应急医疗程序MERP-2012-2-15 - 图文

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Chuandongbei Gas Project Well Site H&I Leveling and Road Construction Project Gas Plant Site Leveling and Road Construction Project 井场H&I场地平整和道路施工项目天然气净化厂场平及道路施工项目MERP Procedure 医疗应急程序 WYP-TS00-HES-PCD-CJG-000-00005-00 K03 K02 K01 REV 10 Jan. 2012 02 Apr. 2011 DATE 吴志鹏 Wu Zhipeng 曾繁荣 Zeng Fanrong 李德忠 Li Dezhong 供审查 For Review Issue Purpose 吴志鹏 Wu Zhipeng ORIG COMPANY APPROVAL: DATE: Area TS00 Discipline HES Type PCD Originator CJG Package 000 曾繁荣 Zeng Fanrong CHK 李德忠 Li Dezhong APPR APPROVED BY: DATE: Document Control No. Project WYP Sequence-Sht 00005-00 Revision K03

Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 2 of 14 第2页共14页 Report for Review 报审 目录CONTENTS

目的、范围以及目标PURPOSE, SCOPE and OBJECTIVES .................................... 3

1.1 目的Purpose ............................................................................................ 3 1.2 范围Scope ............................................................................................... 3 1.3

目标Objectives ......................................................................................... 3

2.0 要求REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 3 3.0 相关定义DEFINITIONS .............................................................................. 4 4.0 职能与责任ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................ 5 5.0 承包商医疗通告程序ONTRACTOR PROCEDURES FOR MEDICAL NOTIFICATION6.0 培训TRAINING ....................................................................................... 14 6.1 导向培训Orientation Training .................................................................... 14 6.2

巩固培训Refresher Training ...................................................................... 14



Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 3 of 14 第3页共14页 Report for Review 报审 1.0 目的、范围以及目标PURPOSE, SCOPE and OBJECTIVES

1.1 目的Purpose

本程序文件简要介绍了CJG管理川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序的职能、责任以及程序。以及实施该程序所必需的指导说明、通告程序、可用的资源以及负责人员。 This document outlines the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for managing medical emergency response for the Chuandongbei Gas Project by CJG. It provides necessary instructions, notification processes, available resources, and responsible persons 1.2 范围Scope


This procedure document applies to all CJG personal and subcontractors and vendors. The field area includes the gas plants and well sites, office, construction, accommodation and warehouse space in the block area. 1.3 目标Objectives

本文件的目标是简要说明《医疗应急程序(MERP)》,以便在出现紧急医疗情况或突发事件时全体人员能够有效地做出响应,确保CJG人员的适当治疗、运送与撤离。此程序所概括的功能指出, 对于伤员/病人, 在一个小时内实施急救处理; 对于重大医疗意外, 在两个小时内实施高级心脏生命支持。

The objective of this document is to concisely present the Medical Emergency Response Procedure (MERP) so all personnel are able to respond effectively in the event of a medical emergency or incident, to ensure the proper treatment, transport, and evacuation of CCJG workforce personnel. The actions outlined in this procedure are intended to provide First Aid treatment to an injured/ill person within one hour, and Advanced Cardiac Life Support within a maximum of two hours for major medical incidents



Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 4 of 14 第4页共14页 Report for Review 报审 Medical emergencies are managed and completed in accordance with the Medical Emergency Response Procedure (MERP) and the Asset Emergency Response Plan (AERP). In addition, the following requirements shall be met

1. 应针对医疗应急情形的传达与援助的请求对所有工作人员进行培训。

All workforce personnel shall be trained on how to communicate medical emergencies and requests for assistance

2. 工作人员应接受最基本的急救培训。监督员与其他专门人员的培训应到达高级急救 水平。应保存培训记录。急救响应能力是影响MERP效率的关键因素。

Workforce personnel shall have a minimum of basic first aid training. Supervisors and other designated personnel shall be trained to Advanced First Aid level. Training records must be kept. First aid response capabilities are critical to the effectiveness of the MERP

3. 移动电话或其它通信联络方式必须准备就位并在进入川东北现场区之前测试合格。 Mobile or other forms of communication must be in place and tested prior to entering the Chuandongbei Field Area. 3.0相关定义DEFINITIONS

? AERP –应急总预案 AERP – Asset Emergency Response Plan

? CDB MCP Doctor –medical professional doctor provide by CDB for emergency medical care in respective MCP block ? CDB MCP医生-由CDB提供的医疗专业医生在各自的MCP区块负责应急医疗护理。 ? Ambulance- ACLS ambulance provide by CDB to cover medical emergency in respective MCP block ? 事故——任何发生或可能发生的计划事件或未计划事件,个人伤害(对于雇员,承包商或是第三方),损坏环境,违法法律或对公司的荣誉或财产造成损失或是其他经济损失。可能或可能不会导致受伤,财产损失或是环境影响。

? Incident- Any planned or unplanned event that causes, or has the potential to cause, personal injury (to employees, contractors or third parties), harm to the environment, breach of law, or damage to the company reputation or property or other economic loss. It may or may not result in an injury, property loss, or environmental impact ? 南坝安全控制中心

? NSCC – Nanba Security Control Center. NSCC

Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 5 of 14 第5页共14页 Report for Review 报审 ? 医疗转护:根据伤者医疗需求,安排伤者到更高一级医疗机构接受治疗。

? Medical Referral: Injured person need to be treated in upper Medical Facility according to the Injury treatment need. ? 承包商医疗能力:当承包商在现场工作时,需具备能够为其员工提供医疗服务和应急反应的医疗能力。 ? Contractor Medical Competency: while contract working in the field, the Medical capability they can provide to their person both for medical service and emergency response. ? 医疗覆盖: 公司负责确保所有的人员提供医疗服务以确保员工能够在医疗应急事故中有效地做出行动来确保CJG工作人员得到合适的治疗,转护和逃生。 本程序中规定的行动项将为伤病患者提供急救治疗同时对于大型的医疗事故确保在不超过两小时时间内提供心脏复苏救助。 ? Medical Cover: Company provide medical service to ensure all personnel are able to respond effectively in the event of a medical emergency or incident, to ensure the proper treatment, transport, and evacuation of CJG workforce personnel. The actions outlined in this procedure are intended to provide First Aid treatment to an injured/ill person within one hour, and Advanced Cardiac Life Support within a maximum of two hours for major medical incidents.


Table 1:

Role职能 Contractor Medical Staff 承包商医疗人员 Responsibilities责任 Competencies能力 Understand? Medical coverage for CJG and 3rd party contractor company to delivery primary health care and emergency ing of the medical response for own work site workforce Medical ? 针对CJG和第三方的承包商公司的医疗覆盖为其工作现Emergency 场工人提供初步的健康护理和紧急医疗服务。 Response ? Provide any follow-up care of IP including transportation Procedure for follow-up care/treatment. ? 提供伤者任何持续的治疗包括护送以进行进一步的治疗理解医疗应

Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 6 of 14 第6页共14页 Report for Review 报审 Role职能 Responsibilities责任 和护理。 ? Cooperate with CDB MCP doctor and patient‘s Supervisor if there is the potential for any work restrictions. Implement restricted for duty program and fitness for duty program. ? 协助CDB MCP医生和病人主管,如果存在任何潜在的工作受限。严格执行义务 项目和义务项目的健康。 ? Comply with CDB EIM procedure and other applicable policies/procedures ? 遵守CDB EIM 程序和其他适用政策或程序。 ? Coordinate CDB MCP doctor to Collect medical information and prepare illness and injury case report. ? 协助CDB MCP医生来收集医疗信息和准备伤病案例报告 ? Maintain regional medical competency for contractor including clinic medication storage and order. ? 保证承包商包括诊所药品存储和购买的地方医疗能力 ? Provide basic first aid training to employee on site ? 对于现场雇员提供基本的急救培训 ? Implement medical archives management system for CJG in CDB ? 执行CJG在CDB的医疗存档管理系统 ? Update MERP and contagious disease alert and prevention ? 更新医疗应急程序和传染性疾病预警和预防。 Competencies能力 急程序 CDB MCP Doctor CDB MCP医生 ? Manage designated field site‘s medical coverage. Oversee all third party contractor medical staff within designated area. Understanding of the Medical ? 管理指定现场区域的医疗覆盖。视察指定区域所有第三方Emergency 承包商医疗支援 Response ? Provide medical response to all work-related Procedure illness/injury which need ACLS/ITLS intervention or other medical intervention which are beyond third party 理解医疗应contractor medical staff‘s capability within designated Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 7 of 14 第7页共14页 Report for Review 报审 Role职能 Responsibilities责任 field site. ? 为所有在指定现场区域因超过第三方承包商医疗人员能力之外需要ACLS/ITLS介入或是其他医疗介入工作相关的伤病提供医疗救助 ? Refer IP (usually Chinese) to designated hospital under instruction of CDB Field medical team leader. ? 转护伤者(通常为中国人)到指定的医院在CDB现场医疗团队的领导人的指示下。 ? For cases involving treatment provided by a non-CDB Treating Physician or Medic for a work related injury or illness, complete a ―CDB Injury / Illness Report‖ Form using the information provided by the non-CDB Treating Physician or Medic. ? 对于包含非CDB主治医师或医生提供的医疗救助的工作伤病案例,需完成一份―CDB伤病报告‖表,使用非CDB医疗医师或医生提供的信息。 ? Submit ―CDB Injury / Illness Report ‖ Form to CDB field medical officer and team leader and HES Superintendent within 24 hours of the treatment ? 提交―CDB伤病报告‖表给CDB现场诊所和班组组长以及HES主管在治疗的24小时以内。 ? Active involve in all work-related illness/injury cases follow-up in designated location. ? 积极参与指定地区所有工作伤病案例。 ? Supervise Contractors‘ medical staff ?s treatment ,audit related illness and injury report and comply with Chevron EIM policy ? 监查承包医疗人员的治疗,审核相关疾病和受伤报告并遵守雪佛龙的受伤早期管理政策 ? Maintain adequate medical supplies and equipment ? 保证充足的医疗供应和设备 ? Ensure ambulances are properly stocked and inspected ? 确保救护车合适存放和监查 Competencies能力 急程序 MCP HES ? Work with HES superintendent to ensure contractors‘ UnderstandChongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 8 of 14 第8页共14页 Report for Review 报审 Role职能 supervisor /advisor MCP HES 管理人/顾问 Responsibilities责任 medical competency match CDB standard based on MERP RISK Matrix system before onboard. ? 与HES主管合作以确保承包商的医疗能力与CDB标准 ? Assist CDB MCP doctor to ensure effective medical coverage to CDB workforce is ready at any time. Competencies能力 ing of the Medical Emergency Response Procedure ? 协助CDB MCP医生来提供CDB工作人员有效地医疗覆盖,使其随时就绪。 理解医疗应? Assist HES superintendent and take part into incident 急程序 investigation of any work-related injury & Illness case. ? 协助HES主管和参与到工作伤病案例的事故调查中去。 Contractor Manager or supervisor 承包商经理或主管 ? Report to CDB manager and HES dept any suspected work related injury or illness ,participate to case investigation Understanding of the Medical ? 上报CDB经理和HES部门任何可以的工作伤病,参与到Emergency 案例调查中去。 Response ? Provide Qualified and capable medical staff on work Procedure site ,equip effective medical device ? 现场提供合格并具备足够能力的医疗人员,设备,医疗设理解医疗应施。 急程序 ? Medical vehicle arrangement if referral or evacuation required ? 如需转送或逃生,医疗车辆需安排到位 ? Arrange and provide medical insurance ,treatment expense and other necessities ? 安排和提供医疗保险,治疗费用和其他必需项目 ? Facilitate own company medical staff access to medical records and insurance cover where appropriate Keep Authorized Persons updated regularly to ensure contact phone number working well. ? 使自己公司的医疗人员能够看到医疗记录和保险覆盖,保证授权人时刻更新来确保联系电话保证通常 ? Conduct and implement emergency drill. ? 执行实施应急演练。 Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 9 of 14 第9页共14页 Report for Review 报审 Role职能 Responsibilities责任 ? Comply EIM procedure ? 遵守受伤早期管理程序 ? For cases that require additional care outside of CDB clinics, liaise with the IP Superintendent or equivalent, CDB HMS, HES Supervisor, and CDB Contract Owner to have a short meeting to make agreement before IP leaves CDB clinic. ? 对于需要在CDB诊所外额外护理的案例,应联系受伤人员主管和对等职位的领导人员,CDB HMS, HES主管和CDB合同所有人来开短会以在上着离开CDB诊所前获得一致批准。 ? Ensure CDB Post-Injury Timeline document is completed within 48 hours of receiving additional care & returned to CDB HMS as specified on the form for any cases that require treatment outside of Nanba ? 确保CDB伤后时间表文件在收到额外护理的48小时内完并按照任何需要在南坝外接受治疗的案例表格中的规定返回给CDB HMS。 Competencies能力

Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司 MERP of CDB Gas Project 川东北天然气项目医疗应急程序 File No. 文件编号 Number of Pages 文件页数 File Status 文件状态 Page 10 of 14 第10页共14页 Report for Review 报审 5.0 承包商医疗通告程序ONTRACTOR PROCEDURES FOR MEDICAL NOTIFICATION

The medical emergency response procedure for contractor company承包商公司的医疗应急

Work-Related Injury / Illness – Contract EmployeeNot the preferred processunless required due toemergency conditionsNoIs the injury serious or life threatening? *YesIP‘s Supervisor is notified of Injury IP or 1st responder notifies NSCCNSCC follows established notification protocol – CDB Medical notified to respondIP goes to CDB Medical without Supervisor or NSCC notificationIP‘s Supervisor/management:? Notifies Employer (Contractor) Medical Provider of Injury? Notifies CDB Contract Representative of injury? Escorts IP to Medical Provider for evaluation / treatmentCDB Medical provides required Medical attention to IPCDB Contract Representative verbally notifies (via voice to voice communication) the following personnel ASAP:? CDB Medical? CDB HES RepresentativeNSCC Verbally Notifies ASAP(via voice to voice communication):? Field Superintendent? HES Superintendent? CDB Contract RepresentativeCDB Medical ensures the following personnel have been notified ASAP by voice to voice communication:? NSCC? HES Superintendent? CDB Contract Representative? IP Medical ProviderCDB Medical liaises ASAP with IP Medical Provider to consult on Medical needs and discuss EIMCDB HES Rep verbally notifies ASAP (via voice to voice communication) the HES SuperintendentIP‘s supervisor/management, CDB Contract Representative, HES Supt, and CDB Medical confer on any work-related injury/illness which could result in a recordable caseDoes IP need further evaluation outside Nanba?(CDB Medical)If YesSee “EIM ReferralOutside Nanba” tabNoCDB Medical completes the work-related injury/Illness report form (using information from IP Medical Provider) and forwards it to HES Supt* Serious Injury is an injury that requires immediate medical attentionBased on CDB Medical report and available information, HES Supt classifies the Injury / Illness and forwards injury classification report to HES SpecialistHES Specialist enters data into SiteSafe and files injury classification informationEND

