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Function countpf() As Long Dim sum As Long sum = 0

For i = 1 To 20 sum = sum + i * i Next Return sum End Function


Function counthe() As Long Dim sum As Long sum = 0 For i = 1 To 3 For j = 1 To i sum = sum + j Next Next Return sum End Function


Function countfs() As Double Dim sum As Double Dim fh As Integer fh = 1 sum = 0

For i = 1 To 19 Step 2 sum = sum + 1 / i * fh fh = -fh Next Return sum End Function


Function countsum() As Long Dim a(39) As Long a(0) = 0 a(1) = 1 For i = 2 To 39

a(i) = a(i - 2) + a(i - 1) Next

For j = 0 To 39 Debug.Print(a(j)) Next End Function


Function getsws(ByVal x As Single) As Single Dim i, j As Integer Dim fstr As String

Dim gw, sw, bw, qw As String Dim fresult As Single Fresult = 0

For i = 1000 To 9999 Fstr = i.tostring gw = mid(fstr, 4, 1) sw = mid(fstr, 3, 1) bw = mid(fstr, 2, 1) qw = mid(fstr, 1, 1)

If (gw = sw And bw = qw) Then For j = 10 To 99 If i = j * j Then Fresult = i Exit For End If Next j End If

If fresult <> 0 Then Exit For Next i

Return fresult End Function





Function getsum(ByVal x(,) As Long) As Long Dim sum As Long sum = 0 For i = 0 To 9 For j = 0 To 9

sum = sum + x(i, j) Next Next Return sum End Function


Function getcornersum(ByVal x(,) As Long) As Long Dim sum As Long sum = 0 '求第1行的和 For i = 0 To 9

sum = sum + x(0, i) Next

'求第2至9的和 For j = 1 To 8

sum = sum + x(j, 0) + x(9, j) Next '求第10的和 For k = 0 To 9

sum = sum + x(9, k) Next Return sum End Function


Function getzdjcj(ByVal x(,) As Long) As Long Dim sum As Long sum = 1 For i = 0 To 9

sum = sum * x(i, i) Next Return sum End Function



Function convet10to2(ByVal x As Integer) As String Dim ftostr As String Dim fvalue As Integer fvalue = x ftostr = \

Do While fvalue >= 2

ftostr = (fvalue Mod 2).ToString + ftostr fvalue = fvalue \\ 2 Loop

ftostr = fvalue.ToString + ftostr Return ftostr End Function


Function convet10to8(ByVal x As Integer) As String Dim ftostr As String Dim fvalue As Integer fvalue = x ftostr = \

Do While fvalue >= 8

ftostr = (fvalue Mod 8).ToString + ftostr fvalue = fvalue \\ 8 Loop

ftostr = fvalue.ToString + ftostr Return ftostr End Function


Function convet10to16(ByVal x As Integer) As String Dim ftostr As String Dim fvalue As Integer Dim mys As Integer fvalue = x ftostr = \

Do While fvalue >= 8 mys = fvalue Mod 16 Select Case mys Case 10

ftostr = \ + ftostr Case 11

ftostr = \ Case 12

ftostr = \ + ftostr Case 13

ftostr = \ + ftostr Case 14

ftostr = \ + ftostr Case 15

ftostr = \ + ftostr Case Else

ftostr = mys.ToString + ftostr End Select

fvalue = fvalue \\ 16 Loop

ftostr = fvalue.ToString + ftostr Return ftostr End Function

13.略,比较简单,大部分同学已经做出来 关键是使用字符串函数Mid()





Function judgess(ByVal x As Integer) As Boolean Dim isss As Boolean isss = True For i = 2 To x For j = 2 To x If i * j = x Then isss = False Exit For End If Next

If isss = False Then Exit For End If Next Return isss

End Function



Function zdgys(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) Dim gys As Integer gys = 1

For i = x To 2 Step -1 If x Mod i = 0 Then If y Mod i = 0 Then gys = i Exit For End If End If Next Return gys End Function


Function zxgbs(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) Dim gbs As Integer gbs = x

Do While (gbs Mod x <> 0 Or gbs Mod y <> 0) gbs = gbs + 1 Loop Return gbs End Function



Function fact(ByVal x As Integer) As Long If x = 1 Then Return 1 Else

Return (x * fact(x - 1)) End If End Function


Function countjc(ByVal x As Integer) As Long Dim sum As Long sum = 0

'For i = 1 To 10 For i = 1 To x

sum = sum + fact(i) Next Return sum End Function

5.略,请参考书上类似的做法 6.答案


Function getmax(ByVal x() As Double) As Double Dim fmax As Double

Dim fubound As Integer '记录数组的最大下标 fubound = UBound(x, 1) fmax = x(0)

For i = 1 To fubound If fmax < x(i) Then fmax = x(i) End If Next Return fmax End Function


Function getmin(ByVal x() As Double) As Double Dim fmin As Double

Dim fubound As Integer '记录数组的最大下标 fubound = UBound(x, 1) fmin = x(0)

For i = 1 To fubound If fmin > x(i) Then fmin = x(i) End If Next Return fmin End Function

'主调函数 Sub getvalue()

Dim x(11) As Double For i = 0 To 11

x(i) = Val(InputBox(\请输入\ + (i + 1).ToString + \月份的产值\)) Next

MsgBox(\全年12个月最高月产值为:\ + getmax(x).ToString) MsgBox(\全年12个月最低月产值为:\ + getmin(x).ToString) End Sub

