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1 Have you talked to her lately?

A lastly

B finally

C shortly

D recently

2 While we don't agree, we continue to be friends.

A Because

B Where

C Although

D Whatever

3 In judging our work you should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.

A thought

B account

C mind

D brain

4 You must shine your shoes.

A polish

B clear

C wash



D mend

5 The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident A secrets B details C benefits D words

6 I'm content with the way the campaign has gone A tied B satisfied C filled D concerned

7 This table is strong and durable. A long-lasting B extensive C far-reaching D eternal

【参考答案】 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A

8 He endured agonies before he finally expired

A fired

B resigned

C died

D retreated



9 The girl is gazing at herself in the mirror.

A staring

B laughing

C shouting

D smiling

10 For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate.

A really

B basically

C fundamentally

D completely

11 Mary has blended the ingredients.

A mixed

B made

C cooked

D eaten

12 They agreed to modify their policy.

A clarify

B change

C define

D develop

13 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.

A play



B send

C show

D tell

14 A notably short man, he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.

A practically

B considerably

C remarkably

D fairly

15 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.

A take out

B repair

C push in

D dig

【参考答案】 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A

1 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences

A force B influence

C surprise D power

2 Can you follow the plot so far?

A change B investigate

C write D understand

3 Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed

A physical B mental



C natural D hard

4 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed.

A result B judgment

C decision D event

5 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions

A statements B beliefs

C suggestions D claims

6 Up to now, the work has been easy

A So B So long

C So that D So far

7 The report advocated setting up day training colleges.

A supposed B excited

C suggested D discussed

【参考答案】1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C

8 Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employed

A Therefore B Afterwards

C However D Furthermore

9 The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking

A view B sight

C look D point

10 Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs

A tensely B nearly



14. In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed. A. result B. judgment C. decision

D. event职称英语培训 正确的答案是: A

15. Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions. A. statements B. beliefs C. suggestions D. claims

正确的答案是: B


大题 1: 词汇选项 ,下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. These are the motives for doing it. A. reasons B. excuses C. answers D. replies

正确的答案是: A

2. We are certain that he will get over his illness. A. sure B. happy C. surprised D. excited



正确的答案是: A

3. A research center has been set up in this country . A. praised B. established C. reformed D. criticized 正确的答案是: B

4. The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident. A. secrets B. details C. benefits D. words

正确的答案是: B

5. We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams.

A. effect B. account C. effort D. discount 正确的答案是: B

6. I don’t quite follow what she is saying. A. observe B. understand C. explain D. describe



正确的答案是: B

7. It took us along time to mend the house A. build B. destroy C. design D. repair

正确的答案是: D

8. Did anyone call when I was out? A. everyone B. someone C. nobody D. anybody

正确的答案是: D

9. The earth moves around the sun. A. before B. round C. after D. over

正确的答案是: B

10. It is obvious that he will win the game. A. likely B. possible C. clear D. probable 正确的答案是: C



11. She will be pleased to meet you. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. unwilling 正确的答案是: B

12. I remember lots of things A. much B. large C. big D. many

正确的答案是: D

13. They agreed to modify their policy. A. clarify B. define C. change D. develop

正确的答案是: C

14. Mary has blended the ingredients. A. made B. mixed C. cooked D. eaten


正确的答案是: B



15. The chairman proposed that we should stop the meeting A. showed B. suggested C. agreed


D. believed 正确的答案是: B


大题 1: 词汇选项 ,(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。

1. I didn't help him. I would have, however, I didn't have the money. A. or B. but C. otherwise D. still


正确的答案是: B

2. We have to think very carefully before we take any action, because it's a very serious situation we have encountered. A. ideal B. favourable C. good D. severe

正确的答案是: D

3. During his lifetime he was able to accumulate quite a fortune. A. control B. spend C. collect



D. exchange 正确的答案是: C

4. It's impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation. 

A. leave B. talk loudly C. stand up D. interrupt 正确的答案是: D

5. What can you do to ensure that you will stay healthy? A. be assured B. insist C. prove D. secure

正确的答案是: A

6. The town is famous for its magnificent church towers. A. distinguished B. contemporary C. specialized D. specified 正确的答案是: A

7. It took me a whole hour to solve the problem. A. work at B. work on C. work out


 职称英语培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet470/

D. work over 正确的答案是: C

8. The team's spirit was at the lowest point in the season. A. ability to read B. lesson C. morale D. talent 正确的答案是: C

9. Mary had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car. A. examination B. quiz C. exercise D. check 正确的答案是: A

10. The economic reform in Japan has been accelerated.  A. sped up B. put off C. slowed down D. stopped 正确的答案是: A

11. It's tough looking for a job these days. A. different B. digital C. difficult D. direct


 职称英语培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet470/

正确的答案是: C

12. I wonder who first conceived the idea of cutting a hole in the door. 

A. thought of B. came on C. gave up D. handed out 正确的答案是: A

13. John talked over the new job with his wife.  A. discussed B. mentioned C. accepted D. rejected 正确的答案是: A

14. Tom is still full of beans at 70. A. courageous B. kind C. energetic D. single职称英语考试

正确的答案是: C

15. Gunpowder was used extensively in firearms prior to 1990. A. in B. around C. from


 职称英语培训:http://edu.21cn.com/kcnet470/

D. before 正确的答案是: D


大题 1: 词汇选项 , (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)

下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所 给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 此大题得分为0.0

1. The local authorities will take measures to deal with noise pollution in the area.  A. power B. control C. learning D. government 正确的答案是: D

2. Hundreds of cyclists assembled in Central Park in Pudong this morning to take part in the event. A. appeared B. walked C. met D. combined 正确的答案是: C

3. In case of emergency, please follow the orders of the ship crew.  A. post B. transfer C. confirm D. obey

正确的答案是: D



4. They ate in the kitchen as they normally did.  A. usually B. partly C. highly D. fully 正确的答案是: A

5. He likes swimming, but I like going out for a walk.  A. how B. what C. while D. why

正确的答案是: C

6. There is less come now;it seems that there is a fall in the crime rate. A. descent B. incline C. decline D. slope

正确的答案是: C

7. We were so greatly attracted by the beauty of the West Lake that we decided to visit Hangzhou again the next year. A. fascinated B. disturbed C. fooled D. surprised 正确的答案是: A



8. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to lift building materials to the upper floors. A. toss B. tow C. hoist D. hurl

正确的答案是: C

9. In the United States it is customary for families to gather on Thanksgiving Day.  A. entertain B. assemble C. feast D. worship 正确的答案是: B

10. The town is famous for its magnificent church towers.  A. ancient B. old C. modern D. splendid 正确的答案是: D

11. There are a limited number of books on this subject in the library. A. large B. total C. small D. similar 正确的答案是: C



12. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.  A. pause B. refuse C. reject D. wait

正确的答案是: A

13. Merge the following two short sentences into one new sentence. A. Split B. Combine C. Break D. Divide

正确的答案是: B

14. Color changes in chameleons seem to be caused by environmental temperature as well as by other external stimulus. A. have B. appear C. ought D. used

正确的答案是: B

15. Their sole fault was a failure to recognize all the factors involved.  A. initial

B. maximum职称英语考试 C. usual D. only

正确的答案是: D


大题 1: 词汇选项 ,(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)


1. The Dial,edited by Margaret Fuller,was among the first influential magazines published in the United States. A. illustrated B. profitable

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C. imaginative D. important 正确的答案是: D

2. The ice cream cone,the hamburger,and iced tea were all introduced at the 1904 Louisiana

Purchase Exposition informally known as the St.Louis Fair. A. previously B. unofficially C. incorrectly D. occasionally 正确的答案是: B

3. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization that promotes informed active

public participation in government. A. amateur B. organized C. educated D. dedicated 正确的答案是: C

4. Anthropologists believe that in the sixteenth century a few thousand Inuits inhabited northern Canada. A. threatened B. fought over C. governed D. lived in 正确的答案是: D



5. Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can cause cancer if inhaled. A. picked up B. taken indoors C. breathed in D. eaten up 正确的答案是: C

6. Financial consultants acknowledge that the value of common stock is inherently changeable. A. relatively B. intrinsically C. sporadically D. incrementally 正确的答案是: B

7. Democracy initially developed in Athens. A. elegantly B. in the beginning C. feebly D. first and last 正确的答案是: B

8. The term “New Deal” applies to the program of reform and recovery initiated by President Franklin D.Roosevelt. A. spoiled B. inherited C. originated D. attacked



正确的答案是: C

9. A goal of modern dance often is to express the dancer's innermost feelings and emotions. A. slightest B. rarest C. most personal D. most difficult 正确的答案是: C

10. Among many mammals,the father helps in protecting and instructing the young.

A. teaching B. coaching C. tutoring D. cramming 正确的答案是: A

11. Because Helen Keller could neither see nor hear,Anne Sullivan based her instruction on a system of communication through touch. A. contact B. teaching C. speech D. friendship 正确的答案是: B

12. Fainting,or a temporary loss of consciousness,may be brought about by an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. A. inappropriate



B. inadequate C. unstable D. undiluted 正确的答案是: B

13. A person who suffers from stage fright is easily intimidated by a large audience. A. inspired B. applauded C. frightened D. expelled 正确的答案是: C

14. Because of its old mannerisms,the praying mantis has always intrigued human beings.

A. fascinated B. aggravated C. offended D. terrified 正确的答案是: A

15. Participation in intramural sports is required. A. within the school B. with outsiders C. overly strenuous D. extraordinary 正确的答案是: A


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大题 1: 词汇选项 ,(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)




给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 此大题得分为0.0

1. The main characters of Horatio Alger's books always rise from poverty to riches. A. maturity B. wisdom C. status D. wealth

正确的答案是: D

2. The song “Yankee Doodle” was originally sung by British troops to ridicule the American colonists. A. given inspiration to B. make fun of C. entertain D. discourage 正确的答案是: B

3. The Sun Dance is considered by many to be the most spectacular ritual of the North American Plains Indians. A. ceremony B. ancestor C. scene D. costume 正确的答案是: A

4. Rival traditions of acting have coexisted in Western theater since antiquity. A. Myriad B. Rudimentary



C. Stylistic D. Conflicting 正确的答案是: D

5. Scientists routinely deal with concepts such as uncertainty,probability,and hypothesis. A. reluctantly B. carefully C. commonly D. occasionally 正确的答案是: C

6. The first watermill was horizontal and resembled a rudimentary turbine. A. a flat B. a rusty

C. an unconventional D. an unsophisticated 正确的答案是: D

7. Eyespots,the most rudimentary eyes,are found in protozoan flagellates,flatworms,and segmented worms. A. hostile looking B. perceptive C. primitive D. strangely formed 正确的答案是: C

8. Extending from Quebec to Alabama,the Appalachian Mountain region is extensive and very scenic.



A. vast B. rustic C. fertile D. picturesque 正确的答案是: D

9. In times of economic difficulty,corporate budgets for research and development are often slashed before any others. A. shifted B. cut C. examined D. presented 正确的答案是: B

10. Hoof and mouth disease was eliminated in the United States by slaughtering affected herds of cattle. A. isolating B. testing C. vaccinating D. killing 正确的答案是: D

11. The gar is a fish with a long, slender body and scales as hard as flint. A. flat B. straight C. slim D. fragile

正确的答案是: C



12. The earliest kind of desk was a box that had a sloping lid,under which there was storage space for writing materials. A. a sturdy B. a polished C. an inclined D. an adaptable 正确的答案是: C

13. Their sole fault was a failure to recognize all the factors involved. A. maximum B. usual C. initial D. only

正确的答案是: D

14. Generally,a material with a sour taste,such as vinegar or lemon juice,contains an acid. A. a tart B. an oily C. a fruity

www.zcyy8.CoM D. a bland 正确的答案是: A

15. A writer's attempts to reproduce folk speech can be an asset to the historian of pronunciation. A. wisdom B. language C. traditions D. beliefs

正确的答案是: B




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大题 1: 词汇选项 ,(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)

下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. We are sure that he will get over his illness. A. certain B. aware C. happy

www.zcyy8.com D. determined 正确的答案是: A

2. The policemen acted quickly because lives were at stake. A. in despair B. in danger C. in misery D. in pain 正确的答案是: B

3. If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air is often the cause. A. start B. begin C. happen D. visit

正确的答案是: C

4. The ice is not thick enough to bear the weight of a tank. A. suffer B. accept C. receive



D. support 正确的答案是: D

5. A small number of films have ceased trading. A. completed B. finished C. fulfilled D. stopped 正确的答案是: D

6. She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired.

A. killed B. shot C. dismissed D. murdered 正确的答案是: C

7. The mountains look glorious at sunrise. A. inviting B. magnificent C. appealing D. pleasing 正确的答案是: B

8. It seems highly unlikely that she will pass the exam. A. very B. completelt C. usually



D. mostly

正确的答案是: A

9. Their parents once lived under very severe conditions. A. sound B. hard C. strict D. tight

正确的答案是: B

10. Michael is now merely a good friend. A. largely B. barely C. just D. rarely

正确的答案是: C

11. It is obvious that he will win the game. A. likely B. possible C. clear D. probable 正确的答案是: C

12. The earth moves around the sun. A. before B. round C. after D. over



正确的答案是: B

13. Did anyone call when I was out? A. everyone B. someone C. nobody D. anybody 正确的答案是: D

14. It took us a long time to mend the house. A. build B. destroy C. design D. repair

正确的答案是: D

15. I don’t quite follow what she is saying. A. observe B. understand C. explain D. describe 正确的答案是: B


www.zcyy8.com 职称英语考试吧 2010-10-22 收藏本页 网络辅导课程

大题 1: 词汇选项 ,(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)


1. Most chemical reactions of an organic compound involve only a few of its numerous and bonds; the remainder stay unchanged. A. majority



B. distribution C. rest D. stability 正确的答案是: C

2. Can you account for your absence from the class last Thursday? A. explain B. examine C. excuse D. expand

正确的答案是: A

3. The specific mechanisms by which cortisone and similar compounds function are poorly documented. A. partially B. occasionally C. inadequately D. rarely

正确的答案是: C

4. A limited number of books on this subject are in the library. A. little B. small C. tiny D. low

正确的答案是: B

5. The company recommended that a new petrol station be built here. A. ordered



B. insisted C. suggested D. demanded 正确的答案是: C

6. Jim has gained so much weight that a lot of his clothes don’t fit him any more. A. put off B. put down C. put on D. put up

正确的答案是: C

7. Foreign money can be converted at this bank. A. altered B. changed C. bought D. sold

正确的答案是: B

8. Government health campaigns have fostered an awareness of the dangers in certain social habits. A. included B. discovered C. cultivated D. discouraged 正确的答案是: C

9. Evidence verifies that hearing problems may be alleviated by changes i



n diet and exercise habits. A. initiated B. cured

www.zcyy8.com C. complicated D. lessened 正确的答案是: D

10. The police contended that the difficulties they faced were too severe. A. argued B. predicted C. said D. suggested 正确的答案是: A

11. The latest car model embodies many new improvements. A. consists of B. includes C. makes up D. marks

正确的答案是: B

12. Thick clouds obscured the stars from view. A. darkened B. held C. blackened D. prevent 正确的答案是: D

13. The parents have to restrain their daughter from running out into the




A. disallow B. reduce C. prevent D. confine 正确的答案是: C

14. The discovery was sensational. A. sexy B. surprising C. exceptional D. exciting 正确的答案是: D 职称英语培训

15. After supper we usually take a stroll around the park for about an hour.

A. walk B. rest C. bath D. breath

正确的答案是: A


www.zcyy8.com 职称英语考试吧 2010-10-22 收藏本页 网络辅导课程

大题 1: 词汇选项 ,下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The local authorities will take measures to deal with noise pollution in the area.  A. power B. control C. learning

www.zcyy8.com D. government



正确的答案是: D

2. Hundreds of cyclists assembled in Central Park in Pudong this morning to take part in the event.  A. appeared B. walked C. met D. combined 正确的答案是: C

3. In case of emergency, please follow the orders of the ship crew. A. post B. transfer C. confirm D. obey

正确的答案是: D

4. They ate in the kitchen as they normally did. A. usually B. partly C. highly D. fully

正确的答案是: A

5. He likes swimming, but I like going out for a walk.  A. how B. what C. while D. why



正确的答案是: C

6. There is less come now;it seems that there is a fall in the crime rate. 

A. descent B. incline C. decline D. slope

正确的答案是: C

7. We were so greatly attracted by the beauty of the West Lake that we decided to visit Hangzhou again the next year. A. fascinated B. disturbed C. fooled D. surprised 正确的答案是: A

8. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to lift building materials to the upper floors.  A. toss B. tow C. hoist D. hurl

正确的答案是: C

9. In the United States it is customary for families to gather on Thanksgiving Day.  A. entertain


