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作者:赵静 刁仁华 凌华 罗春华 来源:《科教导刊》2014年第20期

摘 要 本文以教员课堂教学质量评价为研究对象,针对不同评价者对某教员的评估数据,应用模糊综合评判法得出客观的评估结果,研究结果表明,该方法能较为合理科学地评价教员课堂教学质量。

关键词 教学质量 模糊综合评判 评价因素 中图分类号:G424 文献标识码:A

Classroom Teaching Quality Evaluation Method Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

ZHAO Jing[1], DIAO Renhua[2], LING Hua[3], LUO Chunhua[4] ([1] Library of Bengbu Naval Officer School, Bengbu, Anhui 233010;

[2] Training Department of Bengbu Naval Officer School, Bengbu, Anhui 233010; [3] Department of Teaching Affairs, Bengbu Naval Officer School, Bengbu, Anhui 233010;

[4] Library of Naval University of Engineering, PLA, Wuhan, Hubei 430032)

Abstract In this paper, faculty teaching quality evaluation as the research object, for different evaluators on a teacher evaluation data, the application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to get an objective assessment of the results, the findings show that the method can be more scientific and reasonable evaluation of the quality of classroom teaching faculty. Key words teaching quality; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; evaluation factors 1 课堂教学质量模糊综合评判的数学模型 1.1 建立评价因素集

根据学校对教员课堂教学的具体要求确定建立评价因素集 = {,,,,,}={教学目标,教学内容,教学实施,教学效益,教学态度,教学风格}

