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English-chinese technical terms of ball and roller bearings

AAA(American Automobile Association)美国汽车学会 Abatement减少,消除,中断,失效,废料 Abbreviation缩写,简称,简化,略语

ABEC(Annular Bearing Engineers Committee)美国向心轴承工程师委员会 Aberration 脱轨,失常,畸变,变形,偏差 Ability 能力

Ability to support load承载能力

ABMTM(associated british machine tool makers)英国机床制造商协会 Abolish废除,取消

Abolishment 废除,取消

Abradant 磨料研磨剂,金刚砂研磨用的 Abrade 擦伤,磨损,研磨 Abrasion磨粒磨损

Abrasion resistance 抗磨性/力

Abrasive 磨料,研磨剂,磨料的,磨损的,研磨的 Abrasive action 磨损作用 Abrasive cloth 砂布

Abrasive cut-off wheel切割砂轮 Abrasive dirt particles 研磨粉尘 Abrasive dust磨屑

Abrasive erosion 磨粒侵蚀 Abrasive grain 磨料粒度

Abrasive-hardness test 磨蚀硬度实验 Abrasive machining磨削加工,强力磨削 Abrasive material 磨料 Abrasive paper 砂纸

Abrasive powder 研磨粉,金刚砂粉 Abrasive product 磨料制品

Abrasive resistance 磨蚀阻力,耐磨能力 Abrasive stick 砂条,油石

Abrasive wear 磨粒磨损,磨耗 Abrasive wheel砂轮


Abrupt 切割的,突然的,意外的

ABS(american bureau of standards)美国标准局 Abscissa横座标,横线 Absence of play 无游隙

Absolute dimension 绝对尺寸 Absolute viscosity 绝对粘度 Absorb 吸收,减震,承担 Absorbability 吸收量/能力 Absorption capacity吸收能力



Abundant丰富的,大量的,许多的,充足的 Abut连接,接近,支撑

Abutment轴承支座,定位台肩,接合面 Abutment ring 定位环 Abutment sleeve 定位套筒 Abutting end 对接端

Abutting surface 相邻表面,相接面 Accelerate 加速,促进

Accelerated aging test 加速老化实验 Acceleration 加速度

Acceleration curve 加速度曲线 Accelerator 加速器

Accelerometer 加速计,过载指示器 Accept 接受,验收合格,允许,认可 Acceptability 可接受的,合格的

Acceptable 可接受的,容许的,合格的

Acceptable quality level(AQL)质量验收标准 Acceptance 验收,答应,承认 Acceptance control 验收管理规程 Acceptance factory test 工厂验收试验 Acceptance inspection 验收检查 Acceptance test 验收试验

Acceptance tolerance 验收公差 Access接近,进入,入口,通路 Accessibility 易接近性

Accessory 附属的,次要的,附件,辅助设备 Accident 事故,偶然性,意外,紧急用的 Accident prevention measure 安全保护措施 Accident-prevention rule 安全保护条例 Accident-proof 防止事故的

Accommodate 调节,适应,供应 Accommodation 调节,适应 Accomplish 完成,达到,实行

Accomplishment 完成,实行,成就 According to 按照,根据

According to sample 根据样品 Accumulate 累积,储存,聚集 Accumulation 累积,储存 Accuracy 精度,精密性

Accuracy of angle measurement 角度测量精度 Accuracy of measurement 测量精度 Accuracy of reading 度数精度

Accuracy of running 轴承旋转精度

Accuracy to size 尺寸精度 Accurate 准确的,精密的

Accurate alignment 准确校直/对正 Accurate dimension 准确尺寸 Accurate grinding 精密磨削

Accurate to dimension 符合加工尺寸 Accurate to size 符合加工尺寸 Acetate fiber 醋酸纤维

Acetate rayon 醋酸人造纤维 Acetate silk 醋酸纤维丝 Acetone 丙酮

Acetylene 乙炔,电石气

Achieve 完成,达到,实现,获得 Achievement 完成达到,成就 Acid 酸,酸性的

Acid bessemer steel 酸性转炉钢 Acidiferous liquid 含酸的溶液

Acid number/acid value 酸值,酸价 Acidulous liquid 酸性溶液 Acme thread 梯形螺纹 Acting force 作用力 Action 作用,动作 Active 主动的

Active power有功效功率,平均功率 Actual bearing height 轴承实际高度 Actual conditions 实际情况 Actual dimension 实际尺寸

Actual length of roller 滚子实测长度 Actual output 实际输出量 Actual power 实际功率 Actual profile 实际外形

Actual single width 实测单一宽度 Actual size 实际尺寸 Actual slip 实际滑移

Actuate 开动,动作,操纵,鼓励 Actuating cam 驱动凸轮

Actuating mechanism 执行机构 Acute angle 锐角

Adapt 适应,配上,修改

Adaptability 适应性,适应能力

Adaptation 适应,匹配,配合,改编

Adapter 紧定套,管接头,连接装置,衬套

Adapter assembly 紧定套组件(包括套,锁母,花垫或锁紧片) Adapter dimensions 紧定套尺寸

Adapter sleeve 紧定套,连接套管 Adapting capacity 适应能力 Adapting device 连接装置 Adaptive control 自适应控制 Add 加上,增加

Addendum circle 齿顶圆

Addition 加入,增加,附加物,加法 Additional 附加的

Additional attachment 外加附件,辅助装置 Additional device 辅助装置 Additional output 附加输出量 Additional set 附加装置 Additive 添加剂,辅助的

Additive blended oil 添加剂调合油 Additive concentration 添加剂浓度 Additive engine oil 含添加剂的机油 Additive level 添加剂的总含量

Additive lubricating oil 含添加剂的润滑油 Additive property 添加剂性质,加和性 Additive reaction 加成反应 Additive type oil 含添加剂的油 Anti-corrosive additive 抗蚀添加剂 Anti-foam additive 消泡添加剂 Antioxidant additive 抗氧化添加剂 Anti-wear additive 耐磨添加剂 Detergent additive 去垢添加剂 Dispersant additive 分散添加剂

Lubricity additive 油性/润滑性添加剂 Adequate 足够的,充分的,相当的 Adhere 粘着于

Adherence 粘着,附着力,流入 Adhesion 附着力,粘合性,粘结 Adhesive 附着力,粘合剂,粘性的 Adhesive force 粘着力

Adhesive tape 胶带,绝缘带 Adhesive wear 粘着磨损 Adjacent 邻近的,相邻的 Adjacent parts 相邻零件 Adjust 调节,校正 Adjustability 可调性

Adjustable 可调的,可校准的

Adjustable eye nut wrench 活动吊环螺母扳手 Adjustable guide 可调导轨 Adjustable spanner 活动扳手

Adjustable spindle bearing 可调主轴轴承 Adjusting device 调整装置 Adjusting gauge 调整量规 Adjusting ring 调整环 Adjusting screw 调整螺钉 Adjusting spring 调整弹簧 Adjust manually 手工调整 Adjustment 调节,校正 Adjustment mark 校正标志

Admissible out-of-roundness 容许不圆度 Adopt 采用,选用,接受

Adoption 采用,接受,正式通过 Adsorption 吸附

Advance 前进,进步,走刀,提高,超前量 Advanced gear 走刀/进给机构 Advantage 有利于,有利条件

Adverse 相反的,不利的,有害的

Adverse condition 不利条件,相反的情况 Advisable 适当的,合理的 Advocate 拥护,提倡 Aerate 通气,鼓风,分解 Aeration 通气,鼓风,分解 Aeronautics 航空学

AFBMA(anti-friction bearing manufacturer’s association) 美国滚动/减摩轴承制造商协会

Affect 影响,改变,偏差

Aftertreatment 后处理,二次处理 Age 老化,时效,寿命,使用期限 Age-harden 时效老化 Age hardening 时效硬化 Ageing effect 时效效应

Agency 作用,手段,因素,经销 Agent 因素,作用力,媒介,介质 Age resister 抗老化剂 Age resisting 抗老化的 Age resisting oil 抗老化油 Aggregation 聚集,集合

Aging 老化,时效,分裂,变质 Aging process 老化过程

Aging puncture test 老化击穿试验 Aging temperature 时效温度 Agricultural machine 农业机械 Air 通风,风干,充气,空气 Air blast 鼓风,气喷净法

Air brake 气闸,空气制动器 Air chuck 气动卡盘

Air-chucking 气动夹紧,气动夹具 Air conditioned 装有空调设备的 Air conditioning 空气调节

Air-conditioning system 空气调节系统 Air control 气动控制 Air-cooled 风冷式 Air-cooling 空冷 Air drying 空气干燥

Air exhausting 抽气,排气 Air-exhaust valve 排气阀 Air-filter 空气过滤器 Air flow 气流

Airframe 飞机机架

Air hammer 气锤,空气锤击 Airhardening 空气淬火

Air-hardening steel气硬钢,自冷钢 Air hose 输气软管 Air-inlet hole 进气孔

Air moisture content 空气湿度 Air-operated空气制动的 Air-operated chuck 气动卡盘 Air-operated press 气动压力机 Air-outlet 排气孔 Air pressure 空气压力 Air-sealed 气密封的

Air-tight 气密的,密封的 Alcohol 酒精

Align 成一直线,校直,对正调直 Aligned 对准的,校直的

Aligning ability 调心性能,对正性能 Aligning plate 调心板,对正板

Aligning ring 调心外衬圈,球面外衬圈 Aligning seat 调心座,球面座

Aligning seat radius 调心座半径,球面座半径

Aligning seat radius center height 调心座中心高,球面座中心高 Aligning seat washer 调心座圈,球面座圈 Aligning sleeve 调心套筒 Aligning washer 调心垫圈

Align laterally 横向找平,侧面找正 Alignment 成直线,对准,直线性 Alkaline 碱性,碱性的 Alligator cracking 龟裂现象

Alligator crack 龟裂 Allotment 分配 Allowable 允许的

Allowable error 允许误差,允差

Allowable misalignment 允许安装误差 Allowable variation 允许变化值 Allowance 允许偏差,公差,裕度

Allowance above nominal size 允许的公称尺寸上偏差 Allowance below nominal size 允许的公称尺寸下偏差 Allowance for machining 机加工余量 Alloy 合金

Alloyable 可成合金的

Alloyed cementite 合金渗碳体 Alloying element 合金元素 Alloy metal 合金金属 Alloy steel 合金钢

Alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 All-purpose 通用的,万能的 Alter 改变,修改 Alteration 改变,变更

Alternate balls 隔离球(防于承载球之间的球) Alternating current ( a.c.)交流电

Alternating (repeated) stress test 交变应力实验 Alternative 替换物,选择

Alternator 交流发电机,振荡器 Alumina 氧化铝,刚玉,矾土

Alumina type inclusion 氧化铝型夹杂 Aluminium 铝

Aluminium alloy 铝合金

Aluminium die-casting 压铸铝件

Aluminium electrode 铝焊条,铝电极 Aluminium foil 铝箔

Aluminium housing 铝制箱体

Aluminium oxide 氧化铝,矿物陶瓷 Aluminizing 渗铝

Aluminous abrasive 铝土磨料 Ambient 周围的,外界的 Ambient condition 外界条件 Ambient noise 环境噪声

Ambient temperature 环境温度,室温 Amendment 修正,修正值 Ammonia 氨水

Amount 合计,总数 Ample 广大的,丰富的

Amplification factor 放大系数 Amplifier 放大器,增强剂 Amplitude 振幅,距离,范围

AMTBA(american machinetool builder’s association)美国机床制造商协会 AN(american national standard)美国国家标准 Analyse 分析,解析,研究 Annalysis 分析,分解,解析

Analysis result 分析结果,化验结果 Angle 角度 Angle bar 角铁

Angle between anxes 轴间交角

Angle connection 角型联接,角接接头 Angle iron 角铁

Angle of action 作用角 Angle of contact 接触角

Angle of deflection 偏转角,方向角 Angle of fill 钢球填充角

Angle of gradient 倾斜角度,坡度角 Angle of inclination 倾角

Angle of lead 导程角,超前角

Angle of oscillation 摆动角,振荡角 Angular 角形的,倾斜的

Angular acceleration 角加速度 Angular accuracy 角精度 Angular adjustment 角度调整 Angular contact 角接触,斜接 Angular cutter 斜角铣刀 Angular deflection 角偏转 Angularity 棱角,成角度

Angular joint 呈角度连接,角接接头 Angular meshing 角度咬合

Angular section 角形截面,角钢

Angular spacing of elements 滚动体中间角间距 Angular velocity 角速度 Aniline point 苯胺点 Anneal 退火 Annealed 退火的

Annealed steel 退火钢 Annealing 退火

Annealing bath 退火槽

Annealing expansion 退火变形 Annealing furnace 退火炉 Annealing pot 退火箱

Annealing temperature 退火温度

Annealing time 退火时间 Bright annealing 光亮退火

Homogenizing diffusion annealing 均匀化退火,扩散退火 Isothermal annealing 等温退火

Low temperature annealing 低温退火 Process annealing 中间退火

Recrystallization annealing 再结晶退火 Stabilizing annealing 稳定化退火 Annular 环状的

Annular groove 环沟,环槽 Annular kiln 环式烘炉

Anodic oxidation process 阳极氧化处理

ANSC(american national standards committee)美国国家标准委员会 ANSI(american national standards institue)美国国家标准学会 Anticipated value 预期数值

Anticipatory(derivative) control 超前控制,按可调参数的变化率控制,导数控制

Anti-clockwise rotation 逆时针方向旋转 Anticorrosion 防蚀,抗腐蚀 Anticorrosion agent 防腐蚀剂 Anticorrosion oil 防锈油

Anticorrosive 防锈的,防锈剂 Anticorrosive additive 抗蚀添加剂 Anticorrosive agent 防锈剂 Antifatigue 耐疲劳剂

Antifatigue means 抗疲劳措施 Anti-foam additive 消泡添加剂 Anti-freezing 防冻的,抗凝的 Anti-freezing agent 防冻剂

Anti-freezing lubricant 防冻润滑剂 Antioxidant additive 抗氧化添加剂 Anti-rotation device防转装置 Anti-seizure property 抗咬性

Anti-slipping 防滑装置,滑动防护 Anti-slipping agent 防滑剂 Anti-slipping device防滑装置 Anti-tarnish paper 防锈纸

Anti-wear additive 耐磨添加剂 Anti-wear treatment 耐磨处理

Anvil 铁砧,砧座,基准面,测量头 Anvil horn 砧角尖 Anvil tool 底模,下模

Aperture 小孔,小眼,裂缝,孔径,开度 Apex 顶点,最高点

Apex loading 顶点负荷,峰点负荷 Apex rolling element 顶部滚动体

APMA(american metal powder association)美国金属粉末协会 APMI(american powder metallurgy institute)美国粉末冶金学会 Apparatus 仪器,机器,器械

Apparent 明显的,表面上的,近似的

Apparent area (nominal area)表观面积,名义面积 Apparent viscosity 表观粘度 Appear 出现

Appearance 现象,外观

Appearance of fracture 断口外观 Appliance 器具,设备,装置 Applicable 合适的

Application 用途,应用,申请

Application of tolerance 公差适用范围 Applied chemistry 应用化学 Apply 应用,施加 Appraisal 估价,鉴定

Appraise 估计,评价,鉴定 Appraisement估计,鉴定

Appreciable 明显的,显著的,可观的 Appreciation 估价,鉴定

Approach 接近,近似,研究,探讨,压缩接近量,近似值 Appropriate 适当的,合适的 Approval 同意,批准

Approve 验收,批准,同意,证明

Approved tolerance 许用公差,批准的公差 Approximate value 近似值 Apt 适当的,灵敏的,易于的 Aqueous 含水的

Arbitrary 任意的,适宜的,独立的 Arbor 心轴,刀杆,边框

Arbor press method 手板冲压法 Arc电弧,弧,拱形的,电弧放电 Arch 弓形,半圆形 Arch abutment 拱形桥台

Arched outer race 拱形外圈沟道 Arc of contact 接触弧 Arc weld 电弧焊 Area 面积,表面

Area of ball indentation 钢球压痕面积 Area of contact 接触面积 Area of indentation 压痕面积

Area of lateral dispersion 横向扩散面积

Area of support 支撑面积

Area under compression 受压面积 Arise 上升,发生

Arithmetical mean 算术平均值,等差中项 Arm 臂,柄,杆

Armature 电枢,转子,衔铁 Armor 防护板,铠装

Aromatic 芳香剂,有香味的 Aromatic oil 芳香族油

Arrange 排列,配置,调整,装配

Arrangement 排列,安排,方案,装配 Arrest 阻止,关闭,制动器,吸住 Arresting device 止动装置,停机装置

Arresting gear 制动器,停机装置,行程限制器 Arrestment 阻止,制动,刹车 Article 制成品,项目,条款 Articulated 铰链式的,关节式的

Articulated connecting rod 铰链式连杆,活节连杆 Artificial 人造的

Artificial aging 人工老化

Artificial material 人工合成材料 Artificial resin 人造树脂

ASA(american standards association)美国标准协会 Asbestos 石棉

Asbestos board 石棉板

Ascertain 确定,调查,查明 Ascertainment 确定,调查 A. A.Sc.W.( association of scientific workers)(英)科学工作者协会 A.S.E.(american society of engineers)美国工程师学会 Ash content 灰分含量

Ash percentage 灰分含量百分比

ASLE (american society of lubricating engineers)美国润滑工程师学会 A.S.M.E.(american society of mechanical engineers)美国机械工程师学会 ASNT(american society for nondestructive testing)美国无损试验学会 Aspect 方面,状况,方式,观点 Asperity 粗糙度

Aspirating hole 抽气孔 Assay 化验,分析,检测 Assemble 装配,合套,组装

Assembled ball bearing 成套球轴承 Assembled width 装配宽度 Assembling fixture 装配夹具 Assembly 装配,组装,组件 Assembly bench 装配工作台

Assembly bushing 装配套筒 Assembly conditions 装配环境

Assembly drawing 装配图,总装图 Assembly line 装配线

Assembly-line manufacture 装配线制造 Assembly-line operation 装配线操作 Assembly-line production 装配线生产 Assembly press 装配压力机

Assembly screw 装配用调整丝杠 Assembly shop 装配车间

Assembly testing device 装配试验装置 Associate 联合

Associated 联合的,辅助的 Association 联合,协会 Assort 分类,配套

Assorting tolerance 分选公差,选别公差 Assortment 分类,合套工序 Asterisk 星号*

Asymmetrical 不对称的 Asymmetry 不对称性 Atmosphere 大气,气氛

Controlled atmosphere 可控气氛 Endothermic atmosphere 吸热式气氛 Exothermic atmosphere 放热式气氛 Neutral atmosphere 中性气氛 Oxidizing atmosphere 氧化气氛 Protective atmosphere 保护气氛 Atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀 Atmospheric moisture 大气湿度 Atmospheric pressure 大气压力 Atomic energy 原子能 Atomic nucleus 原子核 Atomic wear 原子磨损 Atomic weight 原子量

Atomization 雾化,喷雾,喷射 Atomize 使雾化,喷雾 Atomized oil 雾化油

Atomizer 喷雾器,喷嘴,粉碎机 At rest 静止,休息,已解决

At suitable intervals 每隔一定时间 Attach 附着,相连

Attachement 附着物,附属装置,附件、 Attachment flange 连接法兰

Attachment screw 装配螺钉,紧固螺钉

Attack polish 腐蚀抛光 Attain 达到,实现 Attainable 可达到的 Attainment 达到,成就 Attend 出席,参加

Attendance 出席,参加,保养,维护 Attenuate 变细,减少,衰减,稀释

Attenuation 衰减,减少,稀释,钝化,拉细 Attitude 偏位角 Attract 吸引,引起 Attraction吸引力

Attractive force 吸引力 Attrition 摩擦,磨损

Audible 听得见的,音响的 Audio frequency 音频 Austempering 等温淬火 Austenite 奥氏体

Austenite stabilization 奥氏体稳定化 Austenitic steel 奥氏体钢 Austenitizing 奥氏体化

Autogenous cutting 乙炔气割

Autogenous welding 乙炔气焊,熔融焊 Automatic 自动化的

Automatic bar machine 自动棒料加工车床 Automatic chuck lathe自动卡盘车床 Automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器

Automatic clamping arrangement 自动夹紧装置 Automatic control 自动控制

Automatic control device 自动控制装置 Automatic cut-out 自动断路器 Automatic feed 自动进给

Automatic forging machine 自动锻压机 Automatic governing 自动控制

Automatic grease lubrication 自动脂润滑 Automatic grinder 自动磨床

Automatic hobbing machine 自动滚齿机 Automatic lapping machine 自动研磨机 Automatic lathe 自动车床 Automatic loading 自动上料 Automatic miller 自动铣床

Automatic millling machine 自动铣床

Automatic multiple die press 自动多工位压力机

Automatic multi-spindle chucking machine 自动多轴卡盘车床 Automatic punching machine 自动冲床/冲压机

Automatic punching press 自动冲压/穿孔/打孔机 Automatic re-circulating system 自动再循环系统 Automatic regulation 自动控制

Automatic release 自动释放,自动卸压

Automatic screwing machine 自动螺纹机床,自动切丝机 Automatic transmission 自动变速装置,自动换档 Automatic turret lathe 自动转塔/六角车床 Automation 自动化,自动装置 Automotive industry汽车制造业

Automotive transmission 汽车变速器,汽车传动装置 Auto shop 自动车间

Auxiliary 辅件,辅助设备,辅助的 Auxiliary drive 辅助驱动装置

Auxiliary transmission 辅助传动装置,辅助变速器 Availability 可用性,使用价值,利用率 Available 可用的,适合的,通用的 Average 平均数值,平均的 Average capacity 平均性能

Average consumption 平均消耗量 Average cost 平均价格/成本 Average life 平均寿命 Average output 平均产量 Average speed 平均速率 Average value 平均值

Average velocity 平均速度

A.W.G(american wire gauge)美国线规 Axial 轴的,轴线的

Axial carrying capacity 轴向承载能力 Axial clearance 轴向游隙/间隙

Axial clearance tolerance 轴向游隙公差 Axial direction 轴向

Axial displacement 轴向位移 Axial force 轴向力

Axial freedom 轴向自由度,轴向游隙 Axial load 轴向负荷

Axially parallel 沿轴线方向平行 Axial movement 轴向运动 Axial play 轴向游隙窜动 Axial preload 轴向预加负荷 Axial pressure 轴向压力 Axial rotation 绕轴线回转 Axial run-out 轴向摆动

Axial section 轴向剖面/截面 Axial stress 轴向应力

Axial travel 轴向移动 Axis 轴,轴线

Axis of rotation 回转轴线,旋转轴 Axis of symmetry 对称轴 Axle 轴杆,心棒

Axle box 铁路轴承箱组

Axle box housing 铁路轴承箱箱体 Axle journal 轴颈

Axle misalignment 轴安装误差 Axle mounting 轴安装 Axle nut 轴用螺母 Axle offset 轴偏移 Axle shoulder 轴肩/ 台

Babbitt 浇巴氏合金,巴氏合金,锡锑铜合金 Babbitt bearing 巴氏合金轴承

Babbitt-lined bearing 巴氏合金衬套轴承 Babbitt metal 巴氏合金 Back 背部,衬垫,靠板 Back away 退回,撤出 Back cover 后盖

Back face 后端面,背面 Back gear 背轮,后倒轮

Back-gear shaft 背轮轴,后倒轮轴 Back gear ratio 倒档传动比 Backing 背衬,轴瓦

Backing-off 铲齿,铲凿,应力的消除 Backing ring 垫环,环垫 Backlash 齿间隙,后退 Backoff 铲背,凹进,补偿 Back-off angle 后角

Back off by grinding 磨削,铲背 Back rest 后支架,后刀架 Back spring 复位弹簧

Back stroke 反回行程,回程 Back to back 背靠背成对安装

Back to back mounting 背靠背安装,外圈宽端面相对安装 Baffle plate 挡板,缓冲板 Bainite 贝氏体

Bakelite 胶木,酚醛塑料

Bakelite bond 酚醛树脂粘结法

Bakelite-bonded grinding wheel 酚醛树脂磨砂轮 Bake oven 烘箱

Balance 平衡,对称,差额

Balanced load 对称负荷,平衡负荷

Balanced position 平衡位置

Balance out 抵消,平衡掉,补偿 Balancing 平衡,补偿,定零装置 Balancing disk 平衡盘 Balancing machine 平衡机 Balancing mandrel 平衡心轴 Balancing resistance 平衡电阻 Balancing valve 平衡阀 Ball 钢球

Ball and cage assembly 球及保持架组件

Ball and inner ring assembly 球和内圈组件,无外圈球轴承 Ball and outer ring assembly 球和外圈组件,无内圈球轴承 Ball and socket joint 球铰链,球关节 Ball bearing 球轴承

Ball bearing catalogue 球轴承样本 Ball bearing engineering 球轴承工程学 Ball bearing grease 球轴承润滑脂 Ball bearing inner race 球轴承内圈 Ball bearing inner ring 球轴承内圈 Ball bearing oil 球轴承润滑油

Ball bearing outer race/ring 球轴承外圈 Ball bearing pillow block 枕式球轴承箱组 Ball beraing race 球轴承套圈

Ball bearing retainer 球轴承保持架 Ball bearing steel 球轴承用钢 Ball blasting 喷丸清理

Ball bushing 直线运动球轴承,滚动导套 Ball cage 钢球保持架 Ball callipers 球径量规

Ball element contact zone 钢球接触区 Ball end needle roller 圆头滚针 Ball filling table 装球工作台 Ball gauge 球规值

Ball-gauging device 钢球测量装置 Ball grade 球等级

Ball grinding machine 磨球机 Ball groove 球沟道 Ball guidance 球导槽

Ball-hardness test 钢球硬度试验 Ball heading 钢球镦锻

Ball heading machine 钢球镦锻机

Ball impression 布氏硬度试验的钢球压痕 Ball-impression test 布氏硬度试验

Ball indentation 布氏硬度试验的钢球压痕

Ball-indentation test 布氏硬度试验 Ball joint 球节,球窝接头 Ball lapping machine 研球机 Ball mill 球磨机

Ball mill for wet grinding 湿磨球磨机 Ball path 球通道 Ball pin 球头销

Ball pocket 钢球兜孔 Ball press 钢球冲压机 Ball-pressure test 球压试验 Ball race groove 钢球沟道

Ball recirculating type 循环球型 Ball retainer 钢球保持架 Ball seat 球面座 Ball shape 球形 Ball steel 钢球用钢 Ball swage 钢球冲模 Ball subgauge 球分规值 Ball test 钢球检验 Ball track 钢球沟道 Ball valve 球阀

Banded structure 带状组织 Band mill 带式锯床

Bar 棒型钢,条料,挡上 Bar feed 棒料进给 Bar iron 条钢,型钢 Bar material 棒材

Bar peeling machine 粗车棒料机床 Barrel 桶,鼓轮,装桶,滚磨 Barrelling 滚磨,凸度

Barrel-shaped 鼓形,球面形

Barrel-shaped roller 鼓形滚子,球面滚子

Barrel-shaped roller bearing 鼓形滚子轴承,球面滚子轴承 Bar section 棒材

Bar stock 棒材,型材

Bar stock lathe 加工棒料车床

BAS(british association standard)英国标准协会

BAS(japan bearing industrial association standard)日本轴承工业标准协会 Base 基础,底座,轮距,以…为根据 Based on experience 根据经验 Basement 底座,基础,地下室 Base metal 基底金属,母材 Base plate 底板,基座板

Basic 基本,碱性的,基本的

Basically symmetrical 基本对称的 Basic bessemey steel 碱性转炉钢 Basic construction 基本构造 Basic converter steel 碱性转炉钢 Basic data 基本数据,原始数据 Basic design 基本设计

Basic diameter tolerance 基本直径公差

Basic dynamic capacity rating (BDC)基本额定动负荷 Basic dynamic load capacity 基本动负荷量

Basic dynamic thrust capacity rating(BDTC)基本额定推力动负荷 Basic hole 基准孔

Basic material 基本材料,原来,碱性材料 Basic number 基本数字代号 Basic price 基本价格

Basic price calculation 基本价格计算 Basic rule 基本规则 Basic shaft 基准轴 Basic size 基本尺寸

Basic static capacity rating (BSC)基本额定静负荷 Basic static load capacity 基本静负荷量 Basic static load rating 基本额定静负荷

Basic static thrust capacity rating(BSTC)基本额定推力静负荷 Basic temperature 基本温度

Basis 基础,主要成分,基本原理

Batch 一次生产量,批料,分批的,分批作业 Batch type furnace 周期式作业炉 Bath 浴槽,熔池,浸,泡 Bath furnace 浴炉

Bath lubrication 油浴润滑 Bead 小珠,焊珠,卷边

Beading die 收口模,卷边模,压弯模 Beading machine压边机,卷边机 Beam 梁,横杆,光线,射束 Beam of rays 光束

Bearing 轴承,承载,支承点 Bearing alloy 轴承合金

Bearing application 轴承应用

Bearing arrangement 轴承配置,轴承装置 Bearing assembly 成套轴承 Bearing axis 轴承轴心线 Bearing ball 轴承钢球 Bearing bore 轴承内孔

Bearing bore diameter 轴承内径 Bearing box 轴承箱组

Bearing box,pillow type 枕式轴承箱组 Bearing bush 轴承衬套,套筒轴承 Bearing cage 轴承保持架 Bearing capacity 承载能力 Bearing carrier 承载构件 Bearing casing 轴承箱体 Bearing chamfer 轴承倒角

Bearing chamfer dimension 轴承倒角尺寸 Bearing clearance 轴承游隙 Bearing combination 轴承组合 Bearing data 轴承数据

Bearing designation 轴承型号/标志

Bearing design features 轴承设计特性,轴承结构特点 Bearing extractor 轴承拆卸/提取器 Bearing failure 轴承失灵/损坏 Bearing felt 轴承毡圈

Bearing fraction 支承比,承载比 Bearing friction loss 轴承摩擦损失 Bearing height 推力轴承高度 Bearing housing 轴承箱体

Bearing housing,cast flanged housing,oval 轴承箱体-铸造法兰箱体(菱形)

Bearing housing, casting flanged housing ,square 轴承箱体-铸造法兰箱体(方形) Bearing housing,cast plummer block housing 轴承箱体-铸造立式箱体 Bearing housing,cast take-up housing 轴承箱体-铸造滑块式箱体

Bearing housing,pressed flanged housing,oval 轴承箱体-冲压法兰箱体(菱形) Bearing housing,pressed flanged housing,round 轴承箱体-冲压法兰箱体(圆形) Bearing housing,pressed plummer block housing 轴承箱体-冲压立式箱体 Bearing housing,pressed flanged housing,triangular 轴承箱体-冲压法兰箱体(三角形)

Bearing installationg 轴承安装 Bearing length 轴承长度 Bearing liner 轴衬

Bearing location 轴承定位

Bearing maintenance 轴承维护保养 Bearing material 轴承材料

Bearing metal 轴承合金,轴瓦 Bearing number 轴承数字代号 Bearing outside diameter 轴承外径 Bearing packer 轴承包装机 Bearing part 轴承零件

Bearing plummer block unit 立式外球面轴承箱组 Bearing portion 轴承部位 Bearing position 轴承位置 Bearing puller 轴承拉取器

Bearing race 轴承套圈/滚道 Bearing removal 轴承拆卸

Bearing ring 轴承套圈,支承环

Bearing ring with aligning seat 带调心球面座的轴承套圈 Bearing roller 轴承滚子 Bearing scraper 轴瓦刮刀 Bearing seat 轴承座

Bearing seizure 轴承卡住/咬死 Bearing series 轴承系列

Beraing series number 轴承系列号 Bearing shell 轴套

Bearing size selection 轴承尺寸选择 Bearing specification 轴承规格 Bearing surface 轴承表面 Bearing symbol 轴承代号

Bearing tolerance 轴承配合公差 Bearing washer 推力轴承套圈

Bearing washer with aligning seat 带调心球面座的推力轴承套圈

Bearing width(width over bearing rings)轴承宽度(跨越两套圈间的宽度) Bearing with adapter assembly(or adapter sleeve)装在紧定套上的轴承 Bearing with aligning ring 带调心外衬圈轴承

Bearing with concentric locking collar around the inner ring 内圈带同心紧固套的轴承

Bearing with cross roller 交叉圆柱滚子轴承 Bearing with cylindrical bore 圆柱孔轴承

Bearing with cylindrical outside surface 圆柱面轴承 Bearing with dust cover 带防尘罩轴承

Bearing with eccentric locking collar 带偏心紧固套的轴承 Bearing with extended inner ring 宽内圈轴承 Bearing with filling slot 有装球缺口的轴承

Bearing with flanged outer ring 外圈有止推挡边的轴承 Bearing with inner ring 带内圈的轴承

Bearing with lips(ribs) on outer ring 内圈有双挡边的轴承 Bearing with locating snap ring 外圈带止动环的轴承

Bearing with locating snap ring groove 外圈有止动环槽的轴承 Bearing with oil groove 带油槽的轴承

Bearing with oil lubrication 采用油润滑的轴承 Bearing without filling slot 无装球缺口的轴承 Bearing without inner ring 无内圈轴承 Bearing without outer ring 无外圈轴承

Bearing without shields or seals 无防尘盖或密封圈的轴承 Bearing with retaining shield 带防尘盖的轴承 Bearing with seals 带密封圈的轴承

Bearing with set screws in the inner ring 内圈带定位螺钉(顶丝)的轴承

Bearing with shields 带防尘盖轴承

Bearing with snap ring groove 有止动环槽轴承 Bearing with spherical outside surface 外球面轴承

Bearing with spherical outside surface and extended ring width 有外球面和宽内圈的轴承

Bearing with tapered bore 圆锥孔轴承

Bearing with thin-scction outer ring 薄壁外圈轴承 Bearing with wire raceway 钢丝滚道轴承 Bearing with withdrawal sleeve 带退卸套轴承

Adjustable needle roller bearing 可调间隙滚针轴承 Air bearing 空气轴承

Airframe bearing 飞机机架轴承

Airframe bearing,double row self-aligning ball bearing,double shielded,rod end-female 飞机机架轴承-两面带防尘盖,阴螺纹杆端双列自动调心球轴承 Airframe bearing,double row self-aligning ball bearing, double shield, rod end-male 飞机机架轴承-两面带防尘盖,阳螺纹杆端双列自动调心球轴承 Airframe bearing,self-aligning joint 飞机机架轴承-关节轴承

Airframe bearing,single row radial ball bearing,double shielded 飞机机架轴承-两面带防尘盖的单列向心球轴承

Airframe bearing,single row self-aligning ball bearing double shielded 飞机机架轴承-两面带防尘盖的单列自动调心球轴承

Airframe bearing,torque tube ball bearing 飞机机架轴承-力距管球轴承 Air journal bearing 气体轴颈轴承 Air-lubricated bearing 空气润滑轴承

Air-lubricated thrust bearing 空气润滑推力轴承 Aligning type bearing 调心球面型轴承 Angle pedestal bearing 斜架轴承

Angular contact bearing 角接触向心推力轴承

Angular Contact ball bearing 角接触向心推力球轴承

Angular contact ball bearing self-contained 不可分离型角接触向心推力球轴承 Angular contact ball bearing with v-type raceway V型沟道角接触向心推力球轴承

Angular contact roller bearing 角接触向心推力滚子轴承

Angular contact self-aligning roller bearing 角接触向心推力自动调心滚子轴承 Angular contact spherical roller bearing 角接触向心推力球面滚子轴承 Angular contact thrust ball bearing 角接触推力球轴承(公称接触角不是90°,不能自动调心)

Annular ball bearing 向心球轴承

Annular barrel bearing 向心鼓形球面滚子轴承 Annular bearing 向心轴承

Annular grooved ball bearing 向心深沟球轴承 Annular tapered roller bearing 向心圆锥滚子轴承 Anti-friction bearing 滚动减摩轴承 Antimagnetic bearing 防磁轴承

Aquo-lubricant bearing 水润滑轴承 Assembled ball bearing 成套球轴承

Asymmetrical roller bearing 非对称球面滚子轴承 Automobile-chassis bearing 汽车底盘轴承 Automobile clutch bearing 汽车离合器轴承 Automobile-engine bearing 汽车发动机轴承

Automobile propeller shaft bearing 汽车传动轴万向节轴承 Axial contact ball bearing 推力球轴承

Axial contact roller bearing 推力滚子轴承(公称接触角不等于90°) Babbitt bearing 巴氏合金轴承

Back-to-back duplex bearing 背靠背成对安装轴承(外圈宽端面相对) Ball and roller bearing 滚动轴承,球和滚子轴承 Ball and roller bearing engineering 滚动轴承工程学 Ball and socket bearing 滚窝轴承 Ball bearing 球轴承

Ball bearing grease 球轴承润滑脂 Ball bearing inner ring 球轴承内圈

Ball bearing locating snap ring 球轴承止动环 Ball bearing oil 球轴承润滑油 Ball bearing outer ring 球轴承外圈

Ball bearing pillow block 枕式球轴承箱组 Ball bearing raceway 球轴承沟道 Ball bearing spacer 球轴承隔离件

Ball bearing tandem mounting 成对串联安装角接触球轴承 Ball bearing with arch raceway outer ring 外圈拱形沟道球轴承 Ball bearing with filling slot 有装球缺口的球轴承 Barrel-shaped roller bearing 鼓形/球面滚子轴承 Big-end bearing 连杆大头轴承

Bimetal(lic) bearing 双金属轴承

Bottom end bearing (big end bearing)下端轴承(连杆大头轴承) Bracket bearing 托架轴承 Brass bearing 黄铜轴承 Bronze bearing 青铜轴承

Cageless bearing 无保持架轴承

Cam follower,needle roller bearing 滚轮滚针轴承,,凸轮从动件滚针轴承 Camshaft bearing 凸轮轴轴承 Carbon steel beraing 碳钢轴承

Case hardened steel bearing 渗碳钢轴承 Ceramic bearing 陶瓷轴承

Clutch release ball bearing 离合器分离球轴承

Clutch release bearing,angular contact type 角接触型离合器分离轴承 Combined bearing 组合轴承

Combined needle roller/ball bearing 滚针和球组合轴承

Combined needle roller/thrust ball bearing 滚针和推力球组合轴承

Combined needle roller/thrust roller bearing 滚针和推力滚子组合轴承 Combined radia/thrust bearing 向心推力组合轴承

Compliant cylindrical roller bearing 端穴柔性圆柱滚子轴承 Compound bearing 多层合金轴瓦 Compressed-air bearing 压缩空气轴承 Conical bearing 圆锥轴承

Connecting-rod bearing 连杆轴承

Conrad bearing 无装球缺口向心球轴承(康拉德轴承) Corrosion resisting bearing 耐腐蚀轴承 Counterbored ball bearing 带锥口球轴承 Crankpin bearing 曲柄销轴承 Crankshaft bearing 曲轴轴承

Crowned rollers bearing 带凸度滚子的圆柱滚子轴承 Cryogenic bearing 低温轴承 Cylindrical bearing 圆柱轴承

Cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承

Cylindrical roller bearing with separate thrust collar 带斜挡圈的单列圆柱滚子轴承 Damper bearing 减震器轴承

Deep groove ball bearing 深沟球轴承 Diamong bearing 钻石轴承 Die cast bearing 模铸轴承

“differential” bearing 三套圈〔差动〕向心球轴承 differential gear bearing 差速器轴承

double direction angular contact thrust ball bearing 双向角接触推力球轴承 double direction thrust ball bearing 双向推力球轴承

double direction thrust ball bearing,aligning type in housign 装在轴承箱体内的调心型双向推力球轴承

double direction thrust ball bearing with sleeve 装在安装套上的双向推力球轴承 double direction thrust bearing 双向推力轴承

double-direction thrust bearing with flat seats 带平面座的双向推力轴承 double direction thrust roller bearing 双向推力滚子轴承 double row angular contact ball bearing 双列角接触球轴承

double row angular contact ball bearing with filling slot 有装球缺口的双列角接触球轴承

double row angular contact ball bearing with two-piece outer ring 双外圈双列角接触球轴承

double row angular contact ball bearing with vertex of contact angles inside of bearing 接触角顶点在轴承内的(负荷作用线内交的)双列角接触球轴承

double row angular contact ball bearing with vertex of contact angles outside of bearing 接触角顶点在轴承外的(负荷作用线外交的)双列角接触球轴承 double row bearing 双列轴承

double row cylindrical roller bearing,two internal snap ring in outer ring 外圈带双锁圈(内圈无挡边)的双列向心圆柱滚子轴承

double row radial contact ball bearing 双列向心球轴承 double row rigid angular contact ball bearing (sealed)双列刚性角接触球轴承(带


double row self-aligning ball bearing 双列调心球轴承

double row self-aligning ball bearing with adapter sleeve 装在紧定套上的双列调心球轴承

double row self-aligning roller bearing 双列调心滚子轴承 double row tapered roller bearing 双列圆锥滚子轴承

double row tapered roller bearing with double cone 双内圈双列圆锥滚子轴承 double row tapered roller bearing with double cup 双外圈双列圆锥滚子轴承

double row tapered roller bearing with vertex of contact angles inside of bearing 接触角顶点在轴承内的双列圆锥滚子轴承

double row tapered roller bearing with vertex of contact angles outside of bearing 接触角顶点在轴承外的双列圆锥滚子轴承 double sealed bearing 两面带密封圈的轴承 double shielded bearing 两面带防尘盖的轴承

drawn cup needle roller bearing,open end/closed end 穿孔型或封口型冲压外圈滚针轴承

driving shaft bearing 主驱动轴轴承 drop-hanger bearing 吊架轴承 dry bearing 干摩轴承

duplex ball bearing 成对安装球轴承 duplex bearing 成对安装轴承 dynamometer bearing 测力计轴承 elastic bearing 弹性轴承 elliptical bearing 椭圆轴承

established line bearing 非标准轴承

externally-pressurized bearing 外部供压轴承 extra large size bearing 特大型轴承 extra small bearing 特小型轴承

extra thin section bearing 特薄壁轴承

face-to-face duplex bearing 面对面成对安装轴承(外圈窄端面相对) filling slot type bearing 有装球缺口的轴承 fitted bearing 配合轴承

fixed bearing 轴向固定安装轴承

fixed-land(pad) bearing 固定瓦块轴承 flanged bearing 有止推挡边轴承

flat-land(plate) thrust bearing 平瓦块推力轴承 flexue pivot bearing 挠性枢轴轴承 floating bearing 轴向浮动安装轴承

floating bearing housing 轴向浮动安装轴承箱体 floating-ring bearing 带活动中挡圈的轴承 fluted bearing 多槽轴承 foil bearing 薄片轴承 footstep bearing 立式轴承

four-point contact ball bearing 四点接触球轴承

four row bearing 四列轴承

four row tapered roller bearing 四列圆锥滚子轴承 fractured bearing 断裂的轴承

full journal bearing 整体轴颈轴承(绕轴颈360°) full type roller bearing 满滚子式滚子轴承

full type rolling element bearing 满滚动体式轴承 gas bearing 气体轴承

gas-lubricated bearing 气润滑轴承

groove type radial ball bearing 沟道型向心球轴承 gudgeon pin bearing 活塞〔十字头,耳轴〕销轴承 guide bearing 导向轴承 gun metal bearing 炮铜轴承

half journal bearing 半轴颈轴承(绕轴颈180°) heat stabilized bearing 热稳定轴承 heavy-duty bearing 重型轴承 high precision 高精度轴承 high-speed bearing 高速轴承

high-speed operation roller bearing 高速运转滚子轴承 high temperature bearing 高温轴承 hollow ball bearing 空心球轴承

hollow-ended cylindrical roller bearing 端穴圆柱滚子轴承 hollow roller bearing 空心滚子轴承 housign bearing seat 箱体轴承座

hyatt roller bearing 海特〔挠性〕滚子轴承

hybrid bearing 动静压轴承,球轴承与静压轴承组合 hydrodynamic bearing 流体动压轴承

hydrodynamic journal bearing 流体动压轴颈轴承,油膜轴承 hydrostatic bearing 流体静压轴承

hydrostatic journal bearing 流体静压轴颈轴承 inch-dimension bearing 英制轴承 inseparable bearing 不可分离型轴承 insert bearing 带箱体的轴承

instrument precision bearing 仪器用精密轴承

instrument precision bearing,single row radial ball bearing 仪器用精密轴承-单列向心球轴承

instrument precision bearing,singlerow radial ball bearing,double sealed 仪器用精密轴承-两面带密封圈的单列向心球轴承

instrument precision bearing,single row radial ball bearing,double shielded 仪器用精密轴承-两面带防尘器单列向心球轴承

instrument precision bearing,single row radial ball bearing, single sealed 仪器用精密轴承-一面带密封圈的单列向心球轴承

instrument precision bearing,single row radial ball bearing,single shielded 仪器用精密轴承-一面带防尘盖的单列向心球轴承 intergral bearing housing 整体轴承箱体

integral shaft ball bearing 带轴球轴承 interchangeable bearign 可互换轴承 jewelled bearing 宝石轴承

journal bearing 轴颈〔径向〕轴承 journal bearing housing 轴颈轴承箱体

journal roller bearing (mill type roller bearing)轴颈滚子轴承(轧机用滚子轴承) king pin thrust ball bearing 转向主销推力球轴承 king pin thrust roller bearing 转向主销推力滚子轴承 kingsbury bearing 金斯伯利轴承(可倾瓦轴承之一种) knuckle bearing 关节轴承,球形支座 knuckle-pin bearing 关节销轴承 knuckle thrust bearing 关节推力轴承

ladder bearing(for linear motion)梯形(直线运动)轴承 laminated elastomeric bearing 层压弹性轴承 large-end bearing 连杆大端轴承,曲柄销轴承 large size bearing 大型轴承

linear motion bearing,recirculating ball type 直线运动滚动轴承,循环球型 lip type bearing 带挡边的轴承 little-end bearing 连杆小端轴承 location type bearing 定位型轴承

long cylindrical roller bearing 长圆柱滚子轴承 lower bearing 下轴瓦

magnetic bearing 磁性轴承 magneto bearing 磁电机轴承

magneto type ball bearing 磁电机型球轴承 maximum size bearing 大型轴承

maximum type bal bearing 有装球缺口的球轴承 medium size bearing 中型轴承 metric bearing 公制轴承

metric tapered roller bearing 公制圆锥滚子轴承 michell bearing(kingsbury bearing),米切尔轴承 mine car bearing 矿车轴承

miniature ball bearing 微型球轴承 miniature bearing 微型轴承 multiple row bearing 多列轴承 multi-row bearing 多列轴承 narrow type bearing 窄型轴承 neck-journal bearing 轴颈轴承

needle roller/ angular contact ball bearing,double direction 滚针和双向角接触球组合轴承

needle roller/angular contact ball bearing,single direction滚针和单向角接触球组合轴承

needle roller bearing 滚针轴承

needle roller bearing,cam follower, caged 带保持架的滚轮滚针轴承

needle roller bearing,drawn cup,without inner ring 冲压外圈无内圈滚针轴承 needle roller bearing,track roller,stud type 螺栓型滚轮滚针轴承 needle roller bearing,rrack roller,yoke type 平挡圈型滚轮滚针轴承 needle roller bearing with adjustable clearance 游隙可调整的滚针轴承 needle roller bearing with inner race 有内圈滚针轴承

needle roller bearing with oil holes and retained rollers 带油孔、外圈有双挡边的滚针轴承

needle roller bearing without inner ring 无内圈滚针轴承 needle roller bearing without rib 无挡边的滚针轴承

needle roller bearing with retained cage and needle roller assembly 带保持架和滚针组件的滚针轴承

needle roller bearing with self-regulating clearance 游隙可调的滚针轴承 needle roller thrust bearing 推力滚针轴承 noise-free bearing 低噪声轴承

non-interchangeable bearing 非互换性轴承,不可互换轴承 non-locating type bearing 非定位型轴承 non-self-aligning bearing 非调心轴承 oil-impregnated bearing 含油轴承 oilite bearing 含油轴承

oilless bearing 不需加油轴承,自润滑轴承 oil-lubricated bearing 油润滑轴承

one-direction self-aligning ball thrust bearing 单向调心推力球轴承 open-type bearing 非密封轴承,无防尘盖无密封圈轴承 oscillatory journal bearing 摆动轴颈轴承 outboard bearing 外置轴承 overhung bearing 悬吊轴承 packaged bearing 盒装轴承 pad bearing 瓦块轴承

parallel roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承 phenolic bearing 酚醛树脂轴承 pilot bearing 导轴承

pin bearing 销轴承,枢轴承 piston pin bearing 活塞销轴承 pivot bearing 枢承,轴尖支承 pivotted-pad bearing 活支瓦轴承

pivot type ball bearing(angular contact type)(冲压)碗形角接触球轴承 plain bearing 滑动轴承

plain-friction bearing 滑动轴承 plain thrust bearing 普通推力轴承 plastic bearing 塑料轴承

pocket thrust bearing 腔室推力轴承

polytetrafluoroethylene bearing 聚四氟乙烯轴承 porous bearing 多孔轴承

post hanger bearing 柱式吊架轴承

precision rolling bearing 精密滚动轴承 prelubricated bearing 预润滑轴承

pressure-deed air bearing 静压空气轴承

propeller shaft bearing 螺旋桨〔推进器〕传动轴轴承 radial ball bearing 向心球轴承

radial ball bearing with extended inner ring 带宽内圈的向心球轴承 radial bearing 向心轴承

radial bearing with aligning ring 带调心外衬圈的向心轴承

radial bearing with shields or seals 带防尘盖或密封圈的向心轴承 radial contact ball bearing 向心球轴承(承受纯径向负荷) radial contact roller bearing 向心滚子轴承(承受纯径向负荷) radial contact spherical plain bearing 径向接触向心球面滑动轴承 radial needle roller bearing 向心滚针轴承 railway axle box bearing 铁路车辆轴箱轴承 rayleigh-step bearing 瑞利台阶轴承

RBU bearing,cylindrical roller bearing package unit for rolling stocks旋转端盖式(RBU型)全密封双列圆柱滚子轴承

RCC bearing,cylindrical roller bearing package unit for rolling stocks 旋转端盖式(RCC型)全密封双列圆柱滚子轴承

RCT bearing,tapered roller bearing package unit for rolling stocks 旋转端盖式(RCT型)全密封双列圆锥滚子轴承

Recirculating linear roller bearing 循环型直线运动滚子轴承 Rigid bearing 刚性轴承

Rigid needle roller bearing 刚性滚针轴承

Rigid needle roller bearing,track roller,double row 滚轮用双列刚性滚针轴承 Rigid needle roller bearing,track roller, single row(shielded)滚轮用单列刚性滚针轴承(带防尘盖)

Ring lubricating bearing 油环润滑轴承 Ring oiling bearing 油环润滑轴承 Rocker bearing 摆杆轴承 Rod end bearing 杆端轴承 Roller bearing 滚子轴承

Roller bearing assembly 成套滚子轴承 Rolling bearing 滚动轴承 Rolling mill bearing 轧机轴承 Rotor bearing 转子轴承 Rubber bearing 橡胶轴承 Rubbing bearing 干摩擦轴承

Rubbing plain bearing 普通干摩滑动轴承(一般用非金属材料制造) Rudder shaft bearing 船舵轴轴承

Satellite thrust bearing 人造卫星推力轴承 Sealed bearing 带密封圈的轴承 Sealed-for-lift bearing 全期油封轴承 Self-acting air 动压空气轴承

Self-adjustable sliding bearing 自调滑动轴承 Self-aligning ball bearing 自动调心球轴承 Self-aligning bearing 调心轴承

Self-aligning roller bearing 调心滚子轴承

Self-aligning spherical roller bearing,double row 双列调心球面滚子轴承 Self-aligning spherical roller bearing, single row 单列调心球面滚子轴承 Self-aligning spherical roller thrust bearing 调心球面滚子推力轴承 Self-aligning thrust roller bearing 调心推力滚子轴承

Self-contained bearing(non-separabale bearing)不可分离型轴承 Self-lubricating bearing 自润滑轴承 Self-oiling bearing 自润滑轴承

Separable type ball bearing 分离型球轴承 Shaft bearing seat 轴颈轴承座 Shaker screen bearing 摇筛用轴承

Shell type needle roller bearing 冲压套圈滚针轴承 Shielded and sealed bearing 带防尘盖和密封圈轴承 Shielded bearing 带防尘盖轴承

Single direction thrust ball bearing 单向推力球轴承 Single direction thrust ball bearing,aligning type with aligning seat washer 带调心座圈的调心型单向推力球轴承

Single direction thrust ball bearing with flat raceways 带平滚道的单向推力球轴承 Single direction thrust bearing 单向推力轴承

Single diection thrust bearing with flat seats 带平面座的单向推力轴承 Single direction thrust roller bearing 单向推力滚子轴承 Single oil hole bearing 单油孔轴承

Single row angular contact ball bearing 单列角接触球轴承

Single row angular contact ball bearing with two-piece inner ring 双半内圈单列角接触球轴承

Single row angular contact ball bearing with two-piece outer ring 双半外圈单列角接触球轴承

Single row angular contact ball bearing with two-piece outer ring and two-piece inner ring 双半内外圈单列角接触球轴承 Single row bearing 单列轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,cageless, double ribbed inner ring,single ribbed outer ring with internal snap ring 内圈有双挡边,外圈有单挡边并带单锁圈的无保持架单列向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row cylindrical roller bearing,cageless,double ribbed inner ring,two internal snap rings in outer ring 内圈有双挡边,外圈带双锁圈的无保持架单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring 内圈有双挡边的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring,double ribbed outer ring 内外圈均有双挡边的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing, double ribbed inner ring,double ribbed outer

ring,spherical outside surface,aligning housing and parallel clamping sleeve 带调心箱体座和圆柱形夹紧套,内外圈均有双挡边的单列外球面向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring, double ribbed outer ring,spherical outside surface,with aligning housing ring 内外圈均有双挡边并带调心外衬圈的单列外球面向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring,double ribbed outer ring with one rib loose 内圈有双挡边,外圈有双挡边,其中一个为平挡圈的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring,double ribbed outer ring,with spherical outside surface,aligning housing and tapered clamping sleeve 带调心箱体座和锥形夹紧套,内外圈均有双挡边的单列外球面向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring,single ribbed outer ring 内圈有双挡边,外圈有单挡边的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed inner ring,single ribbed outer ring with internal snap ring 内圈有双挡边,外圈有单挡边并带单锁圈的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing, double ribbed inner ring,two internal snap rings in outer ring 内圈有双挡边,外圈带双锁圈的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing ,double ribbed outer ring 外圈有双挡边(内圈无挡边)的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row cylindrical roller bearing, double ribbed outer ring, double ribbed inner ring with one rib loose 外圈有双挡边,内圈有双挡边其中一个为平挡圈的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed outer ring,single

Ribbed inner ring 外圈有双挡边,内圈有单挡边的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,double ribbed outer ring,spherical ooutside surface, with aligning housing ring 外圈有双挡边并带调心外衬圈的单列外球面向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylinfdrical roller bearing,single ribbed inner ring,two internal snap rings in outer ring 内圈有单挡边,外圈(无挡边)带双锁圈的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row cylindrical roller,single ribbed outer ring with internal snap ring,single ribbed inner ring 外圈有单挡边并带单锁圈,内圈有单挡边的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承

Single row cylindrical roller bearing,two internal snap rings in outer ring 外圈(无挡边)带双锁圈的单列向心圆柱滚子轴承 Single row radial ball bearing 单列向心球轴承

Single row radial ball bearing,double sealed 两面带密封圈的单列向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing double shielded 两面带防尘盖的单列向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing, single sealed 一面带密封圈的单列向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing, single shielded 一面带防尘盖的单列向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing with adapter sleeve 装在紧定套上的单列向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing with filling slot 有装球缺口的单列向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing with filling slot,double shielded 有装球缺口,两面带防尘盖的单列向心球轴承

Single row radial ball bearing with filling slot,single shielded 有装球缺口,一面带防尘盖的单列向心球轴承

Single row radial ball bearing with snap ring 外圈带止动环的单列向心球轴承

Single row radial ball bearing with spherical outside surface,aligning housing and parallel clamping sleeve 带调心箱体座和圆柱形夹紧套的单列外球面向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing with spherical outside surface aligning housing and tapered clamping sleeve 带调心箱体座和锥形夹紧套的单列外球面向心球轴承 Single row radial ball bearing with spherical outside surface and aligning housing ring 带调心外衬圈的单列外球面向心球轴承

Single row radial contact separable ball bearing (magneto bearing)分离型单列向心球轴承〔磁电机轴承〕

Single row rigid ball bearing(sealed or shielded) 单列刚性球轴承(带密封圈或防尘盖)

Single row rigid torque tube ball bearing (sealed or shielded)单列刚性扭矩管球轴承(带密封圈或防尘盖)

Single row separable angular contact ball bearing 分离型单列角接触球轴承 Single row separable ball bearing 分离型单列球轴承 Single row tapered roller bearing 单列圆锥滚子轴承 Single sealed bearing 一面带密封圈的轴承 Single shielded bearing 一面带防尘盖的轴承

Sintered metal powder bearing 粉末冶金轴承,烧结金属轴承 Slewing ring type bearing 转盘轴承 Sliding bearing 滑动轴承

Slim ring ball bearing 薄壁套圈的球轴承 Small size bearing 小型轴承 Solid bearing 整体轴承

Solid roller bearing 实心滚子轴承 Special bearing 特殊轴承 Spherical bearing 球面轴承

Spherical plain bearing 球面滑动轴承,关节轴承 Spherical plain radial bearing 向心关节轴承 Spherical plain thrust bearing 推力关节轴承 Spherical roller bearing 球面滚子轴承

Spherical roller bearing with symmetrical rollers 对称球面滚子轴承 Spherical roller thrust bearing 推力球面滚子轴承 Spindle bearing 主轴轴承

Spiral wound roller bearing 螺旋滚子轴承 Split bearing 剖分式轴承

Split cylindrical bearing 剖分式圆柱轴承 Stainless steel bearing 不锈钢轴承 Standard bearing 标准轴承 Stationary bearing 固定轴承 Steel backed bearing 钢背轴承 Steep angle bearing 大锥角轴承

Steep angle tapered roller bearing 大锥角圆锥滚子轴承

Steering knuckle arm bearing 汽车转向臂轴承 Steering worm bearing 汽车转向器轴承 Stepped bearing 台阶轴承

Supercharger bearing 增压器轴承 Suspension bearing 悬吊轴承

Symmetrical roller bearing 对称球面滚子轴承 Synthetic resin bearing 合成树脂轴承

Tandem duplex bearing 成对串联安装轴承 Taper bearing 圆锥轴承

Tapered bore bearing 圆锥孔轴承 Tapered bearing 斜面轴承

Tapered roller bearing 圆锥滚子轴承

Tapered roller bearing ,inch series 圆锥滚子轴承-英制系列 Tapered roller bearing,metric series 圆锥滚子轴承-公制系列

Tapered roller bearing, metric series,outer ring with flange 圆锥滚子轴承,公制系列外圈有止动挡边

Tapered roller bearing with large contact angle 大锥角圆锥滚子轴承 Taper roller thrust bearing 推力圆锥滚子轴承 Thin section ball bearing 薄壁套圈的球轴承

Thin section cylindrical roller bearing 薄壁套圈圆柱滚子轴承 Three-lobe bearing 三叶轴承

Three point contact ball bearing 三点接触球轴承 Three row bearing 三列轴承 Thrust ball bearing 推力球轴承

Thrust ball bearing with aligning seat washer 带调心座圈的推力球轴承 Thrust ball bearing with band 带外罩的推力球轴承

Thrust ball bearing with flat seats 带平面座的推力球轴承

Thrust ball bearing with housing washer and ball assembly 无紧圈单向推力球轴承 Thrust ball bearing without cage 无保持架推力球轴承 Thrust ball bearing with sleeve 带安装套的推力球轴承

Thrust ball bearing with tight washer and ball assembly 无活圈单向推力球轴承 Thrust bearing 推力轴承

Thrust bearing with aligning seat 带调心座的推力轴承

Thrust bearing with more rows of rollers 多列推力滚子轴承 Thrust bearing with two rows of rollers 双列推力滚子轴承 Thrust cylindrical roller bearing 推力圆柱滚子轴承 Thrust needle roller bearing 推力滚针轴承 Thrust roller bearing 推力滚子轴承

Thrust tapered roller bearing 推力圆锥滚子轴承 Tilting-pad bearing 可倾瓦轴承 Track runner bearing 滚轮轴承 Trunnion bearing 耳轴轴承 Turbine bearing 透平机轴承

Turret lathe bearing 六角车床用轴承

Unflanged bearing 无止推挡边轴承 Unground bearing 滚道不磨削的轴承 Universal joint bearing 万向节轴承 Upper bearing 上轴瓦

Water pump bearing 水泵轴承 Water-sealed bearing 防水轴承 White-metal bearing 巴氏合金轴承 Wire race ball bearing 钢丝滚道球轴承 Worm thrust bearing 蜗杆推力轴承

Wound roller-type bearing 螺旋滚子轴承 Wrist-pin bearing 连杆小头轴承 Vacuum bearing 真空轴承 Beat out 敲平,锤薄

Become clogged 形成阻塞(粘附)现象

Become dim(dull)使变暗淡,失去光泽,变得模糊不清 Become effective 生效

Become free 释放,分离,解除,使空转 Become liberated 使….放出 Bedplate 基座,底板 Beginning开始,起点 Begin to rust 开始生锈

Behaviour 工作情况,状态,特性,作用,功效 Bell crank 曲拐,双臂曲柄 Bell type furnace 罩式炉 Belong 属于

Belt conveyor 皮带运输机

Belt conveyor stretcher 皮带运输机张紧器 Belt drive 皮带驱动 Belt-driven 皮带传动的 Belt fastener 皮带扣

Belt grinder 砂带磨光机,带式磨床 Belt guide pulley 皮带导向轮

Belt polishing machine 带式抛光机 Belt pulley 皮带轮

Belt-shifting device 皮带变速装置 Belt slip 皮带打滑 Belt stress 皮带应力

Belt stretcher 皮带张紧器

Belt tensioning roller 皮带张紧辊 Belt tension pulley 皮带张紧轮 Belt transmission 皮带传动 Bench grinder 台式磨床 Bench lathe 台式车床 Bend 弯曲


Bending and forming press 弯曲成型压力机

Bending and straightening press 弯曲矫直两用压力机 Bending machine 弯曲机 Bending moment 弯矩,挠矩 Bending press 压弯机 Bending strain 弯曲变形

Bending strength 抗弯强度,弯曲强度极限 Bending stress 弯曲应力

Bending stress fatigue limit 弯曲应力疲劳极限 Bending test 弯曲试验

Bending-test shackle 弯曲试验卡头 Bend up 弯曲 Beneficial 有利的 Bent 弯曲,弯头

Bessemer converter 酸性转炉 Bessemer steel 转炉钢,酸性钢

Bevel 斜角,万能角尺,伞齿轮,坡口 Bevel cut 斜切,制成坡口

Bevel cutter 坡口铣刀,伞齿轮铣刀 Bevel differential gear 伞齿轮差动机构 Bevel gearing 伞齿轮,锥齿轮传动 Bevel gear drive 伞齿轮传动 Bevelled 圆锥体的,带坡口的

Bevelled face 圆锥体的表面,坡口表面 Bevelled washer 斜垫圈,楔形垫圈 Bevelling 斜切,制成斜边,制成坡口 Bevel of valve seat 阀座的斜面 Bevel-square 斜角规,分度规 Bevel wheel 伞齿轮,斜摩擦轮 Bi 两倍,双重

Bias 偏压,偏动的,有偏差 Biaxial 双轴的

Bi-concave 双凹面的 Bi-convex 双凸面的 Bicycle ball 自行车钢球 Bid deadline 投标期限 Bifilar 双线的,双丝的 Bifilar cable 双芯电缆 Big-end 大端的

Big-end bearing 大端轴承

Bilaeral 双向的,两面的,对向的 Billet 钢坯,金属短条

Billet cropping shears钢坯切料头机

Billet mill 钢坯轧机

Billet-reheating furnace 钢坯加热炉 Billet-rolling train 钢坯轧机机组 Billet shears 钢坯剪床,钢坯剪切机 Bin 储料斗,料箱

Binder 粘合剂,结合件

Binding 粘合,紧固,粘合的,捆扎的 Binding agent 粘合剂 Binding power 粘合能力

Binding screw 接线螺钉,紧固螺钉 Bipartition 对分 Biphase 两相的 Bisect 对开,平分 Bisection 二等分

Bisectrix 等分线,平分线,等分角线 Bit 刀片,比特,二进制信息单位 Black annealing 初退火,黑退火

Black-heart malleable iron 黑心可锻铸铁 Black iron oxide process 氧化铁发黑处理 Black-lead 石墨

Black-lead lubrication 石墨润滑 Black sheet iron 黑铁皮,薄钢板

Blank 毛坯,坯料,半成品,冲切,作废 Blanked out from sheet metal 由金属板材下料 Blanking die 下料模,冲切模

Blanking machine 下料机,冲切机 Blanking press 下料压力机

Blanking punch 下料冲模,切割模 Blanking tool 下料工具

Blast 鼓风,喷砂,鼓风机,喷砂机 Blast air 鼓风气流,喷气 Blast engine 鼓风机

Blast furnace 高炉,鼓风炉 Blast hole 鼓风口

Blasting nozzle 鼓风喷管,喷砂嘴 Blast pressure 风压 Bleeder plug 泄放塞

Bleeding 泄放,放出,渗出,渗漏缺陷 Bleeding of grease 油脂渗漏 Blend 混合,混合物

Blending 掺和,混和,配料 Blending agent 掺和剂 Blind flange 盖板

Blister in a casting 铸件内气孔,砂眼

Block brake 瓦闸,瓦块式制动刹车器 Block gauge 块规

Blocking 粗型锻,阻塞

Blocking action 粗型锻操作,阻塞作用 Blocking gear 粗型锻传动机构 Block swage 粗型锻模

B.L.O.G.R.O(british lubricating oil and grease research organization)英国润滑油及润滑研究所

Bloom 大钢坯,钢锭,铁块,方坯,初轧 Blooming mill 初轧机,开坯机 Blooming train 初轧机机组 Bloom roll 初轧轧辊 Bloom steel 初轧钢 Blow 吹风,冲击 Blower 鼓风机,风扇

Blowhole 通风孔,气孔,砂眼,气泡 Blow lamp 喷灯,吹管 Blow-off device 送风装置

Blow-off valve 排气阀,急泄阀 Blow out 吹息

Blow pipe for welding 焊接用吹风管 Blow torch 喷灯,喷焰灯,吹管,焊枪 Blue 蓝色

Blued steel 蓝皮钢

Blued surface resulting from tempering 回火形成的发蓝表面 Blueing 发蓝 Blue print 蓝图 Blue shortness 蓝脆 bLuing 发蓝处理 blunt 钝的,圆头的

blunt-edged 钝边的,钝刃的 board 板,盘,台,屏 bobbin 鼓轮,绕线管

bobbin center rod 鼓轮中心棒,绕线管中心棒 bobbin feeder 绕线管进给器 body 物体,机身,呈现

body construction 机身构造,壳体构造 body panelling 镶嵌体

bogie小车,转向架,悬挂装置 bogie car 转向车 boiler 锅炉

boiler tube 锅炉钢管 boiling point 沸点 boiling steel 沸腾钢

boiling temperature 沸点温度 bolt 螺栓,拧紧螺栓

bolted connection 螺栓连接 bolted flange 螺栓连接法兰

bolted joint 螺栓连接接头,螺栓接合 bolt head 螺栓头

bolt screwing machine 螺栓攻丝机 bolt sleeve 螺栓套筒

bolt thread cutting machine 螺栓螺纹加工机 bond 粘合剂,粘结剂,结合,连接 bonding 粘结,胶结,压焊 bonding agent 粘结剂

bonding capacity 粘结能力,胶合性能 bonding material 粘结材料 bonding power 粘结能力 vitrified bond 陶瓷粘结剂 bonnet 罩,壳,套盖,加罩 booklet 小册子,目录单 booster 助力器,放大器

booster set 升压器,加速器,助力器装置 boosting 助推,升压,加速 border 边界框,界限,镶边

bore 孔,孔径,汽缸筒,钻孔器 bore chips 镗屑 bored 镗孔的

bore diameter 内径, bore dimension 内径尺寸

bore gauge 内径测量仪,塞规

bore gauging instrument 内径测量仪 bore grinding 内径磨削 borehole 镗孔,钻孔 bore out 镗削

borer 镗工,镗床,镗孔工具

bore reference number 内径标准编号 bore size 内径尺寸 boriding 渗硼 boring 镗削加工

boring blade 镗刀刀片 boring dust 镗屑

boring jig 镗模,镗孔夹具,钻模 boring machine 镗床

boring operation 镗孔操作 boring steady 镗孔固定中心架

boring tool 镗孔工具,镗刀,内圆车刀

boring tool holder 镗刀架,镗杆 boss 轮毂,凸台,夹持器 bottleneck 瓶颈,狭道 bottom 底,下部

bottom of crankcase 曲轴箱底部,机匣底部 bottom plate 底盘,底板,底座 bottom swage 下模,底模 bottom valve 底阀 bottom view 底视图

boundary dimension 基本尺寸 boundary layer 边界层,附面层 boundary line 边界线

boundary lubricant 边界润滑剂 boundary lubrication 边界润滑 bow 弧形,弓形,锯弓 bow spacer 弓形垫片 box 箱,轴承箱体 boxed pouches 大盒 box spanner 套筒扳手 box type furnace 箱式炉 braced 联结的,支撑的 bracket 托架

brake 制动器,制动装置

brake adjusting screw 制动器调节螺钉 brake cable 闸索,制动索 brake cam 制动凸轮 brake clutch 制动离合器 brake cylinder 制动缸

brake drum 制动鼓轮,制动轮,闸轮 brake drum grinder 制动轮磨床 brake gear 制动机构

brake horsepower 制动马力 brake hub 制动轮毂

brake lever 制动杆,刹车臂 brake-lever guide 制动杆导套 brake lining 制动衬片

brake pulley 制动轮,闸轮 brake shaft 制动轴

brake shoe 制动块,闸瓦 brake shoe lining 制动块衬垫 braking appliance 制动装置

braking effect 制动效应,制动作用,制动力 braking test 制动试验

branch 分支,支路,部门

branch establishment 分支机构,附加设备 branch factory 分厂 branch piece 分支构件

brand 商标,标记,牌号,印记 brass 黄铜,黄铜制品 brass casting 黄铜铸件 brass die-casting 黄铜压铸 brass die pressing 黄铜模压 brass metal ring 黄铜合金环 brass plate 黄铜板

brass socket 黄铜承窝/插座 brass tube 黄铜管 braze 铜焊,钎焊 brazing 铜焊法

breach of contract 违约 breadth 宽度

break 破裂,裂缝

breakable 易碎的,脆的 break across 沿…横断 breakage 破裂处,破损 breakdown 破坏,折断 breaker 破碎机,断电器

breaker block 过负载廉价易损件,碎石机 breaking elongation总延伸率 breaking limit 断裂极限 breaking load 断裂负荷

breaking load test 断裂负荷试验 breaking point 断裂点,破损点 breaking strength 断裂强度 breaking stress 破坏应力

breaking test 破坏试验,断裂试验 beak off 打断

break out 发生,卸货,取出 break through 突破,穿透 break up 断裂,打碎

breather通气装置,通气孔 bidge crane 桥式吊车 brief outline 提要 bright 光亮的

bright-annealed 光亮退火的 bright annealing 光亮退火

bright annealing pot 光亮退火箱 bright chromium-plated 光亮镀铬的 bright-drawn material 精拔料

bright luster 镜面光泽 bright pickling 光亮酸洗 bright rolled 光亮轧制 bright surface 光制表面 brilliance 光泽,亮度 brilliancy 光泽,亮度 brilliant polish 光亮抛光

brinell ball-hardness test 布氏球印硬度试验 brinell dent 布氏压痕 brinell hardness 布氏硬度

brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值

brinell hardness testing apparatus 布氏硬度试验机 brinell hardness-test method 布氏硬度试验方法 brinelling 布氏压痕,渗碳 brinell test 布氏硬度试验 brittle 脆的,易折断的 brittle fracture 脆性断口 brittleness 脆性

brittle transition temperature 脆性转折温度,冷脆临界温度 broach 铰刀,拉刀,扩孔刀

broaching fixture 铰孔夹具,拉削夹具 broaching machine 铰孔机,拉床 broach sharpener 拉刀磨床

broad flanged beam 宽缘工字钢 bronze 青铜

bronze ball 青铜球

bronze bearing 青铜轴承 bronze cage 青铜保持架

bronze coating 镀青铜,青铜镀层 bronze foundry 青铜铸造车间 bronze metal ring 青铜合金环 bronze sleeve 青铜衬套

br. P( british patent)英国专利 bruising 击蚀,撞痕 brush 刷,涂刷

BS(british standard)英国标准

BSI(british standard institution)英国标准学会 BSS(british standard specification)英国标准规范 Bubble 水泡 Buff 抛光,缓冲 Buffer bar 缓冲杆 Buffing 抛光

Buffing cone 锥形抛光轮 Buffing disk 抛光盘

Buffing machine 抛光机 Buffing material 抛光料 Buffing wheel 抛光轮 Build in 嵌入,固定 Built-in 内装的,埋设的 Built-in motor 内装式马达 Built-up edge 切屑瘤 Bulge 凸度的,凸出

Bulk 尺寸,大块,散装的 Bulk cracking 块状裂化 Bulk goods 散装的货物 Bulk roll 成卷包装的卷 Bulky 松散的,体积大的 Bumper 缓冲器,保险杆 Bumping action 撞击作用 Bundle 束,线束,捆 Buoyant force 浮力 Burn 烧,气割 Burnable 可燃的 Burning 过烧,烧伤

Burning danger 烧伤的危险 Burning point 烧伤点,烧点 Burnish 磨光,烧蓝 Burnish extra-bright 超光 Burnishing ball 抛光钢球 Burnishing tool 抛光工具 Burr 划伤,除毛刺

Burring machine 去除毛刺机 Burst 爆破,损坏,碰撞 Bursting 爆炸,炸裂

Bursting of the grinding wheel 砂轮爆裂 Bursting stress 碎裂应力 Burst seam 裂纹

Bush 衬套,轴瓦,套筒 Bushing 轴套,轴瓦 Butt 对接,铰接

Butterfly nut 蝶形螺母

Butterfly screw 蝶形螺钉,元宝螺钉 Butterfly valve 蝶阀

Butt joint 对接头,平接,碰焊 Button head screw 圆头螺钉 Buttress 支柱,支持物 Buttress thread 锯齿形螺纹 Butt welding 对焊,平焊

Butt welding machine 对焊机 Buyer 购买单位,买主

By-pass 旁通路,回油活门,并联电阻,支流,分流 By-product 付产品

By-product recovery 付产品回收 Cable 缆索,钢丝绳,电缆 Cable drum 电缆转盘,卷绳筒

Cable lug 电缆接线头,电缆终端,电缆端衔套 Cable shoe 电缆终端

Cable sleeve 电缆套,缆线联接器 Cable winch 电缆铰车

CAD (computer aided design)计算机辅助设计 Cage(retainer)保持架

Cage and needle roller assembly 无套圈带保持架的滚针轴承 Cage ball pocket 保持架球兜孔 Cage bar 框形保持架立框 Cage gailure 保持架损坏

Cage guiding sleeve 保持架导套 Cage pocket 保持架兜孔

Cage retained rollers 带保持架的滚子组 Cage with bent fingers 带弯爪的保持架

Cap and body type cage 端盖和支架式保持架

Centred on inner ring land cage 以内圈挡边台面定心的保持架 Centred on outer ring land cage 以外圈挡边台面定心的保持架 Cleated claw type cage 爪形保持架 Crown cage 冠形保持架

Crown type nylon cage 冠形尼龙保持架 Element riding cage 滚动体引导保持架

Fabric reinforced phenolic resin cage 纤维加强酚醛树脂保持架 Inner ring riding cage 内圈引导保持架 Ladder strip cage 框形保持架

Laminated phenolic resin cage 层压酚醛树脂保持架 Laminated plastic composition cage 层压塑料保持架 Machined brass cage 机加工黄铜保持架

Machined light metal cage 机加工轻金属保持架 Machined steel cage 机加工钢保持架 Moulded plastic cage 模压塑料保持架 M shape cage M形保持架

One-piece double row pressed steel cage 整体双列冲压钢保持架 One-piece injection moulded plastic cage 整体注塑塑料保持架 One-piece resin cage 整体树脂保持架

One-pieve snap in nylon cage 整体嵌装式尼龙保持架 Outer ring riding cage 外圈引导保持架 Pin type cage 直销型保持架

Plastic cage 塑料保持架

Ply wood cage 层压胶木保持架 Pressed brass cage 冲压黄铜保持架 Pressed cage 冲压保持架

Pressed steel cage 冲压钢保持架

Pressed steel cage with depressed(or raised) parts 带内翻边(或外翻边)的冲压钢保持架

Pressed steel land riding cage 套圈引导的冲压钢保持架 Prong type cage 舌连接型保持架 Ribbon cage 浪形保持架

Ring centered cage 套圈定心保持架 Riveted cage 铆接保持架

Shallow pocket cage with pillar rivet 带柱状铆钉的浅兜孔保持架 Snap-on type cage 扣合式保持架 Solid cage 实体保持架 Strip steel cage 带钢保持架 Tongue type cage 弯爪型保持架

Turned-in claw type cage 菊形保持架

Two-piece solid machined cage 双片实体保持架 Welded cage 焊接保持架

Window type cage(including broached and slotted cages)框形保持架(包括开孔的和开槽的保持架) W shape cage W形保持架 Z type cage Z形保持架

Z type pressed steel cage Z 形冲压钢保持架

Caged needle roller assemblywith separable rings 带分离型内外圈并带保持架的滚针轴承

Calcium carbide 碳化钙,电石 Calculate 计算

Calculated load 计算负荷,设计负荷 Calculation methods 计算方法

Calculation of rating life 额定寿命计算 Calculation procedure 计算程序 Calender roll 压延辊

Calibration 校准,检查,刻度,标准化,量尺寸 Calliper gauge 卡规,游标规,内卡规,测径规 Callipers 卡尺,卡钳,圆规

CAM(computer aided manufacturing)计算机辅助制造 Cam 凸轮,偏心轮,加工成凸轮形 Cam action 凸轮作用 Cam actuated 凸轮推动的 Cam controlled 凸轮控制的

Cam follower 滚轮滚针轴承,凸轮从动作 Cam grinding machine 凸轮磨床

Cam roller 凸轮用厚壁外圈球轴承,凸轮滚子 Camshaft 凸轮轴

Camshaft casing 凸轮轴箱体 Camshaft drive 凸轮轴驱动装置

Camshaft gear 凸轮轴机构,凸轮轴齿轮 Camshaft housing 凸轮轴箱体 Camshaft speed 凸轮轴转速 Camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴链轮

Can 马口铁罐,耳机,胶片盒,封装 Cap 帽盖,罩

Capability 能力,性能,容量,生产率

Capacity 容量,电容,能力,生产力,功率 Capacity factor 利用率,容量系数 Capacity number 承载数 Capacity rating 额定功率 Capillary action 毛细作用

Capillary fissure 龟裂纹,发状龟裂纹 Cap nut 盖螺母,外套螺母

Capstan lathe 六角车床,转塔车床 Carbide 碳化物,硬质合金 Carbide distribution 碳化物分布 Carbide network 网状碳化物 Carbide segregation 碳化物偏析 Carbide tip 硬质合金刀片 Carbide tool 硬质合金刀具

Carboloy 碳化钨硬质合金,钴钨硬质合金 Carbon 碳

Carbon brush 碳刷

Caron gradient 碳浓度梯度 Carbon-graphite 碳石墨 Carbonitriding 碳氮共渗

Carbonization 碳化作用,渗碳处理 Carbonize 使碳化,渗碳 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 Carbon potential 碳势,碳位 Carbon restoration 复原碳 Carbon steel 碳钢

Carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢

Carborundum 碳化硅,碳硅砂,金刚砂 Carburettor 化油器,汽化器,渗碳器 Carburization 渗碳,碳化 Carburize 渗碳,碳化

Carburized case depth 渗碳层深度 Carburzing 渗碳

Carburizing furnace 渗碳炉 Carburizing property 渗碳性能 Carburizing steel 渗碳钢

Dropfeed carburizing 滴注式渗碳 Gas carburizing 气体渗碳 Liquid carburizing 液体渗碳 Local carburizing 局部渗碳 Pack carburizing 固体渗碳 Paste carburizing 膏剂渗碳 Card-board 卡片纸板

Card-board flange 纸板法兰垫 Care 注意,保养,维护

Cargo crane 货物起重机,码头起重机 Carriage 承载器,刀架,滑鞍座 Carrier gas 载气

Carrying capacity 承载能力,载重量 Carry out 实现,执行 Carton 纸板盒

Cartridge 套筒,夹头,管壳 Cartridge unit 环行轴承箱组 Car type furnace 台车式炉 Case crushing 表面碎裂

Case-harden 表面硬化,表面淬火 Case-hardenability 表面可淬硬性

Case-hardened steel表面硬化钢,渗碳钢 Case-hardening 表面硬化 Case-hardening agent 渗碳剂

Case-hardening compound 渗碳剂 Case-hardening furnace 渗碳炉

Case-hardening steel 表面硬化钢,渗碳钢 Casing 箱体

Castable 可铸的,浇铸成形 Cast bronze 铸青铜

Castellated nut 槽顶螺母 Cast housing 铸造箱体 Casting 铸造,浇铸 Casting machine 铸造机 Casting process 铸造工艺 Cast iron 铸铁

Castle nut 槽顶螺母 Cast steel 铸钢

Cast steel ball 铸钢球 Catalogue 样本

Catalyser 催化剂,触媒剂

Catastrophic wear 毁坏性磨损 Catch 制动片,保险器 Catch bolt 制动螺栓

Caterpillar 履带,履带车

Caterpillar tractor 履带式拖拉机 Caustic 腐蚀的,腐蚀剂 Caustic solution 苛性碱溶液 Cavitation erosion 气蚀

Cavity 穴,空镗,模槽,中空的 Cavity formation 空腔形成

CBBI(cast bronze bearing institue)美国铸造青铜轴承学会 Cellulose 纤维素

Cemented carbide 烧结碳化物,硬质合金 Cementing 胶结,水泥结合,烧结 Cenmetite 渗碳体

Cementite network 网状渗碳体,渗碳体网 Center 中心

Center bolt 定心螺栓

Center distance 中心距,顶尖距

Centered by rolling element 用滚动体定心 Center gauge 中心规,定心规 Centering 定心,对正,共轴 Centering device 定心装置 Centering hole 定心孔

Centering insert 定心用嵌入件

Centering machine 中心孔加工机床,定心机 Centering ring 定心环,裂口圈 Center lathe 普通车床 Centerless 无中心的

Centerless grinder 无心磨床 Centerless grinding 无心磨削

Centerless grinding machine 无心磨床 Center line 中心线,轴线

Center-line average (C.L.A) 中线均值,平均高度法

Center-line height (half height)中线高度,半轴套高度 Center mark 中心孔标记,定心 Center of gravity 重心

Center of gyration 回转中心 Center of rotation 旋转中心 Center-point 中心

Center position 中心位置 Center-punch 中心冲头 Center rib 中挡边 Center ring 中心环

Center washer 中圈

Centigrade 百分度,摄氏度 Centipoise 厘泊(粘度单位) Centistoke 厘斯(动力粘度单位) Centre 中心,圆心

Centrifugal casting machinery 离心铸造机 Centrifugal clutch 离心式离合器 Centrifugal force 离心力

Centrifugal governor 离心式调速器 Centrifugal lubrication 离心式润滑 Centrifugal machine 离心机

Centrifugal moulding 离心式造型

Centrifugal oiling system 离心式供油系统 Entrifugal pump 离心泵 Centrifuging 离心法

Centring of cage 保持架定心 Cessation 终止,中止

Chafe 摩擦,磨损,卡住,滞塞 Chain coupling 链式联轴器 Chain drive 链条传动 Chain gearing 链传动装置 Chain pulley 链轮 Chain wheel 链轮

Chamber 室,腔,箱,容器,燃烧室,内腔加工 Chamfer 倒角,沟槽,斜切 Chamfer dimension 倒角尺寸

Chamfered 倒角的,倒棱的,斜切的 Chamfered washer 倒角垫圈

Chamfering 倒角,倒棱,坡口加工 Chamfer tool 倒棱工具 Change 变换

Change in design 修改设计 Change-over 转换,换向 Change-over valve 换向阀

Channeling 沟槽,通路,开槽

Characteristic 特征,性能,特性曲线 Characteristic curve 特性曲线

Charge 电荷,负荷,炉料,充电,装载 Charge batch 装炉量

Charging apparatus 装料设备,充电设备 Charging appliance 装载设备

Charging crane 装料吊车,装卸机 Charging device 充电设备

Chart 图表,表格,卡片,制图表

Chaser 螺纹梳刀,辗压机 Chasing tool 螺纹刀具,梳刀 Chassis 底盘,机架,框架 chatter 震动,刀震 chatterless 不震动的 chatter mark 震纹

check 检验,校对,核对

check crack 细裂缝,收缩裂纹,网裂 check gauge 校验量规,检查量规 checking 检查,校对,裂纹 checking device 检验仪器

checking ring 挡圈,弹簧挡圈,锁紧环 cheese head screw 圆头螺钉 chemical analysis 化学分析 chemical composition 化学成分 chemical lapping 化学研磨

chemical requirements 化学要求 chemicals 化合物,化学制品 chemical wear 化学磨损 chmisorption 化学吸附 chemistry 化学

chill 冷冻,激冷,冷冻的 chill casting 冷激铸造 chilling 冷淬,激冷

chill mould 冷铸型,激冷模 chip 切屑

chip container 切屑箱 chipping 修整 chip off 切去 chisel 凿子,凿

chlorinated lubricant 氯化润滑剂 chock 楔子,楔形垫块,阻塞 chrome oxide 氧化铬 chrome-plated 镀铬的 chrome steel ball 铬钢球

chrome vanadium steel 铬钒钢 chromium 铬

chromium-plating 镀铬

chromium-plating bath 镀铬槽 chromium steel 铬钢 chromizing 渗铬

chromoaluminizing 铬铝共渗

chromoaluminosiliconizing 铬铝硅共渗 chuck 卡盘,夹头,吸盘,卡紧

chucker 六角车床

chucking device 卡紧装置

chucking fixture 夹紧装置,卡具 chucking lathe 卡盘车床 chucking reamer 机用铰刀 chuck jaw 卡盘爪 chute 斜槽,斜沟 chute feed 斜槽给料 circlip 弹簧环圈

circlip for bore 内卡圈 circlip for shaft 外卡圈 circuit 环路,电路 circuit breaker 断路器 circular 圆形的

circular flat 圆形平面(钢球缺陷) circular forming tool 圆盘形成型刀具 circular grinding machine 外圆磨床 circular groove 环形沟 circularity 圆,环状 circular motion圆周运动

circular path 循环路线,圆形轨迹 circular saw 圆锯床

circular table surface grinder 圆形工作台平面磨床 circulating pump 循环泵泵 circulating system 循环系统 circumference 圆周,周围

circumferential clearance 滚动体间的圆周总间隙量

circumferential clearance per rolling element 两滚动体间的圆周间隙量 circumferential velocity 圆周速度

circumscribed circle diameter 外接圆直径

CIS(chinese industrial standards)中国工业标准 C.L.A.(centerline average)中线均值 Claim 申请的专利范围,索赔 Clamp 夹具,夹紧装置,夹紧 Clamped connection 夹紧接头 Clamping 卡紧,紧固

Clamping and holding device 卡紧和夹持装置 Clamping arrangement 夹具,夹紧装置 Clamping band 卡箍

Clamping-band fastening 卡箍夹紧 Clamping bolt 卡紧螺栓

Clamping device 夹具,夹紧装置 Clamping jaw 卡爪

Clamping mechanism 夹紧机构

Clamping pin 紧固销(钉) Clamping plate 夹板,压板 Clamping screw 夹紧螺钉 Clamping sheet 夹板,压板 Clamping sleeve 夹紧套

Clamping sleeve with lock nut 带锁母的夹紧套 Class 等级,种类,分类

Classification 分等,类别,选分 Classification of fits 配合等级 Classify 分类,分选 Claw 爪,卡爪

Claw chuck 爪式卡盘 Claw clutch 爪型离合器 Claw coupling 爪型联轴器 Clean 洗净,清除,去油脱脂

Cleaner 清洗器,清扫机,脱脂溶液 Cleaning agent 清洁剂 Cleaning apparatus 清洗机 Cleaning compound 清洗剂 Cleaning drum 清砂滚筒 Cleaning liquid 清洗液 Cleanliness 清洁,洁净 Cleanser 清洁剂,滤清器 Clear 清除,清晰的 Clearance 游隙,间隙 Clearance angle 工具后角 Clearance fit 间隙配合

Clearance for expansion 膨胀间隙 Clearance free 无游隙的 Clearance group 游隙分级 Clearance space 余隙空间 Adjustable clearance 可调游隙 Ample clearance 大游隙 Axial clearance 轴向游隙

Axial internal clearance 轴向内部游隙 Bearing clearance 轴承游隙

Cage pocket clearance 保持架兜孔游隙 Cage riding clearance 保持架引导面游隙

Circumferential clearance 滚动体间的圆周总间隙量 Close clearance 密合间隙 Cold clearance冷态间隙 Crest clearance 端部间隙

Effective internal clearance 有效游隙 End clearance 轴向游隙

