牛津译林版八年级上Unit 7 Seasons 教案

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Module 2 Unit 7


Reading 教学目标

l读懂四季小诗。 2了解四季的变化。




词汇:shower upon as temperature drop rise 词组:be full of forget to grow fly far away among flowers

turn brown fall into piles upon the ground harvest

句型:What a perfect time to fly a kite!

Farmers work to harvest crops, as the days are shorter and the temperature drops.


l有关四季景色的视频或图片。 2配套磁带或光盘。



Reading 1 Step I呈现

1与学生就“季节和天气”进行交流,复习前一课时的内容。教师问:What’s your favourite season? Why? 鼓励学生同忆所学内容并回答,如:I like winter. It often snows in winter. It’s the best time to play with snow.接着教师鼓励学生们相互进行交流。

2教师依次展示有关四季景色的视频或图片,向学生呈现新知识。向学生展示春天的视频或图片。教师说:Spring is the best season of the year. It’s warm and windy. It's the best time to fly kites. Bees and butterflies play among flowers,显示词组among flowers,向学生解释其含义为“在花丛中”。教师接着说:If the rain comes, they hide from the April showers. 这时,教师显示词汇shower,向学生解释其含义为“阵雨”。向学生展示夏天的视频或图片。教师说:Summer is hot, but we can enjoy a long summer holiday. What can we do in summer? 鼓励学生回答:We can go swimming. We can eat ice cream. 教师接着说:There are also quiet streams, trees and shade. I like chatting or reading in the shade of trees in the middle of the day. The temperature rises quickly at that time这时,教师显示词汇temperature和rise,向学生解释其含义为“温度”和“上升”。向学生解释其含义为“温度”和“上升”。向学生展示秋天的视频或图片。教师问:What colour are the leaves? 鼓励学生回答:They are yellow, red, golden and brown. 教师说:In autumn, the leaves turn brown. They fall into piles upon the ground. 这时,教师显示词组 fall into piles upon the ground,向学生解释其含义为“成堆落在地上”。教师接着说:It’s the best time for farmers to harvest crops. 显示词组harvest crops.向学生解释其含义为“收割庄稼”。向学生展示冬天的视频或图片。教师说:As the days are shorter and the temperature drops, winter is coming. 这是,教师显示词汇as,向学生解释其含义为“随着”。教师接着说:It’s cold in winter. Sometimes it’s snowy. The ground is covered with snow. Trees and flowers forget to grow. Birds fly far away. 教师边描述边展示这些画面,让学生通过形象的画面来理解词组be full of、forget to grow、fly far away的意思是“充满”、“忘记生长”、“飞向远方”。 Step II 操练

1教师播放第82页的录音,让学生看B2部分的练习,边听边填空:Now please open your books and turn to page 83. Look at Part B2. We're going to listen to the poem. Write down the correct seasons in the blanks. Then match each season with the description in the poem.

2让学生说出每幅图的季节,并根据B2部分的短语,用完整的句子描述各个季节,如: (l) It's spring. What 3 perfect time to fly a kite! Bees and butterflies play among flowers. (2) It's autumn. Brown leaves fall on the ground. Farmers harvest crops. (3) It’s winter. Winter days are full of snow. Birds fly far away.

(4) It's summer. There are quiet streams, trees and shade. We can eat ice cream. 3 让学生记忆四季的基本特征。 Step III 呈现

1导入本课诗歌,指导学生默读四个季节,同时呈现以下问题帮助学生理解: Winter: (1) What can we see in winter? (We can see snow.) (2) Can trees and flowers grow m winter? (No, they can't.) (3) Why do the birds fly far away?

(Because they want to live in a warm and sunny place.) Spring: (1) What can we do in spring? (We can fly kites.) (2) What do bees and butterflies d0 1n spring?

(They play among flowers, and then hide from the April showers.) Summer: (l) What can we do in summer? (We can go swimming and eat ice cream.) (2) Where can we often play in summer?

(We can play by quiet streams or under the shade of trees.) Autumn: (1) Where can we see piles of autumn leaves? (On the ground.) (2) What are the farmers busy doing in autumn? (They are busy harvesting crops.)

2教师让学生再默读,引导他们细细品味诗中句末单词的押韵,并且相互讨论,找出句来的韵脚:Read the poem again and find the rhyming words. 最后让学生总结归纳,如第一段中的韵脚snow和grow,away和day;第二段中的韵脚bright和kite,flowers和showers;第三段中的韵脚days和shade, pool和cool;第四段中的韵脚brown和ground,crops和drops.,begin和again。

3学生第三次默读,感受诗歌中使用的拟人手法。教师让学生互相讨论,鼓励他们踊跃表达自己的观点:Read the poem again, and then discuss and find the sentences in which the writer uses personification. 教师解释personification的含义,并引导学生通过以下诗句理解这种修辞方法:

(1) Winter: Trees and flowers forget to grow. (2) Spring: Bees and butterflies play among flowers. They hide from the April showers.

在基础较弱的班级教师可以通过下划线给学生做出提示,帮助理解。教师还可以让学生把上述诗句翻译成中文来感受拟人手法带来的美感。 Step IV操练



3完成B4部分的练习。先给学生几分钟,用本课学到的词汇填空,然后请四位学生对每个季节进行陈述,同时核对答案。最后全班集体朗读短文。 Step V活动

l为学生播放录音,让他们跟读,要求学生模仿诗诗歌语音语调:Please repeat the poem after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

2教师让学生齐声诵读诗歌,把对每个季节的感受充分融入进去:Please read the poem together and express your feelings about each season.

3将班级分成四大组,每组选择一个季节来朗诵:I'm going to divide you into four groups. Each group will read one of the seasons.

4进行朗诵比赛,参赛的学生选择一个季节来朗诵,其他的学生加以点评。 Step VI家庭作业

l熟读课文,记忆本课时所学的词汇、词组和句型。 2能力较强的学生熟背课文。 3完成教师布置的书面练习。 Reading 2 Step I呈现

1为学生提供一个表格,让他们回忆诗歌内容并填写表格。教师说:We've learnt about the seasons of the year. Can you describe each season with the words in the poem?

2 通过与学生就表格信息进行讨论,引出本课时需讲解的语言点并板书be full of、forget to do sth、turn brown、What a perfect time to等。

3通过出示实物、创设情景、与学生真实交流和展示例句等方式,帮助学生掌握上述语言点的用法。以What a perfect time to为例,教师展示有关春天的图片:What a perfect time to go on a trip! 然后展示另外的图片,鼓励学生造句:What a perfect time to go swimming! What a perfect time to walk by a stream! 在与学生的交流中,帮助学生体会并发现语言点的含义及用法。

4鼓励学生对不懂的内容提问,针对学生的提问,教师解答并帮助他们归纳语言点,如:turn brown。教师可以再列举一些学过的类似的词组:feel cool、look cool、smell good、sound great、taste delicious、get tired、become popular等,帮助学生归纳“系动词+形容西”的结构。教

