英语七年级下Unit6Topic1 - Our - Local - Area知识点讲解与练习

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Unit6 Our Local Area

Topic1 There is a study next to my bedroom


1. 在一楼______________________________ 2.在二楼_____________________________ 3.在...隔壁/紧挨着..._____________________ 4.等等_______________________

5. 上楼_________________________ 6. 看一看____________________________ 7. 在卧室里 __________________________

8. 在餐厅里________________________________

12.在厨房里______________________________ 14.在……的前面___________________________

18.在…右边_______________________________ 20.照顾____________________________ 22.弹吉他______________________________

9. 在浴室里____________________________ 10. 在客厅里_______________________________ 11.在浴室里____________________________ 13.在书房里_____________________________ 17.在…左边_____________________________ 21.飞机模型______________________________ 二、语法精讲:there be句型总结

1、there be句型表示某地有某物或某人,表示客观存在的这种状态,这里there是引导词,本身无词义,句中谓语动词be的人称和数量与其后的主语保持一致。 ①肯定句:There is/are+人/物+地点(介词短语)

如:There is a pen on the desk. There are some apples on the desk.

花园里有一条狗。 ____________________________ 在我书包里有一本英语书。____________________________ There be 是个近视眼,如果句中有多个名词并列时,be动词要与邻近的主语保持一致。 即就近原则: eg: There is a pen and some books in the pencil-box. 用be动词的正确形式填空

1.There__________ a pen in my hand. 2.There__________ some juice in the glass. 3.There__________ some books on the shelf. 4. There __________a map on the wall. 5. There ___________many things on her desk.

6. There ___________a big dog and a small cat near the table. 7. There ____________two bikes under the tree.

8. There ___________a pen, two pencils and an eraser in the pencil-box. 9. There ___________some books, a pencil-box and a pen on her desk. 10.There ___________some people under the big tree. ②一般疑问句:把be动词提前,句末加问号,

肯定回答:Yes, there is/are. 否定回答:No, there isn’t/aren’t.

如:Are there any pens in your bag? Yes, there is/are. No, there isn’t/aren’t. 把下列句子别为一般疑问句

There is some water in the glass. ________ There are some books and a pen in the pencil-box. 15.在……的后面 ___________________________ 16.在……的中央____________________________ 19. 将……收起来___________________________

There is a bird in the tree. ____________ There are a few people in the classroom. __________

③否定句:直接在be动词后加not. 当肯定句中有“some”时要改为“any” There is some milk at home.------- There isn’t any milk at home. 把下面句子改为否定句

There is 50 students in our class. There are some bananas in the kitchen. There is some water in the bottle.

④there be句型的特殊疑问句 A:对there be句型中的主语提问, 当主语是人时,用“who’s+介词短语” 当主语是物时,常用“what’s + 介词短语 ”,

注意:主语无论是单数还是复数,be动词都用is,且省略there (回答时却要根据实际情况) 如:There is a little girl in the room.------- Who is in the classrrom? There are two desks in the room.------ What’s in the room? B:对数量提问用How many或how much

语序:How many/much +be+there+地点(介词短语)?

如:There are ten oranges in the basket.----How many oranges are there in the basket?

There is some milk in the bottle.----------How much milk is there in the bottle. C:对地点状语进行提问,用“where is/are+ 主语”

There is a computer on the desk.------ Where is the computer? There are 4 students in the classroom--- Where are the 4 students?


1.There are 5 bikes in my house.(对划线部分提问) 2.There is an English book on the desk.(对划线部分提问) 3.There is a cat in the garden.(对划线部分提问) 4.There are few people in the bus.(对划线部分提问) 2.There be 句型与 have、has的区别:

①have、has表示“某人或某物有…….”强调的是拥有,即某物或某人与主语是所属 关系。I have a pen. The bottle has four legs.

②there be……表示“某地有某人或某物”

Eg: There is a pen in the pencil-box./ There are some people in the park. ③特殊情况:My class has forty students. / My school has forty-eight classes.

用“have, has” 或 “there is , there are”填空

1. I________ a good father and a good mother. 2. ____________a telescope on the desk. 3. He_________ a tape-recorder. 4. _____________a basketball in the playground. 5. She__________ some dresses. 6. They___________ a nice garden. 7. What do you___________? 8. ______________a reading-room in the building? 9. What does Mike___________? 10. ______________any books in the bookcase? There be句型语法巩固练习 一.用恰当的be动词填空。

1. There _________a lot of sweets in the box. 2. There _________some milk in the glass. 3. There ________some people under the the big tree. 4. There ________a picture and a map on the wall. 5. There ________ a box of rubbers near the books. 6. There ______lots of flowers in our garden last year. 7. There _____a tin of chicken behind the fridge yesterday. 8. There _____four cups of coffee on the table. 二.句型转换

1. There is a dog under the tree(变否定句)

2. There is a map of Macao on the wall(变一般疑问句) 3. There are some apples on the tree(变否定句)

4. There are some chairs in Nick’s room(变一般疑问句) 5. There is a dog under the tree(对划线部分提问)

6. There are eleven computers in the classroom. (对划线部分提问) 7. Is there a child in the car? (写出肯定和否定回答) 8. Are there any balls behind the door?(写出肯定和否定回答)


1.next to 紧挨着,与…相邻,在隔壁 2.in 在…里

(1)用于一天当中的某个时间 in the morning/afternoon/evening. (2)用于某个较长的时间,如在某年、某月、某季节等。 如:in 2005, in May, in Spring.

(3) in+语言, 意为“用..语言“ Would you please spell it in English? (4) in+地点名词,意为”在某地“ in China, in the city.

3.on 在….上 通常指一物体与另一物体有接触物体表面。 There are many books on the desk. There is a pen on the English book.

(注意:除此外,表方向时候,要用on the left of…在…的左边 on the right of…在…的右边)

4.in front of 和in the front of 在….的前面

in front of 指的是“在物体外面的前面”,即处在某个地方的范围内,两者是包容的。 in the front of 指的是“在物体里面的前部”,即还在某个地方的范围内,两者是包容的。 There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.

5.behind 在…后面 There is a cat behind the door.


6.under 在…下面/下方 There is a bike under the tree.

床下面有一双鞋子(翻译)________________________________________ 7.near 在..附近,靠近…. You can see the library near the school building. 我的家在学校附近(翻译)________________________________________


1. We can’t see the ball. It is ________ the door。 2.Shall we meet_____ the gate of the shop?

3.Is Tom playing______ the street or _______ the road. 4.She lives ______ my home, We are neighbour

用in, on, under, behind 填空。

I have a nice and clean room. There is a small desk __1__ the room. My clock is __2__ the desk. The soccer is __3__ the bed. My backpack is __4__ the door of the room. My pen and eraser are not __5__ the pencil-box. The pencil-box is not __6__ the backpack. It's __7__ the clock.

1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _______ 5 _______ 6 _______ 7 _______


( )1.The shoe store is ____________ the left. A. on B. in C. near

( )2.There are many books _____ our school library.

A. next to B. in C. behind D. under ( )3.Li Lei sits_____ me. He is my deskmate(同桌) A.behind B. next to C. in front of D. in ( )4.There is a school________ my house.

A. in front of B. in C. at D. in the front of 3.There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on.

There be 机构中谓语动词be后有2个或2个以上的名词或名词短语作主语时,be动词常和靠近它的那个名词或名词短语在数上保持一致,即采用“就近原则”。

There is an apple and two eggs in the bag. 包里有一个苹果和两个鸡蛋。 There are two eggs and an apple in the bag.


4.Why not go upstairs and have a look? 为什么不上楼看看呢。

①Why not后+动词原形= why don’t you+动词原形 意为“为什么不……呢” why not play basketball this afternoon?= why______________ basketball this afternoon. ② go upstairs 上楼 反义词下楼为 go downstairs

③have a look 看一看=_________________ have a look at….(加看的对象)=____________ 如:why not come in and have a look?

May I have a look at your photos? =_____________________________


Where is your study? Let me________________ A. have a look at B. see it C. have a look

Section B



1. Maria and Jane_______________(正上楼) and talk about Jane’s study.

