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Applicant(s) (the “Applicant”) who is/are the intending mortgagor(s) of the property specified in section E(the “Property”), together with the co-borrower(s) and/or the guarantor(s) who make(s) an application hereunder jointly with the mortgagor(s), should complete this application form (together with any attachments) (the “Application Form”) in English, with assistance provided by the intending lender (the “Lender”). (The term “Lender” means the “Insured” as defined in the Operational Manual of the Mortgage Insurance Programme operated by The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (the “HKMC”)). Please complete this Application Form by marking "3" in the optional boxes and deleting the inappropriate parts denoted by “*”.

如債務人1為股份有限公司(下稱「空殼公司」),而貸款屬於「非自住用途之物業按揭貸款」,債務人1將不須填寫註有「#」 號的資料欄位,惟須填寫「 住宅物業按揭貸款申請表(空殼公司戶爲借款人及抵押人專用) 」之A 及B項。

If Obligor 1 is a company limited by shares (“shelf company”) and the loan is a "Non Owner-Occupied Property Loan" , Obligor 1 is not required to complete the data fields marked with “#” but shall complete sections A and B of “Mortgage Loan Application Form (For Shelf Company AS BORROWER AND MORTGAGOR) ”.

申請人(等)須填寫本申請表的所有欄位,若申請人(等)不予提供有關資料,中國銀行(香港)有限公司(包括其繼承人以及受讓人,下稱「銀行」)可能無法處理有關申請。請參閱銀行的「資料政策通告」及「資料政策通告的補充通知 - 適用於按揭」及/或銀行及其某些相關實體不時以任何名稱發出的有關個人資料的使用、披露及轉移的一般政策的其他文件。

Applicant(s) is/are required to complete this application form. If relevant information is not provided, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (including its successors and assigns, the “Bank”) may not be able to process your application. Please refer to the Bank’s “Data Policy Notice” and “Supplemental Data Policy Notice applicable to mortgages” and/or such other document(s) issued under whatever name from time to time by the Bank and certain of its related entities relating to their general policies on use, disclosure and transfer of personal data.


^The Correspondence Address stated below will be deemed to be the principle correspondence address for Bank to contact the Borrower(s), Mortgagor(s) and/or Guarantor(s). Please immediately update your existing residential/correspondence address registered with the Bank by submitting to the Bank a duly completed and signed customer data amendment form in case of any change of residential/correspondence address.


@In case there is discrepancy between the information supplied in this data field and the Bank’s record, the Bank’s record will be amended accordingly.





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C. 財務資料(以港幣作單位) Financial Information(value in HK$)

收入資料 Income 每月基本收入# Monthly Salary #

每月其他收入 (如花紅、佣金、房津或租金收入等) #

Other Regular Monthly Income (e.g. bonus, commission, housing allowance, rental income etc.) #

債務人Obligor 1

債務人Obligor 2 /______

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I. 債務人(包括所有借款人、抵押人和擔保人)聲明 Declaration of the Applicants (including all Obligor(s), Mortgagor(s) and Guarantor(s)) (d) To each of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank” or the “Lender”), the HKMC and the related bodies (as defined below) and, in respect of paragraphs 13 and 14 below, to TransUnion Limited and/or any other credit reference agencies in Hong Kong (collectively the "CRA") (in this Declaration, unless otherwise specified, (a) all references to an entity shall include its successors and assigns; (b) all references to the “related bodies” of an entity shall mean the agents, contractors, service providers and other relevant third parties of that entity; and (c) all references to a document shall include any subsequent amendment or supplement thereto from time to time):

致中國銀行(香港)有限公司(「銀行」或「貸款人」或「銀行」)、按揭證券公司,以及就下文第13及14段,致環聯資訊有限公司及/或在香港之任何其他信貸資料機構(統稱「信貸資料機構」)(在本聲明書中,除另有所指外,(a) 所有對任何實體的提述包括其承繼人及受讓人;(b) 所有對任何實體的「相關機構」的提述是指有關實體的代理人、合約承包商、服務提供者及有關其他第三者;及(c) 所有對任何文件的提述包括其後對該文件作出的修訂或補充):

The Obligor(s) hereby apply(ies) to the Bank for the loan particularized in this application to be granted to the Borrower(s) and secured by a legal mortgage/equitable mortgage over the Property. Regarding such loan and any other matters mentioned in this Application Form, each of the Obligors hereby agrees, declares, confirms and acknowledges the following (where applicable) :

債務人(等)現向銀行申請本申請書所述給予借款人的貸款。有關貸款以現樓/樓花按揭將該物業作為抵押。就該貸款及在本申請書提及的任何其他事宜,各債務人謹此同意、聲明、確定並確認以下述各項(若適用)︰ 1.

The information in this Application Form and any documents attached herewith or provided by any of the Obligors in relation to this application is true, correct, updated and complete, and each of the Obligors hereby authorises the Lender, the HKMC and/or the mortgage reinsurers in relation to the mortgage insurance cover in respect of the loan under this application (including their respective related bodies) to verify or confirm the same, directly or indirectly or through the CRA or from any source or in any manner as they may choose or deem appropriate.


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式,以其選擇或認為適當的方法,加以核實或確認有關資料。 2.

The original Application Form and all documents provided in relation to this application may be retained by the Lender and/or the HKMC for their records even if the loan is not approved by the Lender.


The signature of each of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) on this Application Form is the same as on the relevant bank account(s) maintained with the Lender and (for Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) the authorised signatory(ies) of Obligor 1 has/have been duly authorised to operate the relevant bank account(s) maintained with the Lender and his/her/their signature(s) is/are the same as that/those provided to the Lender.

各債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司除外)在本申請書上之簽署式樣與其於貸款人處開立之相關銀行帳戶之簽署式樣相同 。債務人1 (若債務人1為空殼公司)的授權簽署人已獲正式授權可處理於貸款人處開立之相關銀行賬戶,而其簽署式樣與提供予貸款人之簽署式樣相同。 4.

The use of the loan under this application is subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Application Form, the facility letter and/or the terms and conditions of the loan as the Lender may stipulate and provide to each of the Obligors prior to the signing of such facility letter.

根據本申請所作出貸款的用途乃受本申請書、授信函及/或在簽署該授信函前貸款人向各債務人所訂定及發予之貸款條款及細則所規範。 None of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company), save and except as disclosed in this Application Form, has been declared bankrupt or is the subject of any judgment or court/tribunal order in relation to any debt or insolvency, or has been subject to any other legal proceedings in the courts/tribunals of Hong Kong.

除已於本申請書中作披露,各債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司除外)並未曾被宣告破產或未曾涉及任何有關債務或無力償還債務之裁決或法院/審裁處命令,或涉及其他香港法院/審裁處之法律訴訟。 6.

Where Obligor 1 is a shelf company, no winding up or similar proceeding has ever been commenced or is currently pending against Obligor 1 and that the shareholder(s) of Obligor 1 has/have not resolved for its dissolution.


None of the Obligors has ever been a mortgagor or borrower under any legal charge/mortgage of any property in Hong Kong in respect of which the mortgagee powers have been exercised.

各債務人從未就任何有關在香港的物業的法定押記/按揭作為抵押人或借款人,而該法定押記/按揭下抵押權人的權力已被行使。 8.

Where Obligor 1 is a shelf company, all corporate and other actions have been taken to authorise the authorised signatory(ies) of Obligor 1 to sign this Application Form and any other documents and to do such acts and things as may be necessary for the purpose of this application for and on behalf of Obligor 1.

如債務人1為空殼公司,其已執行所有公司及其他行動以授權其授權簽署人代表債務人1簽署本申請書及任何其他文件,以及代表債務人1為本申請辦理所需之手續及事項。 In respect of the Property: 就該物業而言:

(a) the down payment for the purchase of the Property was paid by the Obligor(s) from his/her/its/their own source (or where Obligor 1 is a shelf

company, from the equity or loan capital from its shareholder(s)) and that such down payment was not financed by any loan or banking/credit facility provided by any third party (other than shareholder's equity or loan referred to above); and






(b) where it is indicated in this Application Form that the Property will be occupied by any one or more of the Obligors, each of the relevant

Obligor(s) shall be deemed to have made an express declaration that he/she intends to occupy and continue to occupy the Property, and any change in the occupancy status of the Property shall be forthwith reported to the Lender.


10. Save and except as disclosed herein, none of the Obligors has obtained any mortgage loans in relation to any other properties in Hong Kong which

is still outstanding.

除已於本申請書中作披露,各債務人並無就任何其他在香港的物業取得按揭貸款,而該按揭貸款尚未完全清還。 11. Each of the Obligors understands and agrees that the Lender will obtain mortgage insurance from the HKMC for the Lender’s own protection,

interest and benefit and, for such purposes, each of the Obligors hereby authorises the Lender to, for and on behalf of each of the Obligors, provide documents and information and to make representations and/or statements to the HKMC, for an on behalf of each of the Obligors, in relation to its application for such mortgage insurance by adopting, using and/or relying on the documents, information, statements and representations given/made in this Application Form (including but not limited to this Declaration).

各債務人明白及同意貸款人會就其自身之保障、權益及利益向按揭證券公司申請按揭保險。為此,各債務人謹此授權貸款人採納、使用及/或依據本申請書內提供/作出的文件、資料、陳述及聲明(包括但不限於本聲明書),就其按揭保險申請,向按揭證券公司提供文件及資料,以及作出聲明及/或陳述。 12. The use of the loan which may be granted by the Lender under this application is subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Mortgage

Insurance Policy (the “Policy”) which the Lender has entered into with the HKMC for the Lender's own protection, interest and benefit. 貸款人擬根據本申請所批出貸款的用途須受貸款人與按揭證券公司就貸款人自身的保障、權益及利益簽定之《按揭保險綜合保單》(“Master Mortgage Insurance Policy”)內所訂立之條款及細則約束。儘管債務人(等)須向貸款人繳付一筆相等於貸款人就按揭證券公司根據《按揭保險綜合保單》對其提供按揭保險向按揭證券公司支付保費的金額,貸款人乃《按揭保險綜合保單》之唯一受益人,任何債務人均不會被視為《按揭保險綜合保單》下的合約一方或受益人。而根據《按揭保險綜合保單》向貸款人支付的任何款項將不會影響或減少貸款人因債務人違約而擁有之索償權。債務人可於貸款人轄下各分行索取《按揭保險綜合保單》副本以作查閱。

13. Each of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) hereby authorises the HKMC:


(a) to obtain, on his/her behalf and within 90 days from the day of signing of this Application Form by the relevant Obligor, a copy of his/her

credit report from the CRA for the purposes of mortgage insurance cover to be granted by the HKMC relating to the Property and other related purposes, and any other purposes in connection with the mortgage related business of the HKMC, including without limitation the purchase of mortgage portfolio by the HKMC and the administration thereof, and in this connection consents to and authorises the CRA to provide a copy of the credit report directly to the HKMC without having first sent him/her a copy for review; and

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在相關債務人簽署本申請書起計的90日內,代表其向信貸資料機構取得其信貸報告,用作按揭證券公司就該物業提供按揭保險及其他相關用途,以及與按揭證券公司按揭業務相關的其他用途,包括但不限於按揭證券公司購買按揭貸款組合及有關管理。為此,各債務人同意及授權信貸資料機構直接向按揭證券公司提供有關信貸報告,而毋須事先將信貸報告文本給予有關債務人審閱; 及

(b) to use any personal data and other information relating to him/her which have been lawfully collected by the HKMC or otherwise made

available to it for the purpose of verifying any information provided by him/her in connection with this application. 為核實就本申請所提供的資料,使用任何按揭證券公司合法地取得或向其提供有關各債務人的個人及其他資料。 14. Each of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) hereby agrees and acknowledges to the CRA that the provision of any credit

report by the CRA to the HKMC or the use of any such credit report by the HKMC shall not be made the basis of any complaint, claim, suit, demand, cause of action or other proceeding against the CRA by him/her or any third party, and further agrees that a copy or an electronic record of this Application Form bearing the signatures of the relevant Obligors shall, for the purpose of paragraph 13 above and this paragraph, have the same effect as if it were the original thereof.

各債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司除外)謹此向信貸資料機構確定及確認,信貸資料機構向按揭證券公司提供任何信貸報告或按揭證券公司使用該信貸報告,並不會構成債務人或任何第三者向信貸資料機構提出任何投訴、索償、訴訟、要求、起訴緣由或其他法律程序之原因。各有關債務人並進一步同意載有其簽名之本申請書副本或電子紀錄,就上文第13段及本段而言,均與正本具相同效力。 15. The loan in relation to which this application is made will be secured by an equitable mortgage or a first legal charge/mortgage over the Property.

本申請之相關貸款將會以該物業之衡平法按揭或第一法律押記 /按揭作償還保證。

16. The Lender, the HKMC and the mortgage reinsurers will rely on the information contained herein to approve this application and the relevant

application for mortgage insurance / reinsurance covers and each of the Obligors has a continuing obligation to amend or supplement the information/documents provided in this application if any of the material facts which each of the Obligors has disclosed herein should change prior to the drawdown of the loan herein applied for.

貸款人、按揭證券公司及按揭再保險公司將依據本申請書所載的資料審批此申請。如於提取貸款前任何債務人於本申請書披露的重要資料有任何改變,有關債務人有持續性的責任對有關資料及文件作出修訂及補充。 17. In the event any payments on the loan under this application become delinquent, the Lender may, in addition to all rights and remedies, report the

name(s), account(s) and other information of each of the Obligors to the CRA either by itself or through its relates bodies;

若申請之貸款出現拖欠情況,貸款人除既有之權利及補償外,可自行或通過其相關機構向任何信貸資料機構呈報各債務人之姓名、帳戶及其他資料。 18. Each of the Obligors will provide further information and furnish other documents as the Lender and the HKMC may require from time to time,

failing which the grant of loan may be cancelled.

各債務人須按貸款人及/或按揭證券公司不時要求提供進一步資料及其他文件,否則有關貸款可能會被取消。 19. By making any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) or false declaration, providing false information and/or omitting to provide relevant

information in connection with this application, each of the Obligors (and, if relevant, the shareholders, directors and/or authorised representatives of Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) may incur civil and/or criminal liability. In addition, the application for the loan or the mortgage insurance cover may be rejected and, if granted, the Lender and the HKMC reserve the right to cancel the loan and the mortgage insurance cover or, if considered appropriate, impose additional premium or conditions thereon.

如債務人就此申請(不論故意或疏忽)作出任何失實陳述或虛假聲明、提供虛假資料及/或漏報相關資料,有關債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司,則指有關股東、董事及/或授權代表)或會招致民事及/或刑事法律責任。此外,本貸款或按揭保險申請可能會被拒絕。如申請已獲審批,貸款人及按揭證券公司保留取消貸款及按揭保險之權利,或在適當情況下,徵收額外保費或附加額外條件。 20. Each of the Obligors shall keep the Lender informed of any change of facts or circumstances which may render any information, statements,

representations and/or particulars given hereunder, incorrect or untrue before the drawdown and each of the Obligors understands the non-disclosure of any such facts or circumstances may amount to making intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) and/or providing fraudulent information as mentioned in paragraph 19 above.

如於提取貸款前就任何事實或情況出現變化而可能導致本申請書內所載之任何資料、陳述、聲明及/或詳情變為不正確或失實,債務人必須向貸款人通報。各債務人明白若未有對任何該等事實或情況作出披露將構成上文第19段所述不論是故意或疏忽而作出的失實陳述及/或提供虛假資料。 Additional Declaration and Undertaking in relation to a Non Owner-Occupied Property Loan 有關「非自住用途之物業按揭貸款」的附加聲明及承諾 21. In respect of a Non Owner-Occupied Property Loan and where Obligor 1 is a shelf company, each of the Obligors hereby agrees, declares,

confirms, acknowledges and undertakes that:


(a) Obligor 1 is not and will not at the time of drawdown of the loan be engaged in any business activities other than the holding of the Property

and the letting thereof; and

除持有及出租該物業外,債務人1沒有並不會在提取貸款時從事任何商業活動;及 (b) the relevant mortgage will be registered with the Hong Kong Companies Registry (for Hong Kong incorporated company) or that other similar

registration will be completed (for foreign incorporated company) within the applicable time limit, and documentary evidence of any such registration shall be provided to the Lender and/or the HKMC within a reasonable time.

有關按揭將於適用期限內於香港公司註冊處(如為香港註冊公司)或其他類似註冊處(如為海外註冊公司)登記,任何此類登記之文件證據須於合理時間內提交予貸款人及/或按揭證券公司。 Handling of Personal Data 有關個人資料的處理

22. Each of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) has read and understood the contents of the notice in relation to Personal Data

(Privacy) Ordinance (which accompanies this Application Form or which has previously been provided by the Lender to any such Obligor(s)) and hereby consents to the Lender for its use, disclosure and/or transfer of each such Obligor’s personal data in the manner set out in such notice. In addition to the above, each of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) hereby acknowledges and agrees that:

各債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司除外) 已閱讀及明白有關《個人資料(私隱)條例》的通告 (隨本申請書夾附或貸款人已於早前給予任何有關債務人(等))之內容,並同意貸款人可根據該通告所列之方式使用、披露及/或轉移各債務人之個人資料。此外,各債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司除外)謹此確認並同意:

(a) the Lender may use, disclose and/or transfer each such Obligor's personal data and other information in relation to the loan under this

application to the HKMC for the purpose of mortgage insurance cover to be granted by the HKMC relating to the Property and other related purposes, and any other purposes in connection with the mortgage related business of the HKMC including, without limitation, the purchase of mortgage portfolio by the HKMC and the administration thereof, whether such use, disclosure and/or transfer is within or outside Hong Kong; and


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(b) the HKMC may use any such personal data and information for the purposes stated in (a) above, and disclose and/or transfer any such personal

data and information received or held by it to the relevant mortgage reinsurers (including any re-reinsurers of such reinsurers), and their respective related bodies for the purposes of the relevant mortgage insurance/reinsurance covers and other related purposes, whether such use, disclosure and/or transfer is within or outside Hong Kong.

按揭證券公司可使用任何其獲取或持有關於債務人的個人及其他資料用作上文 (a) 項下所述的用途,並可向有關按揭再保險公司(包括該按揭再保險公司之任何再保險公司) 以及其相關機構披露及/或轉移各債務人的個人及其他資料,用作處理有關按揭保險/再保險及其他相關用途,無論有關使用、披露及/或轉移發生於香港境內或境外。 Additional Information in relation to the Declaration under paragraph 5 above (if any) 有關上文第5段項下聲明之附加資料(如有): 23. I/We confirm the information set out in this Application Form or supplied or to be supplied to the Bank together with its agents (the “related

bodies”) is true, correct, updated and complete and authorize the Bank and/or the related bodies to make such enquires as the Bank and/or the related bodies consider necessary to verify such information and for credit assessment purpose directly with or through any credit reference agency or from any source as the Bank and/or the related bodies may think fit.

本人(等)確認本申請書所列或本人(等)提供或將提供給銀行以及其代理人(「有關機構」)的資料,均屬真實、正確、最新及完整,本人(等)並授權銀行及/或有關機構進行銀行及/或有關機構認為必要的查詢,銀行可直接地聯絡或透過任何信貸資料機構或銀行及/或有關機構認為適當的來源,核實該等資料作信用評估用途。 24. 本人(等)同意,銀行向債務人批核貸款,條件是本人(等)在本申請書提供的或提供予或將提供予銀行及/或有關機構的所有申述及資料均屬真實、正確、最新及完整。若本人(等)所提供的申述及資料的任何部分被發現為虛假、不正確、具有誤導成分或不完整,或與本申請書條款不符,或本人(等)有任何虛報、錯誤陳述、違反保證或承諾,銀行可全權酌情決定拒絕批給或撤回貸款或其任何部分,而各債務人須立即按要求向銀行償還貸款(若有),並彌償銀行及/或有關機構就本申請合理招致的所有合理數額的費用、負債(實際的或是或有的)及附帶支出,但銀行及/或有關機構享有的所有其他權利、權力及補救方法不受損害。本人(等)明白本人(等)在本申請書故意或疏忽作出的虛報陳述及/或提供欺詐性資料或遺漏提供任何相關資料包括但不限于該物業用途及財務資料(包括但不限于負債資料) ,可構成民事及/或刑事責任。於提取貸款前,各債務人會就任何令所提供之資料、陳述、聲明及/或細則成為不正確或不真實之任何事實或情況變動通知銀行。各債務人明白對任何此等情況轉變之事實不予披露,將可構成以上所指之蓄意或疏忽之失實陳述及/或提供欺詐資料或遺漏提供任何相關資料。 25. I/We authorise and request the Bank to amend the Bank’s record concerning me/us according to the information supplied by me/us in this

Application Form and marked with the "@" sign if there is any discrepancy between those information and the record kept by the Bank and I/we acknowledge that in case the discrepancy relates to the residential/correspondence address, I/We am/are required to submit to the Bank a duly signed customer data amendment form before the Bank shall amend its record concerning the residential/correspondence address.

本人(等)授權及要求銀行根據本人(等)於本申請書提供並以"@"符號作標記的資料更新本人(等)於 銀行之記錄若該些資料與 銀行之記錄不符,惟若本申請書所指定的現居地址或貸款戶口通訊地址與 銀行的記錄不符,本人(等)將另行以【客戶資料修改表格】通知 銀行作出修訂。 26. I/We undertake at all times to notify the Bank and/or the related bodies in writing as soon as reasonably practicable of any change of the

statements and/or information provided by me/us, including but not limited to statement as to usage of the Property, my/our address, telephone number and facsimile number. Each of the Obligors acknowledges and agrees that the Bank and the related bodies will rely on the information information/documents provided in this application if any of the material facts which each of the Obligors has disclosed herein should change after the drawdown of the loan herein applied for.

如本人(等)提供的申述及/或資料有任何更改,包括但不限於該物業用途、本人(等)地址、電話號碼及傳真號碼,本人(等)承諾任何時間在合理可行的情況下盡快以書面形式通知銀行及/或有關機構。各債務人確認並同意銀行及有關機構將會依賴本申請書所填報之資料作為審批本申請之用途。倘各債務人於本申請書內填報之主要資料,於提取所申請之貸款後有任何改變,各債務人將有持續之責任對該等資料/文件予以更正或補充。 27. I/We understand that the Bank and/or the related bodies shall appropriately examine this application (including but not limited to investigating

interests of the Property to be charged). If upon such examination and investigation it is found that the application is not in compliance with any policy or loan requirement of the Bank and/or the related bodies, the Bank and/or the related bodies shall have the right to reject or adjust this application or re-examine the same.

本人(等)明白銀行及/或有關機構須就本申請進行相關的審查(包括但不限於對擬作押該物業權益進行調查)。當發現有關情況或調查結果未能符合任何銀行及/或有關機構的政策及或貸款要求,銀行及/或有關機構有權拒絕或調整本申請或對本申請重新進行審核。 28. (Applicable to obligor(s) other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) I/We agree that all personal data relating to me/us collected by the Bank

and/or the related bodies from time to time (including those data obtained from any credit reference agency) may be used and disclosed for such purposes and to such persons (whether in or outside Hong Kong) as may be in accordance with the policies of the Bank and/or the related bodies on use and disclosure of personal data set out in statements, circulars, notices or terms and conditions made available by the Bank and/or the related bodies to its respective customers from time to time and acknowledge that in connection with this application I/we have been provided with a copy of the Bank’s “Data Policy Notice” and “Supplemental Data Policy Notice applicable to mortgages” and/or such other document(s) issued under whatever name from time to time by the Bank and certain of its related entities relating to their general policies on use, disclosure and transfer of personal data and have read and understood its (their) content. I/We further agree that my / our personal data may be (i) used in connection with matching procedures (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) or other comparison procedures; (ii) disclosed by way of bank reference or otherwise to any financial institution with which I/we have or propose to have dealings to enable such financial institution to conduct credit check on me/us; (iii) disclosed to and used by any bank, financial institution or other company to whom the Bank wish to novate and/or assign all or part of its rights and obligations in relation to the transactions contemplated under this application; and (iv) supplied to a credit reference agency and, in the event of my/our default under any mortgage, guarantee or any other loan agreement, to a debt collection

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agency. I/We further authorize the Bank and/or the related bodies to contact (a) any credit reference agency for the purpose of accessing, collecting and using my/our data maintained with such credit reference agency, and (b) any of my/our employers (if applicable), banks, referees or any other sources for the purpose of obtaining or exchanging any information and to compare the information provided by me/us with other information collected by the Bank and/or the related bodies for checking purposes. The Bank and/or the related bodies are entitled to use the result of such comparison to take any action which may be adverse to the interest of or against me or any of us. I/We consent to my/our data being transferred to another jurisdiction outside Hong Kong.

(若債務人1為一所空殼公司,適用於債務人1以外之其他債務人)本人(等)同意,銀行及/或有關機構不時收集有關本人(等)之個人資料(包括向任何信貸資料機構所取得有關本人(等)的個人資料),可根據銀行及/或有關機構不時備有供其客戶索取之聲明、通函、通知或條款及條件所載有關使用及披露個人資料的政策,用於其中所述用途及向其中所述人士披露(不論接收人是在香港境內或境外),並且本人(等)承認銀行在本人(等)遞交本申請書之前已向本人(等)提供一份「資料政策通告」及「資料政策通告的補充通知 - 適用於按揭」(及/或不時由銀行及其某些相關實體以任何名稱發出有關個人資料的使用、披露及轉移的一般政策的其他文件)並已閱讀及明白其內容。本人(等)進一步同意,本人(等)個人資料可(i)供核對程序(定義見《個人資料(私隱)條例》)或其他比較程序之用;(ii)以銀行信用諮詢或其他方式向任何與本人(等)或擬與本人(等)進行交易的財務機構披露,使該財務機構能對本人(等)進行資信調查;(iii)向就銀行與任何銀行、財務機構或其他公司等各方進行的交易獲更替及/或轉讓各方各自的全部或部分權利及責任的上述銀行、財務機構或公司披露並由上述銀行、財務機構或公司加以使用;及(iv)提供給信貸資料機構,並且在本人(等) 就任何按揭、擔保或其他貸款協議欠款的情況下,提供給賬務追收公司。本人(等)進一步授權銀行及/或有關機構聯絡(a)任何信貸資料機構,致使銀行可進入其資料庫,收集及採用有關本人(等)在其資料庫的個人資料,和 (b)本人(等)的僱主(如適用)、銀行、諮詢人或其他人以收集、交換資料及將本人(等)所提供的資料與銀行及/或有關機構收集的其他資料作出比較,以資核對。銀行及/或有關機構有權使用比較資料後的結果採取任何違反本人(等)利益或對本人(等)不利的行動。本人(等)同意有關本人(等)的資料可傳送到香港以外的司法管轄區。

29. (Applicable to Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) The Bank will treat information relating to it as confidential, but unless consent is prohibited by

law, it consents to the transfer and disclosure by the Bank of any information relating to it to and between the Bank’s holding companies, branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, affiliates, agents, credit reference agencies, debt collection agencies and any third parties (including any networks, exchanges and clearing houses) selected by any of the Bank or them (each a “transferee”), wherever situated, for confidential use (including for data processing, statistical, credit and risk analysis purposes). The Bank and any of the transferees may transfer and disclose any such information to any person as required by any law, court, regulator or legal process in Hong Kong or any relevant overseas jurisdictions. The Obligor acknowledges and agrees on behalf of the inpiduals whose personal data are set out in this Application Form that all personal data and information in respect of each inpidual may be used, disclosed and transferred by the Bank and its related bodies for such purpose in accordance with the Bank’s policies on the use, disclosure and transfer of personal data as set out in the Bank’s “Data Policy Notice” and “Supplemental Data Policy Notice Applicable to Mortgages” and/or such other document(s) issued under whatever name from time to time by the Bank and certain of its related entities relating to their general policies on use, disclosure and transfer of personal data.

(適用於債務人1若其為一所空殼公司)銀行會對有關其資料保密,惟除非同意為法律所禁止,否則其同意銀行將有關其任何資料轉移及披露至銀行之控股公司、分行、附屬公司、代表辦事處、附屬成員、代理人、信貸資料機構、賬務追收公司及由銀行任何一方或上述各方所挑選的任何第三方(包括任何網絡、交易所及結算所)(各「受讓人」),不論其所在地,以作出保密的用途(包括用於資料處理、統計、信貸及風險分析的目的)。銀行及任何受讓人可按香港或任何海外司法管轄區之任何法律、法院、監管機構或法律程序將任何該等資料轉讓及披露予任何人士。債務人代表其個人資料列於本申請書的個人確認並同意,銀行可以根據「資料政策通告」及「資料政策通告的補充通知 - 適用於按揭」(及/或不時由銀行及其某些相關實體以任何名稱發出有關個人資料的使用、披露及轉移的一般政策的其他文件)使用、披露及轉移每名個人的所有個人數據與資料。 30. (Applicable to obligor(s) other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) I/We agree and understand that in examining this application, the Bank

and/or the related bodies will refer to and consider my/our credit report in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, and notwithstanding the approval of this application being granted or not and whether it is cancelled or withdrawn by me/us, the credit report will not be returned or available for access, and I/we understand that I/we have to contact the credit reference agencies, where necessary, to enquire into or amend any information upon payment of a fee.


31. Except as disclosed in this application, I/we do not have any other outstanding loans and I/we am/are not in default under any mortgage, guarantee

or other loan agreement(s).

除在本申請書披露者外,本人(等)並沒有任何其他未償還的貸款,並且本人(等)並沒有任何按揭、擔保或其他貸款協議下的欠款。 32.

I/We am/are not the subject of any judgment or court/tribunal order in relation to any debt or insolvency, and I/we have not been declared bankrupt within the past seven years.


Each of the Applicants agrees that the use of the loan under this application which may be granted by the Bank is subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Application Form, the facility letter and/or the terms and conditions of the loan as the Bank may stipulate and provide to each of the Applicants prior to the signing of such facility letter.


(Applicable to obligor(s) other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) I/We understand that under and in accordance with the terms of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data approved and issued under the Ordinance, I/we have the right to request to be informed which items of data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies, and be provided with further information to enable the making of an access or correction request to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency.

(若債務人1為一所空殼公司,適用於債務人1以外之其他債務人)本人(等)明白,按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》及根據該條例核准及發出的《個人信貸資料實務守則》的條款,本人(等)有權要求獲知哪些資料例行向信貸資料機構或賬務追收公司披露,及獲提供進一步的資料,以便可向有關的信貸資料機構或賬務追收公司提出查閱或資料更正要求。 35.

(Applicable to obligor(s) other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) I/We understand in the event of any default in payment, unless the amount in default is fully repaid before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, I/we shall be liable to have my/our account repayment data retained by a credit reference agency for a period of up to 5 years after repayment in full.


I/We further agree to pay and reimburse the Bank and/or the related bodies on demand all costs and incidental expenses reasonably incurred in connection with this application. I/We hereby authorize the Bank to debit any of my/our accounts with the Bank (if any) with all sums due to the Bank as specified herein.

本人(等)進一步同意按要求支付及償付銀行及/或有關機構就本申請合理招致的所有費用及附帶支出。本人(等)謹此授權銀行從本人(等)在銀行設有的賬戶(若有)內,扣除所有在本申請書指明須支付給銀行的款項。 37.

The following applies to Applications under tripartite mortgage / with guarantor(s):




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The Obligor(s) hereby consent to your providing to any Obligors (including any co-borrower and guarantor) or provider of security (collectively, the “Relevant Parties” and each a “Relevant Parties” ) and /or to the solicitor acting for such Relevant Parties the following:

本人(等)謹此同意銀行把下述資料提供予任何其他的申請人(包括任何共同借款人、擔保人)或抵押品提供者 (統稱「有關人士」) 及/或其代表律師:

(a) any financial information concerning the Obligor(s); 任何與債務人有關的財務資料;

(b) a copy of the contract and copies of the contracts from time to time evidencing the obligations to be guaranteed or secured or a summary thereof;

不時證明擬擔保或抵押之債務的合同副本或摘要; (c) a copy of any formal demand for overdue payment which is sent to the Obligor(s) after the Obligor(s) have failed to settle an overdue amount following a customary reminder; and

在如常發出催繳通知而債務人仍未償還逾期欠款後,向債務人發出之任何有關逾期還款的正式催繳通知之副本;及 (d) from time to time on request by any Relevant Party, a copy of the latest statement of account provided to the Obligor(s). 在任何有關人士不時要求下,提供予債務人之最近賬戶結單。 38.

For the purpose of releasing the information mentioned in paragraph 37 above, each of the Relevant Parties agrees that any information concerning such party can be released to other Relevant Party(ies).


I/We agree that the Bank may at any time without our notice assign or transfer, or agree to assign or transfer, the mortgage loan particularized herein, the relevant security document(s) and any other documents based on which the Bank has made available the mortgage loan particularized herein and any of our rights or obligations thereunder to any actual or potential assignee / transferee.

本人(等)同意,銀行可隨時在沒有給予本人(等)通知的情況下將本申請書所述的貸款、有關抵押文件及銀行據以提供本申請書所述的貸款的任何其他文件以及本人(等)在上述文件的任何權利或責任,轉讓或轉移或同意轉讓或轉移給任何受讓人或承讓人或擬受讓人或擬承讓人。 40.

The Bank and/or the related bodies for their record may retain the original of this Application Form and documents provided by me/us to the Bank even if the loan is not approved by the Bank.

即使貸款未獲銀行批核,銀行及/或有關機構仍可保留本申請書及本人(等)向銀行提供的文件之正本,以作記錄。 The following provisions shall be applicable to the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s): 以下條款將適用於借款人(等)/抵押人(等):

(a) The Mortgagor(s) understand(s), and has/have been warned, that banking facilities are to be secured on the Property and default in

payment of the banking facilities may result in the Bank taking possession of, and selling, the Property pursuant to the terms of the mortgage.

抵押人(等)明白及已被忠告授信將以該物業作擔保,未能償還授信將引致銀行根據按揭之條款接管及出售該物業。 (b) The Borrower(s) and the Mortgagor(s) agree not to let the Mortgaged Property unless prior written consent of the Bank has been

obtained and the Bank shall have the right to re-determine the Interest Rate and/or the Loan Amount at the Bank’s sole discretion upon giving the consent to let. All costs and expenses (including the Bank’s solicitors’ costs on full indemnity basis) incurred in giving the consent shall be borne and paid by the Borrower(s) and the Mortgagor(s). Without prejudice to any of the Bank’s rights, the Bank may take legal action as it thinks fit if there is any breach of any provision of the mortgage or this application.

借款人(等)及抵押人(等)同意在得到銀行書面批准後,始將該物業出租,銀行並有權重新釐訂按揭貸款利率及/或貸款額。由是項批准引起的一切有關費用(包括銀行以全數賠償基準計算的所有律師費), 概由借款人(等)及抵押人(等)負責。若不遵守任何按揭條款及/或本申請的任何條文,銀行可採取其認為適當的法律行動,但不影響銀行的任何權利。 (c) The management company of the building/estate of which the Property forms part may have the power and the duty to keep the

building/estate insured in the full reinstatement value under a master insurance policy. The Mortgagor shall, if so required by the Bank, execute an assignment or other documents to assign to the Bank the Mortgagor’s right interests and benefits under such policy and or any profits and proceeds thereof. The Mortgagor shall also, if so required by the Bank, insured the Property against such risks and in such amounts and with such insurance company the Bank may from time to time specify, and if so required by the Bank, in the joint names of the Mortgagor and the Bank.


(d) Each of the Borrower(s) and the Mortgagor(s) undertakes that it shall not enter into any second mortgage / further mortgages over the

Property without the prior written consent of the Bank. If the Borrower(s) and/or the Mortgagor(s) fail to observe this undertaking, the Bank may at its own discretion refuse to grant the Loan to the Borrower(s) or repackage the Loan with different loan amount and/or loan tenor and/or the terms and conditions of the Loan.

各借款人(等)及抵押人(等)承諾在沒有取得銀行之書面同意前,不會將該物業進行二按或其他加按。如借款人(等)及/或抵押人(等)不遵守這項承諾,銀行可自行決定拒絕貸款予借款人或改變貸款額、貸款期和/或貸款的條款及細則。 (e) Where insurance is taken out by the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s) and/or full reinstatement value option is chosen:

在借款人(等) /抵押人(等)自行投保及/或選擇以物業的完全重置價值投保的情況下:

(i ) the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s) shall submit to the Bank, prior to drawdown or 15 days before expiry of the relevant insurance policy

(as the case may be), the original of a valid/renewed insurance policy, the premium receipt, and a valuation report (applicable only if full reinstatement value option is chosen) prepared by a surveyor acceptable to the Bank; and

借款人(等) /抵押人(等)須於提取貸款之前或保單到期十五天前(視情況而定),向銀行提交一份有 效/已辦妥續期的正本保單、保費收據及一份經銀行認可的估價公司出具的估價報告(只適用於以物業的完全重置價值投保的情況);及

(ii) the insurance policy should include standard warranties and/or clauses of the Fire Tariff issued by the Fire Insurance Association of

Hong Kong, namely, A7, A12, A13, A33, A34, B24 & B25 and, if so requested by the Bank, clauses covering extra perils, namely, EP01A, EP02A, EP03B, EP04A, EP05A, EP06 (A,C & H), EP07A, EP08A, EP09C & EP10A. Where full reinstatement value option is chosen, the insurance policy should also include clause A19.

保單須包含香港火險公會建議標準條款,即 A7, A12, Al3, A33, A34, B24 及 B25,若銀行要求,須包括附加險的條款,即 EP01A, EP02A, EP03B, EP04A, EP05A, EP06(A,C&H), EP07A, EP08A, EP09C 及 EP10A。若選擇以物業的完全重置價值投保,須再增加 A19 的條款。 (f) The Bank shall be entitled (but not obliged) to take out insurance for the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s). Without limiting the generality of

the foregoing, the Bank shall be entitled and are hereby authorized to take out insurance through the Bank’s nominated agent for and at the cost of the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s) for the original facility amount if the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s) fail(s) to

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ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 合資格準則 Loan Amount within limit: 貸款額於限額內:


YES是 NO否 Loan-to-value ratio within limit: YES是 按揭成數於限額內:


Gross Monthly Debt每月債務總額:


% (attach calculation worksheet) 供款比率: (附計算表) Tenor within applicable limit:


Terms to maturity + Property age not exceeding 50 years: 還款年期及樓齡之總和不超過50年: Owner Occupied: 自住:

Loan secured by Equitable Mortgage/First Legal Charge Only: 貸款以該物業之衡平法按揭或第一法律押記作償還保證: All documents are certified true copies of their original 所有文件均為正本的核實副本:

Signature of Handling Officer: 經辦人簽署:

Debt-to-income ratio within limit: 供款比率於限額內:









Internal Credit Check: 內部信貸審查:

TransUnion (TU) Credit Check:

環聯資訊有限公司信貸審查: (Not applicable to shelf company)

(不適用於空殼公司) Negative File Check: 負面記錄審查:

External Credit Report:





YES是(f) YES是














破產/清盤查冊: Other checking: 其他審查:


Credit assessment, record of winding-up or bankruptcy proceeding(s), other recommendations etc.: 信貸評估意見、清盤或破產訴訟紀錄、其他建議等:

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To: The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited 致:香港按揭證券有限公司

Under the Mortgage Insurance Programme, we hereby apply to the HKMC for mortgage insurance cover pursuant to the Master Mortgage Insurance Policy (as the same may from time to time be amended or supplemented) which we have entered into with the HKMC in respect of the loan under this application.

按照按揭保險計劃之規定,本行謹此根據與按揭證券公司所訂定之《按揭保險綜合保單》(“Master Mortgage Insurance Policy”)(包括不時對其的修訂或補充),就上述按揭貸款向按揭證券公司申請按揭保險。

We further declare, confirm and warrant that we have verified diligently to the best of our knowledge and in good faith the truthfulness and authenticity of the information and documents provided by each of the Obligor(s). We confirm that the HKMC may use, disclose and/or transfer the personal data and other information of each of the relevant Obligor(s) in accordance with paragraph 22 of the Declaration.

本行謹此進一步聲明、確認並保證本行已竭盡所能就本行所知,盡力並真誠地核實由各債務人(等)所提供之資料和文件的真確及真實性。本行確認按揭證券公司可根據聲明書第22段使用、披露及/或轉移各有關債務人(等)的個人及其他資料。 Authorized Signature: 授權人簽署:

Full Name姓名: Position職位: Date日期:

Notes to the Insured:


(a) For a Non Owner-Occupied Property Loan where the Property will be held by a shelf company, please insert the details of the shelf company under

the column for “Obligor 1”. In addition, each of the director(s) and shareholder(s) of Obligor 1 shall provide a guarantee in respect of the loan herein applied for in favour of the Insured. 就「非自住用途之物業按揭貸款」而言,如該物業將由空殼公司持有,請於「債務人1」的一欄中填寫有關空殼公司的資料。債務人一之所有董事及股


(b) Mark both boxes if the Obligor is the Borrower as well as the Mortgagor. 如債務人同時作為借款人及抵押人,請在相關之方格內標示。

(c) Debts to be put in this field include, but are not limited to, tax loans, car loans, hire-purchase loans, personal loans, unsecured overdraft limit,

mortgage payments of other properties, etc. Mortgage payment for the subject Property does not need to be put in this field. 此欄所述之債務,應包括但不限於稅務貸款、汽車貸款,租購貸款、私人貸款、無抵押透支額度及其他物業按揭供款等,但該物業按揭供款則不包括


(d) Please bring the attention of each of the Obligors (other than Obligor 1 if it is a shelf company) specifically to paragraphs 13 and 14 under which the

HKMC will be authorised, inter alia, to obtain his/her credit report directly from one or more of the credit reference agencies in Hong Kong in connection with the Insured's application for mortgage insurance cover. 請使各債務人(若債務人1為空殼公司除外)特別注意第13及14段之規定,按揭證券公司將獲授權(當中包括)就受保人提出之按揭保險申請,直接向在


(e) “Gross Monthly Debt” includes the Monthly Repayments put under “All Debts” field (as elaborated in Note (c) above), mortgage payment for the

subject Property and mortgage repayment of existing residence (if not yet sold). 「每月債務總額」包括「所有債務」一欄(如上述附註(c)所闡述) 中之每月還款、本按揭貸款之每月供款及現有住所 (如尚未出售) 之按揭供款 。

(f) “YES” means the Insured has conducted that particular credit check. Findings/results of credit checks should be reported in the field “Credit

assessment, record of winding up or bankruptcy proceeding(s), other recommendations, etc.,” and copies of computer printouts of credit check should be attached to this Application Form. “NO” means the Insured has not conducted that particular credit check. 「是」指受保人已進行有關之信貸審查。信貸審查之裁斷/結果應於「信貸評估意見、清盤或破產訴訟紀錄、其他建議等」一欄中報告,而信貸審查資



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