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Lesson Six Secretarial Writing 4: Business Reports

2 periods

Teaching Objectives:

After this lecture, the students should:

1. Know the categories of business reports; 2. Define the functions of business reports;

3. Learn the tips for producing good business reports; 4. Identify the components of formal reports;

5. Learn about the format and contents of business reports; Important and Difficult Points: 1. Types of reports

2. The content of a report

3. Short formal reports with correct format and sufficient information.

Teaching contents I. Discussion

A. What is a business report?

(A business report is an orderly presentation of facts about a specific business activity or programme. It plays a crucial role in business practice as most major decisive actions are based on business reports. If reports are well written – data collected thoroughly, analysis done perceptively, comment made correctly, solution can be expected to draw in a wise way. )

B. What are the most common types of business reports? List some examples.

Business reports’ types vary as they may be applied in a wide range of functions. Generally speaking, business reports can be of these types: Routine Report, Progress Report, Investigation Report and Feasibility Report, Sales Report or Annual Report… II. Business Reports

A. Purpose of Business Reports

? A business report conveys information to assist in business decision-making.

? Some reports might present the actual solution to solve a business problem; other reports might

record past business information that is used toward future business planning.

B. Types of Reports

? According to the length:

Long (more than 10 pages) / Short

? According to the style: Informal / Formal

? According to the purpose:

Informative (facts) / Analytical (analysis and recommendations) Informative report

? containing facts;

? presenting a situation as it is (not as it should be);

? without the writer’s personal opinions, conclusions or recommendations E.g. a foreman’s weekly report of his section a salesman’s expense sheet


a management consultant’s report on employee’s daily habits Analytic report

? containing not only facts but also analysis of the facts ? containing the writer’s conclusions or recommendations

? frequently used as the basis for an important company decision ? inductive pattern (sample 1) Informal report

? May take the form of a letter or memo (sample 2 on page 80) ? Personal and relaxed in style Formal report

? organized in a standard format (having a title page, an introduction, detailed discussion headed

with a title or sub-title, a conclusion) ? impersonal and restrained in tone ? using third-person references,

e.g. the writer, the investigator, it was learned… C. Structures of Formal Reports 1. Prefatory Parts (前言)

– Cover – Title Page

– Letter of Authorization – Letter of Acceptance – Letter of Transmittal – Contents – Abstract

2. Body

– Introduction – Text – Findings – Conclusions

– Recommendations

3. Supplemental Parts

– Appendix – Bibliography

D. Organizational pattern of business reports

? A typical business report is made up of three parts:

? Introduction: stating briefly the purpose of writing and/or circumstance under which the report

has been prepared. ? Discussion: exploring relevant issues, e.g. presenting facts, analyzing statistics, discussing


Conclusion: summarizing the result of the discussion and making recommendations. III. Writing Guidelines

? Identify statements of fact, inference based on fact, and value judgment; ? Use accurate, reliable and objective sources;

? Use analogies and comparison to explain and illustrate, but not to prove;


? Examine all cause-effect statements for completeness and accuracy; ? Provide adequate documentation; ? Be specific.

IV. Language features of business reports

? Most reports are restrained in language, remaining objective and presenting findings in a

conservative manner.

? Words like certainly, very and extremely are extravagant, and should be avoided. ? The language must be formal. Do not use slang.

? Personal subjects ‘I’, ‘you’ or ‘they’ , together with the use of active voice should be modified to a more detached tone.

For long and formal reports:

? The main parts of your report should have headings.

? Important points inside these main areas may carry sub-headings.

? If you want to draw attention to a specific word or section, underline that word or heading. ? Numbers (1,2,3 or a,b,c) can be used to help list points of importance in order.

? Most modern business reports are graphic-oriented, resorting to tables, charts or other visual


V. Useful Sentence Patterns Introduction

? The purpose/ aim of this report is to … ? The report aims to… ? The report is based on …

? The present report examines…

? The report is submitted in accordance with… Investigation procedures

? The investigation was conducted among…

? The survey was carried out by means of (a questionnaire, an interview…) ? Areas being investigated included… Findings

? The key findings are outlined below. ? It was found that …

? The following points summarize our key findings.

? The investigations have resulted in the following findings:… ? The main findings were as follows:… ? As a result of…it has been found that… Conclusions

? It is clear that …

? No conclusions were reached regarding … ? It was agreed that …

? If any conclusions may be drawn from…they are as follows:…


? It would be advisable to … ? It is essential to …


? It is recommended that … VI. Practice A. Matching

Match the English words and phrases with their proper Chinese Meaning. a. 供参考 b. 原始资料 c. 进度报告 d. 结论 e. 市场分析 f. 项目计划 g. 调研结果 h. 建议 i.授权 j. 评估 ( e ) market analysis ( c ) progress report ( b ) primary source ( g ) findings ( h ) recommendation ( f ) project plan ( d ) conclusion ( a ) for your reference ( j ) evaluation ( i ) authority B. Translation

1) The first program has obvious advantage over the others. 第一个方案比其他几个有明显的优势。

2) Here is the report about the work done by the Marketing Department for May 2008. 这是我们营销部对2008年5月份的工作情况所做的报告。

3) The report examines the supply and demand of the target market and recommends some market developing approaches.


4) The department managers have too little autonomous decision power and have to make every decision according to our company’s policies.


5) The mass-market lines should be dropped and we should concentrate on the specialty lines. 我们应该放弃大众产品线,将精力集中在特色产品上。


To present the Board with a brief update on progress with the final account for 2008/09. 7)我们建议发展一些潜力较大的客户。

We should recommend selecting a certain number of higher potential customers for further development. 8)我们认为下一步是多了解市场的情况。

We think that the next stage is to find out more about the market. 9)市场疲软但竞争仍然激烈。

The market is slow but competition is pressing.


After-sales team should be strengthened with more favorable measures and skilled-in-communication staff.

