模块3-5学案 - 图文

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主题 重点词汇 Festivals around the world 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. starve 饿死;挨饿 gain 获得;得到 gather 搜集;采集 admire 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 apologize 道歉,认错;辩白 drown 淹没 weep 哭泣,流泪 remind 提醒,使想起 forgive 原谅,饶恕 重点短语 1. take place 发生 2. in memory of 作为……对的纪念 3. dress up 打扮 4. look forward to 期盼;期待,盼望 5. as though 好像 6. turn up 出现 7. keep one’s word 守信用;履行诺言 8. hold one’s breath (因害怕,激动)不出声;屏息 9. set off 出发,启程 10. remind sb.of sth.使某人想起谋事 情态动词 can, could, may, might, will, would shall, should, must, can’t 的用法 Festivals, How festivals begin How festivals are celebrated 语法功能 话题 学案 1 目标:

1. 了解世界各国的节日,含义,由来于民俗 2. 学习有关节日和民俗的词汇 相关背景知识

1. The Chinese festivals

The Chinese festivals occur throughout the lunar year. As our calendar year and the lunar year are different, the festivals fall on different dates each year. Each festival is rich in tradition, excitement and participation. Festivals are a very important part of Chinese tradition. The particular festivals discussed here are of special interest to the young. Knowing a bit more about them will help you enjoy and participate in these magic celebrations.

These festivals are : (1)Chinese New Year ( The Spring Festival) the most important of all the

festivals in China. The date of Chinese New Year falls between late January and late February, depending on the lunar (moon) calendar.

(2)DuanWu Festival ( Dragon Festival): It is held on the fifth day of the

fifth lunar month, usually in June. The day is set aside to honor the death of Qu yuan, the famous Chinese poet and patriot.

(3)Mid-Autumn Festival: This festival is held on the fifteenth day of the

eighth lunar month and its popularity and participation for the young is second only to the Spring Festival.

2. Festivals in foreign countries: (1) Valentine’s Day 情人节February 14. Candy, flowers and

other tokens of affection are exchanged on this day, in honor of two martyrs, both named St. Valentine.

(2) April Fool’s Day : April 1. Franksters feel that it is permissible to play all

sorts of tricks on this day.

(3) Mother’s Day : The second Sunday in May, set aside to honor mothers. (4) Father’s Day The third Sunday in June, set aside to honor fathers.

(5) Halloween 万圣节: October 31. A special day for making merry,

wearing costumes and playing old-fashioned games. A favorite with children. (6) Easter( 复活节) A Christian holy day in March or April when Christians

remember the death of Christ and his return to life.

(7) Thanksgiving Day: Generally the fourth Thursday in November, set

aside for national thanksgiving. It is a legal holiday in all states.

(8) Christmas Day: December 25. This is both a legal and religious holiday;

it observes the anniversary of the birth of Jesus. All states and all those of the Christian faith celebrate this holiday.

1. read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. Para1Ancient festivals

1. What would the ancient festivals celebrate? 1) 2)

2. How did today’s festivals happen?

Para 2: Festivals of the Dead

1. What are festivals of dead usually for?

2. What did people do in different countries to honor the dead?

1) 2)

Para 3.Festivals to Honor People

Why are the festivals celebrated in China, America or India?

Para 4. Harvest Festivals

1. In what countries, the mid --autumn festivals are celebrated?

2. Why autumn festivals are happy events?

Para 5. Spring Festivals

1. Why are spring festivals the most energetic and important festivals?

2. Why do people like to have festivals?


Kinds of Festivals Festival of the Dead Obon The Day of the Dead Halloween Festivals to honor 2. ______________ People Columbus Day Country Japan 1. ____________ Western countries China 3. _____________ Time Mid-July or August Early November October 31. Lunar Calendar May 5 Second Monday in October 4. ________________ Fourth Thursday in November Lunar August 15 Calendar A national festival to India honor Mohandas Gandhi 5. ____________ 6. ______________ Festivals The USA The 7.____________ China and Japan festival Spring Festivals 8. ______________ Easter Cherry Festival 根据课文及下列提示,复述课文 China The first day of the lunar year For 9. __________ A Sunday in March or around the world April Blossom 10. ___________ March 15 to April 15. Festivals of the Dead Obon (Japan) Day of the Dead (Mexico) Halloween (some western countries Festivals to Honour People Dragon Boat Festival (China) Colunbus Day (USA) Festival to Honour Gandhi (India) Harvest Festivals Thanksgiving Day (European countries) and other Mid-Autumn (China and Japan) Festivals 学案 2



1.Starve: 饿死;挨饿


Millions of people _______ to death during the war. 他们宁愿饿死也不妥协。

They would rather than give in. 补充词组:

be starving/starved: 饿得很 starve to death : 饿死

starve sb. of/ for sth.: 使某人的不到某物 starve sb. into 用饥饿迫使 2.Dress up: 打扮;装扮;装饰 他们装扮成小丑。

They are like the clowns. 孩子们正在自己的房间里装扮。 The kids are in their room.


dress out: 使穿戴得引人注目

dress down: (与平时比)穿戴随便 3.look forward to:期望,期待,盼望

注意:look forward to 中to是介词,后面跟名词或动词-ing. 他的三个孩子都盼望着和他一起去钓鱼.

His three kids are all fishing with him. 我们盼望着早日得到答复。 We an early reply. 4.as though = as if 仿佛,好像


He took good care of this girl, she were his own sister 他表现地好象对这件事一点也不知道。

He acts he didn’t know anything about it. 5.take place 发生,举行


Was there anybody passing by when the accident ? 我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。 We may never discover what that night. 辨析: take place & happen 两个词都不能用于被动语态。

Take place:通常指根据安排或计划发生。 Happen:通常指偶然或以外发生。

补充词组:take one’s place: 就座,就位

take sb’s place: 坐某人的座位;代替某人的职务 take the place of: 代替;取代 6. in memory of 纪念

为纪念他的朋友, 他写下了一首感人的长诗。

He wrote a long moving poem his good friend 这个活动是为了纪念汶川地震而举行的。

The activity is held the Wenchuan earthquake. to the memory of 与in the memory of 意思相同。 7.turn up; 出现;(被)找到,发现;证明是;结果是;查阅


She promised to come, but until now she still didn’t


Don’t worry about the letter---I’m sure it’ll . 结果他在点名时没有到。

He missing at roll call.


the dictionary if you cannot spell the word. 8. drown in 淹没;浸泡在----里


He decided to his sadness work. 他把玉米片泡到牛奶里。

He his cornflakes like. 9. keep one’ word:守信用;履行诺言


Everyone trusts him very much because he always 他认为她一定会说话算数的. He thought she would . break one’s word:失信;食言


No one wants to make friends with her because she always 10. hold one’s breath: (因害怕,激动)不出声;屏息

那个游泳的人再也不能屏住呼吸了。 The swimmer couldn’t any longer. 在水下你能憋多长时间?

How long can you underwater? 补充词组:

catch one’s breath::喘息;歇口气

lose one’s breath: 喘不过气来;呼吸困难 take breath: 歇口气;歇会儿 take a deep breath: 深深吸一口气 11. apologize: 道歉,辩白


I must for calling you so late.


He to her for not going to her party. 12. weep :哭泣;流泪


It is better to laugh than (to) . weep at/over sth.: 因谋事而哭

听到这个悲痛的消息,我们不禁潸然泪下。 We could not but _______ at the sad news. weep for/with joy: 高兴得流泪


The news of his release came as such a surprise that his wife for joy. 辨析: weep &cry

weep :多出现在正式文体或书面语中,多因悲伤而致。 cry: 还有因恐惧,疼痛而叫喊的意思。 13. forgive : 原谅,饶恕


Will you him for what he said about you?

forgive sb. for (doing) sth.: 原谅某人某事

母亲临终前我未能去看她,为这事我永远不能原谅自己。 I can’t myself for not seeing my mother before she died. forgive sb. doing sth. : 原谅某人做某事


me interrupting, but I really don’t agree with that. 14. set off: 出发;启程; 爆炸


After I had finished eating, he proposed to immediately.


Hearing the news, they for the station at once. 他们在燃放焰火。

They were fireworks. 15. remind: 提醒;使想起


Do I have to you yet again? remind sb. of sth: 使某人想起某事 记住提醒她宴会的事。

Don’t forget to her the dinner party.

remind sb. to do sth.: 提醒某人做某事。 提醒我在出去前给经理打电话。

me phone the manager before I go out. remind sb. that: 使某人想起…… 请允许我提醒你时间快到了。

May I you time will soon be up? 16. gain: 获得;得到


He has rich experience in these years. 她逐步取得了孩子的信任。

Step by step she the child’s confidence.

辨析: gain, win, obtain & earn

gain : 主要指通过斗争、竞争或劳动得到的优势、经验 win: 一般指在竞争中获胜,其宾语多为比赛等 obtain: 多指作了很大努力后得到十分可贵的东西

earn: 多指作了贡献,作了努力,应该得到某种报偿。 17. gather: 搜集;采集


It was late August and the harvest had been safely in. gather(…) round: (使)围拢;聚拢


The kindergartener the children her. gather together: 聚集起来 全家人聚集在雷的家中。

The whole family at Ray’s home. 18. admire: 赞美;钦佩;羡慕


I’ve always his painting.


I her refusing to grow old.

admire sb. for (doing ) sth. :钦佩/赞赏某人(做)某事 我不同意他的意见,但我赞赏他恪守原则。

I don’t agree with him, but I him sticking to his principles. 练习:用正确的词组填空 take place, in memory of , dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night as though, have fun with, turn up , keep one’s word, hold one’s breath , set off, remind…of, parking lot 1. Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working _______________ for weeks. 2. Franklin didn’t ____________ until well after midnight. 3. It looked ____________ it might rain at any minute.

4. I think he is a man who always _____________. I trust him. 5. The interview _______________ on Friday afternoon.

6. OK, ________________ your friends! We shall pick you up at 11:00 tonight. Bye. 7. You’re all _____________. Are you going to a party?

8. He is too serious a man and never _________________ his men. 9. I am ______________ a long and successful partnership with him.

10. The congress opened with a minute’s silence ________________ those who died in

the war.

11. Prince Street is very busy. You can never find a _____________.

12. She welcomed him and ____________ him ________ the last time they had met. 13. I ____________ for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the New


14. First ________________, then dip your head into the water and just stay in for 2


学案 3 目标:

掌握情态动词 can, could, may, might, will, would shall, should, must, can’t 的用法 1. can& could

can 一般表示现在或将来的情况,主要表示能力、可能性、许可、请求、偶尔发生的事情等。could 是 can 的过去式,表示较can 不确定的可能性或婉转的请求或建议。


Can the news be true?


Can you help me with the box? 过了这么多年他还活着?

Can he still be alive after all these years? 我可以一次借两本书吗?

Can I borrow tow books at a time? 山上有时风很大。

It can be very windy on the hills.


He could be pretty naughty when he was a child. 你可以告诉我怎样去?(表示委婉的请求) Could you show me the way?

你怎么能这样粗心大意?(表示对某事气恼) How could you be so careless?

别着急,可能他们只是忘了打电话。(表示过去可能) Don’t worry they could have just forgotten to phone. 我本来可以借这笔钱给你的,你怎么没向我借?

I could have lent you the money. Why didn’t you ask me? 他们本可提早通知我他们会晚点。

They could have let me know they were going to be late. 2. may & might

may和might都表示可能性、许可或用于请求许可等。还可表示祝愿、希望、祈求等。might 可用来代替may,语气比may更委婉,还可表示婉转的责备,也常用于表示与事实相反的虚拟语气中。 我下午来好吗?

May I come round in the afternoon?


Dogs may not be taken into these carriages. 班长可能知道老师的地址。

The monitor may know the teacher’s address. 讲清楚些以便他们能听明白。

Speak clearly so that they may understand you. 愿上帝与你同在。(表祝愿) May God be with you.

他告诉我他今年冬天可能去夏威夷。(可能性小) He told me that he might go to Hawaii this winter. 如果那样你可把你父母接来同住。

In that case you might bring your parents to live with us.


If I had known the film was about Wales, I might have gone to see it. 要是他们不来了,至少可以打个电话来嘛!

They might at least have phoned if they are not coming. 3. will & would

will表示愿意、决心、功能、习惯、命令、推测等。would 是 will的过去式,表示意志、习惯性、推测、设想、虚拟、假设、请求、愿望、疑惑等。 我不愿和这事扯上关系。

I will have nothing to do with this matter.


I won’t do it any more, I promise you. 她常常坐在那里等儿子回家。

She will sit there waiting for her son to come home. 12点之前谁也不准离开考场。

No one will leave the examination room before 12 o’clock. 我认识他父亲Pile教授,想必你听说过他。

I knew his father, Professor Pile—you will have heard of him.


She would not go to the dentist even though she was in considerable pain. 4. shall & should

shall表示意图、允许、警告、命令、决心、义务、规定、征求意见、可能性等。should 表示假设、意愿、可能性、义务、委婉、意外、建议、命令、目的等。 有明确规定球员出言不逊应罚出场。

In the rules, it says that a player shall be sent off for using bad language. 他不得留在我家中。

He shall not stay under my roof.


We should have checked the time before we left. 此刻你不应当看小说,而应当在看课本。

You shouldn’t be reading a novel. You should be reading a textbook. 5. must & can’t

must表示义务、命令、不可避免性、主张、决心、推定、可能性、不耐烦、请求等。can’t 表示能力、可能性、允许等。 你必须少抽些烟。

You must cut down on smoking.


I’m afraid I must be going.

你一定饿了,吃点东西吧。(表示推测,只用于肯定句) You must be hungry. Have something to eat.


The police are stopping all cars. They must be looking for the escaped prisoner. 我们应当认认真真考虑此事。

We must think of this matter very seriously. 那不可能是 Mary,她在住院。 That can’t be Mary—she’s in hospital. 这种事情不能继续下去了。 This sort of the thing can’t go on!


用 may/might, can/could, will/would, shall/should, must/can’t等词填空。

1. “Where is Bob?” “I am not sure. He ________ be in his office.” 2. _______ you like to come to dinner with us tomorrow evening? 3. If you are hungry, we ______ have our dinner now.

4. “The phone is ringing. Who do you think it is?” “Well, it ____ be Tim.” 5. “Who is that man with Ann?” “I’m not sure. He _____ be her brother.”

6. “________ I buy this book for Tom?” “You’d better not. He ______ already have had it.” 7. Peter is a good musician. He plays the flute and he ______ also play the piano.

8. “Why are these people waiting in the street?” “I don’t know. They _______ be waiting for the bus.”

9. They haven’t lived here for long. So they _______ know many people. 10. Ted isn’t at work today. He ________ be ill.

11. Someone is at the door. I wonder who that is. It ________ be Mary. She is at school at this time.

12. __________ I borrow your camera for a day, please?

13. I _________ like to have some information about the hotel, please.

14. Jim gave me a letter to post. I ______ remember to do it or she will be angry. 15. That restaurant _____ be very good. It’s always full of people. 16. That restaurant _____ be very good. It’s always empty. 17. I suggested that they ______ visit the museum.

18. Liz needs a change. She ______ go away for few days.

19. What a beautiful view! We __________ take a picture here.

20. “What kind of house do you want to buy?” “Well, it ______ have a garden. I like gardens.”

学案 4 目标:


The Spring Festival is the most important holiday for the Chinese people. Mike, you American friend, is coming to stay with you during the Spring Festival. Please write him an e-mail, telling him what you will do at the festival.

It’s against my imagination that you are coming here for the Spring Festival. ____________

高中必修第三模块第二单元 学习目标预览 Healthy eating 主题 重点词汇 1. diet 日常饮食 2. curiosity 好奇心 3. balance 使平衡;使(力量等)均等 4. ought 应当;应该 5. slim 变苗条,减肥 6. consult 咨询 7. glare 怒目而视 8. limit 限制;限定 9. combine 使联合;使结合 10. benefit 利益,好处 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ought to 应当,应该 get away with (做坏事)不受惩罚;被放过 tell a lie 说谎 win …back 赢回;重新获得 earn one’s living 谋生 in debt欠债 before long 不久以后 spy on 打探;侦察 cut down 削减;缩短;砍倒 重点短语 语法 话题 情态动词 ought to, ought not to, have to, not have to, mustn’t , needn’t 的用法 Problems with diet Balanced diet and nutrition 学案 1 目标:

1. 了解合理饮食、饮食习惯、饮食结构与饮食文化

2. 如何给予劝告、提出建议;表达同意与不同意及如何就医 相关背景小知识

Healthy foods

The foods we eat at meals, or grab from the fridge between commercials, contain tiny chemicals called “nutrients”(营养物质). Our bodies are made up of trillions of(数以百万兆的) tiny cells(细胞) that need small amounts of these nutrients every day to give us energy, and help build and repair our body tissues(组织). These nutrients are grouped into six different categories(种类,类别).

Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) Vitamins(维生素) Fats (脂肪) Minerals (矿物质) Proteins (蛋白质) Water

Variety(多样性) is key, but practice makes perfect. So fitting food guide foods into your diet will be as easy as “low-fat” diet. You’d better eat all kinds of foods, even if what you dislike, then you can keep healthy and thinner. What happens if you don’t eat well?

Over time, people eating habits make it more difficult for your muscles to get the energy they needs. Your energy level decreases and you feel tired and consequently have little desire to eat.

Appetite is poor, you may feel ill, and this may lead to being undernourished. How much food is enough?

The amount of food you need each day depends on many things, including your age, sex, body size and activity level. Each food group gives a range for the number of servings people require. For example, 5-12 servings of Grain Products and 5-10 servings of Vegetables & Fruit every day. The number of servings you should choose depends on your particular needs. The higher end of these ranges is meant for people with greater energy needs, such as male teens and very active people. Most people will fit somewhere in the middle of the range of suggested servings. The lower end of the range is for children and older adults. 阅读课文,完成下列表格

Which food contains more…? Examples of foods Answer chocolate or grapes sugar cakes or bananas cream or rice fat chocolate or chicken peas or nuts fibre pork or cabbage potato crisps or ham protein eggs or cream Which of the following foods contain the most fat? Put them in order. rice, ice-cream, eggs, chicken, peaches

calorie 361 691 147 230 37

most fat least fat

what are energy-giving, body-building and protective foods.

Energy-giving foods ______________________. They are rice, noodles, nuts, butter and etc. Body-building foods ______________and they are meat, fish and tofu.

Protective foods ____________________________. They are fresh fruit and vegetables.

find what red, orange and green foods are. Red foods: Orange foods: Green foods:

discuss whether the menu is balanced or not.

Menu 1 Meal noodles jiaozi Main kind of food energy-giving body-building and energy giving body-building and protective dry bean curd pork Menu 2 Meal rice steamed perch(清蒸鱼) Main kind of food energy-giving body-building body-building body-building chicken with mushrooms stir-fried beans with bamboo shoots(竹笋扁 protective 豆) stir-fried tomato with eggs protective and body-building stir-fried beef with chili and peanuts(宫保鸡 energy-giving body-building 丁) spicy tofu spinach soup(菠菜汤) body-building protective 总结:

A balanced menu should be:

a good mixture of body-building foods, energy-giving foods and protective foods. At the same

time, the food should be cooked without too much fat. Match the calories with activities:

Sleeping 650cal School 65cal Football 100cal Relay-race 400cal True o false

1. Usually Wang Peng’s restaurant was full of people.

2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. 3. Wang Peng’s regular customers often became fat

4. Yong Hui’s menu gave customers more energy-giving food. 5. Wang Peng’s menu gave customers more protective food.

6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong hui by copying her menu.

Read the Warming Up and the passage again and write out your answers.

1. The weakness of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was that it didn’t give ________ 2. The strength of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was that it provided_________ 3. The weakness of the diet in Yong Hui’s restaurant was that it did not give _________ 4. The strength of the diet in Yong Hui’s restaurant was that it provided _________


Wang Peng felt ___________in an empty restaurant because no __________have come to his restaurant ever since he got up early in the morning. He wanted to find out why. He hurried out and ________Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant. He found that the owner named Yong Hui was serving ____________foods to make people thin. Driven by________, Wang Peng came ________to take a close look at the menu. He could not even ________his eyes. He was

________at what he saw. He hurried outside and went to the ________to do some________. After a lot of reading, he _______that Yong Hui’s food made people become ________quickly because it was no ___________food. Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign. The __________between the two restaurants was on!

学案 2



1. be tired of: 对…厌烦 ; be tired with 因…感到疲劳

我吃腻了煎蛋。 I’ fried eggs. 他儿子不断地问问题,他回答得都烦了。

He answering his son’s continual questions. 奋力快跑之后,我觉得很疲倦。

I’ very running as fast as I can.

2. get away with : (做了某事)而不受惩罚; 携带……跑掉

我不会让他用那种借口蒙混过去。 I won’t let him that excuse.


Thieves robbed the bank and a lot of money. get away from: 逃离或摆脱(某人或某地) 囚犯们经过一番打斗摆脱了看守的卫兵。

The prisoners their guards after a struggle.

3. tell a lie说谎

那不是真的,你在说谎。 It’s not true; you are

give the lie to sth.: 证明不实;揭穿谎言


These new figures the belief that unemployment is going down.

4. do some research= research on / into sth. :对…做研究


They are the effects of smoking. 5. win … back赢回;重新获得

我怎样做才能让妻子回心转意呢? What can I do to my wife ? 我们决心来年夺回奖牌。

We are determined to the prize next year 补充词组:

win sb. over/around/ round: 说服; 把……争取过来 win out/through:摆脱困境;终获成功 6. earn one’s living 谋生


A teacher by teaching. 他以前靠写作谋生. He by writing.

7. in debt欠债

out of debt 还清欠款;不欠债


He has been since he stopped gambling. 欠债容易还债难。

It’s much easier to than into get out of debt 补充词组:

in debt to sb./in sb’s debt: 欠某人的债;受某人的恩惠 get/run into debt: 负债

pay off one’s debts: 偿清债务 8. glare 怒目而视


They didn’t fight, but stood there at one another. 他没有叫喊,只是默默地怒视着我。

He didn’t shout; he just at me silently.

9. spy 暗中监视;侦察; 窥视;看见;发现 他突然在超市看到了老朋友。

He suddenly an old friend in the supermarket. 从门上的小洞,他侦察了整个起居室。

From the little hole in the door he could on the whole living room 偷窥别人的房间是不礼貌的。

It’s impolite to into other people’s room.

10. cut down : 削减;缩短;砍倒 你应该削减开支。

You should expenses. 我只好少抽些烟。

I have to smoking.


The old trees are all and the young trees are growing healthy and strong. 11. before long: 不久以后


The book will be published . 他晚上睡不着觉,不久便面容憔悴。

He couldn’t sleep at night, and he was pale. 辨析: before long & long before

before long :是个介词短语,在句中作状语,多与将来时或过去时连用。 long before: 是个副词短语,多与完成时连用。 12. combine: 使联合;使结合


Let’s my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company. combine…and/ with: 把…….和 ……联/结合起来 我们并不总是能在工作中享受到乐趣。

We can’t always work pleasure. combine with sth. 和……结合起来 13. benefit: 利益;好处


Because of illness she didn’t get much from her stay abroad. for sb’s benefit: 为帮助某人;为某人的利益 这不是他的错。他是为了帮助你才这样做的。 It’s not his fault. He did it . for the benefit of : 为……的利益 新医院是为了整个社区的利益。

The new hospital is the entire community. 补充词组:

(be) of benefit to : 对……有益

benefit from/by: 从 …… 中受益

14. consult : 咨询; 请教;查阅;交换意见;商量 你出发前可以咨询一下当地的旅行社。

Before you set off, you can one of your local travel agents.


If the pain continues, your doctor. consult sb.(about sth) 请教某人(某事) 你应该请一位资深大夫给你看病。

You should a veteran doctor your illness. 15. limit :限制;限定


The hospital the number of visitors a patient can have. 我限制自己一天喝三杯啤酒。

I myself to three cups of beer a day. 17. diet: 日常饮食/食物


The doctor told the patient to keep to a light . 适当的饮食和运动对身体健康都很重要。

Proper and exercise are both important for health. 补充词组:

be on a diet: 进规定的饮食 go/get on a diet: 实行节食

put sb on a f=diet: 限制某人的饮食 18. balance: 使平衡;使(力量等)均衡 海豚用鼻子顶着球,使其保持平衡。 The dolphin the ball on its nose. 你穿了冰鞋能保持身体平衡吗? Can you yourself on skates?

on balance: 总的来说

总的来说, 我们很有希望赢得比赛。

, we have a good chance of winning the race.


keep/lose one’s balance: 保持/失去(身体)平衡;保持镇静/心慌意乱 catch/throw sb off balance: 使某人失去平衡 19. slim: 变苗条;减轻体重


You can still eat breakfast when you are . 她努力使身体健康,体型苗条。 She tries to get fit and down. 辨析:slim & thin

slim: 用于描述通过节食或锻炼来达到体型健美苗条。

thin:是指人的体重低于标准时最常用的词,指虚弱或不健康。 20. curiosity:好奇心


We were burning with to know what had happened. 儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。 Children show about everything. 21. ought to 应当 ; 应该


If he started at 7:00, he ought to be here now. 在信上签字的应该是你而不是我。

It ought to be you rather than I that sign the letter.



1. fry a. a woman who invites guests to a meal, party, etc. 2. discount b. cooked in an oven or over a fire 3. hostess c. to cook sth in hot fat or oil 4. slim d. (of food) not cooked

5. customer e. a person or an organization that buys sth from a shop or business 6. roast f. an mount of money that is taken off the usual cost of sth 7. weakness g. a weak point in a system, sb’s character, etc

8. raw h. to eat less, take exercise, etc. in order to lose weight


ought to lose weight tell a lie win …back earn one’s living in debt spy on cut down before long put on weight 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

He is an honest man. He never ____________. There is no easy way to _________ in this world.

He started working as an engineer. __________ he became a manager. Mark, you’ve got a lovely sister. You __________ take care of her.

If someone _________, they become lighter. If they gain weight or _______ , they become heavier.

He was already deeply _______ through gambling losses.

That day he _______ her while pretending to work at the table.

They decorated the restaurant in order to ______ the customers _______ He _________ on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.

6. 7. 8. 9.

学案 3

目标: 掌握情态动词ought to, ought not to, have to, not have to, mustn’t , needn’t的用法 advice, permission, possibility, ability, request, necessity, intention… 1. Could you speak louder, please? (make a request) 2. When Can I pick it up?(ask permission) 3. Can I pay by credit card? (ask permission)

4. You may use any major credit card.(give permission)

advice, permission, possibility, ability, request, necessity, intention… 5. You should replace your brakes.(give advice)

6. Do I have to do it right away? (ask if it is necessary) 7. You don’t have to do it immediately.(not necessary) 8. You should do it within a month or two. (give advice)

advice, permission, possibility, ability, request, necessity, intention… 9. You may have an accident.(possibility)

10.I would like to make an appointment ….(would like to, intention) 11. Can I bring my car in next Monday?(ask permission) 12.You should bring it in early …(give advice) should and ought to

You should do it within a month or two. The negatives of should and ought to: should not (shouldn’t)

ought not to (oughtn’t to)

Give advice with should/ought to. Situation:

A father is giving his son advice.

What advice do you think he is giving? Give advice with should/ought to

EXAMPLES: You eat hot dogs, fries, and colas all the time. You should/ought to eat more fruits and vegetables. You shouldn’t/oughtn’t to eat so much junk food. You should/ought to ….

You shouldn’t/oughtn’t to ….

You spend too much time at the computer.

You always wait until the last minute to study for a test. You talk for hours on the phone with your friends. You never clean your room. It’s a mess!

Decide if the sentences have the same meaning or different meanings. She must not drive her car. She doesn’t have to drive her car. I can’t go to the party. I might not go to the party. You shouldn’t buy a car. You don’t have to buy a car.

You don’t have to worry about that. You needn’t worry about that. Negatives of modals -- must not

You mustn’t smoke in public places. You must not tell a lie in court.

Use must not for prohibition. These things are against the law or rule. Negatives of modals

– not have to/needn’t

I don’t have to/needn’t use the elevator. I can use the stairs. I don’t have to/needn’t pay my rent with cash. I can use a check.

Not have to/needn’t indicates that something is not necessary, not required. Compare:

There’s a fire in the building. You must not use the elevator. I don’t have to/needn’t use the elevator. I can use the stairs. You shouldn’t stare at other in the elevator—it’s not polite. It is prohibited or dangerous to use the elevator. It is not necessary to use the elevator. Shouldn’t is for advice, not for rules.

Name something you must not do.

EXAMPLE: Name something you must not do when you drive a car. You must not use the cell phone when you drive a car. Negatives of modals -- can’t, may not

You cannot/may not talk during a test. I can’t speak French.

It is not allowed/permitted. Prohibition/No permission. Be not able to ability

Tell about your abilities with can or can’t. EXAMPLES: I can drive a car.

Talk about what is or isn’t permitted at this school with can/can’t. EXAMPLE: We can’t bring food into the classroom. eat in the classroom talk during a test

write a test with a pencil sit in any seat they want

use our textbooks during a test Circle the correct words to complete these sentences. EXAMPLE:

We (shouldn’t, don’t have to) talk loudly in the library.

The teacher says we (can’t, don’t have to) use our books during a test. Circle the correct words to complete these sentences.

The teacher says we (shouldn’t, don’t have to) sit in a specific seat in class. We can sit wherever we want.

We (can’t, don’t have to) talk to each other during a test. It’s not permitted.

We (must not, don’t have to) type our compositions. We can write them by hand. We (shouldn’t, can’t) speak our native language in class. It’s not a good idea. Circle the correct words to complete these sentences.

Parents often tell children, “You (shouldn’t, don’t have to) talk to strangers.” Drivers (don’t have to, must not) go through red lights.

You (may not, don’t have to) bring food into the computer lab. It’s against the rules.

You (don’t have to, shouldn’t) leave your call phone on in class. It might disturb the class.

Fill in the blanks with the negative form of have to, should, must, can, may. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

Students(S) are asking the teacher(T) questions about the final exams. Fill in the blanks with the negative form of have to, should, must, had better, can, may, be supposed to. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

S: Do I have to sit in a specific seat for the test?

T: No, you don’t have to. You can choose any seat you want. S: Is it OK if I talk to another student during a test? 语法练习

T: No. Absolutely not. You (1)____________ talk to another student during a test.

S: Is it OK if I use my book?

T: Sorry. You (2)____________ use your book.

S: What if I don’t understand something on the test? Can I ask another student?

T: You (3)___________ talk to another student, or I’ll think you’re getting an answer. Ask me if you have a question.

S: What happens if I am late for the test? Will you let me in?

T: Of course I’ll let you in. But you (4)________come late. You’ll need a lot of time for the test. S: Do I have to bring my own paper for the final test?

T: If you want to, you can. But you (5)________bring paper. I’ll give you paper if you need it. S: Must I use a pen?

T: You can use whatever you want. You (6)____________ use a pen. S: Do you have any advice on test-taking?

T: Yes. If you see an item that is difficult for you, go on to the next item. You (7)____________ spend too much time on a difficult item, or you won’t finish the test. S: Can I bring coffee into the classroom?

T: The school has a rule about eating or drinking in the classroom. You (8)_____________ bring food into the classroom.

S: If I finish the test early, must I stay in the room? T: No, you (9)____________ stay. You can leave.

学案 4 目标:


Jack ,你的美国朋友,想尝尝北京风味,你首选烤鸭。请根据下列提供的材料,向Jack 介绍我们的北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck. How it is made roasted over a fire; fruit-tree wood How it is served cut the meat into slices green onions; special sauce How it looks and tastes date-red; shining with oil; a crisp(脆) skin; tender(嫩) meat Famous restaurant to eat it Quan ju-De Restaurant (130 years old)


学习目标预览 主题 重点单词 The Million Pound Bank Note 1. scene (戏剧)一场 2. amount 数量 3. manner 举止 4. wander漫游;漫步;漂泊 5. permit 允许 6. spot 发现;认出 7. seek 征求;请求 8. scream 尖叫;纵声大笑 9. bow 鞠躬;弯腰 10. rude 粗鲁的;无礼的 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. bring up抚养;养育;教育 go ahead 可以,前进,取得成功 by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心 stare at 盯着;凝视 account for 导致;作出解释;补偿 on the contrary 正相反 take a chance 冒险 as for 至于;关于 be set in 以……为背景 重点词组 语法 话题 宾语从句;表语从句 Forms of literature and art: short stories and dramas; How to act out a play 学案 1 相关背景材料 Mark Twain (1835—1910)

The greatest humorist of the 19th century in American literature. Also one of the greatest writer in the world. Novels:

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)(汤姆·索亚历险记) The Prince and the Pauper (1882)(皇子与贫儿)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1894)(哈克贝利·费恩历险记) 马克.土温的名言

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them. 那些有好书却不读的人不比无法读到这些书的人有任何优势。

Tell the truth forever, such of words you need not recorded you to once day some what. 永远说实话,这样你就不用去记你曾经说过些什么。

Rather shut up don’t talk, don’t be eager to expressing oneself, either. 宁愿闭口不谈,也不要急于表现自己

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. 每个人就象一论月亮,不愿意将自己黑暗的一面让别人看到

Read the short passage on Page 17 and fill in the chart Real name Meaning of his pen name Birth date Birthplace Place where he grew up 阅读课文,回答下列问题

1. Who was Henry?

2. What did the two brothers give to Henry? 3. Why did they chose Henry? 4. What was it in the letter?

5. Before Henry took the note out of the envelope, did the waiter serve him politely?


6. Did the owner believe that the note was genuine or not? Why?

学案 2 目标:


1. bring up :抚养,教育;提出,呕出


He was by his aunt. 别再提那件事了。

Well, don’t that again.

2. be set in :以...为背景

这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。 The novel pre-war London.

3. scene : (戏剧)一场;场景,现场


The movie opens with a in a New York apartment. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。

Our reporter was the first person on the . 补充词组 :

behind the scenes 在后台,在幕后 come/appear/arrive on the scene 到场 4.bet :打赌

make a bet (with sb.) (与某人)打赌 昨晚一个朋友和我打了一赌。

Last night, my friend_________ with me. have a bet on:就...打赌


He likes to his home team, even though they always lose. 补充词组:

win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了 accept/take up a bet 同意打赌 5. wander: 漫游;漫步;漂泊


She aimlessly around the streets. 我们溜达着回到汽车那里。 We back towards the car. wanderer 漫游者;流浪汉

wandering adj. 漫游的,闲逛的

6. permit: 允许,许可,准许


Will you me to smoke? permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 permit doing sth. 允许做某事


Mart’s father does not her stay up late. 老师不允许上课闲聊。

The teacher doesn’t in class. 7. go ahead: 前进


You go ahead and I am coming.

go ahead with sth.开始做某事,着手做某事 get ahead:取得成功 get ahead of: 胜过

8. by accident:偶然,无意中;不小心


The gun went off . 我昨晚意外地交上了好运.

A good fortune fell on me last night. 补充词组:

by accident of:因…的机会; by no accident: 并非偶然 without accident:安全地 9. stare at sb./sth. :盯着某人/某物

stare into the distance:凝视远方 stare sb. up and down:上下打量某人 stare sb. out /down以目光压倒某人 10. spot: v.发现,认出,n.斑点 adj.有污点的


He finally just the shirt he wanted. spot sb./sth doing sth.发现某人做某事


Neighbors smoking coming out of the house.


on the spot: 当场 in a spot: 处于困境中

11. give oneself up for lost:感到失望;感到绝望


When the villagers saw that the floods had carried away the bridge, they 12. account: v.作出解释;提出理由n.说明;帐目

account for:导致;补偿


How do you the show’s success? 补充词组:

on account of :由于,因为

take account of/ take… into account:考虑到;注意到 13. seek: 征求,请求;寻找,试图

我想我们现在应该咨询一下律师了. I think it’s time we________ legal advice. 他们迅速设法远离抗议者.

They quickly to distance themselves from the protesters. 补充词组

seek for/after:寻找,探索,追求 seek out:搜寻出,挑出 14. contrary: 反面,对立面


Hot is the of cold. on the contrary: 正相反

你没有打扰我,相反地, 我喜欢有你做伴.

You didn’t bother me. , I like your company. to the contrary: 相反的


I shall continue to believe it until I get proof . ( be) contrary to 与…相反 结果与预期恰好相反.

The result expectation. 15.amount: n.数量,总数; vi.合计,相当于;就是

a large/small amount of:大/少量的(后接不可数名词) 她花了大笔钱买那件衣服.

She spent money on that coat. in large/small amounts 大/少量地


The medicine has been used in many parts of the world. 16. take a chance:冒险,碰机会


You with his driving.


Let’s . There may still be some tickets left. take a chance on sth.: 冒…风险


We will on the weather and hold the sports meeting. take one’s chance:听天由命

这个士兵知道在这场战争中他不得不听天由命. The soldier knew that he just in the battle. 17. rude:粗鲁的,无礼的

她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的. It’s very of her to leave without telling us. be rude to sb.:对某人粗暴无礼


Don’t your teacher.

it is rude (of sb.) to do sth.做某事是失礼的 他说出这样的话,真是太失礼了. him to say such a thing. 18. scream:尖叫,纵声大笑

她愤怒地叫声叫喊. She_________ in anger.

scream at sb.:对某人尖叫


I kept hearing them at each other about money. 补充词组

scream with/in sth:因某事尖叫 scream out: 高声说出 19. as for:关于;至于


you, I refuse to have any dealings with you. as to:依照,按照

他们按照鸡蛋的大小和颜色来分类. They sorted the eggs size and color. 20. bow:鞠躬


The people all down before the Emperor.


bow (down) to:向…鞠躬;屈从于 bow out: 正式离开,辞职,退休


The chairman will be________ next year, and one of the younger directors will take over. bow sb. In/out: 恭敬地将某人迎入/送出 bow one’s thanks: 鞠躬表示谢意 练习:


bring up make a bet go ahead by accident stared at account for on the contrary amount of in rags take a chance as for 1. The manager will have to decide today whether to _______ with the plan. 2. After he finished his story, Tamara ________ him in disbelief, shaking her head.

3. Men, women and small children came from the central area of the earthquake, dressed


4. She _________ the four children all by herself.

5. “People just don’t do things like that.” “You think so? ________, they do them all the time.” 6. He’s the man behind this killing. I can ________.

7. I’ve retired but I still do a certain _______ work for them. 8. She discovered the problem _______.

9. You can have a bed; _______ Jack, he will have to sleep on the floor. I’m afraid. 10. Jack should be called to ______ his actions. 11. The rope might break but we have to ______.

学案 3 名词从句-----做宾语和表语的名词性从句 目标:


1. 理解做宾语和表语的名词性从句的例句 2. 运用做宾语和表语的名词性从句翻译句子。

在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses)。名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为



1. 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句

2. 由Wh-引导的宾语从句:Who, whom, whose, which what ,where, how, why, when 3. 由从属连词 whether, if 引导的宾语从句


用 that whether( if ), wh-完成下列宾语从句。

1. The students are eager to know ________ the examination is hard. 2. At last the found _____ the papers were buried.

3. Did the monitor tell the class _____ we would meet for the spring outing? 4. “Who doubt ______ it is true?” “I do. I doubt ______ it is true.”

5. I’ll certainly tell the professor _______ happy we were when we finished the experiment. 6. The notice says ______ no parking is allowed in front of the gate. 7. They are trying to work out ______ the accident happened. 8. They have to find out first ______ the hotel is clean.

9. Do you know _____ Sue and her sister finally accepted the invitation?

10. He didn’t tell me _____ her address was. It seemed _____ he wanted to keep it a secret.


表语从句在复合句中作表语。引导表语从句的词有连词 that, whether, because, as if , though; 连接代词: who, what, which 连接副词: when, where, how , why等 用 that whether( if ), wh-完成下列表语从句

1. That house is _____ the garden tools are stored.

2. The reason I don’t want to go there is ______ I’ve just got a new job here. 3. That was _______ they had made the mistake.

4. Everything in the room is _______ it was ten years ago.

5. The dream Jack has in mind is ____ he will become a mathematician someday in the future. 6. What we care about is ______ it will be a fine day tomorrow.

7. That was _____ they didn’t pay much attention to the teacher in class.

8. My opinion is _______ everyone of us takes out $5 for Jane’s birthday present. 9. The problem is ______ we can be allowed to stay out at such a late hour.

10. Her explanation is ______ she used to live in the country and she knows it better than us.

学案 4 目标: 运用所学,完成练习 句子翻译

1. 时间不允许我久留。(permit)

2. 由于缺乏耐心,这位护士陷入了困境。(lack; patience; get into trouble) 3. 老实说,事故发生时我不在现场。(to be honest; spot) 4. 我们打赌看谁先背下这篇文章。(make a bet)

5. 粗心大意地驾驶是许多事故发生的原因。(account for) 书面表达

根据下面提供的情景, 写一段不少于50词的接续文字。

Mark is a middle school student. He lives in a tall building in the middle of the town. About a mile from Mark’s building there are many old houses. They are all empty and going to be pulled down. His father says they are dangerous and tells him to keep away from them. However, he enjoys playing there very much. One Friday on his way home from school...


学习目标预览 主题 重点词语 Astronomy: the science of the stars 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. harmful 有害的 exist 存在;生存 thus 虽然 puzzle 迷;难题 climate 气候 mass 质量;团,块;大量 in time 及时,迟早 prevent…from 阻止;制止 block out 挡住(光线) cheer up 感到振奋;感到高兴 now that 既然 break out 突发,爆发 watch out 注意,当心 重点短语 语法 话题 主语从句 Science and stars The development of life Space travel and gravity 学案 1 相关背景材料

Mercury (水星) The Roman god of merchants and travelers Venus (金星) The Roman goddess of love Earth(地球)

Mars (火星) The Roman god of war

Jupiter( 木星) The king of the Roman gods

Saturn (土星) The Roman god of seeds and sowing Uranus (天王星) The Greek god of the sky Neptune (海王星) The Roman god of the sky

Our planet, the earth, is a large ball of rocks and metals covered with water and soil. It belongs to a group o eight planets that move around a star called the sun. It is surrounded by a blanket of gases called the atmosphere, has one moon and as far as we know, is the only planet that supports life.

Satellites are objects that move in orbit around other objects of greater mass. A satellite may be natural, like the moon or a artificial, like a spacecraft.

The moon is the earth’s only natural satellite. It may have been gouged(凿) out of our own world when a large object struck the earth. Another possibility is that the moon has always been a separate body and was captured by the earth when it came too close. For centuries, the moon has given rise to various myths and legends. Early people saw it as a god or goddess, and some philosophers thought it was linked with birth and death, because it waxed and waned.(盛衰;盈亏)

A Chinese astronaut became the first in his country’s history to complete a space walk on 27 September 2008.

Mission commander Zhai zhigang, the leader of the Shenzhou VII’s three-man crew, left the Shenzhou VII spacecraft at 4:43 pm Beijing time to float in orbit for just under 15 minutes,

making China the third country to complete a space walk after the United States and the former Soviet Union.

The space walk, broadcast live on television, was the highlight of the 68-hour voyage-China’s third manned mission to outer space—and considered an important step towards building a space station, China’s next major ambition in space.

“Your spacewalk was a complete success. It’s major breakthrough in the development of our manned space program,” President Hu Jintao, standing inside the Beijing Aerospace Control Centre, told the astronaut by radio.

The space walk was likely to stir up patriotic emotions ahead of China’s October 1 National Day, which will mark the 59th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Zhai waved a small Chinese flag shortly after climbing out of the spacecraft 343 kilometers over the Earth, a highly symbolic move.

After China sent its first man into space in 2003, it followed up with a two-man mission in 2005.

The Shenzhou VII landed in the northern Inner Mongolia region after the mission was completed.

Discuss the questions on Page 25

Do you know each religion or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe? Pangu separates the sky from the earth

The sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity

like an egg. Pangu was born into it. The separation of the sky and the earth took 18,000 years- the Yang which was light and pure rose to become the sky, and the Yin which was heavy and murky sank to form the earth. Between them was Pangu, who went through nine changes every day, his wisdom, greater than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth. Every day the sky rose ten feet higher, the earth became ten feet thicker, and Pangu grew ten feet taller. Another 18,000 years passed, and there was an extremely high sky, an extremely thick earth, and an extremely tall Pangu. Then came the Three Emperors (the Emperor of the Sky, the Emperor of the Earth, and the Emperor of the Men.)

So these numbers came into existence and evolve like this. The number begins with one,

becomes established at three, is completed at five, prospers at seven, and ends in nine. So the sky is ninety thousand li from the earth. Other legends about the beginning of universe The Biblical Account

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty,

darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said....”

Day 1: God spoke and separated light from darkness creating Day and Night Day 2: God spoke and separated the water creating sky and ocean Day 3: God spoke and created dry land

Day 4: God spoke and created the sun, moon and stars Day 5: God spoke and created living creatures in the air and sea Day 6: God spoke and created the land animals and man Day 7: God rested and blessed this day calling it Holy 快速阅读课文后,回答问题

1. What was there on the earth before life could begin?

2. Why do scientists think there has never been life on the moon?

3. Why did animals first appear in the seas?

4. Why did green plants help life to develop?

5. Why were mammals different from other animals?

Write down the main idea for each paragraph. Para.1: Para 2: Para.3: Para.4: Para.5:

Analyze how life began on earth and finish the following form. finish the following form.

3 green plants on land 4insects(on land) 5 1 small plants in water 2

学案 2 目标:掌握本单元重点词汇 1. begin with 开始 知识从实践开始。

Knowledge practice.


A thousand Li journey the first step. to begin with: 首先; 最初;第一;起初 起初我并不能理解每句话.

, I couldn’t understand every word. 首先,我们党要有正确的领导

, we have the correct leadership of the Party. 2. in time迟早;最后 你迟早会成功的。

You will succeed . in time 及时;不迟

in/ out of time 合/不合节拍 观众们跟着音乐有节奏地鼓掌.

The audience clapped to the music.


at the same time 同时

from time to time/ at times/ at all times 不时地;有时 at one time/ at no time / at a time 每次;一度 in no time 没时间 in time/ on time 准时

at other times 在其他时间

ahead of time/ behind the time 提前/错后 3. cool down 变凉, 冷却

晒了一天的太阳之后,他喜欢在海水中凉快一下. After a day in the sun, he liked to in the sea. 他的话平息了她的怒火。 His words her anger 4. fundamental 基础的,基本的 清新的空气是健康的基础。

6 forests 7 8 9 Fresh air is to good health. 5. Multiply 殖,增殖,乘 这的兔子繁殖很快。

Rabbits here rapidly. 2乘3等于6

2 and 3 to make 6. 6. as well as 也,既…又 他既种菜也种花。

He grows flowers vegetables


I’m learning French English

7. remain 保持,仍然是 剩下(通常不用被动态) 那只剩下一位妇女和两名儿童。

There now only one woman and two children. 你是否正确还有待证明。

It to be seen whether you are right. 剩下的10台电脑是我的。

The 10 computers belong to me. 8. exist 存在;生存


We can’t without food or water. 其他行星上有生命吗?

Does life on other planets? exist on : 靠……生存


They can’t on the money he’s earning. 9. give birth to


She (to a healthy baby) last night. 10. in one’s turn 轮到某人,接着 轮到他当班长。

He has become monitor .

in turn 依次 by turns 轮流地

11. prevent from 保护不受侵害,挡住,预防 他戴着太阳镜保护眼睛不受强光的伤害。

He is wearing sunglasses to his eyes the strong sunlight 什么事情也不能阻止我达到我的目标。

Nothing can me achieving my goal. 12. Puzzle 使迷惑;使困窘 有一个句子使我深为迷惑。

There was one sentence which me deeply.


No one has yet succeeded in explaining the of how life began.

13. harmful : 有害的;伤害的 这种药特别有害。

This drug was particularly . be harmful to :对……有害


Water pollution and air pollution people’s health; they are harmful to animals and plants, too.

在公共汽车上看书对你的眼睛有害。 It’s your eyes to read in the bus.

do harmful to :对……有害 do …harm : 对……有害 14. climate: 气候


He could not stand the death-dealing of East Africa.

辨析: climate & weather

climate :指气候,是指一个地区的气候总的情况,如气温、降雨量等。 weather: 指天气,一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等 15. cheer up: 感到振奋;感到高兴

不管我们怎么劝说,也不能使他振作起来. Try as we would, we couldn’t get him to . 生病的姑娘说我们的探望使她振作起来了。 The sick girl said that our visit her . 16. mass : 质量;团,块;大量


A liter of gas has less than a liter of water. 远远地看去,那座山是黑蒙蒙的一片。

The hill appeared as a black in the distance. 补充词组:

a mass of : 一块/团/堆

be a mass of : 遍布着;遍体是 masses of : 大量的 the mass of : 大多数 17. now that: 既然


you have come, you may as well stay.


You ought to have a good rest you’ve finished the work. 18. break out: 突发;爆发


When the fire , some people just jumped from the windows instead of waiting to be rescued. 补充词组:

break away (from) : 脱离;逃脱 break in : 打断

break into : 突然……起来 break up : 打碎;拆散;(使)分离 break down : 破除;压倒;坏掉 break off : (使) 断开;中断 break through : 突破;突围 19. watch out : 注意;当心;提防 小心!汽车来了。

! There is car coming. 补充词组:

watch out for : 密切注意;留意;小心 watch over : 照管;监督;保护 练习:

用正确的词组完成下列句子。 solar system in time lay eggs give birth to in turn carbon dioxide prevent…from block out cheer up now that get the hang of break …out watch out 1. She’s just ________ a baby girl.

2. I think he has a terrible homesick. You might _________.

3. Those clouds threw shadows that _______ some sunlight _____. 4. There were cheers for each speaker as they spoke ______. 5. The ________ is the sun and all the planets that round it.

6. Plants and trees filter ________ out of the air and produce oxygen. 7. Last week the hens _______ 30 eggs but this week they aren’t _____. 8. He was about to lose temper but stopped himself _______ 9. You have to ________ because it is dark outside.

10. If we act fast, we can _______ these wild animals ______ suffering terrible killings. 11. He was 29 when the war _________.

12. It’s a bit difficult at first till you __________ it.

13. _________ she was retired, she lived with her sister.

学案 3 目标:

掌握主语从句 主语从句

(Noun Clauses as the Subject) 定义:

用作主语的从句叫主语从句,它是名词性从句之一。引导主语从句的连接词有:连词that, whether;连接代词who, what和which;连接副词when, where, how和why。 1) 由what等代词引起的主语从句:

What the teacher said today was quite right. 老师今天说的话是十分正确的。 2) 由连词that引起的主语从句:

That they are badly in need of help is quite clear. 他们急需帮助,这是十分明显的。


3) 由连接代词或连接副词以及whether引起的主语从句。 Whether they will sell the house is not yet decided. 他们是否卖掉这所房子还没有决定。 4) whatever, whoever也可引导主语从句。

Whatever was said here must be kept secret.


Whoever makes mistakes must correct them. 凡犯了错误的人都必须改正。

注意: 上述例句中的主语从句都是放在句首, 但有时为了使句子结构平衡, 避免 “头重脚轻”, 常用 it 作形式主语, 而把从句放在后面。 例如: It is a pity that she has made such a mistake. 她犯了这样一个错误, 真是遗憾。 这样就构成了下面一些常用句型: 1) It is + adj. / n. +从句

It is a pity/shame that... 遗憾的是…… It is possible that... 很可能…… It is unlikely that... 不可能…… 2) It +不及物动词+从句

It seems/appears that... 似乎…… It happened that... 碰巧…… 3) It + be +过去分词+从句

It is said that... 据说…… It is known to all that... 众所周知…… It is reported that... 据报道……

It is believed that...据信……;人们相信…… It is suggested that... 有人建议……

It must be pointed out that...必须指出…… It has been proved that... 已证明…….

如: It is believed that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed. 据信, 至少有二十座楼房遭到破坏或彻底毁掉。

5)用于It is important / natural / necessary / impossible that...句型中, 主语从句应使用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用\\“should + 动词原形\\”的形式, should有时有感情色彩。 经典试题

1.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, ___ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.

A. where B. what C. that D. how

2.I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter ___ I’m talking to. A. who is it B. who it is C. it is who D. it is whom

3.___ made the school proud was____ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key university.

A. What; because B. What; that C. That; what D. That.; because

4.It is pretty well understood ___ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.

A. that B. when C. how D. what

5.__ we can’t get seems better than _ we have.

A. What, what B. What, that C. That, that D. That, what 6.---What do you think of China?

---__ different life is today from__ it used to be.

A. How, what B. What, what C. How, that D. What, that 7.___ you don’t like him is none of my business.

A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether 8.___ I was free that evening. A. It happened to B. It happened that C. That happened D. It was happened that 9.It was true __ Alice did surprise her mother.

A. that B. what C. that, what D. what, that 10.It’s not yet clear __ of those will be chosen to do the job. A. that B. whom C. which D. whose

11.__ in the newspaper that the Japanese minister will arrive next Monday. A. It says B. It is said C. It has said D. He is said 12.__ we have seen is quite different from __ we have heard. A. That, that B. What, that C. That, what D. What, what 13.__ I have will be yours sooner or later.

A. No matter what B. No matter whatever C. Whatever D. That 14. __ was a well-known fact.

A. That their team was weak B. That their team being weak C. Their team was weak D. If their team was weak

学案 4 目标:


就以下提示写一段短文,了解著名物理学家费米的身世。 1. Who was Enrico Fermi? ( Italian physicst, 1901-1945)

2. What was he famous for? ( building the first atomic bomb原子弹) 3. When did he come to US? (1942, World War II )

4. What had he studied in Italy? What prize had he got and for what work?( theoretical physics,

Nobel Prize, 1938) 5. When, where and how did he build the world’s first atom reactor(反应堆)? ( 1942, a group of

scientists, New Mexico)

6. When was he awarded for his work in nuclear physics? (1945)

高中必修第三模块第五单元 学习目标预览

主题 重点单词 Canada –“The True North” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. within 在……之内;不越出 mix (使)混合 confirm 证实;肯定 distance 远方 broad 宽阔的 nearby 附近的 邻近的 terrify 使恐怖;恐吓 pleased 高兴的 impress 使铭记 rather than 而不是 settle down 平静下来 catch sight of 看到;发现 have a gift for 对……有天赋 manage to do 设法做 in the distance 在远处 重点词组 语法 话题 同位语从句 Geography of Canada; multicultural society 学案 1 目标:

1. 了解加拿大的概况—地理位置、主要城市、风土人情等; 2. 了解多文化现象和多文化国家的特点 有关加拿大 Canada

Full country name: Canada

Total area: about 9984670 square kilometers , the second largest country after Russia.

Population : about 32227000 ,very sparsely populated country (from 2006 Britannica Book of the Year)

Capital city : Ottawa

Languages : English 59.3%(official),French 23.2%(official),other 17.5%

National flag: Maple Leaf Flag (The maple leaf is one of Canada’s emblems. Red and white are the country’s national colors)

Sports: Canada’s most popular sports include swimming ,ice hockey ,cross-country and alpine skiing, baseball , tennis , basketball and golf. Ice hockey an lacrosse are Canada’s national sports. Administrative divisions : 10 provinces and 3 territories Since Canada is a huge country, its climate varies greatly from region to region. The arctic region is the coldest area. The summer is very short while the winter can be as long as 8 to 10 months. The mean annual temperature is -5.6 degrees Centigrade. Canada’s most populous regions, which lie in the country’s south along the US border, enjoy four distinct seasons. The winter is mild and the summer is warm and sunny. Public holidays:

Good Friday : The date varies from year to year. It is on the Friday immediately preceding Easter

Easter Monday : Observed on the first Monday following Easter which always takes place on a Sunday

Victoria Day: 1st Monday before May 25 (to commemorate the birth of Queen Victoria) Canada Day: July 1, anniversary of Confederation in 1867 Labor Day: 1st Monday in September Thanksgiving Day: 2nd Monday in October

Remembrance Day: November 11(to commemorate the dead of the two world wars) Christmas Day: December 25 New Year’s Day: January 1

Living standard: Canada ranks sixth in the world in standard of living (measured according to gross domestic product per capita), behind only the United States, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, and Japan. Canada’s rank among nations tends to rise even higher in assessments that consider GDP per capita along with other factors ( eg , life expectancy, education) that contribute to “quality of life” .

Religion: Catholic, Protestant and minorities from most of the world’s other major religions Government: parliamentary democracy

My Country – Canada

Contrary to people’s belief , e do not live in snow-covered houses far from civilization. Most of us live in cities that do not seem , at first glance, to differ greatly from those to the south of us. A newcomer in the US quickly learns to cover up his origins and become an American. A newcomer to Canada manages to keep something of the culture and custom of his own background.

Traditionally, the stranger has thought of Canada as a mountainous, snow-swept land of Indians and Eskimos. It comes as a surprise to many to learn that there are hundreds of thousands of us who have never seen an Eskimos, and some who have not seen an Indian or a mountain. Most of us , as I have said , are city people.

Certainly it can get very cold in Canada. Few non-Canadians understand that it can also get very hot. The eastern cities suffer from great heat in the wet July and August, and people actually die each year from the heat. But, of course, we Canadians also know what it is like to be cold. In 1947, it was so cold that a basin of water thrown into the air fell to the ground as ice.

When temperature is concerned, we are a country of extremes ; and yet as a people, we tend to be mild .Non-Canadians like to mix us together with our American neighbors, but we are not really like the American. Our environment, our social attitudes and our history make us a different kind of North American. The differences may not be easy for the newcomer to understand, but they are very real to us.

Our history is not very bloody. We are, after all the only people in all the Americas who did not separate violently from Europe. We were slow to give up our colonial ties to England. Another thing that make us different in the Americas is that our bilingual and bicultural makeup. Visitors are often impressed by the “foreignness” of Quebec City, with its twisting streets and its French-style coking.

I a not suggesting Canadians are anti-American. We watch American television programs. We read American magazines and American best-selling novels. We tend to prefer American-made cars over European and Asian ones. We welcome American tourists every year. But, the only thing we are really sure of is that we are not Americans.

