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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came



Section A

1.go off表示“发出响声”,还可表示“爆炸、离开、停止运转”。

例: The alarm went off at 7 a.m. yesterday. A bomb went off just now.

2.pick up=answer the phone意为“接电话”。

例:Why don’t you pick up/answer the phone?

【拓展】pick up还可表示“捡起、采摘开车接送”。

例:My pen is under your desk. Can you pick it up for me?

例:Can you pick me up at the station?

3 .(1) with介词,本文指伴随状况,意为“由于、因为”,with还有“和…一起、用、有、穿着。

(2)feel like表示“感觉像、感觉好似”

例:The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours.

【拓展】feel like还可以表示“想要”,后接动词时,用doing的形式。

例:He didn’t feel like going swimming.

4.make sure意为“确保”,后接of短语或者that从句。

例:I tried to make sure of the problem. Make sure that no one finds out about it.

5. match作名词,表示“火柴”。

例:Don’t let your children play with matches.




例:Our team won the football game. This pair of shoes match your dress well.


例:They beat drums to cheer up the players. I beat her at swimming yesterday. (2)against用作介词,可表示“碰、撞、倚着、靠着、逆着”或者“反对”。

例:The worker put the leader against(靠着) the wall.

We were rowing against(逆着) the current.逆流而上

They are against (反对)building a factory here.

The rain beat against(撞) the windows.

7.die down意为“逐渐变弱、逐渐消失”。例: The wind finally died down.

8.(1) wake sb.(名/代) up 或wake up sb.(名词)意为“把某人唤醒”,wake up意为“醒来”。

例:His mother often wakes him up at 6:00 in the morning. I usually wake up at 6:30.

(2) rise(rose, risen, rising)不及物动词,意为“升起,上升”


9. break...apart意为“把……折断;把……分开”。

例:The strong wind broke the branches apart. Rumors broke the two close friends apart.

Section B


例: He didn’t realize his mistake. The man laughed when he realized what happened.

2.make one’s way to意为“前往……”,后接表示地点的名词。

例:We slowly made our way to the mall through the crowd.

3.Over=more than此处表示“超过、多于”。

例:She stayed in Lagos for over a month.

4.on the radio表示“通过广播、通过录音机”,on此处用作介词,表示“借助、以某种方式”,后常接表示媒介的名词。

例:She is watching the show on TV.

5.(1) rest作名词表示“其余的部分”,the rest of意为“其余的……”,后可接可数名词或不可数名词,当在句中作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与of后面的名词保持一致。

例:The rest of the money is on the desk.(money不可数)

例:Some of the students are reading in the classroom and the rest of them(复数)are



on the playground.

(2)in silence意为“沉默、无声”。

例:She stood by the window in silence for a long time.


例:Have you called your mother recently?

(2)take down意为“拆除、拆掉”,还可表示“写下、记下=write down”。

例: Could you please help me take down this tent?

I forgot to take down his telephone number.

7.at first意为“起初、起先”,多用于句首或句尾,暗示与后来的动作或者情况不同,与at last“最后、最终”相对。

例:The work was hard at first, but I got used to it later.

8.truth用作名词,表示“实情、事实”,to tell the truth表示“说实话”,可放在句中作插入语,用逗号同句子其它成分隔开。

例:I must tell you the truth. To tell the truth ,I am not good at English.



1. 定义:表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗

示以外, 一般用时间状语来表示。

2. 肯定结构:主语+ was / were + 动词-ing

例:I/He/She/It was working. We/You/They/ were working.

否定句:主语+ was / were ( not ) + 动词-ing

例:I/He/She/It was not working. We/You/They/ were not working.

一般疑问式:was / were+主语+动词-ing?

肯定回答:Yes,主语+ was / were

否定回答:No, 主语+ was / were ( not )

例:Was I working? Yes, you were. No, you were not. Was he/she/it working? Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it was not. Were we/you/they working? Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they were not. 注:

was not常缩略为wasn’t; were not常缩略为weren’t。

2) 一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较:

一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态, 而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。例:

David wrote a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信。(信写完了。) David was writing a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友写信。(信不一定写完。)






例:When the teacher came in, we were talking.

当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. (2)从句谓语动词延续性



例: I t was raining hard when we arrived. (arrive为瞬间性动词,只能用when)(3)主从句动作先后顺序上



例:While/When we were talking, the teacher came in.(两动作同时发生,when/while 都行)


例:They were singing while we were dancing.


