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Rhymes for the young kids


1. Spring is shlwery, flowery, bowery. 春天多雨, 山花烂漫, 绿叶成荫。 Summer hoppy, croppy, poppy. 夏天蹦蹦跳,果实成熟,花儿争艳。 Autumn slippy, drippy, nippy. 秋天滑溜溜,雨儿嘀嗒,秋风萧瑟。

Winter breezy, sneezy, freezy. 冬天风呼呼,不停打喷嚏,天寒又地冻。

2. Rain on the green grass And rain on the tree. Rain on the housetop, Bu not on me.

3. Autumn leaves are falling, falling, falling.

Autumn leaves are spinning, spinning, spinning. Autumn leaves are floating, floating, floating. Autumn leaves are turning, turning, turning. Autumn leaves are dancing, dancing, dancing. Autumn leaves are blowing, blowing, blowing. Autumn leaves are falling, falling, falling.

Autumn leaves are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.

Parts of the body

1. One finger, one thumb, keep moving, One finger, one thumb, keep moving, One finger, one thumb, keep moving, We’ll all be merry and bright.

2. Shhh! Be very quiet. Shhh! Be very still.

Fold your busy little hands. Close your sleepy little eyes. Shhh! Be very quiet.

可以在学生过于兴奋时, 安抚他们的情绪, 使课堂纪律重归良好。

3. I use my brain to think, think, think. I use my nose to smell.


I use my eyes to blink, blink, blink. I use my throat to yell.

I use my mouth to giggle, giggle, giggle. I use my hips to bump.

I use my toes to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. And i use my legs to jump.

学生在诵读时, 可以配上相应的动作。

4. I’ve got one head, One nose too.

One mouth, one chin, So have you. I’ve got two eyes, Two ears too.

Two arms, two legs, And so have you. I’ve got two hands, Two thumbs too,

Four fingers on each hand, And so have you.

5. Red, white, and blue,

Tap me on the shoe. (tap shoe or foot) Red, white, and green,

Tap me on the bean. (tap head) Red, white, and blace,

Tap me on the back. (tap back) All out.

6. Clap your hands 1-2-3.

Clap your hands just like me. Wiggle your fingers 1-2-3.

Wiggle your fingers just like me.

7. I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my fingers. I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my toes. I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my nose. Now no more wiggles are left in me. I am sitting as still as still can me.


8. My eyes can see, My mouth can talk. My ears can hear, My feet can walk. My nose can sniff. My teeth can chew. My lids can flutter. My arms hug you.


1. Where are the baby mice? Squeak, squeak, squeak.

I cannot see them peek, peek, peek. Here they come out of their hole.

One, two, three, four, five, and that is all.

2. Birthday candles one-two-three. Birthday candles just for me! Last year two – next year four.

Birthday candles I want more. (伸出十根手指)

3. One for the money, Two for the show. Three to make ready, And four to go.

4. One, two, three, four Mary at the cottage door. Five, six, seven, eight Eating cherries off a plate.

5. One’s none. Two’s some. Three’s many. Four’s a penny.

Five’s a little hundred.


1. This is mama, kind and dear. (指拇指)


This is papa, standing near. (指食指) This is brother, see how tall! (指中指) This is sisiter, not so tall. (指无名指) This is baby, sweet and small. (指小指)

This is the family one and tall. (摇动所有手指)

2. Mummy and me cance and sing. Daddy and me laugh and play. Mummy, Daddy, and me

Dance and sing, laugh and play, Kiss and hug,

A zillion times a day.


1. Five little ducks go out one day. Over the hills and far away. Papa duck calls with s ‘Quack, quack, quack.’

Four little ducks came swimiming back.

可以请学生上台扮演鸭子。丢失的鸭子直接走回自己的座位。最后,可以加一句‘No more ducks came swimming back.’

2. Two little black birds sitting on a hill. One named Jack one named Jill. Fly away Jack, fly away Jill. Come back Jack, come back Jill.


1. Jack – in – the –box, (把拇指握在拳头中) Oh, so still.

Won’t you come out?

Yes, I will. (把拇指从拳头中弹出)

建议: 可以教师提问, 学生回答. 此游戏可以用来重新组织课堂纪律, 再次激发学生兴趣。

2. On a dark, dark night, In the dark, dark woods, In a dark, dark house, In a dark, dark room, In a dark, dark cupboard,


In a dark, dark box. There’s a ghost.

建议:教师可以把儿歌变成there’s 句型。 如:In the dark, dark woods, there’s a dark dark house.

通常是一个学生念一句, 其余学生用恐怖声音重复。

3. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet, And so are you. Roses are red, Violets are blue. Grass is green, And so are you.

4. Here we go – up, up, up.

Here we go – down, down, down. Here we go – moving forward. Here we go – moving backward.

Here we go round and round and round.

5. Sometimes I am tall. Sometimes I am small.

Sometimes I am very, very tall. Sometimes I am very, very small. Sometimes tall, Sometimes small.

Sometimes neither tall or small.


1. Make a pancake pat, pat, pat. (一手掌向上,另一手去拍) Do not make it fat, fat, fat. (分开双手)

You must make it flat, flat, flat. (一手掌向上,另一手去拍) Make a pancake just like that. (一起拍手)

2. Little fishes in a brook,

Father caught them on a hook. Mother fried them in a pan, Johnnie eats them like a man.


3. Mary Ann, Mary Ann.

Make the porridge in a pan. Make it thick, make it thin. Make it any way you can.

4. Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn. Apple seed and apple thorn. Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock, One flew east,

And one flew west,

And one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

5. Group: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? (Jimmy) stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Jimmy: Who? Me? Group: Yes, you! Jimmy: Not me! Group: Then who?

Jimmy: Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Linda: Who? Me? Group: Yes, you! ( and so on)


1. We can jump, jump, jump. We can hop, hop, hop. We can clap, clap, clap. We can stop, stop, stop. We can nod heads for yes,

We can shake our heads for no. We can bend our knees a tiny bit, And sit down slow.

2. Jack be nimble. Jack be quack. Jack jump over The candlestick.


3. Mary Ann, Mary Ann.

Make the porridge in a pan. Make it thick, make it thin. Make it any way you can.

4. Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn. Apple seed and apple thorn. Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock, One flew east,

And one flew west,

And one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

5. Group: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? (Jimmy) stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Jimmy: Who? Me? Group: Yes, you! Jimmy: Not me! Group: Then who?

Jimmy: Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Linda: Who? Me? Group: Yes, you! ( and so on)


1. We can jump, jump, jump. We can hop, hop, hop. We can clap, clap, clap. We can stop, stop, stop. We can nod heads for yes,

We can shake our heads for no. We can bend our knees a tiny bit, And sit down slow.

2. Jack be nimble. Jack be quack. Jack jump over The candlestick.


