆。但对于一个 for him, it was her first. Their first. And 爸爸来说,这是他和宝贝儿的第一场 the memory would stay, cold and hard, 雪,而这场雪的回忆,不会随着雪人 fresh in his thoughts, long after the 儿的融化而消逝,他会点点滴滴印在 snowman melted. 脑海,历久弥新。

